1 fSV MEmronn matt; trtthjntc, MEPForonf, oKEfioyr, Monday, mm fnriow. Wrai 'J'HRIBI 4 i u H; I. i CAPITALISTS OVER PROPOSED UN 10 0A Tlm (IrnuU I'hmm ('iiiirli)r miiiiih iii rnllruinl ncllvltli'M mi tlm I'mlflclii tut lor PMiJh'I, protniitcil hy )r J. P. Kt'ltlty, lift fdllllWHI Tlm party of twnlvn pooplo from Ciilirnnilii I'ltlnn who mo lnlnr'-tuil In Ilin iiriiiiiiitluii of tlm (IiiiiiIn I'iihh (!rnHi'imt City iiillroiul, arrlvotl hero Hiilniilny iilnlit with I'runlillii lliilm, Mini loft with din tiii'iiiliiMii if tlm pniiy who ntilvwl Pililny, for ('iiini'i'iii City Hiimliiy nioriiliiK. Tho nlnti-mi vUltorH friini tint miutli will hn iii'coiiiiiitili'il on tho trip to tho cuiitt hy Dr. Itmtily, Mayor Smith, .IiiiIku OIiIIiIh, IIiikIiwci' I lit riiidii. .1. I,. Ilitrvoy, A. N. I'limnim nnil II. I Wooloy from hum, half a ilotmi nu toiuohllim lixlm; rninln'il to trim purl tin putty. Hntiirilny vo mi liiforiinil iin'othut wiin held nt tho rointiitircliil eluli rooiiM nt which tlm riillroml Mltmitloii vim iIIki'iinhimI hy locul Hinkirii anil liy tin vUllorM. lronlilt'iil Ktoli pn hIiIciI nt tho iiu'oIImk. rullliiK Mrnt illiin .luilito OIiIIiIm, who liinl coiiiii from tho Month with (ho party. Helm tin I'lomoicr I'rntikllti llnlm, who Ih tho lenilnr of tint iiioitintiit to tiiKaiilic ttut now riillroml company ami to flnnnro tho project, mmlit a clear mniini'iit of tint priwont Hlinittlon. 1 1 mild tho ilt'ltiKallon prrmtnt nt tliU llmo wan on n tour of liupi'i'iloii nml lnvfitl Kiillon, nml that If all tint cIiiIiiih Unit hail Imhiii iiinttit roticornliiK llm roml mnl tho territory which It would tra irmi Mro liiiriio out hy tho fuc-in mt limy mih tliciit, that there would ho no iiitlon nhotit tho htillilltiK of tho riHtd If tho tiipli In tho afftTti-d lorrltory did tliidr pari. Ho nald that liiMTtlcatloim of tholr export of tlm her mnl mlnliiK ritmiirrtNi had fnll lut't tho chiliim, nml he wiin mont op llmUtlo of tint outcome. Ho unld that a it noon n tho party returned from Cri'iccnt t'Hy. It would ho In a posi tion to mnko a tloflnlto proMiltlun to llu people of OrnntH I'uihi. KeKiird lint tho preiojul orKitnliatlon of the company. Mr, Helm nald that ar riiiir.t'inenlH were already completed for the tinndlnK of tho road almvo tho amount to ho put up hy (Irauti Phm, ('rennnt City, and oilier Inter eat aliniK tho Hun, and that tho con SUFFRAGETTE HAMMER 18 CARRIED IN "DOROTHY BAG" 1 mJm - ' When u HtiffrnKotlo In London wliihdH to munch n window whlln on n Hheppliu: lour, hIio placeH htir Ut ile haniiner within her "Dorothy tut K" ami riiIIh forth. No policeman would Mop her to fool tho Iiiik, for If ho did lit) lillitlit havo to atop thoiinaudK of women on London Ht renin. Mrticilou company unit ready to he kIii work an noun fix tho uneMtlon of litilldlUK wnH ipiflultely inttteil. Mr. I'helan, ho nald, watt now In Han I'ranclHco ready to havo IiIm eipilp nienl Hhlppeil when ho learned of n fnvornhlo verdict from tho prenent luveMlKatlou Mr, Helm Mated that I'helan would havo 2100 men nt work In a Hlmrt time utter work wna once ordered, and that lot hail nald that u year would ho mifflclent time for completion of Hut lino to tho coaM. 'IIiomi Ctmpiiliit forty I'oIIouIuk Mr. Helm, tho other memhera of tho parly made brief ml ilremii ami all allowed a thorntiKh Kraup of tho itltuatloti In Houlhern Oregon recoKiiUliiK full)' tho wealth of rt'tmurroit ami tho need of a mil roml to tho mmi. Kaeh allowed hi faith In tho enterprise, nml enpeclnlly In tho eiiterprlnc under Mr. Holm J Ktildauce. Included In tho purty that arrived liixt iiIkIU aro rrnuklln Helm and wlfu of l.oi Any.eleH, John Kheparil nml wlfo of lloittoti, Miikh., J, PoMer Itliodi'H of I'amttleun, Cal., Dr. II. II. Ktono of l.o AiiKelen, C. Hour)' Tlioinpfou of l,oit AiiKoleH, Will A. HaKit of Kau I'mui-lnco, J, 0, lleitlop of l.oi Ant'.eleH, 0 N. Ileckiunii mnl 0. C lleclunan of IO AiiKelen. CV do Corolto, rreiuli lomttil nt Sail Trail rluro, K J llriiu of tho I'rench Hank at Han Pram Imo, nml W. J, HurrldKo of Hun Pmuclnco. CATTLE$7.50T0$8 HOGS J8 TO 8.20 SHEEP J6.50-J6.75 I'OltTI.AN'D, .lillio lfi --ItecelpU for tho week havo heeur Cattle, !"',; ralvitn, HO; Iiokm, fiOOT,; nhcop, HHHII; horni-H, 27. Cattle market Meady to a uliadii flrmiT for cholco huef. flood Hteor told tliirliiK tho week at $7 ') to 17 7T. nml Jvso loadn went at $K 00. llecelptH huvo hewn very lllit, which hna benefited tho market, Tho trade Ih unable lo hntullo a lancer number of entllo at tint pieneiit IIiiiv. hut Reed Hteera ami town nro In fair tie iiiniul, Tho Iiok market dropped ten to twenty icntH hIiico Momlny I.hiul t.atloii .urn been very liberal ami iackrn aro toinpornrlly iivvrmip' piled, R.20 lit tin extreme top for prime Unlit Nwlnn and Reed onoH nro Dulllui: around He. t.'ntll outlet clinnnelH nro opeiietl tho doinaml for mslno will aliow hllnlit Improvement An unevenly lower market In tho Mheep hoiiKC, A tlK.it demaml exlMK for fat mutton and Inuihii hut the hulk of arilvaln havo been medium ami poor Krmlo Mock. I'rliuo year Hiikh nrtt nelllnc nt I5.2&, two-year-oIiIh at jr.. 00 mid owe ll.no nml t "r,, I. amb trade him been n uliade oanler. lleHt Mt. AdaitiH Mock fulled to elicit better than fl.7n, hid, Hulk or bt-M ntuff (told at ffi 50 ami $0."r.. I.liiulilatlon euorinouii. BRITON TEACHES TENNIS TO AMERICAN PLAYER8 SUFFRAGETTES TO FIGHT HINKY DM CIIH'.UIO, .luno 10. "IlinUy Dink" Ki'iina nml "llalliliuiiHe .Inhn" t'ouxlilin, ulilermeii mnl parliiers in I'iixt wnnl imliliiM nro lo have the ilcteriniueil opiifitioii of u Kroup of MiffraetteM within their wnnl when tlie.v htiiint for reelection. Siiffriicii leaders, ri'liirniiit; from the celebration of the hiiffriiije vie lory in Springfield, found Hint xixty hrl wnnl Miffnij:''Hei are already iimiii their rt'ci-t.TK. Thi'v plnu to leoiaiili'e the women of tho ward in it eampiiij;u to eliminalc "llinky Dink" nnd Itatliliouso Joliu" from the eitv council. yyMrfy y i ' ' &SKmx iJlltU.' If llm ITni(ci1 Flnlon nurrcciln in winning tlio inlcrtuitiounl tennis eliMinpiniiHliip t Iiik enr micccsk will lie due in no suiiill tncnstiro lo the work of Cliiirles II. Ilnarlt, who i now tlireeliiii: the practice of the American caudidatcK. BRYAN FORCED 10 WASIIINOTOK, Juno lfi. Pros hiire of olficinl duties rmmct Secre tary of State llrynn to cnnei'l lotlny two hM'ukiui I'linKt'iuents in .Miiftsn cliiiM'tt. lie whs to linvu hxikon tonicht in Chnrlcstuwii nml in Iowell on Tliurftlay. Iuiiortiiiit matter to lo taken up Huh week include, the .lapanese land Kilniiliim, tiroteslt from foreicu nationt naiust the I u riff hill nml appointment in the diplomatic1 service. Krymi will not leave Washington before July 1. With Medford trado In Mcdford mado. COMMERCE COURT IS NEAR DEATH WA.HIIINOTO.V, June 1(1. I'nlc of the eominerce cotirf, llml trilitimil lone on trial an n utcle.n nppendai,'c of tin' t'overniueiit will lie tleeiilcd on June L'.'i, when itx oiioiietilH in ilrmo rrntle ciiucuk, will make n tlcHpornto effort to block further nnjiroprin tioiiH for its fiiluir; mninleiiance, Hejirti'iitntivi' Atlnrniton f Ocor in, clinirman of the Ihiiihc inler Mute comtiierce committee, nml I(n lireNciilnfivc Sitiit of Teiinetflec, nmk it)K fncinlier of the committee, today nnnoiiiii'cil their oppoHition to tho tribunal tlenoiiiicini; it as "n hli(;lit on the efficiency of the inter-ntnle commerce romminhion." Iteireenlntivi) Itrotisnnl of Ixiuixinitn deelarcil vi'irous nfifKmi tmu to thix program, nfsortiiiic Hint n filit would he made not only to maintain the court hut to cnlnrn its Mcope. FIFTH GHMEE MADE AGAINST VON KLEIN I'OItTLAKD Ore. June 10, A fifth ehnrj;c nninst B. C. Von Klein, nrciisiil nlrendy of four mnrtinl ven tures involving money nnd jems, 1ms emptied out hero in the testimony of James Anderson, a Minneapolis com mercial traveler, who was a witnesn before the criiml jury which returned the indictincutri njniuKt Von Klein Friduy. Anderson ileelnrcd today that Von Klein was known to him in .Minucnois, where he was entailed with a woman and secured her dia monds, lie deelnred that the wo man's Iiii-Jinm pursued Von Klein nnd made him give up (he gems. The district attorney's office is investi (,'ntiii the cac which is in line with other testimony that resulted n in dictments. SOLDIERS START ON HIKE ACROSS CONTINENT NKWI'OHT, K. I., June 10. Armed with letters to Mayor Holph of Sun Francisco, Louis A. Monk, sergeant in the lOlllh Const Artillery nt Fort (Irublo, ami Sergeant. Karl Kittman of tho 80th Compnuy Hhodo Island Ounrd, are fairly started to tho Pa cific Const today on n hike to do monslralo tho eficieney of floldicrly iiellville.i. Jrnyor William MeLc4 hmlo the soldier Godspeed mul pre sciitcd them with their niditttiftfty to ho delivered nt tho cud i( their 3X1 mile walk. tofe :3!t;: ITWrVr3a FRjrHand'f FanwtK Hotel Noted tot the excellence 1 9f 1 15 Cui5 inc. Euipcan fjltnnltt! tn the ITnti of tho IVInclpal Theater and Shopping Dlttrtct Itotcntty Itctlccorntcd nnd llcfurnlMicd TlirnnRhout, nnd Ilettcr Kqulpped Today tlinu Kvcr Itcforo Kuropenn I 'Inn ItooniH without bnth, 91.00 per day and up J loo in with IwtM, 9.00 per dar mid up a. J. KAUPMANN, Manager. K. K. GliAKKi:. Aunt. Mgr. Siskiyou Heights Now is the time to make selection of lots and tracts in this magnificent residence district. JOHN A. TORNEY BOOK 1, PALM BLOCK in i m Both representative of the whole some cordial spirit of the West and the best in hotel service The IMPERIAL HOTEL Portland, Oregon The , hotel' josephine Grants P& Oregon Both under the management of the METSCHANS 'J $M$y$M$M4J Y I : One Continuous Round of Pleasure Fronof Early Morn to Late at Night ? T ? I I ? T ? T r r ? T T t T Y f Y Y Y 'I Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Biggest July 4th Celebration .-. ?! IN SOUTHERN OREGON IN 1913 WILL BE HELD AT MEDFORD x Automobile Races, Base Ball, Horse Races, Broncho Busting, MARDI GRAS PARADE and Electrical Display at Night, the Grandest Spectacular Exhibition Ever Pulled Off in the State, Other Games and Sports on the Streets During the Entire Day. v" THREE BIG BANDS Reduced Railroad Rates r 4 i: i IX' T i. k ! j ty Wt l ml 1 t n n M . i i .t