if- i m imiiiMHiiMmiiimiUUi i M I i M 1 1 ' i M t UMnM K MUM I ft ?W V l 'l.'-''tt-'i ifi IMHt'titviuS ,J-!' l 4 .1 i iff i I V. Medford mail tribune AN INDf PKNiV NT NUWHPAlT.ll runi.iHiircii KVRRr AlTKllNOON KXOBIT 8UNi MUDFOIlD PIllNTINO CO, UPiUAX IIV TUB ..Tho ncmoomllo Times, Tli Medford HB.ll.The Mrdfonl Trlliunn, Tho South- rn "rrBonwn.Tlie Aslilnml Trllninp. OfAc MM1 Tribune Wultillnc. SB-JT-SS North l'lr street; tolcpliono 76. UROltaii PUTNAM. KOttor nnd Manager i ftntorod mi aecoml-clniw mutter t Medford, Ortgcn, under tho ot of Mnrch 3, 1879. Official Pnnpr of tho City of Molford. Official Paper of Jackson County. RDB3CJUPXI0U RATI. One, year, by wp , ,. i Una month, lr "" . Per month, dpllvrrod by carrier In Medford. Jnckaonvilla ami Cn- trat rolhLi ,,., .10 Falurtlar only, by mftll, per year. 3.00 Weekly, per yrr . i.sn IWOSH CnUTOXATXOW. . Dally nrrmirit for eleven months end tnc November 30, mi, 27ftt The. Mall Tribuna ) on ante at the i-erry iscwji Hiam). sin Kraneica IVrtland Hotel News ttand, l'ortland. Portlanrt News Co., l'ortlanj. Ore. W. O. Whitney, femttl. Vh. rail Xad Wire TTnlWd Press BlepatdMS. SCKBrOHB. O&B&OW. Metropolis of Koulhern Oregon and Northern California, nnd ths fastest SroHlntf city in Oregon. PenulMJonU. S. census 1910 JSSO. estimated. 191110,080. 11n hundred thousand, dollar Onrttr Water Hystem completed. rItIdr finest supply pure mountain water, sod 17.3 tnllra of alroela rutie.1. loteffle receipts for year oadtait November 30, 1911, show Increase of 19 per cent. Manner fruit city In Crcpotv Hojruo River Spltzenbcrc npplos won soop- sukcs prite ami title ur "Apple Xlaff of ta World" at tho National Apivlo Show, fpokane, 1909, and a mr of Newtownn won rtret Frlav tn 1910 at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver. R. C. Tint rrtas U 1911 At KpoVnno NatloitAl Apple Show won by carload of Newtown. iioruo uivcr rrara nrougni niKnrau Intr tho past six years. rice in ail marxeis c BUD JO SIM 15 I.OS ANGELES, Cal., May 30. Bud Anderson will trrlvo here about Juno ID to begin training for bis scheduled 20 round tiattlo at Vernon July 4 with Leach Cross. Ho will Ko first to Medford for n brief rest, upon tho completion of his theatrical engagement nt Portland. Cross Is expected to arrive here early In June to acclimate himself before beginning actlvo training. He will leavo Now York lato next week. "Promoter McCorcy announced to day that no weight stipulation had been agreed upon. This matter will be left' until tho fighters are in Los Augclei. Charlie Kytou probably will roferee. V 14 PORTLAND. Ore.. May 30. Bud Anderson, tho lightweight contender, and his manngor. Hick Donald, will leavo next week for Medford for a two weeks' outing in the hills near Medford. following which be will re pair to Los Angclca to get lu condi tion for his 20 round right July 1 with Leach Cross. Donald has wired Promoter McCarey that inasmuch is his domands had been met, Anderson would box for him, contlngcnt'upon tho securing of a match for Anderson with Wllllo llitchle for that date. Donald Is not sure that Uitchio aud Rivers will enter tho ring at San Francisco Indcpcudonco day and he tstill has hopes of landing tho cham pion. On tho other hand Manager Nolan says that everything Is fixed for ulgnlng llitchle aud Hirers next Tuesday. Anderson wlU play two nights of vaudeville in Kugciio nnd two nlghta iu Medford beforo going to the hills. t TRUSTED PROMISE GIRL DISAPPEARS LOS A.NOKLL'S, Cal., May 30. Folio wlut? receipt' of a pitiful plea tit Mrs. L. A. Cochran of Hpriugfleld, Mo., tho police-todny redoubled their efforts to locnto tho woman's daugh ter, Ksther Cochran, -who formerly lived at tho Jomiull apartments, no torious through tho recent vlco probe hero. Mrs. Cochran wroto tho pollco that her daughter wroto from tho-Jonauil that she had met a middle-aged mil lionaire, "who line agreed to eco thut I get a vocal. training nnd is willing to help mo financially." 'Miss Cochran was subpoenaed as n witness during tho recent grand jury Investigation of vlto conditions, hut she could not bo found. OBITUAHY. Theodore 11. Diamond 'Theodore 11. Diamond, ago 70 years, fivo mouths, nnd hIx days died at tho1 residence of his eon, P. E. Diamond, K Iloso avenue, Thursday afternoon. Ifo Is sunlved by three tons, J, W. Diamond, L. A. Diamond, Fay 12. Diamond, a daughter, Mrs. Phyllis Jteyuoids, all of MedTod, and a Mjii and daughter In Michigan, Fu neral services will be nuuouncod inter. t k- I MING N PORTLAND'S Tl ORTLAND lmvimr mlontod a oonuntesion form or gov- i ermiumt is now in the xnaj, or mid commission. Tho city will bo ruled by five mon who ro paid $5000 or nioro apiece. Voting is on tho pre ferential plan whereby u voter records his first, second and third choice. , Alayor Hnshlight is a candidate to succeed himself. So uvc allthe other aspirants who sought or held office under the old svstem. All the councilmon are seeking connnis- sionershipr together with forty or fifty other applicants. Thvifty patriots who have grown well-to.do ou the oounell nian'ssalary of $25 per month all figure they can do pro portionately bolter on $5000 a year with almost unlimited nower. Portland has succeeded in ehaiighig the form but evi dently not the personal of its government, The same hun gry crowd of professional politicians arc seeking the in greased power. The city will evidently be managed under the connnit-sion by tho samo crowd that managed it under tho old charter. "Will Commission Mayor Rushlight make a better.ad iniiiistrator than plain Mayor Rushlight made? Will Commissioner Raker make a better executive than Coun cilman Raker? "Will tho citv be any better off under Commissioner Clyde than under Couneihnau Clyde'? Government is as good as no bettor. The adnuuLstrators are representative of the average intelligence of the electorate whose choice thev dently does not improve tho administrators. All that it docs is to increase their power aud pay. If Portland's city government was bad before, it will be worse now, with unlimited power to the bad administrators. If it was good, before it will be equally good now. In other words, if good men were in office, the city had good government. If bad men were chosen, the city had badgovornnient. One thing and one thing only can bo said in favor of tho commission form, it simplifies government and concen trates responsibility. Therefore it is a move in the right direction. But good government still depends upon the ability of the people to pick the old system. Some'dav people mav realize the necessity of making municipal government as much of a profession as business management is in private corporations then tho trained man will be sought rather than tho popular speaker and good fellow. Then efficiency will replace inefficiency and economy wanton waste in public affairs. CENTRAL POINT'S GRIEVANCE. l?OR some time the towns of dwelt together in harmony, ling of envy in CI rants Pass against Jackson county as a wholo and Medford as n specialty. Even Ashland has subsided and is keeping the peace. Now, however, comes the Central Point Herald, waving a torch of discord with a greivance, or rather three of them. The Central Point baseball team lost a- game to jJGdiorn, tJieretorc the umpire is plained. A newspaper reporter mistook the Central Point float in the Odd hol lows' parade for one .from McMinnville because it bore the legend "McMinnville" in big letters, though the er ror was corrected, therefore there was a conspiracy to defraud the neighboring city out of its honors. The third grievance is that the papers said that Central Point com bined with Medford musicians to make "the best band ever hailing from Southern Oregon" instead of specifying that 17 out of 21 players hailed from Central Point! Therefore the Central Point paper exclaims in tragic tones that Medford 's spirit of fairness is about as "small as the shadow of a fly's eyelash on a dark night in a fog!" Only the fly can see its own eyelash and the Central Point Herald should not allow it to interfere with the clarity of its vision. y-i , t-ttt I.- lAL I'ORTLAN'D, Ore., May 30.-Tlio Portland Daily New hml Dana Slceth, iN editor, today htnnd completely vindicated of chnrgex of criminal libel on account of the publication of mi nrtielo in the Ncwh Jununry 1(1 in which tho official conduct of County Judge Clceton und County CiuumibMuuer Liglitucr was ur ruigued. Tho jury which heard the evidence in the case returned n verdict of nc ipiittnl lu-jt night after deliberating six houra, moKt of which time vu cpiumuicd in tho examination of vol uminous record- and numerous ex? hibits. r-, RECTOR'S, FAMOUS NEW YORK CAFE IN HANDS OF RECEIVER NKW YORK, JIny M. With lia bilities of nenijy fp."i00,000 nnd ns hch of not more thiiii'$.rt0,000 Ilec tor'b t'ufo und restaurnuti one of tho most niftcutioiih in tho theater dis trict, i in the hnnds of creditors to dny. Kdwin ('. Wind is in charge ub rcccit er. NEW PICTURE BILL AT PAGE THEATRE TONIGHT Tho moving pictures will bo re sumod at the Page theater tonight aftor two days of Pantago vaudoville. An attractlvo bill has hein secured of flifct run pictures. A special -musical program nppropilato for Memor ial day will ho glvon by tho theator orchestra. The plcturoi will be changed Snturday night. PORIUND K WINS TfEDFORT)' AtATt, TRTTKXNE, EXPERIMENT, tlii'ocs of n cnimuuirii to oli'ot 't tho mon administering it citizens and are as good as the tire. Commission form evi the right men, as, it did nudor the Rogue river valley have barring the perpetual bubb BANDITS KILL PAYROLL GUARD' LA 8ALLK, Ind , May 30. A hearch is on today for four masked bandits ho held up a party In charge of tho pay roll of tho Illinois Zinc company near hero, killing ono rami and wounding three others. 1". D, Illchomnd saved tho JCOOO pay roll by n wild dash under flro of tbo bandits. At Porn early today four men. sup posed to be tho La Hallo bundltH, overpowered William Morris, u fish erman, and compelled him to'rtiw thpm, across tho rlvor, & ty r T3- DRINK HABIT itnLiMiLi: jiomk tw:atmj:.nt. Thousands of wives, mothers und sisters aro enthusiastic In their praise of ORIUNIS, because it tins curod their loved Ones of tho "drink habit" and thereby brought happiness to their homes. Cfln bo given secret ly. OltltlNH costs only 1 per box. Aik for freo booklet. Leon W. Ilusklns, I John A. Perl Undertaker Lady Assistant. H 8. IIAIOTjKTZ " Phoncn M. 47 and 17.J.2 Anibiilanco Service Deiuity Coroner MF.DFORP, OTlKflOy. "FRIDAY. MAY HIS' JUSSOl'hA. Mont,, May 110. -Frniilc Diamond, who wus imputed at l'Iriinx, Mont., tin the rt'Milt of nil al leged confession in which lie was ve tinted to Imvo ncknowh'dgvd Killing Bs-Oovonuir Tlioums r'miiela Meagher nonr Koit Denton lu INII7, and kc-utiiI other men nt nion recent dates early today repudiated llm eon fosion in tho county jail hero. , Diamond denied Ihnt ho had over taken the life of any human .being ami Muted that his only Knowledge of the deatli of the tuc-govuruor was gained thi-migh reading account of it. The death of Kx-Uovonior Meagher occurred in 18U7 and it w-u always MintHl that ho had been drowned in the Missouri river when ho flopped off a bridge in tho diirknusH. Menghut was famouH an a soldier, author and Htntcuiinu. He ocned an general in the union army during tho civil war. Diamond vh nlno alleged to Imvo confessed to killing two men at Tito Dalles Oregon in about 1871 and n man named Ocorgo Mitchell near Portland in .13!?:). In concluding his repudiation, Din . nmud said: 'l iwenr before Urnl 1 am an in nocent nutn innocent of all those charges they huwi tried to make mu accuse tnynelf ofV- Archbishop Rierdan Worse. HUCACiO, May 30. -Arch Dish,i 1. W. Itinidaii, of San Francisco, who is ill nt Mercy ilo-pitnl here hpent it rentle.-s night and. his condi tion was nut m) encouraging today. St. Helens Hall lniiTUuu!, oiiox Resident and Day School for Girl U rksrmor Ft-irn ut UJ-1 lUrtl-i ll'lnfi C-lWit". Atmn 4 tll.iT h.ii. afi. Art, sitrqtM. pmii an.Biiui m TiiiicKriiit NirrMiioiLOinrra hi. HHnM Hull r 4lM. REPUDIATES Rose Festival Special via tho iti mB - oxsnzs rA -V SUNSET -"JOGDENSSHASTAl ROUTES MsV, LC, from Ashland Medford Grants Pass nnd intermediate points heaving Muilfurri Jl'iJiitluy ovonint;, .liino 0th nt fi:!10 V. M. BOUND TRIP FARES Mutlfunl .9.90 Ono fair, round trip, from other points in Itoguo river Tullny. Tifhut.s will lio sold Jlonday, Juno 9th only, and will bo good for return on or before Jmio 10. For further particulars, reservations, etc., cull on A. S. Itoscuhniini, ncut, or nddrcxs: " '' ' John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland,. Oregoa. f' ROUND Summer Excursions East VIA XH7 J - rT74Il riiAHAW UguLrianAoiA HQUU3 TielcolK will hu Hold from nil main nnd brunch lino poinlH in Orcgou to Jiastcrn dcstinitiun ouu wuy through Calil'oniia via 1'ortlnnd. Slop) ovum within limit. ....... TICKETS ON SALE DAILY-May 28 to Sept. 30 Final Return Limit Oct. 31st. Atlantic City Baltinioro Boston Chicago Denver Toronto Detroit Indianapolis Kansas City Memphis Now York 'Washington, And vnt'iotis other .poinlB South nnd KhhI, Call on nearest Agent for full information nH to routes und fares lo any par ticular I-'asturn city, and for literaturo dCKcrihing points along tho S. P.; or write ' ' ' JOHN M, SCOTT, General Passenger Agont, PORTLAND, r no, loin. Attendants a I lie hoillnl dcnhired tlie imtieulto ho siitfeiiiiK f')t nolh. ing moro beilous tllnii a toinpoiary hhliAfidsltrou, 0plnlh!iiK Unit Ids omi dlliou inoiot ularnitug, AhTER FIVE YEARS Wlnlhrop (Milltl Was llcMtorctl to llealtli by Vino), "Five jenr ago our llltlo girl hart a sovorti attack of diphtheria, whluh left her subject to bronchitis nud Dtouiiich tniublo, Klic has been ut most cnimtniitly under medlenl treat ment. I have. nlo tried two or thmu romedtcH containing cod liver oil but found her stomach rebelled against tho oil, (tending your description of Vlunl 1 decided to try It and did Mi with most astonishing results. I can not begin to toll you how sho h-.m Improved because you do not know what u little sufferer sho wus for (lo years. Sho linn gained ten pounds since she commenced to tnko Vlunl, nud thu story of what Vlnol has douo for her Is only half told In this let tor." Mrs. Adelaide Mulloy, Win thrtip, Mum. Vlnol contains nil tho healing cur ative properties of cod liver oil, with out tho oil nud tonic, Iron added. That Is why It helped this little girl aftor other reuuvlltu had fulled. Wo ask mothers uf weak, tdckly children to try Vlnol r,u our offer to giro Imrkk your motley If It falls to help them. Medford Piiarnuiey, Med ford Orti. Mens Clothing Cleaned and Pressed FIRST CLASS WORK olllts ijw.J,) Pants 00 Coat and Vest 770 1017 W. 9th St. mm? a! s. TRIP THE "aTff A.-4 D, 0, Norfolk Omaha Philadelphia Rochester St. Louis Winnipeg OREGON J. - -r "Father grown younger overy dity.'1 And his new plmloginpli hltii him tu a "T." Tho old portrait taken twenty yoiim lino, nindu hint look mo surlous and oliMasliloued not a bit Ilka hu really Is, Wo wouldn't (tart with It of course. Hut Ihii t it splendid to Imvo a p lo in m of him no W'o know hlni Just us ho loohtl today. And father v)n that ho'w glad ho imvo In and had It iiutdu--that hav ing your plcturo taken Is far from nil uuplonsant evperlouco nowndayM. Thero'u n photographer lu your town. H. C. MACKEY , Studio IJ. Mnlu-nnil Ojiilritl: Medford, Oni. FOR SALE Small Irrigated ranch nehr city reservoir, House, burn, shod, etc. Telephone and city wutor. Family orchard, berries, garden, Now freo soil all planted, Ideal location for market gardening, berries or Hiunll orchard. Uuy litis ranch now mid Eel tho benefit of this yenr'a crop. II. L. NOIII.IT, Owner Phono 104S-L, FOR SALE T. liavo somo oC Iho best buys in Hie valley, (lood al falfa raui'lii'S, f,royd bottom laud, plonly of waior. Also jjood place (o rent. Don't fail to scu mo boforo you buy. JOHN PEARSON P. O. Box 36 Ashland, Oro. Draperies Wo rrrr i vry cumnlrt Dim ef drattorlva. farn curtains, flilurra. ale., unit ! all rlnanra of ujihulMriinir A IK-clal mnn l Imtk nftur UiU work rxclunhrly ami will Klvn nil Ko1 lu-rvlra U ixuialbla to Kt lu can Ilia larw-t cltlna. Weok3 & McQowan Co. PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Wator Heating All Work cvuarantMKi 1'rlcea Iteaaunabla COFFEEN & PRICE U Howard niook. Knlraaea oa ftb BH. Horn Whoa S1S. Clark 5c Wright LAWYER8 WAHIIINOTON, I. O. Publlu Laud Matters: Dnal Proof. Dosort Iauds, Contost and Minim Cmcs. Bcrlp. E. D.Weston Official Photographor of the Medford Oonimorcial Club 'Aniattuir Piniabiug Post Cardu Panoramic Work Portraits Inloriorand oxtorior viows Plash lights Noativcs mado any time and any placo by appoint- mont. i 208 E. Main Plionnl471 You May be a Fleet Base Runner hut if you are pot playing with n Gjil; Center Imll you are linudl nipped. You mfuriiiinint; lOO-fbot hate: Tim Cork Center Imi ul lliatmount of "Una" o it that cnrri'ca it ii wen bit lurllirr lli"a the old style rubber' core, nnd iho Hood bate runner Cets jut tlmt much in on ilia lilt tea how players oro now hattinu".300''ln leagues utinx the Coik Crntrr who pievloudy never could ert within ten point of tlmt tlatty eminence. Ittcords prove il, Tim SptWntt OMt SliUlor.ul Jeiio Cork Crntor ImII, prlca 11,23, la tlw official Inll of Oi wtli Mil'i. Jtaad what I'ratlJunt I. inch wiy alxwt It In tha now Hmlllnir rt. lutfuo which U ont In tin rjuMt. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 1C0 Geary Street, San Prauclico Atk the local flpaMlntriltaltr for a rtbi!ij. WtfERElTOi OO TONIGHT 1 L THEATRE 1'lllOAV AND RvriijuiAV .May til) and 111 Til H Wl'.lt" Two reel Vltiigrnph feature An adventuress tinps n )nuug man nnd his youiiRor brnthor but both suc ceed In dlneiitnugllug (huuisnlves from her web, In doing so, however, thero mo eompllrntloun that Involve a number of people, soma unscrupu lous nud some otherwise, Tho under ntnudublu manner hi which a rather Involved plot Is handled Is n testimo nial to tho ability of Vltugraph pro ducers. "Tin: school of m'M.v.tHm'S" PAIliU ' "'ALKALI IKI'.'H IMpU: COMlNd' With Augultus Faruoy, tho "(lllirnl tor of funs." Tho great est "Alkali Iku" picture oiur produced. MIIHIO Mrs. Woolworlh. Piano Mr. tln-ouawiiy, Driinni AiIiiiImIoii no anil lOu Freo matliinos for children Decoration Day nt 2; 30 p. m. mwtmHiMu ISIS THEATRE J IIHMI VcvX of MiriiM-tl Plrtiin I'lioio l'ln)i I'rl. nud Sat. TIIK TOM, OP I'lMIt l.ubln SiH'clul in. Two Parts Tilt: TWlll.tTII Jt'ltOlt HiiiaiTin.vd VlttiRrndi Comedy lim.lNDA Hllftlt'-S NO. a AiIiiiU1iiii nIO LVuN Matluuo Uiilly CoiiiIiir; tiii: kpvs m:ri:.T In Tw Parts 4 Hinilllll MMHMH STAR THEATRE cooii cozy COMKOItTAlll.U IIHMt l-'rrt of Mutual I'llma TOOAV'H PlUKIItAM "Tin: otitii iiirri:-rivi:H iiuhi:" Thanhnusor Drama. "ANtlllli OP THU (iNVON" PljltiK "A" with Mr. Korrlunn aud .Mr. Ittehurdsou. . tiik uon o. tiii: itAuawn: cmv AiuiisIiik Comedy Drniun, Keynliini CoiiiimI)- K)tiino 'THAT ItAV Tl.Mll HAM)" Keintouu .N'llf Sod. When It come to tlm iirodiictlon of Plioto.pinjs tlm rilar ronuilns In tliq lend. . I'OllltliT AND 1VOOIAVOUTH Pciirluiis lutorprotors of Photoplays i KVUIIV AITJIIINOO.V AND KVK. AD.MIKHIO.V .1 AM) JO Cf.NTH Watch (IiIh nparo for coiiiIiik features PAGE THEATRE I'ltfiinatliMl Pliotoplay lloKitiiii Wo aro Today PvalurlliK tiii: iiifri'it.v ok ouiMir A HturllliiB Dramatla J-Vaturo In Two Parts "A KI'IIHJ OP HIIAMUOtJK A DiutiUK Irish Comedy , "VVIIIIV KATHCIt ',H KION'APKO' A "Nostar" Kulloffun Pllm COMINfl: Till: VKNClKAAOj; OP UliVHTONiJ (loi'gcous Iiiillan Production Pro duced b' tho Original 101 l)lcbi Co. Hear Our l-'lio I'lcco Onhestra, tinder dlicctjou of Prof, Jlonell Miitlnt'o l-lvory- flaturdny nud Siimh; 2;U0 to u t