Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 09, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Medford mail tribune
The Democratlo Tlmm, Thn Medford
Hall, The Medford Trtbune, Tho Kouth
rn OresonVtn. The Ashland Triminei
Offlcn Mall Trlbtins IlullillnR, SS-37-S
North Fir troot! teltpltona 7S.
Offlrlnt Paper of tho City of Medford.
Official l'oper of Jackson Coeutr.
anoitau PUTNAM. Editor unit MtiniiRflr
Entered as second-clns matter nt
Meilfonl Oregon, under the net of
March 8, IStB.
One yrrhy mMI-j Jg
Ono-month, by mall .i .
Per month, delivered by carrier In
Mertfnrrt, Jacksonville nnd cell
trl rolnt , "
Fftturdsy onlr. b- mil. (pcr year 2.00
WoeMr. ' per yar.u - - .-- "
At Inst tho mystery surrounding
(We nllejced "ilynnmito outrage" lost
Saturday night htiH been cleared up
mid our citizens run retire peacefully
nt. night without the fear oC lieing
suddenly blown to some place not ns
Edcnliko ns lw Koguo river valley,
for the unknown "anarchist" wn-
V. li. I'ricMley, a representative of
the Hitt Fireworks company. Hav
ing heard in fnr off Seattle, justly
famous us tho "Medford of Wash
ington," of tho grand celebration to
be held on the Hll, he hnhtened hero
to oshihit his wire. After discuss
Jjifr with tho committee the various
features of tho eelebrntion, ho con
sented to demonstrate a new and
tpiitu harmless, but very noisy, sig
nnl shell, which tho committee con
sidered, using.
In order to mako the demonstra
tion aH complete ns )ossible, it was
decided to fire the f-liell about t)
o'clock, to ascertain whether it
would attract bufficicnt attention. It
Meantime arrangements were made
with'tho mayor nnd police nt the hiig
gestiou of the enmmittec, that the
participants in the proposed "out
rage"' bo arrested with ns much pub
licity as possible, as an ndvcrtisiug
htnut, nnd ueqordingly, Mr. Priest
Icy nnd Judge Withinglou of the
program coramiltco were duly taken
into cut-tody.
If the many "stunts" which arc be
ing arranged for tho Fourth create
excitement in proportion to that
nronsod by this hoax, there can be
no doubt of the success of tho cele
bration. Don't forget that tlicro will bo good
niusio nnd dancing on tho pavements
lifter tho electric parade.
cleverWsts in
My how tho Odd Fellows nnd Ind
ies of tho Rcbcccn lodges uro hust
ling, Belling ticketb for "Tho Doll
Shop," and how tho producer, Mine.
Hzjvcr and her many very clever
pupils arc working day and night in
order to make Lhin tho beit yet.
Tlicro arc many people coming
from Jacksonville, Central Point nnd
n few from Ashland to witneuw thib
vory unique piece.
To begin with the muniu i beau
tiful, nil of net 1 i entirely icr
inau mimic, and furthermore Mr, H.
II. IIowvIl has full ohuriio of tho
Many new thing in nut two nru
us follews: "A honjr nnd diiiico"
and tho "li on tho liow" mid the
"JJoulevurdc," n vory quaint bong,
"III tho Day of Old," and other.
All these hpucialticH nru taken by
Medford'H clever young peoplo nnd
whom M'ino. J. Hivcr cousidoi-s
might gtiod at tho work.
Kxchnngtid tickets may bo pro
cured from members of tho I. ().. O.
F. and ladies of tho Itebeucu lodges.
AH popular prices and IIicho tickets
can Do taken to tho Page Tliealor
box office nml exchango for u ro
served neat. Uox office ojieiiH June
Invitations huvo been scut out by
thu faculty of St. Mnry'n Academy
for (ho comiuonccmcnl exercises
which will lake placo nt tho Academy
Juno 0, 1913. Miss Mnudo Nowbuvy,
daughter nf Mrs. V. A. Jones, of
IjtrtBS Lnpp, will bo graduated from
tho Aondemy, M!h Nowbury will
also jvceivo n diplomn from tho music
dcpniluipnt. , .
Many fust horses nro in training
nt the" Jackson county fair ground
under the euro of Trainers Huston
nnd Swisher.
In tho Huston- Kltiblo is Oar.elle
Doer, n cry fnst pneer, who turned
tho local track-last week in i!E0.
Iler breeding is unknown. Mr. lltw
on nNo hitH n very handsome black
stallion and two very clever, look
ing fillies, two and three, years old,
of unknown breeding.
In the Swisher btables is David
tlaruiu, owned by that congenial
horseman, Dr. J. L. Helms, lie is
as likely n t?otter ns can he found
In nny section of the country, has
won many hard fought battles nnd
has made n half over the local track
jn 1:00, which is tho Indian sign
that ho has n very high rate of bpeod.
Lady Sunrise is nnother of tho
tried nnd true that has been weighed
in tho racing bcalcs and found not
wanting. She has won more money
than nny other trotter in Southern
Oregon, and is full of boeed and rac
ing ambitions yet. She is owned by
A. K. Ware, secretory of the Med
ford Commercial club.
Oilier rromUIng Horses
Another horc of great proiuico
and the best bred ono on tho Pacific
conM is Unimack, USI2V4, n full
brother of tho renowned Sterling
McKinney, 'J:uT. who bold for
$25,000." Unimnck is owned jointly
by Scott Woolf nnd A. K. Ware.
Mr. Woolf also has Nellie Mnek,
by Unimnck, who is quite n Irotter.
Her dam is by Nutwood Wilkes,
2:l'i, the biro of t'opo Do Ore.
Lady Lou is nlso tho procrty of
Mr. Woolf. Sho is a very fn?t
pnecr, purchased in California and
the daughter of Kinney Ixiu, 2:074,
the bire of Wilbur Iaiii, 2:1U(:. a
record mnde when n yearling, which
was a world record for ono of that
ago when made.
Hilly Woiscr has u cry promising
young- trotter, two years old, sired
by David llnntni. She is just nbout
as slick gaited n little Miss ns is
over seen for the limited amount of
work xhe has had. She is entered in
tho Medford btnkos for two-year-
olds to be raced here next full at
tho county fair and if she should
win first honors, Hilly says ho will
"paint tho town red."
Jesse Taylor ulso bus n bmooth-
gaitcd two-year-old filly thnt has
the Indian sign. She can certainly
trot some for ono of her ugc.' She
is by David llamm.
Giles Gidzen has a very fino filly
that will bo raced in the two-year-old
stakes noxt fall.
KIiiu Two-Yenr-OId
Another good one of thn same ago
is Judge Ilartun, owned by Ed Han
ley who is known from Cnliforniu to
Alnhkn as a true lover of light har
ness horohcs. Judge Iliiruin will bo
raced nt tho fair next full in tho
two-year-old clasp.
John Cahtor of Central Point has
fianco, nnother two-year-old, hero
for tho races next fall. Snuco was
the hebt colt at tho track lust
spring. Scott Woolf ulso has Silver
Mack for the two-year-old class.
Wcs. Lawtnn has a little Miss
of tho biinic ago and should not bo
overlooked in tho two-year-old clubs
next fall.
draco N. by Hal It. 2:0 1'A owned
by A. G. Hidden of Portland will
race here tho fourth of next month;
nlxo Hallie li. by tho saiuu bire,
owned by Mrs. h. W. WulU of Port
laud. Nancy Lovelace will iiImj tako
part In tho Fourth of July races.
Ilalmoiit and A I bin will start hero
July 4111. Nono of tho above horses
has had any fust miles us yet but
luive had sufficient brush work to
sntibfy their trainer thnt they will'
mako good when (ho time comes.
Halmont mid Albia were given a fast
brush at tho cud of a blow mile Sat
urday with L. M. Onborno behind
Hulmoiit. Hu won from Albiu by u
uoso in a turrifio brimh to tho wire
Every body interested in good rnc
ing and lively bucking contests
hlimild not fail to bo at tho Jackbon
county fair ground1 July Fourth.
Knees start at 130 P. M.
Mr. Swisher cordially invites tho
public to call and inspect his horses.
... Mil- III
NEW WOHIC, Juno 1, It is even
inoiiyy hero today on Englishman and
American chances in tho polo games.
HuekorH of tho English temn offered
odilb of 8 to 5 agaiiibt the Ivcona
team, but think the Wliitnev-Milburu
Wntcrbury combination better, nnd
will not lay bettor fliuu even innuoy
ngaiut them.
With Medford trado is Medford tnado.
Yesterday's ball game -between
Ornnts Pass ami the local ngregu
tlon proved conclusively that tho
MoiHord nine Is rlna for n gumo uUh
Wood or sumo other fnst Northern
California club. The h"1'! bo de
feated Fred Hopor's men by tho utv
iiucstlnunbtc ncoro of t to 1, Tho
homo team played nn crmrlca gnmo
nnd was there with tho wallop. Hill
being the leading swatter of fito dn'y
Knocking the ball over loft field
fenco twice, once for n borne run
nnd again for a tvo-bao hit on ac
count of tho ground rules, which pro
vides thnt tho ball must bo over the
fenco near contor field before tho
batter ts entitled to a homer. An
tic nnd Mclntyre nl?o mado two-
naggers nnd Doc llorton made Tom
longboat look like a snail wTWn ho
stretched bis bit to a three-bagger
Hill also tuadp a nice sacrifice. Hudr
Scholc bunted the ball perfectly nnd
the lilt-and-riin stunt was played un
til the Grants Pass boys were dis
gusted with themselves. Shorty
Miles bad three bits out of four
times up .Old stole a base, which 's
roIiir some for n fat man.
The (Irants Pass men got only
thrcu bits nnd stole one base.
Curloy Wilson, who llkos to bo In
fast comimny. caught like a. big
leaguer for Medford and Hill played
first In good form. Watt Antlo pull
od one out of tho sky near loft field
fence and If the same team goes to
Weed next Sunday Medford should
bring homo tho bacon.
Alt.. H. If. PO. A. 1:
Swcetman. rf. ... 0 0 0 0 0
Fabian. If 2 0 0 10 0
Matthias. 3b 4 0 0 0 4
Smith, ss 4 0 10 10
Crawford, lb 3 I 0 12 0 0
Wade, c 4 0 17 11
Dunford, 2b 3 0 0 2 10
Hlggs. cf 3 0 0 2 0 0
Osborn. p 2 0 10 0 0
Fry, p 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 29 I 3 24 7 1
Uclleved Osborn In rovunth.
AH.. H. II. PO. A. K.
Morton, 3b 3 1 2 0 3 0
ScboU. 2b 5 1 2 3 2 0
Wilson, c. 5 1 0 C 0 0
Isaacs, cf. 5 1110 0
Olll, rf 5 0 0 2 0 0
Miles, M 13 3 3 2 0
Hill, lb 3 2 2 S 0 0
Antlo, If. 4 0 14 0 0
(asipiett, p 10 0-000
Mclntyro, p 3 0 10 3 0
Hurd, p 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 38 9 12 27 10 0
Uclleved Gnsquet In second.
Hcllevcd Mclntyro in eighth.
Summary: Earned runs, Medford
C; homo run, Hill: thrcc-bnso hit
llorton; two-hnso hits, Hill, Antlo,
Mclntyro; struck nut, by Mclntyto
4, Hurd 1, Osborn G; baso nn balls,
off Oasquot 3, off Osborn 2; hit by
pitched ball, by Mclntyro 1; left on
bnscs, Grants Pass C, Medford 8, Um
pires, Hlggs, Coleman. Tlmo of game
1 hour and f0 minutes.
Milliard enthusiasts will have nit
opportunity tonight to su two of
tho best exponents of the cuo and
Ivory gumo over brought toKotlior
when Chris fjottllab, mayor of Win
chester subdivision, nnd Lou Sluiw
of Chicago meet ut Drown & Hall's
poolroom on Ma:n strcot.
Chris lias long entertained Med
ford devotees of tho cio with his
classy playing, but has not boon
mado to extend himself on account
of no worthy opponent visiting this
neck of tho woods In a long tlmo,
Mr. Kliaw nnd Chris will play n
LTiO-poInt match, Imlkllno, after
which Shaw will give an exhibition
of fancy shots. Mr. Hluiw Is tho
world's champion fancy nhnl billlnrd
1st. Tho public is cordially Invited
Pndor tho auspices of the regulur
monthly mooting or tho Fruit and
Produco UBHoclatlon, W. F. Owln,
general manager of tho Northwestern
Fruit Exchange gave a titorcoptlcon
locturo at tho It theater Saturday af
ternoon, In which ho explained tho
systoni of handling In tho exchange.
Over two hundred of Medford orcli
ardlsts woro present to hoar It.
13y means of tho slides, ho showed
tho dotnlls of shipment, methods of
packing cars, and tho fruit on tho
market In the cast. Mr, Owln made
his talk both Interesting and Instruc
tive, and he msido plain tho high de
grco of efficiency obtained - by tho
exchange In tho handling of fruit,
The Potato
In tho Mali Tribune, of Juno 7th
there appeared tho following local
Item: "It Is reported that some of
tho new potatoes Imported Into this
valley from California nro more or
less Infested with n now pest. Somo
or tho tubeiH woro found to bo rid
dled with tho knrvno of a moth,
which resemble tho eoldlug moth In
Voino respects. Tho authorities
should look Into this matter prompt
ly and establish it uunrnntluu If found
This pest has been known as a
Wlous enemy of tho potato In Cali
fornia sluco'lSUl. Wo Insect Avim
Introduced from China, tho first pn
tntocs known to be Infested Woro ob
tained from n Chinese gnrduor, who
Imported tho seed from his native
land. Tho potato tuber moth Is ono
of the most dangerous pests known In
many foreign countries. It hns been
especially destructive In South Auo
trnllln, Tasmania, Now Zealand. In
din. China, South Africa, Algeria,
and other countries. Knowing this,
tho U. S. department of agriculture
took ncttvo stops to have It eradicat
ed as soon ns It was known to have
been Imported Into California, imt
nothing was over done by the author
Hies of tho state, nml tho pest Ins
been allowed to spread at will. It
has been nnother case of feeling tho
unimportance of a pest until It
overrun thu country, such as pear
lillclit. San J oso m-ale and otllcr
The potato ttlier moth (I'hthorl
inaea operrulellnl Is well named. Tho
name of tho genus comes from the
Oreek word phthclreln, meaning to
destroy. To tho same family belong
tho peach hud moth or twig borer
nnd the golden rod gall moth mo well
know it In tho middle west,. The po
tolo tuber moth, besides nttarkliiK
potatoes, also Infests related plants
InrludlUK toburco and nlKhtshndes.
The larvae of tho moth mine the
leaves, stains, ami tubers of pota
toes. In tho fields, while tho vines
aro Kreen, they work almost wholly
within tho leaves and stems. The
greatest dnmnKo Is done to tho tub
ers Just before or after they have
been dug. Whenever the tubers are
exposed, especially on iIIkkIuk, tho
moth, tlko tho codling moth, U u
ulRht flyer, and potatoes diiK during
the day and loft exposed over nlclit
will have egi;a deposited on them.
Tho ckkh nro pearly white, bulng
about half as large us a common pin
head. Each fomale moth will Iny
from 20 to HO egs. It requires
from seven to fourteen dnys for tho
eggs to hnti'h, depending upon
weather conditions. Upon hatching
tho Inrvae Is extremely small, light
In color, with n black bend. When
full grown It avcragm threc-rourths
of nn Inch In length, the head Is dark
brown, tho first segment Is old rose
color with dark brown shield on tho
back; tho second seKincnt Is n
clouded pink; whllo tho third nnd
succeeding segments nro a cloudod
whlto often becoming yollowlsh .r
greenish, according to the rood oat
en. In tho flold tho larva works up
on tho stems, loavos and tuber J,
whllo In tho store house, bins and
sacks It works upon the tubers or on
sprouts. It requires from 3 to R
weeks to mature, tho Interval being
spent In cntlrig.
Tho Pupa.
AVheii tho larva h fully grown It
seeks some placo to impute. Tills
may b at the mouth of the burrow
whirl! It hns mado In tholubor, or It
may loavo the tubor entirely and
seek a masn or dead leaves, tho un
der side or a dry clod, cracks or tho
bins, sides or sacks, etc. Hero tho
larva splim a whlto silken cocoon
about ono Inch long. When the co
coon Ih (.omplntfld, tho larva outers
It and closos thu open end, soon
transforming to tho pupa. Tho co
coon Is usually covered with fruits
and other refin-e matter so as to ap
pear dark or dirty brown or black
It rcqukcii about three days for tho
larva to spin u cocoon. Tho period
or traiiHfommtlon from thu tlmo the
larva begins to upln until tho adult
or moth emnrKos covors a purlod of
from 1-1 to 20 days.
Tim Adult.
Tho adiiU female Is nbout tbreo-
olghths or nn Inch In length, whllo
tho male ih much smaller. Tliey uro
gray In color with silvery bodies
There Is a uoltcenblu black area near
tho middle or tho hack of tho remain
and u darker frlngo ut the tips or
tho primary wings or the males. Tho
general color or thn males Is u Httlo
lighter than that or tho females, but
It Is difficult to readily dlntliiguliih
them except for tho dlfforoneo In
slzo. Jiotli mules mid females nro
vory nctlvo on their foot. Thoy fly
readily when disturbed. Tho mofli
Is u night flyer, tho eggs being de
posited ut thnt time.
As tho Insect breeds on various
common weeds of tho nlgit8hndo
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant.
Phones M. 47 nml 47-T.2
Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner
Tuber Moth
family, It Is Important that thoy ho
destroyed' wherever found, Heed po
tatoes must bo free from tho Inrvup
or thoy will soon give rise to moths
which will soon Infest n whole field.
In our wise, preventive niensurcs uio
best, because. It Is much easier to
prevent Infestation than to control
the Insect after It Is ouro established.
Fanners should always examine the
Heiul very cnrofully and be suro that
iiq Infested tubers aro planted. Tho
fact (hat potato tubers uro cotnpar
utlVely, tree front Insect; attacks
makes the detection of this prut easy.
Never bury or throw Infested pota
toes on n rubbish pile, Uurp them
It they are to ho destroyed. In ease
they are to bo used as hog feed, they
should be boiled or soaked In .water
Ho mi to Insure (he destruction of tho
Where tho moth is known to be In
n district, the potatoes should bo
planted fairly deep ho that no tubers
will bo exposed when mature. Hill
ing should bo practiced, and for this
purpose, tho rows should be nbout
Torly Inches apart, Clean cultivation
should bo practiced and all clods
should bo broken up. When tile po
tatoes aro well hilled, most of tho
first larvae appeur In the stems or
tops. It Is, thoMforo, advisable to
harrow off tho tops and burn them
before digging thu old crop. This Is
to prevent further Infestation.
Foreign authorities advocate spry
lug with a tar water before Infesta
tion tans pluce. Tho spray Is as fol
low h:
Coal tar ouo-hnlf pound
Water one gallon
Dilute tho above to make fitly gal
lons spraying material. Tho one
half pound of coal tar Is thoroughly
boiled In tho gallon or w liter tor
nbout a hair hour before dilution.
Air slacked or nas lime at the rate
of thirty bushels per ucro t beiu
flclal. It may also bo used In the
storage pits.
Potatoes should bo dug Just as
soon as Hiey are ripe enough and
put Into clean sacks Immediately alt
er being taken rrom the ground. Tu
bers should never renmln In tho field
either In sarks or oil the surface of
the ground over night, uiiIohm the
sacks are securely tied or there Is nn
Intention of storing the potatoos In
All of tho larvno and cges may be
destroyed by soaking tho Infested
tubers In cold water for at least
thirty-six boars. In storage bins.
two pounds of carbon bisulphide to
every 1000 r.ublc. feet or air spare
will usually destroy the pest. Fum
Icatlnu should be repeated as often
ns adult moths begin to appear. Four
or five treatments aro usually requir
ed. As tho Injury produced by (be
Inrvno will penult rotting fungi to
enter the tubers, It will bo well to
sort them ovor and thus prevent an
Iticronso In rot.
So far as known, this pest has not
yet found n foothold In tho vnlley.
but ono can never be certain that it
will not become n serious mennco to
potato growers. Tho Insect now oc
curs practically through tho territory
south of Sacramento, along tho roast
and In tho Interior valleys of Cali
fornia. As stated before, It was
found In 1X91 near llakorsfleld,
Kern county, Calirornln. Sluco that
tlmo It has covered a large terrlloiy
and Is still spreading. It has been
For Bright'Eyes
and Clear Nose
RrnuriiaLU Cl.nh Cur. Tint GW Rlaht Inla
lU AfUclcd I'trti and Stop Oatlurino.
.1. if. H U n AVunOrr fur thn II) rx, .Vine
nun -in run I.
It Is definitely known thnt enliirrh
rnn l;u cured li- tho ulriipln prorttus (if
Inomilulliil." the blend with uiillilulul
ri'ini(llci) that Mop Inlluiiimiitory cemll-
iioiim inriiiiKliiiui Uio miK-oiiH IIiiIiikh ol
nil thu orituim of the Imdy. This Is
dnnu with tho famous Swift's Hure
Hiucinu, fir, ns It U widely litiuwn,
H. KH, Jt Ih tukuu Into thu blond just
its naturally ns thu most iimirlshliitf
nod, It spreads lln Inflilduco ovor
every orKmi In tho body, thruUKh all
thu veins and arteries, and cnublcs all
inucnus surfaces to oxcIiuiiko Inflam-
inaiory ncius and other Irritntinn suh
Htapccu fgr nrturlul eltpnuuts that
c-rfcctually cIoiiiibo thn Hystnm and thus
put nn end to all (uturrhiil pollution.
0. R t), cloariii out tho Ntrimacli nl
murouH ac-cuiiiututlons, cnublcn only
puru, blood-ninkinir molerlaU to antor
thu Intestines, combines -wit It theso
food elomonts to (inter tho circulation,
and in less tltuit an hour Is nt work
throtiKhnut tho body In tho process of
You will noon renJIo ltn wondorful
Inmionce by tho absence of hutulucho,
u decided clenrlnir of tho ulr piissairos,
a Btendlly Improved misul cenilltlon,
nnd a nnnso of imillly relief thut proven
how complotcly cijtarrh often Infests
I ho entlro system. You will find
H K. H. on snlo ut nil drufr uteres nt
$1.00 por bottle, It Is u remurkubla
icmciiy rnr nny nml nil Mood ailac
tlons, such as eczema, rash, lupus.
tetter, psoriasis, bolls, and all other
diseased condition ot thn blood. For
special uiivicu on nny moon oisaaso
Writ In ennfldenco to The Hwlft Hpu
cldo Co,, 137 Hwlft Illiltr., Atluntu, (la.
Do not delay to Kot a bottlu of t), fi t).
of your Uruuhim,
supposed that tho uorthorii districts
ate unfavorable climatically to tho
Insect, hut, we should not tako u
chance that It will not bo harmful
In this valley.
The California state commission of
hortlciilturo has been, notified that
nil Infested Importations of potatoes
from California Will bo destroyed,
and, furthermore, If cam Is not tak
en tho California potato will not bo
permitted tn miter Oregon.
' P. J, OMAHA,
Pathologist lu charge.
Notice Is hereby given that tho
undersigned ;wlll apply In the city
round! of the city of Mudford, Ore
gon, at Its next tegular meeting on
.tune 17, ID tit, for a license to sell
spirituous, vinous and malt liquors
lu quantities leim than a gallon, ut
his place of business at 17 South Fir
street, block 20 In said city, for a
period of six mouths.
What n Heap of Happluc-is It Would
llrlng lit Meitfenl Hume.
Hard to do housewoik with mi
aching back.
Ilrlngs you hours of misery nt lei
sure or ut work.
It women only knew the mm no -that
llnrkarho pains often come from
weak kidneys,
'Twoubl save much ocodh'tft woo.
Dean's Kldmiy Pills are for weak
Head what a Medford cltlieit says:
Mrs. Mury Wluterliabler, near W
Jnuksou St., Medford, Ore., says: "I
used Dean's Kidney Pills with beli
ef bin I tt'sultn when suffering from
kidney trouble and I know or ollixr
pernios who Imvo taken lliem wilh
success. Since I used Dosii'm Kid
ney Pills nbout n year ago, I have not
bad tho liMist trouble fiom my kid
ney. This lemedy diMerviM my
hearty endorsement."
"When Your Hack Is Lame -He-iiiember
the Name." Don't liuply
ink for u kidney remedy ask ills
lluutly for Doau'rt Kidney PUN. tho
some that Mrs. Wlulorhalder had
(ho remedy backed by home testi
mony. fiUn all store. Foster-Mil-burn
Co,, Props , Huffalo. N. Y.
Small IrriK-itcd ranch near city
reservoir. House, barn, shed, etc.
Telephone ami city water. Family
orchard, berries, garden. New free
soil all planted, Ideal location for
market gardening, berries or small
orchard, liny this ranch tiow and
gel tho benefit of this year's crop,
II. L. NOIU.IT, Ounrr
Phono 10I!J-L. '
I liavo some o the best
buys in tho viilloy. Clood al
falfa ranches, good bottom
land, plenty of wator. Also
good placo to rout. Don't
fail to sec me before you buy.
P. 0. Box 30 Ashland, Oro.
You tvill fiiiil it uxtrciiii'ly con
venient if your insurance litis lu'cn
plucoil in u ci)iiimny wliioli pays
itK Idhhch promptly, mid in roll,
L Jinvu no oilier hint.
R. H. McCurdy
401 M, P. & II. Blilg. Phouo 343
The Medford
Orogoii'n Mont up-io-duto Flru-proot
WuruhoiiKu with Ilurglur-proof
For. rates apply
Alt 'Indian Story.
thi: OUTLAW.
Thillllug Photoplay.
LOVU IN tiih (iiiicrro. X
Music uud MffeclH.
Matiiieos Dally,
Coming Tuesday
In Two Heels.
TfTWtTV'F - "' '1' ff f TVVfTV
1 AR
Where yen get your uioney' vinrlli
on built hide-, of tlm illiue,
Two SouNiithiiuil Heels
A milling story or the troplos. Tsr
rlfle battle wh wild benslt.
Plying "A" Wmlorii
"Koyslnneii" TWO "ICoyattiiKiV
"A a.Mi: OP POKHH"
"turn I'.vniuii'H mourn"
I'll II II let l,
AI Sal bet- in llllMlalitl Souk
Appropriate muidr nml effects.
Afternoon ami I. toning.
Ailtiilklou r,e ami I He
AiIiiiIh.Iou .v-IIIc, Any Sent
A mammoth Cull War spectacle, it
three-reel lUI-Illsou feature.
A comedy where a sueezo plays a
vital part
Don't forget our matlueo evory
Wednesday ami Thursday at 2:u.
Tho bent vaudeville ever staged In
this city, Five big Feature Acts.
Special Mutlnee prices Ufic. Kvo
ulugs, iT.c, 3.'c; box hunts, fiOc.
Stoam and Hot Wator
All Work rtunrnnt'ad
Priors ItfjmiiinbU
19 XewsrA Iltnek, Kntrsnv en Sin Bi.
Hume riiuuu SS.
AVn mtrry n vory ooiindntii lln of
drniH-rleii. Iiu-n curfnlns, futures, etc.,
nml ilo nil ulunHfls of lijiholslnrllts, A
spi-ultil mini to look ttfli-r this work
exclusively nml ujll Hlvn nm mmA
Hiirvli-o iim Is inipulLilt) lu tiet lu ovaa
thu lurct-st cities.
Woola & McGowan Co,
Official Pliotofjf aplior of tho
Medford Commorcial Club
'Ainiitoiif Piiiirilihig ,
Post Curds - 4 ..
Paiionuiiio Worlc J
Interior and oxterior viowa
ITiaBii liglita
NopfativcH mado any litno
and any place by appointment.-
208 E. Main Pliono 1471