- ' MOE SIX MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OlUOdOtf. MONDAY. ,HWR 2. J0JH. .! t v-j- .i, uev-.i-.i- -' iiUHLUU-IK'l-U ...i ,'JU !. 1'1.17'HJ T- M. IY June 3rd to 13th -, 1 1 tmm in m mi n i m IMr Jr. ' HMHMHRNIMHHH TV .DW Sale I.Mi,' !( ft U AJL ft ft H BTj VI i &ii?A . ( SB V - i i UK wmmtigsirfy&::. "WHUBftfV . z qnnHP. ;' r. ""will HIIIHM"" . 'Kerchiefs for Women 1 lot Now Alpine Initial ITnmlkfs., 00c values, now 33? 1 lot New Alpine Initial ITnmlkfs., G0e-75e values, now...39?" 1 lot New Alpine Initial Handkfs., 35e values, now 25? 1 lot Now Plain Initial Handkfs., 15e values, now 240 Emerald Lawn Handkerchiefs, 10e values, now 500 Emerald Lawn Handkerchiefs, 5c values, now INCLUDED IN THIS SALE 200 Ladies' Standing Collars, 15c values, at 200 Ladies' Standing Collars, 20c and 2oe values, at 12 5? Muslin Underwear SMMn jraavR,Bio twmhi at i ur.v i rnKmril j rl Ftu 'MdVLBHtM Wif VlM 1 lot 75c, Ladies' Drawers, values at 45 1 lot Ladies Skirts, value Toe, at 45? 1 lot Ladies' Combinations, tfl value, at 65 1 lot Ladies' Gowns, $1 value, at 65? 1 lot Ladies' Skirts and Corset Covers, $1 values, at 65? 1 lot Ladies' Combinations, $1.75 illUCy IXXf MTMyXiM(l 1 lot Ladies' Combinations, $2.50 VUlllCy ilt M.yi.iUt) 1 lot Ladies' Combinations, $3.00 value, at $1.95 1 l6t Ladies' Combinations, $5.00 value, at $3.45 1 lot Short Skirts, Corset Covers, $1.50 value, at 95 1 lot Long Skirts, $1.75 value, at $1.15 1 lot Long Skirts, $3.50 value, at 2.25 1 lot Ladies' Corset Covers, G5c-75c values, at 45?" 1 lot Ladies' Marcella Drawers at 95? 1 lot Ladies' Marcella Drawers, $2.50 value, at $1.65 White Aprons 1 lot "White Aprons, 25c value, now 21?" 1 lot White Aprons, 35c value, now 27? 1 lot White Aprons, 50c-60c value, now 39c II Ten Days' Sale H f.k FEE ft 2, ff MrvW ft BVpv Choose Now While the Extreme Reductions Are in Force Embroideries 1 lot .()-hi. Flouncing, $2 values, now $1.19 1 lot -Ill-inch Flouncing, 75c values, now ...,48 .1 lot Heautiful Handing, $1.35 and $1.50 values, now.. .95 X lot 27-in. Flouncing, $1.50 values, now ...$1.10 1 lot HJ-iii. Flouncing Voile, $1.00 valuoM, now $2.95 .1 lot Narrow Embroidery, 10c value, now 5o 1 lot Hcautiful Small Insertion and Lace. You can find anything you want in thm department, and now is the time to buy. New Lace Neckwear Ladies' Lace Collars, $1.25 grade, at 85 Ladies' Lace Collars, $1.00 value, aL 05f Ladies' Lace Collars, 75c grade, at 50 Ladies' Lace Collars, 50c grade, at 29 Ladies' Lace Collars, 35c grade, at 19c Ladies' Lace Collars', $3.00 grade, al $1.95 Ladies' Lace Collars, $2,.50-'gradc,-at $1.65 Ladies' Embroidered Collars, (Jfic grade, at ..43 Ladies' Embroidered Collars,' 25c grade, at 19 DUTCH COLLARS in white and colors in pleas ing assortment. 1 lot Lace and Fancy Collars at - 15 1 lot Jarbots at : 10 1 lot Jarbots, 35c grade; at .21 1 lot Jarbots, 50c-G0c grade, at 7. 33 jLace Department 1 lot Zion Lace, value 8 l-3c, now 46 1 lot Zion Lace, value 15c, now 9 1 lot Macramc Lace, value $1.00, now 39d 1 lot Allover Lace, value 75c, now 45 Complete Line of Cream and White Laces. WAIST PATTERNS 1 lot Ladies' 3-vd. length Waist Patterns, $1.50 valucs...$1.10 1 Lot Ladies' 3-vd. length Waist Patterns, $1.00 values, at 5vl 1 lot Ladies' 3-vd. length Waist Patterns, $2.00 values...$1.25 Full line of White Goods for Dresses, all at cut prices. WHITE WAISTS Cut prices in White Waists in suit department. X l xi White Goods Big Stock of Plain Flaxon, Checks and Stripes, India Linen, Persian Lawns, Cam bric, Voiles, Batistes, Fancy White Waist ing, Dimity, Dotted Swiss, at right prices. Ten Days' Sale All White Goods, Muslin Un dorw'r, Laces and Embroid eries and fow specials on sale Now Is the Time to Buy a Parasol 25 White Parasols, $1.00 grade, at 69 25 White Parasols, $1:50 grade, at 89d 1 lot Colored Silk Parasols, $2.50 grade, at....$1.95 1 lot Colored Silk Parasols, $3.50 grade, at....$2.95 1 lot Colored Silk Parasols, $2.00 grade, at... $1.29 1 lot Child's Parasols, 60c grade, at 45 1 lot Child's Parasols, 25c grade, at 21p Corsets Full Stock of Corsets on hand Gossards, Nemo, Koyal Worcester, Bou Ton. Be fitted by our cor- setere. MAM W J iiltffi1 III Mm ml Infants' Wear Decided to cut the life out of one thousand dollars' worth o Infants' Wear. The department has hceu too large and too much fine stock. .Infanta' Uresscj, Cloaks, Blankets, Underwear, Sweaters, 'Toilet Art icles of all kinds for the baby. Chance of your life time, mother. Infants' Bibs Infants' Soft Sole Shoes Infants' Brushes J nfnmV Bootees Infants' .rackets and Coatlnl ants' Bibs and Diapers Infants' Powder Boxes Infants' Blankets Child's and Infants' Dept. 1 lot Child's Dresses, values 35c, at 15 1 lot Child's Skirts, values 35c,, at 15? 1 lot Child's downs, values 35c, ut . 15 .1 lot Child's Skirts, values 75c, at 25r 1 lot Child's downs, values 75c, at 25? 1 lot -Child's Dresses, values 75c, at 25? 1 lot 'Child's Fine downs, .values $1.00, at 49?" -1 Iqt Child's Fine down's, values' $1.25, at 65?" AGENTS MUN SON'S UNDER WEAR, LADIES', CHILDREN'S, MEN'S & BOYS' F. K. DEUEL & CO MEDFORD DEPARTMENT STORE I Z&( . T II op I h ft jo SV f f I JrcW I til IB' .'iv-'A A M ft lt ft III 1 ft tf zzL ff . : ff ff ff SPECIAL XX, LADIES' f Y B PANAMA f f HATS VV $7.00, AT $3.95 XX ff ft ff 'ft ff ff ft ff ft ff ff ff ?f "tt ft ff ff ft ft ff ff ff tt ff ff ft ff -ff T Y ft ff ff ff ff ff ff ff vf ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff t , 4 ' - ' . r . , .,..-..,.,.,.,,... i - w ' - -tr - -.- , kr p