mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmf I . , M....t' ( ( i n i i n f MIMIIIUlKtH' ; . . , II' 'in-fli E5BE SIX. i i tw ,wpwiwriiwnw i KEDFOim MATT TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, SATURDAY. .TTTNK 7. WW. if If ( mm TO HOLD ROS w OR E FOURTH OF JULY In rcujiotiBO to ft sonorous Invita tion to women Interested In tho work of gItIo Improvement, tho par lors of Mrs. J. F. noddy's homo 122 Oregon terrace, were- crowded yes terday afternoon with women eager Jo help In advertising tho resources of the valley, and desirous of mak ing Mcdford a beautiful city In which to live. Mrs, Hoddy, whoso mind works along broadly constructive lines, presented a plan, first for holding an amateur roso shew: oc ond, appointed a committee to work In conjunction with tho general com mittees In charge of tho Fourth of July celebration and, third, outlined a method whereby tho general ap pcarnnco of tho town may bo greatly Improved by cleaning up parklnqs and planting ihado trees. It would bo a very difficult mat ter at present for Med ford to com pote with the glories of tho Portland Iloso show to bo held next week, but with forethought In planting, care ful selection of varieties and Intelli gent cultivation wo may noxt year successfully compote with oven Port land's first roso show, which wis certainly n modest affair. At an amateur roso show to bo held on the i ourth at a time and place which will not Intcrfero with tho more general activities of the day, choice roses from homo gardens will bo on display. Tho prlxo lists usually re quest but thrco or five blooms for an entry and nearly ovcry rosarian has at least one bush of especially nlco roses. A drlvo over tho city today enables one to eco many beautiful gardens ornamented with gorgeous roses In full bloom, each ono of which might contrlbuto a choleo dis play. Mrs. Reddy Is surely ono to initiate this move, as her Marechal Mel, Klllarncy and Chateau do Clos Vougeot aro of tho finest and ,her annuals and shrubs aro unsurpassed. Tho Glasgow place on South Oak dale, tho Anderson place on West Main, tho Watt place on Kast Jack son and the York placo on West Tenth aro but a few which look as though a clothes basket full of bloom could be plckekd without de nuding tho yards. A little neighborhood work on the part of Mrs. E. II. French on Roso avenuo resulted In the planting of 12 dozon M. Carollno Testout In tho spaco of two blocks, a delightful Im provement to that section of town. It was suggested by the ladles that thoso having fine specimens of roses should put them dally In the places of business, using a visiting card and placing tho name of tho variety on tho card. Tho public library, tho commercial club and the banks aro nil especially grateful for flowors mid If tho, namo of tho doner and tho namo of specimen Is added It is a desirable means for tho public to securo information In regard to planting. A committee- consisting of Mrs. Charles Schleffelln, chairman; Mrs. II. E. Stoddard, Mrs. F. E. Merrick and Mrs. C. P. Hoon was appointed ns an auxiliary from tho Woman's club to the general committee on arrangements for the Fourth. A very strong sentiment was expressed by tho women that Mcdford observe a "suno" Fourth. The elimination of flioworks lessens tho danger of flro and prevents rn;ny. accidents not to say fatalities, without detracting from the patriotic celebration of tho day. Tho discussion of parking and tree planting drew forth reminiscences of tho days but three short years ago, whon Medford boasted no 30 miles of bard surface pavement, when tliero were no cement walks, no, nor oven board walks, when thero woro no neat aud clouo shaven park rows, days whon public spirited worn on trumped miles through tall wot grass, seeking an opportunity to talk with Mr. Propertyholder about tho grading of his lot and what particu lar varloty of shade treo he would be pleased to plant. Encouraged by tho results of tlmt campaign the ladlos are looking toward the organ ization of "neighborhood clubs" that shall consult together regarding parking, treo planting aud rose planting, eudeuvorlng to bring about a more or less uniform and artistic uystom of improving city lots. Tho coopetatlon of all citizens Is solic ited lu making a "moro beautiful Mcdford." ROSE FESTIVAL SPECIAL, Don't forget that $0,90 rato to Portland and return on special train Monday, Juno 0, leavo Medford 6:30 p, ro., reach Portland about 8 a. in. Tuesday. This Is the lowest rate ever given southern Oregon. Re turning tickets will be good on any train up to tho ICth. Mnko your reservation and tako In tho Rose Festival, Call or phono S. P. depot. Thoso not desiring reservation will bo taken care of In chair cars. PROSPEC T; SB HT R A T AD GRANTS m MEDFORD SPORIS OFFER $1 1 00 BONUS Dr. J. F. Reddy states that pros pects are bright for the construction of tho Pacific Interior railroad from Grants Pass to Crescent City, a syn dicate of capitalists arriving Satur day to mnko definite agreements with tho cities along tho route. Said Dr. Reddy: "Mr. Helm and associates, among whom are Mr. Shcppard of Huston, Mr. Chartler, Mr. Hock man and Mr. Mooro of Ios Angeles, with their en gineer, will arrive In Grants Pass Saturday. They will make a trip to Crescent City and return. While hero Mr. Helm will present a propo sition to tho cities affected. Involving the building of tho road through to Crescent City. They have organized a construction company and have had a contractor over tho proposed route, and say as soon ns they can come to an agreement with Grants Pans and Crescent City they will be pre pared to begin work and push tt-o road to completion within a limited time. Mr. Helm has'arranged for one of the firm of Caldwell, Mn.vllch and Reed, New York attorneys, (o whom the bond Issuo was submitted, to como hero and take It up with tho city officials, with a low to a now bond election. He will probably bo here In a few dajs and the course In that matter will bo determined. Whllo there Mr. Helm will submit a proposition to tho citizens concern ing tho plans for tho consideration of the public.. Judge Chllds of Cres cent City, who Is In Los Angeles, writes that ho has met Mr. Holm's associates In tho enterprise and that they will present a proposal to tho people and that ho believes they havo a proposition that we can accept." TO AID ANDERSON NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned w'll apply to tho city council of the city of Medford, Ore gon, at Its next regular meeting on Juno 17, 1913, for a llccnio to soil spirituous, vinous and malt liquors In quantities ''less than a gallon, at his place of business at 17 South Fir street, block 20 In suld city, for a period of six months. O. M. SELSnY. When n crowd of Mcdford sport , l tiM!vtlur ll nlclit nml sun- (tcriheil $1100 to give to Hilly Nolan, I gmti", the minute Willie Ititclilc step jiiito tho vnttf with Hut! Anderson, the i "Medford marvel," nil precedents for j confidence in the ability of pugilists wen Miuohcil, nml the word "Med ford" thi morning jitrred rudely on the cars of rtiii enthusiasts in nil cities from the Atlantic to the Pacific niul from the froen north to Juarez, Mexico. A couple of Mcdford fight follow ers realizing from the nortn from headquarters tit San Francisco Hint Hud Anderson was not recciung the consideration due him as a champion ship contender suggested this noel wny of either securing the Fourth of July match for the local scrapper or muling Hilly Nolan "crawfish" hit upon this idea. lu view of the fact that Manager Dounld will allow his boy to fight Kitchlc at Nolan's own terms am! weight it would he quitting of the worst kind for Nolan to refuse to give Anderson the chance at Ititcliie. The .fllOO was subscribed by twenty-two Modfortl men and plncct! in the hands of Court Hall, the local "Tim Snllivnn." This fnct was wired to San Krancis'co's most popnlnr squirting resorts and heralded throughout tho world by tho two large press associations. At the meeting it wns also deter mined that in case Hud is not se lected us llitchie'.s opponent and he loses the Los Angeles match that a chorus of fifty voices will journey to San Francisco on the Fourth, en ter the championship fight nrenn nud yell "Hud Anderson of Medford" during the entire progress of tho Ritchie fight. OBITUARY. Mrs. Marr E. Shotwcll. who was stenographer for Gus Newberry for two J ears, und Is well known In Medford, died at n hospital In Po mona, Cal., May 20. Deceased was forty years old, camo to Medford from Atlanta, Ga and Is a 'daughter of Rev. T. E. Converse of that city. REBUILD FLUME STERLING MINE Work on tho reconstruction of tho old Sterling flume will commence about June It!. -Sdh Hullis at that time wilf plnci) n large force of men rcparing the wooden flumes nml also the ditch. Forty acres of limber laud on Lit tle Applcgatc, at the head of the Sterling ditch, liuui been purchased from F.uiiut'tt lleenii by this com pany. They plan to cut this timber and use it in repairing the flumes. A HELP FOR WORKING GIRLS Two Girls Tell Slory of Their Illness and How They Found Relief. New Orleans, La. "I take pleasuro In writing these lines to express my grati tude to you. I am only 1G years old and work In a tobacco factory. I have been n very sick girl but I have improved wonderfully since taking Lydla . rinklmm's Vegeta ble Compound and am now looking flno and feeling a thousand times bolter." Miss Amklia JAquiiXARD, 1313 Sev enth Street, New Orleans, La. St. Clair, Pa. "My mother was alarmed because my jverlcxU were sup pressed and I had pains in my back and side, and severe headaches. I had pirn pies, on my face, my complexion was sal low, my sleep was disturbed. I had ner vous spells, was very tint! and had no ambition. LydiaE.Iinkhnm's Vegeta ble Compound has worked a charm in my case and has regulated me. I worked in a mill among hundreds of girls and have recommended your medicine to many of them." Miss EsTtXLA Ma GUIKE, llOThwInpSt., Salnl Clair, Pa. Thero is nothing that teaches moro than experience. Therefore, such let ters from girls who havo suffered and were restored to health by Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound should be a lesson to others. The same remedy is within reach of all. If you want special adilce write to Ljdla E. l'lnkham JHcdlcIne Co. (confi dential) Lynu, Masj. Your letter will bo opened, read aud aimnrrrd by a womauand held In" strict coulldence. small hiiw mill has been purchased In Portland am! IIiIh mill will ho in stalled near tho head of tho ditch. The mill will uiriui next week. llnitliier Hullis, who has charge of tho clccliio line will anive tho ltllh of .lu no and woik will then coimncucn in envnest. Time Has Changed the World Laws havo boon eliaiitfpd to moot ooiidiiions; waos, jirii't's ami own oli inato havo olmngod, hut ono of tho front ohnuos is Hirsh-WickwircCo Remarkable Perfection of Ready-Tailored Clothes Thoir garments aro not nmtlo from mo as u r o mo u t given by some in experienced "order taker" who owns a tailor's tape and book of sample woolens, but they aro made under tho direction of tho Most Abls Talent in tns World and hnnd-tnilorud by exclusive custom tailors. Let us show you these "Clothes of Now." MODEL Clothing Co. tlXMHtel T t I & Eleqtmq Cookino Is True Economy NO FLAME, NO SMOKE, NO GAS, NO ODOR, LITTLE HEAT, NO WOOD TO BRING IN, OR ASHES TO CARRY OUT, NO MATCHES NEEDED, READY AT A TURN OP THE SWITCH. 'm. t X ! t Y J Y t t f y t t ELECTRIC RANGE, price $GO.0O cash, .f'u'n.OO on installments. This range has i)ew typo brojler in top of oven, the best broiling device up to date for any style stove. Will bake, roast, broil or fry; is better, cleaner, safer than any other cooking appliance. Ask your neighbor who uses one. Plat rate for family use, ijio.OO per month. Ask about our special installment terms on this range. EL BACO OVEN, price $12.00, will roast a chicken or bake two loaves of bread. Can be connected on any lamp socket. No special wiring required. Costs 5 cents per hour or less to operate, depend ing on quantity of current used. ' y y . y t y y .-it ; ''Tffi," ilium i)n' I n jiji g ill 'fStt y f y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y r SAMPLES ON DISPLAY AT OUR OFFICE .i I t y y y y y y y y y y y y y &&&$$$ California-Oregon Power Company 216 WEST MAIN STREET. PHONE 1681. T Siskiyou Heights Now is tho time to mnko selection of lots and tracts in this magnificent residence district. SEE JOHN A. TORNEY ROOM 1, PALM BLOCK Zfctet UcuwW Against m Against Substitutes Imitations Get thcWclI-Known Round Package 4t .o.TtoU.3sr HORLICKS MALTED MILK UsUsUMBklU Mad In th lamtt, bt KJIIII. I M. AC- -. u miin piant in mm wuriu quipped and sanitary Malted Wo do not make "milkproducttP Skim Milk Condensed Milk, etc. Rut eh. Original-Genuine "" HORLICK'S MALTED MILK Made from pure, full-cresitn milk find thooxtroot of select malted sjntin, reduced to powder form, soluble la vratcr. Best food-drink for all ae TASK FOR HORUCK'Sr Used all over thQIb (mteSodaJmdiun .rHj "Ul. 5r2"f5tr 0 OH miuc r Rose Festival Special via tliu iV9l SUNSET efl I (OGDEN&SHASTAl I I I ROUTES I I from ' Ashland Mcdford Grants Pass nml inttiniioilinlt) poiittn LcnvliiK Mt'iironl Monday uvutiitifr, dime 0t li nt CsJIO 1'. M, ROUND TRIP FARES Mwlfonl 9-'J Onu fair, round trip, Troin oilier jioIiiIh in Rukiiu rlvur vnllcy. TiokiiUi will lm sold Monday, Juno !Hh only, and will lio good for return on or licforo June 10. Tor further particulars, roHorvutiniiH, etc., call on A. S. Iloscnlmum, aijcnt, or nddrcHs: John M. Scott, General Possongcr Agont, Portland, Oregon. Round Trip Fares TO TIIK Portland Rose Festival VIA THIS I (O SUNSItTa I I OOOtMSSHASTAl I ONE AND ONE-THIRD FARE from all mala ami branch linn points; from polntH on tliu O, ft 1?., H V. C, & V. unci I. & M. ham: dati:hj Kukciio ami nil polnls north Including branch lino points, Juno 8 to 13 Inclusive; otutloim south of ISiikouo, Juno 8-9-11-13) Irluul return limit Juno 10. For llliistrntoil booklot on tho Hebo FuhIIvuI nml Ioaflot Klvlng full prograrn, cull on uuy 8, P. Acout, or address; a, JOHN M. KCOTr, General I'nHNoiiKT Agont ',I3,"ti, l rortland, Oregon ' " '