Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 16, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    tay.i,V( i lAiSWtj - r(V,.v.4 MflalWk V. VS-v l , I I ... (.
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Miss Incs Kltchln, daughter ot Mr.
mid Mr. A. L. Kltchln ot Itoscburg,
former residents o( Jacksonville, nnd
A. hi. Collins woro married Juno H
,They will make their homo nl Sand
l'plnt, ldf))0, whoro tho groom Is
connected wjth tho Humblrd Lnm
bor compnny,
"Tho Hod Widow" company, of
which Rajmiyid Jlllchcock Is the
star, passed, through Medford by spj-
clal train Saturday evening, on
routo to Portland. Mr. Mctcalf, who
1h prominent In the cast, is n former
contomiiorary of ,Qporgo and Ed An
$3000 nccldcnt and life Insurance
Tor 10; $5260 for $17.50. See
llolinos, tho InKiirnncn man.
C. W. Wllmoroth, first manager
of tho ltoguc Hlvcr Krult t Troduco
association, li In Medford. Ho Is
registered from Chicago.
Miss Leila, Prim ot Jacksonville
tnado Me J ford n visit Saturday art
Stanton Griffls and R. W. Hitch'
rock, tho horticulturists, spent Sun
day In Med ford.
Mrs. Hinder and Miss Flossie Dun
ford ot Jacksonville wcro of thoso
who visited In Mod ford Sunday.
Orchard, hunting, rishlng snfl
Crater Lake scenes for tale at Ger
klng ft Harmon's studio. Negatives
mado any place, kodak finishing. 13S
Bast Main street. Phono 215 R.
A. Andrews ot Corvallls, a former
resident of Griffin creek, arrived In
Medford Sunday afternoon.
Vernon Garrett, n student ot tho
Oregon Agricultural college. Is ct
homo again to spend his vacation
Mrs. Charles Strang has returned
from Corvnllls, accompanied by her
son, Fred, who was ono of tho grad
uates of tho Oregon Agricultural col
Miss Sibyl Fish ot Phoenix has
been visiting with Medford friends.
Ilollls Parks and S. It. Cotfmnn
wore over from Applcgnto Saturday,
Kodak finishing, best in town, nl
O. Q. Steele of Vroka, superinten
dent of the California & Oregon
Power company's plants, and his
wfo wcro in Medford Sunday.
Doru In Medford, Juno 11, to
Mr. and Mrs. C. Walker, a daughter.
David Clngcado and Mr. Haley ot
Kaglo Point district wero of tho
many who caino to Medford Satur
day. p ,
R. II. McCurdy writes all kinds of
insurance. 401 M. F. & H. bid?-.
Phono 349.
M. A. Watklns of Dig Applegate
mado a business trip to Medford on
Mrs. II. L. Dean and children in
a few days will leavo for southern
California to Join Mr. Dean.
E. A. Ford and II. J. Gardner of
Central Point spent several hours In
Medford Saturday.
John Arnell returned Saturday
evening front an extenBlvo business
trip to California and Washington.
McCredlo Uros. of Central Point
district wero among the horticultur
ists In Medford Saturday.
Qerklng & Harmon, studio por
traits, home portraits, flash lights,
kodak finishing, post card work and
enlarging.; 128' East Main street:
telephone 216 R.
It. H. Parsons Ik at lllllcrrst
again after n jdiort business visit
nt Seattlo.
Mr. and Mrs. William Schulz wcro
of thoso who wont from Medford to
Ashland Sunday.
Chris and Roy UlrJch and their
families of Jacksonville wcro In
Medford 8unday en route homo from
u motoring trip to Roguo River.
M. L. I'ollott and his son Harry
aro up from southern California.
Thoy spent Sunday In Medford.
Mrs. C, R, Ray mid her daughter,
Miss Mabel, returned from Portland
Sunday afternoon.
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives made any time or
placo by appointment Phone M.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Cochran have
been Ju Montana visjtlng their son,
Percy, who recently underwent un
oporutlou for appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Duncnn ot North
Jacksonville visited with friends In
Medford Saturday afternoon.
J. S. Frator lu down from Senttlo
looking ut tho valley, and may lo
cate. Mrs. James Pollott pf Talent was
tho guest ot her mothor, Mrs. O.
Wolters, Saturday afternoon.
Now grain hay In field. C. W. Is
aacs. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Whiting, for
mer Medford residents, arrived Mon
day for a stay ou their Knglo Point
WceKs & McGowan Co.
Night JF. W, Weeks 10.1-J-2
riiones A, K. Orr 078-M
Policeninn Clngcado received n
tclephmiQ message Monday stating
that his fnther-ln-law, J. A. Ohon
chain, tho Dutto Falls jiluncor, win
not expected to aurvivo tho day. Ho
tins been rapidly growing tworso
slnro ho fell ofMho porch and sus
tained n broken arm n few dnjs
Professor O'Gnrn and Fruit In
spector Myers nro Inspecting many
of tho orchards, and their assistants
aro nlso kept busy. General and ef
fective Inspection Is doing much to
ullay opposition to tho present sys
tem ot orchard supervision m;iUtcs.t
cd by Koino of tho taxpayers.
John K. Mllltr of Jacksonville was
In Medford Saturday nnd was accom
panied home by Mr. Matthew of Palo
Alto, Cal., who mado him a short
Karl lllgclow of Applegate return
ed from n trip to northern Califor
nia Saturday.
J. P. Sullivan nnd his daughter,
who went north last week, returned
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Manning re
turned Saturday from a visit with O
II. Stewart nnd his family of Rogue
River district.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Knight, who
went to Illinois some, time ago, arc
In Medford again.
W. K. Howell nnd II. O. Wiener
of Knglo Point district transacted
business in Medford Saturday.
Mrs. I. Fancher has been visiting
friends living at Talent.
Dr. Klrchgessncr will be nt Hotel
Nash every Saturday from 10 a. m.
to 3 p. m. on and after May 24.
Mrs. M. H. Turner of Grand
Forks. N. D., Is in MeiUord 1-Mhr
her daughters, Mrs. J. II. Carkln and
Mrs. n. R. McCnbe.
I. A. Pruott has returned from n
trlij to Sacramento, driving his car
to Medford In a short time,
P. G. McWIIllams, M. W. Wheeler
and S. It. Morris of Ashland were
late business visitors In Medford
Mr. and Mrs. A. Sather, who havo
boon residents of Medford during
tho past two years, left for Portland
Sunday evening. Al will manago the
Tirol!, n moving picture theater re
cently opened at tho metropolis.
Mrs. M. Peter has gono to San
Francisco and will probably locale
Mr. and Mrs. X. J. Garrett of Big
Sticky motored to Medford Suudny.
Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Core, who
havo been spending tho week nt
Portland, returned Sunday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Hall, pioneers
of Douglas county, stopped off nt
Medford nnd Central Point to visit
relatives while on their way to Cali
fornia. "They sent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. J. Court Hall.
Vapor baths and scientific mas-
sago for men and women. Dr. R.
J. Lockwood, chiropractor. 203 Gar-
nett-Coroy bldg. Phono 145.
F. G. Iiradlcy nnd A. C. Abshlre
clectrlclnns with tho California & Or
egon Power company, and their
wives spent a few days In Medfoid
during tho past week.
Mrs. 0. N. Anderson nnd Mrs.
Johnson of Ashland tarried In Med
ford Saturday afternoon
Miss Corn Linn, Mrs. G. K. Ncubor
and her daughter wero of thoso who
camo to Medford from Jacksonville
II. K, Garner nnd G. E. Root of
Yrcka, Cal., aro recent arrivals in
Miss Ambroslno Murphy left for
tho.east Sunday evening to engage Jn
Institute work and will bo gone
somo time.
Mrs. C. h, Morrison, neo Jennie
Reamos, of Jacksonville lu critically
fll at hor homo at Carson City. Nov.
Her brothor, U. S. District Attorny
ReameH, passed through Medford
Sunday morning In response to u
message Informing him of hor seri
ous condition.
A. B. RenmoH nnd Frank H. Mad
den woio Sunday guests of II. II.
Tronson at his Baglo Point ranch.
Tho day was spent fishing In tho
Colonel nnd Mrs. It. C. Washburn
of Tablo Rock motored to Medford
Saturday afternoon.
Mr. und Mrs. H. L. White of Ash
land motored to Medford Sunday, ue
compnulcd by their nicco, MIsh Mac-
Arthur of Grants Pass, who left for
her homo In tho afternoon.
Miss Geraldlno Rukes, who has
been visiting at Portland, returned
Sunday afternoon.
Tiirco excursions depopulated
Medford to a considcrablo extent on
Sunday. Many went to Weed, Rogue
River and Ilutto Falls. .
Tho Medford Concrete Construc
tion company's rock crusher Is be
ing Installed at Derby and will soon
bo furnishing material for tho pav
ing of Cottage tBtreet by Scholl fc
Schell of tj runts Pass, who wore
awarded tho contract somo tlmo ago.
Miss Ruth Peter, who Is ono of
tho graduates of tho University of
Oregon, will teach German at tho
Lebanon high hchool next year. SJio
la n former resident of Jacksonville,
but has been living with relatives at
Dakpr during tho recent years.
Tho fastest mjlo on a hair-mlJo
track reported during tho season
goes to King Seal, owned by Tom
II. I. Shannon nnd William White,
who nro connected with tho state
forest service, nro In tho northwest
ern iiart of tho county on official
Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Hnuloy mo
tored to Medford Saturday after
noon. Mrs. Florence Chlldors of Yrekn,
Cal., Is biting friends living In
Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Orth and Mr,
and Mrs. A. II. Mlllor havo retuind
from an auto trip to Onwout'Cltv
Thoy report tho road In flrst-chios
Mrs. Houdlnot Conner, who has
been III for some weeks nt the Sn-i
cred Heart hospital, has recovered)
nnd left Monday for her Tablo Rock t
HERLtN, Juno 10 -Tho celebra
tion festivities ot tho kaiser's jubi
lees as emperor of Germany reached
their height today when tho other
twenty-flvo rulers of German states,
Including tho kings or Saxony and
Wurtrmbcrg and Prluce Regent l.ud
wlg qt Itavarla, personally congratu
lated Wilhelm II upon his long,
peaceful reign and excellent health.
At 6 o'clock tonight the twent
six ruler of tho German empire sat
down together to a magnificent ban
quet In tho royal palace. All WII
helm'8 rulers drove to tho royal op
era house for n gala performance.
Tho house was gorgeously decorated
in honor of tho occasion und pro-
sentcd u brilliant spectnelo seldom
seen even In Dorlln, nnd only equal
ed three weeks ago. when tho knl-
ser, tho cxar and King George wore
together nt tho opera.
Tho third act of Wagner's ,,Vnl-
kyrlo" was played tonight. Putnam
Grlswold, tho California basso of the
New York Metropolitan opera houso.
who was especially Invited by tho
kaiser to sing tho role of King Ileln
rich In Lohengrin beforo tho three
monarch on May 23, again sang the
star rolo tonight with great success.
The kaiser spoko of Grlswold ns
"ono of my Americans." Andrew
Carneglo arrived today to personally
congratulate tho kaiser upon his
long reign of peaco. He was receiv
ed In nudlunce this afternoon.
It Is rumored that tho kaiser may
decorate tho "L.alrd of Sklbo" with
tho Red Haglo order, as hu did Pier
pout Morgan and AUUon Armour.-
CHICAGO, Juno 1C The year's"
record for heat, 95, was reached
hero today nt non. Thrco addition
al deaths wcro reported during tho
morning, making six vlstlms within
tho past fifty hours. Tho prostra
tions aro numerous throughout the
l'le-iilcnt Wilson did ponit'tluni; un
hmiiiI in polities when he liumeil I J,
IC. Ciiutphell, n -xlroiiK friend of Os
eiir W. I nulen iioil, eliiei' junlieo of
the Court ot'(!litiif, Jifllee Cninp.
liell. who liuiUfrom Viivii'l". iw one
of the original lrnilorinl men wlieu
the fight for the dcmoemlie uinuiim
(ion for the prejtteiuv entile lust
year. Hut lie vwi- tuinu'il for the
court on the reciiiumeiulatioii nl Mr.
I'micruond, who :w u htroiig rival
if the luvfidcut before the llaltiinore
There wcro fivo heat irotratlouH re
corder hero up to noon today. Tho
thermometer thon stood at 91.
jilNCOLN, Nob., Juno 1 Tim
thvrmomctor Is expected tn pass tho
100 mark hero this afternoon. It
touched that polpt yostorday. Ono
prostration Is reported.
YRKKA, Cal., Juno IC Formal
organization for the purpoxo of rais
ing $32,000" to bu Ubcd for survey
und prnllmiuury work of n rullwuy
that is proposed to run from Euroka,
ath Falls, Or., tapping en route the
vast timber resources und mineral
depQsitu of Humboldt nnd Siskiyou
lounties, was completed at u meet
ing ut delegates from theso two Cal
ifornia counties and Klamath coun
ty, Oregon, which closed hero recent
ly. Tho company will bo known w
tho Humboldt, Siskiyou & Klamath
Railway company, aud articles of in
corporation will ho flcu immediate
ly. Tho lino us briefly outlined ut
tho meeting would hts. 250 miles In
length, but with two laterals that
wero proposed would total a 10 miles.
Ono lateral wpuld bp frpni tjio Klam
ath river up Scott, river Into tho
Hcott valley, opening u rich district,
Tho other would tap tho Dliui Ledge
copper belt pn tlin Oregon stutu line.
LOS ANOKI.KS, cl., June 111. A
remnrkalile story of eleven jottrit of
per-ieeulioti by an Italian blnek hand
(ioeicty won iold to thu Voliou today
by U. I). Trnpaiii. mi Malum unuimU.
sioii denier, vlioitu home was lilou
ii, early today by IVppino Prineijie
und another Italmu who rein-on to
ii'wi- his name mill who is in thu re
.eivui;? Im-pitnF MiffVrinjj from t)r-
nl lo liiinm nvrived in the explosion.
S'peukiiig'of lils experiuuee, Trapaui
Hi ill today; , .
"The blnek liandi'rn drove me from
New Orlenns eleen year ngo, de-
iii'inded $11)00 under penalty of
tied 111. 1 reMirted the ill fair to tho
M(heo mid u Itomb wart thrown into
my yuril. I wiih ton quiek for tluiu
nml threw the lioiph into thu street,
whore it oNplotlud. I have usny re.
fused lo pay tliem money. They
droe mo from Seattle, then from San
Frmicikco und I thought I hud en-
eiiped them when 1 seltleil here. Jint
vei'k I received u letter ilemnndi'iK
iiiiiuuy und threututiiii dentil if I did
not comply."
Triipuui pnidueed u lelier, rend
ing: "lnr fri'MuN - Op jour lifo' don't
inenlion lo iiiiyoiiij Ijie ireeipt of IhN
Wlor. 1 need $)H) and nt once.
UlherwiM! Home June morning, you
die. 1 will get Hie money ut (he
umikel. Ollimwir.0, here is your
"I was ilelemiiucd to fight it out
licie" Miid Trapiiui, "mill would not
iiiiii lice Kiiiuhiy night for hiifely,
I l"k m i'i mid bnbv lo n hotel
for (.ufety. You know I lie nwt."
(Continued from par. ?)
Her liorso frightened by two rac
ing mitoiiiohllcH, Mm, lluiry II,
Treat was thiowu and badly htulsed
and the horso piohnbly fatally Injur
ed and terribly lacerated by leaping
lu a barb wire fenco Sunday after
noon at thu turn of tho Ceutinl
Point boulevard at tho Snowy Unite
orchard. I;
Mm, Treat wiih oho of u horse
back party, conslstlm; ot Mrs. J. IV
IlllUon. Mlhs Delia King, Mini Ma
rio King, Mis. Grant and Mrs. Sou
nion, returning from u Sunday drho.
Mrs. Trent mid Mrs. HlttHou were
some dlstaiico ahead ot thu other
equestriennes. At tho turn ot tho
road they faced tui racing nutos go
ing nt a fast clip, Mrs. Trent's ani
mal, a maro belonging to Wuttei
Mundy, beramo uummitigeabte.
threw hor rider. Tho, animal piling-
ed Into thn barb wire rente, strik
ing heavily her head against tho
ground and putting a crick' Into hr
uuck. lu her ntruggleti. tho horso
wan badly cut by tho wire und lint)
hno to bo killed.
Mrs. Treat was not badly Injured
Mrs. Illttsou gave up lur hoiso and
Mrs. Treat rode into tho city upon
It. while Mrs. Hittsou walked. Tho
other riders led the lujuiod animal
Who tho HpeodliiK aulolsts were
Is not known.
Speeding ut the into of Ml uillim
mi hour, 11. F. Mender ami piuly of
four had a reuinrkably uiinow oh
rapo fruni death Hunday a'teruoou
when In rounding the corner nl the
Snowy llutlo orchard ou t,ho Cuutritl
Point boulevard, his milo ' turned
turtle mid landed upside down, then
rolling over on Its aide. Only the
hooiliof .tbn car saved tho party. Mr.
Mender was slightly nil. Nonu of
tho rest were Injured, the top and
glints front of the ear smashed, but
It was othotw'lrto uulujuiod.
Mr. and Mrs. Mender ami a parly
from Talsut, compi'lNlug Mr. Iliowii
mid two ouug wouu'ti, had beoii
making a tour ot tho valley and
wero in haute to retina. AtrMuic
at tho good stretch, Mr. Men
der went nliond full speed, Holng too
fast to umku tho tutu.
Moinrs. Ortlt and Miller weio Jut
behind tho Monitor party, mw lll
uculileiit and helped pull Ihose pinn
ed under 'tho ear null Mr, Mender
ulunii suffered, lining slightly nut on
(ho race and liuiul. Tho car, a HMJI
Overland', vviin lighted, Its enitlumi
found uninjured and It hi ought tho
parly hack to Medfoid, badly nliukuu
nnd illxtuthed by llio shock.
Al llils nanio comer eat Her lu tho
day u Inn no had tliiuwn lis rider and
lu other picvlou urchlctitti two
humeri had been killed,
.HtMlfoid' contingent of vMIoih lo
the I'oillmul ltooi Hhovv me lelum
nig in huuchoN, All i.neMi IIikiii
M'lvo id li-upMiuleil mill eju'iii Hint
Hie lon hhow wiim u failure, viheii
eomp.iit'il lo oilier viHir. The pn
rmloH win e poor mid the vaiimiH ut
ItmilioiiH ilnt not iillinel.
Abo Attull lw nlftttiMl lo box Patsy
Klluti. tho hunt lo ttiko iilnuu lu Now
York lu Iho ueiir futuio.
Tom Mui'moy of 1 .01 Augulos In
to lag to slnKu a lwuty-rnuud hunt
between (!harles l.udout. tho Fitiuch
bnutamvvelKht eliumplou, and Kddlo
Delia Fox Dead.
NEW VOHK, Juno 3(1. Delia l-'ox,
oih;o fumous dh musical blur, in deml
hero today. Slio wiih tho wife of Juek
I.OCV. 'I'll 1. Iinrlv- u'lll lie inli.rro.1 in
Taylor of Medfofrd and trulned by fjt, Louia,
Linn Lindsay. Ho went tho routn ' ' '
2:17 1-4. With Medford trado in Medford tnado,
wiih not required to ntuilor any ac-eouutiun'.
Oxunril ilci-lared that liliicinc Hiigar
ou (lie l'tee liit would hu inviting' lis
uMcr. "When it couith," lie said, "I mil
,'nin in, I liiivo llii" pluii in mind
ulreudy, nnd liuvo been mlvixul by
mv oonifl,"
The uliii'H denied ihat hu inteuilcd
to violate uny law, haying )io Jmd
been udviged tjmt n cotiei-ni eouhl
control forty pt cent of any coming
ility und btill he legul. lie admitted
lint tl.o siiKur inlerots nulhoried
him to )!rnw for any ullovvnuco ut
any lime und for nny purpoe, nnd
that lie cuilcn 110 uccouutiti;,' of these
How tho American Hoot Sugar
com(inny, with an actual valuu of
ir.00,000 In IH'JH, paid six per cent
dividends on that amount of pre
ferred stock, piled up a cush reserve
of $3,000,000 and Dotted Its pro
moters S7,&QU,000 In stock profit!)
was told by Oxnurd. Ho udmlttod
that tho company was "ovorcTTpltul
Ized" and that ovon with tho pres
ent duty ou sugar maintained )t
couldn't hope to puy regular divi
dends on Us common stock,
(IIARt.KSTOK W. Vn. Jimr tfl
I)inpatu between oirulors nml minerx
in, tho coal region- of Woit Virginia
is a h far from sellh-meiit todny at
ever nnd 11 new uciii-nil strike h
n'ronjjly iudiented. Tlie feeling lie
ivviou miiiu owners nnd dm miner i
vsry liilter. Mam meetiug were held
througliout the Paint Creek and Cnhin
eicek diMrieU Sunday at which or
der were ifMiifd foibiddinif tin- lulu
cru ictiiniiug to work. The-o order,
wire geueriilly idievcd today.
John I'. While pro-iilcut of tint
Wniled MiueworkerH of America, ar
rived liere loduv to chiHtilt with local
union nifii rcgiiriliug 11 new strike.
The UniniiMit deelaru that the mine
owner forced u renew nl of the
strike when they violated Iho leniM
of a i-oinproinixo agreement procured
by Uovcnior Ilulfirld o Hctlm thu
Dr. W. II. Kherliard mid hi bride
liuve returned from .Southern t'uli
forniu, more firmly improhM-d than
ever wiih (lie resource und nHilnll
tiefl of iho Kogue river vullcv, )r
Klierhurd rt'Mirln ineeliiit; V. it, Ituu.
mid W. J. Ilum'om, Imlli forinorly of
Bedford, ut Tinlhoii, where liolh ore
(itgtigcd iir IniHinoMK mid iippuieully
monl proHperoiiH. Hhii oivim mi cla-
1,01 nti- miIooii, Iiiih milo cant mid
i-mlor IioiiIh mid i looKcd upon iu u
lv.ii!ur. ;
c . . . .. !
Itegular meetliii; of Merchant'
Association Monday evening, .limit
liitli at Niuli Grill, ( .'10 ii'vloik
JOHN 11. GAHKIN', See'y.
Solid Comfort
lor tender feet
si. 0. to ua.iw.
Just the mud fur the i-hlorl) woiiiom tkl wish lo
take comfort during the hot w wit her.
SI site with very soft kid upper. fle tiil'n soles,
lluttoii and lure
Wo Llko
To 1'lt
1j II 1 IJOOll I'll
jbehlings ""-si.v
The llm.l
To I'll
Is cNluhilinj; ;i collcciiiui or his pttiiiliiiH ;tl III)
North Central Street, ne.vt tlnorto pontofrieeaiul eor-di.-iUy
inviterf nil interested in art to eall and seu thin
ottllection. The piftnres are inr stnle.
Friday June 20th
Direct From Its Sensational Run of 160 NIGHTS AT'
Notice Is hereby given that a mie.
clal meeting of stockholders of the
Itoguo Itiver Fruit & I'rodpco Asso
ciation will bu hub) at tho public
library lu tho city ot Medford, June
20, 9lit, at 10 o'clock a, m., for tho
purpose of considering mid acting
upon tho udvlsablllty ot building a
cold storage warohouso upon thu asso
ciation's prnporty in tho city of Med
ford, und In connection tlierowlth, of
Issuing two soricH of bonds of the
Association, ono ot u total of
$M, 000.00 and ono of a total of
IIG.OOO.OO, nnd of executing u first
and second mortgago upon thn Asso
ciation's property to secure such U-
suos of bonds respectively.
itoouH nivuii FityiT & eitootjca
Ily A. C. Ilundull, President.
Dated at Medford, Oregon, Muy
23, 1013.
n k. isk. s a
ik nr iviii. rffiiu vn i r -- mwj
Vkl wSK'i'lw XT rvtjvvvnr-ll
,l.)s!vcs ilLprxSr sniimMu I
x. a EB040WAY nr.bna J
M'.tbl nltiiliyrainiuiBs
iJtUllll.r. I'ulur. li...;,. Ml.
' Pi ' '! '! u-h !, i u.',
; v"ni nuitir, niwi
noiiiiv hoimi
William Florence
-nill.vruu.MERY & MOORE
15 Stars 1000 LaiiQhs;
3UC634Ui dUCtll.
Sfrenlc UcBiitlcj
Seat Sale Ojiimih "WVdnemlny, .lime IS, at 10 A. M.
Pricos COc to $2.00,
FOR RUNT- 0-room bousu mid buth
nt 210 Olson tit., $16, Including
water. Phono OOQ-L or 03K. 7.'
WANTKD 100 feet Kocond-liand
three-iiuurter Inch garden hoso,
Hi Oakdale avo, N. 70
improved city or country prop
erty; private, Adilresa J, N. K
Mall Trlbuno, 73
iW? A (lU.,J !. '