Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 02, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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fOQfcvlND .
Mr. and Mrs. .T. 1 Worlmnn loft
Wednesday for a hospital nt Roches
(or, Minn., In hnvo Mr. Wormian
take treatment.
fr; l- Dtiggnn of Baois Valley l
!nv Medford attending to business
fye.nnbrP. Duggan and .Too Hoc of
8ariw Valley -have gone- to Myrtle
' lJ67iU to' M!td the tummer.- ;
Orchard, bunting, rtshlng and
Crater1 take scenes for sale at Got
kins A Harmon's itmllo. Negatived
made' any place, kodak finishing, 12!j
East Main street. Phono 21G K. '
Professor O. It. Uond. teacher el
physics In tlio Mod font High school,
and liltl wlfS have loft for New Ot
Icons and will ro to Now York later,
visiting nt different places en route.
Thcjr will return to Mcdfnnl later.
Thomas ltllcy of Kaglo Point pre-
clnct was among the many who cniiiej
to Mcdford Saturday.
Fred Lewis and J. Bruce Spencer
were over from Antelope district Sat
urday. Kodak finishing, best In town, nt
1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Tcrrlll of
Tako Crook spent Sunday with Med
ford friends.
O. A. Stllltunn of Salem, a prohi
bition lecturer. Is makttig the valley
a visit: Ho spoke nt Phoenix Sunday
and will lecturo nt tho Christian
church In Medford Tuesday evonlnR.
Mr. and Mrs. It. It. Cook of Weed,
Cal.; have been visiting relatives llv
InR In Medford. They wcro former'
residents of Medford.
R. II. McCurdy writes all kinds of
Insurance. 4 01 M. F. & II. bldgl
Phone 349.
Paul Krutxler, who Is foreman of
the railroad section at Tolo, and his
wife visited relatives HinR at Med
ford Sunday.
A. Gray Pearson of McClond aud
It. J. Colo of Hilt were anions those
who mado a business trip to Mcdford
from northern California durinR tho
past week.
Gerklng & Harmon, studio por
traits, borne portraits, flash lights,
kodak finishing, post card work and
enlarging.; 128 East Main street;
telephone 215 R,
Charles Itojfflcld mado a trip to
Gold Hill Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hollls aro le-
ing.vlsited by William Hollls and O.
., Ij, McPeek of Salem, who nro rcla-
-' m -:
Mrs. Kdna Chiles O'Kclly wns over
from Williams, Josephlno county.
last week on a' visit.
Insure and be sure. Right It we
write It HA. Holmes, The Insur
ance Mia.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. nntler of 1111-
hee orchard Hpent Saturday In Mcd
ford. W. A. Wnnn, public accountant,
who Is cxperjlng tho county records,
spent Saturday and Sunday with hli
wife, who Is visiting at Grants Pass.
Charles Dunford, Br., and Harry
Lewis tarried n fed" hours in Mcd
ford Sunday afternoon.
The Helmaa White Sulphur Daths
and Swimming Pools at Ashland,
Oregon, will open for ttho seatri
Saturday, May 10. 61
Colonel and Mrs. II. H. Sargent
wero guests' of relatives and friends
in Ashland Sunday.
Judgo J. it. Nell returned to Jack
nonvlllo Sunday fro ma visit nt Ash
land.4 '
M. W. Wheeler and J. W. Usher
of Ashland transacted busluess in
Medford Saturday.
B, D. Weston, commercial photog.
raphcr, negatives mado any tlrao or
place by appointment. Phone M.
Miss l.ouno Jones of Jacksonville
wan n Sunday visitor In Medford.
Itay Austin of Seattle and J. We
vlus of North Yakima aro Into urrlv-
mIs in Medford.
Dr. nud Mrs. It, K. Golden of Jack
sonvlllo motored to Medford Sunday
Illaiio Klum spent Saturday nud
Sunday ut Ashland, his former homo.
Ho attcudod tho banquet of tho Ash
land col lego nluniuao, offlciullng as
Mrv KJrchgessner wilt be at Hotel
Nash every Saturday from 10 a. m.
to 3 p. m. on and after May 21.
Frod Alton Halght, tearhor of
piano and harmony, specialist In cor
rect principles of touch and tech
nlituo for hcglnucrs or advanced pu
pils. Faults 'corrected. ' Sum me
torin. linight MubIo Studios, 116 S.
Laurel streot. Phono 726-It. 09
Mrs,, IS.-1 W, Tryor of Grants Pass
Jitm hocn vJsItliiR In Mcdford, tho
giiost of Jlrs. it. H. Toft.
J. G. Miller, proprietor of tho Ash
land broom factory, trammeled bus!
npsa In Medford Saturday.
Mr, nnd Mrs. Milton Ottoman wero
of those who. spent Sunday In Ash
Markloonard. who Is cmplojcd
near Merlin by Howard Hill, la m)e-
lng Mcdford a short vUlt.
John R llovar'd of tho University
of Oregon, tho ornltholoRlst, who l
lecturing In Itoguo Itlvor valley,
spent Sunday In Medford.
Vapor baths nnd sctentltto mas-
sago for men nnd women. .Dr. It.
J. Lockwood. chiropractor. 203 Gar-nolt-Corey
bldg. Phono 145,
William Facklnm has bought tho
interest of William Care;,lu the plnco
In WIlW 8'prllin Ulsl'rtct '! has
been fanning forMi nittiuli pV : Cfjonr.
paMng ,81000 thororor.
Mrnhd Mr. Howard nt 'Ashland
district ban been vislllnR .(; un.t
Mrsj. W, Mllehell of Knst Merord.
Mr. nnd Mrn. Henry Mots, who
liavo'bcon spending several niontli
In Arlroim with their dauRhtor. Mrs.
M. A. latiRhorne, nro in Medford
Mr. nnd Mm. M. M. Taylor ot
Jnckksonvtllc will leave for Oakland,
Cal., In a few days, to locate.
Mr. Norn Story and Mrs. Hay
mond Darling 6t Hornbrook, Cal ,
nro In Mcdford. visiting their par
ents. TUr. and Mrs. W. It. Cnlton.
Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Canon nud
their son have left for Wlacomdn,
where Fny will bo placed 'under
treatment by o sprrlulU' for -the In'
Juries lie received some time n&o.
Mr. nnd Mrs. K. W. Cnrnahan have
returned to lllue Ledgo after a short
visit In Medford. -
M. M. Hoot alid 11 W. Carlton ot
Tnblo Hook' tarried In Medford Sat
urday night.
John Mast and Herman Scbucttc
of Phoenix precinct wero recent bust
ness visitors In Medford.
Mrs. C. K. Webb of Central Point
district w-as In Medford Faturday
afternoon aud was accompanied home
by Misses Grace Henry and Helen
Itagsdale, who mado her a snort visit
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stanley made
a trip to Medford Saturday.
H. II. Goddard and Knimott Her
eon of Talent transacted business In
Medford Saturday.
It, It. JJunlway, a prominent Port
land nltorney and his wife, spent
Sunday in Mcdford.
Miss Ireno Norrls, who has boon
In Medford, visiting her brother, left
for southern California Saturday.
' "J. J. Skinner. J. L. Wilson nftd
J. M. Ouched of Griffin Crook district
mado a trip to Mcdford Saturday.
George Xlntx. tho civil engineer,
has returned from a business visit to
Siskiyou county. ... ,
ncrt Nnion nnd AV. hippoyof up
per Rogue river district, who canio
to Medford a few days since, have
returned homo.
Mr. and Mrs. S. I. narneburg wero
of tho many who traded In Mcdford
I). 1. Phlpps and O. Caster were
Saturday visitors In Medford.
S. C. Collins of T.ililo Itock and
W. J. Scott or Antloch spent Satur
day in Medford.
Mrs. M. A. Jantzer of Glendale and
Mrs. James Cowan of Marshflcld ar
rived In Medford Saturday,
Gcorgo Wooldrldgo passed through
Mcdford Sunday on his return to
Grants Pass from Nevada.
Misses Ada Hamlin, Murgaret Fa-
bray, Harder. Angelluo Provost,
Maild Hates. Agnes and Anna Broad,
nurec-i of tho Sacred Heart hospital,
chaperoned by Sisters Ernestine and
Cecil In, made n trip to Ashland last
week and wero guesttf of Mrs. J. H.
Provost whllo there.
Mrs. I-', C. Gaddis has gone to Ash
land on a visit with friends.
It. W. Tclfer lias returned to Ku
rouo after a business visit of several
days In Mcdford.
II. II. Reed and W. II.' Patullo of
Grants'spent Saturday in Mcd
ford and Jacksonville,
Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Daggutt ainH
Mr. nnd Mrs. It. U. YVIUon of Central
Point district wero among Medford
friends Saturday.
Miss Ora Adklns, who has boon
visiting her pnrontH, Mrnnd Mrs. H.
F. Adklns, returned to Portland Sunday.
John II. Million,
Orrlu Wnkoflold, Theo. Kngol nnd
other residents of IMinrnK transact
ed business lu Medford Saturday.
JuIIub Hart or Ashland motored lo
Medford with several others Satur
Miss Kmmn Purtirkur, n teacher if
tho Mcdford schools, has Joined Miss
Catherine Me.ra at Los Angeles, nnd
they will make n visit In the. onutern
nnd mlt'dfd western jdntca hereto re
turning hero.
George Cassldy, who hns been on
gaged, In liilnlngjii Sierllag dlstMct.
Is In Medford. Ho Is of tho onlhton
that & S. Hullls and IiIh HHKovhit
will Ihko over the Sterling mine and
Operate 'it with ater rnrtntrattHl in
a roervolr supplied by the ditch pow
In uso. Tho construction ot the high
lino ditch' formerly considered would
p'nno crv expenshe nnd ttuprodu
live or commensurate results.
Frank Crump and A. L. Hull of
Huncom made a business trip to
Medtord Saturday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I T Galllher of Itock
Point made Mcdford friend.-- a ,t
Tony Kaplunskl or Tncotim and
Louis Mannle" or Philadelphia, who
were nrrcstcd by tho sheriff of Siski
you county, Cal.. nnd brought here
by Sheriff Stagier, charged with
holdlug up Hob Angelo In the moun
tains above Ashland, beating him aud
attempting to rob him. pleaded guil
ty Monday before Justice Dox nt
Jacksonville to attempted assault and
wero each fined fCO. in default of
which they will pj.oiu the time lu
Jnll. KnplaittklV father at Taroma
Is evpoctcd to pay his Kon's tine
No money was secured from n
golo because h had nono on bun
l'OUTLAXn. Ore.. .Iiit.o .'. Ore
P. Kolicrtrioii, eredit mnn nnl de
iwriiiieiit mmmgor of the Hlnke Mo
Fall Paper eompanv, priimiueut in
loilgo eirclew ami eixic nffniiv, in
dead hero lodav followinu on oivni
lion for appendicitis, ut tho iiro of
Robertson oatne io Torllund from
Snn FmneLxeo in 181M). In liis yutilli
KobcrUon was a noinble nllilele aud
assisted in the organization of Hie
first cemmennally sitrO"sful liae
Imll league in Cnlifoniia. While
noting its playing manager of the
Oakland loam, lie K-voIo'il "Pop"
Vnn Iallren, wlio for vonm lias leen
a faorite with oon-t Imbjill fans.
Glen Fnbrie of Hie McdYonl laun
dry lias mi intelligent liorxe at least
ho knows who the chief of police am!
dixtriot attorney aro. The nnimnl
balked for mi hour tnilnv in front of
the Kuhh Hotel. 'Cussing and boat
ings, ontroalieri and pinolitM alike
failed lo inovo liim. Filially ('hief
Ilittsnn nud 1'roseeutnr Ivelly ilnm?
up in tin auto. They r61 out, look
n look nt the niiimiil. The one look
was enough it xfnricd up "nil
joggeil along it route ut of (he day
uucwiitftilly. ' vjj
ITT - i
I ' r.,t
doERcrt Snows'
A. tlroh ol'
LONIlOiV. .Inn e I.
ll"i imiIiiIh ii t'tiMutlhut
marked the (ntf ntiiir fiffOiP ftlirek mar.
ket lieie today. iJtfor !'!( gniueit
Ihree, Atiieiiean stolil.'s yirt down
fi-oiu '' lo 'J itiilH. hoiiilmi tlnau
tiers iitlriliute llio hs In Amoiieaii
i-iu- li the iehluimit of tooeix
Oih lor the HI'. Inijrt tiinl rlan Frnn
imo rallroinl. Tlii'v pmfouk (o noii
in it failure a poiwihli) move of laigo
Im me - (oiporntioiiit in Die I'uiliil
Slalom lo i'iiibaiiin lite Wilson ad-nnn-'li.ilioii.
MV YORK. Juno, a. Tlie "look
mm ket opened todtiy willi an aver
(iu,i drop of a point In (lie loulllug
K-oics. t'aiiadiini Pnellle opouoil
s H points under 'I'liiirMdiiyV eloe.
I ofmonilile fiimiU'iul oonditioiiH in
t tiuailu was given iu the euui of
(ho wcaViiot in Ciiunilliiii Paeitlc,
Rending, IViiiisylvnnlli, IiuImrIi
alley ami Aiaalgnmaled t"pper all
1i( (wo isiiiiln eaeli Or more. l,os"e-
ot one in all the lending imtt wore
general. oHihIh w'ero heaxy. The
market eoeil ittillntul Weaker.
I.nler ('nmidinit I'aeille limMS n
voilil nud oao-hillf below the open
leg price This wn folloueil bv a
Oct Hue of ;!, in I'mIoii Piu-itie.
Former SuiKfin .i " r PrI out
Warden, vt jsmik Sing.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
ZlIoy AssiaxAirs
Day Phono 27
Nteht V. W. Weeks 10'W-a
riioues A, 13. Orr 078-M
ploncor stngo
drlv-, was in Medford Saturday,
leaving for Grants PasH In tho after
noon. Mrs, M. K. Hollenbcak has gono to
Prospect to spend tho Hummer with
her daughter, Mrs. 'V. 13. Jlooney.
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Law of VIIow
Springs dUtrict traded with Medford
merchants .Saturday.
Gcorgo W. Cherry and G. O. Taylor
tho attorney, wore In Jacksonville
Saturday on professional business.
Thp Juno term of county commis
sioners court will convene at Jack
sonville. AVfldnosday,
Joseph Griffin, tho miner, nnd "VV.
K. Dames were up from Ashlund Sat
J. I), Sainuelu, superintendent of
tho Modoc orchard, and his wife,
woro in Medford Saturday.
Tho board of inquiry which inyec
tlgatcd tho recent railroad collision
nt Sanders, Josephine county, placed
tho responsibility upon II. C. Dlnul
noy, tho engineer, nnd P. "Vienor,
flromau, of tho locomotive which ran
Into tho motor, five passengers unit
one. oniplbye of .which were Injured.
Tho engineer was discharged and tho
fireman suspended for CO days.
VKru , v-
S3S'4g I'll
V lrf rfim 1
sm mMLM)
X.rn'ii.jJiZXJC,'Mri$. M.,
ALI1ANY, X. Y . Jut... : Colonel
Jninos V. Scott, J-ii removed as su
perintendent of prisons or Xew York
stater a man with qnlto a reputation
as iiprhwu offfeUl. and John S. Kin
uody, warden of Slug Sing, are
blamed lu an officii report for hor
rors lu1 the famous FiWlltuTIoii equall
lag those of middle iye dunKeoiis.'
Gcorso V. Mlako, -xria.i rommlsslou
oi or Govoruor NVilllmii Sillier, "as
Just filed a report in which he makoi
Riu-h stnteinents as thtwe nboiu l he
big pen on the IIihImiii rlrer:
"One man said to uie thnt tho only
offonne a prisoner rould tommlt that
would be followed bj'speedy puuisli-
uioiit was the offonso or trying to git
something to eixjt. He told me st'ii
les, amply corroborated, or such
frightful rharactr as to upimnl 1 1
the most unfeeling person. Colout I
Scott knew of tho existence of i'i
horrors. Thoro ht no doubt nlu iu
thnt. nnd yet be never mado otn ef
fort, so far as I wns able to learn,
lo mlntmlxo (Iibiii. Knr did he ever
soel; any method of proventliiK the
occuiwney of tho trulls by two men.
nor to so that when tlio men wco
placod in a cell tholr unforced torn
nideshlp woufd be In any sonsa con
genial. "The low thief, stricken with dis
ease, with no mvntnl capacity nnd
with the Iowo jHMslbte Instincts, has
often been locked Into a coll with it
man oredurstlon. or somo ld.iK tin. I
or clean pormiml jittblU, Till wolld
lie lisd enough Jf the colls wi-o light,
or largo or clean, Inxtoad of liviie
dark and mnalljidKl fljthj. AIno they
aro uqsaultafy. a'nii cells on the
giound floor drip wltl moUliir.1 mi
that the Inmate of thm have st iveu
to proteet thouisofves from TTio dilll
and dampiutps by hanging shoeth nud
blankets over Jlio walls. In there
cells mou contract rheumatism. In
ninny cases' llioy become vlcUnii of
ihronle rheupmtfsni and go out crip
pled for life."
KUHT (II-'OUIIK. It. C. Juno i. -Tho
swollen wuters of the t'pner
tiuivr river clulmed four more ir-
tluix on Saturday. A raft with eight
men nud one woman ImlonMliiK to
J. S, Kelhow, a stibeont racier of tho
Grand Trunk construction King,
struck u log jnm ten mile up the
I-'roscr from Ihls plant and anuk. The
stcersmnii of tho raft and Shethon's
wife wore both drowned. Tho othr
members of tho party succeeded In
reaching tlio shore In an eilmiiKlVd
condition. Tho river has been
,dramed for the past -'I hours for
u. distance of u. nilloor more below
whom, tho acel0mt hnppetiod, but
neither of the bodies hue boon re
covered. Fred I.uwis nud Odo Chniiihurlnln.
pre-emplors employed by Green
UrnthorH &. Hurden, In u survey par
ty, wero both drowned while at
tempting to ttnvlimto the Prater lu a
canoe from Willow river to this plut-e
WASIIIN'dTCX. .lime '-. I'oi
hilily of war lielwevii the Uulleil
SIiiIm nii'Klnpiiii over ulioit laml leg
islallon or in or any oilier ilispiilo w'im
rtialMliill.v leHefiiMl lieie luilny, wllen
Gemini Cliiiuln, the .Ihpnuom lilu
lilismidor, notified Sooioliirv oT Slalo
llryaii lliul Japan viewed the Uiyitu
Wilson pouee plan fdvnmlilV.
Aiuhasstidor Cliliida said ho liad
reoeved no definite Inslruelloiw fntm
hii gdveriuupiit hut Hull grout iuler
ol had been expressed hi I he sehem,
and Hint Toklo desired further in.
foimnlioii. If .lapau eminent to li
ai'iiiuueniriil, it will he the eleveiilh
mt t ton vi o approve Die phut.
VUenuul Chindit niiid ho hud mil
reer'ned .lapan's note in reply In
Seeielnry of Stale llr.vaii'a uiiswer
to the California, bind ooulnnei.
. .ItOMK, June X Italy scored a
Strong point for ponce til the Unlhans
today when official nnuniiucnmonl
was made that the government con
cedes to tlreerri the roast lino of the
former Turk full pro lure of Kplrus
Itctwim the Hay of Phlellln and the
ICntamax river.
I'OIITI.ANI), Or, June 1!. tlonrgo
V. Schnll, a hospllnl stint aid of I ho
Hulled HtatoM m my, who Is under In
dlclniifnt by tho feifnnil' gr'anll Jifry
at Sun ri'niimiicii i on a uiianpi ot im
Ihg murdered his wire and three sons,
afterward setting (ho houso on fire,
was arrested liere today by tniputy
Hnltod Sillies Mnrtdial John Tallny,
utter havliig boon hehl for Invosll
gitloa last ii 1st lit by city police offi
cers. The an out wns miido on Infor
mation furnished by United Hlules
Attorney McN'uh nt San I'liuieWui.
Hcball ndmlltod his Identity.
Tho crime with which Hcball Is
churned occurred on the gnuirmiiniit
insortultnii at the Presidio lu Hsu
I'ranelscu and ntlracted couHldeniblo
iitteiitlou on account of Its brutality.
Tho Wlfo mid Ihree children weie
killed with an ax. nud (lieu tho house
In which I hey Ihod was sot on Hie.
The crime wns dlacotorml after tho
fire hud been extinguished.
After the tragedy He hull disap
peared Schnll, who Is a smooth shaven tin
dersUed man of about 16 ears, Is a
gmdunte phnrmaeMt.
ir Micm Mitn. tiitiujoN
Solicits the deposits aud general IiihiIhhM of ledlvliluul firms and
eorikirlitlons, Cdiirleius eoiiMldorothiu alwny given every rinpiesl
and tho very host terms oi tended that are minalttitui with Reed
builiiois instiled.
Interest paid on time dcposils
Safe Deposit Boxes
G. It. I.IXDl.HY.
i ;
WASHINGTON. June 'J. Ifepre
senlnlive lliuolinujili of llliuoia today
introduced in Hie house a nwolution
proposing inter-Ntiile comorse .com
mission investigation of the receiver
ship of Ihe St, ut nud San l-'niii-eieo
railway. Iliiiehmudi ohargeil
thai the road was placed iiV (ho
liamU of rcee'neni, heomise it wim
iiunhle lo HiCel '.-jafi.tlllll of notes
whicli were due in Juno, lie dcohirod
there hud breii uuiiiv eluiigert of iiim-
iimuigeiiieul ami nioek wnleriug nnd
nrged that tm inteHligalioii be made.
Jeromo I). Travors, tho national
golf champion, has Just begun the
season of l'J13, nnd he hopes to prove
during tho oummor ho Is ob good as
ever. His first play at tho Oakland
Golf club tournament showed him
playing brilliantly, but on his sec
ond Hay Jio was, dofeated by Fred
iiorroBiiorr, wuo is Tnploly gaining
fnmo ris u Bolfor. i
CHICAGO, Jtmo 'J,- That the
trade by (he New Vork-Iliglilumler.
of Ifnl Chuse, Iho groat first Ihihoi
man, to llio Cjiicngo Wl'illo Hotfor
Jnlleldei-H Zeliler and Horlpn in Iiul
llio vrQlun'uiurjfaiir, iv IrmJo by wljidi
Chase will K,i lo Dl'rolt for Ty Gohli
ih the declaration hero loilny of tlio
Chicago Kveujng Poht. Tlio paper
miys that ul "iimiilo dope" Jndicnlcx
tlnit the Tigers wanted to Mvnp Coh)
for Ciiase but that Malinger Change
refiihfd, haying ho did not need nil
ClinrluM Coiuinkey, owner of tho
While So, wfinl4 a heavy hiding
outfielder, nud the l'oht ussertH a
tentative agreement him been reneho.)
la Undo CJinsi for, ('lih milos f ho
TIsor fiinn jml tip (oo Wr u liyllcr
Arlhur Hluifer, nffeelionalelv "Ar-
lio" lo (he faV of tho New York
Oiauls, Katioual Icnguu pctiiiimt
IioIiIoih, one of the most piWnii'tig
young pfnyei'rt of HOvoral'HensoiiH, Iins
quit huHcbull hceauso of IiIh love for
his friend, Fred HuoilgriihN, ulilily
inim of llio fiiuno glub.w''
Three Shows Daily
Presenla I lie lii Vaiileille Success
lluaiitirnll.v SlKftl A Scenie Meanly
In Mis Own Original Snecoss
"loves young dream"
' vh :
martine and troise
CVmiedv liar Athletes '
li .f " L
Singing and Talking Coniediun
9 i i ?
Lalesi Animitled li! voids'
2:30, 7:10 rindOnO , '
I'opulni' Prices iMatineo 2f) cents, Kvoning,' IJal
conoy 2fi, First Floor IJ5 and Dox Stmts DO :6nis.
. I I A I
Admission 25 cents,
'itrttf,Ayi'A ;
t.ltj" Kr ' 'J.'.'''-' "....