Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 11, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    4 - Wi't Vfrfe A"- frM Vl 4 w " l
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medford matt; tritonr arrcoFORD, ortccion. Wednesday, .tunf. n, mm.
Mr. pnd Mrs. Hornco l'olton, of
BnfrM Vnlloy, motored to Medford
Tuesday nflorrioon,
slf, It. McCnlto nitulo a til to .fttck
Bongllto "T.uciiilny on. profcsalonnl
llljlllPPS. i
3, M. Urooks left Tuwidnjr nlRtit
' for Doavertort, Oro., to nttend the
ftfucrnl ot Ills mother wlio died
Monday evening and will l burled
oil Thursday.
j Orchard, hunting; rtihtnic and
Crater, Laito Mcnea for mila at dor
king & Har.mon!a studio. Negatives
tnndoany'plnco, kodak finishing. 128
Cast Main street Phono 21 G R.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I", II. Knrrar, ot Kay
Clold, were Mcdford visitors Tuesday.
V. A. AVahn hos returned from
Portland, whore Ho Attended a moot
ing of tho Stnto Hoard ot Account
ancy, of which He !t a member.
Tho remarkable Interest shown by
tho ladles of Mcdford In tho June
Whlto' Salo nt Douols continues un
abated. i
Mrs. R. 0. Hrowu, of Kaplo Point,
1 a n'd Mrs. D. II, Stewart, of
Grande, her sister, wore In Mcdford
n few days since, en routo to Port
land. ,11. D. Mills Is down from Butte
' Falls on business connected with the
timber Intorestw ho represents.
Kodak f InUhtug. best In town.- at
Weston's. ..
Mrs. K O'Connor and her (laugh
, tcr, of Siskiyou county, Cal., aro
making Medford n visit.
Frank J. Alexander, who has been
making a trip north, is In Medford
again. He- went as far as British
It. II. McCurdy writes all kinds ot
Insurance 401 M. P. & 11. bldg.
Phono 349.
Paul MacDonald, who attended the
O. A. C last year, has returned from
Corvnllls. Ho was president of tho
freshmen class.
' M. F. Hanley. qf lnko Creek, and
George V. Barron, of Siskiyou Moun
tnliij wcro among tho stockralscrs
in Mcdford Tuesday.
Tho display of everything "white"
at DenoTs fs not more attractlvo
than aro tho exceptional values and
special prices Which prevail during
. the June, Whlto SAlc. , t
Thos. 'C. fialvla,. of Grants Pass,
transacted business in Mcdford Tues
day afternoon.
Mrs. V. M. Chcss'moro left t6f
Portland Wednesday to attend the
Roso Festival and will extend her
trip to tho Eastern states.
Ask for homo grown now potatoes.
Wltb. Mcdfofd trade is Mcdford
niado. 70
Miss Louise Jones, manager of tho
Jacksonville telcphono office, has
gono to Portland to attend tho Roso
FcstUal and visit friends from Rock
ford, 111.
Mrs. Horlon and her daughter, of
Phoenix district, visited In Mcdford
tho foro part of tho week.
Gerktng & Harmon, studio por
traits, home portraits, flash lights,
kodak finishing, post card work and
enlarging.; 128 East Main street;
tele'phono 215 R.
Miss Ashciaft, of Oakland, Cal.,
is the guest or Dillon Hill's family
and will spend the summer here.
Joseph Griffin, of Ashland, the
mining man, was In Medford Tues
' day en routo to Portland.
Insure and" bo sure. Right If we
write it R. A. Holmes, The Insur
ance Man.
AV. E. Phlpps was In Gold Hill dis
trict Tuesday looking after his or
chard Interests.
Miss Phocbo llanco is visiting
friends living in tho Southern nart
' of tho valley.
Rev. AV. F. Glocckiier, Presbyter
ian missionary, has been In Mcdford
sovcral times recontly.
Tho beautiful weather, advertis
ing n applied nnd tho Juno Whlto
Halo nl Douel'u lias proven an Irro
ststublo combination of attractions
forthls; week
S. P. AVhllo, ot Weed, Cal., Is In
Mod ford nKnjn on laud business.
Judgu George A Dimti, ot Ash
land, tnuisnctoU business In Medford
Bert stull, who has been
Ing tho Oregon Agricultural Collogo,
Is nt homo ngntn.
Ask for homo grown now potatoes.
With Medford trado Is Mcdford
mn do. 70
SlbM.Mny Hnmmersloy, rimtghtfr
of Dctocthq and Mrs. Tom Unmnior
sly, formerly of this city, died' at
Portland Sunday after ,a 16ns Itlnetsv
aged 17 jenrs.
George A. Morse, of Talent, was
in Mevjford Tuesday afternoon, 11.
has Invested in n small hand of fine
cows mm will engage In dairying!
Dr. KlrcliBossnor will be ht Hotel
Nash overy Saturday from 10 a. m.
to 3 p. m. on and after May 24.
AV. II. Barr has boon In Jocphlno
county looking after Ills mining Interests,
Joseph and Harry Taylor motored
to Mcdford tho foro pari of the week,
J. K. Hitch was of thoso down
from Jncksonvllln recently.
Ask for homo grown new potatoes.
AVlth Mcdford trado is Mcdford
made. 70
Carl Skyrman, of Trail product.
transacted business In Medford Tues
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meltvnln and
their daughter. Agnes, of Portland,
aro guests of Mr. and Mm. B. K
hbel. They aro on their way to tho
Yoscmlto A'alloy, Cal.. by wagon, and
will bo accompanied by Mrs. Klieli ,
If ou wcro uuablc to get walled
on today at Deuel's Juno Whlto Salo
make another attempt Thursday.
AVo would kindly suggest shopping
In the forenoon.
AV. J. Scott, Clarence AVIlhlto and
AVm. Martin, of Antloch. wcro recent
business- vldtors in Medford.
Mrs. Ada Phillips Is at home
again after a short visit with her
parent, jir. nnd Mrs. J. T. Fry, of
Fred Alton Halght, teachor of
piano and harmony, specialist In cor
rect principles of touch and tech
nlquo for beginners or advanced pu
pils. Faults corrected. Summer
term. Halght Music Studios, HG S.
Laurel street. Phono 726-R. 60
N. Antonio nnd E. M. AVIlson. of
Talent, tarried a few hours In Mcd
ford Tuesday.
P. K. Dillon hns gono to Callfor
nla but will return soon.
Vapor baths' and scientific mas
sago for men and women. Dr. R.
J. Lockwood, chiropractor. 203 Gar-
jneti-Coy bjdff. Phono 145.
Mrs. II. Tiittle, or Central Point,
was among her Mcdford friends dur
ing tho week.
Several carloads of sailors belong
ing to tho U. S. navy passed through
Mcdford during the week en route
to Mara Island, Cal., from Bremer
ton, AVash.
Don't forget tho big Moose picnic
Sunday, Juno 15.
Miss lxretta Chlldroth, of Eagle
Point, was In Mcdford the foro part
of tho week.
AV. R. Ilcecroft, of Phoenix, spont
a tow hours In Mcdford Tuesday.
Don't forget tho Elks' flag day ex
ercises at tho Page thcatro Saturday
afternoon nt 2:30 o'clock. Tho pub
He cordlaly Invited. So admission
charge. n
Prof, nnd Mrs. P. c. Smith havn
left Talent for tho EaHt on a two
NMJW YORK, Juno It Tho stock
market opoiuM strong. Both mil
road mid Industrial nilvniicoil mill
rfiantlully. Union Pnelflo. Southern
Pacific, Reading, C'aiindlau ,1'arlfli'.
Lehigh Vnlloy. II. nnd O... C, unit O..
II. R. T. llnrvrtiter, Cvii; 0$pan
d nnd Uopuhllt? ijtvot ilrori'tTert
inmto gnliiN of front, 1 lit a points.
Later thoro was it njfglit reaction,
Southern Prtrjflc. Ht. Paul. Httol nnd
Great Nnrlfufvu recodliltl to slightly
below jenlordhy'sl'eloso. I.luuldntluil
continued In nutnln low pllecd
storks. Bonds wmrt Irregular. Tho
inniket cloned falily Htrung
Lots of
Hot Days
I'uulutso j our MUiitliiof foot
wunr iiinv, while hIo hint wldttis
nut mill OtiniiiUilo. Our (KfuidM
and I'limp- aro of IIiIh sonsoii's
soli'Ulou ami mo ofrored to you
tilt' priced nut it llttlo too high,
Uut Jjift itln. It will aiuoly pay
'joii to liivosllKttto,
No IIIhIkii"
"Good Shoes"
When a man must run n mile to
break u record he U under lriiiu.
Ko'te Hie expre.s'.ion on tlie fuoe of
John l'nul Jones op Cornell, ni lie
te)Hil nor the Hue when ho broke
tho mile record nl the" intercollegiate
meet at Itostnu. He run llio ' ilis
ttuico in I minutct., 1 1 'J-.' ft'romN,
winch if one t-ceoiul fuller tlinii an
nmutour oef before mude llio tlN-tnnee.
Miss Esther Poolo was tho guest I
of friends at Central Point this week
I. T. Gnlllhor. of Bock Point, tar
ried n row hours In Medford Tues
day nttemoon.
J. C. AVIIIIams. of Minns Creek,
was lu Mcdford en routo to Ashland
J. B. Pnlmor nnd U. B. AVIlson
have been transacting business lu
Eaglo Point district.
Every patriotic American Is ex
pected to bo on hand for the Elk
flag day exorcises at Page theatre
Saturday afternoon. ' 71
Tho Northern jiart of Siskiyou
county, Cal., experienced a terrific
electrical storm Sundat night, At
Montague there wcro
flashes of lightning for more than
seven hours and sovcral houses worn
struck. Mrs. Fred Bake, of Ash
land, who Is visltlngg friends thorei
was knocked down nnd stunned, but
land, who Is visiting friends there,
Inch of rain fell during tho storm.
(Continued from page 1.)
j-JZ. N. Ager, or Portland, former
'clerk or Douglas county, has been
'making Medford his usual visit.
J. J. Hull, of Marlon county, who
hns been visiting Mr, mid Mrs. M, A.
Dlckorfcon, ha returned homo.
B, D. Weston, commercial photog
, rapher, negatives made any time or
. placo by appolntmont. Phono M.
l tAddio Morlue has boon granted a
decrco of dltorco from George W.
Morlno on tio grounds of cruelty bjf'
; tho Circuit Couit or KInmath count;,
TJicy aro rormor residents ot Jnrk-.
, son county.
. v Miss Amulla Britt, of Jacksoit
, vlllo, Jiuu gono to Portland as ;epre-
sontatlto of Adnrol Chapter, No, U,
to tho graud chapter ot Eustorn Star.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Day Phonj 227
Night V. AV, Weeks lOtlO-2
l'hones A. E. Orr 078-M
months' visit.
John Brownswortli. of AVImer prr
rlnct, was In Medford Tuesday en
routo to Jacksonville with tho slilns
or several wild nnlmnls.
I III your lunch basket ami get
ready to attend tho bjg Mooso picnic
bnmiay. Juno,
Harry 1'ellett Is among tho many
citizens of Mcdford at Portland this
w eek. ,
H. II. HarillMl. T. J. Mil rt I II t'ntnr
IIoU nnd Nick A' wcro over
from Euglo Point dlMrlct Tuesday.
Show jour patriotism by attend
ing I ho Elks flap day exorcises nt
tho Page, tlicatro Saturday afternoon,
Mrs. T. V. Pally, or Upper Rogue
BlveY, hits been visiting relatives liv
ing In Mctlfonl.
Tho Elks will hold flag day exer
olsoa at tfco Page thcatro Saturady
afternoon, i
i Kr'.uegar and G. AV. ilnrpin
mnilo n business trip to Medrord dur
ing the ttcok.
A. AVjnes, Qhnrles Mason nnd
J. U, Ilrlncr aro In AVagnor fireok
umnct looKlng after their mlnlnR
Dr. R, U. Golden, or Jacksonville,
left tor Portland Tuesday ovonjng
to .represent AVarren I,odgo or Mas
ons Jn tho Masonic grand Ipdgo.
I.e'o Hradshaw nnd n Sundorlund
werd d6wn rrorn Brownsbofo district
Mrs. R. Dish Is nt Portland mak
ing relntlves rtnd friends a Tlsit dur
ing tho Itrtso Festival,
A daughter was recontly born to
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rclnocko, for
merly of Modfafd, at McCloud, Cal.
A number or tho eurly residents or
Roguo River Valley will go to Port
land next week to uttend tho annual
reunion of tho Oregon Pioneer Asso
elation, which will bo hold Juno 19,
Tho society is composed of people
coming to or born In tho oilglnul
territory of Orogoii up to 18C0,
the jirovost marshal nnd without war
rant of authority except that con
ferred by the military code.
Klltott nlho Miid tlint the militin
wns still rounding up liigii powered
rifles, nnd rcpeatedlv insisluil that
martial law wa neccwiry ns tlie
ritil nutlioriticrt were uiiuhlu fo copo
witli tlm situation.
It was hrlicvcil eorlnin that ilrns
tie action will result from Ihn iutoa-
ligation. Senator lloruli of Idniio
ilominntrd I lie situation ami his crost
exnmiiinlion of Llliolt wiih hliurp ami
ci ere.
Stitlo ol War KtMcd
Elliott sard that when his troops
first ciitorod tho Htrll.o souo they
cnnflncatcd 120,000 rounds of am
muriition and six mnchino guns
which tho operators had taken Into
tho district. Ho also described a
pitched battle botwcnit inlnn guards
ami miners, In which sovoral" towns
wore "shot up" ami property do
st rocd.
Tho witness declared that both
parties wero responslblo tor out
breaks. Ho said that whon tho first
period ot martial law was endod,
somo of tho milltlfimon beenmo
guards. When martial lnw wns re
sumed, ho said, thoso men resumed
their military sorvlre.
Elliott asaei'tod that martial law-
was first proclaimed at tho rciicst
of tho union representatives, who
declared mlno gilnrds wero carrying
things in a hlglMiandcd mpiiuor,
and that oten the mlno operators
wero opposed to thoir tactics.
Captain Morgan, of tho state mili
tia, was the noxt witness. Ho testi
fied thuf iii tho opinion of himself
and' hssoclnto officers, uu actual
state of war existed In tho Paint
Creek' and CalIn Creek districts, mid
that thoy had governed sentences ac
cordingly. "Wo had to mako examples of tho
offenders," ho said. "If wo had be
Hevod life Imprisonment necossury
wo would Jinvo imposed Unit sent
ence regardless or the civil endo, AVo
also sontonced persons for offenses
committed before niuitlul law was
Captain Moigan oIbo explalnod
the methods of the court martini.
IPSWICH, Mass, Juno It Pollco
mid Industrial Workers or tho World
who aro on strike hero ngaliist tho
big hosiery mills, blame each other
tor tho .dentli' of Nicholctte Pnnde
lopolon, a Adniln who was killed
last night In a strlko battle. Tho
district attorney Is probing tho af
fair to ascertain, Jf possible, which
side In the affray fired tho fatal shot.
'several persons woro severely
hurt In the tncice, lu which tho po
llco thurgejV "'jpcatodly Into the
ninss of foreign workmen, after
tlie iattor had Jailed, to ,d)spcrso when
tho riot act was read.
. NEW ORI.WAN'H. Lit .limit 11
Fifteen pomoni wn liuund, flto
serious)), lu it riot on tho loveo front'
hero todits, when 300 union iiipii ifi,
niiegeti to linvo uttnckd strlke
lireskoro employd bj tho I'ultid
f'rult Company. Most of tho strike
trs woro forelgnors and thoy fired
Oil policemen Rent to quell the dis
turbance. Tho bnttlii contlntmd for
Lan hour, more than a hundred shots
Itelng oxrlinnmnl One huudrod ami
thirteen rlntem wero arrested.
Where "Itlght PrlreV Pretnll. Opposite Post Of fife.
I affisasEisaffl
SSCSWSSmmSm mi ill. I'iiiTiiV in i i . i 9
HlttiittiMl tu llm Hub of Hie Prlnrlpnl
'lliialtr and Nlio'ltf lltrltt
ItwtMttly Unlit untied iiml ltiTunil-lud Tlir iiighout,
and Better l,ulppnl Today Itiiiu Eter Bilnio
IturiiiK'iiti Plan
Uootiti ttllliotii liittli, Vt.tHI per day null up
Itooius ttllli batli, ?2.0D per day and tip
('. J. It A t 'I'M A. W, .Aliinagor.
N. If. :i,.UtKK. .Ust. .Mgr.
men ure uilt)orneok," was Hie wir
intiiiti from the teripturul tt opruuit
liy riuof of Police Petersen of Oak
land, t'nl., hero todnv on llie police
eliiefh' contention when a ilkenMiiVi
of tlie stjlw of womenV dre Mini
tlie lulvisnbllity of nlmuplug out the
Imigo nnd the Tnrker trot emne up.
"Auv uorninl man, woiiM look
nrouiiil," snnl Petersen, "and rubber
when lie saw the droMo chopped oTf
ut the nnklex, xplit nt the luieis mid
littiui; like a glote."
V , . -
(Conttmbd from page 1.)
.Afcdfonl; Ixnliclle Kinlier,cilfiiril;
Torn K. Hums. Alilnnd; Roxo R.
Slnglcr, JnrKiontille; I.nurn Hditli
Stewnrt, Dutte Falln; Jfnggio Kvnns,
Medford; I'nuline .Af. Illmore, Apple
gate; Amandii F.lltn Anderson, MpiI
1'ord, Mrs. J. Kellennnn, Centrnl
Point; Amnmiii 31. McNcnl, -II N.
Pir trot, Mcdford; Jeunio Jones,
Trtlent, .Alary A. linker, Butte Falls.
"I mil trying to find out whether
those i'iikm nre desert itig nnil eomo
within tlie tormfo of trt luw." stuie-t
Jinlzo Ton Voile. "I wnnt llio needy
to he aHil(i), hut I don't wnut .tho
people grafled. I will welcome any
infortunium regarding llio applicants."
Efeclive Home Remedy
for Tuberculosis
It l a Mrloui tnallrr wtirn ll.o lnn
ri arrertctl. A lrU awnr vr to a mhi
torlum l not nlr rivtiip ,ut l in.
TolTii rpirallon trmu Iiuiim iuuJ tiltluU
nui art bfbrHlnl. hill finr ran fry rv.
turn. I.rkuian' .tllrratlv la rlTrclIro fur
ionm Irciimoiii. Kur .'imiinlt
5.1 H. Allinllo A, lladtlunlltM. N J.
(Itntl-nicn In tfu, mil of I'JuS I ton
trnctM n tr trwtn mid whlrli irlllnl
on mr liinKi At ut I lwnti in ralui
piitum. nnil my pli.lclo tli.n tol.l mr I
inmt fo In Callfornli Immnlmo Ir At
IbU lltni. I m aa,.r, u tallB fry
man .Mlrmtlt i .Ujrr, at homo ami
coniin-nrr.1 loklnj; It t),. at wrrk In
pnotr. I lcgaii to luiphir. ami lit
nrt ttrrlc In Joniinrr. li-rxj. rnunirtl
wy rKtil-r oupdtim. Iiatlntr Kliir. -jn
puiiml. fully rrtr-J to li.nlll.. It u
nnr nc ypiita Rlura my rrecitrrry tina m
tHrttnl. anil I rniinot iimIm, Rckmili4
AllfMl r- iim) lilsbtr I ip rnvm
mended it with viiTlli-bi rciilt"
iHlifnrtlt tV, J TATKM
Trkman' Altpritthe N pffn-llri. in iirnn
?""' A.thmn. Hoy l'rcr. Thrat sml
f.uiiK Ttoul.lf-. ami In iiplmlldlnK ll
yitrni. nxa tint nintqln polnnm nplalr
?..!'''" '''uil"ilniit Ak fpr iMHikltt
llllnir of m,irlnL nn.l rrllc ti Krkinun
IjiUiralnry, Plilldilclplila I'a.fnriuor rvl
Otnce. for tile r all Iraillnic ilruKSlfla
Siskiyou Heights
Now is the Uiuo (o limkc stlfplioii tif 1I nnd
tracts in this innjrnii'irciiL ivhUIoiu-o tliHlrict.
WKXATCflKIl WiikIi., June 1.
f'ullcil into the Columbia river wliilo
h'i'iSiiy; lK" IVom the i.trcum, .1. ('.
Ileimer, a f.irmer, In ileml here loduy
fro I n drowning. J, ( Spnrlili, II
iiei4h(ior, a No fell into Jlin witter hut
Hiieeecilei in niilK liimnclf.
FOIt BI.K Oil THADI no-hordo
ionr five ptinHoiiROr unto, (lood
na now. At bargain, a 17 .luck-
on, 7 1
l'OH SAI.I-: Fiiriiltiirn of five-room
houuo. Clieup. .'(00 H,
Ave. 71
AV carry a very comnlct Una ot
ilriitwrlrn. Ibc curfnlna. fUliirca, eta,
and do all cLiaira nt upliolatcrliiif A
eprelitl man to look nfter till work
ciicliiRtvnly nnd will nlvo oh koI
rviri ah ih poaiiuie to bi in uven
tlio InrKtat cltto.
Vcoka & McGowan Co.
Btoam and Hot Wator
All AVurk rtuaranttea
l'rlccs Itcanunabln
S9 Howard Block, mtranca on (tb
noma rnnp ma
Legal blanks loi lafo at the Mall
Tribune pfflco. tf
om Oinr Own
-.UTYXiYrrt I
ri.iiffi r.ivxj7-i'iix jt-
... . i 'yMm&aafct.
rv ' '- tv ir r5 i
mm r
' I il I'
r fe- lit
.i4t2immmiiitatin k
Ask for
big free
tT w,
Friday June 20th
Direct From Its Sensational Run of 150 NIGHTS AT
MMfcil rtK in m I i 'i f
V ,k. 'imlA I I iaTA.rrftnc S
BmAH7Jk(Sjkato'7iLJi 'I Vl lM CLtTrrviVcBI
'lixT W1! ,'' AT WLVXY0K SI
LLKv iWJ?r&' srtsATiosAL i
TV i WW 5TrtS Ml
max nor.r.ns
noiuiv NOitTir
HAltltY COOl'F.R
r-iniic."!', vi virt or"M
UUIllOUlltll. -, AIM.714.1
u vt. ntt a av
William Florence'
15: Stars 1000 LaurjlW
IT tt tfnlvlltf f..Mi. it....
fuihtfr. four, n,.ulr. fjf.
K ih Itah iun ina ol lh.
tiarui Girl A Millar, rlr.,.1.
- ttular UacopiUU Buci.
i50 Sircnf c Beauties
10 a. r.
Si'jit Sale Ojn'iis Wftlnohtlny, .luno Irt, at
Prices 50c to $2.00.
We ullify cf nl.
Inmti m r r. i:i it yiur'a
tu4luii iiliuw uu In rriiMi uwr lad
lirfiillnl, vnr. W.iillil li fill If iAIT .Hnru t .1, a..ltfAai ...(.IIV,
vmv.. ,!.. ,...., .,v M', .'. K....T... ''W,"
iiiv fgtinHing iinci trout uur cituiuE auviu t
lulrrwt )pu
Ihoil. Impct4, IS i! ...... ...fl.t
font uoou .. ....,,, ,,.j.i'jwwi
IJtumlo Doari, totarlur. . , . (I1
' ww i. Jin,j)irtiwji
S-Panil :
Cutt l'f
ui.llin,U fclWI.lW, MVHK, ,4,J,W,.,,
a-Dly Iir Vcioir Dmii. ruiiaaUM. tri
6'b", ," thick. .. J.7
OrtfUratn Front Doorr. 18 Uiutllut buc.
low dtilvm, up from ... .. ... fS 00
CiMnent huh, to ciiiit, to u,i, up
from ., . , f .03 ,
Iaildo Window Trtm, In tot ........ ..I ,1
Scrten Dora anil Window Drena In Btock
i smi uur urn mill ami nil iiirwi in
imi nt nun juict. wo iiiu i pull
in if run iMrn. Citiloir No
mall4 lt to aurUodyr an
Write Jut
Sunday June 15
lOvt'dylimly is invited to alloiid and lalvc
IjiihkcIh well I'illt'tl,
Two lull gAnic6, iiioi'iiinggaiiio bolwut'i'i AhIi
linut and Mi'dfoi'd. Al'lcrliotJiV ailie liofwcun
wiiujorrf aiuKI rants Pass.
Wig .Haiul (Umwvt intiiMihipj and (voriin )Ar
llio Grants Pass band.
Spcoinl cat' leaves Mtll'orl ai 7:U() a. in,
Round Trip 95c
t '
t 'jg I