i(infrnwfttihtoitiftitf.fi i'i' r-i i.4y..yW .v.... -.i - '- i . v- -. . , v '-- -.,... r -r .. M rJPAa.EFOUT?. 3MEDF0RD' MATH TRIBUNE. MTCDFORD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY. . .TUNW II, 'Milt. ! i.-J'JLiALH-U;1! ' 1 Hi 1- rar sst 'vV t I If edford Mail TRIBUNE AN INDRrBNURNT N13W8PAPRU rUUIIHHMI linillJli KVR1I1 A I' LNItPiUUN HXCRIT HUNDAT nr THH MULlfOllD J'lUNTlNG CO. .The Democratic Tlmts, The MMori Mall, The MptiraTd Tribune, Th South em OrcKonlnn. The AuMnml Trlbunn. Offleo Mnll Trlhuno Hull.llnir, 2S2T3t North Dr atreet; telephone 75. Official Pnncr of th City of MrdforU. Official l'npcr of Jackaon County. QEOltarc PUTNAM, Rtlltor and Manager KntereJ na lecomVclAM matter at Medfonl, Oregon, under the act of March 3, W. BUBSORXTTIOir SATBI. On year, by """ t"" On month, by mall- ,60 Vtr month, delivered by carrier In ivimiioro, jicKsonriiia anu (.en roll tral Int. Paturdity only, by mall., see roar. Weekly, per year.... .-... 1.50 .BO 2.00 SWOBS CTXCTOXATIOir. Dally nvemjre for eleven month end ing riovemoer 39, mi. x.&i FEDERAL REGULATION OF JOURNALISM. Tha 'Mnll Tribune la on. Rale at the Ferry Noun Htnnd, Pan Kranclseo. Portland Hotel News Sthnd, lVjrtUnd. Portland Nexra. Ca, Portland. Ore. vr. o. wnitncr. Bcaui, vh. , fall teased Win TJ<til frtca Slapatchta. wmroas, qkeoqs.. Metropolis ct nouthern Oregon and Northern California, and the fastest srowinp city In Oregon. l'opulntlon U. K. census 1910 8S40; estimated. ItlS in.000. STANTON GRIFFIS BUNGALOW BURN THE decision of tho federal supreme court that news papers must publish statements eoneerning theiv ownership, indebtedness and circulation and mark all paid reading matter as "advertising" brings us a step further .along toward government control pt journalism and a pos siblo "censorship The newspaper is a semi-public institution to a certain extent a public carrier, and the public has a right to certain knowledge concerning its ownership, management and conduct. This right has long bceh recognized and nios't reputable papers have published their circulation figures, :snd properly labeled their advertisements. Those who do business with it, have had access to its financial condition. In semi-public institutions, there is always a question where the dividing lino between public and private inter ests extends. The government has now pushed the public rights further than ever before and places information hitherto regarded as purely personal to stockholders be fore the world. The danger in tho decision, seems to be the precedent established of giving postal authorities almost arbitrary control over private property. It would not be a difficult matter to push the control a little further rind legalize a censorship that would effectually destroy the liberty of the press. If the government will now only establish the rates newspapers can charge for services rendered, so that the -publishers can realize a fair return upon the investment,- which few do now, every publisher will hail government regulation ol journalism with delight. As it is, the govern- AUSTRALIANS LOST AT CHAMPIONSHIP TENNIS Tho bungalow of Stanton Grlffls together with two hundred and fifty dollars In pnper nnd silver represent ing tho entire savings of Mia llara, tho Japnnoso cook wore burned in a flra yestordny afternoon. Tho house was on tho llurrel orchard. Many valuablo pieces of furniture . nnd bric-a-brac, rugs, plctureti and a well stocked library, atso wero de stroyed but by strenuous efforts on tho part of tho owner and ranch help ers the sliver, piano aud considerable linen and homo furnishings wero saved. Tho causo of the flro which was first noticed about 2:30 In the after noon is a mystery. Mr. Griffls was at work in the orchard and tho Jap boy was working In the garden. A ranch hand first noticed smoke issuing from a window and In a few minutes tho entire structure was In flames. Tho loss of tho houso Is 12500- covered by $1500 Insurance Until an Invoice is mado tho loss In household furnish ings will not bo known. Thero was 35000 Inr-irance on. the furnishings. There was no one In the houso at the time. Mrs. Grlffls being in tho cast. Mr. Griffis will probably re build In tho near futuro. ment is only concerned about the debts and the about getting the service at less than cost. ADVICE FROM DESTROYERS. public- BUD COMING 10 IE ELK A PORTLAND, Ore., Juno 11. Hud Anderson, who is matched to fiht Lcuch Cross, the New York tlontist nt Ih Angeles July 4, will leave for Medfonl tonight where ho will spend seyernl days before going to tho scene of buttle to begin training. Dr. Couroy examined Hud's thumb which was injured in his fight with Mitmlot recently, nnd found that it wis nlmrist ready for service nnd that the planter of Paris cast could baiilUcurcdced soon. JJuil expresses cnufidenco that ho will defeat the Now Yorker, but his heart is filled with fear when he thinkp of th gont ride that is await ing him nt, Medford when he is ini 1 in ted into tiie Elks before bis de parture south. SUBMARINE UNDER mm FOR 27 HOURS LONG PEACH, Cab, Juno 11 At S o'clock this morning tho Cngo sub marine tho invention of John M. Cugo of Long Ilcach, holds a now world's record for submergence, hav ing been under tho water for twon-ty-soTon hours. The previous record of. twenty-four hours was made by tho United States Submarine, Octo pus, nt Narraguusott I'ler, R. I., In 1307. .Word came from tho boat, this morning that everything is in good shape, and it Is oxpected tho boat will stay down until G o'clock this Afternoon, as originally planned, making a record of thirty-six hours. Guy V. Hoopongarnor .business manager of tho submnrino boat com pany, and u farmer telegraph opera tor, has been constantly at tho wlro wiilcfi connects tho boat with tho Postal Tolograph Company's Los An .gqles,. office, keeping in touch with tho, upper world und Bonding hun dreds of messages from tho bottom of tha sea to all parts of tho conn- THERE has been more or less criticism by the Oregon inn and other opponents of higher education of the Mail Tribune's assertion that the way to stop the continued abiuse of the referendum against tho state university ap propriations would be to apply the referendum also against the O. A. ( Nevertheless, it is the truth. if the referendum had becu applied two years ago to the 0-. A. ('. or at least circulated, there is slight doubt but that the O. A. C. forces which fostered the university referendum would have compromised. The situation was the same this year. The referendum could have been used as a- club in self defense or as a weapon in offensive warfare. The powerful friends and sympathisers of the O. A. 0. would have seen to it that their pet tax-eating institution was not exposed and the skeleton kept dangling in the closet instead of shaking its white bones in the glare ot publicity. Of course the university can not engage in the referen dum business, but there is nothing to keep its friends from nothing to hinder those who believe in fair play from it. It is no worse for the university to play the game than for the agricultural college, though the Oregoniau thinks it awful. But there is never a word of censure for the notorious political activities of the O. A. C. while the uni versity is told to meekly await the slaughter which its enemies have marked it for, in order to enhance the great ness of tho agricultural college. The Mail Tribune's pressman has been busy with his pencil and has figured out that it requires 12,050,250 lineal feet of paper to print one year's issue of the Mail Tribune, or one strip of paper 72 inches in width 2-100 miles in length, or in air line almost from Medford to New York. iLf vW "sit -' - e- S. X. Diurtt, Captain DOLL SHOP AT PAGE NEXI FRIDAY FOR THE NECK AND SHOULDERS A l'iro I'irsrilptliiu Tlml InMuutly Olilltcrnicx HloniMio, Tun, Kiwk- Ich, n nil tho Murks Left by High Collar. The Dutch neck nnd tho evening gown too often oNpono the tllMcoltir utlon mill blemishes of high collurn or tho offectK of tan and freckles. It Is onsy to overcome theso comlltlonii and mnkn the nock Imnutltul and whlto nnd no(t niid tuiluotli to over come, In other words, every hlomUh and make tho low neck us nt tractive us It Is comfortable. This prepara tion can also bo used on tho shout dors and face, nnd It Is umrvnhiusly offectlvu to beautify the hands aud arms, It you want to try It, go to your druggist and get a ouo-auuee bottle ot Kuhi.x Compound. Tour the on tiro contents Into a two-oimoo bottle, udd qunrter ounce witch haxol, then till with water. I'repnto this at your own homo. One application will de light you. It Is dollclously cool and soothing and It Is not affected by pcrsplrutlou. It will not rub oft. If you put It on one hand only, or on one side of the neck and uuto the difference, you will neo tho won derful clinngo It makes luctnutly. Tho resultH nro Immedluto aud con tinued uu of this preparation will keep your skin us soft and smooth as a child's. "now mo Of Interest to Dairymen ; The amount of salt 'necessary in butter dcXMidn largely uoii the mur kefc requirements and varies from three-fourths of an ounce to nn-nunra and a half per pound of butter, one ounce per pound being the uveruge. Tho temperature nt which cream should bo churned will vnry accord ing to the conditions from ns low as fifty degrees in the Bummer timo to & degrees in the winter. Wo cannot set a temperature ntr which you churn. Tho temperature will huvq to bo determined by experimenting nnd should bo such us will bring the but ter in small granules about tbirty to forty minutes nfler starting to churn. The best method of preserving but ter and the method that is. used al most exclusively is by chilling it to n freezing point or below and keeping it until ready to use, in that condi tion. This is tho wny limy storo all storage butter, but. on tile, fnrra very good results have bocn obtained by keeping it in n strong salt brine soliir tion. The butter is pneked in stone jars nnd. tho brine is poured over tho top nnd left in n- cool a pluco ob M)ssible until you are ready to use-it. You will find thnt great earo must be taken in tho selection of tho cream and the enro of the butter in this kind of storage, but if proper methods nre used in handling, the butter can be kept from fonf 'to six months in good condition. . TliOt record row for butterfnt Is the Holstein, nnd nlthougli the IIol- steins as a' rule give a largo flow of milk, wo find that tho percentage of fat is generally low. This does not mean, however, thnt the Holstein cow Is tho most economical producer of mill: nnd for. While in somo eases wo know that thoy will produce more 'economically than will the Jerxey, wo also find many Jerseys that will produce higher butterfnt much moro economically than tho Ilnlstcins. Tho typo of row, that qno should need on the farm will depend on various con ditions, and whilo tho llolsteiu cow may ba the best in, one caso, tho Jer sey ill provo better in another. In mild Climates whero the winters are not severo, tiio- Jersey will do vory well. The Holstein is of eourso n much. larger cow uijd is aide to-with, stand severo winters, i Wo generally find, Hint cows that havo hnd their calves running with them as long as three wiwks mu very hard to manngo so us to get a maxi mum' amount of milk. Jf it is nos- fsiblo it would bo bolter to wean tho calf while it is only a fow days old, aud then by careful manipulation of tho udder, thero should be no trouble in having the cow let down her milk. DYNAMITED IN TRAIN NOGALKS, Ariz., Juno 11. Two hundred Mexican federal troops nro reported dead today in tho dynamit ing of ii troop train near Quuymas by constitutionalists. Many others wero wounded. A detachment of (Jencral Ojeda's federals immediately began pursuit of tho insurgents. With Medford trado Is Medford mado. T ii h Tho first mnrringo liecnso undor the new law, whereby tho groom is forced lo take u physical examina tion and present a physician's certifi cate, wus issued Wednesday to Win. I). Isaacs and Attio JtimiulninU of Ashlund. The couple were made man and wife by Judge Ton Velio, tho witnesses being Aldcn l' Whitney und Urscl Wnsson. Do you folks believe In Knit-ins, As they did in I'eter l'lin, IT you do, our tnk is easy Kutcrtniu you now we run. Dul it's not ns with litlle Peter, Who to manhood never grew And not with Mother Windy Xor with the Pirate crew. It's just with loU of dollies Who tho' stiff by day When, tit night nrouncd by Fairies, Can sing, dunce nnd play. We hnve dolls from merry Kugldud, Who enu walk for miles und miles, We have others fresh from Paris Iu their very latest styles. We hnve dolls frou far off China, And the flowery kingdom to. Wo hnve dollies ,I)utci nnd (lemuiu Aud some from Yankee Doodle Don. Ob, I might go on forever, 'Hout tho dolls in qitr shop, lint you'll never see them never, Unlets I ronlly slop. In tho prologue Moreno Trow bridge gives before the eurtniu nric upon the wonderful shop full of dol lies of nil iiutioniiltics nnd the old shopman is seen hitting there snoring nwny thinking of his dolls, in menu time the funny old workman is busj repairing broken dolls. The dolls are iinpcrxountcd by many of Medford') clever young popple who' arc as fol fel fol eows: Ilrokcn doll, Vera Olmslend; Ilnby I Doll, Helen Piirueker; Colonial Doll, Helen Dulil; rnriMitii Doll, Dorothy Wieko; Dutch Doll, Mrs. tV K Lnl lean; Lumpy, the famous rag doll, Fletohepr I'Uh; Topsy, Will Dcv eridge, and many others. tiii: until THAT" KNOW Knowledge Is power. Our knowl edge of your wishes Is the powerful factor In our business. WHERE TO OO TONIGHT I ISIS THEATRE i Our I'lctuios Aro t'lear nntl Sternly, 'I'Iioio'n it Ucunoii PHOTO IM(AVH TODAY 1'ATIIIJ WKMKIiV, No. 17 Till UNO Ol" TIM o,n:sT Imbcu Mpecbtl In Tho Parts isr.s u-' hyxamiti. uv V. H. KNIINi:i:ittNi COUPS lU'N.W VH. CUTKV Vllugropli Comedy MATINKK8 KAMA' ArimlxMloo n nnd 10 cents COMINtJ IIIIDAV a rreiTivi: at may 111 Tvio Keels tH Mfrffr4" STAR THEATRE Whero you get your money's worth on Itolli Hides of the dime, Axorniat aid si'i:ciai. TODAY TODAY Charming Flying i'A" fenturo In two reels "till. OX TltOl'ltl.KIl WATDILS" Dow tho intHorablo uuclo gnvo tho bride a dowry of bnrrou bench prop erty aud how Dame Fortune vltntlxcd the rock roust ulth the magic of oil. fiX q. 04. bust DON'T OVERLOOK THIS . Cartful lNi-usa! -Will Provo Its Vuluq tu. I : very MnJI Trlliiiuo Itciulci', Tho riverago man' in n doubter, and thero is llttlo woudor that this Is so. Misrepresentations mako ucu plo skeptics. Now.a-duys the- pub lic ask 'for bettor evidence tlmn tho testimony of utrangorH lldro is proof which should convince every Mull Tribune reader. , If. J. nurfbo, 31! North nartlott" Street, Medford, Oregon, says; "I was troubled' by my kidneys off and on for years, if I caught a slight cold; It ulwnys settled lir them, causing my buck to become, very lame, weak and painful. Last, sum mer 1 .was siifforlng In that wny and on u friend's advice, 1 procured noun's Kidney Pills. I found this remedy to bo exactly us represented and ,1" fow days the trouhlo left mo. I know of many other persons 'who havo obtained :buiioflt from Doan-'s -Kidney Pills." - . For sale by all dealers. Prlco GO cents. Fostor-Mllburn Co., lluffalo, Now York, solo agouU for. tho United States. t , Ilomomber tho nanio- T)oan'B and take no other, John A. Perl Undertaker Lady Assistant. 88 H. IlAItTLK'IT Phonos M, 47. and,4.7J3 Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner! Our knowlcdgo of tho drug ness In nil Its details-- Which will lie apparent to you the minute you outer this storu Will only gain us your cnnfldencu That confidence by which wo will hold your business. Tho sweotness of low prlco sol dcim equals tho bitterness ot poor quality." HASKINS for HEALTH Mumoiti). oiuu:ox. St. Helens Hall I'nkTLAXli. Omuio- Hetldent nnJ Day School for Girl. I thhtfvt Sl.l.r. lit SUnttn H-ilt.t i''.n.li Cll.cLW. At4U t4 II.M.turr D,tftt( Ml,l. Art. tiMVIH, l).tt AM. Dwk.II). Kti, Or&4ilJB. fitrtUlf-ti-1tirw- Tiii:oivriu si I'liiioti.otn.-a H; llrlrtit Hall tiii: cmi. DirntcTivirs ursi:" Clover Thnnhniuor. ICoyxtoue 'AN'OTIIiai Keystonn MAin.'ii'ri awfi-Ij mistaki:" "And the villain still pursued her" sumo fun. Al Slither In lllutrn(-tl Song Aiproprlnto miisla nnd effects. Afternoon and livening. Aditilftnloii .te nnd tile E.D.Weston Official Photographer of the Medford Commorcial Club Amateur Finishing Post Cards' Panoramic Work Portraits Interior and. exterior viewa Flash lightd Negatives made," any time and any place by appoint ment. IT THEATRE rxinm xi:w maxaudmuxxt has special fnutres In License Pliv tiirus and iiiunIi , best In the city. Mimic furnished by Prof, (teach aud Miss Coffin. POPl'LAIt PltlCKH, .1 AXD 10c. Your Mnnoy'u Worth. W. J. AI.HKItT, .ifiinnger. 208 E. Main Phone 1471 the Meiiford Warehouse OIJXLItAL BTOUAQI3 Oregon's Most up-to-dnto Flro-proof WurohmiHo with Uurglurproof i j. t Vault. For rates apply MEDFORD REALTY & 'IMPROVEMENT 00. Managers Luxury Without Extravagance Hotel I Von Dorn 242 Turk St root Finest popular priced ITotcl in San Francisco e Modern & ('X&ffWfttipFiXttTCfWGffGfri&VGi'! Central il Bcdl located and most popular ! hotel in the City. Running dhuillcd ice water in each room. European Plan, a la Carte Cafe. Tariff on ffooms 12 room - CO rooms -50 rooms - - -00 rooms fcitli pwil fold 60 rooms vrltb prirtte ttlh 91.00 each 1.50 each 2.00 each 2.00 each 2.50 each 30 lultet. bedroom, par lor and bath 3.00 each For more than one guest add f 1.00 extra to the above rates for each additional gueit. Reduction by week or month. Managimtnt Chtittr IV, Ktltty .r3fc jS .. I r.TBSi J ii I "BiiFiit W F.G.ANDREWS .. Lofleoo of drill and Dining lloom. .,1 X) o B Or4 CD P- p c -I B cn CO o p CO o 171 n o Z CO t-a o br O n Cd M o "SO O 0 P X o p 53 J-T t Ch 5 o- tn - n O p w rt en k CD - WO o EL CD O. C1J X 00