Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 11, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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207 Second Sire!
Medford Mail Tribune
Fair weather. Miu, T0
Mln. la.
1 1
Knrly-lltlril Yr.
Dally Kliililh Your.
Senate Prolie of Mine Conditions In
West Vlrijlnln Shows Constitutional
niylils Violated and niuht of Trial
liy Jury Ifjnorcd Completely.
Althouuli Three Civil Courts Were In
Session, Military Took Cases Away
and Ruled liy Force.
-Tho ntoryuf lint establishment of
martini law In dm Wont Virginia
ciml tllMtrlctn (t nil tho net of lliu
Mtuto'M military tribunal wan (old In
lint United State nuiutti) mil) com
tuition which In luvcMtlKntluK condi
tion In (ln runt iiilnltiK rcKloun ff
I hi Muttr, hero today. Mont of Hut
morning ttemdon mm devoted to (tin
testimony of military officer. Tim
miner nml tlmlr women had their
Inning UiIh nftermiou.
Tin record of nil rourt martini
for ii rnr worn, showing every rase,
Hhlcti Hid striker held to bo imcon
Mltutlniiul undrr tho aiulo charter.
Tho nillltnry wlture today Inrlud
nl JiiiIko Advoeatti (loiiclnl (Icori;u
Wulliirc, Ailjuinnt General George
Klllott, .Major JoMipli I'rutl, Captain
Charles Morgan nml Captain Hnmuol
.Mother Jmim In TrMlfy
"Mother" Joun. thu woman strike
lender, will lontlfy this afternoon.
Win I exported to drucrlho Imr nr-
nit mid iiUirUoiiuioiil thin nftor
noon, Murli friction provnll on but It
aide, mid tho hlttcrno which ninrk
d Ihn MtniRRln In the mine strikes
la crMttiliiK Into thu Inquiry. Thn
committee has warned tho attornn)
til ntthoy mint eliminate nil portion
nlllloH tending to nroimo feeling.
Thu committee I satisfied thnt
tho miner already huvo proved thnlr
moo, Former Congressman J, II.
Gnlno iiworo thul ilurlnxR tho exist
euro of Hid nillltnry court throo civil
rourU cxlatuil In tho county, und nil
worn ready to work Ho mild thnt
those court worn competent tu dis
pose of tho caoH considered by tho
court uinrtlnl.
I'll II Court Nuporrcdcd
million aworo inn civil court wore
iictunlly trying rase whou tho mill
Inry court superceded them by tho
governor' order.
A imiM of ovldonro Ih ready to bo
offnrod showing thu right giinrau
trod under tho federal constitution
worn violated nml tho right of Jury
t r lit 1 Ignored.
Tho records showed thu first rourt
martini iiniulttod I'rlvnto l.oilg, ac
cused of murdering a minor, bill
convicted ii minor for cnrryliiK con
conlod weapons, Imposing a sentence
of ono your In prison nud u flmt of
11,000, Thn record showed thnt
every hIiikIo offonto wmn ono ovvor
which tho civil courtu hud Jurlmllo
W'Ar of .Minor
JiiiIko Advornto (louonit Ktllott,
whom tha nilncrn call tho "war lord
of tho uiilvuriu," toHtlflod that tho
nillltnry court Hiipnrcodcd tho civil
courtu. Ho InnlBtml that Wont Vlr
Klulii Mhorlffa nud ponrn offlcnrH
woro iiunblu to copo wth thn nltu
allon, Ho iiIho furulHhod tho com
tnlttro with Ktatlstlcal nvldvuco of
tho work of tho court.
JihIko Ailvocnto Klllntt Haiti con
ililioiiH in thu Htriko zoiiu woro now
quiol. Ho udmttti'il that all arroHts
h.V Iho inllllla woro on tho onlor of
(Continued on pago a.)
I'AHADUNA, Cnl., Juno 11 MyH
tury uunouiids tho ciiubq of tho
iliiath of Mru, Alfred McLaren, wlfo
of u munuructuiiuK dniKKlxt of thU
city, who died at tho l'nuudouu hos
pital today followliiK a douo of hi
chlorldu of moroury, which It Ih
(dalmod by hor buHbuud hIio took by
mltttuko. MrH, McLnrnu woul to (ho
mudlelim cheat buforo tho othdr
moinborH of tho family wero up HiIh
mornliiK uml took tho poison. Shu
died two bourn lator without male-
iit? a Htutuuiuiit,
Male Sympathizer Hurls Sack of
Flour ut Premier Asqiilth, Which
Narrowly Misses Mark and Bursts
Smolherlnii Cabinet Officers. ,
Votes for Women Pamphlets Thrown
at Members of Parliament While
Fanatic Shouts for "Cause,"
I.OI.NDON', .Iiiiio II. -Tho wili!et
Hoout'M lii ii dfonilu woro onui'lt'il In
tin Iiuiicii of i'oiiiiiioiim horo toilny.
Tho itonI iC tho ili'moiiNtralloii
wits roaolii'd wlii'ii a malo Hiil'frnutto
h)iiiiatlil.or liurli'd it nnok of flour
at Premier AnuIUi from Iho iirfi
tor'i fiilloiioH. It narrowly uilrl
Iho iiromlor, who wn t.H'nkiii when
Miiok Mtruok at hU foot. It liurht, n
oloml of flour iilmoHt HiiiothuriiiK the
rnliluot offioorn who oeouicil HoatH
on tho miuixlorial liciicliot,
l.ator tlit miiiio man throw Miiffni
Bi'llit iiiniilili'tri at member of par
liamoiit. lioutiiiB incoherently re.
Hiinlitij.' Minh llniily Davixou whii'ilird
n few ilnM up' rnmi iujunoH ro
eeheil on llerby day, when mIid flung
horM'lf at Iho kiugV entry in tho
Ureal raoo, piitlliii; tin hoixu out of
Iho ruiiiiiiiB.
Tho malo Hiiffrnelle who cmiim'iI
Iho ililiirltMiiee, after hit arrest, win
iileulifli'il n n I.nwroneo Man III. i
meinlivr of the Mmi'h .Sul'frni;u So-
SAN KHANNCIflCO. Cnl. Juno 11
Thai a bribe, of $2500 wun offered
certain of tho convicted Italian bun
co men to iiiako a kocoiu! confoHslon
Ihla ono to refute their oxpono of tho
aliened conspiracy between the po
llen ami tho Mwludlerrt on which
Frank Knoln, former detective Ser
geant, ni convicted of grand lar
ceny, U a report under luvciitlgttllou
hern today by Dlntrlct Attornoy
Chnrlea M. IMckert.
Tho proNocutor Kent for the Hull
lunH, who have been quartered at
tho county Jail ulnco their conviction
to Hun Queivlln, and In hi room nl
the ball of Jimllro atnrted a second
luventlKntloii which mny reveal that
u police hIuiIi fund In helm; uied tu
dUcredlt tho work of tho provecu
"I bnvo lonrnod,'' I'lckcrt Bald,
"that an offer of $2500 wna innde to
ono or more of tho bunco men to
eon font) thnt they lied In their flmt
Htory of tho police protection for tho
piirpofo of nee urliiK roveiiKo. To run
HiIh report down I have neat for tho
entire kuiik and kill croaa examine
theiu'vliortly. I nutlclpntn no diffi
culty In oxponliiK thlM attempted
bribery, ami It In possible that there
will hoou bo more work for the
Kruiul Jin y."
I'AltlH, Juno 11 DUpntchoH re
ceived here thlu eveuliiK from u Mad
rid iiuwh nKcuey atiuert that tho
Bpuuldli cabinet realKiied HiIh after
noon. Iloth brauclicH of tho Kovern
ineiit HUHpendeil. No definite Infoi
matton as to thu exact ciuihu of tho
crUlH haa been received.
TUB UAMitiH, Ore., June 11. Tho
dohperniln who was killed here by Ar
tie llurriman, a rauelier, while trying
to effect mi eiilianou into lianinnui'ri
eahin utter U'lioriziut,' thu l'aniuu'H
of thu vicinity, wuh puHitively idenli
lied us Ceeii I'eltyjoliu of Dayton,
NYiirih., wlieie Ii!h fnllier now rcbides,
Tlin eiit'nllne Id luililiiliv ml tiimiitw
this uj'tenmoii,
The Largest
IIA.MIU'WI, .lime 11. Tho yn-nl
now ilamliiiru'Amorieaii liner Inipcra.
tor slnrloil from here Imlay mi lier
maiilon voynce iieronM tho Allaiilio.
Klio carried a Imp- ipioln of piiKxin
Kort, oory incli of iiooomiiioilatiou lie
hi); tn(en.
Thn luiporiitor npeim n now elnix
tor in mariiio lnlory. Tho groal
xub-eommittee of the .senate judiciary
cominilleo which U itne-itlKntiup
I'roHidout WiUon's "insidinuH lobliy"
took up today the aclivitiex of Ha
waiian HiiKur inteichlH In behalf of, a
tnriff on thnt produel. The ft rut
witncHH wan lttya 1). Mend of the
ilawaiinn SiiKiir J'lanterh' iisxociu
tiou. .Mead Miiid he received $1000 a
mouth for bin work in Waxliinnlon,
and that hi efforts were confined to
pithoriiiK HiiKiir htatlhlicH. lie
tliotiulit .fl.'i.OOO would cover hit) nil
ntial exM'uxe. enll denied that the
money ho spent in advertising hail
boon uxed to influence tho editorial
jMilicy of newHpnHrn. Ho declared
the total ntnount xtcnt for all pur
Mixex by the asxoeiation wad -f 100,000
ti year.
Khnor K.'1'iixton followed Meml.
He said ho rcprexeulcd Alexander &
llaldwiii, owiiorH of Hawaiian utiKar
plnulalious worth $'.'7,000,000.
MANILA, Juno 11, --Determined
lo crush once for nil the rebelliouH
.Minos who, under the sultan of Join,
me cntioiiched ut llii(,'Mif:. ltri,'adicr
(leueral l'crshiu);. eouiuiiiiuler of tho
department of Mindanao, was sched
uled to move today against Iho out
laws. l'crrthiujr'rf force consists of a com.
puny of regular infantry, n troop of
oilvnlry, seven companies of Philip
pine scouts, four mountain (,'iins and
a machine kiiu "iUad. It is believed
litis force will be sufficient to wipe
out thoJMorod with little loss to the
ST. LOL'IS, Mo., June 11. Adul
plius lluseli thu third, u'lamlsoii of
the millionaire St. Louis brewer, an
uoiiueed today Ids onpiKcmciit to
Mrs. Florenoo I.umliert. n divorcee.
Ilu in 'JO years of nu nud the woman
is 118. Sim has three cliildrcu,
i i i i
Fair Weather Predicted.
PORTLAND, Ow., June 11,
Voillier forecast : Oregon fair to
day uml Thursday; suuthu'ily wjmls.
'l"'' ' ' 2 ' lit
J-" JmEFmK' ' ;I1V - m
Ship in the World, S.
liner in not only the larpxl fhip in
thu world, but i-xtithliio new hIiiihI
nrdM by the oouiplotcni'Hx of her ine
chauioal oipiitmiut, fjer hiifcly de
viet'H, ami the vnricly ami luxury tf
her eabiiiM. Thu Jmprnttor in built
with mi imicr-xkiu. with both loptmU
iiial ami (rautVoo bulklieudo, ami
other oninnl fealuref.
OKKHON t'lTV, Ore June 11.
Am tho result of a iniduiKht inrnbioii
of .the mpir !nunut'iieuiriii plants
of the I'rown Columbia nml Ilawley
compniiics duriinr which throtich al
leged threats of violence tha employes
were forced to eloe down opcnittou,
fifty men, reHirted to bo members
of tho Industrial Workers of the
World ufe under arrest horo today.
After closing down the Crown Co
lombia uml Ilawley plants the men
made their way to the Willamette
Paper mill bill found thu doors
barred and .did not attempt to force
nu entrance.
They were met shortly afterward
by Sheriff Mass and several depu
ties nml placed under nrrcxt.
The appearance of the men was
without warning and the workmen,
taken by surprise, readily complied
witli demands that they shut down
tlfo machines.
At thu Ilawley mill the invaders
turned out tho lights nud did consid
erable damage to the belts.
Itoth mills were in operation to
day. Officials were at a loss to account
for the attack as the workers had re
cently been voluntarily granted an
eight hour day ami so far as known
entertained no grievances against
the couccriH affected.
The invaders aro being held for
notion by the grand jury.
UAflNK, Wis., Juno 11.- Five
lives were litxt here today in an ex
plosion which wiecked tho steamer
10. M. Peek us it was being loaded
with coal, Kour wero killed instant
ly uml a fiftli died from his injuries.
The force of the e.xposion wrecked
tho vessel's stem, uml its cargo of
ooaf is Htill burning. It is feared
other victims still are in the hold, hut
tho captain refuses to stuto tho num
ber of. men below when tho explosion
occurred. It is known, howuver, that
twenty men went ashore just before
thu explosion,
11. The lladloek mill, owned by tho
W. J. Adams estate company, is u
smouldering muss of nun's today as ,n
result of a i'iro tho origin of which is
unknown. The loss is climated at
fllli,!)!)!), partially covered by insur-
JUNE 11, 39J3.
S Imperator
The lmH-ra(or ineaxiire 01I feet
in length or almoxt oiio-fifth of a
mile, 08 feet in width or that of n
reiit boulevard, am) hurt a tommc
of ,iU,000. Her Ktwerful quadruple
tti'bino ciiKineK drive her at nn nvcr
niic xpeod of 'li'i knot1 nil hour,
ernsMiie; the Atlantic in nix dnyn. She
is manned by n erew of 1180.
PORTEND, Ore.. Jun0 11.
Thousands of critical eyes paused
judgment on the nununl uuloiatiblie,
.parade here today and pronounced it
to bo the best held since Hose Festi
val week wn, otabliiIied seven yenra
ngo. Hundreds of motor vehicle
magnificently deeornted with natural
niseblooms nml other flowers partici
pated, maintaining the high standard
set by Portland in floriculturnl.
Numerous attractive floats were
entered by delegation! from Oakland,
Pasadena, San Diego, Spokuitc,
Seattle, Taeoina and ictorin.
Tonight n parade in which frater
nal, civic am military bodies will
march, will be held.
Tho flowers and gems of Oregon
wero allegorieally tort rayed In the
electric parade last night in which
eighteen floats brilliantly illumi
nated with vari-colored lights, tra
versed city's streets before tho en
raptured gnzo of more than '200,000
SACRAMHNTO, Cnl., Juno 11.
Notieo was given to all railroad
agents in California today thnt ovcrv
shipment of tmtutoes must bo held for
rigid inspection, following the discov
ery of u shipment infected with tho
potato moth.
Dr. A. J. Cook of the stuto horti
cultural commission, following the
receipt of this notieo from Deputy
Commissioner P. J. O'Oara of the
Oregon district, at unco issued n
statement notifying all quaraiitino
commissioners to be especially care
ful in the inspection of potatoes, both
for-the protection of dealers and con
sumers. E
SPItlNGKIELI), III., Juno 11 Tho
woman suffrugo bill passed tho low
er house of tho state legislature to
day by a vote, ot SI to 58. It al
ready lias been passed by tho somite,
and now goes to Governor Dunne
for his slgnuture.
Governor Dunne auuouuced, thnt
ho will sign tho bill. It gives women
the right to vote nt presidential nud
municipal elections. They may not
vote, however, for candidates for
governor or assemblymen,
Indications for More Trouble for Un
derwood Tarjff Bill Protest on
Free Cattle and Grain Committee
Finishes Consideration of Bill.
Democratic Caucus Expected to Bind
All but 'Senators Who Are Fight
ing Free Sugar Hi o visions.
WASHINGTON, June 11.- Indicn
tious that more trouble is hi store for
(he I'nderwood tnriff bill camn from
the northwest today. It is probable
that the democrats of that region
may hold out ugaiiist ficc cnttlo and
wheat. Congressman Hammond of
.Minnesota protested to President
Wilson today against these items. lie
said he lud received scores of pro
tests from all over the northwest.
The president rcfu-ed to tnnke any
definite answer to Hammond's rep.
Final consideration of the Under
wood tnriff bill before its presenta
tion to the democratic caucus began
ut 10 o'clock today beforo the cu
ntc finance committee.
"I think a week will be required to
finish the work of the majority mem
bers," xnid Senator Simmons, chair
man of the committee. "And thou
we hoM! to get the bill through cau
cus in another week."
The action of the democratic cuu
cus on the bill will be binding csccpt
on the Louisiana 'sensators,' who aro
pledged to fipht free sugar.
Tho republicans plan for six weeks
debute on the. floor of the. .senate ro
gardlcss of whether the democrats re
ply or sit silent.
WASHINGTON, June 11 Secre
tary of Stato Bryan announced this
afternoon that the American reply
to Japan1 rejoinder regarding the
California land law would bo sub
mitted to Ambassador Cblnda early
next week.
Uryan took to President Wilson
this afternoon n noto drafted by
John Hassett Mooro, counsellor for
the stato department, which Is to
bo tho basis of tho American reply,
Bryan and the president bold a long
consultation of its terms. It U an
nounced that tho cabinet as a whole
will bo asked to endorse tho note
before It Is presented to tho Japu
ii6o ambassador.
WASHINGTON, June 11. Govern
meut tritstbiistiug suits under tho
Sherman law, is was announced here
today, have been filed iu tho fcderul
courts of Illinois against the Quaker
Oats company and tho Groat Western
Cereal company, two New Jersey
Tho American Cereal company is
also sued. The government's bill
charges conspiracy iu restraint of
trade and alleges that tho cereal
trust controls 50 per cent of tho mar
ket iu onts and cereals. A perpetual
injunction is sought.
LONDON, Juno 11. 'Assassination
of Malimud Shefket Pasha, grand
vizier of Turkey, is reported today lii
news agency despatches from Coii-btuntitiople.
m o
(Jill FOR
Out of Forty Application Only Four
yet Acted Upon, Affecting Eleven
Children and Totalled $82.58 a
Month Others Under Investigation
Mrs. Torrey of Talent, Mrs. Green ef
Central Point, Mrs. Kimball ami
Mrs. Heath of Idedfird Winmrs!
Four of the forty applicants fdr
mother's pensions under tha now law
have hud tcusionft grunted by 'jtidgo
F. L. Tou Velle. Thoy total .'J&
a month. Tho balance of tho npitli-
cations arc under investigation. 'Tho
four are:
Mnry J. Torrey of Talent, Ore.,
with three children,-nged 0, 7 and -I
years, $2."j n month; Nettie Green of
Central Point, with four children,
aged 14, 8, 5 and 4 years, .$32.00
month; Minnie Kimball of Medford,
Ore., ono child, n year old. $10 a
month; Lizzie Health of Medford,
with three children, nged 12,' 10 and
7 years, $'J. n month.
Who Applicant Aro
Mrs. Torrey is tho widow of C. W.
Torrey, is .12 year of age and linn
lived in Talent 10 years, A hoitiJ
and buggy was the only property Jcft
her. She owns no property of. any
kind. Her mother is Julia Coblcr qf.
Talent. She is now getting, aid from
the county. , . ,
Mrs. Green is 45 years vof age, U
also- a widow and bus been a fe(
dent of the county five years. .Slifl
wax left $o0Q life insuranee.wh.en her
husband died, but has wterl it , all.
For four yean she ha supported her
family. ' ' r
Mrs. Mjnnio Kimball is a divorcee,
resides at 145 N. Central, Medford,
and is 42 years old, and' has been re
ceiving aid from tho Elks- nud tho
county. She has tuberonlosta ot tho
ana and cannot work. .
Mrs. Henth is a widow who works
for a living, earning $3 a week. She
is 41 years old and lias lived iu Med
ford five years, and resides 'u a
shanty on Siskiyou Heights.
Others Seeking Pension
Among those applying for pensions
Annie Iiroad, Jackson villo; Moim
Garrison Smith, Phoenix; Dora Re
becca Hess, 723 Tnft street, Med
ford; Lottie Vincent of Medford,
Sarah D. Ilrudy, Ashland; Catherine
E. Silver, Ashland; Alico Anderson,
Ashlnnd; Mary Smith, Ashland; Til
Ho J. Crosby, Ashland; Lydia It.
Irish, Ashland; Lucy Mny Davis1,
710 S. Central avenue, Medford; Jes
sie McClendon, Gold Hill; Marie Ruy
mond, Medford; Myrtle Gardner, 20
Cottoge street Medford; Carrie Hello
Leavenworth, Jacksonville; Lizzie
Wolgamott, Talent ; Mnudo Philbrook,
Medford; Fruiioes A. Shenrburp,
Medfird; Sarah Elizabeth Cox, Ah
land; May E. Payne, 135 N. Harriott,
(Continued on page 3.)
VICTORIA. I). C, Juno lr
"Chick" Evans, ono of tho oighl ud
dlo wost golfers, wuh given A prac
tical demonstration of thn ability of
Victoria golfers in u fourteen' hole
mutch iu which Cafitain Chaluberd
and A. V. Macau dC YiuloHa de
feated Evans and H. Davis of Port
laud, ono up, yesterday. It was lino
golf from start to finish and tho local
pair wore being hard pressed whou
tho game was cnlled off. Tho first
half of tho course (nine- holes) wan
covered by Macau and Chambers In
Tho following line-up is scheduled
to piny tho middle westernors to.
morrew: II. Chandler Egan of Med
ford, Ore.; Roderick' Macleay, ' of
Portland, Ore; Juek Neville, Clare
mont, Cul,; A. V. Macau and W.
Chambers-, Victoria; Dixie Fleagor
and C. P. Spooner, Seattle, Kerry
will be tho substitute of the team"
which will represent the Pacific north
west. v "
.. i