Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 06, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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,1IT1 I M l III) KMI1 lllMIl
l4 .;''
MeWoud Mail tribune
an JNinrjcmrcNT nhwnpapkh
I'uulimiii:i uvictir akthiinoon
The Denocrnt)o Tlhies, Tli Meilfnrd
Mull, The Med ford Tribune, The South
trn Orriionlnn, Tlio Ashland Tribune
sOfffcn Jinlt Trllnlno rmlldlrt. Z5-3M
North Mr iratt telephone 75.
rjHOltOK PUTNAM, IMItor nnd Manager
ISntnrod tin scconil-alns matter at
Medfonl, Oregon, under tho act of
March 3, 1879.
Official Taper of tho City of Mcdford.
Official Vapor of Jnckaon County.
Ona year, by tnnll. 15.00
Ona month, by mall. .SO
Per month, delivered by carrier In
Medford, Jacksonville and Cen
tral Tolnt .80
Pnturday only, by mall, per year 8.00
Weekly, per ywrr .... . - - 1.8ft
Dally avirnpr for eleven month end
ing NoremberJO. 1011. S?St
NEW YORK, Juno 6. Senator
Ezqulol Osslo, a Chilean, Uiq richest
man In tho world, so ha says, is lu
Now- York today. Ho feels' sorry for
John D. Rockefeller because, ho
says, tho nil' magnate stacks up like
a breadllnor by comparison.
Osslo (old his story to tho Now
York reporters without batting nn
eye. Their eyes popped. Hero is
tho stery:
"Itcally, my pood gentlemen, l'vo
bo much money l'vo never been able
to count it. John D.? Halt! Ho's
poor compared lo me.
"Youiir men, I'm the nltrato kliiR.
and tho richest man in tho world.
Perhaps I havo 1 4 00,000,000 or
$500,000,000, but mora likely
Osslo Is on his way to Europe.
Ills retinue consists of a mall (pret
ty, too); a valet, a chauffeur nnd
Jtair a doxen secretaries. lie car
ricd 11 trunks and 15 handbags. A
boy lugging three suitcases filled
with shoes trailed after Senor Osslo.
LONDON, June C. Undismayed
by the prosecution of their leaden,
tho militant suffragettes todqy aro
trying u now method of raising
funds for tho cause by nieaus of n
big "sutnnior festival," which opened
at tho Empress Rooms, Kensington.
Tho fair Is to run 10 days and It
will bo of a thoroughly Innocuous
character, despite tho purposes (o
which tho proceeds will be devoted.
Scores of Scotland Yard plainclothes
men wero on the scono today, how
ever, to see that no inflammatory
speeches wcro made. .V large detail
of uniformed pollco also wcro on
huud o protect tho women from
any posslblo demonstration by anti
suffragettes. Miss Jean WIckham, superinten
dent of tho "prison department" of
tho Women's Social aud Political
union, was in chargo of tho festival
and under her direction tho program
was arranged. Members of tho
union, attired lu flowered muslin
frocks, nnd picture hats, nnd liber
ally berlbhoned In tho familiar green
whlto and purple colors of tho or
ganization, occupied tho various
stalls. Miss J. I,owls of New York
presided over an American notions
Htnll. Twlco dally tho Actresses'
Franchise league, of which Mrs.
Forbes-Hobortson (Gertrude Elliott)
Is president, is to give it musical and
drnmutlc entertainment.
Tho annual flag day celebration
tinder the auspices of tho UeneVolcnt
nnd Protective Order of. Elko will
take place on Saturday evening,
Juno 14, says tho Ashland Kecord,
when members of tho order and
tholr friends will gather ut Elks'
temple to honor our country's flag
and celohrato tho anniversary of its
birth. Tho exorcises will bo con
ducted by Exnltcd ltuler W. E. New
combo, assisted by officers of the
lodge. It. A. Caven of Weed, Cal.,
will pronounce tho EIIcb' tribute lo
tho flag and Honorable E. E. Kelly
of Medford "111 deliver u patriotic
address, Other features of the pro
gram will consist of a number of se
lections by tho Elks' quartet, solos
by Miss Doris llagloy nnd J. S. Mac
Murray, und music by Pedorson's or
chestra. It Is expected that the seat
ing capacity of tho spacious lodge
room will bo taxed to Its fullest nn
this occasion, as ull patriotic cltlzons
nro Invited to participate in theso
Fair Weather Predicted.
PORTLAND, Ore., June 0.-.
Weather foreeiifil; Oregon ninl
Washington; J'Vir oiiij;ht and Wnl-
1113 notion of tho .TaeUson County Court nmt the Sis-
A kiyou Highway Commission in oo-oporuting with tho
stale highway commissions oC California and Oregon to
establish a new highway over the Siskiyous to do away
with the present toll road and its steep grades, is one tliat
will meet with widespread approval of the two states and
the tourist public. Such a highway will go far towards
definitely locating the Pacific Highway, for it follows not
only the most picturesque and scenic route, the niosi
beautiful and fertile valleys, but it traverses the more
populous districts and passes through the largest cities,
with their superior hotel and automobile accommodations.
Northern California and Sow Hern Oregon nave unicn
hi common. Their resources and physical characteristics
are similar. "World famed natural wonders abound. Crys
tal rivers Wind like silver threads among verdure clad lulls
and tumble amidst rocky heights. Every vista is a charm
ing picture. "When these are made accessible by fine high
ways, an, immense tourist travel will result.
The tourist is an asset both Northern California and
Oregon has neglected. It brings a golden harvest to many
a land which is not to be compared in attractiveness. The
way to cash this neglected asset is to provide highways.
Jackson county leads Oregon in the endeavor to build
hisrhwavs. Twice the supreme court has intererred to
stop development through interpretation of constitutional
limitations. Now a third effort is to be launched, and as
the constitution and laws, have been favoraby amended,
there, is every prospect that perservaneo will result in
"With both, federal and state governments offering co
operation, with a business-like, careful and conservative,
yet progressive county court, there is every assurance that
money secured by a bond issue for highway construction
will be well spent and that each dollar so expended will
mean several dollars in the county's development.
Everv progressive citizen of Jackson county should
co-operate in the bonding scheme. It is the only practical
way to solve the good roads problem. The exposition year
1915, should see Jackson county with a completed system
of fine highways that in themselves will be its best adver
tisement and greatest inducement to desirable immigration.
nplTE great factor in legislative restriction against many
JL sports such as racing and boxing has been the char
acter of its devotees. In almost every instance the legisla
tive embargo has been brought about through the avarice
and .crookedness of the men who control the game.
The doped horse, the strong armed and weakminded
jockey and the crooked bookmaker were responsible for
the elimination of horse racing.
The boxing game is slowly and surely going the same
route simply because the majority of the men who controi
the game are in no sense sportsmen.
Webster defines a sportsman to be "one who in sports
is fair aud generous; one who has recourse to nothing ille
gitimate; a good loser and a graceful winner," and we
might add as a general acceptation of the term, one who is
willing to take an even chance.
Down in San Francisco where boxing is upheld as "a
manly art" a promoter is attempting to arrange a match
of fisticuffs between the so-called V,) pound champion
aud some other like'v contender to the title. The Irish-
Jew manager of the champion not only insists on hogging
all the purse but seeks to name the lightest and least
worthy of the contenders and to fix the weights so that
his principal will have about the same advantage over his
opponent that the manipulator of a shell game has over his
lie-whiskered victim, and this maguatu of the game revels
in the title of "sportsman."
If the boxing game is to live it must surely purge itself
of tho Nolans and the vaudeyilliaus and get to a clean and
legitimate sporting basis.
Improvement and Betterment:
Do Not Menace Business
(From tho Sacramento IJo.)
Tho Mall Tribune of Medford, Ore
gon, wus boycotted a year 4go by the
grocers and butchers of that city bo-
causo It advocated tho establishment
of a frco market: and few havo ad
vertised in Its columns since.
Those merchants of Medford cer
tainly ato doing all they can lu val
iant otforts to accomplish that very
difficult anatomical feat known as
biting off their noses to spite their
Whatever is for tho good and tho
bone! It of Medford lu general will
prove to be, after a fair trial, for tho
good aud tho leneflt of all tho peo
ple in Medford.
Cities famed for their free mar
kets hoar no complaints from purvey
ors In general because of those mar
kets. Theso free markets rather
stimulate purchasing than limit It.
New Orleans, and Ilaltlmore, and
other cities of tho south find tho In
quiry for tho hotter and moro se
lect classes of groceries and meats
not to bo found In the frco markets
strongly encouraged by tho crowded
marketing and comparing of notes
In thoso free markets.
Tho result generally haB been
that the purchasing clashes havo
been benefited, und tho merchants
havo not been Injured.
This free market proposition Is
somewhat ukln to tout of adequate
aud thoroughly modern hotel ac
commodations. For Inslnnre: When tho nchoino
was started lu Bacrumouto to erect
a modern, up-to-date hotel, tho hotel
keepers of this city feared Its erec
tion would spell bankruptcy fur
What has bean tho result? The
now hotel Is doing a big business,
und all tho other hotels in Sacra
mento navo been doing better than
And tho same good result would
continue to ull tho hotols If u bigger
and better hotel than tho Motel Sac
ramento wcro to bo erected tomor
row. DiihIiicsh adjusts Itself easily to
now and constantly improving con
Aud ho Is u ueur sighted bublnofcs
man who sees In any form of munic
ipal improvement and betterment a
menace to his own legltimato inter
ests, ,
PHOENIX, Ariz., Juno C Peti
tions bearing a sufficient numlior of
signatures to forcd an initiative vote
on a law prohibiting capital punish
ment in Arizona ure in the hands of
Secretary of Stato Sidney Osborn to
day. Ah a result Governor Hunt has
announced that ho will rcprlevo un
til December 19, 1914, Charles
Schaefor, n convicted murderer, sen
tenced to hnngi Tho proposed law
will ho submitted to tho voters In
November, ion.
The Principles of Money
(lly E. 1,. Mc.Clu.rc.)
Tho report of congress by tho Pujo
committee February 2S, 1013, con
firms what eory one knows, who
knows anything about thu money
question, that money kings control
thu circulation of money and create,
avert or compost) panics at will.
Tho cnuunlttcu sent out a list of
questions to the national banks, state
banks aud trust companies with re
quests that they return written re
plies. Tho number in nil approxi
mated 30,000. Many of tho smaller
country banks and u few of tho lar
ger ones of Now York and Chlragn
compiled with tho request, except us
to certain questions to which they
declined to furnish answers.
Most of tho state nnd of tho prin
cipal national banks lu tho reserve
cities of Now York, Philadelphia,
lloston and St. hauls refused oi
omitted to muko any return what
ever nnd denied the power or juris
diction ot the committee to Inquire
Into their affairs.
To test tho queslRm in tho Courts
would Involvo delays that would ho
dUastrous In vlow of tho early ex
piration of tho term of tho present
congress. Tho controller of tho cur
rency by the direction of the presi
dent withheld tho names of largo
borrowers fro tntlto national banks,
and tho collateral furnished, the
unities of depositors of Interstate
corporations; tho profits of thu
banks and character of their deal
lugs with security cempanies: m
that the committee could not secure
any or this Information.
Information could not he ob
tained of tho names of tlmio corpor
ations for which the great private
banking houscv net as depositaries,
or the names of financial Institu
tions Hint hnvo underwritten such Is
sues of securities from tho following
groat private hniiklug hetiitcs: J. P.
Morgan &. Co., Now Yerk: First Na
tional bank. Now York; National
City bank, New York; Lee Illgglufon
& Co.. lloston and Now York; Kid
der Peabody & Co., lloston and New
York; Knlin I.ovb & Co., Now York,
who monopolize the btsue and sale
of bonds tor Interstate corporations
nnd net as tftclr hankers und fiscal
Tho refusal of aid by the control
ler and lark of any authoritative de
cision of Uio courts sustaining tho
right to obtnln nrcosx to tho books
of tho national banks embarrassed
the- committee, nnd their Inquiries
wero confined to first, clearing hnuo
associations; second, tho New York
stock exchnnge, nnd third the con
centration nnd control of iiiouoy and
Tho testimony, conclusions and
recommendations contained In 'tho
roport mako a complete exhibit of
Alive in Jackson County
(From the Portland Journal.)
Friilny evening, tho .Wed ford Com
mercial club is to banquet the state
highway engineer of California nud
the member' of the Siskiyou county
highway commission on tho occasion
of the permanent location of the Pa
cific Highway route over the Siskiyou
The occasion will also ho utilized
in launching a campaign for bonding
Jackson county for construction of it
hystem of permanent highways',
Jackson county has led ull the
counties of Oregon in the movement
for good mad. The courts alone
prevented flotation of it former
bond issue that would have gone far
hi gridiromug the county with mod
cm roads.
NEW YOltK, .limn 0,Tho clum
pfon Australian lawn tennis team
and thu United States players who
will represent this country against
England over sous In tho July mutch
es, today opened tho first prelimin
ary matches of their series on the
West Hldo courts. Tho series will
coutluiin tomorrow und Monday. Tho
results will be closely watched both
iir America and England us being u
fdrecuht of what can bo expected
from the American team In July.
The American team was Mnurlco K.
McLoiighllu, N. Norrls Williams,
Raymond I). T.lttlo hittl Harold M,
Hackett. It was tho strongest tennis
team to represent this country in
many years, according to students of
tho game. Williams, It Is thought,
was just tho man needed to udd
youth und power to the team. Me
Louglilln, tho vetornu of tho sqiiad,
Was expected to show his best work
in Uio preliminaries with tho Aus
tralians. Ills reputation as ono of
the best men who pver wielded n
racquet Is International. Idttlo and
Hackott who will play Jn tho cham
pionship doubles will, It was thought
prove an Invincible team.
With Medford trado Is Medford mndo.
financial Inefficiency throughout the
banking and currency system, and
demonstrates tho fact, that u few
men nbsolutcly control money imp
ply nml ercdlt.
Tho committee submits trvo bllht
to remedy tho evils, providing Tor
tho Incorporation of clearing houses
aud slock exchanges under rules and
regulations thlit they think will
remedy tlito evils, principally through
tho application of I.awsou's remedy
of excluding delinquents from the
use uf the mall and telegraph,
It is the travail of an elephant giv
ing birth (o n mouse.
No mention in made of the stand
tiro oC value any whom in the repot t.
Tlu preamble of the resolution ap
pointing the coummittcc stales the
object to he to investigate nml inquire
into the cannon or 'concentration und
control of wealth in a few hand,
through manipulation of money sup.
ply ami credit.
The committee proved by every
wilno.vs, the existence of money coin
bines nml control of credit In a few
hands. They all admitted the nys
tcm was very bad, hut not one pro
posed uuy remedy and all deprecated
any radical changes oilier than the
gentle mlliul!o promised by the
committee which neither excited opjw.
sitinit or approval of any of the kings
of finance.
Tho secret of money ixiwer (the
standard of value fixed in gold coin)
gives financiers in control of mni.r.v
supply nliMiluto power lo lluctuate
all nines ut will. The government,
bank, individuals, eleutiug house
nud central hank -nil are lnlplcj.
when money disappears fiom circula
tion, mid uotliiin; run restore credit
except to restore money circulation
to equal money demand. All paper
money substitutes that rest on the
cold standard fluctuate lu wtluo as
inevitably an ull other weallh when,
ever financiers choose to exercise the
mwcr created by the odd .standard.
An absolute power is invincible, it
cannot ho regulated or controlled.
Financiers In control of money sup
ply manipulate credit aud prosperity
to suit their ulterior purpose hy chain;
imr tho supply nud demand of money
There can be mi remedy without
money power is destroyed hy estab
lishing n fixed nud tiuehaiigeuhle
Mitndard of value.
I're-iilent WiNou is an able econo
mist nud known the principles of
money, lie is not deceived hy thecon
eliihions nud recommendation of I'ujo
committee. There can be po douht
that his recommendation to cougrons
will cover the vital question of the
standard of value, which means scien
tific money us the remedy, no matter
what fonnnla it is clothed in, m lout;
us its adoption will provide u fixed
nud iiuchangenhle standard of value.!
One fact for Jnekson nml every
other county to l.erp constantly in
mind is that the fir-t essential is not
the amount of thu outlay hut tulhicss
of provision against u blander. A
common mistake in incompetent en
gineering und a road that after a few
yearn turns out to he ilefcelive. It
Is u mistake that can be easily
avoided, hut' whielhstrniigcly enough,
Is of frequent occurrence.
It is, however, entirely, probable
that the Jackson county builder will
bo sure they lire right before they go
ahead. They must do it Hint way
so mi example of blundering may
later appear to he exploited nil over
thu slate ns an nrifiimeiit neaiust
selling bonds or taking other steps for
xieimvo innii Dunning.
HOME, Juno 0.- Practically offi
cial announcement wus mada today
ut tho Vatican that tho next Euchar
Istlc congress of the Catholic, church
will be held lu 191 1 at Lourdes,
Franco, whom onu of tho most won,
derful shrines or tho uuthollc church
Is located. Tho congress will bo lu
the uuturo of u jublleo anniversary,
us It will bo tho 2,rth of tho series,
Tho 1'JIC congress It was said today
probably will bo 'held at Sydney.
This is to certify that (Jriihuni &
Wnkomtin paid us our loss by flro,
$1205,7), promptly und wo heartily
recommend Graham & Wakeiuau to
all who desire flro Insurance that
, . ,EMMA oai.Esnv,
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant,
2H H. I.Aim.KTT
Phone M, 17 nnd I7-T-2
Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner
You had better stop ut mini or
you'll loso your Job. livery lino of
business is closing Km doors to
"drinking" men. It may bo your
turn next, lly tho aid of OKUINI!
thousands of melt havo been restored
to lives of sobriety and Industry.
We nro so miro that OltltlNE will
benefit you that wo say to )ou that
lr uflor a trial you full to get any
benefit from Its use, your money
will be refunded,
When you stop "thinking," think
of tho iuoney you'll save; beside,
sober men aro worth more to their
employers and got higher wnges.
CosIh only $1 a box. Wo havo an
Interesting booklet about OltltlNIO
that wo are giving away free on re
quest. Call ut our store and talk
It over. I.Oou Ilnsklns.
St. Helens Hull
IIiuYlam! Oudips
RvthUttt nod y School for Clrli
U fh,r't m,knl Si Jkn IUi-iI.i IliJf hI
CMI.lUU, A4,Ml K4 K.w.ttUr tpr1Minl,
Mill,, Art, SlMlll-",. p,l. Art, tMnxlU i.M,
Ufmllw, I I'ltalnli'rtHit'lrK-A-TIIUfllVrrit
sti'wiioit. octicvii
SI, llflrn. Ititll
I have some of tho best,
buys in the valley. Clo.od al
falfa ranches, good bottom
land, plenty of water. Also
good placo to rent. Don't
fail to see mo before you buy.
P. O. Box 30 Ashland, Oro.
Steam and Hot Wator
All Work CumrnntKiJ
I'rtcm ttcaiuiisbl
15 Xowta Block. Xnlrnnc aa tb II
Vuma Pbon 04.
Mens Clothing
Cleaned and
Suits $1.25
Pants 50
Coat and Vest 75
1017 W. 9th St.
E. D. Weston
Official Photographor of the
Medford Commercial Club
'Amateur Iinishiug -Post
Panoramic Work
Inloriorand exterior viewa
Plash lights
Negatives inado anv time
and any placo by appoint
ment. 208 E, Main
Phono 1471
A. G. Spalding
"Tho Cork Canter
it the grcatoit
adyqneo In
baa ball
Ince tho iimo
&$& j
, wt originated."
Mr. BpMlrif won hi funt
when, n country Iny, In
)tt7.h'Utkl fnrllirlkKk
foriidll ) tram ami dtri'atnl
Insluu. IKU, Uin tuurlnir
thu tJnltnl tlUtri wltli an
urlirbliili ktrlnlrofvliiturlrt,
iir UpMnu uUU,nllr
pltclinl rr biMton ami CM
rjiio. Hiu tvm ouw nf Ilia
foundnril of tlio lrrvnt
Nultutuil I.CJKHP. Mrpald
InK'a rrronl atlll nUiula a
ll.o i.itclivr en Ida Ornnil
NMImiul All Ainurka Uam,
liU cwnliluwl lorord of lit.
tin urul lUIJIn liuvin
liayar bvoft urimnMiil.
Mr. Spalding Bavo I ho Cork Center ball
n ihoroiioh perioaal teat for lyvo years
lirloro ha was sutUrirdlliut it wni suit.
waacorrecthug been aiitlaincd by this ver.
diet of thij players nnd tho autilar.tIon of
tho public who pay to sea them play,
ISO Geary St., San Franchco
rtealurs ovtrywlirr carry fliialiiliiiriruotln.
i 'i
i i
: ; Photo Plays Frlilay & Saturday : :
II MellgV Thrilling Wild" Animal
Sensation In two PurlH
Mixed identities
Music nml Effects ;;
Mutlucc Dully '.'.
Admission G nml 10 CIs. :;
4i4 n i t
Wlicie you gel jour money's uorlli
on IhiIIi hide of Ilia lllmc.
K.vniv K.vniA
HPEt'lAli SPKO'lAli
Thu gorgeous two-reel Thuuliotiser
"Tin: .M.muu: iikaut"
After the celebrated play by Chnrlot
Sllby. MarKiiiirlto Snow Is superb as
the woman with tho miirbto heart,
and your tompnlliy will be with'
.Inimm Cmo In his rob ot jilted
Always lutaruslliig and Instructive
Some comedy,
AI.SATIIIIlt lu llliiKtralcil Song
Appropriate music nud effects
Two sensational reels.
Monday nud Tuesday
June nth nud t ot It
Wo parry s ry comiiMo Una of
draMrl-, Urn rurbtln, rixlnro, air.,
nml id) nil els nf ujiliiilnU-rlUK A
mw-rlnl in no to look sftrr Hit wurk
tuilunlvrly nml will stvu aa sixxt
aorvtt-a aa la ixiaalliU lu llt III avail
tlio Urgeat eillca,
Wook3 & McQowan Co.
Small Irrigated rnnch near city
reservoir. House, barn, shod, etc.
Telephone and city water. Pamlly
orubnrd, berries, garden. New firm
will nil planted. Ideal location for
market Hardening, berries or small
orchard. Uuy this much now and
net thu benefit ot this year's crop,
II. li. NOIII.IT, Omiut
Phono 10IS-L.
Luxury Without
Von Dorn
212 Turk Street
JfiiiPHt popular priced
i Hotel in Ban lYaucisco
Modern Contral If!
i - ' . : ::, i '
Baft located
und moot
l lwj h0l(.i ,n the
City. Running distilled
ice water in each room.
European Plan, a la Carte
Cafe. . ,
Tariff on Rooms
2 rqon) . $1.00 each
0 rooms 1.80 each
SO rooms 2.00 each
00 rooms M priVt lilh 2.00 each
00 rooms with print) bith 2.60 each
30 suites, bedroom, par
lor ant) kalli 3.00 each
For more than on attest add $1.00
cxlrn to Ilia nbovo rates for
each additional guest,
ltedic(Ipn by wppk pr month.
Manaitmmt Chttttr IK Ktltty
Lubhoo of (Jrlll mid Ululnts Hooio.