Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 31, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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1 1
I. '
r i
The eeend mmo of the throe
gsteiis serle between tlio Central
I'olnt nnd Med ford boll towers wax
won by Atedford Friday afternoon by
a KOre or 13 to 7. This entitles
Miles' .men to tho r.00 sldo bet
(singe money) nnd tho right to claim
tho championship, of southern Ore
gon. The fans missed Rudy Shuttle on
second, who had a aoro finger nnd
umpired behind tho bat while Johnny
Wilkinson looked ftfter the bases.
The ,gnme .Itself, while slow, had n
few bright spots, principal among
them being a sensational, sterling
and successful aldo to third by Antic
After the. duat settled, Walt discov
ered that his right ear was In lta
usual poltlon, although, so mo red
stuff oozmt from It, Walt stuck with
the gamo. tilll nwde a pretty rnn
nine eetch pad Rom, the Central
Point shorUtep, grabbed ono out of
he air which earned llro the ap
plause of all present. Hill caught
jlke a veteran for tio homo, team and
hla throwing to second would make
the pegging of Johnny Kltnr seem
like that of a xanlc amateur.
Mclntyra of Jacksonville, who does
hla best for tho Central Pointers, was
batted out of the box early In tho
game. Hurd .was hit by a pitched
ball and McKeevor relieved him.
Hurd taking , McICeaver's placo nt
Tho game yesterday dispelled nil
doubt as to whether Central Tolnt
haa a chance In the basoball line
with Medford. Hnrd wasn't at .him
self In ejlher of the two games
played with the Pointers and we
weep to fklnk of what would happen
should Medferd play Central Point
with Hurd pitching In his tiptop
Medferd is now rlpo to play Weed
and thtc team will be Invited to visit
Medferd at as early date. Tho score
fallews: It. H. K.
Central Point ...................... 7 7 9
Medford ......... 13 0 C
Datterles: Molntj'ro, Hopkins and
Wilson; Hurd, McKeever and Hill.
Umpires: Shultt and Wilkinson.
On their first western trip of the
season, the .champion ,Red Sox won
seven and lost eight games.
I '
t 1 1 -1 i
VANCOUVEK, 11. C, May 31.
"There can bo no doubt ns to tho
united sentiment of the Japnnesn peo-
plo thai they will Inilst upon recog
nition of their national rights by the
United States," said P. King, n resi
dent of 'Yokohama, hero last night
bcroro ho left for tho east on his
way to London,
"l have lived in Japan for many
years and I think .1 know the sentt
mont of tho poop)e of that country.
Thcro can bo no doubt about It, that
Uncle Sam has stirred np n hornct'a-j
nest, which takes alt hla lugenulty to
put In ordor, In tho raising of the
raro Issue by tho discrimination
against the Japanese In tho stato of
California. It Is not a question fori
uiu Kuvvrninciun 10 some, n una kuiii'
far past that In Japan.
they wcro before tho war with Russia!
ami i wotiui not do surpriseu nt any
thing happening. Tho America
must bo on their guard. Japan Is
letter prepared for action than most
people think, and wp who know tho
sentiment of tho people are alarmed
at the outlook, Diplomats may de
clare there Is no danger, but they
said tho same thing before the "at-
ack on tho cxar'a flcot at Tort Ar
hur. Then public sentiment forced
war. History may repeat Itself."
. Mr. King admitted that tho Eng
lish business men Interested In Japan
were alarmed at the outlook. In fact
ho intimated that hi present Journey
was to consult his principals ns to
tho courso of action to be pursued tn
the event of possible contingency.
"Tho Dritlsh nation is, of course,
popular In Japan by roason of the
treaty of alliance, but 1 have won
dered, when In Australia, where I
learned tho antl-Japaneso sentiment,
and again in
Canada In tho few
hpurs I have been here, how long!
thls would continue It thorp were
demonstrations of sympathy wjth tho
United States in Australia. New
Zealand and British Columbia, If tho
worst should come to tho worst.
"It Is a very delicate situation, and
ono which will tax all tho Ingenuity; Hoyal Academy, and although tho
of tho diplomatists. Let ns hope usual votes for women placards were
that they will succeed, but thcl sue-: not found, the police suspect the mill
cess can only be secured by a back-, tant suffragettes are responsible. The
Ing down by the United States." ' building contains somo of the world's
Percy Haiwell will open her fourth
season of summer stock performances
In Toronto about tho end of this
1 i
Tho hustling JUlle city of Tutout is
to have n creamery nnd is also to
Ihuvo tho distinction of 'Minting
dinners liivtitntu which will in nil
probnbilHy become nu nun mil insti
tution. The Coiutueruinl club then?
will meet June 3, to hour an uildrw
by Professor Iteimor on the isubjeet
of '"The Institute,'' It is planned
to have it pnmnrily one of interest
to the dnirv men nnd plans for tho
ereumory to bo built nt Talent will
also bo discussed.
TACOMA. Wash., May 31. Ke-
resontlng tho American Friends so
city of Tokio, Y. Yamaguchl, mem
ber of tho Japaneso congruss for US
years, has arrived In this rlty on tho
Btcamshlp Mexico Marti on a mission
to luvcstlgnto tho provisions of tho
California alien land bill nnd to as
certain tho prevailing sentiment re
garding It. Ho was met by 1 Tan
Iguchl of San Kranclsco, ami depart
ed for that city today.
Yamaguchl Is a frlond of tlnron
Chlnda, Japanese ambassador to the
United States nnd expects to remain
In this country for three mouths.
"Owing to tho close nlllanco of
American nnd Jnpaueso trado Inter-1
eats." said Yamaguchl. "nnd for
other reasons, Japan has no deslro
' t0 K t0 wnr with this country. Tho
Japanese merchants and tho mnjor-
ty of tho peoplo do not caro to mnke
troublo with their best customers and
I LONDON', May 31. An attempt
, w made last night to set flro to tho
greotcet work of nrt. Tho attempt
was discovered by a watchman who
' found In a small room on tho ground
floor a card board box filled with rags
' and cotton saturated with oil.
Now Is the
Printed in colors, plain or fancy, to order,
special design's; samples and estimates will
be furnished on request; quality guaranteed
improvements in the
AVXXaAl. AU.XJHKJ Y VXXXVAVU 111 lllW Ull SX Sl.lAAll,Jg AUCICVV- IftlV iyxativv.vA IHUW OUUOllVl .J
the lithographed. In fact, printing is fast rendering lithographing obsolete. It
isticheaper and more effective. Fruit grown in tljie, Rogue River Valley should
be snipped under labels made in the Rogue River Valley, Patronize home
XLT C 11
We are fully equipped to do your work
dame Warden A. S. Iluhlmrd re-
(ptosis farmers uuil orchurdisls who
run iterys Chinese I'ltcnsnutV nests
while mow injr, to notify Kwiiur's put
Htore liv telephone, having nrrniiKetl
to mil for tho rggs mitl distribute
them with people wlm will luiteh them.
Mnny eggs hnve nlremlv been saved
, this way and young pheiintilH un
linlrhing in n tloren ptiullrv ynrds.
' Mr. Hulibnnl bus retttrttiM Iroin the
Ilogue where u Htriet watch is lieinir
kept for- fih law violators, lie
'.stnleH flrunts 1'nss fihennru nn
openly bonMed that they intend in
disregard the proisions of the new
' fishiiu; law mid hnvo iloelnivd they
would fish under thu .Anient dam,
allhough the fishing territory eiuls at
the (Inuits Pass bridge.
Tho wnrdena expect more I rouble,
in Josephine county tliini on all the
rest iif the river and biwo applied t
the state couuiiNxiuii to supply a
ga-oliue launeli to pntml the ner.
Tho eity council has under consid
eration a projKisition made by Dr. K.
11. French representing French nnd
Hills to urgent the eitv n. UO acre
park on llanieburg hill, Houthcnat of
tho eitv. The nito U a pieturchipie
one, commanding n view of the entire
Conditions attached to the pniimsnl
nro that the city build a reservoir
iiikiii the hill which can supply wnter
to the-south end of tho city ns well
ns to the tract surrounding, build n
scenic drivewny nnd fumih wnter to
residents nt city prices. Dr. Atkins
nnd L. A. Hart, who own intervening
ranch have offered to i deed n 300
foot driveway to the M'dfnrd-Ash-land
J)r. French is negotiating with the
Hullis company to extend the trolley
hue to this tract, which will he called
Freneh-Hills, as well as to the Sun
nyside eonl mine, which ho and Mr.
Hills have acquired nnd proimeo to
opemte in conjunction with a bri
quet factory.
With Medford trade Is Mcdford mnrte.
Time to
art of printing make1
1 - 1 1
Post Offlre Uopartmuul did not at
tain a condition of self-support dur
ing tho ndmtnhitratlon of 1'ontinnn
tur (leitornt Illtolirouk, nolw Ulintuuit
Itig tho wlduly ndvortlsed unuouiiro
ment to that effect, although an itl
parent surplus was attained by uu
Justifiable hioIIioiIh of bookkeopliig
Tho general mornlo and efficiency of
the postal xorvleo were sacrltleed to
a ruthlessly enforce) policy of falio
economy for tho solo purpose of pre
senting a show lag of self mainten
ance; nnd after tho attainment of
this end, Just before tho Inaugura
tion Of the new administration, the
policy was reversed, l.oug-staudlug
vacancies were filled nnd postponed
promotions made; commitments to
fixed charges for long terms were n
suii)ed In such n wny as to saddle the
new administration with tho greatly
Increased oxpenso during months, if
not years, to come.
These nro tho Important points In
thu report of n commllteo of post
office officers wh(ch hnti made, a
mlnuto "survey" of tho department'
general condition. Tho report U ad
dressed to Postmaster tleuernl Al
bert Sidney Hurlenou, who ?nndo It
public today, and Is aigued by Daniel
C. Itoper, Joseph Stewart, A.. M.
Uockcry, James I. llln,Klea nnd Mer
rltt O. Chance, respectively, first, sec
shown In pub
lished annual re
ports of depart
ment. ..11221.001, 102. S9
.. S29.977.28-l.riO
. 2a7.C4S.9aC OS
24S,r.2G 0.0K
Fiscal j ear.
A Troublesome Alien
I The statu college is now receiving
numerous letters from persons seek
ing information as to how the Cniin
iln Thistle'' mny bo destroyed. Upon
this subject, Dr. Im I). Cnrdiff, head
of tltc.llotnuy department, issues tho
following Iclter:
''The name 'Canndn' ns applied to
this thistle is very iiiUleiuling. The
plant is not jmtive to Ninth America
nt all, but wns introduced from Kit
rope, mid like somo other aliens,
when it gets isissesiou of our agri
cultural lands, cmikcs us trouble.
''The plant is propagated both by
(roils, which are very numerous mid
Order Your
the printed label superior to
at the right prices.
. !l Jf m
False Economy
ond third nnd fourth nssUtiiti push
mantuin general and chief of the tlo
piUttuuiit, The iiitmtanro of the ejnltu of tho
Hitchcock ndiuliilstrntlou waa Hint a
deficiency of approximately t7,n0(l,
000 In HMM" hud been entirely tillinl
iiatrd, and that a surplus of over
JUOO.OUO wns attained for the fiscal
year lull. Tho reports of the "sur
vey" nro declared to show, on tho
contrary, that nt no tlnio has there
boeii a legitimate surplus In tho pint
tal revenues since the fluent year
1MN3, and that Instead of n surplus
of approximately $2 10,000 In Ifilt,
there wan In fact, nn actual defic
iency of considerably muro than three
quarters af a million dollars,
In onlur to ascertain the true cost
of tho service, tho various adminis
trative officers of ,lhu department
having Jurisdiction over the novum!
branches of tho sorvtiu were called
upon to submit statements showing
the obligations Incurred by them for
thu service of the fiscal yenm tl'OUJ
to 1U12, Inclusive, Irrespective of 1
tho tluiti when payments Of thu obll-'
gallons were or are to be made. Up-1
ou compilation of thimo statements
It was found, tho patmatir general
states, that the cost of tho service for ,
these yours, ns compared with tho ex-!
peudlturea reported for those years j
ny (ne iiiiciicock aiuniniNinitiou, wns
as follews:
Cunt of the
snrvlro ns ie-
termlncd by Discrepancy
the present
$2'ji,2:tti,:24,2t i2.ii.52i a:
230,237,017.90 2r.9,S23 40
23K.n23,3r.0.37' 974.123 09
2 IS.C2 1,940.29 99,490.21
ruMtly distributed by thu wm), and
by underground root stocks, which I
hnve numerous shoots, both leafy'
mid flowering. I would suggest Hint
the weedy land be plowed deep dur
ing the summer before tho plants
seed; in fact, just about the time the
flowers open. (It would perhnps '
fitelhtnte the work to first mow (lie
plants.) Then, by reH-ateil cnlli-
vnlloii with broad sheared uuttiwi-
tors, for several years, the plants
can be kept down, It lias bern found '
in somo parts of tho country that the
Vst method of Dropping to get rid of ,
the Cunada thistle is a Ihrue year ro-j
t '
tiitlou of tfritps, nnd of wlil'eli shoilM
he I I'd olnvei'.
"The fnriiierH ciiniwil jihn.ino
iiincli itlleiillmi In the iUeslou of
eradieitllou of Hils mid oilier noxloint
Yceils, which iiniinally miuso untold
Ioshcs In Hie olllllry, Weyds mo In
cicnMiur, Imlh In nuinlier and var
iety, III UU enoiiiioiis I ale."
With a !IH eallher iiivolver cluluhuil
In his haiiil, the badly deoomposed
laxly of a mini, iippaieiilly u Hiilelde,
was found late yesterday afternoon
In cSlmiley Park. Nu piiiers were
l'miiul on htm, and us ycl he is tint
Luxury williout
I Hotel
I Von Dorn
1 212 Turk Strcot
Finest popular priced
it Hotel in San I'Vanomco
Kodorn Central
Bc Ioqntcd
nnd most
hotel in the
City. Running distilled
ice water in ench room.
European Plun, a In Gutc
Tariff on Rooms
12 room
DO room
BO room
00 rooms sk ytbtU UA
91.00 th
130 cb
2.00 ch
ZSO cadi
SO roonti m Knito lit
30 tullri. bmlroom. Dr-
lor ami bath 3.00 cli
For mora than on suttt add f 1.00
'stra to tho abova rata for
1 each additional ut.
Reduction by wk or month, 4
Mttimttmtnl Cfltr W. Ktttty
I.m of drill and Dining Itoom
J 11-- . . l JUJLJ
-. h