' iMTOFORP MATJJ TRTBUNR, MEDFOiTD, OttWlOtf, SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1013, PXCUUHm, V OKIHNANOU NO. 7,1 1. (('uutliiiiud riiiiu 1'mkii t.) uniihod lii Vol, ui, iiiikh M'i, or (Imi Kiiuily lornidt'r's records or .Inch hod count), Oregon; IK) feet at I2e, $r. H.HO. AhhohhiiiiiiiI No. i), l-J. 18. Armour, lot 7, block til, liiiiiurliil addition to tint cltv (if Moilfntd. OroKUII. having u fimitiiKo or I III fuel on Din north ulilo of Unci Eleventh slioot, it do Hiirlbod In Vol. Sii, ihki ft in, of tint county iMi'iinlHr'H in'onl of .luck noii iniint.t, OioKen: I III f.ti't at lt, If.M.SO. AMOMtliioiit No 7. II. II. Toft, tlio (lrt fn foot Mtrlii In hlnrk 12, Imperial iiililltinn, Mi'ilfonl. Om'koii, beginning opponlto dm wimt lino of Ashland avenue, fronting- on tint noiitli Mile or Until Ulovonlh Mroel, mi ilKKurllHiil In Vol. Hi, iuko itsii, count)' hkiimIci'h loonnW or ,lttok Hon iftnnly. OniKoni .'0 tail nt -tin. fit I on. AKOMintnt No. K. It. II, Toft, tint nm'iiiiii "id root irli In block IS. linporll addition, Mmtford, Oihroii, IickIiiiiIhk npuoslln Mm wont Him or Ashland nwniiH, roiilliiK on tint imi n Hi nidi of Until ICI'nciilli tirotit, its ilHMM-lliHtl In Vol Hi, pnji nar,, county rwoi iliir'n record or .limit noil county, Orcnon; mi rest itt I2t, iki.oo. Atwoomont No. tt - It M Tort, tint thlnt fit) foot at rln In liloek 111, Imperial Httilltlon, .Medrord, Oregon, IuirIiiiiIiik oiMullo I lie tttwt linn or Awhlitiul iiouiiim, f muting on thu south hIiIo of Hunt Eleventh street. h ilnM-rliied In Vol. hit. ifli?y i20, comity recorder's records or Jack- Mill county. Oregon; CO rent nt 42r, 11 no. AifMiHonl No. 10 It. II. Toft, tliu fourth fid foot Mtlp In lilnik 12, Ihiimii hit Nililltlon, Mi'ilforil. Oregon, ItHKlnnliiK oiiiioxltit I lit went Hum of AhIiImiiiI menus', fronting on the stunk ride of IJohI Eleventh nt root. u ilomrlhod tu Vol. Hi. pJIKO lilC. I'ountv iwiinUr'H records or .Ihck win nomily. Oreiioii; 6n fetjt nt 4Jr, III. no. AwHMinmil No. II.- It. II. Toft. tli., flftti r,o foot Htrlp In block IS. ImiMrlsl mlilltlon, ,tn.Uiril, Orrnon. Im-kIiihIiiK iippo-.Uo t Imi west line of AsIiInmiI mvoiiiio. fronting on the HHiulti iIih of East Ulowiith ntrixit. mn iliMcrltitMt In Vol . iiik 62. county wonlot's record of .lurk imi 1 1 lountr, OrniMMi: no twit at life. 121 mi AtMtn-nt No. 12 -It II. Tort, tli.i ttUtlt fit) foot strip In liliuik IS. ImporlMl addition. Medford. Oregon. IlKKltllllnK OOlMHlltH ttlll Mt Duo ot Alinlnml nvnnuu. frotitlnr; on tlm MOMttl lllt' Of HRt ltlt)tlttl utrixit, M ili' rllinl In Vol S2. uiKt J3iJ. I'onmy riM-onU'r'N n-ronU of Jrk tutn I'omit). Orison; fit- ffd nt l-r. l.no AMiiifiil No. 1 U It. II. Toft, llm rimt r.o rwit trli In lilork II. ImiurlHl mlilltlon. Mmlfonl, OniKon. tliinlK oihmio tli" ns vh( lino of VIHmtt, tufnin. fnuitliiK on tlio iKititli mIiIm ot Kwtt i;ii'utitli wtrout. Hk ilfM-rltii'it In Vol. S2. initio ti'lQ, contilv rw oritur' rH'oriln of Junk Hill loiiutv. (lrKon; fail fti't nt 42c. JXI on. Aiiih-miihi.( No. II -It. II. Toft. I In- m-oiul r.n root trli In blAok II, InuiHrliil nililltlon, Mmlfonl. Oni;on, lifklnnlnK oiKMltn tlio "l rino or WIIUiiH'tm nvKinio. front Iiik on tbo until liln or Kt IJtcvi'iitli Dtrvtit. hn ilmcrlboil In Vol. S'i. pm:o 020, cemity ri'corilor' rcciril ot Jark non couiiiy, ()in:on; R0 tout nt tUr, It I no. AaaoMinrul No. IK.- I. II. l'litin, llm ihlnl 60 root nlrl In block II. liii-rlil attilllton, Mwlforil. OroMoii. llCRltllllllK 0lKHtlll tllH UMtt lino ot VIIIintle MMinuc, rronlliiK on tlio Honth lili of Knut UlxM'iitli Htrt'ot. m tlKHcrllinil In Vol. US. iuku 121, comity riH-onliT'it rcortlii of Jiick on coiiiiU', Orcnon; r,0 foot nt 12c, It I on AniMMumtot No. ltl. A ml row Jnnk on. IIih fonrtli (t) foot ntrli In block II. Iiuiirll mlilltlon. MciUonl. ()n lion. htiKluiilnit opiiovlto tlio wt Hue or WlllniiH'tto iivoniii', frontliiK on (lie noil til utile of lv(it KliHi'lltli Hlrri't. tin lUmrllMiil In Vol 'Jti, int;o 671. county rceonlor'H rcconlH or ,luckou county, (tropin : r,0 foot nt ISc 121.00. AaiMiuHiit No. 17 - Frederick I, Womlt. tliu fifth no root Htrlti In block II. Imimrlal mMltliiu, Ald run), Oruiton. bHKlnultiK oppuiiltu tliu woat lino or WIIIhiiihUu nvonuo. fronting on tlio noiitli hIIo of Knt lilwatitli trcnt. ni iliMcrlbi'il In Vol. t'S. io IM.'i, county icconlcr'n rcc oiiIk of .liickKou county, Oiciton; fill feet nt I -'('. 121.00. AMM'UHIIIIlUt No. IS W. H. llnto intui. tlio Mlxth no foot ! rli In block 11. Iiiiuirliil mlillllou, Mcilforil. Oro Kim. liKKlnnhiK oiinitn tlio womi Hun of Wlllumotto nvonuo. front Iiik on tho moiiIIi hIiIo of KiihI Ktovontli Htroot, urt ilinicrlboil In Vol. . . , ! . . , county rucorilw'H riwonl'i of .liickuou county, Or'i;on; Tit) foot at 12c, 2l.no. AHMMiiii'iit No. 19. JnckHon (lomity lltillillui; H. I.onu AsbocIuHoii, tho firm r,0 foot Htr,ln In block I, I in ttorltil nitilHIoii. Moilfonl, 'OrcKOii. IiokIuiiIuk oiiohIIo tho wout lino of Vimcouvor nvonuo. frontliiK oil ytbo Houlli ulilo or Knit Klcvnnlh Htrcct, mi ilcacrlbcil In Vol. U2, piiKO r20. county roconlor'H roconlH of Jiick von county, Oroiiou; 50 foot nt -12c, 21. on. Awii'HHincnt No. 2rt. JnckHon (bounty lliilbllni; . I.onu AuHncnilon, tho M'cnuil fi(t foot Htrlp In block I, liniioilul nililltlon, Moilfonl, OrcKon, Ih'IIIiiiiIiik oiipoHlto tho wont lino of Vuncoiivot' iivumoi, frontlnt; on tin) hoiiIIi H'lo of Ihiut ISIvvcntli btrcot, iim ilcHcribcil In Vol. !)2. pnr.o 020, county rcconlor'H roconlH of .liick hoii county, OroMoii; T0 foul ul 12c, $2 1. UO. AHHiiRHinont No. 21. A. W Htvn unit, tho third no root iitrlp In block I, linp(Hiiil iiddltlou, Moiiroril, Oro y,u, boKluiilui; oppoitltn tho wont lino of Vancouver nvonuo, fionUui; on tho Mouth Hldo of Knot Dlovcnth Mi not, im iK'Hcrlbod in Vol. l2, puco 22n, county roconlor'H rcconlu of JnckHon county, OrcKon; GO foot ul 12c. $2 1. On. AHHosmnoiit No. 22, .Tohn II, Ton t uk Iho fourth 50 root Htrlp In block I. liniiorlnl nililltlon, Mcdfonl, Oroiton, IickIiiiiIhk oppoHlto tho wont lino of Vancouver nvonuo, frotitlnr; on Iho noiith iiblo of IOiihI lOlovonth Httcot, ii duHc.rlluiil In Vol, Sit, piuso DRtl, county ri'Corilor'H roconlH of .InckHon county, OroKon; BO (cot ut 12c, 21.00. ABUcaainont No, 23, J. II, IIiui- I Should Worry UAr, son, fAY CH fSNOG ? iimIi, tin- fifth r.o foot ntrlp In block t, liniiorlnl nddltlriif, Mrdford. Olo Koti, Ih'kIiiuIuk opinmlto tho mt lino of VHiiromor nvonuo. frontliiK on tho Hiititli Hldo of Kant ICIovonth Htrcct, tin diHicrllicd In Vol. !, pko 137, county rocortUr'n rocordn of .liickuou county, OroKou; no feot at 42c, 121.00. AuHOHHiiiont No. 2 1. J. It. linn nnli. the kUth no foot strip In block I, Imporlnl mlilltlon. Modfonl, Ore Kuu. bi'KlnnltiK opKHiltii tho wont lino of Vtiitcoiiwr nvonuo. frontliiK on tlio Muuth Hldo of IC.-iHt Kloonth tnmt, 10 dmcrlboil In Vol. !i7. hik 137, county rcordor'n rocordn of JurkHou comity, Oregon;; no feet nt 12c, 121.00. AMoHMiucut No. St. II. I) WIN non, tho novoiith On foot Htrlp In block I. Imperial nililltlon, Modfonl. OrcKon, bcKlnuliiK oppoHlto tliu uoat linn or Vimcouvor nvonuo, rronlliiK on tho uoutli Hldo or Unit Klovonth Btrcot, iih ilokcrlbo'l In Vol. pnjtn , county roconlcr'n rccorda ot Jiicksou county, OroKon; CO root u l 2c 1 26. SO. .Section 2. Ami It Ih hereby or dered mid ordnlnod thnt wild Hcvornl uMotMiiioiita mid the lloua tlioroof be filtered In the lion docket nt mid city, mid that thereupon notice lie Klvcii to tho ownorH or reputed own er, or Hub) piopert), mid thnt the hhiiio bo on fo nod mid collccid in the Dimmer pro tiled by tho charter of unbl ally for tlio collection of nx noninoiilii for thu liuproYtiiiiuiitH of HtrootH tbcrolii. Kecllnii :i. II U further ordered tlmt tho notice nhoMi provided for ho ptibtlHhcd one tliiio In 11 uewnpn per publUlied mid ot Kunernl I'lniu- lullon In hmIiI city. In tho innmier provided by onllumico No. 713 of nnld city. Tlio foroRoliiR ordluniico wjih pajmod by the city council of tlio city or Medrord. OreKon, on the 3rd tiny or June, 10i:t, by tho followliiK vete: I'orter. n)e; Mitchell, nye; Stewart. uyo; Cituiplioll, uyo; .Mllliir, 11 o, mid Kmnniervlllo, nyo. Approved June 3rd, t'.H'J V. W. KII-'I-JHT. AtliMl! Mayor. K. T. I-'OSS, City Itecordcr. NOTIC13. To Iho owner, or ruputod owner, of ouch parcel of property ilorUoil In the foroKolm; ordlnmico, na limned Iherulu mid In tho lien declared by mild ordluauco. ih recorded In tho dockcl of city lluim: You nro hcroby notified Hint tho lUHOHiuiout derlarcil by tho fonn;oluK ordlumiro Iiiih been iiinilo and tho lien thnrefor entered In tlio city Hon docket, mid that the Finite Ih duo mid you nro hereby reiiulrcd to pay tho mttiio to tho city recorder within ton dnyn front tho norvlco of thin notice, w'llcli Horvlco Ih iiiado by tlio publication of IIiIh notice mid the foroKolm; ordlnniico ouo tlmo In a uuWHpnpor publlHluHl mid of ;cuornl clrcnlatlon In mild city, purmimit to mi onl or of tho city council of mild city. K. T. KOS. City Itecordcr, WHY'.' YOUR CHOICE 8 ticreii DoAujnii, full bearing 10 ncroa 11080, full bearing 10 acres Hnrtlett, full beating 10 ncroa Couilco, full bonrlug Wo must soil ouo of these blocks ot Poms nt just oiie-lialf value to Havo turgor tract, 12 ft. dcop lount boII; In Jnckaou county, 3 mllua from Modtord. Pilro iihked, $11.10. Wo want your bid on ono of llieso tracts. Can tnko you out any aftor noott. J, O. RARNUH (l!2.1 N. Hlvei-Hlilo or 211 Flrut National Iluulc Uulldlug I J r N j. " 5 U3 kmh M ) T PRCOCIPTIOM g Wm i m ' 1 i &?m --7- v -' JSm ( ((- yL r '- si should y; ' fcSfc1'- -Jr-.Jgf .4 1' I OUT, SIR., t . . 4,. r4L V J WOM TH C ' V Nri-v ( BET 1 - it'iuoN'TCtirftw ' u I cv A J ( s MA.Y vi COIN' To t'Ac.K "'- BETIN6'. 5v N SC f T SHOUtD 1 1 f"""' ' ' ' ' " " 1 -' -. I . '. 1 ... N ( VOVJ 'iltN TMfKT j r,HOoUO WJ , - -4 '.''. SIGN IT" wo J -i- IrLMSLl roil iti:.vr FuitMMiiKD hooms I'Oll Ki:NT I.nrKO Hlveplos roomi, mid modern housekeeping npurt inenta, prices very rcasonnblo. l'lioru. 102G-L. 222 Bouth Holly trcet. run iti:.vi iiot;.si:KKi:riNa HOO.MS FOIt UKNT wlth liuth ll.irllutt. HoiiM'kveiilui; rootna North anil cua. 345 KOH IlKNT-Mutit rooniH, 7 mid ID. trnl. houickcoiilnK- 322 H. Cen- I'Olt HUNT HOUSES KOIt HAI.i: -Modern rusldcnco, Went loth nt.; motoHKineutH nil paid: 12200. Clnrk llonlty Co. FOIt HUNT Six room modern hmi Knlow; K3H, electricity, imut front nod fluo Hhndo. Inquire 3tt S. Laurel. 70 FOIt HAM: Oil HUNT 6 room mod ern bungalow; bountiful lawn mid troo; iilco enrdou; only 5 4 blorkH from new opera Iioiiku. 713 Uimi Jncknon. FOIt HAI.H Tho fluo bomo wo nro JtiHt completing on MlnuoBotn ut. Hotter come now. It's Jimt offered and will not ltnt lorn;. Humphrey, Kin Kant Mitin. GO FOIt HUNT 10 room hoimo renr of I'nriiioia & FrultKrowcra bnuk, nultiibto for buHlneHH, real oHtuto. boarding or rooming bouiso. (!old Hay Uealty Co., Gth mid Fir utn.' FOIt HUNT Completely furnished five room modern house. Rent 1 1 2. no. 520 S. Ivy. GS FOR RUNT 4 room House. $5.00 per month. Gold Hay Itoulty Co. FOIt HUNT- Five furnished house keeping rooiim with stooping porch Imiulru 310 North llartlett. FOR HUNT Modornfurnlshed 0-rooni hoiiHo, water rout paid, 20. niS King st. TO RUNT Our homo on Uast Main street; fine tdindo mid lawn. Humphrey, SIC KaBt Muln St. GG FOR HUNT MISCUMjANUOUS FORRUNTHnnchea, largo mid small, alfalfa mid garden lands, (lold Ray Ronlty Co., Gth nud Kir FOR RUNT--30 room furnished hotel on percentage. Gold Hay Realty Co. NEW TODAY A party nt Riverside, Cn has 20 acres, half In Tlionipaon a uuprovea navel orungea, mid flvo aurea of Va lencia, mid the balance improved laud, fluo location mid fluo water right. Good crop In night, on young trooB. Will oxchango for n bonrlug pear orchard lit tho Hoguo Rlvor vnlloy. 1200 ncroa In llarnoy county to trade for Medford stuff. Rtingnlow In Los Augolea to trndo for ono In Modfonl. Fluo 10 room nomo closo In on oast aldo, pnvoiiiont, $3n00, Cholco lota In .Modfonl to trndo for tv neat bungalow. Siskiyou Heights. CD.HOON' Phono 1037-J. Room 12 Juukaou Comity Dank Dldg I'OB ItliNT KUHNISUKI) AITS. PoitTtKNT Citn"pTcTeiy furnliiivd npnrtmcnts. Tho Derbcu 10 Quluco at. - ' T " "' i i FOK 8AM' ACItCAOB FOIt ""KB SoVroacrW'ciosohK iniy terms, l'liono 10C0-M. G7 1'OIt HUNT Oil SAI.i: Ono aorc. piped mid wntercd; now hoiiPc; tio.irlnK fruit; adjoin city. Tole plione, electric UkIKh. Nice In come home. Humphrey, bis K. Mulu. CC FOIt SAIiK IXJTS FOK SAUK Uot W'Ht Ninth, close In; paved tt. and sidewalk; nsaeas month paid up to date; 1300, terms to suit. Owner, l'liono 1I5G-M. GG FOIt HUNT OIT1C1VS KOH RUNT Lnrco. comfortablo of fice rooms with elerator ecrvlco, ntoam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture &. Hdw. Co. FOR KAU', HOL'SICS KOH SALK 4 room house and lot 1700. $100 cash and I in. 00 pei month. Hold Hay Realty Co. FOR SALU A flvo room cottage close In on West 10th street, sbado trees, lawn, and good neighbor hood. 1'rico naked liolovv iictuul cost. Total price J12no; payable nt 20 per month. Your present rent will buy this homo. Talk with H. S. Tumy, Carnett-Coroy blk. C9 FOR S.YIiK liANDS FOR SALU Ranches, aero tracts, town property, trout n por aero, tipwnrdri on C nnd 10 years tlmo. Cold Hay Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. FOR SALK 100 ncro good nlfnirn mid grain ranch, all In cultivation. Will mako good stock much, f 100 per acre. lumilro ot C. M. Svondsen, Medford, Oro. G7 FOR 8ALB MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Ultra good fresh Jer sey cow with ltolfor calf. St. Mary's Acndomy. G7 FOR SALU Flrnt mid second grado ulfulfiv liny, 7 nnd S. Tel. 403-R-2. OS FOR SALU llne, for now, -Ouo rond roller, guao-ouo-tlilrd price, nearly FOR SALU 1 Holt traction cngluo mid jiIowb, nearly now, for ouo thlrd prico. Gold Rny Realty Co. FOR SALE At a bargain, a flour mill Htnnd for grinding flour or for rolling bnrloy. For particulars call nt 14th and Central live. Tho Olmk t llonery plant, or address P. O, Box 302. Medford, Oro. FOR SALU Choap, harness, buggy and dandy horse, paddle; horso for ladles or absolutely gentlo children. Phono 342. GG FOR SALU Cheap, tino camp or traveling wagon. Box 40G, Med ford. And good saddle FOR SALK Threo heavy work horses, cheap. W. F, Blddlo, Ru ral Route No. 3 07 FOR SALE Wo will fill all orders for cherrloa, Cokor Uutto Or chavda. Phono D01-J3. 70 FOR SALU Gas rnngo nt mond at. Phono' C23-L. 28 Al-08 FOIt KAliU MIMCUMjANKOUA KOH 8AI,U Ono 10 horsepower pas ollno engine, International make; been used about ono month; good ns now; for salo at a bargain. William Ulrlcb, Medrord, Ore. KOIt SALU OH THADU Pedigreed Poland China boar. It. D. 1, Ilox 73, Central Point, or phono Far nior 11-181. KOH SAM-: Homlngtou standard typewriter No. 8 Invisible writer. 14 Inch carriage, never been used; cheap. P. O. Iie: 147, Jackson ville FOR SALE Dajr-old chicks, rianurn Electric Incubator Hatchery, Tal ent, Oro. II. C. High. Mgr. GO FOR SALU Looso leaf ledger sys tems, any stylo ot aiado to order by tho Mall Trlbuco bindery. FOR SALU Legal blauKs, tresspass notices, for salo or rent sings at the Mall Tribune. FOR SALK Lotter beads and fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at the Mall Tribuno. JAPANUSK PRKSSINO PARLORS Steam and dry cleaning and dye work. Satisfaction guaranteed ort all work. Gents' suits pressed. Special attention to Indies' silks, luces and gloves. Goods called for nnd delivered. 114 N. Front St. Phone 125. 114 FOR SALU Fine team of mules, prico very low If taken this week. A. K. Ware. GG FOR SALU OR THADU A good wagon for good slnglo buggy. Phono 190-J. GG FOR SALE Fuller & Johnson en gine nnd pump, almost new, ot a bargain. Phono n!)l-J3. 70 FOR SALE 15.000 too; lumber at a cleau up prico next few days. G. Alldor, 212 Fruitgrowers Dank bldg. 68 FOR SALK High grade fi passen ger auto. Will take runabout In part payment. Address Uox 82. enro Mali Tribune. GG FOK EXCHAMfR FOR SALE OH EXCHANGE Im proved Kansas farm land for Med' ford city or country property. II W. Ward. 417 S. King. Phono 10S1-J. 70 FOR EXCHANGE Improved and unimproved property In Pasadena mid Long llcncli for Hoguo rlvor property. L. N. Judd, Talent, Or. WILL EXCHANGE 10 acroa poara, with or without houao, for Med ford bungalow. C. B. A., Mall Tribuno. FOR TRADE I havo somo now Studobakor wagons, buggies, farm implements mid gasolluo ouglno for which I will tako cord or fir wood. F. Osonbruggo, 401 Rlvor ulilu avo. S. FOR THADU 40 neors ot bonch hind, rich, rod loam, cholco for pears, grnlu or potatoes. About 10 acres cleared; Uli mllos from Woodvlllo near Evans crook. Would llko resldonco In Medford. B. J. Palmer. Phono 4G9-J. FOR EXCHANGE 3 Vi for light wagon or 403-H-2. Inch wagon hack. Tel. G8 35 tl T I HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Traveling salesman to cover southern Oregon In building material lines. State oxporieuco, roforeiicoa and salary. Addreaa Box 38, Mall Tribuno. By "Bud" Fisher: HKLF WAXTEIT MALE WANTED Packers desiring employ ment with tho R. R. K. & P. Assn. during soason of 1'J13 should reg ister and receive number at office, 18 W. Main St., or Miss Marian Standcllff, Phoenix. WANTED MISCKIiUVXKOUS WANTED Wood sawing; lias good machine; glvo me it call, from G to 3 p. m. Phone 384-R. S3 WANTED AT ONCE i.istlngs of ranches and homestead relinquish ments by owners In tho Applegate nnd other valleys, which will make good homes. I havo several par- ties coming from California look ing for good cheap lands. Wrlto to mo nt onco giving legal descrip tions, list ot Improvements, and terms. Lands must havo good soli, cither bottom or low sldehlll. Quote no Inflated values. L. W. Whiting. Medford. CO WANTED l-30th alternating elec tric motor. K. D. Ulwood, 301 U. Main. CC MONEY TO LOAX TO LOAN 11000 to in00 to loan on Improved ranch proporty. A. L. Cross, Uutto Falls, Oro. SU MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phone 3G8. MONEY TO LOAN 1 1000 to 6000 to loan on Improved farm proper ty. Uonnett Investment Co. IJUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts ROGUE RIVER STRACT CO., No. VALLEY AB. G South Central. Attorneys PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-at-Law. Rooms 1 and 2, Postottice bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Corey bldg. W. J. QANTON Attomoy and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford, Oro. Wm. M. Colvlg Gcorgo M. Roberts COLVIG & ROBERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Bank Bulldlncc. Accountants D. R. WOOD Genoral Accountnnt Your books audited and kopt for a reasonablo figure: your business solicited. Otflco. Medford Mall Tribuno bldg.; phono Gll-R-2; res lenc'o phono Q37. Auctioneers WILLIAM ULRICH Llcensod Auc tioneer for tho City of Medford, Oregon. Terms reasonablo. Hoal douco phono 10 l-J. Offlco Jat.lt Bon County Bank building. Auto Supplies. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret lu making springs Is the tempering. Wo nro oporatlng the largost, oldest and best equipped plant iu tho Pacific northwest. Use our springs whuu others full. Sold under guarnufoo. 20 North Fif teenth St., Portland, Oro. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN 8COYOO DR C. O. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnott - Corey bldg., uulto Medford, Oro. Phono 8GG. - 310, BUSINESS DIIIECTOIIY Chiropractor DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist. Rooms 203-204-20C Garnott-Corey bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; advlco In dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydropthcrapy. Lady at tendant. Phono offlco 945, rcsl donco 571-R. DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise E. Hedges Mcchano-Thcraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothoraplsts. Thcso systems, including dietetics, cu ra ti to gymnastics, hydro-thcraphy, etc.. produco results In both acute and chronic diseases. Consulta tion freo. 230 North Dartlott St, next door to M. E. church. Hours 9 a. m. to G p. ra. Otbor hears by appointment. Phono 17-J. Garbage GARBAGE Get your premises cleaned up for tho winter. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service Phono G2S-L. F. Y. Allen. "oturjr PutiUt HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic Bring your work to mo at tho sign of tho Mall Tribune. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTiW"ca"h"as"tho best equipped printing office In southern Oregon; book binding, looso leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Physicians mid Surgeons bn! F. drCARLOW." mCEVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia physicians, 416-417 Garnott-Corey bldg., phono 103G-L. Residence 420 South Laurel st. DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practlco limited to diseases ot women. Offices 232 E Main. Phones, otflco SK-J-2; ros., 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician uud surgeon. Prnctlco limited to oyo, ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Offlco 228 East Main St., Hours 8:30 a. ni. to 8 p, m. Phone, E. II. PICICEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Bank bldg. Office phono 43-R; resldonco phono C8-R, DR. MARION Physician and Bur goon, Stownrt bldg., corner Mala and llartlett Bts.; otflco phone 27, resldonco phono 27-J-2. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physl clan uud surgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposite Nash Hotol. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. DR. It. W. CLANCY Phyalclan .and surgeon. Phones, offlco 30, resi dence 72 l-J. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to G. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia physician, 303 Garnott - Corey building. Phono 001-M. R. J. CONROV, M. D. Physician nud Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Lunia don, 215 E. Main St. Phono 77. Stenographers -4 ELLA M. GAU.NYAW Palm block. Stenographic work dono quickly and well. ' Trmifcfei BAD3 TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. ornco 10 tjoutu Fir m. rnpna 315'. Prices right. Service guar ttatcoiL u f 1 7! I rd