I X ? t I X ? X ? I x ! x T X X ; X ! X I X I f ? y i X I X ! X ! X X ! X X ! X T. X I X X ! X I X I X X I X . ? f ? ? r X ! X ! X ! X I .t T X ; X f ? ? V ? ? ? X f ? I i ? t ? X ? ? ? ? ? ? t ? t ? y y ? t y y y y t ' y rlrrs OTDTOTin MATH TRTTTOtfR MEDFORD, ORKCION, TTTURRDAY. JTTSE '12, " '1913. yri tmt WSGE TEHFM ENTIRE MEDFORD'S BIG CLOTHING STORE CLOSED $20,00022 STOCK x ? MEN'S HIGH GRADE SUITS, HATS, SHOES, FURNISHINGS, ETC. GOING ON STORE CLOSED DOORS LOCKED PUBLIC SALE 4 ( THIS WILL BE THE GREATEST SALE IN THE HISTORY OF MEDPORD, OWING TO THE FACT THAT NOTHING BUT HIGH GRADE GOODS WILL BE FOUND IN TH STORE. THIS AD MEANS EXACTLY WHAT IT SAYS. EVERY FINE HART, SCHAFF NER AND MARX SUIT, EVERY STETSON HAT, EVERY FINE PAIR OF SHOES, EVE! SHIRT, ALL FURNISHINGS, ETC., MUST GO., ?r?$r CONDITIONS EXIST WHEREBY THIS FINE STOCK WILL GO ON PUBLIC SALE TO THE PUBLIC AND NOT ONE STONE WILL BE LEFT UNTURNED, NOT ONE ARTICLE WILL BE HELD BACK, COST AND VAIES WILL BE IGNORED. 'FT ? :, I 7 T I I '8 -'1 ft .!' v'l 2fT$ J X Ri $ -"IS F && HS&iJ I ! NOTHING RESERVED The Four Walls Will Be Stripped EVERYTHING IN THE STORE WILL BE SOLD AT ONCE STOCK CONSISTS OF HIGH GRADE SUITS SUCH AS HART, SCHAFFNER AND MARX AND CLOTHESCRAFT MAKES, FINE STETSON HATS, STRAW HATS, PANAMAS, HIGH GRADE SHOES, SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, TIES, ETC. A FEW ITEMS .10c. Men's Socks, cut to 3 25c Guaranteed Socks, 2 pair box, cut to 19 50; Silk Socks, cut to 29 Regular 2 for 25o Men's Collars, cut to 3 for 25 25e iron's Suspenders, cut to Of 'Aoa and 50c Suspenders, cut to 19 .'JHc and 50e iron's Silk Neckties, cut to 19 75c Silk Neckties, cut to 39 fiOc wren's Work Chirls, cut lo 29 $1.00 Dress Shirls, cut to 42? $1.00 Dress Shirls, cuct to 89 MEN'S SUITS ALL NEW AND UP TO DATE HART, SCHAFFNER MARX AND CLOTHES CRAFT MAKES $15.00 Men's Suits, all styles, cut to ... . $20.00 Men's Suits, all styles, cut to ... . $27.50 Men's Suits, all styles, cut to ... . $3 and $3.50 Men's Pants, cut to . . $1.89 $4.50 Men's Pants, cut to . . . $2.98 $4.00 Men's Shoes, cut to . . . $2.89 Men's Odd Vests, up to $3 values, cut to 39c $7.89 $10.89 $12.89 35c Men's Underwear, cut to 19 50c and 75c Men's Underwear, cut to. 39 $1.25 and $1.50 Men's Underwear, cut to.... ;...89 $1.50 Men's Union Suits, cut to .' 98 $3.50 Men's Union Suits, cut to $1.89 $1.00 Men's Night Shirts, cut to... 59 $1.50 Pajamas, cut to 89 $2.00 Men's Hats, cut to 98 $3.50 Men's Hats, cut to $1.29' 75c Men's and Boy's Caps, cut to 39 $1:00 and $1.50 Men's Caps, cut to 59 $1.00 ,'Jolm . StcHon 1 Tats, cut to....$2.59 $2.00 Straw Hats, cut to 98C $3.50 Straw Hats, cut to $1.29 $S.00 to $12.50 Panama Hats, cut to $3.98 K ALL OTHER GOODS MARKED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PRICES QUOTED Romombor this is no ordinary salo, but a roal public sale whoro each and every article will go. The four walls will be stripped, not one tiling will be held back, any one attending this sale will not bo disappointed for Mr. P. K. Douel, tho proprietor, stands bohind each and every garment in the store, and every thing in the store will go no matter how great a sacrifice must bo made. Store is closed and will remain closed until the public ' T! "" d Sale Starts Saturday, June 14th, Promptly at 10 a. m. ... fr i 'Umu : AND WILL CONTINUE UNTIL STOCK IS SOLD F. K. DEUEL & CO. The Clothing Store for Men NOTICE Since the store has been closed a large force of salespeople have been employed and are preparing the big stock for a hasty riddance, marking each and every article in plain figure and placing goods out on tables and counters so the public can select for themselves. Corner Bartlett and Main, Watch for the Big Sign, Public Sale. f A is