??W7'!?!T?7!Tr!7Tw7?w H$ . tKJ. m r t r , ' vF M. - i . ! Keeping Up fcrSNtjUtiT Noyf tf" to Gtr INTO THt tihtt.nn "kUift-f MtfY t' I'lNMJt RSADY a n "- i c n l . ,.- p v i ii &.. . i-"?.'c"aiiiiiM MEDFORD IS BUD'S : REAL HOME (J. It. K.) VolmnCH hnvo Ihtii printed rrlti itiing Moilfiiril fr "stonlinp; Hiul A ilersoii bodily," iih tins (JrnnU Piimh (.'ourii-r ittitH It. Medford rlnimliig 1 1 ii1 Andorwoii mid (lift rrwlll for put UliK hint oil (ho MlKllUtic M'!(Htill lid imw (iroiipiKM in Hjrfc'lly pniper, no. Vonlin li nil priTCili'tiU Id imploin. AimIitkoii wnn lirinilil lipn ntul Mi'rt ford HnirH went lo mvu IiIiii fVcrytiini' Im iipiH'nrril Iicit. In VrthroimT hf unx lliiiliKlit M lilll of Unit tin' pub li Hciitiiiu'iit Htrmit; "ikhikIi () Minlilii n f'W people ipiMmi'tl In hox Inj; tu nptittu it out f Hint city. rotrliiinl mill Vniu'oiivrr both nlinwi,il llii'ir luck of iipprt'ciiitioii of Mini kli.jn he ronlihl Dnnnv O'Hrii'il in Mnlfonli not nno tiulit fnn i null in; (In- trip from tlio nnrlli to xre tlm two lililui'iitlitM put up the licfcl Hcrnp llml iipHnriil in in lliin rity. Tim rity that pulH the finhler on tin' limp it iuvitriiililv kIvi'D tliu orfillt for In'liitf tlic "home Krt'' of Iho Imixit. iiiul Mnlfonl without ilotihl put Uuil iu tln limelight mill Ik rntii. I- . .!... III ll... I. in I in nun ennui, iik' mii-k""'"!' (,'oiirlor ntul Kliuniilli Full- pnpom iu tin nmtrnry uotwitliNtnuilini;. Ki'ry tliuii lliiil Mtnrlt'il iu l.on Aiium'Ii'm Mcil ftinl wn ri'pri'xi'ntril nt lli riiiu wiii'( Imth by fmiM nuil money; tun miiiiu' I'muiot bo truthfully Mini of nuy of Hut iihovf lut'iitlouril t'llii. N'mncK of n fvw liuxi'M who uro liuileil iw fniiu riticH which nro iicithor their lilrtliplncit nor homo nml their ronl hirtliplni'OH uro i;ivi-n iu nupport of tlm nhovo oniiti'iitien: Sum lliTKi'r luiili'il fnuu Sun Frnii nUro, Ikiiii in ChicnKo; Sum I.uiik fonl, lium nt Wuyinouth, Kova Soo tin, Imllcil from Ilrmtun; M.THlorioui Hilly Smith hulled from Itmitim, mul Inter I'orthiml, OrcKiui, burn in Fred- uriiiktiui, Now llriifnifirkj Jiiiiipi J. JoffrioK liniloil from C'nllfurniii, burn u Cnrroll, Ohio; .Inok Hrlltun, Imnf nt riinlon, N. Y., huilNl nH from Cliieni; (leoriu Dixon, born nt IluU ifiu, X. S liniloil Hi from lloaton; Juek nml Chnrloy Whlto from Chl riii;o, born iu F.iirJnucl, uu'l hunilreiU of othern. Horror wAh mlvtirtincil iih Ih'Iiik from Sun Friiucl.ioo mi norount of him Inning been ''boosted" by Iho Olympiu rlub of Hint plnco nml win nliiK' tho mnnti'itr hftiivywuiKlil cliiwnp libiHliip whiln wen rin tr Iho winded 0.; IjuiiKforil ri'(,'iKloreil from JloHtnn n lit Kiiiucil prenlio nH n fighter nt, Chelseu, Muhh,, ucroHH Iho river from llontou; Smilli tvrnto Ilorilmi nftor hU nhiiui ht'ciiuHit ho iil hU uturt lu lies ton when boxing wiix ullovel lit tho Hay City; Jeffrie, liku Aiulernon, will not uppruolnteil lu bin bmno town ulnl wuh not beunl of until Culifor iibtuM liij;iin pitying funny prieen to htio him iu action. Hrittou boxed u fnw timeH nroiiud bin homo town, but Ciili'iiKu renlly kovo him lliu plnoo Ito now ocmipiuti in tho list of goud light wcIkIiIn, (leorgio Ditfoil wn tho 8011 of u cook on u Hnriuudit'Hulifnx fruit jiont uud wim burn in Ihu Cuiiuiliun city, uud IIohIoii, whuro ho did his firnt rcul fighlinjr In Kouurully culled Hid litlhi ui'Kro'ri homo.' Tim WhilcK, Clilules uud Juulc, fouuhl n fifillt or two iu tho eiiHt, but riilciiKU really put llioir nuinefl beforu tho iht foU lowei'rt uud tlmy givu wllnt liltlo Ud vorlUiiiK tlioy enn to (ho Windy City by bovine it on their duiiIk. Anderuon uud IiIh cupublo Kunrd inti, Hliik Donuld, whllo jiwtly loyul to Vuiumiivor, know what Modt'oi'd did for them, uud Iihvo not henitulod to kIiow thoir uppreolutimi. Hud ro iiIUoh Hint Whuolor'n SpriiiKH, "Sun ny Cnllfornlu," nor uuywhoro oIho cuit kIvo him tho natural ''workout", mid good frorili air, which (ho hillrf aiiil fir treos urmiud Modfijrd mipply uilil will roturii iu u wuok to do tbu - With the Style tA G6IN TO A IMNNQUOT, toUTT. MOW 061 tOOK Croutrr pnit of bin prnliinlnry train ing tor m& rouriu or .nuy iikiii. Tho following iippeurcd in lliu San nimento I tic of .May I'd, although AiiiUthimi diil unt Hliip at K'lntnntli FnlU on hU way north , after lit Maud.it fight: KLAMATH FALLS, Mny 20. Ono of Iho hlKCHt ri'ceptionfi over iiceordeil n leliiriu'd hero by Khun, atli Fniiu people, whm cleinleil to Hud AudnrHoti, eoutcnilrr for Iho iilituilgi( chiimpioiiHlilp titto and victor over Kno Hrown, Jon .Mnmlot, Fran klc l!thiinU, Youni; Piento and many other lfi:i-ioumlerii, when lie wuh hero Monday for a nbort rUit. Ito wit iiffotupuuifil by bis iiniiiuKer, Dick Donnlil, brother J'red Auileron, mill Mohan, hU truiuer. I'revioiiH lo bin breaking into tho limeliuht in Cailforuin, Audernott fought M'vcnil IuiuIh here, w'iuiiiug nil of them. Tho t'leveniouM and diameter of Iho Vancouver boy won him laiiuy friend hero, and lux re turn for u vlxit in bailed with delight. DE 0R0 WINS BACK THREE CUSHION TITLE SAN FKANriSCO, Cnl., May HO. Tho three ciihIiIoii billnrd cliam ploiiHblp nt;niu beloiiKi to Alfred Do Oro today, follow ink' liix defeat hero lnt iiicht of John Uori;ou iu tho final Kiime of (he ftrrien. llori;nu hntl held Iho title for a yenr. Do Oro won lni iiIkIiFh nmt' by the Hcorc of .10 (o III, the total coro for tho three KUmcx Ktaudiul; l'" for Do Oro mul l'JO for IIorKun. Kneh plover mtiilo n IukIi run of five. Do Oro entabliMbeil n record in three ciiidiion billnrdrt Inst fiiullt when bo Hindu eighteen miIiiIh between the thirteenth nml fourteenth muingK. WILLOW SPRINGS TWIGLETS I J. C. iluermnn ot (ho United tntei bureau of ddiieiltldrl of 'WhuhltiRton, I). V , iiiul whono hq.idqunrterM nro nt Kalom, inn do our vrlibol n vtlt May Slf In rompnny with Buierln tciuleut Wolli nml wlto. Mr. Moor man was particularly ImpreiHed with our milondld bulldlmc nml ItH vlow iiml tlitlnowr, bo much to that bo Mithorlrod Profoesor Rweot to quoto him as doclarliiK It to bo ono of tbu best In tho nlnto of OroKott. UiimcII HarrU rceotved nn clRhtb Rrnilo diploma from Superintendent Well a hut Wednesday, havltiR atla fnctorlly paiwoil tho eighth urado ox; nminntlon hold May 6-9. It la Krntl fylng ti) nolo that In tho Inst two yenm hut ono vuplt failed to pass tho Krndo ana that tho auccciaful onea i;al u ed an tivcrftgn of 01 per cont. U. F. Donn mado a liualiiess trip to Medford Wodnoadny. Menari. Slaty nml Donn woro visit ora nt Mehool recently. Mr. nml Mra. Carton woro recent vltiltorn at Jtedford nnd AHhlnud, Mcshth, Htrnubo Tumiiklimon and Law Iiiiyo Inatnlled tclophonoa In thoir homes, Tho Willow SprlnKtt bnaobnll team oxpoota now aulta noon nnd will also lay out now grounds nour thu Bccnla HulRht.i) city. Tho Ifonu children nro out of school, uufforliiK with wIiooiiIuk cough. It la uudoratnnd that Frank Dean In contomplntlug. tho tlutnlltiiK of olootrlo IIkIiIs In hla hOuhouao to hco If ho can't Imluco hla thorotiKhbrud honu to produce orkr twlco a day, i'rogfosH goon morrlly on. You, ovon tho Portland brethren i;ot Htuck on tho O. I', band. Mr. nml Mrs. Nat Otbdrboln or Klamath ljalls nro vUitlnit Mr. mid Mrs, Ji 1. HonKlund. Sundny thoy picnicked on Itoguo .river and then In tho ovonliiK mntorod In Mr. Hong land'a car to fJold Hill. M. 1). lMckurd of Portland wn'a vlaltlng ielatlvenaml frlondatho laat fow days. t ; Hurrnh or 'Mr. IIiiIHhI So 'far, yot uo near to Willow Bprlnjja, i v; o i aa rtGlKu j UZrj ifcl 1 MEDirORD' MATT) TRTBIJNTC, METWOTID, 'OTTTCOOr, FRIDAY. Is Too Tough a' VMHWDOfrT YOU tVQW VMAT "YOU CAN'T VICW- VIHTG VCAr ANO A SILK viCtx iHAT VITM Aruft:DO''tWI.C wm TO VIGAK. A iopr IWT AND buck vmrAMO tie OFF 10 EXPLORE I OTTAWA, Out , May .10 - Dr VIII- JemiT HtofauiiNOii, who will bead ono of thu (argent uxiiodltloiiN Into tho Arctic regions to try to dbuiover now territory mensiirliiK nearly a million aqunrii miles In area, believed to bo a aubiirb or a(ilidtvlloti of tho north pole, for tho dominion Kovernmonl, toft Ottawa lnt night on routu to Join his nhlp, tho Karluk, tit ICupil- malt, ll. C. It will anld for tho frigid (ono between iho Cth and 10th of Juno. Ho said goodhyo lo hla friends In tho city nnd will not aeo thorn ncnln for threo yearn nnd n half, as ho In- touda to bn nwuy on his voynyo of discovery until November, 1910. Ho will upend today In orouto consulting with a fow scientific friends thero. In thu ovonliiK ho leaves for Wlnnl x'K, where bo will address tho Cana dian rlub before ho kooh to hco hla mother nt Saskatoon. About two days will bo spoilt thero nnd then ho noes through to tho Pacific coast. "(loodliyo," bo said to tho news paper men. "1 hoH) to aeo you, and rIvo you a Reed story In November. 191C. It In not likely that much will ho heard from us for a Ioiir tlmo nfler wo leave Ksaulmatt." Ciinl or Thanks Wo detlro (o tliank tho many friends for thu sympathy nnd kind ness extended to ua during tho lllnens and death of my husband nnd our father, A. P. Talent. Wo appreciate especially tho beautiful flowora given which speak to us of eo ranch love and affection. Wo especially thnnk tho members of tho 0. A. 11., tho Masonic frater nity, neighbors, and mombors ot tho First Ilaptlst church of Med ford for all that tlioy did for ua at this tlmo of Borrow, MltS. A. P. TALKNT ' and family. tsl QUARTERLY MEETING OF FREE M. E. CHURCH OPENS Tho nunrlerlv meetinc of tho Free Methodist church will Htnrt Friday vcnlnp; with services nt tho church nt Ivy nnd Tenth street. Tho hc hioiiH will continue through Sunday, with thu Lovo Feast Sundnv morn- ing nnd preneliini: iu tho evening. Iter. J Wi Shnme, district elder will bo iu chumo of Iho xcrvicca mid an Inritntimt I extended to everyouo tu bo present. NOTICH. Notlco la horcby given that tho undoralguod will apply to tho city council ot tho city of Medford, Oro gun, at Its regular mooting on Juno 3, 1013, for n license to eoll spirit uous, vinous and malt llquora In quantities less thun a gallon, at his placo of hiialneua nt No. 2 N. Front Bt., In said city, tor u porlod of six months. 13. O. I1UOWN. Tho rccont rnvlval of Gilbert nnd Snlllvun'a "lolantbo" In Now York proved highly auccoasful, WHY? VOUll cHoioh 8 ncrca DoAnJou, full hearing 10 ncioa HOac, full bonrlng 10 acres Ilnrtlett, full bonrlng 10 ncrcs Comlco, full bonrlng Wo must nell ono ot those blocks ot Pours nt just one-half vnlno to navo Inrgor tract, li ft. deep loam boIIj Ju Jackson county 3i miles from Medford, - , , . Prlco nsked, ipono, Wo want yoiir bid on ono ot thoso tracts. Can tako you out any after noon. J. O. UAHNRfl )i!5 N. nivorslilo or 314 Flrat Natloual Dank Building V. ,-...,.. -.irr v. - PUT Of , S , I .. . ' jt w'i'" '."v- i r xz? ..,.. ....- v - i . 1 .. 1 : - 1 Job for Jeff AGRL? Movj'j WHf WON'T YOUWfWiri iTMC MUST PLACO Ti TMft? I WANT UltfAki iivi ij iLAUr?ft$nU - nuww I - wj i'" TOiCG. CWUCCT lUTCAUSU I'M VJCAK. ATUCDO WHCRC AV'.C uA'XUi.YtHn.l.MnNr. CONNA TAWS fUT ON . S A.GIR.L octiaoir .notioi:. Tho regular meotlni; of tho Iloguo Itlver Co-operntJvo Fruit Orowers association will bo hold Saturday aft ernoon nt 3 p. in, at tho public library building, 60 J. A. PKItllY, Pre. NOTICK. Notlco la hereby given that tho tin dorslgned will apply to tho city coun cil of tho city of Medford, Oregon, at Its next regular meeting on Juno 3d, 1013, for a llconso to soil spirituous, vlnuun and malt liquors In quanti ties less than n gallon, nt thcl.r placo of business on 8outh Fir street, lo cated nt Iota 10, 11 and 12, blocx -in, of tho original townslto. In said city, for n porlod of alx months. ItAU-MOHK CO. Dnto ot flrat publication Mny 22, 1913, FPU hhxi nouqia FOR IlKNT Flvo room modern apartment, sleeping porch, 1E; Boron room house, sleeping porch. Col. IL 11. Sargent. 810 Oakdnlo South. CI FOIt HUNT Modern burjalow; built-in furniture; beautiful lawn. 309 S. Nowtonn. FOIt HUNT Modern furnished C-room bouso, water rent paid, . !2Qt C18 King at. . FOIt HKNT Flra rcom modern apartment, sleeping porch, $1G; seven room bouso, sleeping porch, I1G. Col. If. II. Sargent. 810 Oakdale South. 61 FOIt HKNT Modern plastered 6 room bungalow, water paid, 112 50 tier month. Ono t-rooin bouso. $f per month. Phono 2C7-J or call nt 430 South Fir st. FOR HB,T--Furnlshed houro, largo grounds, flowers. 14 13 H. Main or phono 44'J-H. G9 FOIt ItUNTSIx room modern bun galow; gaa. tilcctrlclty, east front and fine shade. Inqulro 318 S. I.nurol. C3 FOIt SAI.H OH KKNT C rcom mod ern bungalow; bsautlful lawn and tret's; ulco garden; only 5 blocks from now opera house. 713 Knst Jackson. FOIt JtKNT -Nicely furnUhod two room house, all conveniences, pleasnnt surrouiidlngH, close In. J. T. Hums. 417 Jay street, off South Oakdale. FOIt HRNT FurnUhod 5 room hoiisa and largo shady yard, $2i per month. Water rent paid. 817 West 10th at. Sco next door cast, C3 FOK HK.VT FUHMWMKn HOOMS FOR HKNT Sleeping room In now, modem house, 3 blocks from post office. Summer rates $1.50 por week. Phono 372-J. FOR HKNT Woll furnished roams with all conveniences lu modem home, gentleman ami wlfo or la dles ouly. Call mornlugs. 423 South Laurel, FOR RENT Largo sleeping rooms, nud modem housekeeping apart monts, prices very reasonable. Phono 102C-L. 222 South Holly street. NEW TODAY 12Q0 aero stock ranch In Unrnoy couutj', fully oqulppod, will trailo for any Pnclflo coast property for part vnluo and lot soma remain as a loan ou tho placo If desired, 00 ucrea of orchard, ovor halt In finest of producing peara, and tho ownora want to get back to tho chil dren, so will trndo for tin Iowa farm, A good modern hotol In n llvo town In. northern Iowa for trndo for a ranch In tbla valley. 40 acres ot alfalfa land lu south ern California for trade for some thing hero. 10 ncrca ot Irrigated young poars, with Improvements, for trado for a ulco MUlo bungalow In' Medford, Those properties nro all practically cloar, nml It will bo ensy to mako a, trado It proporty offered la right. C. D. HOON Phono 1037-J. JucUsoa Co. Dunk Dg, no,- iioir. VHM.36FFJ 1 ALU LA'? Of VlUU AfS X Ml. R.K.MY NOW ?, MAY (ttQflfL A tM.ft.CK. Tie Tt u 1 virrM pvcnihg cLorMt IHCHt 1 TO FOR ItKNTI'imMSHKI) AITS. FOR HKNT Completely furnished apartments. The Bcrbcn, 10 Qulnco sL m ni.-'H' t ' FOR HKNT HOUSKHKKI'I.VO HOOMH TWO furnished housekeeping rooms' In renr of 220 S. (Jrapo; no chil dren. CO FOR HKNT Heusekeeping: rooms with bath and gas. 34C North UartlotL FOR HEM OFFICES FOR RENT Largo, comfortable of fico rooms with elevator sttIco, steam heat, hot and cold water, Low rates. Apply Medford Fural turo Si Hdw Co. FOR Iti:.T MISCKLliANEOUS FOHRENTTwo'oW"LJn'"nialto bldg, Indulro of Jim Hitter. FOR SALE 11X1)3 FOR SALE 100 aero good alfalfa and grain ranch, all In cultivation. Will mako good stock ranch. $100 per ncro. Inqulro of C. M. Svcndscn, Medford, Oro. C7 FOR SALE Do not rail to got my list ot bard times bargains In and around tho beautiful city ot Ash land boforo you deeldo on a loca tion. I can save you money on renting or buying. W. V. Hodg son, Cor. E. Main and Second ats., Ashfand, Ore. C4 FOR SALE Homestead rellnqultdi men Is. Homesteads for location. A. II. Sating. Medford. Ore G2 FOR SALE ACREAGE FOR SALE 5 or 10 acres closo In. easy terms. Phono 10C0-M. 07 FOR SALi; MISCEMiANEOCH FOR SALE Gooseberries; largo; 35 eta. per gallon delivered to any part of city. C. C. Pierce. Phono 105. 64 FOR SALE Public salo Saturday, May 31, 2 p. m.. opposite Public Market. I will offer for sale to tho highest bidder ono team of mules, 1 tloublo work harness, sill key plow, ono snddlo and n wagon, ono load of miscellaneous articles. A. K. Wnro. 50 FOR SALE Ono 10 horsepower gas oline engine. International mako; been used about ono mouth; good as new; for salo at a bargain. William Ulrlclt. Medford, Oro. FOR SALE OR TRADE Pedigreed Poland China boar. R. D. 1, IJox 73, Contral Point, or phono Far mer 14-184. FOR SALE Smith-Premier type writer No. 2 lu good order; largo clear type; 125, at Western Unlou Telegraph office 59 FOR SALE Good working horso nud f0 leghorn chickens. Routo No. 1, Uox 17, Medford. Mrs. Kloeppln. 59 FOR SALE Remington standard typewriter No. 8 Invlslblo wrltor, 14 Inch carriage never been used; cheap. P. O. Hox 147, Jackson ville. FOR SALE Good solf feed hay press at itegar rancii. 03 FOR SALE Day-old chlcka. Planum L.lni.1.1. T..ft...'.nM 1,-1-1 . -L.l i.ivwinu tuuuimiui iiounur, itti eilt, Oro, H. C. High, Mgr. CG FOR SALE Loose leaf lodger aya terus, any stylo or mado to ordor by tho Mall Tribune bindery. FOR SALE Legal blatiKs, tresspass notices, for 'sale or rent alnjs at the Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Ono flno team ot horses iguu pounds, nt u bargain. O. E. Gates, 132 S. Rlvofaldo.. FOR SALE Household furniture. jiookcuso, 3 sections, top nml baso, 17; kttchoiv tablo, dak top, 1; Ico box, $4; books, largo nssortmout, 25 cents each; several rockers, each $1; 4 dining room chairs, $1.50 each; throo-qunrtor bed, $1; now ruiigo, cost $35, has-hot wator back, $20; now heater with baso and plpo, $3; small tables. $1; electric fan, $8. 1427 E. Main. Tol. 757-L, B9 FOR SALU tlontlo snddlo pony, es pecially good for carrying two children to school. Cau bo driven to buggy. Also good driving horso for lady. Apply to Walter Friuor Hrown, 53 North Orange 8t. Plioiio 577-Y, ; - w..i.,fi., , r,iiiait,- ltt A&AW,T t).CSt, TO jfekr - FOR SALI MISCHMiAXKOUS FOR SALE French conch mare sov on years old; weight 1200; cMn.be seen nt the Nash stables Saturday, May 31. r,0 FOR SALE Invincible astera and salvia plants. Mrs. Wm. Haln, V Clark nt. Phono 527-X. CO FOR SALE Letter beads and fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, aa yon wish at the Mrtl Tribune. FOR SALE Ono black 3 year old Pcrcheron stallion, weight 1750 lbs. Will trade for cattle or work horses. Also cedar posts and fir rails. Henry Manklns, 2 14 miles south of Jacksonville, CO HELP UMXTKO-MALE WANTED Two good fruit thinners. Marshall's ranch. 1113 S. Oak daeo. GO WANTED MISCKMiAXEOUS WANTED To buy a 4 passenger Ford automobllo In good condition, cheap. Address P. O. Do'x 472. 59 WANTED Wood sawing; has good machine; give roe a call, from 6 to 9 p. tn. Phono 3S4-R. 83 WANED Home dressmaker with nri appreciation of style. Phono 477. Ablo to work nt onco. 62 MONET TO I.OAK MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property, a A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3C8. MONEY TO LOAN $1000 to $5000 to loan on Improved farm proper ty. Bennett Investment Co. FOR KXCXlny tR WILL EXCHANGE 10 acres pears, with or without house, for Med ford bungalow. C. U. A., Mall Trlbuno. FOR TRADE I havo somo new Studcbakor wagons, buggies, farm Implements and gasoline englno for which I will take cord or fir wood. F. Osoubruggo, 401 River side avo. S. FOR SALE OR TRADE A good pay ing business. See O. C. Boggs, at torney, for particulars. CI FOR TRADE 40 ncora of bench land, rich, red loam, cholco for pears, grain or potatoes. About 10 acres cleared; 3H mllea from Woodvlllo near Evans creek. Would like residence In Medford. B. J. Palmor. Phone 469-J, TO SELL OR EXCHANGE Propor ty In Pasadenn, Long Beach and other cities and also acreago In California for proporty In Medford or vlclulty. Write, enclosing stamps, or como to my otflco and Investigate. Lunian N. Judd, Tal ent, Oregon. LOST LOST Kappa Kappa, Gama Sorority pin, gold; lottered "K. K. G." nnd In shape or koy; namo MUa Julia Day on back. Return to Jtra. Clin ton McCurdy. 220 S. Laurel at. Llboral roward. STRAYED A small cow, part Jcr soy, with dark raco. Sunday. F. II. Cowles. Phono C7-R-1. Nextx to 401 Ranch. 59 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY AB STRACy CO., No. 6 South Contral. Auctioneers WILLIAM ULRIOH Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of Medford. Oregon. Terms roasonablo. Resi dence phono 1G.1-J. Oflco Jnck boii County Bank building. Auto Supplies, LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret In making springs la tho tempering. Wo are operating the largest, oldest and best oqulppod plant In tho Paeiflo northwest. Use our springs whan, other fall. Sold unddr guarantee. 2G North Fif teenth St., Portland, Oro. Accountants D. It. W'OOD General Accountant- tour uoo ks audited and kept for a r&tsonablo flguro; yonr business solicited. Office, Medford Mali . Tribune bjdg.; phone Cll-R-3; res lonco phono 537. ' i a r - I ' i - - 1 -'---t-i " By "Bud"-Fisher ; ' P ' .. j"$VT Cnaf,.nU U.Ey SAftO HU.SIXISS mitnCTOHY (Attorneys t-s PORTER J. NEFF.-WM. V. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law, Rooms 1 and 2, Festofflce bldg. A. f.. RKAMB3, LAWYER Oarnett Coroy bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at i.aw. 123 Bast Main street, Medford, Ore. Wm. M. Colvlg George M. Roberta COLVIO & ROBERTS. LAWYERS Medford Natloaal Dank Bulldlag Clrfropractors1 DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor nerve specialist. Rooms 203-204-205 Garnott-Corey bldg. Va'or' baths' and scientific tri&oeage given; advice la dietetic, medleal gym sastles hydreptherapy. Lady at tendant. Phone, oflee 945, resi dence 571-R. DR. A, R. HEDGES, Dr. Louise R. Hodges Mechano-Theraplsts, Chiro practors, SpoBdylotberaplsts. Theeo systems. Including- dietetics, cura tive gymnastles, hydro-tberaphy, etc.. prodaee results In both actite and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. 230 North Bartlett St., next door to M. E. church. -Itaura 9 a. ra. to 5 p. m. Other Cdra W appointment. Phone U7-J. l)etittt DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR C. C. VAN SCOYOG Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., snlte 310, Medford, Ore. Phone S5S; Garbage GARBAGE Get your premises cleaned op for tho winter. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good Bervlce. Phono 025-U F. Y. Allen. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary DUb- llc. Bring your work to ire at the alga ot the Mall Tribune. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CoThiw the bost equipped printing office In southorn Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Physicians and Surgeons DIL 'F. 6. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteepathlo physicians, 41C-417 Garnett.Corey bldg.. phono 103G-L. Itesldeuce 420 South Laurel at. Dn. S. A. LOCK.WOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOOKWOOD. M. D. . Practice limited to dlaaase ot women. Offices 232 E Main. Phones, office S14-J-2; res., 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Phy-dan and surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eyea scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Otflco 228 East Main St.. Hours 8:30 a. ni. to- 8 p. m. Phone. E. B. PIOKEI, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank bldg. Office phone 43-R; residence phone- 5S-R. DR. MARION Physician and Bur geon, Stowart bldg., corner Main and Bartlett eta.; office phone 27, residence phono 27-J-2. DR. MARTIN C. BARBER Physi cian and surgeon. Office Palm bloek, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. It. W. CLANGY Physician and surgeon. Phonos, office 36, resl denco 721-J. Otflco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic physician, 303 Garnett -Corey building. Pboi.e 904-M. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Over Hutchison is Luras den, 216 E MalnSt, Phone 77. Stenographers ELLA ai.aAUNYMV PbIbbIooK? Stouographlo work dona quickly and wall. Trashier BADS TRANSFER ft 8T0RAOM 6. Office 10 Soutlr Fir St. Pkene 315. Prices right. 8rvl KUftrV 2 as i jy.1 i V lv A, i r.t.B-j.jtt-M