nrtnwi HIM""'""' 1t nni Oannrwl fit CH ." air cm i4aA Medford Mail Tribune SECOND ED1TJON WEATHER I'nlr (onlKlit mid TIiurmlHy. Mat. DO, Mln. mi Forty tlilnl Ycnr, i)ully-i;iKhtli Vi MIODFOUD, ORhXION, WKDNKKDAV, .JUNK 1, 101. 'I. I NO. 63. rnr. ' LANE TELLS OF LOBBYISTS 10 OPPOSE TIFF Oreuon Senator Points out Wool nntl Silk Interests Representatives Money spent hy Interests In Pre sentlnu Views Detents Own Ends. Lntm Interested In Wheat. Oats, Bar Icy, Flax and Potatoes and Flnlit Inn Free List for Thrni. J WAHIIINGTON, J mm I -Dirrlin: the oiiimlnutluu if Mmmtiir Inane Htcphoimnu of WUromln nt (liu "IiinIiIIoiim lobby" hearing today, Ho me tor Heed of MUkiiiiiI at tempted to "Joah" Hlephcu nun regarding Paulino Wnjrno, former President Tnft'i row. Asked why ho look I'nullnii buck, Hmmlor Htepheiiion until with it low drawl: "Well, Tit ft wanted to llvn In it hold unit UiiiI'h no placo for u COM'." WASHINGTON. June I. Hull IHii'iiiiri for fifty manufacturers nml other alleged to lime liven active in fighting the I'lidcrwiiod tariff hill tere Ihkiii'iI hi' re today liv the nenato Hub-committee of the judiciary In tt'tliguliiig coiiiiuitlre, which in prob ing the proldeut'ri "iiixldliiu lobby" charge, Aiinuiir IIionb ieHirtei to have liven mihocnned are Henry mtrl and Frank I.nwrcy, who are lighting free tqignrj Huftml Luch, working in eoiini'etmn with patent medicines nml Frank (Jonimii ami Allan Irvine, ninmifncturerV agents. Senator Omnium of North t'urn tin u, elininiian of the eommittre, Muled that ho expected o complete the toithiionv of i-enutors before to moriow. Iuna HAttU Out Nilitijloi. Senator l.aue of Oregon wan the limt wilneht today. Akrd what luhhylMs had callcil on him, l.ane pointeil to S. V. Mel'lnre, neerelary of the Wool Growers' asMiciation, who was Heated in the rear of the loom, hii villi;! "That's one of them. What is your name anyhow 7" Medina stammered hi name, and l.iiiin centinued: "Von were much alarmed at the Idea of wool going on the freo lift." Lane iiMiued Frank Cheney, a silk iiumtil'ueturer, an one of his muM tier uiMcnt eallerH. Cheney piohahly will he subpoenaed. Defeating Ottit Kuili. "Much money in Hpeut hy the in lerentH in preHrutiiiK congress with insidious and dishonest views of the effect of the tariff," continued l.aue. "Hut heeaiihu of their selfishness in silting tight to attain their individual ends, Ihu munufuuturors have. tie. defeated their own purpoHe." Senator McCunihcr iihkcd l.ane what legislation he was iuteiehted in. "Wheat, oiiIn, harluy, flax and po tatoes, whleh aiu disastrously uf lected hy ihn new tariff hill," was the aiiHwiir, "1 haven't nought to in fluence any Hi'iiatur hut if I knew of a sennlor I rould iiiflueuei) I would hunt him up an fust an 1 could leave this chair." Huimtor Stephenson wih tho next (Continued on pngo 3.) BY ULSTERITES LONDON, Juno -l. Iu tlio Iioiiho of (touuuouH today, Augustiiio Hit-roll, semotury for Ireland, admitted that llrilinh tuistoiiiH officials yesterday seized nUO rifles at llolfast. The weapons wore ovideutly of Italiuu inniiufaoluri). They had heeu Hhipped to unknown Ulhter leaders in boxes ma iked "elect riunl fixtures." It in feared hy the government that many rifles have heen successfully delivered to the Uulslor men, and thai u M ly (iiilliioalc is likely nhould limue riilo hu ju-oultiluivd jn Uvluiid. ARMS IMPORTED WEST OR KAY AT BIG GOOD ROADS MEETING Governor Will Come If He Docs not Go to Utah and Treasurer Wires Ho Can Do Depended Upon Many to Be Here from California. Indications for Record Banquet Fri day Evenlna to Start Somethlnu In the Good Roads Line for Oreuon. 4- SAI.F.M, Ore, June I, JUKI. Medford Commi'icial Chili, Mcdrord, Oie. I will hi'c to il that home member of the Male highway hoard attend ' She good muds meeting Friday night. If neither of other two iihiiiIm rn go I will come. T. M. KAY. The alioe teleciniii wan icceivcd Wciluexilay from T. II. Kay, Mate treasurer, who with (locmor Went ami Secretary Oleott, compute the xtate hiuhway coinminninii. If ()o cruor Went linen not ko to Salt Lake, he will ho prcMcut. Major llowlhv, ntate hichwav ciii- ueer, has already hiuaified hin Inten tion of atteudiui; the u'ninl roaiU meeting here Friday and a lari;e dele j;atiiiii. iiteludiuu' (lie California ntate IiikIi"v engineer, Sihkivou couutv hiulia coimuiHxiou and the county commihHlonerH will alo he pteieiit, n x well iih offieiaU and ciIuciih from Southern Oreuon town. ArrniiKcmentH are heini: made to hniupiel nl least 100 pei-sonn, MiH-i-hly 1100. Ticket can he Heeured from the M'OTelnrv of the Commercial eluh. An it i h ueeesHnry to arranne in ad vance, all pcrsourt comtui; am re rpiested to notify thu Hecrelary at once. AttomeyH io preparinu' wtilionH for circulation to the eotiutv court to call an election for a mad bond is sue, and the moxciueiit will be launched at the meetiui;. A program haw been prepared for the bampiet and patriotic citir.cux of Medford are rcipiesteil o be on deck and make the occasion a hummer. 15 FAIL 10 ACCEPT WASIIINOTON, June I. Only fifteen cnuutriert have failed so far to make coudumvo respouKe to tho invitation extended throuuh the state department to participate in the Pa nama Pacific, cxitositioii to he held in San Francisco in 1015. Twenty, four Kovuriimeutrt Iiumi accepted the invitation. A mo n l' the more important Kv- crnmeuU whleh have failed to re- Hpoud are (lermauy, Oreat ltritaiiv 1 1 ale. Aiihliiii.lluiiL'ai'v and Snaiif. - ... -- -- - - ---. -- . (lermauy 1h awnitlnir developments ro- Kaiiimi; (lie tariti neioru answering definitely and Great llritaiu is hold ing off to learn the exhibition hpufu nvuilable. Tho countries which have already accepted are Argentina, llolivln, lliazil, Canada, Chile, Chum, Costa lliea, Culm, Deumarlc, Domiuicia, Feuador, Frauee, Ouatumala Haiti, lloniluras. Janan. Mexico. Nether lands, Nicni'iiKim, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Salvador and Urupuiy. Uii to date onlv two eountries Panama and Salvador havo ae eepted tho invitation, also extended throuuh the slate department, to at tend thu exposition in Sail Dieo, to he held at the hiiiuo time ay tho San Frnncih'eo expomtion. $25,000 WEDDING GIFT FOR BREWER BUSCH'S DAUGHTER CUICACIO, Juno 4. MUa UHlitn Miikiiiih, tho Kiaud ' diiiiKhter of AdolpluiH lliiboh, thu inllllomilro St. Louis browor, will bo matrloil beio tonlKht to Sydney Hon;. She ro relved n cheek for SU5.000 from llliui'li, 1 NATIONS A NVITATIONS MOTHER JONES. FRESH FROM WEST VIRGINIA STRIKE FIELDS WlmWi r mm&U ' . v mWmm When the Mitatoruil inesln;iition of the actoni of lioxeruorH Ola--., cock and Hatfield in connection with the fttnkiui: coal miner of their Male Ionian, Mnl her Jones, now aued 81. beliee, rccln!iou which will ntartle (he country will be made. She it now in Wiifhiiitfliui uruini; Senator John W. Kern, the democratic leader of the upper chamber, to pinh the inipury to the hunt. GRAND JURY W 10 BACK UP RAID E BY WEST Till: OAI.UJS, Ore, June 4. Thu teatfo Mltuatloti created by Governor Went orderltiK utatu iipeelitl OKentu In raid t" nlleised rumirtn here, afterward MondliiK 1 1 lullltlnmeii to Kuard tho prlnouerH taken, until Sheriff Clirlitman consented to ro echo them In tho county Jail, In ended today by tho Krnnd jury re fiiMliiK to Indict Mny Sullivan and (ilud)H Deriiuoud, reputed laudlndloi) of tho rexortri. I'hiirlen Carroll, also arretted In the raid, was Indicted on n Hlmplo vauraiioy eluirKo. Tho 13 women held as wltno-Hett have been Tho militiamen neat hero hy (ho Kovcruor were retstlled on the proiu Iko of Sheriff Chrlkiuan that hu will Hint that tho places raided are kept closed. INDICT CiTY RECORDER FOR POCKETING FEES Till: DALLAS, Ore., June I.-On the charge of litiviiitr feloniously converted to hin own use the sum of $881, hclnuu'iiij; to thu city, Oeor;;o F. ltoss, city reeoider, is under in dietment by tho ijrand jury today. It in charued that ltoss, during a period of almost two ycnix, had cither refused or neglected to turn over to the city Ireiihurer money to this amount collected in fined and li cense, fees. DECORATED BY SULTAN CONSTANTINOI'LK, Juno . In loi'OKultlon o( IiIh tiurvlcea to tho Mohaminudnua In tho Philippine, Major John 1 Flnloy, U. a. A to day In deeoratod hy tho Sultan of TurUoy with tho order of ModJIdleli. Major Flnley eamo to Constuml noplo to boo If thu Hiiltau and thu uhlok-ul-lBlani could nut prevail upon thulr MohuiuuiDdau hruthruu of tho Moio provturo In thu l'hlllpiiliuia to eeabo their eonstnut uprlBlUB, MAD ENJOINS STATE FROM IN I McMalion of Sacnt Arjaln Plays Part of Obstructionist hy Seeklnrj to Prevent Construction of Colum bia Southern Irrigation Project. Man Who Prevented Buildinn of Cra ter Lake Hlqltway Again Stopping Wheels of Proqress. SAI.HM, Oie., Juno . L. II. McMalion, attoniuv, has today filed a miK in the circuit court here ask imk thai .Stalu-Trensiirer Kay and Secretary of Slate Oleott be re strained from expeadiui: .f-l.'O.Oflfl for rcebiumtioii in the. Columbia South ern project on the around that the law appropriatiuu lhi aiaount ii mi constitutional. He base his olnim of uncouslilu lionnbtv on the ullecntinii ibat the law ih "ccial" or "local" in char inter, and that the IcKiMattire wa lirolubited from pas-ini: laws of this mi tu re. (lovernor West has slated that he mav not attend the. convention of wehteni mcrnnrrt at Sail lakc, of which he i preridciit, ho that he may lemain in the. state to aist in com batiin; Mc.Malum'rt move. McMalion won notoriety n nil ob stnielor by eiijoiniui; the Crater Lake highway appropriation four vean au'o wheil he restrained the ex peudituru of $100,000 appropriated In make the lake ncccfsihlc, upon Ihu same urniini! lie eeks this in junction, llix potiliW wn Miistaiaed bv JuiIko Galloway nud by the su preme court, while held that Crater Laku was a "local affair" altlniuii it national park and seeuie wonder. E LONDON, Juno . DlHpatchea re ceived hero today tell of tho reals nntloii Into ItiMt night of the Uulgiir Ian cabinet. If the report Is true It Is holleved that a posalulo (Ireek HulRnrlnu cIhhIi will tio averted by Dr. Daueff, the HulKnrlan peace del CKtiKte, who In expected to form a new mlnlBtry. SOCIALIST EDITOR PATKItSON, N. J., Jnno 4. Alex ander Scott, editor of tho Weokly Issue, a socialist publication, stands convicted hero today of aiding and abetting hostilities to tho city gov ernment In connection with tho strike of l'rttersou tdlk workors. llo will tio sontencod Friday. The Jury re. ommeuded mercy. Tho maximum penalty which may be Imposed on Scott ts 15 years' im prisonment or a S2000 fine. In tho editorial complained of Scott re ferred to Chief of l'oltco Illmson as tho "boss strikebreaker nud chiof Cossack," and to tho pollco goner ally as "brass buttoned anarchists," TO SAVEIHUMAN TIGER Hi SACK AM UNTO, Cal Juno 4. It was learned today from reliable sources that Jacob Oppenhelmcr, the "human tiger," condemned to bo hanged Friday at Folsom for as saulting a fellow prisoner, will bo executed, and that Governor John son will not Interfere. Although tho governor will not discuss tho case, it U known that every preparation for tno hanging has been made and that Uppeuhelm or will go to his death on the ap pointed day, BULGAR GABNET N PLAINTIFF IN NEW YORK SOCIETY DIVORCE SCANDAL The suit of Mrs. Abigail Hancock Bishop for sholiite divorce against her hi.Miand, J C. Hi-hop. a million aire banker and member of Kew York ami XevMr society, is the Invest society divorce cae miicc the Inst Mrs. Vandcrbilt went into court be cause her hu-band bad -transferred his affections. Mrs. Ilihop named Mrs-. J. Temple Owatluney, wife of the fanner president of the Xew York Cotton Kxchunpc, as the principal corecpoudcut. There were others gf Icm importance. Hut the c.-)sc will ret largely on what can he proved about Mrx. Owathme.v who. by-tlio way, in a-, important in society as the Hihops and the defendant. E IS IMIILAI)KI.IHIA, Juno 4. Mlko Murphy, the famous Olympic trainer who was athletic director of the University of Pennsylvania, died at his homo hero this afternoon of acute stomach trouble. Murphy had been ailing for years, n serious decline setting In while ho was at Heno, Xev to witness tho Jeffries-Johnson fight. lie recovered uufflclently, however, to bo ublo to tako charge of tho American ath letes sent to Stockholm to partici pate In tho Olympic games, but that task taxed his strength so much that upon his return to America he was only a shadow. Murphy probably was tho greatest trainer of field and track athletes tho world has known. The records of liomo of tho men ho handled still stand, Alvin Kracnzeleln, tho great hurdler, was developed by Murphy, and somo' of his marks hao never been equalled. Tommy Conncff, the woudorful long dlstanco man; Ilcr nard Wofors and Arthur Duffy, mar velous sprinters, and John Flanagan, ono of tho world's greatest weight men, and countless othor modern athletes of tho first flight, received their training from Murphy. Murphy had charge of tho Aniorl eau athletes sent to tho International games In Paris in 1900, and was in charge of tho American Olympic teams sent to London and Stock holm in 190S and in 1912. RESIGNS FROM OFFICE UUDAPKST, Junu !. Annouuco tnont of tho resignation of' the Hun garian cabinet wits made at tho opening of tho chamber of deputies today by Premier Von Lukncs. Tho acquittal ot Deputy Do Sacs In a criminal libel suit in which the pre mier was accubcd of coi'rupttbu in connection with kohio contracts with tho Hunk of Hungary was respon ullilu for tho defeat ot tho cabinet. IK MURPHY FAMOUS OLYMHC TRAINER DOT 1 00 T0 1 SHOT WINNER EAT N DERBY Alioycr, Rank Outsider Victor by Disqualification of Favorite Cray amour for Bumplnn at Finish Line Louvols Second Big Crowd. Suffragette Who Attempts to De Destroy Chances of Kino. George's Colt Is Fatally linjured. KI'SOM, HiiRland, June K. ! An attempt by miffru- Kettes today to destroy all chuuen of Kins George's colt Amnier winning tho derby camo near ending In death. A woman was fatally In- 4 Jured when ho ran upon tho 4 coumo at Tottenham Corner and grasped Ammer's bridle. ft The colt reared high and J- then, with hin Jockey, Her- hurt JoncD. fell flat upon tho woman'a body. She was ter- C( rlbly crushed and mutilated 4 by the hone's hoofs. Jones, tho Jockey, was hurried to a hospital. Ills condition Is serious. The colt was not 4- badly Injured. Tho woman was Identified as Miss Elizabeth Davidson, 35 years of age. For several minutes after the occurrence she gave no sign of life, and a report Bpread that sho was dead. After doctors reached bet side, however, she showed, M signs of animation and was at onco rushed to a hospital, EPSOM, England. June 4. Run ning second in a terrific drive, A. Cunllffe's Aboyuer, a rank outsider at 100 to 1, today won tho derby, tho bluo ribbon of tho English turf, only becauso C. Bower Ismay's Cra ganour, the favorite at G to 4, was disqualified at tho finish line. V. Raphael's Louvols, at 10 to 1, was second. The tlmo for tho mllo and a half was 2:37 3-5. Great Sport was third and Nimbus fourth. The roco was for 3-year-old colts and fillies, tho former carrying 126 pounds and the latter 123. It was worth about $30,000 to the winner. Fifteen horses started. Disqualified for Humping. Craganour, ridden by Johnny Relff, tho American Jockoy, led in the homestretch by a scant head. As they neared tho wire both Aboyuer nnd Louvols crept up, and as tho three leaders flashed across tho fin ish lino Craganour was a scant length ahead ot Aboyuer and Lou vols' nose strained nt Aboyuor's neck. G. Aumont's Nimbus, 10 to 1, nnd V. Hall Walker's Great Sport. 20 to 1, finished neck and neck In fourth and fifth places. At first tho Judges placed Nimbus third owing to Craganour's dlsqualfrlcation, but later reconsidered nnd Great Sport was given third monoy, with Nimbus fourth. AlKijuer I -ends Field. Up to tho start of tho bomestretcu (Continued on pago a.) PANAMA CANAL REGINA, Sask., Juno 4, "For IS mouths tho Panama canal has been ready for tho pasaago of warships, should emergoney luivo arisen great enough to require tho immediate presonco of warships on tho Pacific coast," Is the startling statement made today by James Arthurs, a sub-onglueor ot tho canal, who Is visiting here. "To send them through would havo been a risky undertaking," said Arthurs, "but It could bo done. With 24 hours' notice the cttuul could bo flooded enough for any ot our droudnoughts to pnbs through. "With this card up tboir sleeves, federal officials have regarded con ditions on tho Pacific coast with complacence," READY FR m MANY MOTHERS K PENSIONS OM COUNTY Twenty-two Women Apply to County Judrje for Aid Under New Law Which Goes Into Effect Today Amount Totals $510 a- Month. , Dependent Mothers Receive $10 a Month for First Child and $7.59 Monthly for Each Additional One. Twenty-two widows with children have made application for pensions under the law parsed by tho recent session of the legislature which hn todoy become effective to County Judcc Ton Velio who is making an investigation of their circumstances with n vifcw (o allowing tho payment of the pensions. Under the law each dependent widow with children will receive $10 n mouth for the first child and $7.50 monthly for each additional child. Widows whose husbandu are dead, permanently inenpneitr-ted or con fined in 8tn(c institutions are equally eligible to receive penxionH. Many other have announced their intention of applying. The claims of the twenty-two, if allowed would put up n total of over $."10 per month. The largest appli cant is Hose It. Singler, widow of the late Sheriff Singler who nks .$0'J.f)0. The applicants who have filed to date and the amounts requested nro as follews: Maggie Evans, Medford $12.50 Lucy May Davis, Medford.... 2.'.00 Mary K. Saync, Medford... . 'J5.0Q Jessie McCIeudon, Gold Hill.. ,10.00 Nettle Green, CeutraIPoint..i.32.nO Marie Raymond, Medford.... 17..10. Minnie Kimball, Medford 10.0Q Carrie Bell Leavenworth, Jack sonville 17..ri0 Lizzie Xolgnmott, Talent 10.00 Maud Philbrook. Medford.... 17.5Q Mary J. Torrcy, Talent 'J.j.OO Mrs. F. A. Shearburn, Medford 17.50 Sarah Elizabeth Cox, Ashland 17.50 Pauline M. Elmore, Applegnto. 17.50 ItofO II. Singler, Jacksonville. 02.50 Mary Smith, Ahlnnd 32.50 Minnie M. Pnrslow, Ashland.. 3'J.oO Tillio J. Crosby, Ashland 17.50 Lydin Irish, Ashland 17.50 Catherine E. Silver, Ashland.. 17.50 Mary A. Hoke, Bulte Fulls. . . 8.00 Laura E. Stewart, Ilutte Falls 8.00 BLOODY BAHLE WITH FEDERALS WtOWXSVILLE, Tex., June 4. Following a twenty-four hour buttle, the federal garrison at Matamoras, Mexico, at live o'eloek this morning Hiirreudered to General Lueio Illauco, the Maderistn eommander. Illauco immediately opeued tho port ? entry and invited American physicians to cross tho boundary und attend thu wounded. Surgeons returning from the front report heavy losses on both sides but no defiuito estimates were obtainable. Many bodies wore found in tho elec tric light plant, tho federal strong hold, defended by ground mines nud live wires. Tho constitutionalists occupied the customs housp. EIS OF LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES, Col.. Juno 4. -Uy a majority of 924G votes Henry L. Rose Is elected mayor of Los An goles today aver John W, Shonk. Rose's vote, according to figures completed lato today by the city clerk, was 40,045, while Shonk polled 37,019. Rose Issued a statement today In which ho declared bin election menus tho "overthrow of tho Invisible gov ernment that has plundered thu city and stumping out ot private graft." Rosa and the new administration will uHHiimo office July 7. mm WIN OS MY 4! M y -