& ,u tJvW t r , M c ftrrcnTOTtf? MATH TRTBUNTJ, WTOFWP. . OKMOtf, .TIWMY,. WOT JQ... 1 D.U... P3rai irm..". rm a Aa.v-j . Mutt Had All the Qualifications for a Motorcycle Cop Except One ;wm. ::r-r .KU4 By "Bud" Fisher ' .. CUG' THi5VAVGKSA V',7Wr'&ftHwte ww. ag id o o cjoli . ' v'i v ft Vfii wirwcGD(AoroRCvcW( . SS'CG-Sh. - ' . AH6vJa.Tiic.e (o(ONbrKTrrTe"l op too? T'G j i .- CttPP 'wvnw -j. . - p. rwTTCK. OF rofcfA. on cWm wuuaiioN-i TO wjwuf lujs.n.; . . . i H ! iJ'SSSS9 1H "Voocoiokuuok r!!!J Acom. LT1J Can . 1 NO foC L 01UAtft3o, ritele JJ ' taT " po you km -nw ( kioeA ' J Me- j ,-r. v. 2.. i j t I "ntPic RR6W.W10MS Ejmp 1 wcfTOR.CYCU? i EmT-- ik 1 . ."vr't'A ,rfWpSy "" pp' HKi"' 'JtJBBrs" gW-jX ' " "" I I ..... . I . . T. IUt JH'XT MIKCKIiliANKOUS IIKM' WA.NTF.- 1IALH IttlHI.VIlSH DIItttCTOHY SHIPPING FRY IN CARLOAD LOIS 10 OREGON STREAMS t PORTLAND June 10. Willi Hflilii ittwitt nf i'Hllntil ill' vming limit f.iilll llotilllle nil III'' Ci'ltituhlit, IU lullffM frin 1'iiillnint, ha lifRtiu the ImfiMI .liMriliitli.ni nf Hull lit tliu liUlmy if Ontriiii. During tin' next three month frnn oifchl In tun mil lion Imtit will In' planted in Ort.n.t WHlfm. I'rom Cnrwilti lilt hhmhi'ii flint nhipmi'iit nf .voting iihi'flNHiiU urn being nfiil nut. Five ilmiiMitiil viinhk birds will li illtiilnitod in nil wiIm nf tin xlulo ilurim- tin- next ftw month t" the prwm r vidun tverm! by runner. 'I Mm ilUtrihutinii of gitine, which will iimlimii. during llif miiiiiiiir, uill liHko Ori'uiHi h iiirlitiHii'H mrni!in. Tim i will lit' morn ilicnHiit in OntiiM till full, iiih) tlii'y will lie ii n" (HtttTfil tlmn ln'fnri'. Tht Iflll-inilllK MHH till' illlllOIUIVlUIII'Ilt of Ktnt (Initio Wnrilini W. l. Iinliy. N-I(tl Cur llulli. A pnHohiI of yiiimc flli lft nuiiuo villi. ftr Cnltimii (lnin iftlonIay imntniiicil lSt I'Him nf 1000 riili in iwuli cull. Tlio onr, which him m UMttly horn linilt i)XKiAllv for Iho lrMNH' nf. ilmtrihuliiik fih. will lie niKM-nlitl Mil itniiiir, imtkiitK trl t nil I'miH I hi' liMtultery. It in i'.NiiHNl with tniika. nnil cimlini. n llhnitu for luuititHUiim. (ho pnijuir tWinntiin' iMMiilitlntiM. n i-minni'liim with it i u "i''l" i-llilHiumt for IrHtiatMirtiiiK tlio fii fmni tlio t'lir. to tliH iiiiiiintniii reniuii. S'vnii in'k liorwo liavi hitt'ii i'i)iii)uii illi it ilbviiHi In imrry rtfum. Tiller will cnriv tlio Fwli to till' lllllllllllllll livorti, Kill lxircillll to tlio liii.li niniintiiiii InkcK. OiVr .'10 Ontgor. Inki'K. wliii'li Iioc;iiihh of their lliltii ullltiiili', linvi nVvor cnntiuiu'il (lull, will ho Ntnolicil with tr.ml. "In n fow yourx," ilcoluruil Mr. Fin Iny, "ilu'Mtf hlili miihutiMii lnkox will lD Iho i.nnlont tooii'iitinn plliPOA in 1 m4I, Thv wilt lirlnv: u'niln iuln tjlu ulillt1. Tlio linlitiiic nnil li-ihiiiK ill tliH fclnto nf Muiiio U wnith .20, fll!l),llll0 liffiofo nf I liu mono, liioiiuht intn tlio Nluto Iiv upoiUmoii. Hiiiilini. mid tiNliiiitf, nro nlri'iidy wnith hctwuoiiri.llOO.Ono nnil $)0, 0011,1100 In Oif'tctiii. "Auitliljc Iho limits iiiiporlMiit Inkiw In ho Mlni'Loil tiro Million Inko. ft.inl.A In he. Ili Luke, Olnlln Inko, niul Dlmiiniiil hlko. Wo will ihilit the KiiHloni Hrnnk limit, tlio okh nf whioh wo hnvo liroiiht frnui tlio iu'ihI; llio Itiiinhnw. (lie iinllv (rntlt, tin. I Iho lllnel: Kpnitml nr Cut Tin. ml I mill. Muiiy lllhls lilritflliiHoil. "Tumorinw," Mr. Kiiiloy .mitiii uril, ''m will eoinmciu'o tl.o iVmlri ljulinn of funu :i(IOO to 0000 ydmiK IffillH fmni our liiit.'hiiiK' I'n nn fivo ijijliw hoi t It nf Cnrviillk Wo not i'i'r 7000 i.pi niul hnvo hml a must niii'i'OhhI'iiI hntchhii; poiikuii. "Wo wlil try t iliriliihiito tlio liiui in ovory )uition nf Oropiu. Tim 'China ih(insuiit will pi to vusloni mid K.iimU'in Oiopm; Iho Koos anil Kiluir (Mlli'ii phonsmit (o Uiu Wil liiin.'llo vnlloy. Wo hnvo iiIho J'JO ii.iin nf lltiiif.niiitii .mrti'idp'ri. "Tim China pliciiHiuit Ih ii kituI inl oiliwiuu Ji'outiiio fur iho Hlnlo of Oropui. Iliuili'iH ouiiiu fruni nil jmilH nf Iho United Ktuton tn hunt tluliu. OiVpn' Ih iituully Uio only jifiico in tlio If nil oil Htuh'it wlici'ii thoy c'nii hu f.mnd. Kioin fiOII In 1000 H.WtMiimi will oniuo from nutHiiHi hfiiloH IIiIh yi'nr hocnurtu of tlio phoiiH iiiUh uluiio. "Tlio China lihi'iiHuul in u licuuliftil liiid, but it i.'i ultu mi iuuuot outer. It Im nf ncluill nln.) In rilrml'tn. Dt. Vnviinf, ul Iho iinivcrxily, IrlU mo Hint ho coiinlcil tOll cut wnrtim In Hie ImiiMcli of uiic hllil." CATTLE SLOW HOG HADE T 1 I'oini.AS'ii, .inn.' in Kiiiipti Im-i urel Iiiim lurn. CjiIU', lii", ritlvi'x, I'l; ho)i, .'ISO, hlu-cp, ,"HJ7. The 1'ntllo iiiiukcl i ry hIdw. A I'liiuliiiintluii of rirriiiiHtHiicon linn red priiMM niul the nut im utrniiK ii driiinii.l fur lu't'f n n (hi prcv iniH WHi'k. Ilxtifiti.' hlfi wntor htm i'Hii-1-d mihiiv onttlo in the vicinity nf I'm timid to Ik liiititliild liufum tlio iimirtl I into. Ilonvy KliipiiicnU frnm Cnlifurniu mid I'luh hint filh'd tho ird. ' Mwi htii'utv Midline nt it.Sfi t ..".fiO; i'owh, ?.ar In tWO; hlllU, fViO, mid I'ulM'M, f.H.OII tn ,-fO. Tim hot; I nidi' held ftrmiK until I'riilny. Itifiiptit'linM' lieon vi-ry lih cnil niul the murkot in trout . tn Klo lower. lk"t li(lit Mwino Mtomly ut 8. 10. An uiii'Vfii lii''i nmrki't ruloil fiTr Iho nix iluy poriod nidins ftniiiriluy. 'Ilioro Ik n mlr ilcmmul for fnt mut tun, whii'h Im vi-ry Himn'O. Tho hulk nf ri'i-oipU I'outuiiU'il nolliiiiK hut pour flufp mill IiiiiiIh, which urn hIiiw tn iiium'. YciirliiiK nro uuoti'il ut $XM In $.'t.7.'. two on r uiilfi, JAmMI; i-wom, j? t.r0 to f !."., niul hot npriii. IhiiiIik iito kti'inly nt il..ri) (n .itlji. START CRUSADE FOR A CLEANER CITY Thoro will bo n upoclal niootlni; for iiiDti only nrxt Huiuliiy nfternoon nt 3 p. in., nt tlio Plrxt Mi'tlinilUt church Tho imntor, Dr. It. W. .MnoCiillotiKh, will kIvo hU tlrnt tnlk to tneu on tlio iibjccl of "Sox llyKlonu." Dr, Mftr Inn will prouldo, Dr. llounrd will hIiir, tho inoii'8 orrhoatrn of tho ohtirrh will piny nml nil tuiMi who bnllovo In n iloun city nro roqiivntud to bo pri'M'iit. Tliurnilny mcnliiK nil porfoiis ilc olrliiK Mnpttiim nml church nicinlior nhlp will moot tho pimtor null don conn In (hu church nt 7:30, Knbbnth inyrnliiK, 3:tr. n. in. tho pnator will lulilromt tho uonmn'n lllhlo c1iih on thu RUbJoct of "Moth orliood." All muthorri nro Invited to thin iiioctliitr. , xotici:. Nollro Irt horoby kIvoii thnt tho uuilumlKiu'il will apply tv (ho city eumilll or tho city of Modfonl, Ore nun, ut Its next rvKUlnr uu-otluK mi Juno 17, 1UIU, for u Hcoiiho to nelt HplrlluouH, vlnnim mid mult liquors In iiliuiitltli'H Iohh thiin n. t;iltou, ut lilii pliuo of hiiHluovH nt 17 Hnutli Kir nt root, block 20 In itnld city, for a pcrl.l.l of hIx months. o. m. ai:i,snY. ALONG ROGUE RIVER -I Mrn. Clmrlrs fjhonnnn of Upper Trail cntjio dnvvn to mi'i.t .Mr. iSlior. WHY? ouu citetci: S uereu DoAnjuu, full boarln 10 niiua IIobc, rhll buiirln., 10 ncroa JlhrtloU, full bonrlnt. 10 ncroa Coinlco, full bonrliiK ' Wo niust soil ono o( thouo bloclia of 1'or.ra nt just nnc-linlf mi I no to uiivo liui.ur tract. 12 ft. (loop lonm soil; In JiicltBou county, 3 inlloa from Mo.Uord, i'rlco iihlatl, tjmno, Yo want your bid on ono of thoso truota. Can tiilco y'du out any nttor iioon, J, C, IlAllNKS tilM N. ItlvoiHldo or 21i First National llank iliUldln. iiinu who hn.l been nut tn town for n few ilnyi. MlNnfn I'.lli'ti Mi'Cnho nml Muy niul Corn French pint Siiuduy with .MiM(Hi DmhlcMM mid Myrtle .Muiti'r. .Mrn. Dnw nml children went Ut TihiI Sntiirdny In upend the Rummer. Mrn. A.ln I'lillllp' who bus liccu "pcmliiic Ncv orul ilut nt her par ent", Mr. ami Mr. Tryon of Trxtl, returned to Meilfnnl Tuei-iluy. A. C IluHlott nf 1-le Point, w nil the wist H.er thin week. Mr. nml Mm. Aaron Smith nro xpi'inluiK' u few iluy with her folk, tho Stow ell family. .Mr. ii ml Mi-. .la -per llmuuili mmle n flir)K I ri to Cvutinl I'uiut tin w r ok. ' Mini .liihiifttun nml S'orinnn (liigc wero wont vitiltirs In the valley. M. H. Shuwrr wtik out from Mnl ford Thiirftduy. Jo Mtirtiu in moving Mr. Miiiih i'ield'rt Imiixehuhl pimU to hid home nn tho old I'fiiuo place. (Jrievoa nf Upper Itojcuo river, Potion nf Witil Knpii! river uml Zim inerman nf Knt Kncne river are working full, crews on tho mail nml (loiuir IntM nf needed work. The nld Knclder house uml nil of it content burned n recently. It was owned by Mr. MeAmlrewa. Mr. niul Mrs, Tom Helehcr nml itnuuhtcr of Klk crook went to tho vnlloy Friday. County Commissioner Smith of ttoKilo rior.wiiK out on the west hide of Hofcuc river looking over the road the llmt of the week. Mrn. Tim Daily Hpent n few ilnys in Medfurd Initt week. MIhk Mia llnniiah U vinitinj,' friends and relative in Mcdford. Mn. Zimmoniily of Trail i on tho nick lint. L. 0, Ortou of Medford onmo out tn hi ranch the font nf tho week. (irmulp.i llmistoii nf I.ou Itrauoli m viNitiui hi diiunhtor, Mrs. ,liuper KnKOM of IleuKle. Mix. Loii and daughter, Mis Nel lie Daw noil nf Meilfurd npeut several layu with her sou Khner l)nwon, ami ilatiKhter, Mrs. des llrnpilnle. Mr. mid Mrs. John llouMon of I.on' Ilraiieh made a vik.it to (he val lej the firnt nf the week. They called on Mr. and Mrw. Ilureh of Aj;lilo lint formerly of Dry creek. Mr. Hutch in in poor health. Dr. KircliRtfrMirr wnit cnlled to Zim inerl.y'n ilea Trail to attend to their mm who i on the nick liht. I.MI. ....,. I. ..,.,.. ..,.1 ln T.11U..I.11' llm I ,,l . IV, IA V..IIIU .'. .'. fc M ... .......y, ... third, nml wiih joined by her mother nt the .Sunny Side where they re muincil until Thurvduy tukiilK tho train for Unite 1'uIIn. Mm. It. H. Ilrown cxpeetn to Mart for Portland next week to attend the Hohc foMtval. Died, .luue 1, nt thu rcidenco of hi fiui -in-law, Witt. Winkle, David Mayliam, iikciI 88 jmir. Tlio ilc conned mine to Orepm in IS." II and hoUIin! in ,laolon cninty. Ahotit IS (ID he nmrriod .l.ule Mathewn, there wcio Hevcii cliildtwi burn of whom the iiMixt nf theni ar Htlll Iiv5iif, tho funeral nervieeH'wcrc conditeled hy Kov. I.. I,. Sitttmoim thu pimtor of the Itp(lt eliureli of this place, uml the rniainn were itttered in ihc Central Point cemetery, lie leaven a wife mid hex era! children to feci tho Ioa. J. ,1. (loud of Derby, who Iiiik been lenoliiuK hclinot at Prospect, cloned bin ocIiimiI on the 2:t.l of lnt month, cnlled lor dinnef nt the Sunny Side lMt Thurvduy, on hi way to Mcdford. It. A. Peek of Iiko creek wn n plmlKiint caller t the Sunny Side nml while here xcttlcri hi account with the Mnil Tribune. Tlmmnd FnrloW nml wife df Lake creek wn doint:' husinc8 with Fred Heath, our popular nierchant Thnrrf day. Hoy AhpoIe one of our hardware merchant, received n fine nssort- I tn.itil. nf JwImw Tliiirw.l.tv Rev. W. F. Oloeckmmi Sunday School misxiouary for tho Prcby teriuu church attended prater meet in here Friday iiijjht mid pie nn interesting lecture on the miionnry work in Porto Hico where he Iiiik been laboring for sewrnl year, lie wont up to Itutto Fall from here Saturday morning. II. II. Foter, ono of the forost rnnp'r htopped with us Friday inslit. Liiht Friday your coirof-poudont took a trip up ahdvo Hrownsltoro on a mMliiHr trip for the Mail Tribune nnil hueceeded in coltccliui; a little. Found everybody huv n tisunl hny inj, (jnrdeninjr, etc. Tho proNpcet tr a crop this season is ory pxnl as the nliottOrh wo haw been huviu). hao kept Iho gra- mid Kniin growing right along. Start for Snius Ynlley litis mortnug mid tho next (into will have Mimt'thmg to ny abuitt that part of the country. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS Hy A. C. Howlett Mm. D. II. Rtewnrl, of Nevada, is visiting her hister, Mr. Royal 0. Hnuvn. MiH I.etdi Pecl.ir of Itutto Falls who Iiiih been lenching m-IiooI on " NEW TODAY It Is 4iu attained fact thnt thoio will bo Htreot rara riinnlm. Into Sl klynu llelghta within a yenr, nnd It U alao n fact thnt n patty haa more propurty than ho can well tako enro of uml la offering a neat three-room Itotiau on a lot 70x150 foot, with a parking atrip twolvo foot wldo In addition at a prlco that makes you a preaoat of tho hotiuo. Tho plueo la piped for wntor, nnd tho garden nnd aittall fruit la thoro, ami In excellent condition, Tlio oloc trio wlroa for heat and light tiro In, and tltoro la nothing lacking to rithko thla a good homo for rinyono Vho ta now renting mid wnuta to Wot otit of tho rut. Tho placo la lesa than a mllo from tho postofflco, and ro mombor that tho btroot enrs will pnsa within two blocks of tho door. Bettor tnyoatlgaio, ua llila vnluo will BurpiiBo you, C. D. HOON Phono 1037-J, lloqnt 12, Jaoks'cn Comity llauk Dutldlug FOIt HKXT HOUSES KOIt mCNl-siv "rooni "" tuoilorn" bun gnlow: gaa. oloctrlclty, east front and ftno sluiilo. Iuqttlro 31S 8. Laurel. 70 FOIt HUNT Complotoly furnished flvo tooin mortern house Heat fC.'.DO. 520 S. Ivy. 08 FOIt KENT Flvo furnished houso keopln'g rooma with sleeping porch Inquire 310 North llnrtlctt. rOH HKNT Modorn furnished (i-rooin hoti8o, wntor rent paid, 0. 51S King at. FOIt HUNT -Modern bungalow, lawn, paved afreet, 4 bloeku from Wushlngton eeltool. 729 W. Elev- enth, 92 KOIt ltl.WT FUltNlStllcn ltOOSIS FOH KENT Largo Bleoplug roouiB, mul modyru housekeeping nparti motitfl, prlcoa very reasonable l'hottu 1020-L. 222 South Holly atroot. FOH HKNT FUUNISHKII APIS. FbTritENT- Funiislied AparTinont Tho Uorbon, 10 Qulneo at. KOH HUM OtrriUAS FOU HENT I.arga. comtortnblo of- tiro rooms with elevator Borvlco, Buum hent, lot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furut turo & Hdw. o. FOU HKNTV-HOUSUKEEPINQ HOOMS 1,'ntJ ttr"P l'lirolnlinil liriiiHitlfnnn lug looms, Lights, gas. 231 E. Ninth Sfi 73 FOIt HENT Flrtclaui niuture. running wntor, good b Initio, wove wlio fence. I1.S0 per month. Heo Joint Hurkor. 78 FOIt Wi-r-iwrs I'OIt HALE Vniitttit ami ImproVeii projNrty la Htttto Fallk, ohonp. llennett Investment Co. Ul rbit SALIC nouses FOlT"sAIA:A 7fvo room cotu'so clone In on West 10th iitreot. ahado trinft. lawn, and cood nolglibor hood. I'rlco aiiked below nctual coL. Total prlco $1250; pnjnbl? nt 20 per month. Your pretwnt rent will buy this home. Talk with B. S. TUmy. Oarnott-Corey blk. C9 FOH HALR MISCnijLANEOUS FOIt "SALK nrtnn'oTicwiad grado alfnlfn hay, 7 and 5. Tol. 403-H-2. CS FOH SALE 300 one-year-old White LeghoniH. I'l por doren. Phono 1029, J. H. Crowder. Inquire 425 S. Grapo fit. 72 FOH SALE At a bargain, a flour mill atand for grinding flour or for rolllntc barloy. For particulars call nt 1 tth and Central nve. Tho Clark & Honery plant, or nddrcss P. O. Hox 3C2, Medford, Oro. FOH SALE Cheap, ftno , camp or traveling wagon. Hox 195, Med ford. Ami good saddle. 'i ... ii , w i i J ' I '. i'UU lit. in i iiouaoKoopiug rooms with bath und gas. 34C North Hartlott. ... , . , f FOH SALE Wo will fill all orders for cherries. Cokor Hutto Or chards. Phono 591-J3. 70 FOH SALL' 1912 flve-pnssongor Ford, completely equipped. Pro ducers' Fruit Co. C9 FOH SALE Two nonlofl choap. broko to plow and cultivate 43C South Evorgreen st. C9 FIHST-CLASS paattire. running wa ter, good shade, wovon wlro fence, $1.50 per mouth. See John Bar ker. 7S FOH SALE Furniture, practically now, Including leather Duvonport. Kns range and water huater. sani tary couch, fruit Jars, electric shade. Phono 725-H, or call 32 Hebo ave. 73 FOH SALE Laying hotih ror sale. H. F. I). No. 1, Hox 17. .Mrs. II. Kloppor. FOH SALE First class St. Uorrlos. Call 10G0-M. SO FOH SALE Good rauge. Only slightly tisod. For wood or coal. Call 10C 8.. Grapo. 71 FOIt SALE Everything Just llko new; also Ico cheat and lawn mowor. Call 32 Hoso avo. Phono 735-H. 70 FOH S.VLE Ono 10 horsopQWor gas nllno ongtuo, Intornntlonal mako; been used about ono month; good ns now; for Balo at a bargain. William Ulrlcli, Modrdfd, Qr6. FOH SALE OH THADE Podigroed Poland China boar. H. I). 1, Hox 73, Central Point, or phono Far mer 14-18 1. FOH SALE HomlngtOil standard typowrltor No. 8 tnvialblo writer, 14 Inch carriage, novor been used; cheap. P. O. Hox 147, Jacksoa FOH SALE Loose loaf ledger sys tonts, any stylo ot made to order by tho Mall Trtbuoo bindery. FOR SALE Legal blames, tresspass uotlcos, for salo or rent sings at tho Mall Trlbuno. FOH SALE Loiter heads and raucy stationery, printed, engraved or ombossed, as you wish at the Mall Trlbuno. JAPANESE PHESSINO PAHLOHS Steam and dry cloaulug nnd dyo work. Satlsritctlpn gunriiiiteeil on all work. Gouts' aulta pressed. Special attention to lados' silks, lacoa and gloves. Goods called tor and dollvored. 114 N,. Front St. Phono 125. 114 FOH SALE Fuller &. Johnson on glno nnd pump, almost now, at a bargain. Phono 591-J3. 70 FOH SALE 15,000 too', lumbor at a cltjan up prlco next fow days. O. Allder, 213 Frultgfqwors Hunk bldg. ' OS HKTA WANTUn F1.MAL13 WANTJ':lirmunn bread f for Do VOQ'a Store. . . v WANThu Trnvt'llrg salesman to cover foutltcrn Oregon In building I niBterlal llnetr. Stato rxporleuo), I references and itaiary. Andreas Hox 3S, Mail Tribune. WANTED Packers desiring employ ment with tho H. It. F. & p. Assn. during season of 1912 should reg ister and receive number dt office, 18 W, Main st., or MIsa Marian Btandcilff, Phoonlx. WANTED tilTCATIbSS WANTED Laundry woric plain towing and will do general home work. Call or addrew 131 South Almond street. Phone SCO. 72 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To rent unfurnished house of 7 pr 8 rooms; mast bo close In. Seo II. C. ILtzolrlgg at po4tofflce. 71 WANTED Northwest Hug company representative hi here. It tu bavo nay old cariiota you wish woven Into fluffy raga notify S. A. Dobuer, general delivery, or phono 4C1-J. C9 WANTED DreMiiHaing, plain sow ing by day or pleco; will go out. Address M. Judsou, phone 409-J. C9 WANTED Wood sowing; has good machine; give me a call, from G to 9 p. m. Phono 3S4-H. 83 FOH KXCIIAMfE FOH SALE OH EXCHANGE Im proved Kansas farm land for Med ford city or country property. IL W. Ward, 417 S. King. Phono 10S1-J. 70 FOH EXCIlANGB-Inuirovod and unimproved property tn Pasadena and Long Roach for Rogue river property. L. N. Judd. Talent, Or. WILL EXCHANGE 10 acros poors, with or without house, for Mod ford bungalow. C. H. A., Mall Tribune. FOH THADE I have somo new Studobakor wagons, buggies, farm implements and gasollno onglno for which I will take cord or fir wood. F. Osenbrugge, 401 River side avo. S. FOR EXCHANGE 3 U Inch wagort for light wagon or hack. Tet. 403-H-2. - 68 LOST LOST Pair automobile ttro oltalna on Roxy Anne Road between chard. Flndor ploace call 597-J2. 09 LOST On N. Hlvoraldo Friday ovc nlng. June C, slip cover for Ford machine Flndor nlenao phono Main 270. C9 MONEY TO LOAfl TO LOAN $1000 to $1500" tVloan on Improved ranch property. A. L. Cross, Hutto Falls, Ore. S9 MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3GS. MONEY TO LOAN $1000' to $.5000 to loan on improved farm proper ty, llonnott lnvestmqnt Co. UUSINKSS DIRECTORY . Accoiiutunta D. R. WOOD fiennral AominLnnt Your books audited nnd kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Offlco, Medford Mall Trlbuno bldg.; phono OllrR.2; res leuco phono 537, Auctioneers WILLIAM ULHICH Licensed Auc tloneor for tho City of Medford, Oregon. Terpia rcasonnulo, Resi dence phono 161-J.1 Ottlcd Juck Boii County Hank building. Auto Supplies. LAHEH "AUTO SIMUNG CO OUr big Bocrot in making Bprlnga' Is tho tempering. Wo aro oporatlpg tho largest, oldest and bent equipped plant In tho Pacific norlhwoat, Use our Bprlnga when others fall. Sold undor gutirnntco, 2C, North Fif teenth St., Portland, 'Ore. Abstracts T HOflllH lllViait VALLMY' ATt STRACT CO., No. k South ConiraJ. Attorneys PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY -Attorncys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Rank bldg. A- E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attornoy and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford, Ore. Wm. M. Colrlg . Gcorgo M. Roberta COLVIG &. ROBERTS. LAWYERS Mrdford National Hank Dtilldtng. Chiropractor DR. R. J. LOqKAYOQD, Chiropractor, ncrvo specialist. Rooms 203-204-205 Garnctt-Corey bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; ndrtco In dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydroptherapy, Lady at tendant. Phono, offlco 945, resi dence 571-R. DR. A. R. HEDGES, Dr. Louise B. Hedges Mcchano-Tboraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylotheraplsts. These systems. Including dietetics, cura tlvo gymnastics, hydro-therdpby, etc., produce results In both acnto and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. 230 North Hartlett St., next door to M. E. church. Hour 9 a. m. to 5 p. ra. Other bsara by appointment. Phone U7-J. DcntlAU DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOfJ DR C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnctt-Corey bldg., aulto 310, Medford, Oro. Phono 85 C. Garbage GARDAGE Got your promises cieanou up ror tno winter. Call on tho city garbago wagons for good service. Phono C25-L. F. Y. Allen. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notnry nub ile, nrlng your work to mo nt tho sign of tho Matl Trlbuno. Printers nnd I'ubllHhcrs MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing offlco In southorn Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing tyBtema, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Physicians nnd Surgeon DR F. 6; CARLOW, DR, EVA MAINS CARLOW OstoopathlO' physicians,. 410-417 Garnett-Corey bldg.. phono 103 G-U Residence 420 South Laurel st. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Phyalclan and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D Practico limited to dUeaaea of women. Offices 232 E Main. Phones, offlco 8J.4-J-2; res., 814. DR. J, j, EMM ENS Physician and surgeon. Pructlco limited to eye, car noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Ofrico 228 East Main 8L. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. ra. Phone. E. H. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Hank bldg. Orflce phono 43-R; rcsldonco phone C8-R. DR. MARION Pliyslclan and sur geon, Stowart bldg., corner Main and Hartlott sta.; offlco phono 27, residence phono 27-J-2. DR, MARTIN C. HARHER Physi cian nud surgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, l tq 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and Burgeon. Phonos, office 30, resi dence 724-J. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. . . DR. W, W. HOWARD Osteopathic phjslclan, 303 Onraott-Corey building. Phono 904-M. R. J. CONROY, m. d, Physician and Surgeon. Ovor Hutchison & Luras den, 215 E. Main St. Phone 77, Stenographers ELLA M. QAUNYAW Palm bloek. Stonographlo work dono quickly and well. Transact HADS TR ANSFEit & STOH AGH GO. Office 10 South Fir St. PlwHie 316. .Prices right. Ssrvl gtMr- uuieen.