,1 tin s J I: i 7ft7 flrxwtf trt x 4 ;t Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Hlioireri Mar. HI, VHtt. , Preclp, .01. KnrljMlitnl Yenr. Putty 111 k hill Yr. MEDFORD, ORtiflON, FRIDAY, Jl'NK l.'J, IBM. NO. 71. t' J M ' " f m 'V CLAIM WILSON LI PET E Gnlllituer of New Hnmpslilro Alleycs President Exerted Worst Kind of Influence liy Threats to Hnnu Some One Hlli ns Hnmnn. Thinks Wilson's Course Open to Criti cism nml Intended to Intimidate Public Men, Hence Is Lolihylnjj. WAHIIINOTON, Jiiiiu 13 Strong Intimation Hint President Wilton him IoIiIiIimI In connection with llio t.tr Iff Mil was innilo by Senator Unllln gor of Now Hampshire before lint "Imddtotn probe" loimultli'o hero loilny. 111m ntntinueut mused n pro found Hi'imulloii. "When n limn says Hint wo would 'hang sotnenun nit high ns llninnii' If Hint person illil iml tin certain things nml Hint mi ImliiMry which propim fil wiign reduction nml did so wtmlil lit luvtHttlgntcd," (InllliiK'T said, ' I think It lit nlmui Hut worst kind of lufliicnrtt I roulil Imaglno." Asked liy Bonntnr Nnlsnii whut ho thiiiiKhl of n nubile official wlm get up n settro about mi luiddlnti lobby, (Ittlllugnr miI; "I think ho Intend In lulluonco public opinion nud tho opltiliiu of public nil"!) " "Would yon regard It nit n species of InbbyT" prmlnlt'd Nelson, "I would not llko lo tiny dint," wns tho answer, "but I think It lit n spocloi of lobby Infltionre. "You don't wnnt to rlmritn Hint Hit pnistdettt hns brought nny kind of coercion to boar iix)ii nny mem ber uf congress, do, ou?" nuked Bunntor Hood of MlMourl. "I would not undortnko to do no," (InllliiRor nnswnrotl "I hnvn no dis position lo crltlcliM) bltu unfairly." WILSON DEFIES II WAHIIINOTON, I). ('. Juno t3. I'rldny night, Hid l.ltli, President Wilson, If Hut While House uttttclicn n ro triiniiioiii took (ho loud lodny In braving thu thirteen Jinx nml wim nbly bnrkod up In tluil liuportnut duly by li In cabinet. Provident Wllnon, hli familiars sny, utartod breakfast today at ox nrtly 8.13 o'clock; (hero woro Ihlr toon rollH on thu desk In hlit private offlro. HocrUry Daniels, tho first caller, arrived nt 10.13, tho cabinet nutting Martini nl II; 13 nml then It wiu noticed Him In tlt name of flvo cabinet iiiouibom thoto worn thlrtuon letters exactly. FRISCO RECEIVERSHIP NEW YORK", Juno 13.- Aimoiiiioo. inoiil wiid imiild hero lodny liy iicnts of tho liiteiHtnle oniniuort'o eominis nioii (lint I lie investigation into Hie St. Louis nml Sin Francisco mil loud receivership will lie begun in SI. l.oiiiH at mi early (Into. FALLS HUNDRED FEET ' IN AIRSHIP; NOT MUCH HURT ALAMEDA, (Jul., Jmio 13,-Oim KIkI'i ietl. mi viator of Sun Frnuolsoo, foil 100 foot in lilx biplane licit) today nntl oNoupoil lining oriiHliod to dunlli liy striking (ho Kiouuil before IiIh ma olililo eolliiletl with n tlietler 'which oiiiuplololy wrookod it. Kinfrictl mif foi'Oll IIIIIIIOI'OIIK oiiIh ulioiit thu liout) mnl poHHilile inteiiial injuries, SUPREME COURT GRANTS WORKERS JURY TRIALS TUHNTON, N. J .liimi lll.-Aii oi'ilor (,'innliuu tlin 1'ateiHon hIII; mill Htriliorfl tho ritjlit to tiiul by jury, when niTiiHlfd, wuh Hiiieil here lodny liy Siuirciiio Court Jimtico Minium, 0 TO AID MEASUR EENTH N HINDOO PRINCESS JILTS HER NATIVE LOVER BlHfir WK& Mm! 'MB. Ml i . I'lilieeNH liulru. iluulilor of ilm (Inokwur of Iturnilit, tho Indian iirnioo who wnt rooeivod no favor ably in tlit Piiilfil SIiiIoh n fow your nun. Iiiim ntlnpli't) I'uulixli nml Aiucri ca n wii.vh, lilti. her father. Sho Iiiim jiltei) her nnthe loer, nml mi her uuy lo I.oiulon, HrhuH to hide from bun nml his nlliuilioiiM, i PENSIONSFOR FIVE E County Jitilmt Ton Vollo I'rldny K run I ml flvo inothcrM' peimlonn tin. dor Hm needy uldow' cuiilon Intv. Till imtkoit nine iieanloim granted thim far. All of Hid cnfcu uru d- nervln; nml lininedlnto nld needed. Ho Imit rojeriotl tdnht nppllrntlonii and li tMiniluluK tho other appli cant. Trldny ho vlnltcd Ahbland to look Into canon tbero nml appointed u probntlon officer to amortaln fnctu roucoruliiK tho mipllcnntti not con tained In tho written iilnletnentM. I't'imlomt Kraiited today nre: Monn (larrlioii Hinltb, l'ltoenlx. $10; Jounlo Jouoit, Talent, 17 r0; Dolly Love, Control Point, $32 !iO; Mary A linker. Ilutto I'alln. 1 1 7. SO; U-turn IMIth Stewart, Ilutto KnlU. 130. 10 WAHIIINOTON. Juno 13. Rocre tnry llryan inmlo nnothor bid for fit in ii hero lodny n a real deinoerat when ho iiuuouiicod Hint beKlunlus next weok ho will carry with him each uioriiliiK to tho titiito depart ment it real, Aiirc-otioiiKh lunch luu Hot. "My wlfo hint alre.idy hoiiRht tho biiMkot," Maid llrynn today. "1 fig ii ro I can trnvo tin hour'it tlmo b ontlm; my lunch In my offlco. And I can do a llttlu dletliu; iih well." TMOFF BILL READY FOR CAUCUS NEXT WEEK WASHINGTON, Juno III. -Majority incitihurx of tint senate finance oiiniinittoe tleelnied today that (hoy oxpoot to hnvn (ho I mi If hill in uliape for cotiMltloriilioii by (ho tloinooriiliu Houato oiiucuh hy lho mlddlo of ne.t wool;. HcporlH of Hiih-cftininidooH worn ooimidorctl lotlay, MOORE AND VANDERBILT WIN HdRSE SHOW PRIZES LONDON, Juno in. JiiiIko William II. Monro mnl Alfred Vitntleibilt of Now Yoilc look firrtt jiriro hero to day iu connection with event at tho Itlohiuoiid ImrHO hIiow. Vmidoihilt won fii'rtt honor in (ho roud coach eliiBH mid Monro fil'Ht plaen in llio privalo conch ol nss, Adclo Ritchie, Actress Wotls. STAMKOUD, Conn., Juno IU. Adelo ltitchio, the neticsH, nml C'Iiiik. Nolhon lloll of Now Ymk nro reported to havo boon quietly man led hero to day by n juatico of llio uoiiuo, M IS TOTALING $1 07.50 BRYAN A N BAKE! E TO FAIR SEX Suffrage Committee Recommends Passarje of Senator Chamberlain's Resolution (or Constitutional Amendment. Declare Equal Suffrage Justified by Every Ttest Students of Govern ment Had Set Down. WAHIIINOTON. June 13. Hcun lor AtOiurxl of Arioim toilny pro- xeiiled the report of the fcennte Hitf- fniK'o eoiiiinlttec. rccoiiieiuudin tint Piinhuko of .Senator ('htitnhcrlnin'H resoltilhui forn com.ilutiouiil ninend lueul I'lifruuchlHim' wouieu. Senator Cut rou wuh the only com initteeinaii oliiiK a if aj lo-t n favorable report. TIiohv nppniini; it went .Senators Thoninx, AnhurHl, On en, IIoIUm, Itaiifdrll, Clnpp, .Ioiich nml Sullierlnnil. The rt'Mirl vlfjonmitly nrj!otl vole for women. Il ilcclarcil Miff nice wan justified "by every lent the ulu dents of Kovernmciit had xct down for fiifniiicliiHcmcut of miv elnss of citizen). "Wo do not feci culled uKin," nlil tho coiumitlecmeii in the reiHirt," In dihctisH even if drhnlnble, the (pieit tion of cqunlity of xoxch from nu in lellcclunl Hlmiilpoiiit. "Tho povcniment'n j.lronf. weak, capable or deficient, aeeordiuj; to Ilin people coiil rolliut; nml mtikitip up Ihe Kovornmonl. Thnt Kmiitltu: tho clcelive frnnelii-e to women would mltl to llio HtreiiKlb. effieiciiev, jiw llco nml fitinie4 tif the pveruiaent wo d not doubt." 8AI.T 1.AKK CITV. IHnli. Juno 13. Tho panes of liiiiiKor today forced 1300 railroad comitructlon ciunp Inborcnt who struck Tueiday for lncreitxcd pay nml bettor work Iuk comlltlomt to return to work Onu bun tired and lxty otberH, In. cludlni; ilxty ornanUcm for tho In diintrlal Workor of tho World, woro doported from tho camp this morn Iiik. Thu Rtrlkont slept out In tho open for two nights and wcro with out food for practically forty-eight hours. PELKEY 1RIAL SET IT CALOAHV, Alherln, Juno IX Arthur Pelkoy, (ho prixofiulilor, will Ko to trial hero June It) iu connection with tho death hero recently of Lu ther McCarly, tho Into heavyweight champion of tho world, iu llio find round of n scheduled leu round fi(;ht with Polkoy. Ilnth 1'olkey mid Tom my HuniH, (ho filit promoter, were charged with inau.tlaiiKlitcr. Hums, however, will not bo put on dial un til full, LIFT BAN PLACED ON FREE SPEECH, OREGON CITY - ' ' ' i' " OKKGON, CITY, Ore., Juno in. The bnn idaccd on htrect speaking hero following iucipcut riots in con nection with an attempt to preeipi tnlo n fllriko of paper mill employes here, has been rniscd loday. Quiet roinned throuKhoul the oily lodav mid all mills are iu operation, All but ono of (ho fifteen stmdnlUtri aiit 1 dliKlrlnlintH arrested Itavo been ro leased. ROOSEVELT SEES SON GRADUATE AT AND0VER ANDOVKR. Mass.. Juno in. Colonel Thcodoro Itoosovolt lodny saw bin hou Archibald and VM othor boya irrudifnto from Philips Andovor Aon- demy, The former president wim tho pnneipal Hpcaker nt tho uliuum lunch-con, SENATORS E V BE flffiN TIERS SIARVED INTO SUBMISSION MILT MILLER GIVEN PORTLAND FEDERAL PLOM Democratic Warhorse Made Collector of Internal Revenue for District of Oregon Secretary Line Makes Important PuWfc Land Ruling. Purchasers ef Assignments of Recla mation Homesfftds Need not Prove Themselves Qualified Homesteaders WA8IIINHTON, Juno 13. Presl dont. Wllnoii today soul to tho sen ate Hm immo of Milton A, Miller to bo collector of Internal rovenuo for tho district of OrcKon. A lon disputed qneitlon rclatrm; to publtu Intitls was settled hero by Secretary Lnno today, when he held that under tho net of Juno 23, 1010, persons who tako asilgmiititits of re clamation homesteads upon jvhlch fluiil proof has been made, ncyd not show themtolves to tin qualified hoiuestenders. Ho hold, however. such usHlgncos could hold but out farm unit. 1'rlvnte William I ton no, Jr., or Ihe Count Artillery, was awarded a medal of honor today by Secrctrry of tho Treasury McAdoo for rncii- Int: several pernor, from drowning following the collapio of a dock nl Heat Ho. The resignation of Frank Ilolcotrb Mason, a former Cleveland newspa per mint, ns Cnltcd States consul- general nt I'nrla wuk received to.l.ty nt th (i stntn depnrtoiont. IS ce BY SUFFRAGETTES LONDON. Juno 13, Fear of suf fmgrtto violence today caused King George to cancel nrrangeinenta fir n garden party planned for Wind sor Cantlo Juno 17. The luvltutlons wero all ready to mall when, It li seml-offlclally admitted, they wort cancelled by tho klng'a pcrsouul or der. ALLEGED SWINDLER I.OS ANOKLKS. Cal., Juno 13. Anxious to be nt tho bndsldo of his wlfo when their expected baby is born within n fow wcoks, Henry H. Sowcll, nllegcd to havo buncootl a scoro of wealthy 'oastorn youths out of nearly (100,000, today waived extradition and furnished money for his return to Now York. Sowcll declare thnt ho has com mitted no criminal offenso and will bo exonerated Immediately upon reaching Now York. Tho prisoner Is nllogod to havo nccurcd largo sums from wealthy custom boys by secur ing their confidence and persuading thorn to trust htm with their money. 3 KILLED, 5 DY QUARRY BLAST VKUNON, H. C, Juno 13. News roached hero today thnt thrco Ital ian workmen woro killed nntl flvo Injured, uoino probably fatally. In a (iromaturo explosion Iu n rock cut nour Hnramata Into Wednesday aft ernoon. So severo wns tho explos ion Hint two of tho bodies woro not recogulznhlo and ono wtis thrown a thousand feet. It In thought thnt tho dynnmltn usod was old nud Hint tho nltro- glycorlno had ho p rated from tho clay. ARTHUR CLARK NAMED DISTRICT ATTORNEY SALKM, Ore., Juno m.-Oovov-uor West has today appointed Arthur Chuko, district nttoruey for the fourth district, iiu'ludiiiR llentoii, Lane ami Lincolu counties, to sue coed K, 13. Wilsup, rciiijjued. KING ounncu KAISER WILHELM II. WHEN HE A SCENDED THRONE AND AFTER TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AS "WAR LORD" sHT """"to jMtiiHI Hit ''m kVf 2ir ' 9t J:'irt m-'h jtwSBWsWsLLWLB iSMil- Ml v'lll;, Wltj jSm nHnOHMMsilllllM sriTiTiTiTiTk hMbHbtitiW ' H HHbt HstiiiiiiH HHHHIk 'PJillilllv tBKHsVfBSMilllllllllllllllllllllH iB-u f9kV nsSBBsHisiiiiiH V Ife '- v " BMfSwMllMP9B1BHBJBBHBBBBMSSBBBi SBBSBSH TTXhnlMttlHBBBrBr'' JSBKtSVMSlSlBBflBBBBBBiSBSBM BBBBBBj BBBBbJBsk "' SBu i-P?assssssssssj BBBH.V PSSkBS' iBkW 'SBSBBBBBBBBBa B . gBjflF ' BBBm-i; aBSBBBBBBBBBBH jim . -r ' ' ' BBBBBiBBVBaBBff'llrBBBH A Jm sfc - bbbbbIWT' 'V. "bbBb . "T 9rf w9Mrirl, bBBBBBh ' jimmWG. T " M sLk' yfHpj BBBBBBBBBLr h1 mmmmmJBmKBMammJWM JHHBflflHHBaCJBnHKHsujfl Ono of tho greatest celebrations (Wniatiy hns known will begin Juno 25 In honor of tho twenty-fifth year of tho kaiser on the German throne. Already cloven great technical col leges havo united In honoring him for his Services to sclcnco and In- IeestorIT" BUILDING COLLAPSE 1 KILLED, 9 VAXCOITF.R, II. C. Juno 33.--Ouc man's-death, nud injnric to nine. 4!ierxrcriult(it fmm . terrililefsgci-j tfeiir this inorniiiu when, with n crash thnt could be heard for n grant dis tanec, three storicx of tho rooming houte beiiiR creeled nl 2.V2 Pender street Kast, oollnp-cd nnd hurlcil tons of debris into (he basement nnd tho lane. It is nsseitcd that the accident was duo to faulty construction, tho con crete work lcim apparently defec tive. Whatever wns the caue of Hie ac cident, the building eocmmriiccd to settle nt tho lano end mid it had hnrcly sunk six inches when it crashed to Die ground. Harry Anderson, the man killed, wns pinned between the fnling tim bers nnd the wall of tho basement, nml the life must have been cranked out of him almost immediately. Caught in the shower of bricks, mortar, concrete mid timbers tho others were injured without n mo ment's wnrning, nnd hnd no oppor tunity of escnpinR the innst of debris which wns hurled down upon them. SPOKANK, Wash., Juno 13. Tho authorities nro searching today for W. C. Taylor, who disappeared from his homo hero early Monday with a lnrgo amount of cash nnd notes nnd drafts for between $40,000 and 160,000 on his person. Tho soarch has beoit carried on for several days by tho frlontU nud business associ ates of Taylor, but no cluo us to the whereabouts of the missing man haa been secured. Taylor, Is reported to hnvo receiv ed In tho neighborhood of $50,000 from mi cstnto In Huffnlu, N. Y., last Saturday. THREE REFERENDUMS PLACED ON FILE SALEM. Ore. Juno 1.1. After be ing cheeked over iu (ho offico of tho seorolnry oL stnlo mid toiintl to con tain tho required number of bigua tines, thrco referendum petitions will bo filed immediately (o be voted by tho electorate iu November. Tho petitions nro agninst tho workmen's eimpousation act, the sterilization bill and iiiq of (ho state university ap propriation incufcuics, HUT duitry during his reign. They will conTor on him tho title of "Dr. WI1 holm II " The universities of tho empire iro planning to mako him an honorary member of all their fac ulties. Oxford university made him a doctor of law some years ngo. AUTO PARADE TO HEnLlN. Jutuv.p,- The, tlptC tlie.fe,tiitifri tViunrk.thc cownielinh Jti. Suu&iy of the 2.1th ,year;f Hm reign or Kmcr Wilhelm opened today with n review of the iiuerial auto mobile club and other automobile or ganizations on the army "chnussee.' Hundreds of decorated motor onnC headed by Prince Henry of Prustin, mid the Duke of Itntibor, wcro re viewed by the Emperor. FAKED ROBBERY TALE TO FOOL HIS WIFE PORTLAND, Or.. Juno 13. In stead of being robbed of $300 nnd his vnluabla. gold watch, as ho had reported to tho city police depart ment. D. E. dough, nn cnglnoer from Ocean Park, Cal., today ad mitted to tho detective bureau that ho hnd Invented tho story in order to fool his wife, according to Detec- tlvo Captain llaty. Clough gave no furthor reason for making tho fictitious report than thnt ho hnd spent consicdrnble money during his s'tay in Portland and feared tho wrath of his better- half. Clough oven offered n reward of $100 for tho return of tho suppos edly stolen chronometer. OAKLAND, Cnl., June 33.-C. Pregno, a mechanic was arrested nt 7:K1 o'clock this morning, Friday the thirteenth of June, 1913, at 101 It Telegraph avenue for calling Pettie Morrara, with thirteen letters in his name, thirteen opprobrious names. Ho was the thirteenth man booked since midnight, wns assigned to coll No, 13, was tho thirteenth man on the docket in polico Judge Smith's court, was found guilty in thirteen minutes ami was fined $13, which ho paid with n mnledictiiu for Uio hoodoo number which pursued him so relent lessly. Incidentally, Judgo Mortimor Smith has thirteen letters iu his name. GRANTS PASS COUPLE BRAVE HOODOO FRIDAY GRANTS PASS, Oro., Juno 13. Rraving tho hoodoo of Friday the thirteenth. Miss Rcbiv Moore bcenmo tho lirido of Victor Emanuol Newell nt 13 minutes pnst noon loday, tho wedding occuring iu tho Methodist .Episcopal church, Hov, WiUimn It. Jeffrey ofjeinting. KA REVIEW OPEN FESTIVITIES HUERTAS CAUSE SOM Sttf HOPELESS ONE Graphic Account by WitMs f Bloody Battle In Whfc Ferat Were Utterly Route Only Two Points in State net In Control. i March m Mexlei CKyrPlMMtJ ky Victorious Behcli AmHior Bottfc Exsectrt hi Noar FHdtre. M SAN DIF.OQ. Cal.y Jum 18 nrlnglng probably tho first antltiMitle information of tho true situation confronting President HuifrUC.tiM hopelessness of the preset! Cm aid ti tration and an eyewitness' account of (ho bloody battle of Santa Rom, Sonora, Royal C. Stephens -of Sn Diego has arrived hero today. 1? formerly was .wltlutfao Sottthera Pa cific In Guaymas. Accounts of the Rnnta Rosa ficht on May 9, which have reached the United States have been rigidly cen sored by the federals, who minimized their losses. Accordjnff to Sephea, the Huerta troopt lest between eight hundred and twelve hnndrcl ot their army ot 2000 men and twrro sent back upon Elmplnm twenty wiles away in utter nnd hamilitatintt rout. The federals were trapped in a pocket formed by the hills and picked ofXhy 'he Sonorn stntc troop under com mand of Colonel Obregon and the Ynqui Indians under the rcnowcl chief Bnlc. " I jtrfntW WeH Amed - TaVslate. rebel armykaa been t- .limated at r0) men, rtoHif.jH.-i pud v.ith a rlcd ot awmwittlt'oft smiigcVo ncroM the line frow, the United States. So acenrate was the" aim of the Indi'in-i and rebel troops tint nearly all of tho' ?5Q wounded who rff-ro taken and who strajrgled' int lonymns were hot in the head. M?st of l!ie -cdirnl sdd'ers. Step lit in d"c!are'l. were released priso nrs from Msxvn (.'i, hr bad been forced into the army and were ready to desert to tho constitutionalists. An inslnnco is told of ono cempany, nil hut light of tho members of which deserted, tho captain shootint; himself. The federals had been given to nn t'crutnnd thnt they wore tc fight tha Yn.;u;s only nnd wero ireensed when they found differently. They vrerfl in n most pitiful stnte after their fight when their unseen foes, whoso losses, which, while not accurately estimated nro said to bo trifling. General Gil, (ho federal commnnd c r, wns recalled after his ront. Federals Hold Two Points Now, says Stephens, Guaymas and Empalmc are tho only, points in Soi'cin still held by the fojernls nnd they nro bound to fnll bhortly. Only the traditional Mexican policy of de Iny has permitted thoso two plnces, whi"L are neighboring towns, to re main with the government forces. "When these fall," said Stephens, "everybody expects tho stato troops now thoroughly aroused, to set out for Mexico City, gathering additions nlong the lino of march nnd go clear into -Mexico City, which cannot holt! (Continued on Page 4) FAMILY MURDERER BEFORE GRAND JURY SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., June 13. George Schnll, suspected of tho murder of his invalid wifo nnd three small children tit tho Presidio here some months ngo, was brought from, Portland today to be examined next week bofore tho fedorai grand jury. Tho jury has been unublu to indiut the man on tho evidence gathered from tho condition of tho ' exhumed bodies or the testimony of other witnesses. Tho testimony of ScUall himself hnd been needed to complete tho investigation. Tho crime of which Schall Is sua pectcd ocourrcd at the Presidio three months ngo when his. entire family wns burned to death iu one pf the encampment cottages. He w ori" guiltily ncciihed thriugh h hrother-iu-nw, whom ho wns M after leaving Sim Francisco vh arretedt i I 1 i; i .' i