trim nuii m stem stfMt MEDFORD Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair Maximum 0(1, mint mum -Hi. vfe Korly.llilni Your. Ilnlly- Kliilith Vnnr. MKDJTOItD, 0HK00N, HATHUMY, JVSK 11, 1J)1. NO. 72. Mail CLAIM WILSON MED NOTTO MOLEST SUGAR MINISTRY MAY FALL AS RESULT OFSPECULATION Letter Introduced at Insidious Lobby Prolic From Sujjar Mnker Clnlmlnu President, When Candidate, Prom ised not to Injuro Sugar Duslness. WASHINGTON, J m 1 1. A real kciiniiIIoii wm sprung tit Hie "Itmiil -Inn lobby" inv'Hlliiiiui hero tiultiv hiUerptiioillii;r to Hhow lltnl Pii'mMi-iiI Wilnuii hut September pioiuUciI Ihe sugar Interests tlinl. If III well' elected, In would lint undent Hi heel sugar linliiMlr.v. was rend to the sennit) sub-eotumitlee. Tln let Ir h'iih signed Iiv W. II. Wallace mid wiih mlilri'MHt'il In W. It. llnlhuwnv, M'l'rclitry of the MiHilKtui Sugar eompnnv. Wallace I general malin ger llf t ll Hlltlllt (MlllllltltlV. Tln letter was itiliiiiti'il to evidence ilimtiK lli cvniidunlinii of lliitliitwnv. It salt! Hint WiliUill llllil mndo till" prmiiiiMt to Wallace mi September l'l mill iIihI ni September I), tit Saginaw, Mii'li., ho made n similar priiinlo I" V l'r'illHIt OlIlluIlIM (if llll' Mlllllo cioitpniiy. (IimmI Will Hlok llnllmwiiy win on tlit stand fur mi lutiir. lit spent taoHt uf IhU limp Irying tu explain to the euuimitlccmrii luiw lilt I'ompnuv lui'l added fi.ono,. 000 u ll Hltirk for "good will-" llcnrv (hiiard wiih the next wi. iipm. Hi' honMed tluit for I went v- fiwi vcar lie 'hnd fought every lull threatening Hit well ItpiitK "f ll' gtir Industry." Ouiurd said his com puny ssmt $110,000 fighting Cnhin iccipmcity, nml lltnl the llnvctuejer oiiipiinv npi'iii t7ri0.nn. He a. scrtml, however. Unit till lliU money wiih spent Ipglttmntrly. After Omiiinl wn pcucd lbs cnintiilttee niljuiirtii'il (o Momliiy. JIH II Week IOIIKT Declaration llml the "Insldlim lobby" prolio mnv continue several weeks longer wns made liri loday Iiv Si'iinlor Leo H. Overman of North Carolina, chairman tif Hit' senate suli-comiuittro enrrviug on the in-M-Hlijfiilton. Overman hniinunccil In wunlil request nulhorltv to indefinite y coulinuo tint Itupiiry. It wiih iippiirt'tit tmlny lltnl forty subpoenaed wilnees here will Ik tumble lo lent If v unless Hi" time Iittit is extended. The committee wnuls to Htiuly jtf-t liow fur lobhviilshnvc p. nc In furnishing "piilftit inside" to newspapers. EGAN MEETS DEFEAT FROM CHICK E Sl'ATTLK, Wnsli., Jim 1. "('hifk" Kviiiih, jniilnr, wpflcrn pilf I'humpion of lln li'titii of tlio Mnl illu WVhIitii uolforrt who nru iitvini tnt imIiiIiHhIipiI u mnv nmntiMir 1..0..1.I fur tliu Scnttlii (lulf i'IiiIi links Iiito wht'ii liD iliil tho i'IrIiIi-pii IiuIok in llll Klrolii'H. Tho fiiimor iiiunti'iir n-conl wiih 711 Mrub's for tllll IHIIirHL'. Tim hivmliiur I'oiiliiiBi'nt iiunlo nnuv U'.irL- nf tilt) llil'kl'll I Oil Ml llf Noi'th WfHli'rti unlfiiiH, winniiiK every inutcli plnji-il Frldtiy. Tim M-ctmil uf tho Kdii'ti uf Inlcrnutiiiiml iiiiiIcIiim ln'Hiin a 10 o'cluuk this immiliiR. I'Viilny'K ithiiIIh follew: Chirk Kvtum beat 1 1, riimiilliir Kstui 18 tju 0 In piny. Kroner lljill bent J. . MiUlornon, f) up nml t) to piny. II. I.e bent .1. Neville, 2 up. W. K. Wood bent A. V. MeC'un, 7 up nml 0 In )lny. llownril I.eo bent V,. Ibivin, 10 up nml !l to )lny. ('nil Devnl bent A. H. Kerry 5 up nml -I lo piny. ASSASSIN SHOOTS AT BANKER THROUGH WINDOW OANANIOA, Hoiuirn, Mexico, .liino 14, Henry lleniHteln, niHltlor of tlio Miiiciintllo llnhlcliiK Compnny of Ciuinueii, today Hon Hliot nnil proh ulily fatally wounded nt IiIh lipmo lioro. An unldontlflod UBHiUlnnt, who flrod two Hhota thioiiKli u window nt lleinatoln. oBdipod. Hoth hullotH took nffpiit, ono IoiIkIhk In tho ah doiium mid tho olhor in tho leu. Uorimtolu la uu Amorli'iiii. Vote on Acceptance of Report on Cabinet Scandal In Great Crlllan Expected to Oe Close Supporters Admit Error In Judomcnt. COLONEL NELSON WINS CASE F0n FREEDOM LONDON', June H - Co in in rut I iik on the tiiirlliiineutnry report to thu houi) o( romiudiii iilmidviiiK MrlllBh ralilnot inlnliiterH from nil lilmuu In riiniii'i'lloii with the ncniuhln nller.ii'l In hnvo nurroundeil rertnln routraciH lietweiin the uotiiruinimt nml the MiiM-oul WlreletN nimtKiii)', lllieriil iH'WdiiiMrit admltti'd I'dllorlully that (Hmnt'HItir David l.lnyil.tli'orito mid Attorney (Jcurral Kir ItuftiN Ihiimph erred In JudKiiieiit. Thu vole on adoption or rejection of the report, which will lm lallu-i In lln' lominoiiN next wcnk, U uxprrt ed lo lie very eloe, ttiid ll Im ponidtdu Hint tli Koveruiueut may Im difi-t'.-iid liernuae of the ilUKfitlxftictlun of inaiiy lahor uwtnhern. 'I'lui parlliimeutnry n-porl declnrud t tut t Dm romiullteit wlilih luvet; Killed lliu affair round no tumlx for the ehnrKPH made nKalmit l.loyd (leoriie, lnmiPH nml I'oxtuitixter-Oen ernl llerhert I., Hiiuiuel, and nxiurted I lint nil of the tulnlMem rouri'rned ncted In the liollef that thero wax netlilni: In their ni'tlmiN whlih would conflict with their public duilex i ' TSKh MINERS IVES TELLOFINSULTS FROM MILITIA SENATOR OVERMAN HEAD OF SENATE LOBBY INQUIRY Armored Train Carrylntj No Lights Swept Strikers Tents Willi Bullets Prisoners Forced to Sit In Front of Galllnu Guns Diirlnq Daytime! They are not koIiik to rend Colo nel V It NcIboii, pulillnlicr of the ICnnxnM City Star, to Jail for tdx uiouthH or nil) other term for con tempt of a KaiiKnx City court. The colonel, nfter n Ioiik IIkIiI, Iiiim JiihI won IiIh cnxe, it ml officially limrnel that even n court iiiuxt ohuy the law nml Km fornix. Mix newxpuper exprexxed IIm uplnloii of n JiiiIko thre, nml lliu JiiiIkii, taking offmiMi xeutemeit him to n period In JmII after a n'irl if mock trial In the JiiiIkd'h home Hut the IiIkIi court, helUK coillpoH.'d uf .MlnxourlliUM, find to ho "hIiiiwii ' NET DRAWS CLOSER T CANCELS LAMS AN Ni:V VKttTMINaKTi:it. It C, Jiinn H. l.'llher today or Monduy will decide the fate of Martin Powell of Detroit, the Hank of .Montreal rob liery Hiixpert, who linn made a wtroni; flKht iiKnliixt extradition, having fniiKht the cam from the lower court to the tiupremo court of the Culled Ktntex. ThlN In I'owell'H laxt chance for freedom. .Una ncrordliiK to C. K. Ahernx, chief of I'lukertnn deter tlvi'H for thu iiurthwnd, who wnn In the clly )tHlrday, tho rime of the ChlniKti Hatooukeepern who nre clmrni'd with hiivliu; xtolcu Hank of Montreal money In thvlr ponnexxlon, will come up In the latter city tho early part of the wok, with n pos nihility of the ncciiHod helm: Indict ed mid Kent to the county court for trial. ThlH, with the trliiln of Chan. Demi nml John McN'aniiira about to tnko tdare In New Wextmlnxter, will iiKnlu brim: the branch bank of Montreal robbery nf two year ao when IU74.0UO wiih Htolen from the bank prominently before tho public VENTURA, fal., Juno 1 l.-Joo lliverri, tho pick of lliu AiiReles liKlitweilitu, will he allow ed lo train for bin ehnmpinuship mutch with Willie Ititebiu in Sun lYmwiHco .Inly I iinilisliiibeil hy court proeeetliiiKH. Rivera "oakcil" u milkmun here tliiriiiir ii dispute over the liuht of way lo n road. Today the battery cliuie iiKiiinst him is put over until niter July -I. The milkman, nlill nursinc; a broken jnw, uppearetl in court yeHterduy nml coiiht'iitcd to thu poslpuuement, "If I luul known wlio il wiik I win Inekllne; there would Imvo hoen no l'ilit," Im Htiid. BY JACOB FURTH SI'.ATTLi:, Wiihli.. Juno 1 1. Two Mntmilioim were HpruiiK in fpijerul court loiluy when cliuuw pnteuted hi yenra 110 by Jneoh Furtb, were Mill celled on ground of fraud, mid when ('. lfownrd, until recently Tinted StnleH juile here, wiik shown to buu been involved in the deal uh nttor tipy. The eonleulioii of the coverutnent was Hint .Jacob Furtb nml the What com County Ituihvuy nml I.ilitin company procured pnteulH 011 litrjje trnelH af land in the Mount linker ininini: district on (be uroniul that viilunblu minerul deHi"itH had bee:i found, wliile in fuel, the trnels were obtained became of water Hiwer de velopment poxMlditic-. Thin eonlcnlion wni upheld by Jude CihIiiiiuii mid the claims were enuecllcd. ROSE CARNIVAL ENDS CIIAItl.cnTON. W. Vn, Juno 11 - Tho end of the Ken ate Rtili-cointnlt-tco'x InvextlKntlon nf xtrlke comll tloim In tlin Went Virginia coal field Ih In xli;ht. Todny tin vtlvux of tl.o Htrlkera will tell of thu KiiffcrlnB nml IiihiiIU they enilured. On Mondn) the mine operator will haw their InnliiKH. TIiIh will clone thu Invontl Kntlou mo far an tho actual InkliiK or teMtlmouy Id coucuriteil. Kcnator Kcnyon, who Inn charo of thu Inquiry Into ncliiul romlltlonx probably will return to tho Mtrljcn dlhtrlct alone, for further InvextlKti tlon. Mtrlker, toittlfled that mlno Kiiardn xtrlker; textlfflud that initio Kii..rdx Htnppfd hor and two kIM frlendM while en route Uit ccinetury where her two children were hurled. She Maid Mho merely wanted to put Mod ern on their Kravcx, hiu ,1(10 mine Kimrdx drove toe in bark. J. II. I'lkc uwore ho wam In a mln er' cmi on tho nlKht of Cehruary 7 when nn nriuored train carr)lns no itKhtM came up alone tho cr'crf and Mwcpt the tent with bulletx. He nworo tho mlnerx did not return the fire, ns they liad no nrnix. Luther lludncll tcMtlflod that mine r.nnnlH nrrcoted him last July and linprlxnned him nt Mucklow. Tao lirlsotierM, ha Maid, were furred to lt in front of (latllni; Kunx In the daytime. Twenty-thife men, ho altl, wore penned In uno box car nt nlKht. l Offlclairof tho United .Mine Work er! of America. Indicted for viola tion of the Sherman antl-truxt law, appeared before United States Judi;o Keller today and cave bond for $17.- 000 for their appearance for trial November lfi. All tho nccuned of flclalu appeared except John I'. White, prexldcnt o'f tho orRaulxatlon, and ChnrloM llattley, Itomo Mitchell and CoorKP lMmoudH. They will ap pear later. I N 1U RENEW mm of msm Reply of United States to Mikado Vill Be Submitted to Cabinet and to Ambassador Chinda Next Tues day, States Secretary Bryan. $2 A DAY LEAST COST OF LIVING LOS ANGELES Senator I.eo 8. Overman of North Carolina and the othnrs named with him on the InveMlftatlnn of the president' charne that nn "Itmldl oiik lobby" wax In Waxhlnnton to In fliieiKo RiinatorK nu tho tariff bill Iiiim been punhliiK the luiulry no hard that It Ih believed hero xoino real facta will bo dlncotercd. While II wom tho Intention to limit the In quiry to ten dad. It U now well xct tied that mure time inuxt Ihi kIvoii by th hiiiate GALLOWAY HOLD F OAKTiANIl, Cnl., Jiinn 31. INrys (cry Hurroiintlrt thu disappeiuiiuee of N. W. Aniihlien, 11 forester in thu forestry depatiiuenl of tho ovem nieiit. lie dropped from HJlit Mun- dny nielli, while velurniuK lo his home in Herkeloy. Anusbeo disnppenred nfler olieek iui; ids liuiiilliiiKKlKl) nt the Oakland inolo. lie hud been 11 way about mx weekn, tiinlier cviuhui in thu noith PORTLAND, Ore., June II. I'orllnudV week of IVhtivities nltend nul upon Hie Ittxe eiiruivul will come lo nn end louii;ht with n repctitio ' of lite eleelrienl pitrnde nllej;orienlly depicting Hie flowers mid uciuh of the Htnte. The jinrnde will be followed by tho "Revels of the MiiM)iurx," revival nf (he Mardi Uras spirit. EUROPE TO DEMAND BULGARIARMY DISBAND "-l ' ' Ll ' " SOFIA, June 1 1. -A colleelivo do maud for demobilization of tho Hul Kiirimi iirmy tin soon nn (ho cnbinet in rpeonslrueled is to be mndo by Hie Kmopemi powera, nenorddiK to re ports received hero todny. FBmmniE AHEMPT TO BURN OREGON CITY JAIL OREGON CITY, Or., Juno It. Kfforla are being mndo today to fix tho rcHponxlhlllty for an alleged attempt to burn tho county Jail here, where fifteen men nro confin ed on charges of having Incited the riot which early Tuesday morning resulted In tho temporary closing of tho paper mills hero. Tho odor of mnoko attracted tho attention of eiuplo)ca In tho county offices over tho Jail and Sheriff .MaH wan notified. With tho uso of n small hose, tho Bhorlft extin guished tho blare, which was found to hnvo originated In a ventilating plo that runs from tho Jail Into n vault In which tho records of tho county nro stored. Tho plpo was found stuffed with paper mid rags, which had been Ignited. STATE IRRIGATION SCHEME IS LEGAL 8AI.I:.m Or , June H. Judge Gal loway of the circuit court this morn ing hold that the law providing for tho reclamation of tho ColumbU Southern project, now known as tjjp Tumola project, U constitutional, and (lNmlsxed tho application of L. II. McMalmn for an , Injunction re straining Secretary of Stnto Olcott and Stnto Trenxnrer Kay from pay ing out any of tho $(50,000 appro priated by the legislature. WASHINGTON, Juno 14 Offl: lat notification Hint Japan dcslrci a renewal of tho five-year general ar bitration treaty, expiring August 21, was served on Secretary of Stnto llrynn hero today by Viscount Chlndu, the Japaneno ambassador. Secretary Hryan expressed gratlflca Hon over the situation, nssertlng that It Indicated that tho Japanese-California dispute will bo settled amic ably. llrynn also announced today that Hip reply of tho United States gov ernment to the Japaneso rejoinder In diplomatic correspondence ovr tlw California alien land law uill bo submitted to tho cabinet on Tues day and will bo handed to Viscount Chinda, tho Japaneso ambassador on tho sumo day. Tho secretary of state todny do. dared that tho government has no official advlcos of u reported shake- up In tho Mexican cabinet. Ho In dicated that American recognition of tho Huerta government Is still ro-mote. City Commission Reports That Mini mum "Suuslstance" Wage Should Be $12 a Week and Llvlncj Wage Should Be Double the Amount. . EL TEST OF MAJORITY WASHINGTON, June 11. Demo crats here todav think the oito-mnn filibuster conducted bv Senator Jones, republican of Washington, for thu lust fortnight, otdouxihly tu foreo the democrats to give mi extra clerk to each republican senator, is really intruded to lie ti republican last of tho ileinoernth' ability, to hasten the discussion of tho tariff. Jones has been pulling continually for n tpiocum. Ho expects to force Hie democrats to maintain a quorum nil bummer, mid it is now feared there will be 110 adjournment of eon grt'hS before September. County Judge Ton Velio Riiturdiiy iiwnided Iho following widows pen pen seons: Jlary Klifciibelh I'nyne, Med ford, $l7.f)lj Cnrriu Hello Leavenworth, .lneksouville, $17.50; Mnry Johnston Daw, Trail, $10. Fair Weather Predicted. PORTLAND, Ore., Juno i4. Ore. reu: Fair tonight nnd Sunday, ex cept Hhnwcrs tonight northwest pur- ein pun ot lliu tiinio nml m iNovnuu. uon, buiuiiwobi to west vnuia, EMBEZZLES $200,000 HONOLULU, Juno 14. Sentenco will bo passed Juno 1G upon Charles K. Mngulru, county, auditor of Ha waii, who has pleaded guilty hero today of shortages aggregating $200,000, It Id hinted Hint n largo number of others will eventually Do Implicated In tho crimes fur which Magulro la hold. DISTRICT ATTORNEY REAMES OFF TO VISIT SICK SISTER 1'ORTLAND, Oie., June Vl United Slates District- Attorney Clavoueo L. lleames received a tele pram from Carson City todny Hint hia sister, Mrs, C. L. Morrison, is erilicnlly 111. lie will leave for Cnr Min City uu the Shtibtu Limited to. light. E ACCEPTABLE TO ITALY WASHINGTON, June ll.-Notifi-cation that Thomas Nelson Pngo will bo ncccptnblo ns American nmbassn dor to Italy was received here tmlny from Rome. It is now believed Presi dent Wilson will send Page's nomi nation to Uio Honato with other di plomatic appointments next week. FATHER SUES SON CHICAGO. June VI. When the triumphant Miffnigu lobbyists" re, tamed here today from Springfield. where they nided in securing the franchise for Illinois women, they met n welcome from several hundred men nnd women .sympathizers who, with n band, gave Hicm n demonstra tion ut the railway station. The whole throng then paraded to Hie art institute, whore n mnss meeting of felicitation was held. In the parade, fashionably gowned women trudged hnppy, heeding not the laughs of tho crowd along the way. Prominent among them was Mrs. J. W. Morrison, secretary of tho Po litical '-'quality League, who carried her six-weeks-old (laughter ns tho fenlurc of the show. OF SENATOR I.OS ANORLB3, Cal., Juno 14. Declaration that a great many work ers In Los Angeles dot not rccclvo a living wago nnd recommendation for tho appointment of a pormancnt, log ally constituted Industrial commis sion, representing both capital 'and labor, to promoto tho welfare and living conditions of wngo workors, was contained In a report filed hero today by tho Industrial cdmHilsslon appointed three months ngo to In vestigate wage conditions In Los An geles. Tho report will bo considered next Tuesday by tho city council. Ono or tho mnlnTfeaturen of. the report Is tho analysis of a-'subslat- onco wage" In contrast with a "liv ing wago." Tho commission flndu that a "subsistence wagb" Is not, lower than $2 a day or $12 a'week. and that a "living wage" certainly Is not less than twico that, or $4 a day. "Wo uso tho term 'living wage' In a different senso from tho expres sion 'subsistence wngo'," says the, commission. "If a worker wears second-hand clothing begged from somo charitable committee,, scav enges some of his food from. the gar bage cans and street sweepings of tho public market (as your commit tee has seen done), sleeps anywhere and dies early from preventable Ill ness, such a worker can support such existence, whllo It lasts, on a Tory saiall wo co. . . "A 'living wage should "WT'suH!:- lent to provide for at least the fol lowing elements of living: A gram mar school education, wholesomo food, respectable clothes and somo of tho pleasures of living a family life, care in tlmo ot sickness and pro vision for old age. "Anything less than $2 a day Is so inadequate in this city to pro vide a living ns above defined that any necessity for able-bodied adults to work for less Is a public disgrace, calling for Immediate correction by the community. Your committee be lieves that probably twice $2 per day, tow-wit, $4 por day, is th min imum wngo that can be spoken of as a 'living wage In Los Angelca city." RUATTLK, Wash., Juno 11. Charging hits sou, A. 1 Hutton, with crowding him out of tho firm which ho started, John Hutton, SS, filed suit today in tho suporlor court ask ing for lUfl.OOO. Tho elder Hutton bays that In 1SD1 ho organized tho Hutton Machine works ami' took his sou In with dm to ,glvo tho boy a start In lfo and that tho son gradu ally crowded his fathor out of tho business and finally Induced him to LOS ANGKLr'S, Cal., Juno 11. C. 11. Ercanbrach ot Santa Barbara was arrested thero this afternoon by federal officers and brought here to faco charges of offering United States Senator John I). Works a $1000 bribe. A federal Indictment against Erc anbrach accuses him of trying to cor nipt Works In order to obtain tho appointment ns postmaster of Santa Uarburu. Ercanbrach was arrested shortly before 2 o'clock and Is being brought to Los Angeles In custody of Deputy United States Marshal Er vln Dingle. Ercanbrach was Indicted by tho fedora! graud jury, tho Information being kopt secret. Assistant United States Attorney Webb presented the ovldenco to tho grand Jury. A letter written to Senator Works and signed by Ercanbrach was the principal evidence. It Is us follows, In part: "As our own congressman, Smith, Is no more, I want to talk a little business wth you. I would Ilko the postmaster's appointment at Santa Durham. I will glvo you $1000 If 1 get tho appointment." FOOTPADS HOLD UP BERT MILLER; GET C" Bert Miller who works nt tho Med ford Hotel wus held up by two foot pads in front of tho Schermerhorti residence on North Grnpo street Fri day evening while on his way home. He saw two men separate, one walk ing pact him. Tho other accosted him and asked if ho had any money. Ho said "not much." "Hand it over," snid the ono who had walked' past and returned, ?o that Miller wan between the two. 'And he did, nbour, $2 in change. They did not seared him or they would have secured his purse. ESOLA SENTENCED FIVE YEAR TERM SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Juno 11. Former Deleetivo Frank Ksola, re cently convicted of sharing in tho illiuit earnings of a ring of Italian bunco men today was sentenced to servo five vears in Fnlsom nrisnii be soil out for $1000. Ho wants this jmiL, l)unm. Km1h nroinised lo settlement sot nsldo, limku a fu eonfsioiu P PARACHUTEOFFBALLOON' PORTLAND, Oro., June 14.-r-P.o-lioved today lo bo tho fimt timo in tho northwest that such a feat Iwb. been attempted, four men mndo huo-, eessful parachute drop? from a bal loon. Tho balloon had attained n heighth of 2000 feet when tho first man cut looso, followed by the oilier three at one minute intervals, t ' Tlioso who mndo tho ascensions, were: Daylo Kitld, Preston Crosby, Thomas MeClain nnd Ralph Cnrhard. WASHINGTON Juno VL Prcsi-, dent Wilson, despito roporttf Hint he" would not play there, today golfed cm, tho exelusivu Chevy Chase ItukW with . his physieian, Dr. Grayson. Tlnu president was resplendent in whito duck trousora. 1U V: I' Mi u 1I 4:t 9 l i . V St- li. f ' it Av V