Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 17, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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TW Democratic TlmM, Tim MtAfard
Msll.'riio Mctlfonl Tribune, The Houlh
rn OroKimlnn, The Ashland Trtbun.
OHfe MfttI Tribune Itullttlnir, 26-17-11
North rir street; telephone 76.
Of rlclnt Ppr of ,tl,o Cltr of Medford.
Official Paper of Jackson County.
OBOItaH PUTNAM, IMttor and Maniiffr
. Entered ni second-class matter nt
Hertford, Oregon, under the act! of
March l, 1171.
nxntstinjxrtax hatxs.
On year. by malt It.ofr
One (month, tir mall .SO
Per month, dllvcrd by carrier In
Medford. Jacksonville and Cen
tral rftint . i .BO
FMorflay only, by mall, per rcark S.oo
Weekly, per year . - -
Dally aterarrn for eleven months end-
mc novemuer iv, mi. ii
The Mall Tribune la on sale at the
herry rcwn Htnrm, sn .Francisco.
Portland Hotel New fftanl. Portland.
Portland Now Co, Portland, Ore.
W. O. Whitney, BeAttlM. tvh.
fall XatA Ttt TJalUa Trees
.MXftrOKB. 0&B80HV
MMrojiaft tit Southern Oregon and
Northern California, and the fastest
growlne city In Oregon.
Pofiulatlon U. ft. census 1110 8840;
estimated 1912 in.OOO.
KtTB'hundrcd thouind dollar Gravity
waier Hystrtn compieteo. Riving nneat
supply puro mountain watr. and 17.J
mllea of atrreta nnvnt. '
Postoffictt rrcelpts. for. year , endtnc
November 10, 1111, enow lncras of If
per cent. ... ,
Dannrr fruit city, In OrcKOn HoJrot.
invert Bpiicrnperr. appiea won awep
stake! prize 'una till of ' '
t im.m m-
SEATTLE, WAstt, Juno 17. Or.
Martin Damouratto. who compounded
a turtle Borum stVeral years ago1
which ho then claimed would enro
tuberculosis, and who has been rclt
cratlnc; his claims since Dr. Fried
manu Infrbducod his turllo serum,
hi8 offered, 'the scrum formula td the
city of ieat'lfo. M
In a feltcr fo Health CommiMloncr
i. K. Crichtdn, he mts that his' scr
um is uVaiTo of t)I(jod and substance
uueen from a neaitay turtle, to winch
Is 'added certain tuberculosis bacteria
killed by heat. The compound, ho
cays, Is" held tbtciher by clycerluo
mill cuuiaiuo no uviiip organism.
Ho rcnewa fifs offer to treat pa
tients in the nrcsence of a commlttVo
of" physicians arid nays he will rIvo
the city sufficient zcruni to make a
thorough cbofnicaf arialysis.
G. A. Gardner, clork of Jackson
county, writes to Med ford deputies
in regard to hunting: and fishing li
censes as follews:
Dear Sir: Relative to tho recent
changes in tho ganio laws I wish to
say, that both men and women have
torget licenses to either hunt or fish
when tho arc above tho dgo of 14
You aro not allowed to issuo a II
cc'ii'so to ariyorio under (ho ago 61 1 1
years as it Is prohibited by law for
oiiyono under that ago to hunt with
firearms off their own promises and
a llcentto la not required under that
ao to fish.
It Is against tho law (o Issuo a
llconso to a foreigner Or for a for
eigner to apply for a license miles
said foreigner has a gun license
which has been furnished htm by tho
Btato, this applies to foreigners that
lmvo not declared tholr Intention to
become a citizen of the Dnll6d States.
(Non-rcsfdohco ticonso io hunt Is
110,00, but a Charge of 1.00 Is1 all
that Is required for a non-resident to
fish. ,
Uu sura that a party getting a 11-ceriso-
signs' it as & Ilcenso' is of no
yaluo unless sluod by tho person to
whomMt la Iftieu n
School children In upper grades of
tiupervlHory district Np. 3 have been
awurdetl pflrea in tho essay coutost
which closed Jtn(6 1.
Prizes woro offered for tho thrco
best essays written by puplfs attend
ing thi t'uraf scfioofs liavJng spring
and numuier sessions In school super
visory district No. 3, comprising
southern Jacksdu poutity.
School district No. 12, Miss Louise
lloury teacher, carried off fho major
portion of tho honors, having won
two of the threo first prizes offerodf
A numbor of excellont composit
ions woro bo nt in, and on all of them
tho work showed that much caro had
boon tnkdiT in the irifitfer of riedtndss,
correct formation, paragraphing, nud
arrangement of thought,
Thoso w(io won first prices were:
Myrtlo Ftflow, Lake Creek, dlst,
lyrthi AUlIer, Iikq Creek, dlst. 42.
Francis Winn, Wetl'en, dlst. 76.
Those" winning second prizes:
Uladys IConyon, Ashland, dlst. H4.
John Lewis, iliincbm, dlst. S3.
Mnrgurot Henry, Ashlaud, diet, C4.
IN cniisiiig the "iuaidious" lobby investigntiou, PivsUkMit
"NVilsOu litis not only seriously ('rippled tbc irtferostsi
Mulcavoring to prevent the pns&ngo of the new taril'L' bill,
but has familiarized the general' public with the-methods
used to thwart desired legislation.
Publicity is the great remedy for public wrongs per
petrated by special interests. Had G rover Cleveland
realized it, he would not only have been able to force
through his tariff bill.without surrendering to the trusts,
but bv it, he could have prevented, by exposure, the finan-
I oial conspiracy that precipitated the panic.
Publicity has not Only destroyed the otrectiveness or
the lobby, but has exposed the connection existing between
(interests and legislators. It has shown how permanent
lobbies are maintained at the national Capital to color legis
lation. It has shown how thia influence is obtained and
extended. Its results are summarized in the Public as
(1) Protected Intereats have lobby hraritiunrtcrd at Washington direct
ing agents throughout, tho country to bring pressure to bear on congress
men nnd to spread wrong vlawa on tariff matters.
(2) Kx-congressmen itro abusing the floor privileges accorded! them
to solicit Individual aid of their former colleagues for certain interests.
(3) Senators shown to bo financially interested in Keeping up tariff
rates nro grouped as follews:
Coal Cafron of Now Mexico, Kail of Now Mexico, tioff of West Vlr
Klnln, Itoot of New York.
Oil Ooff of Wvst Virginia. Catron 6t New Mexico. Fatl 6f Now Mexico, Kobt of New York.
iron ore Stephenson of Wisconsin.
Zinc Catron and Fall of Now Mexico.
Stcei products Jackson of Maryland.
Wool Catron and Fall or Now Mexico, Shields of Tennessee, Smoot or
Utahnnd Wnrron of Wyoming.
Cqtt6ri Jackson of Maryland. Johnson of Mnluo, I.lppltt of llhode
island, Simmons or North Carolina, Smith or Georgia and Kansdcll or
Timber Simmons of North Carolina rtrid Stcphens6n 6f Wisconsin.
An iudividdaf tir a corporation has1 every right Ui a
hchriifg' 6h fc'gisfattoH affecting him or it but there is a
vast difference between such lobbying and that practiced
by paid agents at "Washington and sfilte capitols. And yet
even' the Hfn'itc'd lobbying practiced today is eomparitively
harmless I'tnnpafcd to that of a few years ago when corrup
tion Wits openly practiced and legislators bought and sold
like cattle.
Public opinion no longer tolerates in public, life things'
winked at a few years ago. Public office is more than ever
a public trust, but only the limelight of publicity can keep
it so.
Tuft failed -bcMittitf of his lack of faith in the people
whorri he' uVetiied his inferiors. iVilson will succeed be
caifttfof his1 faith ait the. people and his desire that nothing
affecting them be hidden. By publicity alone a weapon
Taft tJisduuicrt-r-AVllson tan route all opposition.
Ashland Good Roads Co-operation
(From the Ashland Tidlnjc.)1
JtMge Calkins hn held thM Jnck
bon county, hns no rishf to odllect
nhd luxes in the city of Ahlnnd.
Thnl is Hie nnswer of iho court to
the contrdverhy befw'ceii the Mcd
ford prcs nud tUt city of Aciilnud
on the subject. Xotwithstnnditfir The
htrictures of tho Mcdford pre-.- and
the Medfonl "pans" nsninsf Ashland
for nttemptini; to niniuinin her
rijiiittf, it now nppears Hint Atdilnnd
witf legally correct In her" 66nlen
tiop. The connty court, of course,
take- the portion thnt it will fight to
the lnfct ditch, but Ashland will
persevere in her risht inasmuch uu
bhe has built fourteen bridged iicrot
fiible Story Brought Up to Date
Evangelist Billy Sunday, wlitf hn
been conducting a Herics of revival
mccfinga in Wilkeobarre, i'a., recent
ly jravo his vciion of the encounter
between David and Goliath as fol fel fol
eows: SfiuF nnd nil fii song except David,
went off to war, they left David nt
Home because fie was only n kid. Af
(er u whife David', ma got worried.
She wondered what had becoinft of h'w
lirothcpi fj?criuse they iindh't tele
phoned o her or stn't tfcrd. feo she
Mint" to David, "Duve, you go right
down there nnd see whether Ihey uro
nil right."
So David fiik6 off Ui wncre IM
wur h, mid the moniing lie wn
there out cotneh this Goliath, n bi
tdntpping fellow about 11 feet tall,
who commenced to shoot off his
mouth as to what he was going to do.
"Who's that big Miff putting up
(Lnt game of talk?" asked David of
his liroflio'i.
SALONIKA, Juno 17. News of a
serious epidemic of cholera among
tho Bulgarian troops In Macedonia
arrived hero today. It Is reported
tli ore- aro 200 now cases dally and
that tho death list Is heavy.
Rt. Lonity Mo., J1I116 17. WKnt Is
expected to he tho first big telephone
gills' strike in tho country began herd
today when nine girls in tho Sidney
exchange of the Hell company walked
out. Tho sinkers expect nil the
other gills in the Sidiioy exchange to
follow their examplo itiftl ft fjeiidinl
wftlkout is predicted,
MEDFOtitr MAtl) TTBTim
Alilnud creek, nt lier own nnd.M)le
expense, while the county hn been
gogd cnoiWi Jo the city of Medford
to el ie rnl n6me sixteen ihousnd dol
lars of fh6 money e61leted from the
several road dietrieis of the county
in coiiftructiu n bridsa within t la
city limit" of that thrivine town.
The court held that the county
court hnd tho right (o spend count;
money fur Jfeilfurd bridges nnd the
rect of the county took in medicine.
Now that the courts linve held that
tho county hns no rinht (o levy n
road tnx against Ashland will the
"gaiiK" nt Mcdford bo kind enough
to concede that the city of Ashlnud
ben no longer illegnlly "looted" to
build Medford Iiridgcrff,
"Oh, he's tho whole works, he's the
head chco'c of tho 1'hilistiues. He
doe that little Htutit every day."
''Sily,'' Bnid David, "you guy
make nie siclc. Why don't snnfo of
you go out nnd soak liuiiT" He de
cided to go out and tell (lolinth where
(, head in.
So Saur said: "Wou'd befler inko
my nrmor uimI bword." David put
them on, but he felt like it fellow with
a hand-me-down suit nhoiit four
times lo6 big foV him, so In.' Kh6ok
them off itfid went doSvh to tho brook
and picked up Unit n tWun rocks.
Uu put olio of them in his sling, threw
it ami soaked (lolinth in tho coco he
tween the lump, and he went down
for the count. David then drew his
sword and chopped off his block, and
the; rcU of the niig tfkidoio'd.
Kvnngclint "Hilly" apparently be
lieves the plain people want nig
time Bitlvntioii, Chicago Itccord
Ijeruld. L
IlfiRLlN, Juh6 17. In honor of
Kalner Wllholm'u twenty-fifth anni
versary as (3'eniiari emperor, a gen
oral amnesty was proclaimed today
and 100 civil delinquents and mili
tary offenders woro freed.
wils'on i a Attend
WASHINGTON, June 17. 1'rcsi
dent Wilson will not attend the great
reunion of Civil war veterans on tho
battlefield of Gettysburg next month.
It was learned today Hint ho plans to
spend the Fourth of July nt the sum
mer white house at Cornish, N. II.
i i i
With Medford tNido is Medford mndo.
MBDFORl). OTWCtOtf, TtTESPAY, ,TtWTJ 17, . 301.
. . . r . .
I" - ' - - ii r r n i I
rt -t slsi AisimT
u-v i 4 v vi" sllllllllllHIIIIIIHshskm. "
n m 0
Ono of tho beat known German
comedians In tho country, who has
starred In his own shows tor eleven
yc-trs, will be seen nt tho Page tho
ator Friday night as ono of tho
groups of all-stars in tho big Low
Fields musical comedy, "llnnky
Panky," ono of tho greatest and most
fiiinous musical shows that ever camo
to this city, riogers Is one of tho
famous iCogors brothers, German
comedians, who toured tho country
for years In their mrles of shovts,
"In Panama." "At Harvard." "At
Yale," "In Ireland" nnd other pro
ductions. Four J ears ngo Gus, the
larger of tho two brothers, dlrd. and
.Mu'x, worth several hundrod thousand
dollars, tho accumulated furtuno of
years of success on the stage, retired.
Ho was heartbroken and renounc
ed tho stage. Ho was In retirement
two years when Low Flolfti. In cast
lug about for a comedian to uphold
tho chief German comedy honors of
"Hanky Panky," then being re
hearsed, thought of Max Itogcri. Tfm
two comedians havo boon friends for
years and, Induced try Fields, Max
decided to return to tho stage, lie
went Into "Hanky Panky," tho only
show lie has over been In since ho
went on tho stngo whou his brother
hasn't been with him, and Is run
nier than ever boforu In his long
Max hi one or a romnrknblo group
of all-stars In this show. Hurry
Cooper and Hobby North haws both
starred In their own productions, al
ways In hlgh-clasH productions, while
Chrlstlno Nielsen's fniuo has extend
ed everywhere. Added to this fam
ous list Is Florence Moore, tho fun
niest girl In tho world, who carried
8an FrancUco by storm during the
run of "Hanky Panky" here. Thoo
who havo ncvor seen I'loronco Monro
cannot appreclato her, or fiilly rcallzo
what a star sho Is, Sho wua almoitt
unknown, except In vaudeville, when
sho and her husband and partner,
William Montgomery, Joined "llnnky
Panky," and now sho Is ovorywhoro
acknowledged as the funniest girl on
tho Hlngo. Or tho thrco really groat
comedlonncH, Florence Mooro, May
Irwin and Fanny lirlcv. Miss Mooro
has been called tho greatest. Med
ford theatergoers will bo prepared to
laugh when they see Florence Mooro
nnd will probably give her n big wel
come, for her fume has preceded her.
Kpcclul Train to L'oloMlu
On Sunday, Juno 22, tho Southern
Pacific Company will run a special
train to Colesllu, leaving Medford
$:30 a. in., reaching1 Culcstln 10:30
a. m.; returning will leavo Colcstlu
1 p. in, nnd reach Medford G p, m.
Join, this excursion, spend n day In
tho Slsklyous. You will enjoy tho
ride, tho scenery, tho mlnoral water
find other attractions, Iteducnd
rates. Inqulro at H. P, ticket office
for 'pnrtleularH
Lady Assistant,
28 H. hautlktt
I'Iioiich M. 17 anil 47-J-2
Ambulance Bcrvico lienuly Coroner
I'OHTLAND, Ore., Juno 17.
Whon Jhe new eommisMuii churtcr
ni)hiinit ration takes office July 1,
it will have nt it chief of jiOliee
John Clnrk, former chief nt St. I 'mil.
Minn., nnd now head of the neeret
service of the Hill Northern line.
Mayor F.leol Alhee has junt an
nounced Hint Clark would accept.
Clnrk has been a policeman in0e he
quit sivnmhonting thirty cur ngo,
and is credited with being ouo of th
liet muuhtiulers In the (fume.
Co!c3lln Excursion.
The South-rn Pacific will run nn
excursion to Coltstin Siinilnv,ltino
'-"J. l'nrli. ulars by hand hills nud
iiew-pniHT ndciii-piitenls later..
"Just Say"
It Mians
Original and Genuine
Thft Foorf-rirrnk for All Ags.
More healthful than Tea or Codec
Agrees with the weakest (ligation.
Ddidouj, invigorating and nutritiom.
Rich milk, maltjcd grain, powder form.
A ynck Iasds prepared is a srimle.
Take no institute. Aik for HORUCK'S.
Others arc imitations
Dinner's Real Estate
& Employment Bureau
Ft nt kali:.
li0 acres, 8 miles from Medford,
10 acres cleared, small house; luo
fruit trees, large spring of water;
prlco 12000: tonus, or will tr.idu tor
city property,
17-acro orchard, 11 acres In full
bearing, 3 acres pears; pinto well
equipped In buildings; prlco $ 12,500
or will exchnuge for California In
come property.
fi-room modern finely finished
house, nud lot 50x120 on paved
street; prlco $1160.
Good .Medford rcHlduucc, clone In,
to trado for stock ranch not too tar
out; will pay somo difference.
GI0 acres In Autelopo vnlloy, Cal
nnd lino Ouklnud resldonco to ox
chango tor bearing orchard In It, It.
IIo'uhcs' for rent, furnlsHcM hhd un
furnished, HtOcU df &bM& ji6 Cxcfinngo for
city property.
Team, wagon nud harness, 1275,
Team', wagon and hrirn6HH, $350,
Cow and cnir, $S0,
Ilanch hands.
Wood cutters,
Girls for general housowoi'k.
Midi nnd wlf6 on ranch.
Won to drlvo team on slip,
lies. Pioiii) HMJn.X i'iono rinH.
Opposllo Nash Hotel
ItOOMS 0 and 7, VMM BLOCK.
HIIAKU l."Mi Vm'it NlfOlttf
Allbn'a l-'oot-ftculio, Iho nntfHiptlo
ponder, it rolleVes pnlnftll, iliiuifl
lug, tender, nervous feel, unit In
slulitly tuKo-l (hn slliig out or Hirim
and hiinliius. It's tho grenttnil cont
fort discovery of tho ngo. Allen's
Fnht-Knsb uutltert tight or now idioes
feel easy. It 1 ft cm tain relief for
Hweatlng, citltdus, ttwollen, (lied,
aching foot. A1whh use It to llrnuk
In New Hliims. Try It today. Hold
everywhere, 2r cents, Don't itraiiit
any Htibstltuto. For F11I1I0 trial
liuCkage, address Allen H. Olmstuiul,
Lo Itoy, (N'.,,Y.
What Every Womanly
Woman Wants
One of tho faintest doslrcii of lull
lions of women Is to havo beautiful
This desire ran hn gratified with
out tho slightest rink, for druggists
ever) where, and Chits, Strang sells
a hair tonic called Parisian Sage for
Ml cents, that will turn dull, llfotc,
uimttracllvo hair Into lustrous and
attrnctlwt hair In' two weeks, or mon
ey bark.
Put the uamn on )our shopping
list right now, and be sure and get
the genuine. Kcry packago has the
girl with the unburn hair upon It.
Since Its Introduction In America,
Parisian Sago hits won unstinted
prnlso Irom women of rorlnoiuout
who havo tenrned what a delightful
and refreshing hair toulu and dress
ing Parisian Sago Is,
Just becauso tho makers are abso
lutely certain that Parisian Sago Is
thn only preparation that kills the
pernicious dandruff microbes, they
aro willing lo guarnritcn It lo banish
dandruff, stop rallllug hair and Itch
ing scalp, or money bark.
Btoam and Hot Water
All Work Oiinrnt4
l'rlcf ttrasouabl
IS Xowsrd Dtook. ratrsors on tb Mi
Xunia J'bon. S4t.
1 II ray tiom, I'JSO lbs. each
1 hay team, 1200 lbs, each
E. H. Westerf ield
Phono IDF. I.
I Luxury Without
1 Hotel
Von Dorn
242 Turk Strcc
S Pincst popular priced
XT..i..1 J.. C!.... 1.1 1..
) X1ULU1 111 JUIt JJlitUUlSUU
I Modern Central
Beift located
and most
po pillar
hofel in the
City. Running duftillcd
Ice water in each room.
European Plan, a la Carte
Tariff on ttoomi
12 I'ooms
00 rooms
fiO rooms
11.00 ssch
1.50 each
2.00 each
2.00 estlf
00 rooms ttilh stlrilc blh
60 room villi Kbiti fctui 2.80 each
30 sultet, bedroom, par
lorandbatk - ,- 3.00 each
For more than one gueit add 1.00
extra to the above rates for
each additional gdett.
Reduction by week or month. 1
Munagtmtnt CUuttt tV. Kttlfy
.. Losuoo of Qrlll nnd Dining lloom. .
tsfTrnu 312' 'isH
Mm ili m Sifl
wHEliil 'tf6l bd
Ji J-
Complete Change
' ' '
UNIi:it Ni:W MA.VAtin.MMN.Vi'
had special feiiutres In Llconso Pic
tures nud music; best In the city.
Music furnished by Prof. Death
nnd Miss Coffin.
POPl'IiAlt 1'ltlOIX, n AMI Hie.
Your Money's Worth.
W. .1. ALIUMtT, Manager.
I HOI) Poet of Iflgh.flAsa PhotoplnyN
Hptuiidld two-reel Hex feitture.
l,Iltl)S ,;
Interesting educational film.
tiii: am.m.ti:i wi:i:kly
Tho new a of the week this week.
"Till) NIJWI.VWIvllH"
McMniiim rmuoua eartoous In it marn
volous novelty and trick picture.
.VlmlHilmi .1 anil loo lo any seat in
tho ioiie
4f l-f-H
' Photo Plays Tiles, and Wed.
Pat he's Weekly, No. IH
f Vltagraph tipoclal In 2 Prtrlti.
A Hlory full of spirit, a pic
turo filll or Houl.
APNTY ANl Tllll filltLS
I'lilinC Kffects:
Ldilurtparlt. Hftsklns,
Mfillneo ftnlly
AdifiUsloif rf-f Cents'
I .
E. D. Weston
Official Fhotdgraplibr of the
Modfbrd Oommofcial Club
Auintcur Fiiiishiiitf
Post Cards "
Pftiiorainio Work
Portraits ' r X4
Iiitorior and exiorior viowa
ITloflh lights
: i 1)
Ndpjativcs itmdrj any tlmd
dtid any plilco by appoint
ment. I
208 E, Main Phone 1471