fV ., 4..' I V asks cooperaIn CROSS.COOL.CLEVER. PLANTING FRY IN SMALL STREAMS 'I'mi tliuutmnil (runt try tuivo 1non tnlttui from tint I Ilk Cinnk Imtrlmry tun) iilmilfit In IIimI llliinkut, Mill cri'i'k iiimI tlm iiiHir Uukiw by Jiiiiihh (Irlovo of tint ProHiH'it linlttl, I'or miiiih wInIiIiik to n-oitnntn In 'iciHtork Iiik Htri'iuiiH nro iirncil to do no nt oiiio, nil tint fry U In kooi) condition and onslur movi'd now than later, HHtnkliiK of this rooiiorntlvo work, Hiiirlntitndint HiikIi 0. Mltiliull of tlio liiitclmry wrllits n follews: ,Uh ("MiH'rall(iu. "I sliiruruly wIhIi mom such plmm rotild I m rontttinplutud iik tliU propo sition of dUtrllmtlon In ii inlKlity ho rlmiN ono, HiIn 1h tlio onn subject mllliiK for tlio utmost euro. I rnn illdly bollovo tlm Iiihk wIikii tllinrnlliiK fry tivim i'iM(U the period nt wlilrti tint fry Ix'Kln to fond, liovtuvnr such Iihu lnx'ii my t'Mii'il.'iin I'ar too ninny fry nro turned Inomi nt till liolnt, tlm naliiral food supply ran not lio mifflrlitiit, own IIioiikIi ' tlm lloituo nxrooil any Pacific slnmni I huvo lu'itn on, In HiIn lino. "It In pretty hnnl'to roiiiprdwiiil wlint (hn food Iiik of million of moiitliN mentis oven IIioiikIi tliey nrt xiimll fry, tlm cmiiitlnl point lnlin: n lil:Kr Hcopo of territory III which to distribute. I inn Indeed Kind to nvnll ittynnlf of tin opportunity of urnttorliiK tlio stnllou'n prodnrt ovr n iiinrh of tint ItOKiin iin In millnliln for t tint purpoKe, 1 will Kindly ro operalit lilt persons sIiokIiik t tint Interest In till work. N'nliirally I nm proud of this, tint itrnmlesl of nun Hiik Htreaiim, nnd will exert every effort to Improve It, provided mmh In iMitmlliln. .ev Wheel WorMnu, "Tint now current wheel Is exceed ing unythliiR I had dnred hope for, furnliililiiK nn nluinilnuro of wnter for nil purposes, the ikiiiiIs am completed and In readiness to rerelvo fry n soon mi tint sue In nlmorlied. The fliili owIiik to low water lempornluro are developlitK very iilowly; thU In etrendltir.ly Krntlf)liiK. innktiiK a collder ntnl hurdler fluh, provided no nrrldent happens, Neniethliu: will ho plnred In Hid river Inter that will rive re I u rnn In due time "Ah soon nn fUliliiK ronrlie tin renllli alucorol)' trust Hut Medford hoyN will rnll often, nnd feel that this station In their. Wo nppreclnle the nimlatnurii )oii have r.lx'H iin In HiIn work " E For Hie l'niitnj;rM vuiiilrville nt the Pane theater next Wcilnemlniiv and Thurxilay, with n xpeeial mnliuee ciicli nrteriioon n 'J 10 oVInel; n lilli elncK pruuntm In offered. On tint hill uro (hu Mother (Ioomc fllrlri in the elaborate mimical futi timy produced liy Mcnlo Moore, the imlt'il llroailway Miiulevillo nrtixt. Tint !rlrt will ho sceii in iiuiiioroiM I'harncterH fmuilinr to nil hv llieir npeariiiu'o in fairy tnle. Special m-cnery used in tho not, Ihreo iiiiim nivo hoIh heinjr introiliici'il mid the miihleal iiiuulierri uro nil tuneful. Martini nnd Troitfo Imvit Italian lyrioH iih tlio hpeeiiilly. Tliey nm lieurit in tint none of the wonderland of Htiropo mill to mid iiltmotiveuehK to tho net limy will offer ttuvornl in Htriiiiuiitnl heleetioiiH. Kmil lloek, tlm vchnlile cnineiliaii, niul liin 'ouipmiy will he kccii in the IuiikIiuik hit of tlio your, "I.ovu'h Yoiiin? Dream." MePlieo ami Hill nro romcilv Imr nxpmiH whoHti work never FuiIb to nleiiKe. In tint hiiiinv miiHical farce, "Nearly n Soldier," Ilrownini; nnd I.cwIh, two ahlit eiilerlninorH, will up pear. Their inelhoilrt nro most ninus. iiiK mid their boiikm of tlm ontvliy Kort. Tho I'liRCHPopo will offor now nnl nintt'il uoiiIh. BY JUl'FKItHON G1TV, Mo., Jjino 2. Colonel William 11. NoIhoii, jiub- llHlibr or tlm KaiiBiiH City Hlar, wiih, by nn opinion of tlm Htnto ut)promo court, rolimtunl today from co'ntoiupt or Judeo (lutlirlo, or Kiuihiih City, on tho i;ruuiul that (luthrlo, who trlod NoIhoii, hud prepared u vordlct that KoIhoii wiih KUllty on tho iiIkIiI bofoio tho trial, Tlm opinion tmUl: "Wo uro cloujly or tho opinion that tho publication coiulomnliw (luthrlo Ih nolthor lltornlly nor buIi- Htuntlully, but wan hlhly contoinp tuous," GLASSY CONTENDER Fi )r I.iuIh (' Wnlliieh, or "heneli Ciiwh," (Iiih htiiKi' nrmie) who Im to he llml Aiiileri.oiiH I'ourlli of .lulv nppoiienl, in n ilentUl lV profcH.oii, iim well iih boxer, nnd iniiiiiliiiiiH Hiiito of denial nrriecH in lliooklvn. ('now In '27 yeairt of iik'i l ",i" mid oiie-liulf liieheH taller than An ili'inon ntnl ,Ih ii riiKKcd ho willi .i "kick" in eilher hnml mnl U iih clover iih imy liulituciKht lu lint line today. Ills en-, Wilehle, Mel'arlaiul niul Hnt Ion exeepled, Hlory of Carwr. in hU tlilt.l rlultl Cio-h mi-laineil ii knockout in tin n'cniul round .link Doyle iitliiiiiiMerim; tin- vrt potion (V..MI ubieli 11 took Hieral minute" ami lilieial appllentioiiH of nmtimhiu to reie him. The llclirew went nliiiiu lifter DovIu'h lieiilliiit for -I'l HkIiIh willmul loitini; when he Clline 10 tbl coiift mid met "FiuhlliiK' Dick" l!)huiul ul Coliuii. Califoriibi, in Ifl(H), llslaml wiih then in hi" prime. Cm Htayed with him for 11 rounilH. The liuhl wan In the open nlr and tlio day vwi mw, fok'UV niul cold mnl milv ii f"w faun nther cil In i'e tlu no. While I Island l kIvcii creilll Tor a K. 0. it in nilmlU ted Hint CrimH wiih not hurl mid de cided that It roimlH wiih more than bin cud of Ihe ate wiih worth. .Mii' .Mrl'urlanO. "One Itoimd" IIokuii wih ciittliiK unite it fiBiire in tint Ilil weight ruiikH when lie wiin mntcbcil with 'mN in New York early in 1J1J IIokiiii iiplu-ld hiH "one nimnl" rrpn lalion, with tlm revero UiikIkIi, CtiihM hentiui; him ho badly lliat he ipiit in the firt niiiml. letter thev were tematelied mnl ('roiw knocked llocmi eoM in the third HcHinii. CroHH Iiiih met Paekv Mcl'iirlaml in tuo no ih'i'ixion affairH, one hix niul nuother ten louiid evenl. Jack Hrittou bcHtcd CniKH in leu round and hit fiylil with men of auv im porlmice with Ihe e.xccpliou of bin lecciit knockout of Joe Maiulol i it ten rntiiulH iae been of the nnib'Ci HJnii nix or leu round nricly. llc.1 I'lubler Vol. J "ro"" without a ditiiht in the uioNt fofiniilahle opponent Amlcioii ha t'l been called Upon, to face. ("o-. in cool, clctcr mid aniiitu; mid dau ReniUH at utiv mIiiko of a f 1 k 1 1 1 To heal CroM deeiively would he u hiiKlit feallmr in Ihe Mcdforil cbaui pioiioliip conleinler'H cap. When Die pnr-o in cut (HI mid -III, (be dentiHt live up to bin given name mid "Mick like a leech." It Iiiih been Mild that CroNH will knock hi" oppoitcul'H leeth out llllil then trv In Hlril;,, n lnirtniii with him for a new "bridgo" or "plate." J Ciohh U u iini proof of the Hlutcineiil thai boxing, such iih it m in the days of (Iiiiih Jh ii IoM art, he never haviui; been a uenr chmnpion nhip coiiteiuler four or fin year nj;o, when u fi);liter of hi- yearn nnd exH'rieiico should be lit bin henl, CnwH is iiimiitKcil mid trniueit by bin biolhcr Sam Wallaeb. TO SEEK WAR 1.03 ANOKI'KH, Cnl Juno L'. "Japan In too poor to suck war with tho United Htatt'H; alio could not do ho ovou If lm wore to ho unfriendly, which Dim Ih not," ThU declaration by Dr. J. K. Orhlnl, Hiib-deun of Trinity Divinity Hchool or Toklo, beforo n Inrgo con- KreKittlou at St. Paul's pro-rathodml, In oxpoctod by leadliiK Japaucno horo to put nn oud to much war talk. Dr. Orhlnl, after explaining tho roan onn that Japan, ovon though Him wero ho Inclined, could not ko to war with tho United Htuton, declared that war, talk lu Japan wan tho result or u Jliifolmu that rcprrHeutH un ixmI lunUlinont, Ho declnrod that tlm loy ulty or JnpnnoHo lu America Ih wioiiKfully ipiostlouod, and predict od Hint Japancno rcnlilonU or Cali fornia, ir tlm tlmo over conum, will provo lu ovory way tholr nttnulimopt to thin country. SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY OF MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION Tlioro will bo a Bpoulnt mcotluK of tho Morcbnnta Abuoulatlon Monday, Juno 'J nil, 8 ji, in,, nt city hall to tako up tho matter or n celebration or tlm Fourth of July. All iiierchnutu uro uruod to hu prcuout na tlila la an Important propoHltlou, HAUL 0. (1ADDIS, Proa. JOHN M. 0A11KIN, Hooy. Charlln Dooln'a Phllllou huvo won ir or their 10 homo t;nmva tlila aea Hon, or nearly 79 por cout. OR CHAMPIONSHIP JAPAN POOR mf,dfotid matt; TRTBTJNfi, medfotit), onrioN, monday. ,tpne 2, inin. TWO DEMOCnATIC SENAT0R8 OF LOUISIANA tlUN OUT ON DEMOCRATIC TARIFF DILL Henntorn J It Thornton nnd J V. Itniudcll of LouUlnnn have "run out" on tho untlounl democratic adminis tration no far tiH frvo ftiKftr In con cerned. Tliey will not vote for that pnrt or tho tariff bill mini by Oxcar W. Piulerwood, leader or tlio homo or rcprcHcutntlvcN. They will nut Hluud for fri'o UKnr mi advocated hy Prenldeut WIIhoii nnd ndoptud hy tlm liniimt. EXPLORER PEARY PAUIH, June V Admiral Hohort I! Peary, tlio untie explorer, will iirrhe hero IIiIh week In roxponiHt to mi Invitation nddremied to him by tho French UcoKraptilrnl wicioty. A ('.rent reception nwnlta him. llo will bo receUed by tho noclety In Holeinn seance nt tho Bortmnno nnd on Juno II will deliver n public ad drcA In tho oiioriunuM ninphlthoater of tho famoiiH liiHtltutlou. Many bollovo tho French aoelety would have tailored tho presence of Peary In Franco had tlioro not been HomothliiK of a popular clamor for bis official recognition, llo Is nald lo bnvo strong oppouentH lu tho no cloty, not thnt they do not believe that ho reached the north polo, hut nro piqued beciumo ho failed to nuti mlt tilit (iroors to tho French noddy nt tho tlmu ho honored tlio llrltlnh. Dr. Jean Charcot, tho Antarctic explorer, Ih ono or Peary'a most nr dent HiipiurtcrA nnd bo baa Hcveral tlmen expresred nntonlihmont nt tlio Hoclotv'a failure to tnko Home action honoring Peary. Tho fact thnt hn U now to bo rorolvod and feted by tho society Ih regarded ns n sort of vic tory ror Peary. W. R. C. AND G. A. R. THANK THEIR FRIENDS AND AIDS Ah each nuccoodlng memorial day co in t'8 and goes, wo seo tho Uoya In llluo tunrcli with Icsh (Inn n trend, and nolo tho ranks nro becoming thinner. Hut, notwithstanding tho fact thnt the Hnldlora or tho sixties aro being mustered out ono by one, tho meaning nnd purpose or liiomor lal day in Instilled Into tho henrts of tho present and tho coming genera tion, mid tlioro nro always thoso who willingly and gladly loud tnelr aid lu making tho memorial day Eorvlcoa i success and over keep In mind what tho old Holdlora did ror our nation. And ho In Medford. And therefore tho local members or tlm (I rand Army of the. Itopubllc, and tho Women or tho ltollor Corps, wish to publicly thank all who took part nnd assist ed lu tho program or yestorday. And especially thank tlio managers ot tho Page theater who so kindly gave tho iiso or tho luvndsoiuo now building for tho services or tho day; also Ho v. .Shields who gave tho Invocation,; At ty. II. A. Ctuiaday "who gnvo "Lin coin's Gettysburg Address"; Miss McDonald, (or hor splendid readings; Mlaa lllninnn, who ronudorod two ox- collont miloa, accompanied on tho piano by Mlsa Vroinnnj Hoy. llradloy, orator or tho day; tho ltaptlst orchea tru ror Itu several solectloua and tho Hodmuu ror tho uao of their hull dur lug tho nrtornoou, Prosa Con'ospoudenco, V. H, 0, PARIS WELCOMES WEATHER BUREAU REPORT SHOWS MAY A NORMAL MONTH Tho tiionn tcuiK!ratiiro or tho month of Mny, I 'J 1.1, wdh only 1 Vi ilegreeN below normal, while tho pro ilpltatlon wnn normal. Home dam UKu wiih dono by front on tho 2d, but uit x whole the valley Hiifforod little. Orchard heating navcd roveral b nu ll red tbomaud (lollnm lu penrn and nppleH, Prnrllcully nil of tho pears on the valley floor would have been lout or Injured ir timely front wnrn IngH imucd by tho local office hnd not been heeded. A light front on tho 2'Jlh did no dnmngo. Weather report for Mny, 1913; Prrclp., Date. Max. Mln. Inches 1 OB 3(1 2 ...j .,CK 28 .. . flail JI ..... 1 in 30 c .., si.n :i;i 0 Ji 80 H 7 - 711 47 R CI t.1 1C a .- C7 ir. ,ic in ..r.2 47 1 .os 11 CI 21 Traro 12 - 02 42 .f.'J 13 C2 42 .01 14 -,w,. 08 3C .01 ir. .. .-wwfca 4f 10 . 7.1 42 17 - 72 47 Trnco 18 .V.C 44 .40 10 .... 08 38 20 .-7.1 43 - n- " 22 -83 .43 23 -iS3 SI 24 -,.i4 4fi 2 T ... .?0 45 20 ... po r.i 27 .... or, r.3 .24 28 B'J 49 .10 29 70 30 30 8B 44 31 92 46 Maximum. 92 degree. Mean maximum, 73.5 degree. N'ormnl mean maximum, 70 de- green. Minimum, 28 degree. Mean minimum, 42.G degrees. Normal menu minimum, 43 de gree. Mean monthly temperature, 58 degrees. Normnl mean ' monthly tempera turn. 50 5 degree. Prevailing wind, northwest. Maximum wind velocity, 15 miles per hour. Averago wind velocity, 4 miles per hour. Precipitation, 1.72 Inches. Normal precipitation, 1.72 Inches. Precipitation slnco September 1, 1912, 15.90 Inches. Deficiency slnco Soptombor 1, 1912 9. OS Inches. Number of clear days, 18. Number of partly cloudy days, 9. Number of cloudy days, 4. P. J. O'OAItA. Special Meteorological Observer. TONS OP HOOTS AND HKUI1S Aro used nnnunlly In tho manu rncturo or Kydln K. Plukham's Vege tnblo Compound, which is known from ocean to ocean as tho standard remedy for female Ills. For nearly rorty yenrs this famous root and herb mcdlclno has been pre eminently successful In controlling tho diseases of women. Merit nlono could huvo stood this test of time. Draperies We crrr vry complete line of dreix-rlrs. lace curtains, fixtures, etc, end do ell claeera of upholitrrtne. A special man to look after tlila work exclusively and will give aa jsood ervlco aa la poaalbie to set lu even tho Inrgrat cities. Week3 & McGowan Co. "How did tho lllrd know that" A long head seldom goes wtlh a long rnco long hcada got our values! (MUV Away with IiooJcb and pencils! Vacation days nro horo! Days o( aiinahlno niul outdoor lUo that nioana sunburn. Floral Cream la n quick rollol vory Boothlng, cooling, COc. "Tho awcotnesa ot low prlco sel dom equala tho bitterness of poor quality." HASKINS For HEALTH Medford, Ore, tftf lj HOME RULE BILL ilN SECOND STAGE TO LONDON, .lime 2. -The Iriih Home llnle bill entered iiioh ItB Bee oud ntnge Imlny when the tnenHiii'o earne tip for Hh second rending in the IIoiihi' of Commoim under the provJ jdmiH of I lie Parliament veto net, which permitM a hill lb rice panned hv tho Commoim to become n law de spite the fact that the IIoiihc of onlK may bavo rejieled it. Tins hill woh rejeeleil by the Lords four moutlm ngo. The mcnaiiro which BftH up nn Irish Parliament in Dublin lo denl with national affairH, while retaining 42 mcmberH nt Ynlniiuntcr to vote on imperial affair, wan pnnicd by tim Cottimoim on .Tanunry 10 by n majority of J 10, but rejected n fort night inter by tlio Ixinln bv n mnjor ity of 2.i7. The Libernl-Iibor-Nn-lionliHt coalition wan in full force to. day, nnd will have to vote down nil npitosition nmcmlmenlfl, nn the bill, in order to comply wiih Ihe terms of the Parliament net, inuit go through in i'Ih original fonn. There will be two days general debate on tho sec ond reading, nnd instead of the iniial committee ulage, Premier Afxpiith has hiiliHtitutcd n parliamentary nov elty in n "mifc'geMion ulnge" diiriiif; wliieh tlio limine mny pns "migRei tioim" which will be sent up to lhu LordH'wilh the bill, wi thnt the Inttcr body can incorporate them n nmend ineiitri of desired. WORDSfR0r1 HOME KlnteiuenU Tlmt May v Imc-tlgntcil TeMliiionr of MtHlfonI Cltlxens When a Medford citizen comes to tint front, telling his friends nnd neighbors of his experience, you can rely on his sincerity. Tho state ments of iteoplo residing In far nwny places do not command your confi dence. Home endorsement Is tho kind that backs Doan's Klduey Pills. Such testimony Is convincing. Inves tigation proves It truo. Ilclow Is a statement of a Medford resident. No stronger proor of merit can be had. W. P. Could. 119 W. Jackson St.. Medford, Ore., says: "I used Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at Haskln' drug store, nnd am pleased to say hnt they have given me moro relief than any other kidney mcdlclno I hnve ever taken. Other members of my family have also used Doan's Kidney Pills and the results have been so satisfactory that I do not hesltato ono momeut In giving this statement.'' Hor solo by all dealers. Prlco 50 cents. Kostcr-Mllburn Co., Hufralo. New York, sole ngents for the United States. Itcmomber tho nanio Doan's and tnko no other. E.D.Weston Official Photographer of the Medford Commercial Club &mnteur Finishing Post Cards Panoramic "Work Portraits Interior and oxterior views Plash lights Nogatives mado any time and any placo by appoint incut. 208 E. Main Phone 1471 The Medford Warehouse GUNRIIAIi 8TOUAOB Oregon's Moat up-to-date Flro-proot WarohoiiBO with nurglur-proot Vault. For rates apply MEDFORD REALTY & IMPROVEMENT CO. Managers PA AGAN Why Stand for If is EniirIy Unnicciiiiry thai Anyttt Suffer witfe Boils, Carbunclrt, Abscistu d Otfctr Eruififi Sins. rrry mirm n twit of renpie nr the flcturn of wwi; Die; n!Tr the lulontn MKonx of carbuncln, boll, crynlpela ami ether cxtrrrnfly painful ml often dan gerous absceties. All they rcqulro Is to Ott Your Blood Purlfltd With 8.8.8. and You Won't b Torturtd Llks This, ett tho sUffnatlon out of their blood with S. K. B. Tills wonderful remedr works on the prtliclplo uf etlniuUtlnif cell crowtb, of Pfl ?-' v&Ti &mM ----lr ( 'P TirkSfftlfcfcfcfc-------l fs l'pi Slj7 W$!mS. jk----W-rl lff Z(JttLT r Siskiyou Heights Now is tlio time to make selection of lots and tracts in this magnificent residence district. SEE . JOHN A. TORNEY ROOM 1, PALM BLOCK Situated hi the Hub or tlio Principal Theater and Shopiilng District Jtcccntlv ItctJcroratcd and Itcfurnlslied TlirouKhouti and Ik'ttcr liulppcd Tolay tliaa Kvcr llcfore Kuropcan l'lan Itooms without bntli, 91.00 per day and tip ltooiiut ulth txatli, 2.00 pt-r ilay and up G. J. KAUFMAXN, Manager. fT. K. CiaitKi:, Asst. Mgr. Both representative of the whole some cordial spirit of the West and the best in hotel service The IMPERIAL HOTEL Portland, Oregon Both under the management of the METSCHANS MAIL-TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED WANT ADS ARE READ BY ALL OF THE PEOPLE mi i!KWwli'-' iSd, - WRJB THRU Such Agony? enitbllnB tho blood td quickly Infuna nw Ufa Into tha tUauts. tu Mod tltcay, o PTtTnt tho formation of those accumu lations of broken dawn cells that rapidly multiply Into the form of carbuncles amt other eruption. Hclenco cannot explain just ysUf certain elements In tho blood feed tho boh, others nourluli the hair roots, and so oti. And It Is this name mysterious action Jf B.8. H. that attacks all diseased pol, drives away all germs, heals all both and supplants tha activity of dlieasa iterma with tho powerful healing; aellen of leu cocyte, rtemnrkablo testlmofilahi hsva been written that prove bayoad queetlon th'ero Is no blood dlseasa but what can bo cured by S.R.8. And In alt those cases that were treated with mercury, lodlden, amentc, copper and other min erals with no permanent effect, tha most astonishing recovefteai hava btea Biada by B. B. B. Thern In not a blood taint bf any natur that can remain In a system fortified by this moat wonderful remedy, for It Is absolutely jraro and contains oaly thona elements that tho btpod naturally aaalm-. Mates, and which tha tlnuw sratefully accept. It agrees with tha most deHeata stomach, aven In those cases where tha usa of strong- drags has so weakened tha digestive system that medicine cf.n not be given. Get a 11.00 bottle of 8. 8. 8. at any drug store and thus be nurtxl of a complete cure of any arup tlvo blood disease. If your case Is peculiar and you desire special advice write ta The Swift Specllc Co., Medical Dept, 1IT Swift Bide, Atlanta. Ga. fPodland'i Fcwwus Hotel 1 ill Med for theTxcellence) 'yMijiM.LWfyem The HOTEL JOSEPHINE Grants Pass Oregon u.. - - V il "-V