' 1 x PAGTCFOTJT. MEDFORff MATTJ TRIBUNE, MTTOFORT), ORKOON. TUESDAY. .UTNW it. mm. r H t . Medford mail tribune AN Fr7rRrKNIKNT NKWRt'AI'KK l'UDt.lHllMU HVKIir AFTKIINOON ISXCKPT HUNDAT IIV TIIM CKirr MKUFORI) rillNTINU CO. Tho Deniocrntle Times, Tim Mrilfon Mull. The Mcdfnnt Trlbuna, Tha Koulh rn oregonUm, Tho Aahlamt Tribune. omen Mnll Trlbunn llulliltnir. 3S-27-M North Fir street; telephone 75. OR0110I3 PUTNAM, Kdltor Ami Manasr E1 Kntarod as necond-clBui matter at Meilfonl. Oregon, under tha act of. March X, 1179. Official Paper of the City of Med ford. Official Paper of Jackson Countr. scascjuPTiOK bates. On year, by mall - - 15.00 On month, hy mall - .to Per month, dellxered tiy carrier in .MnlfonL JackaonvllU and Cen tral Point .SO Fattirdny only, by mall, per year. S.oo Weekly, per yenr - ., , 1.&0 IWOXR CIRCUUITIOX. Dally avernirn for eleven month! end ing November 30, lilt. l.Et. The, Mnll Tribune la on sale at tha Perry Nena Htaml, San Francisco, rortfand Hotel Ncwa fltnnd, Portland. Portland News Co.. Portland, Or. V. O. Whitney, Seattle. Vh, Pull Xascd vm uniua rrct Blarateht. HKLSINOTORS. Vin.iii.il, .luuc 3. The most formidable blow of the ninny alined at Finish nutonomv in thn nK few years, in the opinion of nil clahhcs lion, ivns tho bill brought np in the Kussinn Duma today nt St. Pclcrsbtirjj. The bill -m-nirea that nil Finns who resist ltiiSMnu-mndc laws must bo tried by n KiiM-ian court. Introduced by the ministry or jus tiro, the men-mrc is domiciled to nf l'eot nil offentes in which bureau cratic ingenuity enn discover the slightest semblances of )xliticnl mo tives, mid includes murder, nny nt took on jwilico or military, dumitgo done tti railways, mails telegraph or telephones, the mnnufacturo or snlc of bombs, and even nny attempt to prevent the application of Kiis-ian laws to Finland. The purpose is ad mittedly to sweep an ninny Fins nt ImismIiIc into the wide net of Ku.-ian laws and KiisMmi court procedure. It is even worse than the laws which George III of Knchiud evoked against the Colonics previous to the revolu tion. An explanatory statement filed by the ministry with the bill i mui! to ho full of eras misrepresentation, anioni; tho mot flagrant of which is the assertion thnt the oppo.-ition to "Hutfuificntion'' comes from only n small section of the Finnish coplo. This is made in the face of the fuet that the Finnish Diet, which is one of tlic'moxt representative nnd democra tic parliaments in (he world, is con tiiiual!y'vtid cuiphntu'ullv protesting against various fohus of ltusinti ns areision. E E PHILADELPHIA, June 3. The appointment of a muter to hear her unit for limited divorce from Eugene (JJruce, the Atlanta clubman, wns asked here today by Sirs. Daisy Grace, recently acquitted of shooting her husband with intent to kill. Mrs. Grace, announced, that if necessary, she would reveal the details of her life with Grace. Mrs. Gruco charges her husband with barbarous nnd cruel treatment. i BRYAN'S EDITOR GETS WASHINGTON", June 3.Advouu OV of the merits of William J. Ilryan for miinv years brought reward here today to Iliciiard L. Metcalfe, assist ant editor of lirynu's Commoner, when llryuii ngieed to appoint him lieail of the, civil government of the Pmiuum Cuual none. This puts Met calfo in line for tho govcruoridiip when tho zone is placed entirely under civil administration. J-r COMMUNICATION. Peary tlio Fakir. , To tho Kdltor.- -Mr. L. W. Whltlnu will fjud the "United States Geo graphical society" oxposed fully by Dr. Cook, Olio would uupposo It wns a government Institution by its name, hut It rU nothing but u prlvato club ilavoted to tho IntereutB of Peary, and Ponry Is Us president. Its VemVlljy und falsehood Is part of tliu diabolical machinations of Peary to ideal tho honor from Cook. Or gunlzulloim are often used to bolster unworthy causes, but tho fiOth cen tury should lo above treating Its horee.1 as the 10th century did Co- lunibua, 15. h. M'CLVKK. RUSSIA STEALING FINLAND' S FREEDOM TON E HOSTON', Juno 3. Tho prosecu tion was expected to complete Ita cvldcuco this afternoon against Will iam Wood, mllllonalro president ot tho American Woolen company, Fred erick Attcnux, n wealthy mill man, and Dennis Collins ot Cambridge, on trial hero on charges ot planting dynamite to discredit Lawrence mill strikers. Tho defense Is prepared to present Its caso Immediately. The cas a Is expected to go to the Jury Friday night. Tho prosecution will rest Its caso chiefly on tho testimony offered by Chauffeur lMra. He swore he car ried Attcnux In his machine to ttiu spot whero John J. Urecn, a Lnw renco undertaker, testified ho re ceived money from Atte.iux to carry on tho work nt tawrencc. Pirn wn ou tho stand three hours yesterday and was recalled this morning. All efforts by tho dofense attorneys to shake his testimony failed. As n final blow tho prosecution this morning Introduced n card Is sued by the tnxlcab company showing Pint's movements on January 13, 1012. Whllo examining tho card Juror Knos noticed It wns dated Jan uary. 1911. Instead of 1912. Tho defense Immediately challenged the card's competency, District Attorney Pollctlcr Immediately called for the company's books to show tho card was. actually fljlcd, out in 1912. IN WENDLINGS LIFE COQl'ILLK. Ore, Juno 3. A ro mance is today revealed in the life of J. F. Weudlinjr, nephew of G. X. Wcndlinir, the millionaire lumberman of San Francisco, through mi action for divorce brought here before Judge Coke, nnd which resulted in his heiu-; granted n decree ou the grounds of desertion. According to the evidence adduced nt the hearing Mrs. Weudliuir disap peared two years ago while her hus band wns employed by hie uncle nt Weed, Cnl., afterward writing him mi endearing letter in which it was stated that she had discovered that she had not been legally separated from a former husband and to make the bur den lighter for them both, had de cided to "drop out o sight." Wcndling nvorftl thnt regnrdler-s of the admonition of hi-, wife, he hud made diligent search for her, believ ing that he would have cleared up the legal obstacles nnd made her his Inwful wife, but was u!iMicce?t'ul in his rpieit. POISE, Idaho, June 3. Hy the adoption of a resolution strongly fav oring n central selling organization the Idaho-Oregon fruit growers' as sociation has today gone record as favoring nf filiation with the North Pacific Fruit Distribzutors associa tion. The delegates, who came from Southern nnd Southwestern Idaho and Eastern Oregon, were cuthuins tie in prftine of the work of the North Pacific fruit distributors' nssoeia tiou mid were instructed hy means of the resolution to urge tho various districts they represented luko im mediate action looking towurd the joining of the gssociutiou. A ASTORIA, Ore., Juno 3. Delloved to ho the youngest offenders ever ar rested in this city on a churge of burglary, Avery Italno, aged 7, Is to day commuted to the care ot tho Doys and (jlr)s Aid society, and Alvtn Jusslla, 9, Ib awaltlnt; u hearing. Tho lads aro alleged to havo brok en Into soveral residences and stores recently. Doth wero before tho pollco court Saturday hut wero released In euro of their parents. On tho same evening, It Is alleged, they broke Into a houso and securing a revolver, frightened other children In tho neighborhood. John A. Perl Undertaker Lady Assistant. 28 fi, IIAUTLKTT Phones M. 17 nnd 47-T-2 j Ainbulauco Scrvlco Deputy Coroner DYNAMITE A TRAGIC SUICIDE. . IN FROZEN NORTH FAtltUAXUS, Alaska, Juno :t. AVord of n tragic suicide and a new record In cost of coroners' Inquests wns received hero today In a report from United States Commissioner 13. J. Stler, of tho remote Kuskokowlnt district. The report tells or tho finding by n, trader named Hlshop ot tho body of 13. C. Tnwney, a trapper. 1 10 miles from Georgetown on tho Stony rlxor. .Stler, on hearing ot tho find, notified the marshal and had n coroner's Jury sworn In. Tho Juror loaded four 'sleds with biippllcs nnd started for 'he scene, but did not reach It for a week as there was no trail. They found Tawncy's body In his tent. Ilo had tied u string to tho trigger of his shotgun and blown tho top ot his head off, nttor killing his tdog as It lay asleep at the foot of his couch. Pinned to tho bed was n ;note on rough paper. "February Abot 12, 191.1. "My leags al swelled up I can 'l) early walk. I can hardley breathe can't sleep nt night. Wood Is getting Jmposslblo I guess I mlto as well qulto wenko walk about 25 ft. vorry slowly. K. C. TAWXKY. "Skins go to bury mo." Two days' work was necessary to dig n grave In tho froien earth. An itemized bill of costs shows that tlu Inquest and funeral cost $1072. The six sktun brought $72. IN DEFENSE OF HONOR SEATTLE. Wush., June 3.- "I am vorry he i dead, but I had to kill him nnd I feel no rcmore," said Mrs. Jen nie Perry, IS, who is held in the nui tron'rt department of the city jail with her three babies, for shooting Louis Perrioa, '20, in dcfen.se of her honor. The shooting followed n fifteen minute struggle between the man nnd woman und was witnessed only by the babies, the oldest of which is less than three years old. The dead man and the woman's husband lire ea cooks mid hud been doe friends for three yearn. Perrv is a cook on the steamer Senator nnd Perrioa on the Spokunc. Perry brought his wife here a week ago from Snn FrancNco. Perry sailed on the Senator last Sunday nud last night Perrien came to their home. MURDERER SURRENDERS AFTER MAKING ESCAPE SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., June 23. Augclo Gen'oviisc, u laborer, who shot mid killed his wife, Dominica mid seriously wounded her companion, Tomno Corratu, in his home Jiere Inst February, surrendered to the K)lice this morning mid wns booked ou a murder charge. Gcuovnse told the police thnt he fled to Itcuo, Nev., after the shooting but utter consid ering tho matter decided to return and stand trial. He walked up to a IMiliceman on the street mid sur rendered. ' II ,I0 SCHALL MURDER CASE . WITNESSES EXAMINED SAN FRANCISCO, Cul., June 3,. Finnl witnesses who will appear in the Schall murder trial here, wcru examined by the federal grand jury this afternoon. George F. Schall, who is accused, through this testi mony of murdering his wife and three children with uu ax at the Presidio here, will he brought from Portland tomorrow if mi indictment against him is returnee) by the jury, us is ex pected. EIGHT INJURED IN MASSACHUSETTS COLLISION LAWRENCE, Musw., Juno 3.--Eight persons were injured, none fa tally today when u Boston and Maine train collided with a shuttle train at South Lawrence. Tho couches caught fire, but the blaze was soon extin guished. Mens Clothing Cleaned and Pressed FIRST CLASS WORK Suits $1.25 Punts SO Coat nnd Vest 75 1017 W, 9th St, WOMAN BARTER AND TRADE (Continued from Yesterday.) Hy C. I J. Whlsler. Hy tho use ot tho foregoing tnblo for the comparison- of values it would lie easily possible for those produc ing In elo'o proximity to make equal exchanges of tholr surplus products, because bulk which Is u Impediment lo long transportation would not In this caso bo an Impediment, Hut ns trade relations become ex tended over u vastly wldoned field tho east of this transference of bulk becomes n menace to exchange, be muse tho labor which Is expended 'it tho transportation of tho products to be exchanged does not add to tho In herent value of the products nnd Is equivalent to so much labor lost. Tho effect of which Is to hinder and to proNont tho exchange of surplus Vrodurts. If you wore growing sheep In this valley and a suit ot clothes cost five sheop tit the factory tho labor re quired to transport tho sheep would be greater than tho labor required to transport tho clothes, and possibly moro than tho entire cost of clothes nnd sheep combined, besides tho fac tory would be compelled to tio nblo to handle and enro for sheep, and nothing whatever added to the Inher ent valuo of either. It Is readily seen thnt tho law of conservation would opernto to em ploy some medium of exchange thnt would Insuro tho minimum expense ot Inhor with n maximum of snfetv, and still ho computed tu loo base which Is labor, Hut It Is found thai tho moment attempt Is made to exchange cqulvv lents through n medium that the medium Itself must possess the equivalents of value of either of the products to bo oxrhnnged, If not In single units then In an Increased number of units. It must act as tho roimsltory for the Inherent vnluo of either of tho products to bo ex changed and must therefore of neces sity possess within Itself Inherent value. Labor to he of valuo must bo ex pended In the relieving of tho wants nnd necessities of mankind, and not regarded as so murh exorcNo For Instance If I labored hard for n year to remove a mountain wMch when removed would In no trny tieneflt GIRLS WHO ARE PALE, NERVOUS May Find Help in Mrs. EN stem's Letter About Her Daughter. BarllnRton, Iowa.-"LydIa E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has cured my uaugntor or weakness. She wm troubled almost a year with it and complained of back ache, so that I thought sho would bo an invalid. Sho was ontiroly run down, pale, nervous and without appe tite. I wai very much discouraged but heard of Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vege table Compound through friends and now I praise it because. It ha. cured my daughter. "-Mrs. F.M. Elston, It.D. No. 3, Burlington, Iowa. Caso nf Another Girl. Scanlon, Mlrm. "I usecltn b both ered with nervous spells, and would cry If anyone was cross to mo. I got aw ful weak spells especially In tho morn ing, and my appetite wm poor. I also hod n tender placo in my right alda which pained when I did any hard work. I took Lydla E. Pinkham'a Veg etable Compound and my symptoms alt changed, nnd I am certainly feeling fine. I recommend it to every suffering woman or girl. You may use this let ter for thegood of others." Miss ELLA Olson; 171 Cth St., Virginia, Minn. Young OlrlB, llccdTLLs Advice. Girls who aro troubled with painful or Irregular periods, backacho, headache, dragging-down sensations, fainting spells or IndlgesUon.should Immediately ek restoration to health by taking Ly dla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. Your Baking Will Be a Success In every particular. Wo havo inado It so by our scientific muii ufacturo of CRESCENT N BAKING POWDER Which baa two power units Ono works Im mediately upon contact with moisture In tho dough and tho other works gradually as tho food bakes. All Oiocors at 25c a pound Crescent .MiuiiifactiirJiiK Co, Seattle, Washington MLCTWNQLFFX'jhuj hiankludi what would 'my Mhor bo worth per day? Answer, nothing. Again that tho valuo ot labor can Only bo mo.iHttrcd by thn rcturnn for tho energy expended rail bo readily veou by tho following parallel: HuptMMo this J ear I plant uu ncro of potatoes upon which I expend 10 days of tabor. Tho elements aro not propitious, It Is either too hot or too cold, too wet or too dry and ns n losult of my labor I leap fiO bushels of potatoes, Hut tho next )cur I plant tho same acio of laud to pota toes, mid expend tho sanio amount of labor, It Is neither too hot nor too cold, too wot or too dry and ns n result of my labor 1 reap i!50 bushels of potatoes. Question, What In' tho valuo of a day's labor computed In potaloesT It Is evident that It Is not tho same for both years, there fore uu nvorngo iniiHt bo struck In order to arrive nt an adequate solu tion. Now ns labor cannot he transferred from place to placo It cannot art as a medium ot exchange. Hut may still form tho basis of computation by se curing somo commodity upon which latior has been expended which may net ns n medium of exchnngo nnd tho vnluo of tho products to ho ex changed Is computed In thn valuo of tho medium In thn on mo proportion ns tho labor In thn product Is to thn Inhor In tho medium, mid so labor Is still thn basis of nlue. History Is replete with the experi ments that hnve been made In an effort to find tho most satisfactory prndurt to bo used as such a medium mid wampum, hides, corn, tobacco, sheep, cattle, salt, slaves nud, lastly, metals of ninny nrletles havo all had their tryniit through tho most scien tific law yet known, which Is Her bert Sponcor's law of "Survival of tho fittest." Conservation Is mi essential ele ment In this medium. Wampum wan easily crushed. Tho worms nnd the moth nto thn hides, tho corn nnd to bacco moulded nnd rotted, tho, sheep, rnttlo nnd slaves died, tho salt melted, while of the metals somo were soft and wore nway while of others some rustod, somo corroded, some wero too light and somo wero loo heavy Hut science stayed on thn Job, (To Ho Continued.) FOR SALE Small Irrigated ranch near city reservoir. Houso, barn, shed, etc, Telephoiio nml city water. Family orchard, berries, garden. Now free toll all planted. Ideal location for market gardening, berries or small orchard. Duy this ranch now nud got tho benefit of this year's crop. II. L. M HH.tr, Owner Phono 10IS-L. "Fathor grows youngor every day." And bis now photograph hits him to a "T." Tho old portrait taken twenty years ago, mndo him look so serious and old-fushloued not a bit Ilka hu really Is, Wo wouldn't part with It of course Hut Uu t It splendid to havo a pic ture ot him as wo know him Just ris ho looks today. And father says Hint ho'a glad ha gave In mid had It made thnt hav ing your pluturo tnkou Is far from nu unpleasant experience nowadays. There's a photographer lu your town. H. C. MACKEY Htuillo L Main and Central Mcdford, Ore. Draperies Wa carry very comnlato Una of drap-rlcn, tuan ourfalna, rlituren. Ho, and ilo alt cUsara of unliolatrrlnu. A special man lo look an-r this work nxclualvrly nn! will lvo aa kooiI aervlco ua In Iiomlblo tu t in even tha lursvit clllcn. Weeks & McQowan Go. JtKADI.SO Tin: m:vh Is not very easy wiien tho oyes nro weak or tho gldsseu aro faulty, if you find your eyesight troubling you whether you ho young or old do not delay but como and have them examined and treated nt once. I will select for you tho lenses thnt will help your Night oxaetly, und the 'cost will be trifling In comparison with tha benefit you receive, Dr. Rickert Hyosight Rpechillst Over Koutiiar'H. jSv-i JU s- itTafc-i Tho Mnn Wlir Put th , K K h Ih r E B T , Look for Tilt Ttmlr.MntV I'lo lino mi the Lntlwttit burin ALLEN'S F00T-EASE The AmIIiiIc t"nmUr for Ten. tier. Acliln I'rrl. Hottl tin v. wltflt.JV. SnmpjOj'llltlt. AililrtM, I t, OLM3TKB, I Hoy, M, V. Bittner's Real Estate & Employment Bureau FOIt s.m.i: in tieres, !ft ncreii In nltalfu, very good buildings; close to Medrord; with stock. Prlco 17000. Hood stork nnd alfalfa ranches, In Applegalo; wilt take some city prop orty an part payment. UIO arru ntoelc much, Improved. Prlco I'JO ier ncro. 4 act oh, u miles out, flue 8 room bungalow-, gnrden, berries. Prlco, $3000. Hood modern I room houso, lot 50 xino. Prlco t300. lustnllmoiit plan. -t room house, lot SOxtOO ft., Hear rieok laud, somo fruit nud berries. Price, tOCO; $300 will handle this. Nice modern R room houso In Med ford to exrhmtgo for stock ranch: will pay some difference. 010 acres In Antelope valley, Cat., mid fine $12,000 rcsldonru In Oak land, Cnl., to trade for developed orchard In Hoguo Itlvor valley. flood teams. $-'75 lo $ ISO. Jersey cuww, $15 to $7C. KMPt.OY.MKNT tllrls and women for general hoiun work. Woman rook ou ranch, $30, Itnuch hands. Wood choppers. Man and wlfo ou ranch. MRS. EMMA BITTNER He-.. Phono 10tM).. Phono H.1H. Oppotdto Xnsh Hotel ItOOMH 0 and 7. I'AUl tlU)(7K.' You can make your wlfo supremely happy by advising her to give up thn hot, exhausting task of doing (ho family baking, and Insisting 011 the purchaso of bread, rolls, pies, cukes, etc , etc , from our Hakury. MEDFORD BAKERY & DELICATESSEN 11! H. OnlrM E. D. Weston Official Photographor of the Mcdford Commorciai Club 'AYrmlcur Finishiug Post Cards Panoramic Work Portraits Interior ami exterior vioVB Flash lights Nogativcs made anv time and any placo by appoint ment. 208 E. Main Phone 1471 "Defeated" doein't sound at harih as "beaten," but it doein't alter tho acorn. Moyho the score would hava been chanued if your hit had none just a little bit farther, out of reach of tho fielder. Anyway, using n Cork Center bnll, you would have that chance. Illg leauuers say it it 10 lo IS per cent, livelier than llie old style rub. ber center ball, which makes It just lively enouuh to give interest to n game, but not too much lo make the game u farce. Pitcher aay tho Cork Center is easier to handle and fielders testify that it flics mora accurately than the old rubber core A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 1C6 Geary St., San Francisco The Spoiling dealer will he glad to give a iuUIiiku to aiiyoiiu. lMw7UrT Auxrj WHERE TO GO TONIGHT STAR THEATRE COOL COV COMl'OHTAIII.IJ HPHOAIr-TOHAV NPl.l'IAIi HIJAHTIIHt. MAIIIA.V Li:uN.ltl In Her Tieuimutuun Kuctowi "AS IN A M)OKIN(i (IliAHM" In Three Keels This positively Is mi undisputed pic torial iiehloiniuelit. Also ttioil 1'ivt of Comedy 1IMMI When It loiues to tlio production of Pho(o-Ph)N thn ritnr remains lit I bo load. rnilllCHT AMI iVOOIAVOHTIt Peerless Interpreters of Photopluss i i l.vr.uv Anr.itNoo.v and i:vi:- NINO I ADMISSION' .1 AM 10 CKNTH lllllti: TOMOItltOW lll.lll. ' Marlon Leonard's trouinndons siiiceii "AS IN A l.tMlKINO WI.ASH" Matchless Mandolin Massive PAGE THEATRE . MONDAY AND Tt'HHDAY Till: MAN WHO DAHHD Thrilling Z-lteot Story depleting l.lfo In tho I'roMii North. 'Mil: PKIMA DO.S.N'A A Throbbing .Story of Hinge Llfu Till.' .MY.STHHIOl'S HD IMP Comedy llenr Our I'lin Ploro On heitrn, under direction of Prof. Ilonrll Matlueo Cvcry H.iturdny mid Hiiudiy .30 to l Admission .'.e mid 10c. tM-tt IHHMHtttHHil ISIS THEATRE ' Vl'our Heels l.liciiM-d I'll lures '.', Taos, and Wed. Programs ;; patiii: wi:i:ki.v no. hi t ', ', Flood and Cyclone Number t Till: hPY'H DI.'I'CAT Z A strong Kssauay feature In T two parts, I thi:hi:s .mpsio in Tin: I IIAIU Vltngniph Comedy 4. With John lluuiiy und Flora Finch Mush' mid Kffcrts 4 AilinN'loii .1 anil III (.'euls Matinees I Lilly Coining Friday; t a wisi: old i:m:piiant X Hellg auliual font tiro In - twirls I PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Boating All Work rruaratitMd i I'rk'OM Iti-aaonabla COFFEEN & PRICE H Howara Blook, Entrance on Mb It, Xoiua Plions 34f. AT rOUNTAINB,HOTCLa,On KLSCWHKnC Get the I . Original nd Genuine , , HORLICK'S MALTED MILK "Otfott-au JmitatiM' ThcFoodDrinlcforAllAjics RICH MIHC, rMALT GRAIN EXTRACT, IN ruWDEft Not in any Milk Trust Insist on "HUKLICK'S" Take u pakn bout yjJkSfe iu