Tfi Q f Mutt Almost Got Hold of a 5 lit, X KNOW VOW. 1'fA Crvii civ vow a iwoa job. You V? TAKC " wc .;; ""vi. op nicciotTo -ilii!iJ:iJVNU Ksv r J OKA NTH 1AHH. Jutin 13 -Tint iuiiiw ni din (lolil Drill iliim wuru Ntnrlixl Wuilimtulay nli;lit for'tlm (Iml limn HiIk ihmwiii In tiMl lliiun mil, nml TliunHluy niortHiiK n Htriwni of ,lli'ul wnu liirnml Into t ho illlelnw on. Km north ulilo of lli rlwr Tlio ilrut, wiih found to lm In irollnnt roinlltloii. Tlio oirntlon of (Ik plnut Ik in rlinrKo of ltuclvr Wlinrlon, who will rplloot from llm wntur imitm ill i (Kit for Itiii norvleun ttiU hiuoii If tlm court tom not ordor dim lo up. upt t lit propoiwl of tin IIokuo Itlvcr I'utillo Hcrvlio I'orporntlon for n liiino, iiiou tlio pro'iony, U thu li'iui,ln urdorod inntli. tlio wntnr ui itni will of coiiriM) ontor Into iirrnnKc iniiuti with iln how ruroprntlon. iti'ci;lvr Wlmrlon ami tlio wntor im ru Imvo ncriH-d ujioti u rntn of $S por iirro for tlio netitou, nml In tin iiKlKlduirliood of SCO urn on tlm nottlv nldu win KUiirautovd nt tbo ruin, r Wlmli'Vor tlm ucilon of tlio roiirtjnii tlio nppllciitlnu for tlio Icnuo tlm fnrmcr on tlio uortli ulilo nro ummrccl filler for llm houioii BRONCHO FEATURE AT THE STAR THEATER TODAY I 4 A flpcutnipilnr military nnd nnvnl production antltlod "The Oroy Hon tlnid.y U to bo nlioMii on tlm Star Norvoii today mid tomorrow. It la n imttorfiil drnuintlc Htory of lovo and war, roiiiiuico nnd ituiiiintlon, wliorolu )ln l'ulcru, n loynl rout horn boy, In von. draco Carnon, (Uuuhtyr of tlio UlththoiiKo keupor. Ilia rival, John Adnma, U nil officer nt Wont Point. Wliouj tlm war break out, Adauin oatcualhly reilK'iH lit cummlaNlou nnd tintom tint aouthorn army, but, la qncretly n py for (ho union forcun. This eoiifcdernten plan to land a cargt) from a blocKado riiunor, nud Adanm nntlflva tho union aoldlorp, who plant u cannon at thn wnter'a udRo nud Mink tlm hl. I'oturu dlncovora Adnma' treachery nnd In n terrific hand'to hand "htruKKlo I'olerH In hurled over thn cliff, nud la found nud revived by tho, IlKhthnuao keeper, who take n ahot nt Adaiua nud brlnca lilm down na he U earnpluit lu u rowhont. Thi)' "(Inumont Weekly" nnd two ttojHtouo comedlea, couatltutea otm of tho bout balanced iirosrantn of tho uen non. t . . MEDFORD BOY TO DE ' 0. A. C. LIEUTENANT i OKKOON AOKIOUI.TUUAIi COl, I.HOIJ, Corvnllln, Ore., Juno III. Mll(tify eommlHalonu for tho cadet uflcora of tho Oreuon AiirlciiUurnl collmie for 101H-1I Imvo Juat buen aniiiMuired by tlm commandant. Tho now ondot rolunol lu llonry Odeou of l'orllanil, with II. IU Howard of Corvajlln iih llmitonnut colonel, OoiamlMaloiiu for thlrteon rocoud loutoauulH wero nlao Rrnutcd uh fol lows! i lloujnmlu Kddy, llOHobuno (J, U, Onkea, ICntorprlMn; O, II, Htnuff, Oooutoii! V. 13. Wobor, Ilrowimvllloi II, B. Jlluckdou, AMhlnud; J, 0. Slttr lcy, Medford; It. W. Arouu, Now Yorit city; J. I. KobortH, Dover; h, J. Al len, (Jovo; I. M. lOmory, OorvalllB; William (liirdluor, Oolorndo HprIiiKi Colo,'; IC. II. Kanwoon, IIoIbo, Idnho; nud Frod M, Mlllor, Albony. UNWRITTEN LAW PLEA FAILS TO SAVELMURDEKER . .vi ; ASTORIA,; Ore,., 4miv . .-yJiuik V, Atlniim Ih today iimlor Hontenoo lo he liiu)0(l..July IH for killiuu Dnnmy Cluun(iiuluiii I'ebnmry 7. Aclunm i'oiniili L'litijnliorlnlu in IiIh Homu nml nliol Mm to death. err nifcO kT '.i rv r.r, g? fti aiir2ia:v vk cs . i sn. ' . - if nilMnO OTAnTm AlinnIIIC CPnOrn flVIMP DrDflDTPD i"-v (i,1',l' 1,! l,ctng "l""t ""l(''' "f iKl1k.nt-iiousim i-on SAU-ymcvA.UAsr.ovs imi.VKH iim:crouy r IIIV r.N .1 AK r I VMUUlV LLL OuUKLU UIIIIU lLrUI!Cl ; I'"" ,W ' 3-w , trnvdhw KOK IIBNT-Klw -room Iiomio wlUi FOB SAWIylnif henfc Addrrt. .,,,, I Ullll U UlnUILU iiuiii iii tlw employ "f Hip Aurora ,"lt,1 ,r' l,cr montli, wutnr Jn- Mr. Anvil AnUoraon, Hox 870, Almmnyn . . . . mm.. .-, - . nniiiuitii viii'i'LVV" uiiiiLV mliiiv in urm-i com iiiny or Aurtirn. in., cov- "z.'l i . ' fil nnfilruE linnn Hiillllllll llllllll tltl Tlllllil 111 llil III Inll .llii'timr nil mduhi Glutei). ... ill inuiriyi iiniui ........... wwwww ..-..- . ...... ni niviLiii uniii . . in miiiumi wmiii t , buv D fctf fiW MfNT ' NICU '(iV I'AIU OI- SMOGS ZO VOW'Ll .OQK , I mniV Aih viii.i.i - .... I (WR.liWn'l( CVf'fi.G ', 1 i,. I .............. .. I. . r v. - I J ) . J A6b all ! t!A.'t: n,nnn- l v J - . - f "-' l I 1 ' I TW "Wt1 9 T 1 . . .,-.- , ,. .trr --.-. . u w . ... . . i ... yt. t - r- & &' s cn' I SSWt W. -L. if-': " V . 1. . JmT -V - ". Wl I VJ'.I ! 7 J I ! '' MM ." TUT'W -Ti M "fc " M i iinnirn nunnrnn iiiirirn ru n tii ninrn .... . . ... riitiwn. "i-.i iiinn t. icnr nt uwirnrn nn. vr. The l'niilijt" hhk uiiotlier nueee4. It NietiiH (lint Miidi'ville Iiiih lieeoiu't nu i,.Mitinl iwrl of .Mtilfonl'a entr Iniiimunl. No one lake (lie nIiow rioimly. If (here !n on art Hint ixii't up lo the NtiinilMrd the tMnl nalured Mttilicmte panno St over nud walla for the tint. II in ipiite Miire llial eeryom will find a need lai)ii Home wlirn in tlie proKiiim. Mu nm'rn 1-'iihhi nml (lmdoii aina to lme ilniek llie Miputnr tale. They fumlhli nil HorU of rtitrrluiiimeut nt nil xortn nt prices which make- (lie I'lie thrnter a place of iimuxeiueiit lliilt etili he ilcpi'inli'd upon. Tncenry ia n uooil Julcr. Miat Cliiiiullcr renclira Ifcr part of tlm uuiliroee ill a cooil nn lured munimr. The MHknmnkn Duo wero very on lcrtainiii in llicir rmliiii noiip nnd ilaiiceH, Iml they ahoutd flick to the unlive touuuK. Tliair tvmedy in Knc llh Iftina ilHni'ironly uenr (o (lie melancholy. Tlicro nre other rimhI iiiiiiiheni thai rei'eivcd lienrty t plnute. KI) ANDItKWK. GRANTS PASS BOOSTERS BUSY KNOCKING MEDFORD (AMhlnud Tiilinp.) An nutomoliile load of OranM 1'uMi niherliaert were in Afhland Tuexdny uflertioou diMtrilmliiit; pfii iiniiU henrinu lite wonls, '.Mcct iik in (IrnnlH, .Inly l-.V Tho Kouthunnn wMi eompnecil ln pnr(v wero It. B. ICnili, ire!dont of (lie (IraliU'l'nM Coiiuuereial vlulis V W. Reed, man ngei nf flit nrnntM I'uhh 'Mophoun fcchuiiKt'. ami K. It. Luwreuee, tumi uger of the Uijou Theater nt (Iriiut Mr. If roll, in invilim: Awhland poo pie lo viait (IrnnlH T'okh for their celebration, declared Unit (lrnuU I'm had Mailed her celebration 11 r rniiKuinonU nml ndvertiacd them three weekrt Uufore Medford thoiiKht of eelehrntiiiK, nnd deelnreil that Medford started just licenuao of jcnloiiv of (IrantH Pnao. lie uruvd (he Axhlaud people to celebrate nt (IrantH I'm nml uaaured (hem that lliere would he 110 uruftiui;. - SEAGER SECRETARY OF ASHLAND COMMERCIAL CLUB ASllhAKI), .lune l-rSyolnry V. II. Day Iiiih rehinncd 11a Hccrelnry of the Artliliiml rommerelal club nml today (1. V. Sender wiih uppointed to tukp bin place hexluuinn on (he fif teenth. Mr, DiiyV )ilnim nre imlufin. Hp. Mr. Sender N u youiij,' nllorney who Iiiih been iiHfiooiutcd with the llodMiu Uenllv eKlnhlihhment nlneu Hiivcrinu' lil purluerHliip with Attor liny It. II. lliitna. Reepully (t. V. Hiiliti's took over tlm insurance busd m"i which MesaiH. IlndH(iii nndSeii. er hail iic(iiiied from K. 'l Stnplon nml Mr. Soulier was looking for an openinc- when tho k'lider of tho mro iir.Vhhip enme. WIIYV OUll CIIOIOH 8 acres DoAujou, full henrlng 10 acroa lloee, full bearlim 1U aci'o.i UartUitt, full bearing 10 ncrcq Comlco, full bearing Wo must) soil 0110 of thcHobloclcs ot roira ut juat one-half yiiluo to imvo InrRor tract, is ft. deep loam Roll; lu JuultBon county, 3 jnllos from Medford, imico iihkwi, ?no. ,,Wo want your bid on 0110 of thoao trncta. "Cun tuko you out any after noon. 3, O. 1IAKNKH (125 N. Itlvcraldo or 214 lTmt National Hunk Ilulldlna atodfoud mat.) frcmiTNrc, Swell Job; Not J ; 1L. t . A. HTAMFOItf), Conn., Juno 13 Tho denth Hal lu thu rear-end col Union on tlm main Htm of tho Now York, Now Haven ft Hartford rail road hero yoaterdny una liicronKod to Ix todny with tlm doath ot Orritory Hiiuiorf, h New York World reporter. 1'ho pnrMitia worn luataiitly klllihl. AKhoitKli llumea wh terribly In Jurod he ordered Hint the World bo notified of thu nccldeut. .4 I! WEDDING BELLS MUa Krnncla Ireno IinaltiK. daugh ter ot K. W. LanaliiK, n well known nrchurdlat, nml William Huaa, of Auatln, Minn., wero married by Fath er O'Nell nt tho Catholic chapel Thuradny ntornlni;. Tlm room wna beautifully decorated with n prora tion of roia, MUa Flaretico I.antdnK wna tlm brldo'a uttomlnnt nml Alex l.analnK tlm beat man. Ml Geral dlno MUchke fcatiK before tho core many In a beautiful manner. Aflor tho ceremony tho younR pooplo and n few frlonda met nt tho brldo'a homo and n wcddltiK breafaat waa aorved. At o:20 Mr. nnd Mra. Huaa left for Portland, where they will nttend tho Hoho fcatlvnl. Thoy will then w hack to Mr. Huaa' home In Mlnneaotn whero thoy will make their residence. Their umrrlnRo la tho result of an old frlemlahlp which started during chool da) a In Mlnuoaotn, Died. ItOCKKKU.OW At Sihson, Juno t, Kiifjeno l Koekfellow. He wnt. horn nt Wnuner Creek, known in Talent now, Supteml-cr 7, IS.V). Ilia early life wui spent nt Afchhiml. He wiir mnrrinl to Itoau Kuhniika, of Axhlnml. Ho leaver a fnmily eniiHixUiif; of a widow, Mrs. Hohit Koekfellow, of Scuttle, WiikIi,, two Houa, Done niiKone, .Vorth Item!, Ore., Dr. John Albert Koekfellow, SiriHnu, Oil., nud a daughter, Minn Kuth It. of Scuttle. A father, A. 0. Koekfellow, one brother, Alfred Koek fellow, nml n Inrjjo number of other more diMiuit rolutivort. Tho funeral son-icon wero hold nt Armlnud. The dcceuHci! wiih in tho jjouornl merehnmliao busincsn in Ashland with 0. S. Iluller from 1S78 lo 1SS:, nnd moved from AMhlnud trt San Diego, Oil., m 188:t,' where he wan in hiihiiioHH for ten or twelve years. Ho then moved to Scuttle, where tlm fm- NEW TODAY Tlioro In no audi thing na quiet Union to tho man who buya this 7o0.nero raucli, threo mllea from t Hvo rnllroad town, and gola buay nt raining grain and hIqcK. Tljero la couatdorablo grain In this yonr, tlm foucea nud bu(ldlnr,H aro eopd and tho place Inya on nn excellent county road. Tho ontlro rnnuh goes nt, $3U. r0 por ncro, nnd terms may bo had on part of It, 35 acres of alfalfa land, north of Corona, Cal.j plenty of water from eight to ton foot; nil under fcuco; black loamy noil; prlco $2G0 por ncro; la mortgaged for $2000, which runs for threo yotira nt 7 nor cont; will oxcluuigo tor ntock nud dairy ranch lii bo u thorn Oregon. Nea't little bungalow on tlu onst aldo, well furulaliod, lot Ci0x325 foot, boat gnrdon In tho city, on Dear crook bottom laud; flno chicken park; tlioro (a n good living lu this Uttlo placo; lot im abow you; $2100 takes tho place, furnlalmd. C. D. HOON Itooni 13 Jackson County Dank bldg. 'folephono 1,037-J Ofl'ICtt AMI) I'U MAMD TO-J I r V&vi LfTTUI tA&Al . r - V f "", A 1 nouVNl DOUArii I'oR. Yfl- I I'm win ipoKirtr, I yo-J mustn't I mmvonr), onrcrioN, fhtday, junk 13, 1013. Quite, but Almost ,,. 1 , 11 ,t,ml BUD TO WIN IS AD WOLGAST'S DOPE FOR 4TH rOHTI.AND, June 13. A recent Interview on tho part of n I.os An golei! Bcrlbo with Ad Woljfast, tho ot HghtwelKlit champion of tho world, ahowH that Anderson la held In tho hlghekt eatoc-m by the doiiKhly llttb) Oermnu, nnd ho prcdlcla that ho will win bla bout with l.enoh Croiu lu comparatively easy fashion. "I Imvo all of these lightweight taggod," aald Wolgaat recently. "This boy Croaa fa a wonder In 10 rounds, but ho can't stand tho gaff In a lon ger bout. I think tbnt tho public un derrate Andoraon, and that he will atop Croaa before tho twelfth round haa passed. ' "Itltchlo baa twice the punch of lllvera, and If they lot him come In much over the lightweight limit of 133 pounds, ho will mako ahort work of tho Mexican. I know whereof I apeak In this matter, as I have met lllvera, Hltrhlo and. Crosa, and figure that I know nil of these fighters well. And tho people who think that Anderson la not a championship con tender aro mightily mlatakon." Which sounds good to tho support era of Anderson In hla coming bout with Croaa, aa Wol(aat Is a keen stu dent on dope, nnd hla cxperlcno with each ot thoaoboys enables him to Judgo of tholr rcapectlvo uiorlta. INTERESTED IN CANNING FACTORY IH VALLEY W. T. Hitchcock of San Francisco waa In Medford yesterday visiting J. A, Wcstcrlund and Investigating conditions hero with a vlow to estab lishing a canning factory. Mr. Hitch cock wna very enthusiastic over tho vnlley and the prospects for tho 1911 crop nnd snld that conditions scorned to warrant thu establishment ot u factory. Ho will confer with A. K. Wuro of tho Commercial club nnd other prominent cltltcna today whou n definite conclusion will probably bi reached. SU.KM, Ore., June .:.--To he roine effective .July 1, I. H. Vim Wml'e Iiiih todiiy roHKiinl im " Mrttnnt uttornoy Kcucral of Oregon after urvln; nine years in (his en iweiiy. He will enler thu pvnclieo of Inw in Salem. NOTICK. Notlco Is horoby given that tho undersigned will apply to tbo city council ot tho city of Medford, Ore gon, nt lis uext regular mooting on Juno 17, 1913, for n license to sell spirituous, vinous nnd malt liquor In quantities leas than n gallon, nt his place of business at 17 Bouth Fir street, block 20 In aald city, for ft period ot six mouths, O. M. 8EI.SI1Y. l'OH RH.NT PUKW18HKI AITS. FOU HKNT Furnlahod npartmonts. Tho llerbeii, 10 Quince at. TOU HUNT IIOOSUUUEl'INQ HOO.MS FOU UE,NT Furnished hqusekeop liin; rooms. Lights, gaa. 231 E, Ninth St. 73 FOU KENT -Housekeeping rooms with bath and gas. 345 North Hartlott. FOB RENT rUKNlSHKW HOOMS FOU HEN1V-Cloao In furulaliod rooms, $1.50 and $2 por week;: u so or path, C,all afternoons, 23Q 8. Coutrnl. FOU RENT Largo stooping rooms, nud modorn housokoeplng npart monts, prices vory reasonable. Phono 102U-L. 222 South Holly streot. ' . . 1. ... .... . I ' -- ' "" I 'no 1 ..- . 1 7ii!i 1 of. vrtj nuu wmci v hum uri lm.u 1 .. - - ' I "" KOIl' HKNT Well furnlahod tlvo room bungalow. 432 H. Laurel. DC FOIl HKNT .Modern bungalow, lawn, paved street, I blocks from Washington school. 728 W. Elev enth. 92 FOR HKNT Nicely furnlahcd flvo room modern bungalow on paved strict. Finn location. Sec O. M. Cornltloua, 123 East Main. Phono 5M-J 71 FOU HRNT Threo furnished houce kceplng rooms, with sleeping porch. Inquire- 310 North liart lctt. for ni:xr ornens FOR RENT Largo, comfortable of flco rooms with elevator service, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rntcs. Apply Medford Furni ture &. Hdv. Co. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOU RENT Fi rat-clnsa pasture) running water, good shade, wovo wlro fence, S1.50 per month. See John Marker. 78 I'OR SALI5 U1NPS FOR SALE SO . acres of timber land on Katies creek, cut 1.000, 000 feet, fir, pine and sugar pine. Address II. C. S., Ashland, Or., or phono 313-J, 73 FOU SALI LOTS VOll SALE Vacant nnd Improved property In Uutte Falls, cheap, llenuctt Inveatmcut Co. 91 FOR BALK I1O0RKS FOU SALE 3-room house nnd lot, $400, $250 cash. Iwlanco tamo as rent. Phono 1099-J. 73 FOU SALE 3-room house. Includ ing furniture, lot 00x120, horso nnd buggy; $550, $400 cash, bal ance samo ns rent. Phone 1099-J. 73 FOR BALK JIISC-CLLANKOUS FOU SALE 300 onV-yMr-old WhUo Leghorns, $G per dozou. Phono 1029, J! H. Crow dor. Inquire 425 S. Grapo st. 72 FOU SALE At a bargain, a flour mill stand for grinding flour or for rolling barley. For particulars call at 14th and Central ave. Tho Clark & Ilenory plant, or nddrosa P. O. Dox 3C2. Medford. Oro. FOU SALE Cheap, flno enrap or travollug wagon. Box 495, Med ford. And good saddle. FIUST-CLASS pasture, running wa ter, good shndo, woven wire fence, $1.50 por month. Sou John Dar ker. 7S FOU SALE Furniture, practically now, Including leather Davenport, gas rauge and water heater, sani tary couch, fruit Jars, oloctrlo shade. Phono 735-U. or call 32 Roso avo. 73 FOn SALE First class St. Hordes. Call 10CO-M. 80 FOU SALE Good range. Only slightly .used. Far wood or coal. Call 10C S, drape. 71 FOU BALE Ono 10 horsepower gas oline engine, International mako; boon used about one month; good ns now; for salo nt a bargain. William Ulrlch, Medford. Ore. FOU SALE 1913 modol motorcy cles nud motor boats at bargain prices, all makes, brand now ma chines, on eiiby payment plan; get our proposition before buying or you will regret It; nlso bargains .in used Jiiotorcycloj. Wrltu' us today, enclose, stamp for reply. Address Lock Dox 11, TroiUon, Mich. 84 FOR SALE Humlugton standard typowrttor No, s mvuiuio writer, 14 Inch carriage, novor bcon used; cheap. P. O. Dox 147. Jackson ville. FOR SALE Legal blanks, tresspass notices, tor salo or rent sings at tho Mall Tribune. FOU SAL13 Letter heads ana fancy atatlonory, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at tho Mall Trlbuno. FOU SALE Oood light buggy for salo, ? 16, 1101 -W. thst. 71 4 ,. A FOU SALE Frcah Jersey cow.' Very gentle. 1120 rcpst 11 w. 71 JAPANESE PHEH3INO PARLOnS Hicam ana dry cleaning and dyo work Satisfaction guaranteed on all work. Gents' suits pressed. Special attention to ladles' silks, laces nnd gloves. Goods called for and dsllvored. 114 N. Front Ht. Phono 125. Ill FOR BALE Furniture of riv-room house, cheap. 365 H. Central nvo. 7 1 FOR BALE Loose leaf ledger sys tems, any style ot siade to ordsr by tbo Mall Tribune- blndtrr. HELP WANTRL- MALE WANTED Packcra desiring employ ment witn U U. K. y. & V. Aasn. dnrlnrj season of 1913 should reg ister and rccalvo number at office, 18 W. Main st.. or Miss Marian Standcltff, Phoenix. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Laundry work. plain sewing and will do general house work, call or address 131 South Almond street. Phono SCO. 72 WAXTEHw-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Am going to California for Indefinite stay; want large Hat of property to trade for southern and central California proporty. Chas. D. Hoy, room 204, over Farmon-' & Fruitgrow ers' bank. 7C WANTED A light second-hand 4 or 5-patsengcr car. Address Box 71, care ot this office. 73' WANTED Shetland pony and cart, not too small. Address M 75, caro of this office. 71 WANTED To buy a small place reasonably cloio in on monthly payments: state terms and ad dress P. O. box 731. 7C WANTED Wood sawing; has good machhio; give mo a call, from 6 to 9 p. tn. Phono 38 1-1 1. 83 FOR EXCTtAMiE VOn 'SALE : OH TRADE Pedigreed Poland China boar. R. D. 1, Dox 73, Contral Point, or phone Far mer 14-184. FOU SALE OU TUADE SO-barse-power five passenger auto'; good ns now-; at bargain. 317 Jack son, 71 FOU EXCHANGE Improved and unimproved property in Pasadena and Loug Deach for Hoguo river proporty. L. N. Judd, Talent, Or. WILL EXCHANGE 10 acres pears. with or without houso. for Med ford bungalow. C. H. A., "Mall Tribunes MONEY TO IjOA-T TOLOAN $1 "000 to$ 1500 to loaa uu iiuiiruvt-ii ruiii-ii (iruporiy. a. L. Cross, Uutte Falls. Oro. 89 MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch proporty. O. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phuna 3CS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountants D. R. WOOD General Accountant lour books audited nnd kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Oftico, Mcdrord Stall Tribune bldg.; phono till-R-3; res lonco phono 537. Auctioneers WILLIAM ULRICH Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of Medford, Oregon. Terms reasonable. Resi dence phono 1C1-J. Office Jack son County Dank building. fa-s -,-.. , sss-s-t Auto Supplies. LAHER AUTO SPHINQ CO. Our big secret In making springs Is the tempering, Wo are operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant tn tho Pacific northwest, Uso our Bprlngs whon othors full. Sold - undor guarnutoo. 2C North Fif teenth St., Portland, Ore. Abstracts HOGUH UIVEU VALLEY . AU 8THA0T CO., No. C South Contral, raOTU STOTtf M.mmSMm, . .WIH , By "Bud11 Fisher J; 1 PORTKIt J. NEFF, WM. P. MBALBY Attorneya-at-Law, Rooms 8 ami 9, Medford Notional Dank bldg.. A. E. REAME8, LAWYKR Gamett-J . Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Mala street, Mcdford, Oro. Wm. M. Colvlg Ocorgo M. Roberta COLVtO ft RODEUTS. LAWYMHS Mndford National -Hank DuUdinn Chiropractor DH. IL J. LOCICWOOD, Chiropractor, ncrvo specialist. Rooms 203-204-205 Garnett-Coroy bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; adylce In dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydroptherapy. Lady at tendant. Pkoae, office 945 residence- 571-U. DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Loutse E. Hedges Mecbaac-TheraplsU, Chiro practors, SpondylotheraplsU. These systems, including dietetics, cara tlro gymnastics, hydro-thaphy; etc.. produce results la both acute and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. 230 North Dartlett St., next door to M. E. church. Hour 9 a. m. to G p. m. Other bears by appointment. Phone U7-J. , Dentlsta DH. W. St. VAN SCOYOfl DR C. O. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Oarnett - Corey bldg., suite 310, Medford. Ore. Phono 856. Garbage GARDAGE Get your premises cleaned up for tho winter. Call on the city garbago wagons for good service. Phone 625-1. Fi Y. Alien. 1 Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub llc Dring your work to me at the sign of tho Mall Tribune. Printers and PublUtiers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho best equlppod printing office In southern Oregon; book binding,1 loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,' etc. Portland prices. 37 North1 FlrSL ' I'liyslclans and Burgeons D1L F. 6. CARLOWi" DU. EVA' MAINS CAHLOW - Osteopathle physIdaBs, 41C-417 Garnett-Corey' bldg.. phone 103C-L. Residence' 430 South Laurel st. . DR. . A, LOCICWOOD PhysJctaa and surgeon. MYRTLE B. LOCKWOOD. M. D.' Practice limited to diseases ot women. Offlcos 232 E Main. Phonos, offlco S14-J-2I res,, 814 DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician aiid, surgeon. I'rnctlco limited to eye ear, nose and throat. Eye sclen-' tlflcally tested and glasses supplied1 Office 22S Eaat Mnln St.. Hours' 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone. ' ' E. D. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jaek- son uounry Bank bldg. Office phone 43-H; realdonco phone 58-R. DU. . MAUION Physician aud auri gcon. Stewart bldg.. corner Mala and Hartlott fits.; qfflco phone a7, realdeuco phono 27-J-2. DR. MARTINi O, BARnBU Phyal-. block, oppoalto Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. ' ' DR. R. W. CLANOY Physlclari andl surgeon. Phones, office 36, real- deuco 724-J. Offlco hours 10 to-' 12, 2 to 5. v jr ' DR. W. W. HOWAHD OsteoiiatUIe physlclau, 303 Oarnett - Corey building. Phono 004-M, 1 It. J. CONROY, M. D. Physiclaa sail: curgoon. uvor iiutcuisou & Lums den, 215 E. Main St.. Phone 77. 4 Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW- Plm bloek. btenographle work done quickly, and wull. , J t? TrniiNfet " v EADS TRANSFER & STORAGU CO,' ottice 10 Boutn Fir St. PhiHW, 315, Prices right. Bervlee gwuM nuteed. ... I I m r I I t i m r ( ,. ,' U. . 1'' o V I t 41 It 1 1 V ! I t M M v k i (itiiMMiiMttirMiti .' S .