ft'9 ? TOOK STX MEDFORD MATT TRmHNR, MlWIfOlM), OH1WON. TIIPHHIAY, ,'HW! 12, I0M. r i i vi k" &J F 8 $ 31 h j f !.J -4 ' t f BRIGHT PROSPECTS FOR RAILROAD FROM GRANTSPASSTOSEA WORK TO MAKE ConcomliiK tho fitinncing of tho Pnclfio Interior rnilroiul holng pro wotctl ly Dr. J. P. Kctltly, tlio Omnia 1V.BS Courier unyaj NcgoUnUons for tho finnneinj: ntul building of tho Grants Pans-Crescent City milrond nro proRreRsin;; most Bntisfnctorily, the visit of C 1?. Mnss liclc, of tho firm of Now York nttor iieyn, who was pent hero to investU riUq tho locol Iiotul Irruo, liAving cleared the ntmopplicro in that thrcc tion, ntul disclosed tho wny to the ns siiriiiR of bond buyers concerning tho legality of the issue. Tho ensa to tho supremo court to get a ruling on tho question of constitutionality will not require a grcnt nraount of time, ntul will not in nny way delay tho pro ceedings otherwise. Tho California party in ehnrgc of Mr. Franklin Helm which was to have met Mr. Mnssltck hore Inst Sunday, was delayed owing to the uncxcpccled arrival of the foreign people who arc to furnish (ho finances for tho bond ing of tho road. A night letter re ceived by. Mr. Masslick from Mr. Helm Wednesday morning, dated t Sacramento Tuesday night, stated that delay in arriving at Grants Pass was due to the arrival of tho foreign people earlier than had been expected mid that as they desired to cotn plcto details as 6oon as possible, it wan likely to bo Sunday or Monday before they would arrive. At the same timo Mr. Helm wired Mayor Smith, the dispatch reading as foleows: "Telegraphed Masslick and asked lura Bhow yon telegram which in mcasuro explains my delay reaching von. Am sending you full list of directors construction coempany. Phclan's details am being completed ; also foreigner's contract for whole isstto of bonds which guarantees suc cess. My party of sixteen, includ ing board directors constmction, will start for Grants Pass as soon ns can finish with foreigners. I regret ex ceedingly could not bo with you last Saturday as our tickets called for. Will start in few days with every thing excellent shape." Tho tenor of tho nbovo dispatch from Mr. Helm indicates that he has tho details much better in hand than hnd been anticipated even by tin most optimistic, nnd that with the arrival of his party of sixteen peoplo tho rond from Grants Pass to tho sea will tako definite form, and that the commencement of actual building will be a matter of a short time ouly. FRED THOMSON NOW WORLD'S BEST ATHLETE LOS ANGELES, Cal., Juno 12. Fresh from bis new won honors at Princeton, N. J., Fred Thomson, world's all-round champion athleto, Is resting at his homo hero today. A movement Is on foot to bring Thomson and Fred Kelly, tho Los Angeles U. 8. C. athlete who won the high hurdles In the Olympic games at Stockholm, together for tho all round test hero. CRATERLAKEGREA I RE RT AYS TEE L TITLED L 0 WEARS NO STOCKINGS BUT Portland, Or., Juno It, 1913. Secretary Commercial club, Mudtord, Or. Dear Sir: Will you kindly ex press to tho members of your club my heartfelt thanks for their loynl nnd very hearty support In tho long fight that has Just mmtnated In my appointment as superintendent of tho Crater Lake natlonnl park? Theso simple words do not give much Idea of tho depth of my gratitude, but I certainly hopo nud bcllevo that my services hereafter wilt Justify their faith In mo. Now lot us get to work and tnako Crater Lake famous tho world over as ono of tho greatest natural attrac tions In existence. To begin with, I would suggest that nn Invitation bo forwarded at oneo to tho secre tary ot tho Interior to visit It this season. Now, another point In lino with this, which is an invitation ought to bo sent at once to James Wood of tho St. Francis hotel. San Francisco, to visit tho lake as soon as ho can. Ho Is planning n great development ot tourist trado ot a high class, and Crater Iako should bo strictly In bis mind. Very sin cerely, WILL O. STEEL. Secretary Waro. for tho Commer cial club, has sent Secretary Lane an invitation to visit tho Inko. POSES AS MODEL NEWS FROM ILLINOIS CHEERS AUSTRIAN WOMEN YIEKN'A, June 12. When it was nnnounecd at the suffragette conven tion here today that the state of Illi nois had passed n woman suffrage bill, a great demonstration was pre cipitated. Scores of delegates stood on their chairs and the cheering was loud and long. - SIX MEN MET DEATH BY STEAMER EXPLOSION RACINE, Wis., Juno 12.-i-Thor- ough search of tho ruins of the barge E. M. Peck, which was wrecked by an explosion here, showed today that nix men met death in tho accident. NEW YOltK, Juno 12. The. talk of New York today Is l.ady Con stance Steward Klchnrdson, who wears no stockings, oven In public- Tito startling gown sho woro when sho stopped from tho liner Olympic also caused a fow eyes to bulgo. Lady Coustatnco Is In New York to fill a vaudeville engagement nnd also to show the American women how to dress as well as dnnco. "If you will look mo over care fully," said Lady Constance as sho spun around on a too, "you wilt see thcro Is nothing In my manner ot dress to hamper my movements." It was true, too. Tho Englishwoman's gown was t couiblnatlton brown Japanese ki mono, with regular slashes nt the sldos and white trimmings nt tho neck and wrists. Tho silts rovoalcd baro legs, tho slashes bolng deep and wide. Lady Constance raado no comment when a reportor romarked that Now York was filled with "rub bernecks." Her feet wcro encased in sandals. Lady Constance admitted sho Is In vaudeville for personal financial gain. J "This talk," sho said, "that I am working solely to aid English char ity Is all bosh. Neither my husband nor myself has a largo Income. I am not fond ot tho stngo, but I saw an opportunity- to. mako i lot. ot money and I accepted." FIVE POLICEMEN AGREE TO PLEAD GUILTY GRAFTING SAN FltANCISCO, Cal., Juno 13. Confirmation ot reports thnt five ot tho eight San Francisco police men Indicted for misdemeanor con spiracy have announced their will ingness to plead guilty and throw themselves on tho mere ot tho court, mado mado hero today by District Attornoy Charles M. Kick ort. Patrolmen William Motlugti. l'ollco Sergeant James MeOownn and Patrolmen Joseph Droletto, Charles Joseph and Jack Sullivan are tho flvo men who havo agreed tp plead guilty. Flckert explained thnt attnmnys for tho flvo convicted men submit ted plans by which thuy havo agreed to allow their clients to plead guilty to tho conspiracy charge for Immun ity on felony ludlrtmouts. "I havo tho offer under consider ation," said Flckert today. Such action would have tho city great ex pense." ' REVENUE CUTTER TO BE UTILIZED AS RT ROM WASHINGTON, June l'J. Unique mining the chancellories of (he enith is thu cabin-court of (he United Slates revenue cutter, Thetis. Onuo u year this sturdy little ship is sent fur into thn fmr.cn north where the Eskimos, miners, traders, fishermen ami others, tuny nlr their grievances before a representative of Uncle Sam's judiciary. Under the northern HghlH and tho midnight sun, in tho cabin of tho Thetis, these people bring their diffi culties nud legal tangles to be un raveled. Tho Thetis has cnined the title of thn "Floating Court of the Hough Alaskan Seas" nud among the outlaws it is known us the "Ter ror." Secretary of the Treasury MeAdoo today signed orders which doHtgnate the Thetis to open court for thu third judicial district, embracing tho Hole ring sea islnudt nud Alaskan ports, , ' ,, 1 ' ill Vulclcf, July 111. (In honril will liu .Initio Peter I). Ovorflfltl, ntdiM'tril by Attorney (leiinrnl Mi'lleyilolds In pre shin ami hU iimUIihiIh, Meiils, Frank 1.. Austin, Charles V, Seller and War ner K. TIiuiuhoii, of lint lieveiuin Culler service, During the court's session these nirii will he United Hlules commissioners. Limits, Thoi. A. Shanley, Clarence II. Ileuch nud Stephen S, Ycnmlle will assist In the capacity of deputy United Stales marshal. Died. HOOK The funernl services of the late Theodore Hook, will be held at the Ciithnlla church, Friday morning at H o'eloek. Interment in thu Jack sonville cemetery. Mr. Hook died of heart failure Tuetduy afternoon nt the residence of A. Keliehor, on South Oukdale, where he was employed as a gnrduer. He leaves u stepdaughter, Mrs. Henry Sehuette, 1112 South Fir, his only known relative. Deceased was horn ill Holland, hut was ii uuturaliceil oltUen of the United Slates. He has been in Itogun river valley for six years, dud fur two years has been employed to do light gardening work for Mr. A. Keliehor. lln was eighty-five yenr and twenty days of ngo nt thu time of his death. REAL PEACE IN BALKANS SIGH T THROUGH RUSSIA VIENNA, June 12. All danger of further war In tho llalkniis at leant In the Hear future Is believed In have passed, This belief Is current In governmental circles hero with the receipt today of dispatches trout Sofia, which stato that Hulitarla has unqualifiedly accepted Itussta'n offer to arbitrate tho territorial disputes which for weeks luivo kept the Kerlm and HulKars on tho verge of war, It Is also reported hero from Del grade that Hervln already bus au ceptod UtiHsla'a prnpoial. If theso statements aro trim It U regarded as certain that real peaiH In tho llalkans Is near. Fair Weather Predicted. PORTLAND, Ore., Jiiun PJ. Weather ferccuM: Oregen: Fair houlli, showera northwest portion to night niul Friday j showers northeast portion tonight or Friday; southerly winds, MajMMaMjjIa JUSJii'iCLtftj ?M2M;MgM3t3M a ARTIST SARGENT GIVEN AN HONORARY DEGREE LONDON, Juno 12. Tho degree of !. I. I), is conferred here today on John Singer Sargent, the American artist, by Cambridge University. The rensons which led the university to confer this honor on tho American wcro told in Latin sentences by Sir John Sandys. Denver Railroad Man Dead. 'DENVER, Colo., June 12. William McAllister, general agent of tho Southern Pacific, died hero this morning of pneumonia. lie hnd been here eighteen years. y For Those Tired Aching Feet of Yours YOU TOLL FIND RELIEF AT BEHLING'S b' . us Shoes licre are selected of pliable leather, velvet and canvas. THE RIGHT SHOES FOR RIGHT NOW Wo Uko To Tit Behling's Good Fit Shoo Store The Hard To Fit J X T r X t t f r r r t More New Summer Wash Goods ESPECIALLY SELECTED FOR THE WABM WEATHER, NICE FRESH AND NEW STYLES. SATIN STRIPE VOILES WITH DAINTY DESIGNS OF SNOW FLAKES AND BROCADES IN ALL NEW SOFT SHADES OF THE SEASON. ALSO WHITE GOODS IN IMMENSE QUANTITIES. PARASOLS Even Parasol sold a big discount, prices range from 10 to ?4.50 KIMONAS Nico Lawn Kimonas in the soft shades of blue, lavender and pink, all sfees and full length, $1.25 values, for only 08 HOUSE DRESSES 'All pur odds and ends go on sale Friday and Sat urday atVfliscount of. 25 MUSLIN UNDERWEAR 20 OFF. ' Our entire line of Muslin Underwear on sale, now is the time to Jitake, your, chqico while the stock fs complete, for Friday and Saturday at 20 off ECONOMY HOSE "A f ju,c rihb, ed Cotton J lose woven four thread, re inforced heel and toe, conic in tan and black, samp quality sold elsewhere 25c each, we put them on sale Friday and Saturday. . Call Tor Economy Hose, 2 pair for , 25 SKIRTS To close out our entire line in a few days we put them on sale Friday ami Saturday. Ask to see them, at just .' $2.08 LADIES' SKIRTS Genuine Man Tailored Skirls, made from best giVtdo of fine Laisoto in white, tain, blue ami black, always sold at .1.50, special at 08 GARDEN HATS iMe'nly of those large', sbft Chinese Garden UaU at, only 't- - ! MEN'S OVERALLS While they last, just one-half price or 50 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Mostly dark colors... . t 30 FULL LINE OF JAPANESE COLTAN CREPE AND RIPELETTE Plain and stripes, all colors 18 Henderson Corsets Best for the money. H. N. MOE 6 CO. Kaiflor Long Silk Gloves Only., 98 ? T r t t r T t r X . ? I ! r We are not going out of business, but must reduce stock in all lines, so will on SATURDAY MORNING at 7:30 offer our immense stock of Society Brand, Washington and Schloss Suits, J. B. Stetson and No Name Hats, and Mens Furnishings. Our stock is not old, but is up-to-date! FULL PARTICULARS IN TOMORROW'S PAPER TOGGERY ' -Til T? J .11 Hy f f t ? f ? J J J y t f y t y J y 7 f t y y H,.K,MWtjWv' " " -f t- - ' M ' ' -s - .