vmmrmi, tMUju. By "Bud" Fisher The Early Bird Catches the Chrome 1 CrtREY WILSON 501 TMP.SD1.0C, s ? tT HcR.1-ToMwcitU r H! BACK 25 CEAHltofi TO SEND TH5 AG IN. FOU.OWNC VJIFte from JeRsevcrrv CORK. FW6, BOTTLE DOU-AR. FNG.TMAK YOO OR6V VJIUSori- mrtvonn matd TrtrnpNis. Mrciwoito, ohkcion. wrciwisaiMV. .tuna h. mio, -., . 'WW II I i II I ' I' . I !! I I 11 -" " - fvHfVT rne j I jf J a 'S 1 ft . - ii v t "witiw.jt, v(c : Vt il Nl sen WHO I "WRf, show sows uf.J i .1 VKiwrnB HKtio I speer I Hfe hstm, CSvDRAWtrto J f- y ' y' isHffi 1. vca, r,ir out j I Hm! HA'Te . " .- tr fA WOM EM'S CONGRESS MEETS AT PARIS ' PAltlK. .nun' I im riimi wom- Ml ((Mill it IHOIIlllK'ht pnlt III tllllUV'H tiWSlnll nf tlli Kiellt llllrril.ltliill.il WllHirll'ii lllllKriM Wlllill lllix llfi'll III I'OIIVolllWlll llIT" I VI II llltJS Ullll Kill niiilllino thtuiiRli Hsturilay. Im luittant speecho made today woi on llin nnt m"i! which him ioiiih In llni ity nf IiIkUImIIiiii In Hum' or tllf I'Hllfil XlMlf uhli ll IlliW (.riinliMl (Iki friiiirlilmi lo wuimm. on rlilltl IiI.mii mill on lti oarl moiiumi ittioiilit piny In turtiilDKlml work. Ono nt IIih rrnliirim nf toilnr'H kwc tilnii n Mm prnmlMMl Hiinoiiiirif mint Hint I lie Nnlloiuil C'oiinnll of I'ri'lH'livMiini'ii. unilur vlion niiHiri tho roilKrtNM U ImliiK hclil. Iuim to iiiUhiI In IickIii ImiiH'itliili'lv u tlri'ii mini kiiuihiIkii f'lr votM for noiinui lliroiii;lioiit rrniii'o. Tin' niiiiiiinir" incinl wb I'lUlnmlHiillnill)' nrlvr.l. It wiu l(inliili'l' plnniH'il Hint liroinliH'nt KiirIUIi nuil Aiiirrlr.ui Mpimkorx Mill l t'tiHitfti'il to ulil In llio jiriiiiilfi'il rainimlf.n for volcit for wotiidti of l-'niiicc Tho lOiiKti'iW n Iho lentil niuuml oim Imlil liy tlu In lurniitloiinl Krnnii of woinnn'ii or HunUtttlnn. , OUTTE FALLS Mr. nml Mm. ftlnunrVllln uml fmnllr Iimvk mm oil to Moiniullo, uliont 1 1 iiiIIhh hIhivb linre. Thoy (Ulurnt lo npituil tln DiiininiT Hiito hhi ruturti Imro ni'xl ulntor. Mm. Kim raiuo In on tin trnln from WiunliiKtiiii limt TntHiiliiy. Slio luu a mn inn! n mnrrluil ilminliicr Imro nml will Im kIiuI to mnko her liomu nwir tliuin. Itv. Anitnrtun wm with iim npilu Kunility. Iln Kiiyn If iintlilnr, Imp win llv. )ny will In) nl liU pout iih Niimliif. Wo will Im kI'M t liiivn lilm nml Mm. I My In our mliiitl, lint roKiut leln: lluv. Amlnr ion. iiri'll Alitiolt, Uioo Jitw wim liHiliiin Noinu llmu ai, in nlitn to i;o to uorl nt llni iloukcy cukIiio iikhIu. Wo urn Hluil tiuit tin li.m (tot iiIoiik no rll uml Iriikt llml lib w HI linvn iln morn liitil luck. l(Hy I'ltrl'.nr nml IiIh coinilu l.itcr tlmltli uroMiionilliiR u fnv iIioh nt llio foriiiDi'V nli! homo In Iim mouu- llilui, Mlita (ierlrtnlo Aliliult Mpcnt Halm day ami Hitiuliiy s ttli Mlw Kiln I'nr Kiir. Mi (' M. I'i'i'liir went to IIiikIo I'olnl Tinwilliy l im'l lnr tlnucli Inr, ulio Iii'ciiiuo of mIcUiiomi luitt hail lo h'vo up liur ki'lionl. Wo Impo It will not provi) ntultniH- Mm. .lui'Ulou of Kiiulo I'olnl idIiiIIvhk vlil iiic vUltlm: with Hpintt lliitiirility wltli (litimlln Curl .lankHnu of tlila plnco. Hiiiuliiy motuliiK ourly ux nt niinK pnoplo" kccuiimI a tuuin mid her mul our mid lunik iiinl went plenluluK. Tlinuo piiiciinl worn mIhuoh Honilco I'MiiiomlKou, Dolllo Clinmlmrti, Itmnl llli .IniUiit unit Mohhi'ii. Carl JtmliHou, William UiikIich ami Koilotlo llakur. Mi. Ilakur Iiiih u limncHtoail In Urn inoiiiiiiiliiH nml tliu othnr yomiK puo plo worn IiIh KiuiHtn for tliu dny. Mr, uml Mm, (larlnml or NtilmtHkn a ro vliiltliiK with II. F. MorilH nml family. Thoy hnvn boon frlomlH ami nolKhliora for yoarn nml Iho Morris family worn vory plonnnntly hiii prlsoil wlion thoy Ktoiiutl to hoo thorn ThuiBtlay. Thoy uro on thnlr way to IjiiK AiiKoIoti to vIhII rolattvos hut nro nlrto IooUIuk ut tho country an thoy liavo u hoii lit tho oaut who wIhIioh to locitto horo. i'OHTLANI), Oro., Jmiu !, W'cttlhcr foroi'UHl; Oregon mul W'iihIiIiiuIeii: Fair wert onilit und Thurxdny, HhnworA ouh portion to uiuht or Thui'H(lii.v; coolor oust pur loil TlilU'tiOuy; woulorly, wimU, BEE I'UIITI.AND, On-., Juno I. Tin' ni'iv Inn Vmiiiiihi iim'Iiiiik' certili rli" of mi ii iiilini; lor iniirriiiyi' lii'Viixi'H Iiitiiiiii' i'11'i'i'livi' toilny. All H'iioiiIh for llii imhiiiiii; nf lirfiir in .MiiIIihiiiihIi ioiiiiIv Hi'ic liroKrn wlifn 1117 with Hti'iiri'il on ill" lu IiVh liri'i'rcilintc toilnv liv nion iniximiH to I'VHilr lilt' liroVlMHiIlN of lliU Ihw. Tin1 inw hImIiiIi' irniili" iIrMtti t 1 1 1 )) i it ti t for i!ivi'inii utio Ihhiio riiUii t't'ililii'Hli'M, lo iiniMiii'iilivi' liriilt'croonm iui'linlliii: tho I'lilcullnliou of liri'ni'i In imirtiii' nml Jit il kvii Iciiim'h. f WITH BIG HAI PINS SKATTI.K, Wiih.. .It I. Wlion thf fiiurth of July 111 111 comi'n louml, Smttln ill nUo ci'li'linitr IIh now linlplu onliuiiiioo, wliirli will he iitmln of fool I vo Hint ilav. Tho hill, proWiU im: jail mnl finn for wmuoit who nl low liatpiiiH lo projrot moro lliau nil iui'li uml it iiuuilrr hoyoml the crown of thi licit wnn pnnboil hv thr cotiuoil uiiniiiiiioiihlv. It wuii iuliiitiitloil liy (lie Fi'domtioii of Wuihi'ii'm oIuIih nml fullii'ii'it hv ProMilont of tho Oiiiii cil Ili'iKi'lh. Tho iiia.timiiin iuiprU oiimout H thirl v ilaH. IS SENI 10 PRISON TUIKSTK, AiiHlrla, Juno !. M. Blcrlo, it 1 7-y cur-old utuilciil who re cently iMitied a niaiilfosto lo tho In habitant of TTloHto to revolt, do el nro u republic mid continue tho work bcRiin by tho student, Ohcr dank, today boRiiu survlco of a five j inn- term to which ho wns sontomied on u eharKo of hliih treason. Dhcr dnuk wiiM liaui'.od HO yearn iiko for atteiuptliiR lo UHSMiixliiatu Buiiicror Franz .limopli. SECOND MURDER TRIAL OF HENW00D UNDERWAY DKNVIIK, I'.ilu., .limn I. Thojurv that will Ml nl Iho hccoiid trial of Fran!; II, Kenwood for llio murder of (Icorvo Copelmid in tho Hi own l'nlueu Hotel hire, wim cimipleti'il to day. The wlule iuiuiediiitely liinii IU opcniui; stiili'iiient. KANE'S CREEK .luck llhl lor tho uuko or Kaues Crook, iiiadi) hln iiiiutial trip to Hold Kill tho hitter part ot tho woolt, Mr. uml Mm. Ilouii of Willow BprliiRH Hpont Sunday thu Riiost uf Mm. Houn'u piuoiilu, Mr, mid Mm, Hrown, or lllnckwoll. Mr. mid MrH- 't'" of Opt Illll WHY' OUlt CHOICE 8 ucreu DoAuJott, full llcurliig 10 ucroa llouc, full bearing (p ncros llurtlott, full boating 10 ncros Comlco, full bimrliiK Wo must soil ouo ot thotio blocks ot Penrs nt just one-half value to savo Inrgor tract. 12 ft. ilcop loam soil; in Jneksou county, 3 mllea from Medford. Price nslied, $ono. Wo want your bid on ono of thoso tniQts, Can tnko you out tuiy uttor uoon. .7. O. nAHNEH (IS.t N. Riverside or 2M V'lrst. NiUlonul Rnuk UnlUlInu npfiit KunRity on Ciiiich crunk tliu Ciii'Ht of .lohii Mai ilon uml wife. I'rcil Ktrauho wan truiiMiiutlut; IiIihIimihm In (lolil illll on Monday. MimiiIiiiuuk IIokkIh, Bwlmlcn uml Itlioti'ii upoul Kiiuiliiy thu r.mt of Mm. HlKluholhtiiu. , Wntlo I'oloy wiib u rucoitt pucut ut Mm. Iwm'. Mr. nml Mm. Hoiuoholilnr npmit Tliumilay on Harillno crock tho nni'it or tlmlr iliuiKhlnr, Mm. DiiHen lnrry. Mm. Hwlintmi rcturiinl to her homo In Mcilfnril on Kumliiy after n few iluyit vUlt with frloiiilK mid rot allvcii. (ScorKo llh;liihotliaiii nml wife wore Huh City hiiHliii'SH lHltorn on Monday, returning homo lit tho cvo uliiK. Mr. IIiiiImiii of Cold Illll made n IiiihIiii'MI trip lo KnnoM crenk on Monday. ICnnoH crook IiiirIiickii vnltorri to (lold Illll thhi wMk: Khin-r IIIkIii- 'hothuni, Mr. I.uwIh, (icorgo HIkIii- liothntii mul wife. Mm. Mnrdon, I'rcd Htrnuhc, Mllto Foley, Mr. Hrown, Mr. Marker, Mr. KuotlH. Tom Hall, Mary llogRln, Hurt (.'offman, Itcnn IVtomoii, Mr. nml Mm. Iloiuohohlor nml 1'rophut 1'oitcr. Wonltinr I'rophot l-'oitcr forecaMii for tho flmt of Juno continued hot ilnyn, tho latter part IivIiik ctxilur with rnlii. Card of Thanks. To Ih" eitUoiiK of Mcdfoid mid their commercial cluli nud incrclinHts nesoeiution On Muy 21st, liii yenr, tho city of Medford was put to the lest in mi effort to entertain twelve liuildrcd dclcRiitcs rcprcnciitiut; tho Mivernl IoiIrim of llio liidrpciiilrnt Older or Odd FellowK of tho Rrcut Htuto of Ori'Koii. Tho way our com mereinl cluli mid liiereliiiuls iifMiciu tinit nud the citixenw of our city met this lent Iiiih xtumpi'd Medford ux n yrent convention city. Vixitinu dole pitos went to their homos voicing tini M'fMil limine of our oily mid its ieo plo for their iiilellie,ent nud nliuiidmif lioHpilulity. Kow, (liorcfore, wo ns members of Medford Lodjje, No. &, 1. (). O. K. nud of Olivo Kebckuli IauIro No. -8, liy niomiri of thin open letter, with to thank Iho above limited nrytininitioii for their effective interest in nil thiiiKrt iierluiiiiiiK to Iho couvcutiou nud tho citiseiiK of our city who throw open their hcnutiliil Iumirn hi wrlcomo (o visitors mid to thoxo who Konoroiisly offered llieir uutomohiles for use in entertaining lritorx mid Hhnwiiij,' them tho lieuulies nud to MiurooH of Iho Koriiu river valley. "Tho occasion uno nud our t;ood pcopli', trtto to ihul Kcncniaily that lius inuilo thrill fuiuoUH, llii't it tlohly, Tho convention itself, by its elifiinc ler, ix long to liiiKi'i' in tho inomory of Odd Fellows in every city nud villupi of OrcRon. LiulaM wild tiiis incuiory, to licnr fruit for veins lo eomo, is Iho recollection of Iho open huudcil Itoxpitulity of our people NEW TODAY A party ut Hlvortddo, Cat., hnu 20 ncros, halt In Thompson's, Improved imvol ormigos, nud flvo acres or Va lencia, niid tho balmico Improvod land, flno location nud flno water right, (iood crop In night, on young trcoa. Will oNchaugo for u bearing poar orchard In thu Roguo Hlvor valley. 1200 ucrou in lliiruoy county to trudo for Medford stuff. Hungalow In Los Angeles 'to tradu for ouo In Medford. Flno 10 room linttio clodo In on oast Bldo, imvomoitt, $.3500, Cliolco lotH In Medford to trade for u limit ' bungalow,. - , Siskiyou Heights. C. D. HOON Phono 1037-.T, Room ! Jackson. Colinty Dnnk llUlu which,, uftcr nil, in llio crrntcft rc mmloo uny city orconiilry xi- Ity order of tliu IihIjjc. r ' NOTM'K TO CAKI'KNTKIIS. Not leu Ik heruhy kIvou that Mchool dlhtrlit No. 'J will rcculvn hldn for tho roiueilntlm: of 1ml nchool cc.it i. Coutrnciom an cull nt tho WajhlilB toii bcIiooI Inillillti Saturday, Juno 7, front I to tl o'clock p. in., ami lunpcct tho work donlrcd. llldn to ho filed on or before Jmiu 9. IHrIiI reserved to reject any or nil bids. C3 01HH CUAWroill), Clerk. notkt:. Not Ira In hereby Riven that n unr- rlal iiieetitiK or Htocklioldem of the KoKtin Itlver I'm It & Produce Amu rlatlon will tie held nt the public llbrnry In tho city or Medford, June 2G, mis, ut 10 o'clock it. m.. for tho purposo of roiiHlderliiK nml actltiR upon tho advisability of bulldliii; n cold nt ora go wnrehoilso upon tho anno clmlnn'H property In till city of Med ford, mid In connection therewith, of IkkiiIiii; two nurlea of iKindit of tho Atoioclntlou, ono of a total of JJt.000.00 hud ono or a totnl or $1(1,000.00. mid or cxccutlnK a flmt mid nocond niortcncn upon tho Asvo- clatlou'n proierty to necuro such It alic of iiomlA respectively. UOdt'i: HlVKIt KltUIT & IltUI)t!CS ASSOCIATION, Hy A. O. Hundnll, I'roirdcnt. Dated nt Medford, Oregon, .May .'3, 1913. I'OIt UICN1 UOITHK8 FOR RBNT Six room modern bun bun gaeow: gas. electricity, east front und flno shade. Inqulro 318 S. Laurel. G3 FOR RENT Nicely furnished two room house, all convenience?, pleasant surrouiidlugs, closo In. J. T. Hums, tl" Jay street, off South Oakdale. FOR RBNT Modem furnished bun. gnlow, C rooms, with hall, largo porches nml garage: beautiful Kround and flowers. 1 U3 E. Mnlu. Tel. 419-11. C5 FOR RBNT Modern furnished C-rooni hoime, water rout fiald. $:o. 518 King st. FOR RENT Furnished 5 room hotiiio nud lnrgo shady yard, $25 per month. Water rout paid. 817 West 10th St. Seo next door cast. 63 TO RENT Our homo on East Mnln street; flno shade mid lawn. Huniphrvy, 815 En-It Mnln st. CO FOR RENT FURNISIIKTJ ItOOMS FOR RENT- Flno fiirnlHlied room with sleeping porch. Iiupilro 310 N. Hartlott. FOR RENT I.nrgo HlccpliiK rooms, and modern housekeeping apart ments, prices very reasonable Phono 102G-U 222 South Holly Htreot. J..-.X. ----- - - li-Jji1. -- tJ3U-. for iii:nt fhunimhed aits. FOR HENTConipiotcly furnisTiod apart liioutB. Thu Herbou,' 10 (J II I n co st. FOR RENT HOl'SKKKKPlNa ROOMS rFOR RENT- HoiiKokeoptiiR nud gas; 345 rooms North wlth hath Hartlott. -JI3i4 VO It HK.Y1 ota;icKa FORRENl' Lnrgo, conrortblo"ot flco rooms with elevator Borvlco, Btuum heat, hot and cold water. Low rntes. Apply Medford Furnl- turo & Hilw. Co. FOR SALE YUJUSICS FOR SALE OR RENT D room mod cm bungalow; heiuitlful lawn mid trooa; nlco gnrdcu; only Mfc blocks from now opera house. 713 East Jackson. FOR SALE Modern rostdonco, West 10th st.; assessments all paid; ?2200. Clurk Realty Co. FOR SALE Houso and large lot; fruit trees, wntor nud mwur: be tween Hentty and N. Rlvorsldo, 1107 Nlnutlo st, Worth .$1000, must soil; mnko mo n cnBh oftor. 64 FQR BALE Heat bargain In city; on oast sldo; now lu room houso, 2 lots, cost $5500, (loos for ft fow days nt $3700, Humphrey, 815 Klist Mnltt, tiO- roit iti:.T iioLrti I'OIt KAl.K A flv- loom cottngo on Wcit Kith MrccC on thu pavlnR, flm) nckhhorhood, uliado trees In yard. Totnl price only !2r.O on ciiKy torniR of 100 ccixli and $20 month with low Intercut. Thin In n hnrRsln. Keo K. S. Tu my. 201 (Inrnett-Coroy blk-. cr( I'OH HAMJ The Hno homo wc nro Jimt completing on Mlnnewita fit. Hotter eomo now. It Juit offered mul will not taut Ioiir. Humphrey, S10 i:.iit Mnln. 00 FOIl HAJiK ACUKAOK FOIL HAM: S or 10 acre cIobo In, easy terms. I'houo 10CO-M. C7 FOR HUNT Oil SAM-: Ono ncro, piped und watered; now house; bnnrliiB fruit; adjoins city. Tele phone, electric llRhts. Nlco In come home. Humphrey, 815 B. Main. 00 I'OIt S.YMC U1MS FOH BALK 100 ncro Reed nlfalfn nml Rraln ranch, all In cultivation. Will innko Reed stock ranch. $100 per acre. Iiiqulro ot C. M. Svcndscn. Medford, Oro. C7 FOR BALK Do not fall to get my list of hard times bargains In and around tho beautiful city ot Ash land bctoro you decide on n loca tion. J can savo you money on renting or buying. V. I), Hodg son, Cor. B. Main and Second sfs., Ashland, Oro. C4 FOR BALE Owing to sickness I will sell twenty ncros land two miles southwest from Medford cheap, on easy terms; 300 chicks, turkeys, flno Jersey cow. horse, etc.. goes with place. 11. 11. Rumsey, 11. D. 1 Medford. 04 FOR SALE MISCKMiANEOUS FOR SALE Gooseberries; large: 35 cts. per gallon delivered to any part of city. C. C. Pierce. Phono 105. 64 FOR SALE Ono 1Q homopower gas bllno engine. IntcrnnUonal make: boon used about ono menth: good ns now; for salo at n bargain. William Ulrlch, Medford, Ore. FOR SALE OR TRADE Pedigreed Poland China boar. It. D. 1, Hox 73, Ccntrnt Point, or phono Far mer 11-184. FOR BALE Remington standard typowrltor No. S luvlsjblo writer, 14 inch carriage, never been used; cheap. P. O. Hox 147, Jackson ville FOR BALE Good self feed hay press ut Regar ranch. 63 FOR SALE Day-old cblcka. Planum Electric Incubntor Hatchory, Tal ent, Oro. 11. C. High. Mgr. C6 FOR BALE, Loose leaf ledgor syi toms, any stylo ot rma.de to order by tho Mall Trlbiloo bindery. FOR BALE Legal blanKs, tresspass notice;-, for sale or rent sines at the Mall Trlbuno. FOR SALE Letter beads and fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at too Mail Trlbuno. JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS Bteiim and dry cleaning and dyo work. Satisfaction guaranteed on all work. Gouts' suits pressed. Special attention to ladles' silks, luces mid gloves. Goods called for and delivered. Ill N. Front St. Phono 125. 114 FOR BALE Corn cultivator, n cow, u homo, C. C. Hoovor, Medford. 03 FQR SALE Household furniture. 015 Cull 502 S. Grapo. FOR SALE Tout with fly, fur nished or unfurnished. Phono 972-M. 03 FOR SALE Flno team of mules, price very low If taken this week. A. K. Ware. 06 FQR RALE OR TRADE A good wagon for good slnglo buggy. Phono 100-J. 00 FOR SALE Strictly fresh homo grown strawberries. Mrs. Powllug, 2Q S. Poach st. 03 FOR SALE Jersey cow just fresh, gentle, woll broko and good milker. Phono C39-J or 039-lt. 03 FOR BALE 8 Whlto' WJandotto pullota, coekorol. 1 doi. 3 weeks old chicks, pure bred sttoctc. Call 534 B. Hamilton or phono 963-X. .64 I'OIt fiALfc HSCKIJiAXEOU8 KOIt SALB Cheap, flho camlf of trnvellnR waRon. Uo 95 Med ford. And good na'ddlo. VOl BALK Threo heavy work homo, cheap. V. F. Hlddlc, Itu rnl Ilouto No. 3. C7 FOft BALBSllRhtly used National caih rcKbitor costlnR J250 when new. for Halo cheap. Inquire W. U. .Iudkln, 123 W. Main. 64 FOIl 8AI.B Cub rntico at niond st. I'honc 523-1. 28 AI- FOIt 8 A LB No. 10 Smith Premier vlnllilo typewriter nllghtly used, $35. Apply 0. L. Stockln, Med ford hotel. C5 II KM' WASTED MAIiE WAYKII'ackrs dcslrlnR empioy incnt with tho R. R. F. &. l Assn. during season ot 1913 should reg ister and receive number at office, 18 AV. Main st., or Miss Marian Standellff, IMiocnlr. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Singer scwng machines, rents, repairs, collections. 227 B. Holly st. Phone 81C-X. 08 WANTED Wood sawing; has good machine;- glvo mo n call, from C to 9 p. m. Phono 384-R. 83 WANTED To rent nicely furnished houso with three bedrooms and servants roof, and bath, for sum mer months. No children In family and excellent caro guaranteed. Ap ply R. H. McCurdy, 401 M. F. & H. llldg. Phono 349. WANTED AT ONCE Listings of ranches and homestead relinquish ments by owners In the Applegnto and other valleys, which will make good homes. I havo several par ties coming from California look ing for good cheap lands. Write to mo at onco giving legal descrip tions, list of Improvements, and terras. Lands must havo good soil, cither bottom or low sldehltl. Quoto no Inflated values. L. V, Whiting. Medford. C6 LOST LOST Suturday ovenlng from 30C N. Ivy, canary bird in cage. Finder please return and recclvo reward. 64 MONEY TO IXA.f MONEY TO LOAN On city and close In ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3C8. MONEY TO LOAN $1000 to $5000 to loan on Improved farm proper ty. Dennett Investment Co. FOR KXCItAMiK WILL EXCHANGE 10 ncros pears, with or without hoiiso, for Med ford bungalow. 0. JJ. A., Mall Trlbuno. FOR TRADE 1 havo some ucw Studehakcr wagons, buggies, farm implements and gasoline engine for which I will tKo cord oV fir wood. F. Osonbruggc, 401 Rlvor sldo avo. S. FOR TRADE 40 hqqrrt of bench land, rich, red loam, choice for pears, grain Or, potatoctl. About 10 acres cleared; :Vi litjlcs from Woodvlllo nortr Evans crook. Would Hko residence in Medford. It. J. Palmer. Phono 469-J. 1IUSINKSS DIRECTORY Als tracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY AU syitACT CO., No. C South Central. Auto Supplies. LAHER AUTO SPRINQ 'CO. Our big secret in making springs Is the tempering. Wo uro oporatlug the largest, oldest nml host equipped plant in tho Pacific northwest. Uso otir springs when others fall. Sold under guarantee. 2C North Fit toonth St., Portland, Oro. Attorney POUTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MBALEY -Attomeys-at-Law, Rooms 1 and 2, Postptfco bids, A. E. UHAMES, LAWYER Clamett- Cproy bdg. W. J. CANTON Attoruoy and Court Eollor at Law. 123 East Malu Btrcot, Medford, Ore. Wm. M. Colvlg Oeorgo M. Roberts COLVIO & ROHERTB. LAWYERS Medford Natlpuul Uank JJulldlug. CARfcV'S TGLGCRAfA ARRIMCD T 431 AM. SO CARfcY, COPPCO thc CHRorAo.. CAK.&V, THKT W6R.S YOU DOING UPbO CATC? ft-iu. U jiu.si.vkss fitt-:cTphir Accountanu U. n. WOOD General Acconntant Your books' audited and 'kept for rciuonnblo flRuro; your btHlneia solicited. Office, Medford Mall Trlbnno bide; phone Sll-It-2; ret lence pbono 537. Auctioneers WILLIAM UMIICI I Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of Medford, Oregon. Terms reasonable Resi dence phono 161-J. Office Jnck won County Hunk building. " ' -i TITI.I i ...- i S Chiropractor DR.'R. J. LOCKWOOtf, Chiropractor, ncrvo specialist. Rooms 203-201-205 Onrnctt-Corcy bide;. Vapor baths and scientific massao given; ndvlco In dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydropthcrapy. ,Iady at tendant. Phone, office 945, resi dence 5T1-R. DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise E. Hedges Mechano-Thcraplsts, Chiro practors, SpbndylothornpUts. These systems, Including dietetics, cura tivo gymnastics, hydro-theraphy, etc., produco results In both acuto and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. 230 North Rartlott St., next door to M. E. church. Hours 9 a. in. to 5 p. m. Other hears by appointment. Phono 17-J. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN BCOYOO DR C. C. VAN SCOYOC Dentists Garnott-Coroy bldg., sulto Medford, Oro. Phono 856. 310, Garbage kdkhkdhhhJ GARBAGE Oct your premises cleaned up for tho winter. Call on the city garbago wagons for good sorvlce. Phone 025-L. F. Y. Allen. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lie. Urlng your work to mo at the sign ot the Mall Tribune. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD lItTlNCrcO'i'uiej best equipped printing office In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 21 North Fir St. & Physicians and Siirgvon-J DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 416-417 Garnott-Corey bldg.. phono 1030-L. Residence 420 South Laurel st. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. J Practice limited to dlsoascs ot women. Offices 232 1-J , Malm Phones, offico 814-J-2; id. 811. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Prnctlco limited to oyo, ear, nbsd and throat. Eyea scien tifically tested und glosses supplied Offico 228 East Main St., Hours 8:30 a. in. to 8 p. in. Phone. B. R. PICKEL, M. D. Offico Jack son County Hank, bldg. Office phono 43-R; residence phone 58-R. DR. MARION Pliyslclnn nnd sur geon. Stownrt bldg.. cornor Mala nud Hartlott bis. office, phono 37 residence phono 27-J-2. DR. MARTIN C. HARHER Physi cian and uurgoon, Office Ptflna bldck, opposlto Nush Hotel.. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 11,0-J. DR. It. W. CLANCY PhyBlelan and surgeon. Phonos, oHlco 36, resl denco 724-J. Offico hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia physician, 303 Gnrnett-Corey building. Phtmo 901-M. R, J. CQNROY, M. D, Physician and Burgeon. Over Hutchison & Lums den, 215 E. Main St. Phone 77. Stenographers' ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm bldck. Stenographic, work donu quickly, and well. Transfer t.i A tics liill AVUUiflii o. tll,ntl i nlfl fir.1 T-Otflco 10 South Fir 8t. Phone 315. Prlcos rluht. Bervlao xuar I antoed. .. . . , lMj i i 'I f HI