Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 12, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    I I I I I
Medford MAIL tribune
msdfoiu rniNTiNO co.
The DemoorMlo Times, Thn Mcilford
Mai!, The Medford Tribune, The South
ern Orftfonlan, The Ashland Tribune
Offlco Mall TrltiutiA Ihillilln. 25-37-lt
Nflrth Kir atreets telephone &.
ptflclsl Vnnor of the City of Mcdford.
v Official rnper of Jaclcaon County.
tlROnafC PUTNAM, editor nnd Manager
Entered as second-class matter at
Mcdford. Oregon, under the act of
Hutch 1, 1879.
One year, by mull - 18.00
t)n month, by mall .SO
ler month, delivered by carrier In
Medford, Jncknonvlll and Cen
tral 1'olnt . .80
Psturday only, by mall, per year J.00
.Weekly, pr year ... V&n
bwoss crKCtrATiow.
Dntlr nverairn for levfn" months end
ing Kovcmber 30. 1811. i.St.
The Mnll Tribune Is on pale at the
Kerr News Stand, Son Francisco,
I'ortiaml Hotel No w Bland, rortland.
Portland JCewa Co., Portland, Ore.
V. O. Whitney, 8attl. Wh-
TttU Xaied Wire United Prste
1 1
LONDON, Juno 12. Declaring
tlicra nro between GO, 000 nnd 70,000
certified lunatics In England who
nro bound by tho marrlago tie and
whose wives or husbands, as tho
case may be, arc doomed to a life
of celibacy. Lady WllloiiRhby do
proke, vice president of the Divorce
Jaw Iteforra Union, today announced
that Sir David llrynmor Jonoa Iirb
consented to Introduco in parliament
a bill which will extend the grounds
on which divorces may bo granted.
t present. Infidelity is the essential
ground of every absoluto divorce
proccedlnc. Lady "Wllloubhby to
day explained tho proposed changes.
"Wo base our demands for the
changes on tho general ground of
human happiness and morality
which1 cannot ho served under the
present laws. It is true that legal
separations which prevent remarri
age nro granted for persistent cruel
ty, continued desertion, habitual In
ebriety, neglect to maintain, etc..
but this Js not enough. It Is pre
posterous to demand that innocent
victim's of drunkards, wlfo beaters
or lunatics bo forced into a life of
celibacy or Immorality. We main
tain that whatever justifies lifelong
separation also Justifies nbsoluto di
vorce wlt,h tho privilege of remarry
ing by tho Innocent party. We bo
Jiave with tjio roya commission,
Which recently completed an exhaus
tive inquiry Into this question, thnt
absoluto dlvorco decrees should be
? ranted for infidelity, desertion for
hreo years, cruelty, Insanity after
flvo y oars' Imprisonment, habitual
drunkenness found Incnrabio after
threo years, and Imprlsonmentt for
life." '
Charges that the champion Boston
lied Sox aro so sore at their posi
tion in the American lcagup race
that in yestprday's long ganio they
(jolborato!y tried to cripple tho Naps
Y'cfe freely mado hero today when
tho Cleveland contingent arrived
from tho Hub.
' JooWood, thd Boston Blur pitcher,
is blamed for part of tho trouble.
Wood" "bonnod" Larry Lajolo dur
ing tho ' game, alinost "beaned"
Manager Jog IJ'roiIngham, who was
on the coaching lino, and two other
ijiembora of tho Cleveland team woro
spiked". Neither of tho latter wero
uVrJously hurt.
Tho Naps declnro thpr.0 Is an ovl
dent conspiracy among tho I3os'on
men to cripplo thoso teams which
leal thorn in the pqnnant race.
qqui rush of ashland
I .l
, Orllo llusli, 2G years old, of Ash
land, Kan drowuod In Hoguo Itlvcr
Wednesday afternoon jut asbovo tho
(lolil Hay dam when tho boat in which
Ho and his father, C. O. Uush, wero
uHginijtiug to extrlrnto Jwo flshcrmon
rapjzpd throwing all four men Into
tjio dopp water.
Mr, Hush and his son were flshlus
nt Qoljl Raj,ylibn two flsjiorpion un
able to got tholr boat loose from a
Hiibmcreod trco trunk called for help.
The two men got lit tJiplf boat and
rowed" out to'najat thorn. As Hush
fliul his father stood up attempting to
milj tho stranded craft froo tho swift
current swung thp boat about throw
ing tho mon out aud capsizing tho
Mcondf boat. Tho futlior called to
tho otfier men to help lilt sou but It
wa too lute.
' ;
Tho seventeenth nhnunl reunion
ot the lumnl association of tho
southern Oregon stato normal school
took place In tho assembly hall ot
tho Ashland public library' Mouday
evening. It brought together n
good attendance of tho llvo spirits
nnd tho enthusiasm manifested kept
the meeting in session until mid
night. Two former prcsldonU of tho
school, W. T. Van Scoy of Ashlaud
and H. F. Mulkey ot Mcdford, ha well
na J. AV. Milnn, J. A. hlfih, Miss Kai
ser. Homer Ullllngs, J. P. Wells, Mr.
Holmes, Mrs. Pcrowl md others
spoke. A letter from Worth Harvey
of Cotttago Qrovo tilled tho meeting
with enthusiasm and hopo. Tho re
marks bore upon tho matter ot tho
methods ot getting tho merits of tho
Issue before the voters ot Oregon and
practically every rciourco available
was touched upon. Ono factor ot
especial vlrulauco and character
looked to for help was tho Hoguo
Klver Valley University Club. Ap
peals were also sent out to tho alum
nl associations of the various schools
and colleges and colleges, teachers
Institutes, nnd other ortnlmtlotis
whoo purposes aro gcrmnln totho
purposes of tho general uplift.
A committee on resolutions con
sisting of Mr. Mulkey, Mr. VanCcoy,
Mr. Wells. Miss Julia Floldor, Mr.
Hillings and Miss Kaiser was named.
To meet some expense Incident to
keeping up the preliminary campaign
during tho summer $1.1 was sub
scribed and Miss I.ydln McCall, Miss
Julia Fielder. Miss Iloulah Caldwell,
Mrs. Susie Pracht und Koy Walker
were appointed to solicit tho balanco
from among tho members ot tho al
umni. During tho crenlng Miss Floy
Cambers and Mrs, Koy Walker sang
solos and a quartctto consisting ot
Roy Walker, J. H. McOee. Mr. Wil
son and W. A. Schwlmley also favor
ed the audience. Mrs. p. Pew!
canio to tho meeting with punch,
wafers, etc., and her "number" was
also duly appreciated.
Fred C. Holmes, Jr., was re-elected
president for tho ensuing year
and Miss Ethclyn Hurley was cloctcd
secretary and treasurer. The fol
lowing committees woro appeinted:
Executive commlttca Fred C.
Holmes, Jr., Sirs. I). PcrozzI, Prof.
J. P. Wells, Mrs. Geo. F. King. O.
H. nilllnps.
Commlttpo on Information and
Campaign Material To consist, of
former presidents nnd mombcrs of
tho faculty. W. T. VnnScoy. II. F.
Mulkey, Harry Schaffer wero named
with request to further organlzo the
commltteo and put It to work.
Tho cxccutlvo commltteo was em
powered to organlzo tho campaign
committee which will bo statewide in
Its scope.
Wilh great pomp uud ceremony Mnh
inml Khefket, gruntl vizier, who
uiw asahwiiiated yesterday by oppo
nent of the Youn Turk jwrty, ya3
buried todaj1. Tho greatest excite
merit prevails througlinnt tho city
and n now revolution i expected to
break opt nt any hour. Tho uutliori
tieH nro overlooking no precaution to
tupprcfis u)rLinRri and have ordered
nil citizons to bo in doors before ten
o'clock nt niclit.
Ail is now In readiness for tho
M)oll Shop" now songs, now dances
and now costumes; good music and
aro to bo given Jn Medford's beauti
ful now Page theater, uiulor ausp!cc3
of tho I. O. O. F. and under Mine. T.
Sziver'a direction. Scats aro now on
sale at tho box offlco. Thoso taking
part in ono now specialty, tho sextett
from Floradpra, "Tell Mo Pretty
Ma)den," aro as follews: Tho Misses
Frducps Klnnoy of Jacksonville; lva
Coffin, Ixis EatcB, Dot Parry, Ione
FJynn and Helen Dale, with tho
Messrs. Horace Dromloy, Dr. W. W.
Howard, O. Y. Tcngwald, E. O. Trow
brldgo, Jr., Paul Ilobluson nnd Carl
Miss Dorothy Wicks, wtyo was th?
charn)ng quepii, will reappear in an
entirely now costypio and no doubt
will bo again tho great favorite; nlso
wjll tho famous Hag Do), Fletcher
Fish npd dear Topsy, 'Will Devorldgd,
'Dainty Ethol Quthrlp will nppoar
In ft duot and dance with Geo. Gates.
Tho youngest of tho "Doll Shop"
company tills tlnio is llttlq LqIb Qui-
Eouberry who takes tho part of tho'
English daughter In act I. iioraom
ber tho data ono night only Fri
day, Juno 13.
i.U...... '. LJ '
Coernor West loft hero early today
after fully Investigating tho circum
stances surrounding ttlio Invasion of
tho pApor mills hero by n number
ot men believed to bo socialists and
tuombera of tho Industrial Workers
of tho World. Tho governor stated
that tho situation was tonso, but
that nt tho present time ho had no
intention of sending mllltln to quell
any dlsturbanro which might arise.
t was understood that fifteen mem
bers of the local National Guard nro
under arms ready to respond In case
of n riot call.
Desplto RtntemcntH of thn mill
owners thnt tho activities leading up
to tho visit of fifty or moro uuu to
tho mills early yesterday morning
nnd through alleged threats or vio
lence, causing them to cease opera
tions for several hours, was without
local support, it was learned that
tho employes nro dissatisfied with
conditions and that tho visit in n
number ot cases wns not unwelcome.
It also became known that the mon
In the mills wero reduced sixteen
cents n day In wages when tho eight
hour day wont Into effect.
It was- understood that although
tho corporations had granted tho
mon an eight-hour day voluntarily,
they wero compelled to work through
this period without food or rest
tlnio. Tho mill employes nro unor
ganized, however, and have, made no
formal demands on tho companies
The city authorities have called
a bait on street speaking, and Tuns.
Hums and J. D. Itnmsley, socialists
from Portland, are under arrest for
attempting to hold street meetings.
Fifteen men are under indict
ment today in connection with the
disturbances at tho local mills early
Tho Pautngen vaudcvlllo at tho
Page last night was up to IU custom
ary high standard, and delighted n
largo audience It Included flvo num
bers, all ot which drow their full share
of laughs and applause.
Dcaumpnto and Arnold, Into of tho
"Miss Nobody From Stnrland" com
pany, had a dancing aud blnglng
sketch, and aomo jokes that were
new. Their dancing was graceful
and their singing good. Jowol and
Jordon wero whistlers and Imitators
of everything from a mosquito to a
Tho Makaranko duo, n Russian
man nnd woman, combined both com
edy and art in their sketch. The
songs in the nativo Husslan woro
much moro enjoyed than tholr Eng
lish attempts. Trfscary showed that
ho was indeed a master of tho hats
and coins, as woll as of his gloves nnd
cano. He was a skilful Juggler nnd
Miss Itutli' Chandler proved that
she was a comedlenno In ovory sense
of tho word. Her sketch was filled
with lots of good humor, and her
Impersonations wero cxcplleit.
Tho performances will bo repeat
ed again this afternoon aud cvcplng.
Few prima donnas, liavo had hucU
an Interesting career or rapid" rise
as has been tho lot of Chrlstlno Nlol
fen, qf Low Fields' All Star "Han
ky Panky" Company, which comes
to tho Page Thcatro ono night, Fri
day, June 20th.
Dorp in California twcuty-fjvo
years ago, sho studied assiduously,
and was finally pronounced as "rea
dy' by her Italian teacher.
Going to Now York, up mado hor
debut ns "Dabutto" with Frank
Daniels In "Tho Bollo of nrlttnny,"
and finished that season in tho All
Star "Mikado," with Frltzlo Schoff,
Christie McDonald and herself, ati
tho "Throe Llttlo Maids."
Tho following season brought two
failures in flvo weeks, "Madatiio
Troubador," ami tho Ill-fated "Two
Men nnd A Girl." Surely this was
discouraging but again provod tho
old ndago about "tho dark cloud
with tho sijyor lining" elp, for with
out Interruption hus Miss Nlclson
featured in soyen cpnsplcuous suc
cesses in (successien: "Tho Balkan
Princess," "Tho Kiss Witltz." "All
Star PInuforo." "Tho Wedding Trip,"
"Two Llttlo Brides," Gilbert & Sul
livan's ''Patience," and last, but not
least, Low Floldn' All Star "Hanky
incldeni-qjly, M8H Nielsen Is only
loaned jo Low FleldH until such tmo
as sho Js called upon to sing aguln
In thp A) Sfur Gilbert & Sulllvun
Revivals. '
Mcdford, Ore., Juno 11, 1018.
Hon. Oswald West,
Govorhor of Oregon,
S:lem, Oregon.
Dear Sir;
Since you hnvo seen IK to publUh
tho letter written to you by Mrs:
Fnlth Whltnker'stuokor relating to
tho fnrm purchased from mo, which
letter Imputes dishonor In tho trans
action on my part, 1 deem It my duty
to answer tho sauto so that you nnd
tho rending public may know iiomc
thing ot tho other side ot tho cane.
About three nnd n half years ngo
I sold t W. K Bturkor eighty acres
of land situated about four miles
from Mcdford for tho agreed price
of J2f,fi00.00. Tho plnco was In
good condition, twenty acre being
In bearing orchard, nnd was con
sidered n good buy. In fart tho samo
day after I closed tho deal with
Stuckor I was offered tho sumo
nmount by n man who han slnto
bought nnd paid for n JSO.onn farm
In this vicinity.
Stucker paid mo J 7,500 cash and
received a title bond conditioned for
tho payment of thn $111,500 balance
In six yearly payments bearing six
por cent Interest. In April 1911
Stucker camo to mo with n proposi
tion to sell forty acres ot tho unim
proved portion of tho tract to one
Peter Young for $0,000, this nmuuut
of cnurso to bo deducted from Stuck
er'H Indebtedness to me. Mrs.
Stucker li correct In saying that 1
thought $i;.000 too llttlo for forty
ncrcs of this laud, but I reluctantly
consented to tho sale solely to ac
commodate Stucker. Young pnld
$3,000 leaving n bnlance of $.1,000
still duo from him. so thnt I hnvo
received on tho entlro tract J 1 0,500
nnd not $13,500 ns stated by Mrs.
This $3,000 payment wns the Inst
mado on tho contract. It has been
more thnn two years since Stuckor
paid n cent of cither prlnrlpnl or In
terest. It certnlnly u not my fault
thnt the fruit crop failed, If It did
fall, but Mr. Stucker told mo that he
received moro than $700 for npplos
Inst year.
When I farmed the plnco I did
not depend entirely on the fruit, but
raised n general crop. I raised stock
and corn nnd bay, nnd In fact mado
raouoy oven It tho fruit failed to Jilt.
f sold $25 worth of hay per acre off
thn part sold to Young. Stucker ha
dopendod solely on tho orchard and
has evou neglected that, having fail
ed to pruno It for two years. Ho
might hnvo sold hay. dairy products,
hogs anil grain to advantage, there
by making at least enough to live
wel and keep up his lntermt. In
stead, however, ho has allowed tho
placo to get rank, and has destroyed
moro than half a mllo of good plank
Only Inst year Stucker twlco re
fused $21,000 for tho forty acres
(less tho forty sold to Young for
$0,000) so that ho could hnvo real
ized n net profit of $500 for the pur
chasers agreed to piy tho ngont's
commission. Claude Miles nnd J. K.
Barkdull were tho ugonts nut! will
vorjfy this htatortient,
Instead of Stuckcr's trying for tho
last tnrco months to get mo lo
"mnko somo nctlon," I hnvo for a
much longor period been trying to
get them to nt least pay up tho In
terest. I.iiht January I callodT Mr
Stucker over to sen mo nnd tried to
reach somo kind of nn ngreement
wlih him. Ho then proposed thnt I
buy his equity, which of rpurxQ I re
fused to consider, ns I did not then,
and do not now, want to tako tho
placo back. In March I wont out to
tho plnco to see- gtucker In regard lo
tuo taxes anu overdue interest, out
got no satisfaction.
I have been vory lonlont with
Sturkcr uud never mudp but ono re
quest thnt anyono could construe a
harsh, mid hero It Is: I asked hi pi to
glvo mo u martgago on IiIh ycrnr'u
crop to secure tho Interest which Is
overfill for tw years. Instead of
complying with this, ho wanted mo
to furnish tho monoy to cultivate,
spray und harvest tho crop. Of
cpurso I woyld not do ho and leave
tho management to n inan like
There was n, tlnio when I wVuld
hnvo considered paying something
for .Mr, Stuckor's equity In tho pluco,
but under existing conditions of tho
orchard I would not feel justified In
offering him oven $600. Tho truth
Is I don't want to rccelvo tho placo
buck nt all and I only wish that
there woro sorno vlslbo prospect for
him to pay for t. If ho would oven
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant:,
Phones M. 47 anil 47-J-9
Ambulauco Service Deputy Coroner
tY, .TlTNTi) 12. 10
ill '-.IJ.J
n j. n v v
pay tho Interest I would bo satisfied,
und would, If uecessury, txtoiid tho
(Imp fur tho payment of tho prlurU
It was uover before Intliunum to
me thut tho Stucker family bus boon
suffering for food or clothing ui'
other uecMMltles. nnd If till bo true
It shows very poor iniinaneinont, for
I have never heard of titty sickness
In tho family, nnd I know tho farm
Is ono ot tho best In tho country.
Whut beenmo ot tho $700 ho go1 for
last year's ripplo crop?
Yours very respectfully,
Juno 1'.'
Duo to u sudden
H. C,
I'Iho In
tho Frnser river, To to Jntinn Cnrlie
Is today under wittor; boats nro be
ing used on the main street tor re
moving furnishings from tho build
luits close tto tho wtiter front nnd
oovornl structures have been washed
from their fouudntloiiH.
Heavy rains during the Inst few
days hnvo resulted In n phenomenal
rise In tho river, nnd eysterdny when
tho residents n,wokn they found thnt
the wnter was Inpplug Around their
doors. Wnter on tho main street
Is now six feet In depth mid tho
river Is still rising. No liven ns
yet hnvo been lost, although nevorul
narrow escapes nro reported, where
men lu bouts narrowly avoided be
ing swept Into tho river by tho roar
ing current.
Most of tho buildings In tho sub
merged nnvt hnvo been vacated, tho
furulHhlugs nnd other goods being
removed to higher ground.
- (
Tho members of the llnptlst Young
People' Union met nt tho homo of
Miss Nora Daley on West 10th street
Tuesday ovoajng uud after transact
Ing buslues.-t elected the following
officers for tho ensuing year: Presi
dent, Mr. Harl Kelziir: Vice proel-dont.-Mr.
Scott Darby; Secretnry and
Treasurer, Miss Ollvo Johnson.
On next Tuesday, June 17, nt S
p. m. In tho church parlors tho Un
ion will Initiate n largo class of now
members, follnwod by u splendid
program, Including a lecture by Itev.
Mrfullough entitled "An Kvenlug
With' Hawthorne." A good time ts
assured and all mombcrs of tho soci
ety nnd frlonds aro cordially Invited
to attend. Refreshments will ton
rludo tho evening's entertainment.
Says: "It Is n wise precaution
u mil ma gutting holes lu delicate
hosiery to powder the shows beforo
putting thorn on." Many people
sprinkle tho famous antiseptic puw
dor, Allen's Fool-Knse, Into tho
shoos, and find that It saves Its rod
tou times over In keeping holes from
hosiery as well ns lessening friction
aud consequent smarting and aching
of tho feet.
Mother's Advice
. To Her Daughter
rVHcsl Mv Dollto Fondle l,i Woman's
Grtel Hspplness.
She Is vrlwlom ItiHf who knows of or
lenrin of that famous rt-nnjdy, Mother's
r ncnii. it w nu ox
ierunl npiilicfttlon
fur t Un nbdimiliial
rnnsclr nnd breasts,
it ha a wonderful ln
tturucu, nllnys all
fi-ur, btinlfbcs a 1 1
pain, Is n grU'ful en
couragement to tho
eipectaul mother, nnd
iwrmltM her to go
through the period happy In mind, des
tined to niitleipatu wmnnns grcalMt uap
pliitnn ns natum intcudid she should.
The action of Mother's Friend uinkes tho
munch pliant and respunslvo to c ly.-itiulpn.
Thus nil strain and tension upon tho nenes
and IhriiMf ills Is avoided, nnd, In plnce of n
period of discomfort and coimeqiii-nt dread
it Is a sjeasou of culm rcposv aud Joyful ex
pccfillon. Thero Is no nnuncn, no monilnjf sickness,
no norvotiD twltcbluir, nono uf that constant
strain Known to no loiiuy women
Tliii splendid. remedy niu I had of any
nrutr-iat at ,w n ismic. write to nrau-
Write to linn
lie id HcEiiintor t., :-' ut
pnar IIIiIk., At-
liplo. (In., tut their book to uxjicclaut
Kino light Ilrend, Muffins, IllscultH,
Cakos or Pustry nro wolcomo.
It will nlwnys bo good wholn
tioiiio food If ruined with
'Which never fnlls
to raliq'tlio dough
leaving It light but
not dry.
liSa Per
Ask your
Crescent Mauufiictuiliig
Scuttle, Wiuli,
1 a
Whflt Every Womanly
Woman Wants
0 of tho fondest desires ot lull
lions of wopien Is to hnvo bountiful
This desire can be (untitled with
out tho slightest risk, for druggists
uxiry where, nnd t'lms. Strang sells
a hnlr toulo cnllud Parisian Sngo for
50 cents, (hat will turn dull, lifeless,
unattractive hnlr In two weeks, or
money bark.
Put the iiiimn on your shopping
list right uow, and bo sure nnd got
tho genuine, livery package 1ms the
girl with tho Auburn hnlr upon It.
Since Its Introduction In Amnrlen,
Parisian Sago ban won unstinted
praise from women of refinement
who hnvo learned what n delightful
and refreshing hnlr toulo nnd dress
lug Parisian Sago Is.
Just because tho inakorn nro nb
solutoly certain thnt Parisian Sago
Is tho only preimrntlon thnt kills
ho pernicious dandruff microbes,
they nro willing to guarantee It to
b.inUli dandruff, stop fatllliig hnlr
and Itching scalp, or money hack.
Wo rnrry a vrry rotniitxtn Una of
drnpcrliN. fnrn ciirUltia, fuinrrn, to.,
ml do nil cIk of tii)iiilnlirlti. A
prrlnl man to look aflir tlila work
fjulimlvely mid will kIva hi kixM
rvlct u l pntbl tu gtt In von
tho latum cltli'.
Wook3 & McGowan Go.
Steam and Hot Wator
Alt Work OnnrRiilJ
Prices llaonl)l
M Xowstd Block, 1CntrDot oa Stti SH.
. . Xotu Vbuu B4S. " '
1 Kin)' loam, 12fi0 lbs. each
1 bay team, 1200 lbs. each
E. H. Westerf ield
piioi:m., oiti:.
Phono IDI'-I.
i i t ,
And Wo Rtntid for Jt, too
That's tho kind ot Ilakory (londii
Wo dally hako for you.
Quality Ilrend mid Quality Pics,
Quality Huns mid Cnko,
Tho Quality Principle Underlies
Tho Qunllty (londs Wo Ilnko.
X'i H, Cn'rl
E. D. Weston
Qftioial Photographor' of the
Medford Commorcial Chb
'Ainutoui' Pinislihig
Post Cards
Panprainuj Work
Portraits ,
Interior and oxtorior viows
Flush lights
Negatives mado any time
and any place by appoint
rnont, 208 E. Main Phono 1471
U'liero ynti'ijet jour inoiipy's wortli
on both sides of the illuio,
Cinrniliig I'lylng i'A" fenturo
lu two roots
"Oil. OS TltOflll.KII WATHIW"
How tho mlnemhlo undo gnvo tho
In Ido n dowry ot barren bench prop
erty nnd how Damn Fortune vitalised
(ho rock coiiHt with (ho iiiiikIc o( oil.
"Tin: mini ii.Ti;rnvi:s itusu"
Clover ThuiihiniHor,
KejHlone AN'OTIIiat Kejutono
"Aud (he villain still pursued her"
somo fun.
Al Snlher In lllmtrnled Kong
Approprlnto inusln und effects.
Afternoon nnd livening, i
Adiiill(iii He mid too
has special fount res In License Pic
tureo nud music; bott in tho city,
Music furnished by Prof. Ile.ich
and Miss Coffin.
popi'iait I'lticix, , .wo ioc.
Your Money's Worth.
W. .1. Al.lli:itT. Mnmiger.
Our PlituteH ro tho WL
Pliitpbi)K '1 Only, I
Till: Oltl'IIA.V.
l.igt ll Al It.
Winter lu l'pter ItugAilliic, T
tiiic n.wi.MtiiT iiriKHaii, I
Hero Tomorrow.
Clues Special, In Two Parts. I
Matinees Dull'.
ftH4WIHfl Ml I
I Luxury Without
r- a
Von Dorn I
242 Turk Slrcot
Fincsj, popular prirtod
s ll'olol in San Fruiiuiaco
i Modern
r -
Bct locntJ'
and most
hotel in the
Running disftillcd
ice water in each room.
European Plan, ala Carc
Tariff on Rooms
12 rooms .-- - 41.00 escji
CO rooms .... l.BO escji
60 rooms - - 2.00 each
SO rooms with prlrils bftS 2.00 each
50 roonn with Brittle bath 2.50 each
30 fuite-, bedroom, psr
lorandbsth - - 3.00 esch
Por more thsn one guet sdd f 1.00
' extra to tho nbovo rstes for
each sddltional uueit,
Reduction by week or month.
hUfafm C6fir V KilUy
., Losooo ot drill nud Dltilug Hoqin, M
, V