MEDFOTiT) MATT 'PRTBUNR, M1SDFORP. ORTCC10K, SATURDAY, JUNK 7. 1013. STOW THRWH Idi I Vu1wIa -all lii C y ' lWmWr kw ( Tlio iilm of lint oiliiciitliiiiiil do piirlnmiit of (ho (liimlor Medfiiid 'lull, In tlio wmk which It In kiiii lulu In tint dull year, Iiiih limiii In fiiinllliirlcu thn members of (ho de piirltuent with (hit iidm-ntliiunl move HK'iitu Unit nro liitorentliiK people elxewliiuo, m ml) our local conditions iiml needs ami to In'lp, where pos sible, to Inltlitto plans lendliiK to wunl better Ideals mill hnltnr oppor tunities for our youth. Tim pro grniu of any orKuiiltnllou alvn looks largo it m loitipiirtil with thn rmiiltM. Hut a fnlrly Iiitko croup of women hnvo ulumn tlioiiiHolvcs 'Kr In illMrimn llin various subjects (hut Inn ii urhieii from tlmo to time, inn! It Ih llin hnio ami heller of Ihoso In cIhiikh Unit niiollinr year wilt nttriid still morn to UiIh de liartmniit unit loml to better ami iiiom iihtimliiiit frultM In u irarllr;il May. Hoiiiii of (In. subjects token tip In thn few meetings of thn il. pnrtmcui nm dm iiiovIiik pictures, llin plan that linn linen fliullni; no lillirli fnvor idsnwhern of Klvlllg school credits for hoiiin ImliiNtrlal work, llin ilnvw of school girls ami what ran tin done toward Itn slmpllfl Million, nml thn ptiiyi;rouml innvo. iiiniil. A Hlory hour for dm llttln people him limn mil Iiiom surrcss fnlly by volunteer workers nml there nm llttln ilouht hut Hint inch an hour will perpetuate Itself n mi tnhlhthnil irmlltlon In connection with whul llin lllirary offers for tint rlilMriui. There has been n great deal of iiKllatlou uvVr'lho malliir of Kntllnu a public playground for Medford. V nm going to hnvo it nml hnvo It soon. What w nro look Iiik for Ih thn right piece of laml, nml nml tlio plnyKroiiml will follow, mi ninny hnvn subscribed tliolr Interests anil Ihelr help lownnl It. These am hoiiiii fnw of tlio mutters that urn Interesting uti. Wn waul u larger lioily of helpers, Wn need to (i. M'tnlnntn mom widely tint ,,. t what can Im done to mak Medford an Ideal Npol, not nloun In. It not ward rhnrm lint In llin chance that It offer for II youth to grow up wholesome ami strong In all lliltiK physical ami moral. Till I a rntiKo therein womnn ran meet unselfish ly, ami cooperate for llin good of llin rommunlty ami thn happluois mill sane IIvIiik of Itiimn who succeed mi. Mow fur am wo ux women able to kIvo ntiricl to causes which ilnmnml self forKotruliios, ami from which mmillN urn low ami not for ourselves! Every woninii sooner or later must ask herself thai qunmlou If alio I (o call herself n modern woman, Mr. J. I'. llcdily, rhnlrman of Iho rlvlr section of thn (Irentor Med ford rluh, Kavn a to.i at her homo, 1J- Oregon Icrrnro, )Htrlay. ask ing llu iminilmr of llin clvle section ami those Immediately IntcroHtcil In chlo work. Plans wem outlined for workliiK wlllt tlm fioiiernl rommltloo with mferumn (o thn Knurl It of July ii'lehrntlon. wlep worn taken lo no euro Iho rleaiiliiK up of thn park Iiik ami Kiiriirn tree planlliiK, ami a Keiierul iIIhoiikhIou of IioIiIIiik a ronn feMlvul mixt year met with hearty leHpoiiHii. Auiouii tlnihii hlKtiluK for Iho rlvlc work were: MeilameH W. I. Vawlnr, M. M. I'lilnnm, I,. (I, Porter, .Inp AmlrewH, V, J. O'llnra, 0. W. Palm. J. M. Hoot, Hohert Itulil, (1, !, HlreetH, tleormi Hehee. Hurt Harmon, Olen AniHiilKor, J. II. Carkln, tl. W. Uon nor, C. W. Conkllu, T. K. DanlnlK, W. (J. DavlilHou, IC. II. Kreurli, Will lain (lerlK, K, !:. (lore, K, !:. Kelly, K. I'J. Morrlelc, .1. 0. Miiiiii, Clinrln Hrhlnffellu, K. II. HlmpliKli. M. Pur illn, W. II. Ilrown, A. A. Ilynl, (!. 13. (laleB, J. 0. Mitchell, (1. M. Klilil, W. W. Klfnrt, M. I,. Airoril, K. ,M. AmlrowH, I.ihiIh llumly, Wllluril Camphell, Dolroy Uelchell, (I. . DuKKult. W. (1. DtivlilHon, V, IC, Deunl, K. A. KvaiiHon, (InorKo KIiik. V: i). noon, P. H. HteoiiHtrup, II. 0. Htoililanl, I'J. II. IMukol, K. H. IIoIIIh, (Ilonn Kuhrlck, 0. J. Patton, J. K. Heilily, II. c. Kentnor, Kil I'Jvuiihoii, W. T. York, J. A. WeMtnrluml, A. II. Allllor, .1. II. Orlh, O. K. Osbourn, II. H. Monliion, John llnrnohuiK, II. (1. Woilnmn, W II. McUuwnn. Moilfonl Woihuii'h OlirlHtluu Tom porauco Union wiib callod to order In Iho llluary IiiiIIiIIiik, tliolr homo, by tlio proulilout, Alia, llolnior. Tlio Hcrlpluro lusMon wiih rend by tlio proHhlont. prnyor by Mr. Pontiff, roll cul by Mid. T. A. IIowoll, tho rocordliiff Boerolury, and roudlnff tlio minutes of tlut ItiBt two previous uieotliiKa of Ihn union tlio mooting wn thrown opon to all, It IioIuk l)lHIUHH IllOVtlUK tllO BOVOinl COIU- I mltlocM rii(irli.'il ami worn (IIhiiiIhki'I. Mr. Ilolmer lend Hnveral artlcl'm from tho White Itlbhou Ituvlew which were iIIhciinikmI, Molhern' d ty of llin local union will moot fit tho homo of Mi. Klemmlni: on Welch Mroet. A kooiI proKram It being prepared ami Unlit refreahuieut nerved. Mr. T. A. Howell, county proMldoul, ha railed a county meet Iiik for nil the nullum of Jarknou 'o meet ut Phoenix Juno IK, All who will tuny como with well filled Iiiik keta for a picnic. A r.oml proKraiu will he provided. Thn lornl W. C, T. U. meet encli Tliiirmlny at 3 p, m. In tho library bulldlnff, Hie flrit .floor dnwimtulr. Thn executlvo bo.inl of thn (1 mut er Medford club nu't ut luiiiln'on at tho Hotel Medford on Monday luitt, Tho r'Hli;niitliiit of Mr. A. I). HrliiiNler n recordliiff nerrelary wn iKccpti'il ami her nurcetwor will .m appointed at tint next board meet lliff. Tim Htumllng rommltlep for uet year were uniiied iih follew: Pre, and prlnlliiK, Mr, A. A, Illrd, Mra. W. (I. Dnvldaon, Mr, Hurt Harmen: amlltliiK, Minn Julln Klelder, Mr, KIiik: Iioiiko romutllten, Mra. Kiir Huh, Mra. Ketiluer, Mr. Wold, Mr. I loon. Mr. Vawter: micIiiI, Mr. Mu inly. Mra. Holll. Mr. Htreet Mr. PnttliiKor, Mln Connor; member a III P. Mr. DnvldKoii, Mr, Hoot, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. IIuiIkc, Mr, (letchell, Mr. Holme, Mr. ArmtplKcr. Thn hoard voted to rontrlbuto fi to tho Ha r uh Plutl Decker memorial fund, K'OO or which Hie Oreffen fed ration hm pledRfnl ltvlf to rnlao. .The niulllary to tho V. W. II. M. of the C'lirUtlan church met with Mra, A. J. Ilanby, TL'ii Welch (reet, on Wedneinlny, About 20 ladle were pment and tlio Mtihjccl Mexko wa ilUruHxoil, Mr. Qulffley, the prealdeut. prealdlnff. Itev. I). I). Hoyle Knvn nn nddreaa on the xillt lenl altuiitlon In Mexico nml Mr. Ilanby Rave n paper on tho climate, product and everyday life of the people, Mra. M. H. Hroudhetit of Central Point hniiff n pleakltiff hoIu and Mra. MannliiK talked on Dm life nuinuff the people or thn Curo hill of India. Mrs. J. O. lanncon and Mra. M. H. Ilroadbeiit of Central Point were (ho ffiiuat of the hotea for tho duy. Plnno pupil of MIk Klorn Cray wem heurd In mcllnl at the Preaby terlan church Krldny afternoon. Tho youiiff ilnyer perriirmed entirely from memory, with kooiI rh)tliin, while beauty of lone nml due atten tion to nxproaalou hcHicak tlinroiiRh iichh nml underalamllni; on the part or both teacher and pupil. Mia tlray will keep her atudlo open Pi Ut .South Central avenuo durliiB Juno ami July. Mra. William linden entertained laat week with u beautifully np polnled bridge luncheon for Mra. I.alhrop Perklua, who Iiiih returned lo her former homo In CIiIcjiko to realde. Cover worn laid for nine nml the room were beautifully dec orated with rone. Tho dining room waa In red mid Iho IIvIiik room In pink. A ffiicat prlzo wiih provided, alao n aecoud prlzo won by Mra. Harmon. Jnck Hulllva'n celebrated hi llth birthday In u uioat happy manlier Monday ovenliiff with a birthday par ty, hi KticHtH beliiff l.nwlri Itlcliurd non, Hubert Duff, l.iiwrenco Iiurf, John I). Patton, Warren Hoy, Ned Krench, Dana Dnvla, Mead Krench, Junior Hunloy. William Hlce, Kruii cIh Murphy and Curlelon Xlininor. Tho HuiiHet club met at the home or Mr. Htoue Thuraday ufteruoon for Urn final meet Iiik of thn yenr, Tlio club I compoaed of a cotorln of IndleH IIvIiik on (ho bountiful foot hill rnnchoB wohI and tlio plan of orKiinlzatlon which Iiiih been both o clal and literary Iiiih been much en joyed. Tho Phllathou claan of tho Pith byterlun Hiiudny aehool will meet nt Iho homo of MrH. Alfrod Tee, 70S North. HIvorHldo, at 7 o clock. Mra Too Iiiih but lately moved lo thin mldrcBH nml all iiioiuIioih of (ho cIiihh nro reqiiOHted to nolo tho chungo. Mra. Nolllo Mcdowan and hur bU- tor, Mra. II. p. IlurKiuvo, loft lnat ovouIiik for Portland, where thoy will ho In attondiinco ut tho gnuul nlmptor Order or thu Kustorn Star. Mr. McdoWmi Ih an ofricor In tho Krand chapter,' IioIuk ffrnnd conduc troBu, MIhb AiirIo Halloy kuvo n fnrowoll party yoatordny uftornoon for Miss Wllnn HnrrlHon, wlm louvoa boou with hor parentH to mako her homo In Potaluma, A number of Medford'a youtiffor in't i;nvo a dunce to a nuinlior of Aah Iniiil friend lunt ulKlit nml returned their hoaidlnllly of hint week, when Iho Atililund boya and Klrla were hoalH nt a picnic. In Aalilnud canyon. Moat of thorn) preaent went )nnt yenr either to tho Aahland or ttio Medford IiIkIi hcIiooI, nml tho dvoiiIuk wiih apent dellKlilfully In dancliiff. Mffbt refrealiiiieuta were nerved. Klx of Medfoid'n younger et that have been nttendliiK O, A, C. the paal term, urrlved In Medford Krldny moriiliiK. AIUioiikIi all nro entliua Inatlcally for their colleRe, they nro very Kind lo Ket bnck lo Medford. TIkiko Hint cnino thl uiornlnK ore Ned nml HeorKn Vllna, Mildred Antlo, llert Ktull, Armoud Taylor, and Jean Anderson. A literary hcrtlon of llin (Ireater Medford club ha been decided upon and ft couran of atudy atiKKcated, but a yet no chairman Iiiih been found. At tlio laat Keueriil nicotine or tho (Jill) It wiih decided upon to iiiiuie a rommllteo to bo culled the llbrnry rommltteo whoe duty It would bo to confer with tho llbrnry board on nil (locations relating to club work, on In connection with Iho purclinxo of book. Mra. Kd Andrew, Mra. I.uiimden nnd Mr. Plckln wero iinmcil n thl commit tee. Tho kindergarten committee nre not naleop.'' They aro Juat reatlnK. and taking a aurvey of tho land with n view lo rurtlier labor when tho tlmo la ripe. On Monday nfturnoon Mr. David ron nnd Mra. Illrd met with tho high aehool Klrla In tlio library uHembly room, to iiniuu tho committee for Iho Vllnllty lenKiio, which Dr. Btnwnrt propoacd founding. A very cuthiialnatlc meeting followed nnd a. number of aport worn decided upon. Tcunla, nnd bntkctlmll groupa nro to lie formed nnd n walking club hn nlrendy liegmi lilkliiK. The hike wn tnken Thuradny morning to tho res ervoir, whero breakfnat wna nerved n In carlo ami the early morning view admired by nine high school Klrla nnd tho pathfinder, Mra. Dn vldaon. Next Wedneadny tho Klrla will ro lo tho Hebec homo near Jacksonville. tnrllnff nt 5:30 nnd returning by 8:30. Mi'hh Anpo Ilallcy culerluuicil n uimiher of her I'ricmlH nt u farewell parly Friday afternoon for .Mies Wilnu HiirriMin, who Iciivck Momlay fur I'eluluiiia, Ciil. Uiitnes on thl' lawn were enjoyed iluriut; (he nfler noon, after which eueli (jueat wn re iiichtei lo write n teller lo .MIhh Hur rixou which hho hIioiiIiI read on tlio train. Dainty rcfreMiineiit 0f ice eremn ami cake were (.erveil. Those preM'iit were: .Miw-es Wilnu Ilarri ioii, Vera I.nne. Ila.el Anile, Khlhcr Wnmer, Nellie Ciimpliell, Hulley, Siibie l.imlley nml Alcne Allen. The Ilrat of n acrle of mualrale by pupil of Mr. nnd MrH. Kred Alton llnlRht Klven n their atudloa, lie South Laurel atreet, laat Saturday afternoon, wa attended by over 100 Invited Kueat mid wn pronounced ono of tho moat onjoyablo affair of Iho kind over rIvch In this city. Tho next tiiiiblcalo will ho given In nbout alx weoka. Tho Prenbylerlnn Sundny school motored to Phoenix Wedneadny In ntitnmobltcH ami had a picnic on llenr creek. Over twenty carB wero uaod In tranaportliiK tho hundred (tint ntteuded. HaBkela of lunch worn broiiKht nnd spread upon tho KniBB, nnd Iho day was very pious urnbly spent, The Christian Sundny school ho'd ft plcnle lu Mcl.niiKhlln'B Krovo, aoutlienHt of Medrord, T uesdny. Thoro wiih n I nrgo crowd in nttond npen nml they spout tho afternoon pleasantly plnylnR Ktuos, after which u bountiful plculo luncheon wua sorvod. Mrs. Porter J. Noff entertained Informally Wednesday afternoon and nKitlu Friday venliiK for Mrs. Alan Hrackluroed, who loaves Monday for a hU weeks' visit with hor cousin, Dr. Mnbol Alkln, lu Portlund. Mrs. Mllfon Junes of Capital 1III1 gnvu a ilellBhtfiil Inforiual nftornoon iiiurBduy for her mothor. Mrs. lin ker. AmoiiK tho Kuosta wero Mra, Shields, Mrs, llorney, Mrs. Warner and Mrs, Marsh, ,i St. Mnrka guild gavo u very de lightful card party Thursduy at tho Build rooms, which wero very well attended. Aire. T. 13, Daniels ci'itortnlnod lnt formally last week for Mrs. Lnthrop 1'orklm,. J MrH, .). ,f, Kcliutiilt eiilerlnlncil I lie llimie .MiHHioii noddy of the M. K. eliureli Koutli Weilm-Kiluy nftnr noon, ul her beautiful home ou Hie .Inekxouville roml. After the tnmi neH hchhIoii Iho followiiiff iroKr""i wiih enjeyed: Honff, "llifflier (Jmiiml," Prayer, Mi. Itiley I). Nciikoii. Kcmlitiff, Woiiiiiii'h IMnee in Imltiittry MIm (lertrmle Binilli Kcniliitff, The IiuliiHtrial Condition in Foreign Lamia," lr. W. T. (Joiil Foreign Lamia. Mrn. W. 'J', flouliler Trio, Mr. Taylor, .Mr. IIciimiii, Mix. (loulilcr. Heniliiiff, Womuii'H NcciIh in ImliiHlry Mr. II. F. Firer Voeiil Duel, Alrw. Taylor, Mr. (loulilcr lllualrnleil Keiiiliug, Our C'hililieu iih Future Aelorn in the World'n KvniiKcliriiliou, M"r. Jlilcy D. HeiiHoti Ifeadiiiff, A MiMxionury Koeiety Mr. Kmily Coiirml Kemliiiff, The ('IiIIiI'h NcciIh MrH, C'oburu ICwi'h IlliiHtrated iteniliiiff, WIiiiI'm Iho Mut ter With Hie FoumlaliouT .Mr. Hohert L. Taylor ImttrumrutuI Solo Mian Alberta Ooiildur At Hie clone of tin; program Mra. Kchmiill served n chicken dinner, nH sitcil by .Mi'hh Gertrude Schmidt. The ImlicH of Le Kamcdi club en tertained (heir hubnmlrt with ft four eoun.0 dinner Thursday evening at Hie lioiue of W. M. Van Heoyoe, 811 Jtennctt avenue. The deeorulioim were .Caroline Tehlout roHCK. Tliorfc present were: Messrs, nml Mesdnmes It. It. F.bcl, II. U. Ktoeekmnn, Kdwurd Kotitler, 0 ('. Hopgs, (leo. T. folliiiH. C. C. Vnn Heoyoe, W. M. Van Heoyoe, T. C. WiekH. TlnOndlca of the Chrlatlnn church will give n Hebo social Tuesday eve ning nt tho church. A lunch of strawberries and enke, chicken sand wiches, aalnd nnd coffeo will bo served nnd a charge of 25 rents mnde. The patronngo of tho public la solicited, v Mra. G. M. Wllllnms entertained nt her homo on West Klovcnth street Thursday. Tho guests wero Mcs dnmea Caldwell, lllgelow, Hllot, Mend, WKte, Weber. Johnson of Kugciie, Pariona, Orr and Mlai Iloylnud. The Illue ltibbon Sunshine Ilaiul met with Harold "Thompson, Nbrth Apple street Tlmixlny afternoon. This band of Huushincr arc doing n giHid work, curing for the sick ami helpiiigihc needy. Tho local high "hrtiool Rnvo n dancing party Inat night at tho Nnt ntorlum Inviting tho Ashlnnd high school, thus returning n llko Invita tion accepted n fow weeks ago. Tho Sunshine circle of tho Chris tian church met this week at the homo of Mrs. NorrU on North Hart lett street. The nsslstlnK hostesses wero Mrs. Pell, Mra. Caskoy and Mra. Illdcn. i BOOK REVIEWS Helen C. Calo. "Heredity In Ilelntlon to Unpen lea," by Chnrles llenedlcl Davenport. Published by Henry Holt & Co. (ll brnry). Davenport does not believe with Klbert Hubbard Hint "a bad man Is a good man gone wronR." but holds with (laKon thnt "wo nro vehicles 'n which nil our ancestors ride," nnd Hint If our ancestors wero bad then wo aro bad If they wore good, then wo nm Reed. Ho saya: "1 nm what tho doteruilners lu my two fusod germplnsms have developed Into un der tho culture which they hnvo ex perienced durliiR tliolr development. I am not responsible for my early culture nor for tlio reactions deter mined by It, but that culture Is part ly determined by my mnko-un. Thoso jieoplo who bcllovo thnt tho body Is tlio expression of tho soul, and Hint each soul Is responsible for Its own happiness or unhapplness responsible oven for tho peculnrltlos of Its body, must (nko oxcopdons to tho nbove BtaJoinont. To Davenport wo nro not only tho vehicle In which all our nnceators ride, hut this vo hlclo even Iiiib n prodostlned course tnnpped out for It. "Tho buccosb of n marriage," ho goes on to sny, "from tho standpoint of ougonlca Is moabiirod by tho mini hor of disease resistant, cultlvublo offspring that como from It. llappl- nesa or unlinpplnesa of tho parents una llttlo oiigcnlo slKniricanco. l'Jugonlcs has to do with trails that aro In tho blood, tho protoplasm." Ho goes on to call prenatal Influonco n Buperatttlon. Tlila all sounds vorv sclontiric, but If ono would daro to crltlclzo lu any llttlo way n man who la as high an authority on tho brooding of nnlniuls as Davenport, tho sontlmontallat might say that whllo mnn Is nn organism an ani mal, that thoro Is a dlvlno spark a bouI within him that makes him dlr- foront from tho lowor animals, and tllftt h8 ' iche fop BomethlnK higher nml experiences joy boypudl thoso of eating, drinking nnd sleep ing, and these joy nnd aspirations, ao tho aentlmentnllat likes to believe, enter Into tho makeup of tho un born child; the deep lovo existing between tho father nn mother, tho prenatal Influence capeclnlly thnt of mnternnl lovo and tho environ ment of culturo and refinement must In ninny case counteract some of thn harmful heredity tendcnclca. It Im only been In recent year Hint people have turned their attention seriously to tho Improvement of tho humnn race. Davenport forcibly point out tho necessity or eugenics. Ho anya thnt probably two nnd one half million children nro born In tho United Htntos each year. Ono bnlf of n million dlo before thoy attain the age of ono yenr and half of nil nro dead before their twenty- t lilrd year. All this happen be cause they nro born unable physic. ally to rcalat dlacnsc. Iovo Is tho nt- trnctlon of acx for tho propaRntlon of tho race, nnd there nro few peo ple who fall In lovo altruistic enough to hold In mind the future genera tion. Whether aclonro will over bo nblo to guide tho Infatuated lover awny from tho object of bin affoa tlons If alio cannot produce a chart allowing nnccatora frco from taint of blood la nn absorbing question. Hut If n dcoper and moro universal study wero tnndo of eugenics oven tho sentimentalist would bo moro careful In tho placing of his affee lions. Wo who arc hero now nre what wc aro, ao our work la with tho now generation. If the children of today aro taught that their supremo func tion la parenthood, If they aro In stilled with tho Idea that tho chil dren who will como to them some dny will bo moro to thorn than their own llfe: thnt they will rcjolco In their children's physical and men tal perfection, or bo most unhappy In their defects, then our boya grow ing to manhood will naturally lead cleaner live and tho girls growing to womanhood will demand moro cf tho men they marry than they have hcretoforo done. The scientific cugcnlst ha very cold-blooded Ideas to offer for the better development of tho race, and tho spiritual dreamer has many beautiful theories for tho uplift of tho human soul. A acnslblo combi nation of tho two extremes might strlko a successful medium. "Heredity in Ilelntlon to Eugen ics" Is full of new Ideas, useful In formation and interesting theories. Ono of tho most striking arguments In the book Is on the breeding of our national family, the control of Immigration. Cir present laws ro ognlzo tho right and duty of regu lating Immigration. Tho naturo of Davenport's Idea of control varies from tho present law and of course Is tacd on eugenic principles. "Heredity In Relation to Kugcn les" Is not hard or dry reading ps might bo supposed from tho title It was written for general readers and not for students alono. Each thought Is mado clear and every as sertion is further emphasized with charts. "Tho Heart or tho Hills." John Fox, Jr. Published by Scrlbnor's. (Llbrnry). This is a book from tho Kentucky land full or feuds, night riders and many lawless deeds thnt aro natlvo to that stato. Fox tells a story lu a manner that compels Interest. Ills descriptions aro beautiful nnd his plot full of action. Ho understands his uncouth mountaineers and his cultured fam ily of the bluegrass equally well. His plea Is for them both. This plea Is admirably expressed by his char- actor, Colonol Pendleton, a flno gen tleman of tho old school, who on his deathbed Is talking to his son, Gray, and Jason Hawn, a boh of a lawless mountain family. Ho Bays: "Tho war started us downhill, but wo might have dono better. I know I might. Tho earth was too rich; It mado life too easy. Tho horao. tho bottlo of whisky and tho plug of tobacco wore all too easily tho best nnd tho pistol always too ready. Wo've been cartooned thro' tho world with a fenrsomo, half-contemptuous slap on tuo back. Out living has been mado out of luxur ies; agriculturally, socially, politic ally wo hnvo gono wrong, and but for tho Amorlcan sonso of humor tho state would be lu a just, nation-wide contempt. Tho Ku-Klux, tho burn ing of toll gates, tho Goebel troubles nnd tho night riders nro all links lu tho same chain of lawlessness, and but for tho first tho others might not huvo been, Uut wo aro, In splto of this, a. law-abiding pooplo, and tho manhood of tho stuto is still hore. Don't forgot that tho old manhood is hore." IT CUHKS WHILE YOU WALK Uso Allen's Foot-Ease, tho untl soptlto powder, to bo shaken into tho Bhoea. It Instantly takes tho Btlng out of corns. Itching feet, lir growing nulla and bunions. It's tho greatest comfort discovery of tho age. Allen's Koot-Easo makes tight or now shoes fool easy. Ladles can woar shoes ono slzo smaller af ter using, It Is a certain roller for sweating, callous and swollen, tan- dor, aching feet. Try it today. Sold S TddrSf' Allen S Olmstendl L.J Ho', N. Y. Olmstcad, Thn two cousin, Junon Ilnwn nnd Mnvls JInwn, worn horn nnd bred In tho .mountains. They had been brought up In nn uncouth ntmon phero whoro a family feud had pois oned their life and happiness from birth. Marjorlo and Orny Pondlc ton wero cousins who had lived In thn bluegrua country and their en vironment had always been ono of cultured rcUnnmcnt. Tho lllltorato grandfather of Jason was not unllko thn polished Colonel Pendleton, father of (Jrny, when It came to fun damcntal principle of honor. Through tho utory, weaving In nnd out of tales cf feuds, political dla ftontlon nnd lawless deed that took placo both in Clio mountain and In tho valley of tiro blue grass, runs a protty romance of theso four young people. Tho old honor the Inher ent trait of thn Kcntucklans la shown In Gray from tho beginning and brought out in Jason through hi change of life. When tho strKo between tho men nf tho mountain and tho men of tho valley was over and each recognized In tho othr tho samo flno qualities of each other, Fox ends his book -with thn follow if THe Jackson County Bank OK MEDFOItD, OltEtiON Solicits tho deposit and general business ot Individual firm and corporations. Courteous consideration always given ovory request and tho very best terms extended that aro consistent with good business methods. CAPITAL AND HUItPLUS $173,000 Interest paid on time deposits Safe Deposit Boxes W. I. VAWTEIt c. w. Mcdonald... O. IL L1NDLEY. EXCURSION The Pacific 8c Eastern will run an excursion from Medford to Butte Falls Sunday, June 15th $1 ROUND TRIP Watch for announcement of time of leaving tand arrival of our train Let er The Pendleton Round-Up The World's Greatest Frontier Show Embracing thrilling feats ef: horsomanship, bull dogging stool's, fancy roping, cowboys nnd cow girls on bucking bronchos, stagecoach races, Indian races and cowboy sports of all kinds, de picted in four thousand foot of perfect films will bo shown Saturday and Sunday at PAGE THEATRE t Admission 15 and 10 Gents. ing paragraph, beautifully express ing tho brotherhood of tho Kentucky Inns: "And looking fur ahend, both could see alrong y6ung msn hurrying up from tho laggard bluogras Into the lagging hills, nnd strong young men hurrying down from thoro, and could hoar tho heart of tho hills bontlng ns ono with tho henrt of tho blue grass, nnd both beating a on with tho henrt of tho world." WILD ANIMAL NOVELTY AT THE ISIS TIIEATEK Hollg'n wild animal novelty, "A Wlao Old Elephant," la ono of the, moat Interesting picture shown in this city for somo tlmo. This nov elty picture holds tho audience from start to finish. "Diamond Cut Dlu mond," a drama; Scones In Japan, nnd "Mixed Idontltlou," a Vltagrnph comody, concludes ono of tho best bill that has been shown at thl popular plcturo house for somo tlmo. Theso pictures wilt bo shown acnln tonight. Legal blanks tor stls at the Mall Tribune office. tf .....President ..Cashtar Vlco-I'rcsldont ROUND TRIP Buck! 1912