Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 02, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    flrmml HIlfmlnM
207 Second Street
lu "
Medford Mml Tribune
Fair tonight and TtteMfftjr.
Max. Bfl, MIn. 03
" '
Hilly KlHtilti Vrr.
NO. 61.
West Takes Troops to Compel Sher
iff at The Dnllet to Accept Priso
ners Secured When Notorious Re
sort Is Raided hy Special Officers.
City and County Officials Refused
to Enforce Law Thirty-two Wo
men and One Man Taken.
Till-: DALLKS, Ore, Juno 'J A
wide divergence of opinion vxh to
day over tin' notion of Governor Wont
in coming hero Suiidny In couipuiiv
with .Major Hinilli nml cloven milltiu
ini'ii nml eompeljlug Hlmuff Chris
inmi In receive iix priMoners Ihtrty
Iwo women mnl one limn, taken In it
mlil hy tlii' governor's xpecinl ugciiti
lull! Saturday night.
Snum cilircui bollevo (lint llm gov
ernor's action wn not, justified nml
nill result in tho town being given
iinirli iiuwurruiilcd publicity. Oilier
cipiully prominent, iiHxurt tint I tin'
governor' nctivilies Mill roul In t ho
correcting of condition rrporled to
luiM' hron intnlcriihlu for ycuri.
Hhcrlff IU'roiildcn.
Tim hlmriff refused In iieecpl llm
prisoners, declaring Unit Im hnd no
mitlmrily to do so unless cotntultt
mi'iit pumrs weru prcNonlrd.
After ii conference with Governor
Wct, Suiidny, however, llm slirnff
iii'iliiirirril mnl tin' women nml mini
nro in llio cniiulv juil nwniliug fur
ther developments.
Tim mlil wim mndo liy Special
AgcnU Tom Kny, Jimms I Williams,
n urgro mnl George Yrnlon, with Urn
nl-tnnee nf Couxtnblo llurpcr. who
liml sworn in ili'imtitM Hcv. Con
rml Owen, He v. Howard McCommll,
Nov. II. K. limerick nml llev. M. J.
Purdue. Tim spccliil agents liml been
hum for n week gathering evidence.
After llio mid Ihn prisoners were
tnkrn to llm county jnil hut th
sheriff refused lo inlmit them. Gov
cruor Went was llii'ii notified uml
tho special ngenU nml four minis
ter hlooil guard over llio prisoner
until relieved by the militiamen Sun.
Mllllhi In Control.
(lovenior WchI Milled today liml
Im Ihim mi deslro In priMeoiito (ho In
mates nf (tin allowed resorts, hut
would insist llutt Gladys Desmond
nml May Sullivan, llio alleged laud
Imlii'ri uml Geo run Carroll, Ilia tiiiiu
arrested, Im proceeded against ig
orniitly. Tim governor hinted Hint
the militiamen would ho kept hero
oh loii); n h ho believed (heir presence
Ms., H
kkkkk. fil
kkkkkKZTv fl
Ikkkkkkflkm 'B
ikkkkkkkkkm. kkT'jikkkkkkkkl
kkkkkkW" xkkiH
kkkkkmL u'kH
President Assumes Personal Charge
of Probe Being Conducted by Sen
ate, Furnishing Information From
White House Files.
(Imiruo A Nowcttt, iiuhllkhur of tlio
lnhpemliiK (Mhii ) Iron Ore. io
mum imy lloo.ovelt 81 ccnii for I llm I
for ncciuliiR Iho uk-proiiKleiil of
Dozen Ambassadors to Be Named
Next Week Currency Bill De
layedNo Answer From Japan.
Senator Bacon refuses to Take Stand
and Is Peevish Borah Says Con
ferences are Proper hut Names
Brlslow Says Suflar Trust Magnates
Called on Hlm-an4 Says Lobbyists
Are all "Pretty 6Md Fellows."
Tim i'irM Unit Khoriff ChiUimtn
know of Iho ruld wiim when Im wiim
hummnufil hy tclcphouo to m-oivo
llio prinouerH.
LONDON, Juno '. -A nmottmr of
tepri'hoiilntiveH of iho Ilnlkiiii SIuIoh
to uvvit war hy hcIIIIiiu till diiiputcH
Iiiih huon nrruiiKod, iioourdiui; to a
dimpiileh recolvuil Imro from tinfiu.
Tim ilulo uml muotlui; pluoo huvo not
hecn ilotliiltoly Huttk'd.
In umpoiiHO to mi urt'iit iihihhii(.'o
finm Iiik Kovotiimoiit, Dr. Duuoff
will ti'pri'Kviit HuIkuiIu in (ho uiuet-iiiK.
KAN FRANCISCO, Cul , June 1!.-
Ono Kirnt ileelricnl m-n-leo Hint will
miir flio fill Ire const from Po'rllnnd
In Sou Dit'Ko, hoforo Ihn liiiiii; of
im I'fliiiinin-I'iicino cjiKjutlion in
Sim KrniipihiM in (ho rcMrtcil plun
lodny or Iho Koutheni Pneifio hiiIi
Mtillury rleetrio hvmIciii. This iiiudi
lion, i in Hiiid, will rt"ult fnun tho
uniiierKiiiK of tho 1'nrifio Kleetrio
roiiipnny, mid tho PeniiiHiilnr Kleetrkt
nml other linen llnit huo hem part
of tho Southern I'ueifm HVtem.
I'iiiiI Shoiin, hpud of llm 1'ueifio
Hlcetrii' noinpiiny, opernliiitf nhuut
Lok AiikoIoh, Iiiih jitHt ended u eon
ferenoo hero with the Houlhern ln.
cifio offieiulH in oonuerlioii with Iho
Southern I'm-ifm offieinU in eomieo.
lion wilh tho oxtetiKion of tho eleolriu
xyhli'in. It is known that Iho pro-
ptHilloii to huo Iho romU oomioot
In ono Kreul eleotrio lino from I'ort
liunl In ln Moxicuu horder wtlN eon
Hidered, uml nil iudieiitioux, ncoonU
iiik' to u relinhlo authority, point to
ltn adoption.
Tim I'lii'ifie llleetrio I'ouipnny, eon
trolled hy llm Southern I'neifie, owns
llio rlt'clrio llnwi of Stockton, San
Jose, Krexno, Sunlii Huihurii nml
lunny other eount eitien. Tho pur
ioi' of llm fiiriKiriitioii, it U biiid, U
to elei'lrify (ho euliio eoiiHt lino
fnun Snn I'Vnnl'im'o, tlnouuli Sun
Jiiho, SulimiH, Suiitii llarhara nml
lih AiiKoloit to Sun Dii'Ko. i'eutiiully
tloiiiK' ii way wilh thu old sleiini rail
road, Tho IIui riinaii iuleivtn huvo no
(piired wnter xiwor routed from
l'ortlaud In KiiKuiie, uml huvo mndo
exteiihioiis into Klnmutli FiiIIh thnt
kooii will ho eleetiified. Thin, it is
Haiti, will eoiiiieot with mi elcctrio
lino into Sim FranciHi'o.
WAKMINOTON, Jmm 2.-Prcnl.
dent Wilnoii Iiiih illumed perxoiiul
I'hnrKC of tho lohhy invoHtin tion hero
hy n Hiih'fommittcc appointed hy tho
mmmIp jmlivinrv committee.
At hix regular meelim; today with
Iho ucwHpaper eorrehpoudenti llm
preoident elenrly uml tiueipiitounbly
told how he ixhuIh lo uuiilc Iho In
(piiry. 1 la nuiil Im hud Mimmoued
Chninunii 0enunu nml Senntor
Herd lo the while Iioiiho "In mnko
heveru) hiibchIIoiih" hi record lo pro
cedure, nml the M'0o of Iho in
M'htlaliou, dirliirinir Iho htiKKox-
tioiiK would ho hrrupuloiiMlv followed.
Tho president wotihl not ntntJ what
hix HiiKeeMtloiiA would he, Hiiyinir that
they would upiK'ttr during tho henr-
I'rchidnit Wilson nlxo xnid ho did
not eoiileinplulo tectifiinu' person
ally before llm lirnriui:. lie nid
ho had not been invited or Mih
poenaed, hill expeeled to furnish tho
romtmtteo with oomddernhlo infor
inntion from tho -filcH nf (ho, white
hoiiho. Ho will probably semi a
bateh of pnpern In thu couunittee to
day, Tho president Miiid bo tuay tintne u
doxeu uiiibinotnilorrt neit week. Tim
fiirrenoy bill, ho Miid would not pi to
t'OtiKremi thin week bpeuimo llio coin
ptetlon of the tneumiro had beuii do-
la) ed. Ha nlxo admitted no fur
ther nolo rrKiirditn: llm California
alien bind law hud been rveched
from Jnpnn.
threeIk by
KBW YORK', Juno 2. "Do
lihtc'd" hy hiu li'K'd viutory at Mar
ipiotto, Mioh,, whovo hu wiin awarded
hIx ooiiIh diiimiKOB in IiIh lihol unit
UKuiiiHl OunrijO Nowott, puhliuhor of
tho iHhpemiiiK Iron Oio, Colonel
Ituosovolt urrivud hero today.
Thu i'otmur pronldi'iit dooluiod ho
w'iih biitiificd that tho minora of hU
iutoinporaiii'O loin; uurrout had at last
been killed, uml wont ut ouco to Iho
pfiioo ot iho Outlook,
M'MlNNVlld.lC. Oro Juno 2. As
tho romilt of Mayor V. T. Vlnton'H
rofiiHiil to ulgu lortuln eontratta for
Htroot tmvliiK ontorod Into hy tho city
council, Circuit JuiIko Galloway to
day Imposed upon him a flnu of S300
uml bIx monthu' couflnomont In tho
county Jail without ball, or until uucli
tlmo rh tho mayor noes fit to obey
tho orilom of tho circuit court,
Tho coiumH hail awarded a con
tract to I'ortluud concern, but May
or Vijitou rofimoil to affix lila rIkuu
turo, clalinliiK tho pavlut; waa no
Kood, Tho city brought muuilnmua
lirocooilliiKB iiKalnat tho mayor, which
was iloclilod nguliiBt him. Still rofiu-
lug to Blgu tho contract, contompt of
court proceedings woru liiBtllutcd
whlvll romjltoil In today's sgiitoupQ,
Threo nrrcHln woro mndo by ganio
wnrdonM Sunday whon three flilicr
mon were raught tlnhlng within tho
forbidden limit nt tho Gold Hay dam.
C. H, Wehiter nml J. H. Irvine wojo
nrroatod by Deputy Warden McCorklo
mid W. 1). Kluyon, a minor, waa
taken Into cuitody tho othor ndo nt
tho dnm by Cblof Deputy Warden
Knm Sundry, Wobator nnd Irvlno
hnd a lienrlng hoforo Juatlco Taylor,
Irvlno pleading guilty. Uo wua flnod
tho mlnlmuni, ir.o, but on rocommon
dutlon of Dlatrlct Attorney Kolly aen
toucn wua auaponded, Young Ktnyoli
wiin taken boforo Juvonllo Judge
Ton Velio nnd given u curtnlu lec
ture roloHHod on probation, pending
good behavior, with Inatructlona to
roport wookly to tho dlatrlct attor
ney. Mr. Sundry loft Monday for tho
Anient dam and Grnnta l'uaa, Tho
former plnro ho will arrango to kcop
guarded from poacher. At Grunts
l'uaa ho will oxnmlno nil nota nnd soo
that they comply with requirements
Tho tlvhtiig aonaon opona tomorrow,
Hob Taylor lina boon appointed n
wator bailiff and will bo kopt busy
patrolling tho river.
Tho .bprlug run ut snlmon tlila year
la light.
Tho judiciary fouiiuitleo mom wax
puoked loduy when hc ub-committee
Mtarled itH I'lnc'lintloii. It
will meet luoniiiiu, iiftcnioou uml
eieniun till ilx wqrk U endtd. A lonu
lixt of iicxtiotiH bai been prepared
nml the eniitori will bo examined in
nlphnbrticnl order.
Tim republican Mcuntoni propose
to read into Ihn rcronl Ibc nnutoii of
huinlrrilH of their constitucutK u
huvo cither written or wired them
pmlextM apiiDHt Im Underwood bill,
cxprcMflinc fenr of uiiuneinl ruin uml
buiiueH elinoi. Tlmv expect to lien
IIiIh mnlcrinl in the next cougre
hiotidl cnmpnigii.
Ilnron la IVcin!,
Henntor Ibiron was pccicrf be
rniiHo he wiin cnllcil. He flatly re
fiiHfd to tnko n sen I on tho mined
platform for witm,Shen nnd guu
ironic nnswers to nW iiuestioiiH.
"I not only do pot know of nny
lobbying," ho Hiiid, 'b'lit hnve'licnni
absolutely no KUKXi'tiou of mieh a
Itiicou defined n"jbbbyiht n "ono
who frcqiicnt.ii'C.orriiljr nnd bddiieH."
rJeilntrirHrtKib anm'hVwaa not fi
unnclnlly interested in nny peudini;
icpiiniion. no named menu men
who hnd conferred with him on var
ious FchcduIcK, but Knid that thce
I'onforenecH were "entirely proiier."
Uo men Honed J. S. McMurrny ai n
innn be ilrclnrcd' certainly wns trj'inK
to iuflueneo regislntion. Dorah da
fined u lobbyist n "a mini nid to
nrgvo a case, though a bud ono, who,
like n lawyer, doea the brt hu unit
wilh bin mntcriul,"
ISntdley MuLcn Denial.
Senntor Itrndlcy denied knowledge
nf nny money being used to iuflueneo
tariff legiblutinn. Senntor lirnndc
gee (obi of n echini; hundrcda of let
tern from bis constituents.
Senntor liristow said thnt Ileurv
Oxnnrd, Frank C. Lowroy uml A. I).
Huldwin called on him nt various
timcii regnrdinir tho nuenr schedule,
nnd thnt F. W. McCluro of Salt Uko
City had talked with him rcgnrdiiu
wool. Ho iiainod others who had
cnlled on him in regard to vnrious
schcdulcH, but insisted Hint ull con-
foreiiccii were legitimate. Hristow
defined a lobbyist ns "n man en
gngod for biro to present or cucour
ugo logislntion," milling: "They aro
all pretty good fellows. I don't
think any of them uro crooks or
ir-WBr, -f3.
SBitfr A inft Bat'' ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV m
"I Felt as Though Ball of Fire Had
Hit Me In the Back" Says Mrs.
Weston Hot Spell Culminate' h
Thunder Sterm. .
Tree te WMch Herw Was HHcM
Uninjured as Was H&ty Creek's
Running Chelate Cs4rJ.
Not Goodwin uml Do Wolf Hopper,
itnra In tho theatrical and matrimo
nial firmament for theao many year,
have atartled their frlcnda again.
Knch has taken a fifth wife, and the
acoro now atanda as follews:
Hopper No, 1. Klla Gardiner: No.
2, Ida Moncher; No. 3, Kdna Wat
lace; No. 4, Nclla Ucrgcn; No. C,
Klda Curry
Goodwin No. 1, ElUa Weather
hy; No. 2. Nolla Poamj; No. 3. Maxlno
Elliott; .No. i, Edna Goodrich; No.
5, ilarjorlo Morcland.
UKNVEK, Colo.. Jitn'di Arrfmd
Hieenen nro on guard here todny nt the weather perfect tb0
Ihq city hall uml court house, as ,, , d, . , . .. .
Mn.u.r Aniold, Treasurer Stocker and , ''Cr 8 .ocIock t,,w "
Sheriff Sullivan uro re-isting Iho
newly elected city commixMouer
takjng control o the Kovcrnment.
TJm coinmimiouon. refuse to attempt
violence nnd no trouble is expected.
5fnor Arnold nnd Iho olhtr citv
offieialrt In office finy (heir aotfon is
denigued to foreo the commi.fouer.
to Hturt legnl proceedings lo test tho
legality of tho vommisSioii form of
Tho comtni-sioncrs orgnnUcd to
day, elected u mayor, passed an or
dinance validating nil cxistini; lirditl
nnccs uml then formally demanded
control of the city.
GHANTS PASS, Ojc, Juno 2.
Tho MiixumuH, who explored the
mnrhlu cuvch of Joscphiuo county
Saturday, voturucd to Orauta Puss
Sunday nflernoou nnd tho Mnznmu
npociitl train left ut 0:110 lust night
for I'ortluud. Tho only ncoldont
thnt bofcll tho piuty was to Miss
Paulino Qchullo of Portland, who
npruiimd un nuklo while on tho trull,
Tho party that wua guided through
tho caves was composed of 125
peoplo nnd nil went more Hum u
uiilo bo; jnto tlio vuveuiB,
.UOBTON Juno 2. Tho books, re-
oolpta nnd vouchors ot tho Amorlcan
Woolon company woro presented na
ovldonco when tho trial ot President.
William M, Wood, nuiltt-mllllonalro;
Krodorlc E. Atteaux, a Hoiton luanu
fnctttror, and Dennis Collins ot Cam
bridge, charged with planting dyna
mite ut I.awronco during the toxtllo
strike thoro lust year, was resumed
today. Thoso showed tho company
hud paid tho Sherman Defective,
agency of Uoston $85 during Mny,
1012, to cover work dono lu Salem
In connection with tho trial thoro ot
John J. Hreott. a Lawronco vtndor-
taker, who la tmld to have roported
strike conditions to tho woolen trust
Arthur I'lra, a chauffeur, testified
that January 19, 1912, ho drovo a
man answering tho description ot
Attoaux from Wood's homo In tho
fushlonnblo district to tho spot whore
Uroon aworo Atteaux guvo him tho
monoy to flnnnco tho planting ot
dynamlto u I.awronce. Ho was sub
joctod to n rigid cf'oas-oxamlnatlon,
but Ida testimony wan not shaken,
CINCINNATI, Ohio, Juno 2.--Tho
trlul of George 1', Cox, onco political
czar ot Cincinnati, and four other
officials ot thu Cincinnati Trust com
pany, charged with having removed
ix 13&0.UUU noto from the asaets of
that bank, began hero today.
Cox nnd his associates guvo tho
noto at tho order ot tho state bank
ing department to muko up a shrink
age In tho bank's capital, Later tho
trust company morged with auuthcr
bank and Cox and his associates
withdrew tho note.
1'OKTLA'ND. "Ore.. Juno2.-AVi(h
(Mills opened
morning in (he
first election held in l'ortlaud under
tho new commission form of govern
ment. A lurgo number of voters had gath
ered ut the imllin places nt thnt
hour mid indicntioiw nre thnt a bin
ote will be enst. Tho officials to
bo elected nre:
A muyor to nerve four years at a
sulury of .fdOOO, nn nuditor to bon-o
two yearn nt u salary of not less
than &J(i0O; u year; two commis
sioners to berve four yers nt $o000
nnd two commissioners to crve two
yours ut $5000 anniiallv.
The 'candidates for mayor are:
A. O. Kushlight, incumbent; II. It.
Albce, Dan Kelluher, C. lu ilcKenna
ind W. J. Smith.
There nro ". candidates for com
mibbioner nml four for nuditor.
A number of bond ibMic.s uro also
beinjj voted on. among them lmtx
$2,000,000 for public parks and play
grounds, $850,000 for a bridgo over
tho Willamette river in South Port
bind; jf'-'UO.OOO for u now incincrn
tor And S'J.'iO.OOO for n new builditiR
tor the Oregon Historical society nnd
city museum.
With a temperature of 00 the first
torrid spell of tlio year culminotcil
in an electrical alorm Sunday nfler
noou about 4 o'clock, which broujtlil
heavy downpours at Ashland, Trail
and olher mountain seetioa?. A
hono hcloiiginr to Mr. Lillie D.
Blackwood of Phoenix hitched ou a
Jacksonville street waa killed b
lightning- nnd lira. W. S. Weeton
who wns wnlldnjr with 'her children
nearby, was badly allocked, beina,
dazed for several minutes.
"I felt ns though a ball of fire had
hit ine in the back," said. Mrs. Wes
ton. The electrical display in (he moun
tains wns 0110 of the worst Hen in
years and the hills on all sides of
the vnllcy revcrbrated with (the
thunder. For a few minutes the.wind
blew n gale. No rain fell on the. floor
of tho valley, but Bear creek and
other streams are high and ekoco
lato colored.
Jlrs. Blackwood, who U a pioneer
and n widow, drove over fre P.hoe
nix with Mrs. Iloxio to visit frfe.
Tlio. honle was 'tied ia front ef: the
Kccvet hoeae on California Htreelaiid
the ladies were in the house at. tha
tbue.- Tho bolrstrack 4teh.5,-v'
the beau. kHIIse Wft iastantlv ami
burning .off Jtwr hair. Tha' Maok
locust tree to which he was tied was
not injured, neither was the vehicle
to which be was bitched. The ani
mal was old and gentle nnd used by
Mrs Blockwood to' peddle berries nnd
vegetables to Jacksonville customers.
The loss is a severe one to her. ;
W. E. Oreives, who lives wear tha
scene, took Mrs. Blackwood and
Mrs. Iloxio back to Phoenix in bis
auto nnd this morning buried tho
dead animal.
The electrical torm cooled the
air only temporarily and the" ther
mometer today is again flying high,
with prospects of more thuuder
I.QNO BKACir, Cul., Juno 2.
Mi. 1.. M. Huskins. of I'abAileim U
dead nt Seubido Uoapitul today ns
tho resuU of injuries n'Voivoi la ,the
auditorium disustor of May' ik.
Thi lotul number dead is now thirty
eight, thoro being nineteen from Long
Bench, s.ooi from 1a5 Angeles nnd
four from Pnsndcnn.
twcuty-si.tU uunual conventjou of
tho Brolheibood of LocomotiVo l)
giucors was opened heio today' Aith
cloven hundred delegntcs in nttend-
nuco. it will continue twenty-eight
duys, The delegates, will be reiielved
by President Wilson Wednesday.
WASHINGTON, Juno 2. Members
of the house committee ou wuys nnd
meuiib presented to (ho democratic
caucus this afternoon their nomina nemina nomina
teons: for committee assignments.
4 ThcfO bhow u radicnl re-orgnuica-lion
of the bunking nnd currency com
mittee, llcprcsontiitive Glass is made
chairman, nnd only four of the pros
out, members of the committee nro
rotnined. Tho principal chniitnnn
bhipH nro lib follows;
Jlidieiury, Clayton : Itivcrs nnd
ITurbors, Spnrkmaii; Merchunt Ma
rine, Alexander; Agriculture, Lever;
roieign Afuirs, Flood; Military Af
fairs, liny; Hules,, Henry; Labor,
Lewis of Man laud; Konds, Schuok
elford. ,
LONDON, June 2. "General",
Mrs, Flora Driimuiondi militant suf
fragette leader, submitted to an
operation here today. X becopd
nnd moie serious operation is to hu
porfonned when her condition per-
PORTLAND, Ore., Juno 2. Clar-
euco L. lteames of Medford. was in
ducted into (he office of United
States attorney toduy when he took
the oath of office. The oath was
administered in the federal court be
fore Judgo Ileum
Itenmes uiiuouuccd that Everett A.
JohtiFon, who bus been United States
attorney for tho past threo mouths
since the resignation of ' John Mc
Court, will bo retained as his first
Ubsistunt, nnd thnt Jesse L. Sumcr
nll, at present nn assistant, will b'o
another member of the staff.
Two other assistants remain to bo
appointed and Ilenmes intimates' tha't
ha will choose now men in place of
George O. Mowry nud C. C. UlndniaST,
who witlf Sumerall, completed John
son's stuff.
HOOD HlYKlt, Ore., Juno 2,-On
account of tho high waters of tha
Columbia river the government lookii
ut Cascade nre closed today nud
Hood lliver uml (owns above (119
locks uro withuut river transporta
tion. '
The river, which is higher than ut
any other time in five years, is rising
slowly nnd is approaching the rui(.
ronil embankment of tlie-0. ' B,
N, copipnny, 'Low lands north of Jhi
city are inundated.