Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 12, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
I-'nlt- Maximum Hl mint
mum, no.
Kortytlilnl Yir.
l)ily KIkIKIi Year.
Circuit Decides That Ashland Need
not Pny County Road Tax Case
Will Be Appealed to Supremo Court
at Once by County.
County Court Feels it an Injustice to
Rest of County to Exempt Ashland
Alone From Hclpinu float Bulldlnu.
Circuit Judge K. M. CtitUlnn Iiiih
derided Hut mill liroiiKlit '' ttio clt
fir Ashland lo keep (nun imyliiK
roiinty road taxes In favor of Ash
liiiul. Ashland, ahum of Hmi cities of
Jnrknou roiiniy, rcf lined to-openi-(Inn
In county rowtl building ly re
fusing lo uiy din roml tax levied,
ntthnugh for iitiiny yourn tlm tax
una paid without protest.
Tim ruiinly court will appeal from
JiiiIku Calkins' dccUlon to tlm su
premo court. News of tlm decision
In n Intter to Noff fc Mentey, tlm
county's attorno) In tlm hiiw, from
Judge Ualkln nt Portland, which
reads as follows!
OtlkliK' HcrUInn
"Portland, Juno 0. ID 1.1.
"Messrs. Noff & Monloy, Mcdford,
"ilentlnmnn: I have reached tlm
rnncltintou In Johnson . Jackson
county that tlio county I without
niitlmrlly to luvy or collect roml
taiFM In Aililnml. An I have no fa
cilities horn for preparing on opin
ion, nml I itoulil my nutlmrlty to
make nn order or outer a Judgment
except In opun court unless the par
ties ntlpiilnlu to wnlro tho attention
of Jurisdiction, I presume tlm matter
will luivu to fluiid until July 7.
"Your truly.
"Circuit Judge."
Tlm roiinty court Imiics tlm fol
low Iiik concerning Its positien:
County Court' I'lislllolt
"('or years ninny of tlm cities In
ollmr sections of tlm statu have en
Jo) I'd exemption from rnnd taxes,
nml tho nil pro mo court linn In nt
least ono case rc-connlxi'd hiicIi ex
emption uk valid. In view of thin,
It Is extremely doiihtful whether nn
nppcnl will result In n reversal f
Judge Calkins' decision.
"Hut tlm county court bellows
Hint It Ih n rnnk Injuntlro to tlm
wholn roiinty tlmt nun city should
Im exempted nnd nil olhors Im re
quired to pny county rnnd taxes, nnd
nro determined not to submit to tlm
exemption of Ashland until every
thing possible ho boon dnnn to
avoid It, AcrordliiKly thoy will op
pool tlm caso to tho supremo court
at ouro nnd tiialco n strong endeavor
to havo tho oxompllon provision do
clored uucnmitltutloniil."
NKNV WOIIIC, Juno 12. This
morning was ono of Hio host
Iho market has Imd for weeks., Some
of Dm lending issues advanced seven
points nnd otliorH Ihrou before the
lii'nrri attempted a mid. Tlm raid
caused Now llavi'ii to ltmu to
0!)'j, a now low record.
Heavy buying f tcel shnros
fiiiHiMl thai Htook to rise u point
nhovo yesterday's close. Cnimdlnu
l'lidlm and ('an roKO 2, and Western
I'ncific, (hoiit Northern, Bonding,
Union Pacific, Now Ymk Coutral, In
toihnio proforrod and AmalKainatod
quilled a point or imiro.
I.alur Canadian I'atdflo juinpod
1, LuIiIkIi Valley , and HoadliiK,
iTiitmi Puclfln nml Qtoat Novtliorn
almiil two. Boutliom l'aoll'io ioho
two, and Union l'aoifm totu-liotl vr.'.
HoiiiIk wito irroKidnr.
Thu niarkot oloHod fairly hlmiif;.
'' ! wm
Hud' Anderson arrived Thnrmlay
nnd will ho liiilintud into tho Klktt
liy lliu Medford IihIro, lollowhiK
wliinli lm will Hiiond a week riiBtlcut-
iiiK in tlm hilk liMlilinir i.voteH and
pitehiiiK liay with .lha Ki'ihIiiiw, Urn
h'oat kiii of Anteldpo vulloy,
I. II ! II ll-l- ,
LONDON, June 12- Tlm mllltnnt
miffmKotto orK'inliatlon lodny com
pleted nil nrmiiKemuuu for tlm fu
no rn I of MIm Kmlly Davison, who
dli'il of hur wound nftnr attoinpt
Iiik to atop KIiik (!cnrKo' entry,
A inner. In the derhy. A olld mile
of, nuffr.iKOlti', four nhreimt, fn
plnnuod an tho foituro of (ho fu
neral. All will ho clnd In purple
nnd uhltu with niuuriiliiK lunula on
their hIoowm. Mm. I'ankliurnt may
luirttlclputu In tho demonstration.
HI'OCICTO.V, Onl.. Juno Vi. "fill
out" Ciirmni. hovou I linen reprieved
from the nnlloH, wmi plaeeil iiudor
the Influeiii-o of laiiKhluK Ka nt
tho Htockton stnto hocpltnl ) enter
day. Ho hroku IiIh Ioiik upell of
hi I u nee.
Mlow old nro you?" ho wun nuked.
"Old enoiiKh to ho horn," tho
murderer replied.
"Where wore you horn?"
"I wiih horn of woiuna."
"Where Ib our fnthor "
"Mother vouId know."
And then Carxon en me out of tho
Influence nnd liipnod Into hIIouco.
AlloaUtrt hay the tout Ih of llttlo
value In dolormlnlUF whether Car-
noa Ih liirtnno.
HAN KUANflBCO, Ciil., Juno 11!.
- -Tho dyiiiuultliiK ourly today of
two uuuilioloH In which wero InHtall
oil power coadultH of tho 1'aelflo (Iuh
& Klertrlo coinpuny, pluiiKod tho re-
Ideiu'o Hectlou of Han Kranelnn from
tlm I'otrorn to tho ProHtdlo In dark
iiohh. Bovoral atlrku of dvuiuulto
and fiiBo woru found near tho srouo,
Coinpuny oftlclulH flatly charge
ouiployoH on utrlko with tho dynaiitlt
liiK, hot union officials hotly deny
tlm allocation.
TOl'IMINISIF, Wash., Juno 12.
Uaablo lo decide on llieir elmieo for
postmaster, tho drmoerutio central
coiuinitteo put tho matter to a popu
lar vole, and Charles W. Chant, fruit
shipper, was chosen as tho nominee.
The reeominendiilmn that Grant ho
rippniulcil, was sent lo President Wil
son today.
Desperate Hand to Hand Encounter
at Bay San With Sultan of Joo
and His Forces Machine Guns
Fall to Dlslotlfjc Natives.
Determined Effort to Stamp Out Na
tive Resistance and Force Ac
knowledflcmcnt of Authority.
rANII.A. diiuo l'J. Kix Amerieiiii
triMiperx were killed and twelvn in
jured in a ilexperate I'lieouulvr nt
Ha-nir with .Moron under thu Sultan
of Join, uecorilinc to reportx from
the Hceiio of Imtlle received hero. No
estimate of Iho Morn loss Ih jtiveu.
Under the porHounl cominiiinl of
llriKndter flenernl I'critlitiifr, the
Ainerienn punitivo force attacked the
Moro Inii'M (hid moriiini; and after a
dcMpcrntc hiind lo limid liylit rap
tured llu i'iitrenciuieutn,
Hven Hie fire of a machine pun
platoon failed to ilihludKo tho MoroK
nml thev were not clcnred out of
their nullum: trenelie until tho
Aniericiiii reculur tnmiH'rx. Manila
ronstiilmliirv nml i'liilippiuu Heont
who fnrui I'crhhiiiK'H forco dimhcil
into the dilehen nnd ciiK'i'U'cd the
fiercely filitiuc .Mortm nt the buyo.
iicI'm point.
The Sultan nf Join Inn:; Iuik re
fiiTil to neknowlcilKO Americaii au
thority and after n long Keries of out
lircnkK hy hU men it Im hecu de
cided to stamp out Iuh resistance.
It ih not yet certain whether tho
hnttle nt Haysnu' linn heoa entirely
fiiiishrd. the mcxtmccK nrriine; nt
hciidipmrtcrK hero hoinc somewhat
Another nceotmt m-ccrU Hint
only two Auiprte.'iiiN killed in Iho Imt
lle were two private of Compnny M.
Kiclilh Infantry. Threo members
of tlm Fifty Kim I Company of
Scout nnd ono member of the Twenty-Ninth
Company fell.
I.iciiteiinnl K. If. Itaekelcy was
ninniig the wounded. IIo wn hit in
Iho lej: but will recover.
Later ndvice tnto that tho mnin
fortrei" of the Moro fell but Hint
they still occupy u position in tho
mountain, whence, however, they
will be dislodged probably with lit
tle lllhK.
LIKIION, Juno 12. Followlnpr
j-rnvo diKturhanecH here Inst 'iiislit a
bomb was thrown from tlm upper
window of a house into a mutiioipni
parndu today. Many person aro
known to havo been wounded and t
i reported Hint several wero killed.
Tho teporlH of fatalities havo not
been verified.
Tho censurhlp is strict and it is
inipossihlo to k'ivo details of tho dU
tuibauees here.
LONDON, June UJ. Censored di
patches from l.ihlmn received hero to
day wty tlmt last niht a mob at
tacked a theater during a benefit per
formance and a fusillade of shota
was fired uuuinj; the packed boxes.
Tho audieneo was thrown into a
panio. No details of casualties aro
Riven. '
I.ONO 1U3ACU, Cnl., Juno IS.
Cngo'u Biihmurlno Is holdor of a now
world's record today, having ondod
Its tlili'ty-Blx hour BuhmorKonco teat
nt B o'clock labt night. Tho record
of tho Octopus In NnrngnaBott bay
six years nso was hoiitoa by twoho
John M. Chro, Invoator, and n
crow of five woro tolenBod from
their voluntury ImprUoumont In tho
stool vessel hoforo a crowd of 10,000
porsoiiB which jnnunod tho muni
cipal dock and tho banks of tho
l.oiiB liench Inner harbor 'ghnnnol.
Flat Objection tp Scheme Offered for
Dissolution of Southern Pacific
and Union Pacific Voiced by Attor
ney General McReynolds at St. Paul
Court Proceedings Interrupted by
Frequent Clashes With Railroad
Attorneys Over Ortails.
ST. I'At'L, 3!(uii Juno 12.- Mill
objection to both plan of fried in the
United .Stales court for dNnoliitio'i
of tlm .Southern 1 'a ci fie and Union
I'acilli merger wim voiced hero to
day by Attorney (Icneral Mellcy
imlds. Tho Iieiid of the department of
juxticc took no nctiyu part in the
proceeding before Judge Hmith un
til Union I'neific attorneys bnmelicd
a plan to huvo Union Pacific stock
holders e.xehaugu their Southern Pa
cific, stock for stock in tlm I'ennsyl-
vaniii Hjsliin. tho PciiriHlyvaiiia rond
bating offered to cselmugo Haiti
more nnd Ohio Monk held by it for
Southern Pacific tk. Mcltcv
nuhli wn on hi feet with objec
tion instantly. Court then ad
Attorney (lenernl M-ellcynolds ex
pressed regret that tho pliins did not
provide for the release nf the Cen
tral Pacific from the Southern Pa
citie. milling:
"Such nn arrangement would re
lict c the government from entering
into cxpensivo litigntSnu. Neither
plan is more than a statement of
wlmt tho railroad will endeavor to
no in tho future and under Hie eon
(iilioti the court rarmdl control.
"We havo nearly reached tho time
limit July l-the supremo court
provided within which plans must bo
Jmlmtittcil nnd accepted. No meth
od of releasing Southern Pacific
stnc); from Union Pacific control in
v tho cm'crumeiit can have faith
Imvit.r been suggested nt nil, all that
lem.-.'iih to be dono is the appointment
of a receiver for both rond."
Judge Lovett told tho court he
could not promise to carry out either
plan within tho time the court will
allow, ndding:
"The present state of railroad se
mi itie in the market is such that
wr are not sure wo could dispone of
western railroad stock even in, the
ear's time wo request."
WASHINGTON. Juno 12. Pint
denial of rcorts that market condi
tions prompted him to tell the nation
al banks of tho country that ho was
prepared to isuo SiOO.OOO.OOO of
emergency currency was voiced hero
today hy Secretary of tho Treasury
"For somo time," said McAdno,
"inquiries have been received from
banks as to whether tho treasury do
iiiirlineiit is nrenared to icMio sunn
currency. I merely answered these
inquiries publicly. Tho fact that tho
statement was issued at a timo when
tho market was sufforiug from de
pression was merely a coincidence."
WASHINGTON, Juno 12. After a
conference with Colonel Goetlmls to
duy President Wilson announced that
ho will visit tho Panama Canal as
goon as congress adjourns. Ho did
not, however, luuard a guess as to
that date.
Colonel Goetlmls declared ho ex
pected to flood tho canal about tho
first week in October but that, if
necessary, ho would delay tho flood
ing for a couplo of weeks that tho
president might see Iho big ditch
while il is dry,
.TUNIC VI, 1913.
dp , ' His V
Laawaai "VV. ' J if V W-ifi? ' s aW
aaaaaaaatiOi s. v. $r$j--'?S'?X?v-'i k-' 14 i aaa
aaaaaaaaaaa . . xffiJu&tifffW 'I aamaX '
Francis II. McAdoo, son of See
retnrv of the Trcnsurv. William O.
MeAdoo. h to be iimrried to the bcnti
tifnl Kthel Mi'Cennicl: of Itiilhmnri!.
Such is the announcement made here.
WASHINGTON, Juno 12. Sworn
testimony that sugar cane planter
had arranged an cudlcs chuiu of
letters directed ut President W'ils'on
wui given before the committee in?
vostigatiug the "insidious .lobby"
charge hero todnv bv Paul Christian,
secretary of tho cane planters ns
foointioiu Tho wituens also ad
mitted that tho proposed reduction
in the sugar tariff came without
warning ami that it caught his ust-o-ciation
unprepared for a fight.
Truman Palmer, secretary of the
United States Beet Sugar lobby,
testified that ho helped Henry Os
nard's fight in 1002 against Cuban
reciprocity. He said bis annual sal
ary was $10,0110. Palmer declared
that he had paid out $100,000 since
1002 and moro than $o0,000 siuco
hiht November,
The democratic finance committee
men today approved tho free wool
and sugar schedules substantially a.
thoy passed (ho house. The glass
schedule also was approved.
CHICAGO, Juno 12. "Jano Ad
dams for mayor in 1013."
This is the suggestion flying today
among Chicago clubwomen and suf
fragists as the result of the action
of tho legislature in extending tho
franchise to women in Illinois. Mis
Addams is abroad and it is iot
known whether she will make tho
race Every effort, however, is to
bo made to induce Iter to allow bur
namo to go in as a candidate.
It is estimated that tho passage of
tho suffrage bill will double tho num
ber of voting pjecinets in Chicago,
Mayor Harrison of Chicago vns in
favor of tho bill.
TACOMA, Wash., Juuo 12. What
is believed to be n now record for
speed in tunnel digging was estab
lished hero today when tho Point
Uefianeo boro of the Northern Pa
cific railroad was completed, Tho
tunnel is 4400 feel in length and was
begun December 10, 1012.
When trucks havo been laid
through tho unnel it will givo tho
Northorn Paoifio n water grade line
to Portland, eliminating tho present
troublesome grade and reducing tho
distance to tho Oregon city by rvv
eral miles.
Miss McCormick is one of the belles
of llaltimore where there nre many
beautiful imivn. Her mother is
Mis. Iimnc K. Kmcrxou. one of the
lenders of llaltimore society.
STOCKTON, Col., Jmio 12.
James A. Oliver, aged CO years,
awoke after sleeping ou the court'
honse lawn Lens yesterday.
"Where's, the curbonate theatcrf"
ho asked tho first man he met.
Tho pedestrian smiled and walked
Then Oliver jmed n .show window
and looked in a mirror. The face of
the graybearded man confronting him
was startling, lie never remembered
wearing a beard before.
"What city is this!" asked tho be
wildered stranger.
"This is Stockton, California."
"You mean to say this isn't Los
"No sir."
Then Oliver sat down on n curbing
and thought hard. Between March
8, 1012 when he called on tho secre
tary of the Loyal Order of Mooso in
Los- Angeles and paid his lodge clues,
nml the time of bis awakening ou
the lawn, his mind appeared a com
plete blank.
Oliver was well dressed. Ho had
several dollar in Ids pocket. This
morning he took a train and started
hack to Los Angeles. He says ho is
an old actor and that several years
ago ho fell ami injured his bend. Af
ter that ho began forgetting his
lines. Where he has been and what
he has been doing during tho last
sixteen months is a matter which,
bewilders him much.
WASHINGTON, Juno 12. Secre
tary Bryan today declared that "as
soon as the red tape is disposed of,"
the Japanese authorities undoubtedly
will release the yacht of J. II. Ladew,
which was arrested yesterday in tho
inland sea of Japan.
"There is nothing sorioua about
tho matter," said Bryan. "Tho same
action would bo taken in tho United
States if a vessel entered ono of
our closed ports."
SEATTLE, Wash., Jtpio 12. Cap
tain Plynu, 70, veteran seafighter,
who was a sailor on board tho first
Monitor when bho fought the Con
federate ironclad Merrimae, and af
terward ran tho blockade at Now Or
le.uif. with Kairagut, is dead here to
day at his home. Klyun followed the
sea utter tho war as u master until
he cauio heio twenty years ago,
NO. 70.
Work Done by U. S. Bureau of Fish
eries Co-operating With State Game
and Fish CommissionFive Mil
lion Salmon Fry Also Liberated.
Experiments Made In Hybrid Fish
New1 Ponds' and Water Wheel and
Other Improvements at Station.
Over fi, 000, 000 Chinook ialmon'
fry wcro hatched and libora'.ed at
tho Elk creek hatchorr this spring,
nearly as many stcollioad trout have
been hatched and liberated at tho
I Klk creak and pplcKte stations.
nu over u million me item uuiu
until they attain tho (Inserting; 'stage,
according to Henry O'iUUof, nuper
Intcndent of ttio United fttrfte bit- '
rcau of fisheries, who has returned
from an Inspection trip to both sta
tions. Said Mr. O'Malley:
Co-opcrntlro Work
('The U. S. bureau ot fisheries at
Its hatchery located on Elk creek,
near Tral, Is having tho most suc
cessful year's work on stcelhcad
trout that It has had during Its his
tory, tho work bolnir under tho Im
mediate chargo ot Hugh C. Mltch
oll. Errs of tthls valuablo species
wero collected on Applegate and
Elk creeks. The former station se
cured orcr tor millions, a portion ot
which woro held at that point to bo
hatched arul liberated Into Applescatc
creek, the balance shipped when
eyed to Elk creek hatchery, there to
be hatched together with the 700,
000 collected at Elk creek, and fed
until they reach tho flngerllng stago
when thoy will bo liberated Into the
Rosue river and it tributaries.
"The feeding and carfngfer such
a large number of trout try has
been made possible through the ef
fort of the sportsmen of Medford
In securing the co-operation of W.
L. Finlcy, state game warden for
Oregon, nnd the state game and
fish commission and the U. S. bu
reau of fisheries. Tho government
bears tho expenses of collecting,
eyeing and hatching the eggs, then
tho state supplies the necessary
funds for the bureau to feed and
carry them until they reach tho
flngerllng stago and are liberated,
thus bringing them to an age whero
they aro capable ot caring for thorn
selves with excellent chances ot be
coming matured fish, soon to furn
ish sport for the angler.
Manny Improvements Mode
"To allow tho carrying on of this
work on n largo scale, many Im
provements have been made, a tew
ot which are the Installing of a new
current wheel, which gives the sta
tion a water supply ot 480 gallons
per minute. Two now large plank
ponds were constructed, fifty feet
long, ten feet wide and three feot
deep, and at this tlmo are full ot
feeding fry, as Is every avallablo
trough at tho station.
"Twcnty-ono thousand cutthroat
aro also bolng held under tho same
conditions, as woll ub two experi
ments on hybrid fish, which wero se
cured by fortlllxing tho eggs ot n
stcollioad with tho milt ot the sliver
salmon and the eggs of tho cut
throat fertilized by a malo stcolhcad.
and In both cases tho fry aro strong
and vigorous. Racks arc now being
placod in tho rlvor at this point, in
tho ordinary courso ot preparation
for collecting chlnook salmon eggs
this fall, over 5,000,000 ot which
woro liberated this spring from tho
MELBOURNE, Juuo 12.Tho
counting of tho federal election fig
ures bus sufficiently advanced to in
dicate tlmt tho Liberals possess n
Intra majority, lit view of this fact
thu Fisher government vdll resign
probably on Thursday. Tho situa
tion is complicated and there is
likelihood of there boiug (mother
election shortly, for it will hardly he
possible to curry ou with tho strong
majority in the senate, pledged only
to pass legislation approved hy tho
- 't