t r r ,; r-fl'WM4t'J MKDFOKD TVrATr; TRTmJNFi, mKDFOim, OUmON, TITKKDAV, J (INK 3, 1013. ' FRIEDMANN'SCURE IS DENOUNCED BY E 01 BROTHER ('(II.(IIJAI)O HI'IMNdM, Coin, ilium .'I Di'iHMiiii'lim llin iiHimi til' )i, I'lt'di'iick I'liuiy. Kiii'ilinnnii in Hcllini: IiIm IiiIioii'IiIiinIm iin ti "kiumh injimliim In iiinnhliiil, "l)r. A. ('. II. F.lnli.iMiin, InolliiT ill' lii lli'ilin ilUi'iiM'icr, to. limii'il hern Iniliiy limn tln oiihI, nlium hit wiil In iiiKini nuaitiNt llin Will'. "No ctliii'itl. Iiiili'i'il, I mil V mm, no mrilii'iillv llilnMni; iiliviifliui will nmc tint I'lic'iliimiiii icini'ilv under oxi! Inu foiiililliiiiH," hiiIiI Dr. A. ('. II. I'lt'lilinium. "I would not hlutim my lnollirr I'nr living in tcnlim n icn miiiiiIiIc fitiiiui'iiil ii'iiiiini'riiliiiii I'nr llU ll'llllllv lllll'll it WI1H I'NlftlllixllI'll Unit Ilic Iri'iitiui'iil U nil tluil U ItlililllCil f,l il, lull llIU til'lt up in hiiuIi it wnv f lift t onlv II M'lV miiiiII IM'rci'lllllU'i' of ItllllTi'llllU hllfloil'IM limy iimiII lliiiiinrlM'H o' It. "1 Ih'IIihc my lirotlii'i i mi tho right truck but pin II v uinlcntloimlh Iin Iiiih ilonit t ililuir in nlmi'iim iiinl luliilinln llm pitHNihlltii'M of hi IIh'(ICI V, lilt lllllilllM til IlltVl! fouinl iiiul luiltlvnli'il it liiii'illiix uliirli, In. ji'fti'il into it ttilii'ri'iiliir iirKiiiiUin, ailillulN ii Npi'cirii' ri'iti'lion iiiul iiiii'l( mIiowh I'liiiiii'iit iMiinliM1 prnpi'rlirit nf tin MiiiniiH fnrniH nf liilicri'tiliixiN. Hut llin ii-Hiilli en far nhlitiuril in Atni'rii'ii ilu not (,uiniiotiil uilli tluine itwcrtioiu." i DIED. HTANI.UY.Mih. Mnry I. Hluiilii), Mho left AmIiIiiiiiI itlioiil nix WI't'HH hko. ill"! Hnttmtny. Mn' 31. nt tint hiiunt of Iht hoii, CcorKtt HtHiilcy, lit KiiKtii' Him wiik f.! inrH 7 niiiutlpi mul.:.t ilit)M nlil. Tin- ri'innlim Mro Inti'i-ri'il nt A nil In ii it .Miiinluy. MEDFDRD WIL L CELEBRATE JULY 4 A KiiiiiIIi of .Inly (olnlirittloii wiih iliiloriuluitil uinii for Mnilfonl Ainu iluy iivnnliiK nt ii iiiiihh ini'i'tliiK railed liy tlin .MnrrliuutH' iihsdi'IiiIIoii lit tho illy hull. At tho nitiolliir. Momlny nljtlit I' C (IiiiIiIIii wiih I'lioiuiu iii'riiiituiiiit ohitlr iiwtii, .1. W. Dliiiuiiml, m'rriitiuy, ituil John Hliiirlilitn, Irimsunir. Tlio fol IowIiik rouitiillti'DH worn appeinted: I'liiitniii mill (ixnciitltM .Mayor W. VV. Clfi'it, Dr. J. I.. Holms, II. D. Att llrlili'. I'locraiM II V WltliliiKtoii, A K. Witro, (!. t: (IiiIim. Ailviirllfilur, -Umi. I'ulniilii, H. H. Huillti, A. H Itoiti'iiliitiiin. I'nriulii -(' H, Lolm, A. .t. Viinco, I. II, HiihUImh, H. IMeliiirdniiii, Kd An drown. Huci-)r J. I. lli-liiiH. H. Wolf, H. I. Ilrown, J. W Dlnuioiiil. Dm'iinUIni! A. (J. lltitiliiinl, II. Khun, Vnu It I'lenxiu. It wan ilt'rliluil that uu uiuioitiilonrt mIII Iin ttritnti'il for Hid day Hint inn- flirt wllli tliu Illinium tnipornn of tlm ill) ami H. I. Ilrown uml II, Willi ItiKlou worn iippoliitml to look aflvr tliu mum. P3TO15 TFTRIIT! 1 MRS. F. D. WAGNER'S FATHER PASSES AWAY IN KANSAS lll'NTI.KY-John Huntley of Ash litinl pnHncil unity nt lili lionni Hun day iiiornliiK. rmn'riil mtrvlnw worn liclil from lint family residence Mini tiny. Hit iih liorn nt Wont Ili'inl, WIn. Alnrrli 3. isr.'j. ami has lioon n rtwldtiiit of Aolilninl for nrnl Jf.trn Ho lciiM'rt HONunil tlitlilnm Warm Weather Pretllctcil. I'DHTI.ANI), n'., .iiintt :. -Wt'iillitT fiin'i'iini:Ori'i:tiii anil Vnli iiiKteu: Fair lonllit ami Vilmi. lav; rontiniiMl wnriii; uiiiiIm mntly Mixlrtlv .Mri P I). Wnsni'r riTi-hnl a trie kiiiiii .Mrtnorinl day liriuciuif tin inl ni'MK 01 inn iii'iiin oi iht iniiii'r, V. K. Ciim', at Iiiht lionni in Clirrrv Vnlc, Knu., NiivK tin' AmIiIiiiiiI Ti.Iiiikk. Wliiln (hriv mito no partifiiliiM an ,oiiipanif men to tint i'iiiikc of liU ili'iitli, In' lind lici'ii miIiji'1'I to iittai'kH or licart failiin. uml it t iipHin'il that our of tln'fi i'liUKi'il In ili'iitli. Mrn. Wiikiht li'fl Sntuiilav moruiiiu for Porllaml, wIiito hlif will lm joined In Iht i. I it, Mihn Ida Ciihi', I'liniii'ilv a li-iirh-it in ilu' Axlilaml ki'IiimiIk, lint uo tfiii'liiui; in Tiii'ouin, mid tlu-v will jouriit'y loui'tlitT to llinr old liniutt to atti'iid tint ttiiii'ral. .Mr. Wiikiht ix ill California iimui mi miio trip mid I'liltld not lm iTiirhrd liy wirt'. 'Dip llirci' lllllc moiim of .Mr. mid .Mm. Wiikiht ri'iinutinl in tlic city, licint: THREE LODES TO INSTALL A MILL A mi'i'liiiK of Uu- 'J'lui'i! l.nili'H iMIiitni: oi'iiipanv, wuh lirld Snliiiiliiy lllllTIIOOll. Till) iollflU'iMK llllll'IT. wi'ii- i'Iiohiiii I'nwiilmil, C, W. Wiclo-liiiio; li'c pii'nidi'iil, Win. .1. Ki'ott; Hi'i'intiuv and iniiniiKiT, A. T. Kiowu; tri'iimiriT, c(Ioiki' IJ. I.iiidli'y, diriTloiK, Win. .1. Kfoll, 0. M. HiiN liv, N. i. TovMiiii'iid, Haw, C. W. Wii'Uli;iiin, ,1. Klipplt uml A. T. Down, Tin1 roiiipiny ouiin rit'lili'i'ii I'lniuin on Hit' Oiinlu mid I liy Yank wiim in lilt' Halji'i' cri'i'k ilixlrifl. Nrxt to tint Ali'iiii'iln tliU Ih lint lari-itl Kinup in lliiM Diiiumim dixtrii't. Il wuh di'i'iili'd nt tint uii'i'llui: to iiixlall u mill and otliiT iiiiii'liiuiT.v whii'h will nlvi' a daily ciipncilv of at Ii'iimI 1(10 loiiM, TIiih plant will, how i'mt, In' only it unit of lln lurjtiT n iliii'tinu worl.M wluili will liu iiiHlalliid lali'r. Tin' flnlii'N ilihlricl h now lircoin iiijj ni-lixi'. Tin' Oiiolf wliicli in jui north ol lu Thri'ii I.oiIiim will hao lU lie nt imiIIh in opi'iutiou in u tutv ilnH, mid hiiii'ii tin' ore iin- of nry Inch urinli' it in i'i'lil it will en lariii' hhmlly. Tint Kuiir Pine, whii'h joiiiM the Tlin-f lnlifi on tho wont, U now woikinc UKiiin. The Ali'iindii, lllnck lli'iir, mid other ipmrlr iiiim-M nnir ant all ucliw. I,. W. Whitiuir, How iictinj; hk on tiiut'iT lor llin loiiipiiiiy, Iiiim hfoii in California Inli'h I'xaiiiiiuu millH and uiiiiiiik iniii'liiniTN. in ordiT to olitaiii tin1 kind whiih it iniiht uilaptfd to tint FEWCONTRIBUTONS AN E H OF FORTY-EIGHT TOY Ni:V YOHK, .Juno !l New York Ih up iiKitliiKt It for fiimlH to provl lit a ilnnccrlftiH I'ourtli of July (ulolir.i Hon, It wiih miiiouiiKMl lodfiy Hint aflor tint "rnfu uml whim (oinmttti'i'" hint lii'uii hoIIcIHiik f tin (Ih for nlioiit 10 ilayA, It him In liiiuil Idkii thiiii 10.000. Two Hioiimiiiil of thin wan loft over from Inct your. Tho $10. 000, mild Hut rotnmltU'O In Its nn notinromcnt toilay, len't n drop In the Inickut, for It litkon homctliliiK llko ir.O.lWO to 100,000 for tlm lilic town In prtipcirly rohilirHlf tho hIkiiIiii; of thti Dcclnrntlou of Itulnpoiiilcncr. Nitw York, cliilinlnu tho nrlKlruil piitcuX on thn rourth unnoly colulmit ihI, fci'la It In of iiadon-w'lilo Impor t ii ii co Hint l'nthT Knlikorhockitr kiopH up tint kooiI work. In thn lo rn I (ommlttcc'M plon for fiiinln hoiiid InliTitHtliiK, flKiirtiM roRiinlliiK df rrciiiifH In tho I'ourtli ilcntli roll tilnro unfit and mine proKranm with Inntl tnli'il n ro kIvoii. In IU0!) I'l.' wcro killed; r.09Z Jnjureil. In 1 HI 0 1.11 wont killed, 27V2 Injured. In 1911 57 wont killed, in IC Injured. In VjVI il wero killed ami 017 Injured. Uf tho dentin) throughout thn coun try InHt year thcro went two In Chi riiKo, two In Philadelphia, nnd two In Detroit. New York City liml only ono fatality, nnd r,8 Injured. In Phil itik'lphlu 127 wero Injured. EPWORTH LEAGUE CHOSESGRANTSPASS FOR 1914 MEETING LONDON. Juno a KitiK ioori; today (elehrnted hU nth birthday, nnd In honor of thn exeat milutea wero fired nnd flni;n hohtted at every unvnl and military Million through out thu llrltlhli empire. At nwry KnrrlHou town In oery llrltlt.li poh- eared for at thu home of their aunt hi-dhIou mllltitry parndeH wero held, uml uiiele, .Mr. mul .Mi-. A, I!. Kin- j tho tiiont Important holm; that In ney. .Mr. Ciihc Imil iMted lieto ine- I laiiidon. where on the npneloiiH Horoo eiul timen ald lotiiii'd a eirelit oi' fiiciiilrt who will siueerelv regret to learn of hU death. .Mm. Wauurr mid faiuilv luie the CMiipnthv of all in their hereitM'ineul, (liniriU pnruile KrotindH nt St Jainett' I'nrk tho kltiK ro lowed M RiiunU nnd (ondiirted tho pIctureHquo nnd linprcHhUo cttremony known rn ' trooping of tho cotom " IGNORANCE ROAD LAWS LEADS TO COLLISION Ilecnimo younK AlncDonnld had romo no recently from llrltlnh Co Itimuln Hint ho had not learned to turn to tho rlKht rather than tho left, ho exenped denth hy n narrow mnrgln when ho collided with 1'rult Inspec tor J. W. .Meyer's atitomohllo nt T o'clock Monday, Tho wheel tho younK man was riding wim completely de molished and ho wan badly bruised nnd itcrntched. .Mr AIoerH wnii roIiir toward Con- trnl Point nt tho time, nnd expected J AlncDonnld to turn to tho rlKht nn usual. Tho latter on tho contrary expected Air. Aleyern to turn to tho left, nn In Canndn, nnd turned to tho loft himself. Tho car nnd hlcyclo col lided with great lolcncc, bo Hint Air. MncDonnld'a escnpo Is remarkable Ho wns tnken to Dr. Porter's office for repairs. With Afrdford tradols ATcdford made. The Snulliern Oregon Kpuorlli League eoneiitiiiii at Ashland con eluded i'Im InliorH nnd adjourned Ktin ilny exonint; after nn ii'dilrefH hy Dr. Ilolmmi, preHideut of Willauibtle L'ni vornily. (JrantH Pom wiih selertcd for tho JIM 1 convention. Tho fol lowing nfficurn wore cleeleil: I'ri'Miileut l!nt! Yoiiiik. OranU PmH. Hrht Viee.J'roHidcnl Oleiiii Con well, Meilfonl, .Second Viee-l'roident .Myrtlo (Hciim)ii, Cent rat Point. Third Viee-ProMiilenl Anna Cald well, RoHchurt,'. Fourth Vieo-Preldent- Klaueho WIImoii, Wilbur. Seerotao Kolnnd JeffroyK, (irnut Piihm. .TreiiHiircr IJ. Jt, Chileothc, Ivlnm nth PiiIIh. Junior I.ciikiiu Kuperintcndcnt Jessie llathawuy, ANlilaud. ()cr 100 ileleKiilcs wero in ntlend- nuee, ninonc (hem huini; tlio lollow i'iik: Prom Afcilfenl: Hernicc Smith, Velinn WooiIh, Annio J. Hatcmnn, Virginia Carder, IMith Chidehtcr, II. I). .Miiuuint;, Ilarel I. Dean, K. 0. Conklin, Ileniiee Ciirder, Olcnn I). Conwell. Jtn. (Jlenu 11. Conn oil, .Mary lle-, lMmi Itnndle, Italp Hal eotn, Leon Law ton, Percy Woods, .Mm. Percy Wood, II. A. Canady, Ocuro J. Kunrmnn. Mnr Tinker. Prom Centrnl Peint: Pcnrl Pan key, Auilrv Ilolmco, (Jladys HoImcH, Jexxio Chnuncey, Hither Pankry, .MeKiu Kllcxtad, .Mrtle (ilenson, Myr tle Dunteit, l'nieit .Miiuith, Frederic Aldrieh, Kate Ame. Lowell (Irim, II. N'. Alilrich, Amies Dunlap. From (lohl Hill: W. II. Ilanoy, Mary Newton, Lily Stenrim, Ida KteartiH. C. K. Johm-on Hcujamin Iiav mond, (Icorcc Ivcron, Norn Newton, Frank M. Aery, II. W. Dincnberry, C. N. Kluxer, Mr-,. Celin I). Shiver, Claude Shixcr. Mr. W. II. Harvey, Leda Harvey, Opal Harxey. From Jacksenville: II. W. Rum mell, F.niot Neidcnnojer, Ora Stout, Mm. Urn Stout, Alice Iloefs, Chnr Jev Abbott. From Talent: L. C. Lily, George K. Jeffri'V, Clarence Jeffrey. 1 Se; Ia ir--i, T-KjHi nniv uira Expense Stops WHaii ?P v.. VSB. A UUi Cooking Stops Tint i ono at the big advantage! of tha New Perectioir mvizmrmn rii ; m r t.titi Oil Cook-stove When you are through cooking jrou'aimply turn out the flame. There ! no watte of fuel. And yet you can have full heat again when it's wanted, by merely striking a match. The NEW PERFECTION COOK STOVE U much neatef nnd cleaner than an ordinary range; no dirty fuel; no ashes. Ask your dealer for the New Perfec tion Stove. It bakes, broils, roasts or toasts. For But Rtislls W Rxai PEARL or EOCENE OIL SMInlalk PORTLAND SAN FRANCISCO The Jackson County Bank Ol' .Mi:i)IOHI), OUKGOX SollcitH tho deposits nnd general business of individual firms nnd corjKjrntlons. Courteous consideration always given every request nnd tho very host terms extended that nro consistent with good busluess methods. CAPITA Ij AND HUIU'LU.S $17.1,000 Interest paid on time deposits Safe Deposit Boxes, W. I. VAWTER.. .. c. w. Mcdonald.. O. It. LINDLUY..... ........ -..I'rcaldont ..... Cash lor .Vlco-Prosldont B ;;;;:;: V ? ? ? T ? ? ? Y ? ? ? ? t ? ? ? r r f t ? ? ? ? ? y t y ? ? y y y t ? t y y y y y ? ? y y Now Is the Time to Order Your FRUIT BOX LABELS Printed in colors, plain or fancy, to order, special designs; samples and estimates will be furnished on request; quality guaranteed Recent improvements in the art of printing make the printed label superior to the lithographed. In fact, printing is fast rendering lithographing obsolete. It is cheaper and more effective. Fruit grown in the Rogue River Valley should be shipped under labels made in the Rogue River Valley. Patronize home industry. We are fully equipped to do your work at the right prices. " MEDFORD PRINTING COMPANY MAIL TRIBUNE BUILDING u P"SMM i i i . ii i i i i ii i i il I ,i .1 i i n ,i i i i ii ,i in. y y y y y y x y y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y 3 1 -.rv;.ei j I i f. 1