MrcnFOito mam TnmnNri-; mkokow), ouwox, thcksimv, .mni; o, win. rXTJB TTTTtFH V 3 PERHAM AWARDED BI E 1 I OVERILLINOISRIVER (lltANTH I'AHH. .hum f H. (I. I'iiiIiiimi viim aw unlcit Itio cimiIiih! fur I lie iiiiihIiiiiIiiii of llic now hIitI ImIiIku In lid' nircK'il liv iloNi'tililui' count v uMir llui .Vt Pink of llu" JllitinU ilwr, In I in- ICurlty ooiuilry, ly tin rmititv i'iiMiiilHHliitiirM at Him Yilmmlnv nIlnllliMin mimhIiiii iif dm nun l, Tlireo IiIiIm hito pri'Monli'il, IViIiiiiii'm if W.DIIU licliiir tliu let miii oC I lin (tin, tlm imxl low litilili'r lii'liiK If. K. Dalillu'ii; of Murphy, whumt fiKtirt'H with iflOUO, wlilln llir I'nrlliiiiil Mililu'it mill Ii'Hi i'iiiiiiiin wiinlnl 4.i:ill(l r..r llio oli. Tin nnw lirliljjn Iri lo In) of hIi'cI, of iiiniliMii tn mill will lut t a Hiim of 111) IVc'I wllli l'J-fiiot loailwav. Mr. I'l'ilimn, I In- Hiirri'NHl'ul Mtlilcr, wm 11U0 llu cciiitnii'tor for Urn coiihIiiii1 (Ion of Urn liriilKo now in ruii'irtit of roimtiiii'llnii on llin (liilirc mini, lib cii'W of nu'ii juit IimvIiil; coiiiiiii'iii'i'iI llin I'li'i'llini of I tin ( tilriioturi'. Tim only oilier ImihIiii'mh licforo lint liniinl wild llu cNi'i'iilioii of WIN ami oilier ronlliii', wiih I he oitiitii! of hhlrt Tor Hid iiiiintilmniriiit; of Urn mill of nmil on I he ('ri'Mcrtit City until, Two IiIiIm w n iwil on . Ihl-. Sehell & Sehell offciini; In 1I0 Ihe rotl In old iiuicmlitin iimiiiliMg to NieellienlinilM lit fl.lll !M er Inii'itl foot, Ihe niiiilwiiv In lie four teen feel utile, Hie Alliell Allilerxolt A Co. initliiiu' Ho' figure for tin mump rhiinieler of work at fl,!ll. No ne lion Iiiih jrt Ik en luUen on Ihe Mil. WORDEN GOT TWO TO ONE VOTE IN RECALL ELECTION 8ENAT0H 8. J. STILWEU TAMMANY LEOI8LATOn I -jK.t .iriM '...,AK.. ViB L 4l jWET!? iS Al(lllllt(ll (if I NEW STATE BOARDS 'moil riiiiiu, KLAMATH KALLS, .lime f. Tin i'oinili'lt' relnrliH from MoiiiIiiv'n re mil I'lei'lioii -how Hint Will S. Wor den ilefenleil IiIh oMiinenl, Frank Ira Wliito, liy Llll.'i oliw. WnnlenV Mile wiu L"i"ill, while Hint of liw op Miniiit wim ll.'il. Killer, Siieialint I'limliilnle, pulliil III tnli. BORN. Horn To the wifi of doors' S. Joliiixoii of lliilieloy, Calif,, .Iniio lilt. 11 iliiuuhler. Mm ,liliiiiit wiih for merly Minx draco Oilier of Him t-ity. With Mcrifnnl trnitu la MciUonl miulo. TALENT BOASTS OF ELECTRIC HATCHERY Talent now hoio-l of 1111 elrelm' ponllry hnleherv, I ho onl ooIiimii elieluc huleher on tin coitNt. It hii a ciipnellv of lihoiit I'imi IhoiiM. ami i'xu ami will he jiioiommmI iim to mipph Ihe ilumiml. It Iiih almmlv IimiI moumiiI IiIkIi pen'oiiliixe hutelnv anil no fur Iiiih IiiiiI no liniihle in liNiKint; of all hrooiU hnleheil. Kleettie iiioiilmlorii Inuo proven nearly pi-1 feel. II. C. llixh, Ihe pro ptietor of Ihe hatchery u' "I am 11 iicweniiicr hci hut I eaii' not ( any iciikoii win Huh pint o Iho countiy nhiiulilii't heeiiiiie hh ureal a iMiiillry cottnlrv an hoiiio of the larKOHt in 1,'aliforniit ami other places. ChiekeiiK can he liamlletl erv profit- nhle all tlirotijili Hie allcv aleitt: with Iruit niiiii(,'. The laml in hero, why not niiike iinc of II? ChiekeiiK ant iiei'ileil in Iho orchanl iim iiiey Kiniior ine inoceis nun are iiijiiriotirt to the fruit. The tunc i clohc at liiiml when the people will reiihi) iIiih ami in ocry oreharil the cmiinil will ho coxcrcil with chick- CUK, NOW IN OFFICE HALLM., Ore, Juno I J'o-itioim cicaliil liy the hint IcL'ifclattirn liavo all hei'ii fillul hy appoiiiltiii'iiU ininle h Iho KoM'iuor ami Ihe kIiiIo IiikIi- wii hoaril, which itppolulcil the nute hii'liway engineer, Muny announce- iiiciiIh who uiinlc of appiiinlinculH of county ultorneytt, hnl Ihey will now he held up until after the rcMiltH arc eiiiiuh attoincy law. In Ihn moan lime Iho offlci'M of iIIhIiicI attorney ami their ilcpullcH will remain an I hey were, I'lilhiwuiK Ih a Imt of up-Miinliui.'iits: .IiiiIku Twelj'lh imllcial ilintiict Well Ur llolmcH, Tillamook. Uistricl attorney, Twelfth jiulicial liMrict 1). H. L'pjohii, DallAH. CoiiiiiiInhioii of the hurcati of mine ami neology N'. II. Luwriu, 1'oit laml, W. C. IVIIowm, (Jranilo; T. S. Maun, I'oillaml; Dr. .1. V. UaU, Mnlfonl; C. T. I'rall, Oalario. Itiinnl of ilircctorH of Iho Vamhlll walnut experiment Nlattoti J. C, Cooper, McMliinville; R W. Kenton. McMiiumlle; I'. ('. Appcrnon. Klalo hoanl of aecoiinlaney W. II. Waun, Mcilfonl; .lohn V. Itichanl mm, Portland; Arthur Herridc, I'oillaml; A. McC. Hall, Portland; ( harlcH L. I'lirnnh Klamnlh I'allx. .IiikIiccm of the Mipreinu court of OrcKon C. L. Motor Malcn; W, M liaiaxev M'-Mliiiiville. Adflory hoard of Iho Blalo In dustrial Hohool lor (JlrJi-Mm. Ida (I. Maldtvlii, Portland; Mm. Ariwlmie K. I'eltH, Porllaud; Mrx. Lolln C Kmith, Halciii, Oirporalion noinnilHNioiior l(. A. WiiIhoii, Salem. Ktiitn highway nltic"r (hoard ap pointment) Henry L. Itoowlhy, Port land. ImliiMtrial welfare coinimxftinu Ml mm Iterlha Moore-, Portland; Kev, Kdwln O'Unriu I'orllnmlj Amnion M. Minilh, Poillaii.l. BUILDING OF CRATER LAKE LODGE TO OE RUSHED When Alfred L l'nrkhtirnt, presi dent of tho Crntor l.nko compnny, nav4R for tho Inko two wcokit from now ho will Imvo with Mm ncrcral aiitomohllii loads of enrpentora and tirlck tnnaon for tho Immediate com pletion of Crntor Lnko I-odo, Mr, f'arkhurat wlHhea to havo tho fifty room of tho hotel ready for occu- pa any hy tho littler purl of tho am ine r, Tho lodge will ho modern In orery reaped and will havo fifty rcRulir hedrooma, a hllllnrd room, dlnliiK rooma and ovory convnlenco that ooa up to uinko n flrat olnaa hotel. Mr. I'arkhurat will provldo cottaRoa for those who cannot find room In tho hotel. With tho new 115 rate hy auto via Medford and tho Pacific A. Kantorn railway, a largo nuinlier la expected to vlalt Crater lako thla year. Ttio proposed road oror tho Hlnklyoua will nlao greatly Inrreano tho itinnhor of lourlata from California, CAI1I 01' TIIANKU. I wlah to (hank my nnlphhors ami frlenda who ao kindly mutinied us1 In tho Inat alckneas and death of our hnahand and fathor, alio for tho beautiful floral offerings from hum nnd from Medford frlondit. MftS. It. V. DAW C4 AND OIHLDUC.V. ' flodfrey Matthawi U playing with a atock company nt Voungtlown, O, illZl"Xttil"llt New JtHHortiiKMit of fino Shadow and llnhy I rush Ijiicuh at oiii' Laco Cuun-tuv. Mm Wilcomt Mofhir's Friend A Duty thai Every Man Owe to Those who Perpetuate the Usee. It l Jiint n ImiKirlniil that tarn tltouM know uf prosreMhe iiiviIhmU Ii. ntltnucu of inullicrliooil. 'J In auf- irniiK inniiciii 10 child lnarlMK can bo cnnlljr ateldrd by linv In at linml n Uittla of ilulhcra Prlruil. TI1I1 la a ptnrtrnt Inc. cxternnl appllcn tiiii that nllrtra oil trtmldit iim llio nun cIm mill rnalili-rt llirm torximtid without imlnfiil ntrnlii tin the Ucniiii'lilK. Thua I lie re la nwildrd nrnrnm wll; I ho trmlrnry tn naurn or inornlnc lcknni larounlrractnl, and a brhjlit. Iiaji pjr dliMHiltloa la prnu-rtrd that rcilwia 0 .? ' ' wondrrfnlly uion the charcter and tern- rratnrni or lao little one Kn to come, en ran ohtala o txittlo of "itothcr'a I rlnid" nt nnr drtie Morv at JIM). It pMrrrra the inollirr'n lirallli. rlintilra her to ntnVe a eiunploio m-orery, and thui w lih rvntMii) utrrngth he wilt ragrrly drroto hrrwlf to the cam and attention wldrlt mrnn HI tnlicli In thn wilfitti" nf tin' rlilM. Write to the rtraddrld Itrgulator Co.. 1 Iiinar Mlclc, Allnnta, (la., for ttirlr vnlu aMe nnd Initructlvo look of culdauco for rxifctnnt wuthcra. T f f Y ? ? t t t f r t ? ? ? ? ? ? T ? f t r r ? T ? r k A A A A A : MOE & CO jrendcrsou Coweta wear the best and cost you lcs money. "We guarantee Hutiainetion. Friday and Attractive Saturday Offerings i It pays to shop at this store. It pays big profits on seasonable goods that are trustworthy. Are you plucking your share of these bargain plums? This Thursday evening ad calls your attention to Many useful articles that you will want just now. Many more tempting bargains in our store not listed here. NEW SUMMER GLOVES White Kid (Jlovi-s in 2-da.sp lengths, also blade and all colors for .summer wear, ordinarily sold at $1.2.1. .Friday and .Saturday price 98d Silk (I loves in KMmtton length genuine $L gloves; double tips; in black and white only. Special Friday and Saturday 79? SILK PETTICOATS Biggest bargain in the city Fine pure silk IWessalinc and Taffeta Underskirts in assorted shades; values up to 1.00. Special for Friday and Saturday SI. 98 LIGHT WEIGHT HOSIERY Gordon Hosiery for .Men, Women and Chil dren; special values in thin lisle and mercerized hose, at our popular price, only 25 Economy Hose for Women and Children; come in till sizes, black and tan. When you examine them closely you cannot tell them from other stores' 'Joe hose. Special 15, 2 pair for 25d Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns. r'ilb. (.& i.,IMUU.iitMJt ARE NEEDLE WORK DEPARTMENT One whole table consisting of Stamped Pillow Tops, Laundry Bags, Shopping Bags, Table Run nors, Center Pieces, Doilies, etc., samo worth up to 75c each. On Sale Friday and Saturday at one price only... 17 MUSLm UNDERWEAR Night Gowns and Slips of cambric, nainsook and cotton crepe. These' arc iu slip-over, high neck and Empire styles; prettily trimmed with hice and embroidery, beading and edging; regu larly worth $1.50. Friday and Saturday at $1.15 VICTOR TAILORED SHIRTS ONLY 98 They arc the genuine fan-tailored shirts for ladies; will stand the hard usage at the laundry and come back' like n new one; always sold at $1.50. Special Friday and Saturday only. 98 One gross Chinese Garden Hats, large size. $1.00 Men's Overalls, to close out at, each 50d 50c Men's Work Shirts, extra good value at ? ? t t T t i T VV' HlltlhllllHlll I I 5 5 5 " " v " X " 5 "5 "$ 55" 5-55-e5--- --24S$$"""-4$ J5m$$m$j3 ? I ? Y ? ? ? ? ' ' t T ? ? T ? ? ? t ? ? ? ? T ? I t t f ? ? ? ? t ? ? T f ? T H 'a Lawyers, Physicians, Engineers And other professional and business men with trade periodicals to bind can get first-class work done in, any style binding at the Medford Printing Company Samples of work can be seen at printery or at Commercial Club, at Doctor Picket's, Attorneys Neff & Mealey's, or Engineer T. M. Osgood's offices. (fWe make Blank Books of every description, boundvto order or loose leaf, with your name in gold on the back. Help build up Medford by having your work done in Medford by Medford men, who spend their wages here part of it with you I ' , ' r-- MEDFORD PRINTING COMPANY MAIL TRIBUNE BUILDING , h . ; A. A I3 ----- k$5- --$ -' $-$' $$ -'-5-""-$ -$-$-$-$--$-$$--""5--$-5-"- ----" --"'5$i$"$!M$"" : 1 i ?wfv , . i 4fiftu4i - 'ILl.fttfrt ,1 4l .AHk -