-' ti ' . 'ft' u i , d PAGE TWO. OCALAND J-' PERSONAL . Charles Bill returned to Port land fttter a short visit In Portland. ljorbcrt Smith of Grants l'nss, United States conimliwloner, wr n Medford Friday on official business. To.WontpnJs .College club bold tbolr regular, nicotinic, nnd luncheon nt lto'tol Medford today. W. J, HutRell, former ahortft of Josephine county, who Is now , n gnpeu n biock uuyinfi, nwuc n inp to' Medford Friday. Orchard, hunting, nshlns: and Craler Lake scenes for ca, at Ger kins & Harmon's studio.' Negative pado any, place, kodak, finishing. 128 East Main street Phone S15 R. MIks Frances Looslcy Is spending her vacation at the homo ranch In Tolo district. Mrs. Joicph Scott of Douglas county Is visiting friends living In Mcd'ford and Ashland. y. Allen Holt, who la stationed nt tho United States navy yard at Bremerton, Wash., Is making his former homo In this rallcy a vlstt. Ho. was deputy county recorder dur ing Grant ItawllnKs' term. Kodak finishing, best in town, nt Weston's. .y K. Hendrlckson and John O. Gore wera of the many -who traded with our merchants Friday. Fred T. Lewis of Antelope district traHMctcd business In Medtord Fri day. R. H. McCurdy writes all kinds of lasurance, 401 M. F. 4 H. bids;. r? Phone 349. Jack Astbury is In Medtord visit ing, his friends. J. M. Howard, tho miner, left tor Central Point Friday. Miss Sasta Homes, who has btn teaching school at Douglas, Alaska, during the past four years, has re turned to Ashland on a visit. Gerking ft Harmon, studio por traits, some portraits,, flash lights, kodak finishing, post card work and enlarging.; 138 Bast Mala street; telephone 216 R. ; Mlsa Kato Coburn of Yreka, Cat., who has been the guest of Miss E.la Gaunyaw, has returned' home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caldwell of Granta Pass made Medtord a visit Friday. . K. D. Weston, commercial photog rapher, negatives saade any time or place by appolntaeat. Phone M. 1471. Tho sisters of the Holy Names In charge of St. Mary's academy at Medtord loft for Portland Friday evening, where they will' spend their vacation. J. F. May and his family arrived from EuKene Friday. Dr. 'Klrch'geasner will Be at Hotel Nash every Saturday from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. on snd after Ma"y 34. Harry Hosier and J. Volpe of Ash- Js'nd tarried a few hours In Medtord the first of the week. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. A. "Williams of Kent, O., and J. D. Wolf of Com ing, Cal., are late arrivals in Med tord. ' H. Duer, a former resident of Medtord, was up from Talent Tr' dav! " Vapor baths and scientific mas sage for men and women. Dr. It. J. Lockwood, chiropractor, 301 Gar nett-Corey bldg. Phone US. h. H. Caster of Big Dutte was a business visitor in Medtord Friday. Mrs.' Harry Pel! ofr waa the guest of her 'daughter. Mrs. It. A. Pedorson ot Ashland, tho first of tho week. Aloz. Allder and M. Baelley arriv ed from Salem during the wcok. Louis Colvor and T. 11. F. Enrol ot Phoenix were of those who trans acted business In Medtord Friday. Ox heart cherries, now ready; tak ing, orders for Royal Ann arjd Black Republican,. extra fine. Call 7-F-13, ' Mr. Goodhue arrived from Pou land 4 Friday, whero ho has steady employment- at his trade. ' llest'er W. David, of Seattle, who It interested in a large body of Jnnd lofut'ed cast ot Talent, Is making II e valley' a visit while on his way to f&n Francisco. Tho tract has been platted and will bo sold in small parcels. Brooms Ask your dealor for the product tot he Ashland factor, B. F. Mulkey made a professional tjrlD'tq AsliJand (Jurlng tho weak. ,Xj.,p. Harris! who went to Gh.co, Cal!, not "long sinco, has returned. Horman Meyer and John Conley of Lake Crook wero among thoso who came to Medtord on business Friday, ' Jesse Richardson has Bold his farm In Antloch district, comprising 440 acres, to D. B. Russell, formerly of Medtord, at a valuation ot 2?, 000, Two residences on South drape figure In tho transaction. Weeks ft McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS &AT MR Day Phono 9Q7 P. yv. Weeks 103-J-a A. 13. Orr 078-51 Night ' I'honeg John Crnbtreo of Prospect Is mftk Ing Mod ford a vlstt. Howard Rosa and Miss Dolln Mr Nnlr ot Ashland wero married In As toria nt tho resldenro ot-tho. bride a sister n few days since., Dr. J. G. Ooblo made n trip to the Klk creek hatohery with llenrv O'Malley, who Is connected with the U. S. fish hatchery. Otto Klum, brother of Blalno Klnm of Medtord, who has been tak ing n course ot manual training nt tho O. ,A,C. at Corvnlils, will, bo Instructor ot manual training and, athletic coach nt tho Ashland high school next season. John l.owninn of Applegs., nno of' tho earliest pioneers of .southern Oregon and northern California, was In Medtord Friday on bis way lu Jacksonville. Mrs. R. M. Whltcsldo and her daughtor-ln-law. Mrs. Ed Whltcfctdo, of Central Point, wcre ntnon Med tord friends Friday. Dr. R. Ci Celsoy nnd A. E. Kellogg ot Gold 11111 transacted business lu Medtord Friday. Miss Myrtlo Dunten ot Central Point ha gono to California on a visit ot several weeks. Colonel J. F. Mundy has resumed operations nt his coal mine on tho McMahon ranch located n tew mil en southeast ot Medtord. Ho hni mv- oral men engaged In running n cross cut tunnel. J. J. Skinner nnd J. F. Kelly of Griffin creek transacted business In Medtord Friday afternoon. B. W. Miller, who wont to I.lnn county to assist In surveying a mule for a rallraad or Tortcr Bros., has returned to Medtord. Miss Lillian Pierce has gono to Berkeley to attend tho sunurvr school at the University ot Califor nia. Miss Nell Dickey of Ashland, who was Judgo Calkins' stenographer tar several years, was ono ot tho rue ccssful applicants for admission to the bar at tho recent examlnrdct held by tho Oregon supremo court, Captain W. Rawllngs, who loft for Sheridan, Wyo.. in April, has return ed to Central Point Spraguo nicgl and J. F. Morrll'. the horticulturists, wore down from Gold Hill Friday. S. A. Kroschcl. manager 6t the Welnhard Brewing company'i plant at Medtord, has returned from a business trip to Portland. O. Glass left for Grants Pari Fri day evening, but will return la a few days. The annual school meetings wi!l bo held next Monday and Ihco should be a good attendance. Fletcher Fish and "VVllcy Turn bough wero up from Phoenix re cently. Sheriff Slngler was In Mcdford Friday afternoon on official busi ness. W. W. Hale left for Grants Pass Friday on a short business trip. Frank Green has gono to Eugene, but will return In a few months. Mrs. Ida Brltton and Mrs. D. J. Staub are lato arrivals in Medtord. Miss Mary Trowbridge, who has beon attending the Oregorl Agricul tural college at Corvallls, Is at home again. Charles Bedford, who Is engaged in the grocery busineas at Ashland, was In Medford Friday looking af ter his business Interests horc Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Oben chain were in Mcdfbrd the fore part of tho weok. Crater Lake will bo accessible to teams about tho first of July. The snow fell unusually deep during the past season. Superintendent Arant reports that he found eight feet of snow at headquarters, five miles be low the lako, but that it was disap pearing rapidly. T. W. Miles ot the Jackson County Abstract company Is spending a few days at Portland. E. D. Stewart and R. Boyer of Roguo River were In Medford dur ing the week. Dr. W. H. Evorhard and his bride, neo Miss h. A. Markln of Los An geles, arrived from southern Cali fornia Friday evening. C. A. Malone, who has charge of the California-Oregon Power com pany's business at Ashland, was a Medford visitor recently. 8. Taylor of Roseburg was In Med ford Friday on routo home from an oxtended stay in southern California. R. D. Hoke, who owns a flno farm in Willow Springs district,- will engage in canning fruit and vege tables. Ho Is making preparations to install a plant that will have a capacity of 1000 cans per day and will handle tomatoos principally this season. Mr. Hoko was engaged in this business whllo a resident, cf Florida and will doubtless mako this entorprlso a success. Miss Mildred Gerlg returned Sat urday from Eugene, whore she has been attending the state university. Messrs. Hale and Johnson, who indulged in a free-for-all fight at Main and Front streets Friday aft ernoon, aftor trading watches, wero .fined for disturbing tlie peace. Al Suther, manager of tho Star thoator aluco September 1911, leaves Sunday for Portland, wlioro he as sumes charge Monday ot tho new Tivoll theater in that city. Mr, Bath er's placo in Medford will be filled by O. L. Burkbnrdt of Portland, fttEDFORD MATJJ TRIBUNE. PREDICTS VICTORY :0 MiERSpN X. T. Umnlund, friend and iuU nirvr of Unit Anderson nnd innnn per of Uoxer In the oast, who tii'lped to handle Joe Mmulot in IiIk fight, ntiu$t HunMn law Angeles nrritcij in town this morning- iuHiwh'U, ngent for the "Hanky l'unky" corn party. As n result of wntohinc An derson in hU battle nguint Mniulol Gmnlnnd formed Hit' opinion thit)e is one of the world's greatest light weights nnd will some day wear tho lightweight crown. Grauluiul man aged .Inok llritton for Danny Morgnit prnctirnlly nil l"t summer, handled K. O. Urown four years ago,' and has seen al the big fighU in the cat, so lie knows the lightweight situation thoroughly, lie has been a big boost er for Anderson ever since tho fight I.O Angeles nnd has written ninny stories to newspaper friend- in the east touting tho local hid ns n won der. "Anderson' chief nel ! Id wonderful kidney punch, which really V hipped Mnndot in the first round," said Ornnlund today, "and his groat defense, which Mnndot could not solve. Tho kidney punch is the bet I ever saw, hut he would ho handi capped in fighting in Ihe east, be couo the mles there bar it, particu larly in New Work. Cross has n great kidney punch which ho used be fore the ruling of tho coimnUMon in New York ngnitut it, nnd he hasn't been the same fighter since, llo enn .ii fhifi nL-ninst Anderson on the Fourth, but it doesn't compare with Dud's wallop. "Anderson's defense is something similar to that of Jack Johnson, nnd the best I ever saw on n lightweight. Mnndot hit him hard only four times, the last time in the third round. Af ter that he couldn't lay n glovo on him. Ho ruolied nnd swung, )ut his right hand sweep bounced off An derson's left shoulder, and he couldn't get to him with a left. Try as he would hc couldn't stop Anderson'. kidney punched These wallops real ly whipped him nnd hnd him in bad shape for several days nftcr the ffoht. "I have seen Cross fight scores of times, nnd behove Andcfhon will beat him on the Fourth. All Had will have to look out for is Cross's snappy right, which carries n knock out in it. If ho lands with thnt I'm afraid of what will happen, but if Hud fights cooly nnd carefully, and keeps that left shoulder up, 1 don't believe Leach will get to him. If he beats Leach he'll be right in line for n crack nt the winner of tho Hltchic- Rivers' fight on tho Fourth nnd that will givo him his chunce to become lightweight champion of tho world." A 10,000 FKATUIIB AT THE PAGE TONIGHT "Satan" is a religious masterpiece based upon Blblcan nnd current history. Tho first reel owes Its dor Ivatlon to tho "Paradlso Lost" of the Immortal Milton, carrying us through tho first stages of tho Blblo Illustrating tho first sin In tho Gar den of Eden, and so on up to tho Christ era. Tho second reel deals on tho cruci fixion. Illustrating that ovent in tho most realistic manner possible It is based upon "The Messiah," by Klopstok. Tho third, fourth nnd fifth reels start In mediaeval times and pro gress right up to today,. tomorrow or tho day after. The picture holds your spellbound Interest from the first to tho last, and Is unlike tho majority of relig ious subjects. Inasmuch as It Is full of action it need not necessarily bo regarded as a religious subject, but more as tho title Implies, tho drama of humanity. At the Page theater tonight onjy. , Funeral Notice. Tho funeral'servlces over tho re mains of Teresa Maria Prim, widow of the lato P. P, Prim, who died ut Chicago, Juno , will beheld from the residence of Chas. Prim at Jack sonville Monday, June 1C, at 2 p. m. Services will also bo hold at the cem etery, when the remains aro Interred by the sldo ot her husband, who died In Sun Francisco In 1909. Presbyterian Church Preaching at 11 a. m.; preaching ut 8 p. m.; Sunday school nt 10 a. in.; special miiHJc in tho morning and evening: tho chorus will sing at tho evening service, solo by MIhs Hanco. The quartet will furnish special mu- slo In the morning; J. O. E. at 3 p. m.; 8. C. B. at '7 p. in.; prayer meet ing Thursday ovonlngs at 8 o'clock. Medford Ministers' Association This association will mcot in tho study of tho Christian church on Monday At 10 a. m. All ministers and all who desire mo rcmiasted most cordially to attend, Rov, E, O. Eldrldgo will read a paper Monday morning. W, F. SHIELDS, Sccrotury. J MEDFORD. ORKCIOff. -SATURDAY, .TUNE M, lOW. BUD'S ADMIRERS FORM SYNDICATE -L ' Bud Anderson, who Is visiting friends In, Medtord and other town of tho lloguc ltlvcr valley, Is appar ently not worried ovor tho objection raised Thursday night against hU Joining tho Klkn lodge of this city, Hud refuses to talk on tho matter, except to sny that ho "guesses ev erytnlng will come out all right." Manager Dick Donald will InnYo about tho middle ot next week for Los Angeles apd will prepare tho training camp, at Venice tor llud'u arrival a few dajs later. Owing to tho difficulty Und's Med ford followers hnvo lu placing their bets, n thoroughly organised betting committee Is to leave this city for Los Angeles several days before tho Independence day bout nnd will tnko !iU Medfnrd's Andomni money with them and placo It at tho best avail able edd: Itud sns lie eTpcrtH lo beat Cross easily and his statement has gtvon further Impetus to tho An durson causu lu this city. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOIl SALE A fine S-ryllnder Kco nutit In ntcH condition. 1330. For salo or trade A Clipper printing press, 9x12, with typo and fixings; this Is cither foot or power driven: nlo cabinet orgnn, will soil or trndo for most nny- tnlng, even woed: you sco tins ail but this time. Geo. F. Djer, 1 1 1 1 X. C st., phono 9CC-X. 72 FOB RENT B-room modern, 4-room 'partly furnished hnuso. 009 W. Jackson, phono 39J-J, 83 FIRE INSURANCE . It. WOOD .V: CO. Offlco Upntalrs. Medford Mall Tribune Building. Phenes: Otflco, Oil. Residence 034, Granta! Talks Abut Babies Has a large Circle of Listeners Who Profit by tier VIdom end Experience, In roost any community there's a ersnd ma who knows Mother's Fritnd. It wai b$k&L tier experitneo and recommendation that led o many expectant tuotUort to derive the comfort and blvcilog of tbU famous rem edy. It Is applied eiter tcmally to the alxlo lntn. stomach and breasts, allays all pain, avoid all uatuta, ami presents caklna of too Imaits. It is quickly and wonderfully penetrat ing $o that the imtsflm ctpnnd without strain, and ptrparu tho rtcm so thor lughly that the crlals U pas?d alraoH with out the tllgbtrU dlntrrM. No Ix-ttcr adtlce can bo given the expect ant motlior I linn to tucscst the um- ot Mother's Frleod. Hhe take enurae from the start. Tim days will bo cheerful, tho nlclita n-stfuL. You can otitaln Iifotbra Friend of any drordt at $1.00 a bottle. Do oat fonet to bo supplied with thin crest help to moth, erhood. Wrltn liradAeid itrculntor Co., 2oU Lamar Bid., Atlanta, Oa., for their Instructive took for uxpectaut mothers. BREAKFAST" LUNCH or DINNER . Flno light Rrou, Mutflus, Biscuits, Cakes or Pastry aro (wclcomo, It will always bo good wholo soino food If raised with CRESCENT BAKING I POWDER Which Hover falls to ralso tho dough leaving It light but not dry. 'Mo Per Lb, AhIj Your Grocer Crcuccnt Manufacturing Co. Seattle, Wiuli, I HlxBMB,SHPjPrV'lp9lBSB FLAG OAY IS OBSERVED BY ELKS J I,, , ( Ting Day is being nliHuvvoil In Med fovtl thlrt nl'loruoou nt Iho Pngo Thea ter uiuler nuMnii'CH of Iho Klks. Tho progrum follow h: MuhIo "yiur riimnglcil Knunor1' . . . Orchesl in Introductory KxcrcUes, KMilted Unlet' nnd Officers Prayer . ... , , , Chaplain Solo, "My Heart nt Iho Sweet Voice" Aim by Saint Fiiens ,.Mr. (loo. AndrewH Fliir llccortl Dim Xewhury Allnr Service .Kmiulio nnd Officer Solo, "llnrbnm Fillehle" , .Mr. (leo. Andrew Klks' Trihnlo to tho Flag , , L. S. Ilcvcriilgo Solo, "Springtide" hv llivker. . ......... .Mien l'hoehrt Ilnilcc l'atrinlio Athlrcfm A. 1'. Ilenmes Song, "Aniericn".. Whence Tho titling of an artificial ejo re-lulre- n degrcu of hkllt nnd nrtlotlr nblllly vose-"t by erj few pntc tltlonent In lilts lino of Iniilne, If J on iiihhI Midi ii ncnleo call nt my office mi be coin luted flint I iiudcrMiiiid it tlinrtiugbly. lilt. ItU'KKItT l'ilglit SKclnllt Oier KtitUirr. FOR SALE 1 gray team, 1SS0 lbs, each 1 bay team, 1200 lbs. each 9KHMK) E.H.Westerfield i'iioi:.ix, oiti:. , I'lione llll. I. Whonovor you nay anything say Homothlng worth whllor Say ".Mislford llnkery (lornU for Mc." The ipuillty will bring u tilensaut uinllu. MEDFORD BAKERY & DELICATESSEN 4'j's. Ciir! E.D.Weston Official Photoeraphor of the Medford Commercial Glub lAmatoui' Finishing Post Cards ' ' Panoramic Work Portraits Interior and exterior views Flash lights Nogativcs rnado any time and any place by appoint ment. t t 208 E. Main Phono 1471 FAMOUS SOCIALIST 0I1AT0I1 TO SPEAK AT MEDFORD l)r, W. Ulcs of Toliulti, Ohio, liin greul tunjriuiuo uilil Imnlt Willor, )ln in also n powerful Icelurer. "Wljlo yd a youhg iiinn ho him npont must nf hi life righting lo free Ihe laborer front Ihclr oppvciiivenciH. lining n union iiinn hiuiKcIf ho Iiiih phiyeil n jmwerfiil part in Ihe horiihln of hor rililo eonililloiiM in Wett Virginia. The inlne onoiV hiiulloi'il or ratlnM mel heepor where he hnd Hlnppetl fdr til uighl, cntiio nl him with hi iifle, 01 dried lilen nut, tdinl ut him wlien Itll'H wan on tho nttcel, All InlioieiH ami union ieuto whtmht henr Ihtrt vyoiulerful Hpenlter, ? For Those Tired Aching Feet of Yours YOUWIIjl.J'MNDItl'lljIKIAT BEHLINQ'S Shoos litTt! art' suh'ciotl of ulinMo loallici'. velvet diid canvas. MM 113 WI(lllTSl!OK KOK i 10 1 IT NOW Wo I.lko To I'll Behlings ART EXHIBIT W. Q. M'DONALD THE ARTIST EXPLORER Is exhibiting it collect inn of his paintings at .'10 North (Vntral Street, next door to poKtolTieo anil cor dially invites all intercnted in art to call and nee this collection. Siskiyou Heights Now i the t;hne to make selection of lots and tracts in this magnificent residence district. SEE JOHN A. TORNEY ROOM 1, PALM BLOCK The stronger and rougher . whiskey tastes the more harm it will do. Why take chances with your nerves, your stomach, your general health. II'? i :' U Cyru Noble It pure, old and palatable Ilottlcd at drinUiiiK itrcuutli, Stdd all over the world, JV. J. Van Schnyvcr & Co., General Agents Portland, Oregon PAGE THEATRE ONE NIGHT ONLY "SATAN" ' OR "THE DRAMA OF HUMANITY" if i u t i In Five Reela One Mile of Film ii Covering .tho ontiro hinlory of Uio world .dating from tho ImniHhnicnt of Lntiifer and the Dark Angels from Heaven, to the present day. A RELIGIOUS PICTURE That is full of action fr&in hoginning to end. "A Hiil;jeet that w Hiiro lo appeal t evoryone. t ADMISSION 10 AND 15 CENTS - i . . i . In fuel nil Mcilfnnl hIhiiiIi! hcur him. lie will ho hero fur u nioiilli mmiiI(Iiik in .Int'leion cnuiity, llln llvsl upeceh In In ho hi Ihe I'ngu 'riicnlpi', Wnli'h for niiimuiicenicnl. GOOD PICTURES AT THE ISIS THEATER Tlio ImIh theater will rthow nn oilier one of their special twn-ioul features tonight, "A I'liglllvo at Hay." This Is an eiipeclnlly good plcturo mill all nhould sou It. TIiIh mi a 1101110111111' will, bo followed by three ollmr golnl nlctiuo. ami lifted. ' 'MllHll! Legal blanks tot sale at' tho Mall Trlhunn offlcn tf ClHld I'lt Nboo Htnro l'lio llni.l To Fit ,ir,fiTlWlty t "-" -- !T .tftt 4-f . ,4M 1 . ' ' I r ' it M-l .f v ii -..a a ii ' te'rtWJu''' " . - . '