. tru 207 Second Street nV ,' - Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Vaie tonight, niul flarnrdny. Warmer. Mnv. 70, ,MH. !KI MI Kitrty tliltil Yeur, Dally KlKhlli Yrnr. MEDJFOKD, OltWlON, FKIDAY, MAY HO, V.m. NO. 09. t MEMORIAL DAY IN CITIES OVER THE COUNTRY Services (or Soldier and Sailor Dead Held In Every City In Nation ' Flowers Strewn on Dny nt Snn Francisco Services at Presidio. MYSTERY IN GlfOX WINS 300 DISAPPEARANCE MILE TROPHY, IS PORTLAND MAN LEADING RACE Portland Crowds Aid Soldiers In Marklnq Graves Veterans of North nml South Unite. Henry Alleles Wealthy Portland Mer chant, Drops out of'Slnht After Mldnlnjit Dinner In San Francisco Wife Fears Foul Play. 1.0X11 IIKACII, Cnl., Mnv .10. Mourning for (lie dcud of llm audi torium disaster of Mnv 2-1 dnmlnntcil nliHtTvniirit of Memorial liny here. Grand Army veterans, women of the H'llef tiiM 1111)1 tilt StillH III' Vclerillls iniirt'hi'tl mil on tit Pine nvenun pier, nl wlinxi limi! ciitl the threshold of llii mulilnriiim collapsed with fnlul icitults IiihI Saturday, nml from Hit' lower deck of (In wharf strewed flowers tijMiii llic wnies in memory of llif sailor dend. Public kcliool pupils, high school Mudenl, velcmus, fraternal order nml cilltcns generally participated in floral tributes to tho dead of llic dis no I it, nml curried flowers to tin ImmUhIoh of pinro than 100 injured lying in linspllnlM nml privalo rwd dunces. Union inrinnrinl service which were to 1 1 uvc breu lirld nl the niiillloriiiiii wero diMrihutcd mining (In churches. SAN' DIKGO, Cut., Mnv 3I. Mriu- mini Dny ha nbeoned hero with one of lln most, I'lnltoriili' processions i-icr hi'lil in llii' rlly. Them wore nmtii vi'lrruiiH in lino llinu Inst year, mill llirtimfliTn ttheerKl lho army men u tliny pnrnded the huhlm street. Three bund nnd InitulrriU of school children look pnrl. POMONA. Cnl., Mnv .'III. -Hun-dreds of school girls in white mill garlanded with flower forming mi wort In tin' civil wnr veteran were proiiiiiiitnt in tlit' Mi'inorlnl liny a imlo nt the cemetery heru today. OAKLAND, May 30. Memorial iluy wn obtorved hero today In uu Imprcitrtvo manner. Coinmoiunrntlvo utcri'lues wero hulit In Moiintiilnvlew nml llvorKrocn cemeteries, ntlt'iiilotl by thousand. Thousands of school children look part In dm strewing of flowers upon thu RrnvoA of tho do purliitl soldier nml sululca wero flri'il ovit llm ploln nt tlio close of Hut exerclm), Story That He Ran Away With Wo man Is Discredited Robbery May Have Been Motive. SAN PltAXCISCO, Cnl, Mny .. Scouting Hit' siiggcslinii Hint hi' mny havo Iff! the rllv with newly iniiilit iirtpininliiueos, MtM, 1 ltn r.V Alitlt'H, wil'o of ii wnnllliy inrrrliiiiit of Porlliiin), Orrttmi, l lirrr Imlny in Kfirli of her IiiimIiiiiiiI, ulio ilinnp Hnri'il in Sun I'raiii'ifio fivn ilnyn nflcr it inli!nllit iliiini'r in u ilown- louii rii fit. AIh'Ii'k i ii tl n roimiilcr nlilu nniniiiil of lunnoy nml jinvrlry in IiIh poHKcniiinii wlimi lie illsiip- prnrnl. t'M" h"r nrrivnl Imtc Mm. AIii'Iuh noiiilit llic iihlHluliii' of Dr. II. M. Ili'llrr. n ftirml. "I I'niiiiot fxplniii tin' nlixi'iicit of my Imi1imiii1," flu' Hitiil. "Tlio Inn! limit I miw him wnx on tlio nipht of Mny -'I, nml t lien lut mim koIiik to iliniicr with a frioiiil. I lul.i' no ntoi-k inTpoitM Hint hit unit iiMny uith nnnthiT womnn." Hi wife nml hit viiiiin to Cnliforiiin for t pli'icnn trip nml hn li'ft Iiit li'inpornrily in l.oi AtiKflt to count lii'to on hiisini'i-. Mm. Alx'U'rt fi'nnt her IiiinIiiiihI mny linvtt inrt with foul piny. THREE KILLED"" Ooh Durman Took Lead at Start and Made Sensational Race Till Car Caught Fire Started Aualn and Gave Spectators Thrill.- . Burman Hero of Race t i t Do Palma, .Tetzlaff and Endlcott Drop Out Mulford Makes Record Is Great Race. EXPUHON I'OIITI.ANI). Oro, Mny 30. l-'lt tlim trllmtu In Im'Iiik pnlil to tlm innmory of tlio unllor nml milillcr ilitml In rortlnml. Tlio rcrnvmi of thowt who ncrvoil tlio country ilurlnu l ho ri'hitlllnu nml tho RpnnlKtcAini'rlrnn wnr "worn ilcoorutml with f loworH, Mtniiorlnl norvlcoM for tho ilitpnrtoil rnllom woru Imlil thU iiiornlmt mul fnwi)r worn utrown on tint wutorH or tho Wlllamutto rlvor In their honor. Following tlio Memorial ilnp :r mlil norvlroo woro holil In tho nrinory with thotiNHiulH In nttoiulunco. HAN I'HANCIHCO, Cnl., Mny 30. Han I'rancUro'R trlhuto to tho nion who forfeited tliclr Uvea Hint tho nation inlttht omliiro ln'Knn nt 7:30 thin nioruliiK, when tho Unltoil Hlnton iiiiny tiiK Hlociim Hlnrtoil MtrowhiK flowom oiiIhUIo tho (lolilon Onto In honor of tho flKhtorn who ill oil nt don, From thnt hour on Momorlul ilny wiih olmorvoil by vnrloim klmlH of oxoivIhoh. Tho main ovont of llm ilny wmi nt tho I'itnIiIIo, OIANT, Cal., Mny 30. In n tor rlllii oxploitlon whlrh orrurrcil ttlinrt ly lioforo noon toilny, three whllo nion fuul u Chlni'ito woro ktllcil y tho oxplDHlnn of n ipintitlty of bulk ihnnmlto In tho nuichlno ptickliiK Iioiiko nhoiil n quarter of it mllo from tho Koiiornl offlron or tho (limit I'ow dor compnny lie re. Tho ileml: Joo I'nrln. Utwln Wnllnco. Chrlvt (lunilernoii. Unlilcntlfleil Clilnemt. I'lro Mlnrtvil liniuoillntoly nftor tho oxplohlon, IhreateuliiR tho ontlro pUnt. hut wait flnully oxtliiKiiUhvil heforo any mntoilnl (Uni.tKo wm do no. Owlnr, In tho iMilntoil location of tho pnrklnit Iioiiko, tho property ton wn comimrntlvuly bIIkIiI. Tho cmuo of tho oxploHlon Ih unknown, DECAPTATED FENDSH MURDER 1II.OOMPIKU). N. J.. Mny 30. Tlio homlU'ss hmly of Mrn, Alvtrn Circiello, wife of n Kowiirk store keeper, wiim' fiininl hero loilny. Tim henil won found in n lot ueniliy. The wnimiti'it fiiiKom woro Imilly hIiihIii'iI nml Ihcio wnrt every eviileneo Hint hint liiul I'iiiikIiI tlen i torn I cly for her life, Two hnnilreil dollni-H hho is Known to hnvo luul in mihrtiti. rillC'AOO, Mny .'1(1. MimlfoHtliiR the hiiiiio h pi lit Hint enrrieil llietn to (Uontlnuoil ou I'iiko 0) JEWS VICTIIVIS OF RENEWED OUTRAGES ST, t'HUTIUtRlU'ltd. Mny HO. Dinpnlohert roi'uiveil horn loilny from Wnmnw Hiiy that ciKht KuhhIiiii Jowh worn liiiiueil nlivo hy n moli in llm vlllii?o of llnutiioff, near KiiIIkx, I'oliinil. Tho iuh iinllcil up tho door mul wliiilnwH of tholr vJiiIIiiih' home, lippliuil tlio lurch mul departed. OLD STOCK MR BREAKS OUT AGAIN l.iynillHIDdH, Alliortn, May III). -I.oiik SlamliiiK tionhlo lietweou lmniit Hleailiim mul Iiii'ko hlot'k vaidorw hoiiHi of MiiKiiith enmo to a olimax last iiiohI when nliont 11000 head of cattlo nml horses woro ronnilcil up ami driven nerosH tliu honler into Mon tana, SPANISH CABINET RESIGNS OVER ROW WITH DEPUTIES MAUIIII), May ,10. - Tlio Itamono nou ealiiuet resimiod heio tonight as u resuU "f opon hoHlility iniiiiifesteil hy Hie ohmnlier of iloputloa. I I.NIHAKAI'OMH. IiiiI., Mny .10. Tho 20 t'litrlon In tho third minuiil ft00 mllo uiilomolilln rnco nt tho upeeilwoy hero not nwny nt exactly 10:01 oVInrk thl. mornliiK. Cn'ih prlien of $75,000 ami vnlnnhlo tro phltm lire offered. Dflllnl, rlpoolnl'KnlRht nml Bnmda ram woro wlthilrnwn nt tint limi m lu ll to. Tho weather In Ideal. Tho naten opened nt C o'clock, lint tliuiixniiitM rlninored for admUdon houm licfore. A niimher of Mpcclal Inilim hroiiRht liiindrvda of vUllor to tho city. N'limoroiiM nrrldenta worn expected to mar tho race. DurliiK tho flmt ten Inpa tho nvei oko cod wmi 100 mllon nn hour on tho trnlKlil-awn' mid 7C mllen on tlio turiia. Karly In the rnco 10 cam literally horned up Urea and wero forced to atop In tho pita nml rplnro them. At tho end or tho ICIh lap lloh llurmnn led, having covered 40 nillen In 40:10, Zacrelll waa nccnnd and Mkrent third, Driver Tower mul hU meehnnielnn were hurt tit noon toilny, when their i'nr niwet nhniir the Imek Mrctcli. ToWer siihtnineil n lintkeu lee mul hit im-chmiicimi luul three rilts frne tureil. Mix ear was ilemolixhed. It ffklililed nt the Mulhr:tHt turn, the driver losiui; control. llitnimn'N Car Afire. Toiler Hnniinn's ear eauht fire n n retult of caivlesH fillinu of the lank. At the KlOlh mile, Ouo.v, An demou nml Ouyot led in the order nurneil. Trueeo withdrew nt the .(ltli lap. Ho I'lilmn gultM. At Hie end of the 120th lap Hur man still led, roveriui; the distance in !)1 ininule, nn nverneo of 70 miles nn hour. Ouox, Amlemon nml Merx followeil in the order nmned. After fiuitliiii); seventy miles, Ziicnrelli, De I'ulian, Grunt. Jenkins mid William Kmlicott witlulrew on necount of hroken ('rnnliufts mid other Iroulilcs. fluox ulso won the .fJoOO Presto lilo trophy for tho first enr eoverinir the IIOO miles. His time for this dis- tnnee wns ;i:."i2:2(l. Mulford set n new record for lou distnnce driviiiK when ho piloted his machine '2110 miles without n stop, lie halted for water and new tires. Further tank trouhlu this afternoon put lluriunn thirty laps behind tin lender. ' Ho wns relieved nt Hut wheel hy HiikIics. Teddy Tetrlnff was forced to dmp out of Hie race hecause of a broken axle shaft. At tlio end of IlltO miles Ouox, An derson, Wiblmrt, Mnl ford and Mr weio lemliui in the order immed. (ionv Wins 'M Mllo Trophy. At. the end of tho 200th mile Ouox was in tho lend. His time for Hie. distance was 2::i;i:H0. Ouox won the Itemy nml Hrassard troidiy, valued nt .yjoOUO. offered to Hie ear leading at the 200 mile mark. Hurmaii repaired tho dmniiKO In his mnehino mid resumed niter a lit) min ute delay. He immediately started to make up losl koiiih1 by covoriui; thu first lap of 8,S miles in onu hour. DESPERATION N ATTEMPTS TO HE NA CITY JOINS WITH Attorney Rlngolsky Pleads With Gov ernor for Stay of Execution Has Tried Habeas Corpus Proceedlnrjs In Every Court. Claims He Has New Sidelight on Character of Criminal Who Is Known as Most Fiendish. VETERANS ON MEMORIAL DAY Hundreds Take Flowers is Cemetery Parade of Veterans, ChlWrai and National Guard a Feature of Oh-scrvance--Exerclses at Theater. Lodges, Citizens and Schools In Line With Old Sefdlcrs Impressive Pro pam Carried Out. i'' toUra-'IM'.J Hull Hurmnn tinibbed the lend in Hie IndimuiKilis nieo toilny nml held it dopfdlv while innnv nimons stnrs were ilroppiiiK out with lire troubles. He nveniKed 70 ntit'es nn hour for 120 lops when bis machine catiiit fire. After hH'ii(lint; !IU minutes ho made repairs nml stnrted out making up lost tunc nt n speed Hint mnde spec tutors hold their breath. ADVERTIS ET.R. PUNCHFORAFRICAN JUNGLE FEVER FAMILY DISTURBANCE COItnoVA, Alnskn, Mny 30. Wil liam T, Howo la nenr death horo to day, following Ida being Rhot five shots In tho hack by Daniel Heodcr, whllo at n flromun'H smoker horo. Iteedor, who claims thnt Uowo Inter fered In IiIh faintly nffulru, utoppud behind tho hitter and opened (Ire without anyliiK a word. Howo'a hack la broken, two bulluU lodging In bU Bplnu, , MAHQUBTTi:, Mich., Mny H0. Writitii; Oullook editorials instead of telling his friends bow little "booze" ho consumes today took up Colonel Itooftcvclt's lime, no session of the libel trial of Kditor Newell beinj; singed. Koosevelt e.xH'els to ronrltide the presentation of his evidence tomor row, on Monday the defense will be 1,'iu its hlory nml by (be mitldle of next week Hie Koosevelt camp will start to present its evidence in rebuttal. L'tst nixht nil Hie visitini: deleft tiou except Hoosevelt and his immed iate chums paid 2 each to hear mi ancient musical comedy nt Hie oH:ra house. Desperate efforts by the press n;ent of tho show to iet Itoose elt to attend failed, the colonel re fusing to bo n sacrifice. This wns Hie" fitt Memorial Day since 181)8 ou which Colonel Roose velt delivered no address. He wanted to accept nn invitation by Hie veter mis here to speak, but feared it would be regarded as n "grandstand piny," This morning the colonel stayed .nt bis hotel mid later went on mi auto mobile trip to the lakes shore. Tho saloon men hero are hnviug a lot of fun over Itoosovelt's alleged drinking habits. They nrt advertis ing a "T. It. punch" nnd earnestly recommend. "Teddy's toddy for junglo fever." Hven the soft drink empor iums ore doing a little timely adver tising, nil of llieiii serving "Ilooso velt sundaes," which consist of ice cream, mint leaves and various fruit juices. NITER AIM AT TACOMA'S CITY WATER SYSTFM TELLS OF . RECORD COD CATCH TACOMA. Wnsh., Mny 30. An In vestigation Into tho can no of tlio dc- atmctton of tho "J" street etandplpe, which forms one of a trio of ruyntc rloua accidents tbat hnvo occurred to Tacoma'a niualctpal water nnd light projects la to ho begun at onco. ac cording to City Attorney Stiles today. Tho total loan to tho city la plarcd tit $15,000. Dynnmlto or lightning is assigned ns tho cause of tho destruction of tho Btandplpe. Commissioner Mills Insists It Is tho work of dynamiters, but Commissioner Lawson Incllnos to the. lightning theory. Several plates on tho floor of tho big storngo reservoir at McMillan wero discovered to have been cracked ami tlio samo condition Is reported -t tho Ii Grande reservoir of the lec trio power plnnl. To bring wator by tho now $2, 300.000 Green Hirer gravity system, which wns to bavo been put In opera tion this week, It will bo necessary to build a by-pass around the reser voir nt a cost of $30,000 so water can bo sent to tho city from tho head- works Independent of tho storage ba sin. l)ut for tho fact that tho power plant reservoir luul n by-pipe pass underneath It so that tlio turbines could bo fed water with tho resrvolr out of commission tho cntlro light nnd power plant would havo been shut down. SAN I'llANCISCd, Cat., May 30. Declaring that ovcritowerlng causes. entirely beyond his control, placed his client In bis present precarious position, Attorney O. C. HinKolskr, representing Jukey Oppcnliolmor, "tho human hyena," sentenced to bo hanged at Tolsoni prison Juno G, In a itctltlon today asked Governor Johnson to reprieve tho murderer famed throughout tho country as tho most demoniacal criminal In the an nals of California. Illngolsky pleads that Oppenhelmer bo reprieved until his representatives In Washington cms. filo with Justlco McKcnna of tboJnlted States supreme court a final petition for tho allowance of an apiieal to that tribunal. After stating the legal status of tho condemned man's case. Illngolsky appealed to Governor Johnson "for a broad and liberal use of the power vested In you by law." In conclud ing, tho petition says: " "In tho uvent that bo cannot, find reller In tho highest court In tho laud It Is my Intention to apply to our excellency, or a commutation br his sentence. V desire tlio tfmo necessary to present tho fact of Op- pfiiholmer's If and Mo present Uw sldo of his character that Is not gcu orally known." Illngolsky filed petitions for writs of babeaa cqrpus In every federal or stato court that could havo Jurlsdlc dlctlon in the caso but each was dented. WHOLE 101 OUT SKATTI.K, Wash., May .10. How fur reaching is tho arm of wireless was demonstrated bore today, wliou nftteials nt' tho l'aeifio Coast Cod fisli Company received n mest.ngo from Cnplaiu A. K. MiiHunvsou and Ids !l,r Gloucester fishermen who are inking cod in Hie bcliooner Charles It. Wilson, ou the northern most fishing bunks in tho world, in Uenug Sen, Mnthowsoii reports n record break ing take, saying Hint they hnvo !U, 000 fisli aboard. His message wni relayed by a revenue cutter, to a government station on Seward Pen insula, Hieuce lo Hie government sta tion ut North Head, and then to Seattle. KKNNEWICK, Wash., May 30. Tho entire town of lllchmond, Wash., Is closed up today and every man, woman nml child Is out picking strawberries, bo stores, offices and other business houses have closed shop and nil hands nro assisting to harvest tho unusually largo crop of berries. TAILOR SHOP BURNS 10 SLEEPERS ESCAPE rOllTLAXD, Ore.. May 30. Had two men sleeping in the back room of n tailor shop nt Lowiisdnlo mid Wash ingtou streets slumbered three iniu- iftcs longer they would probably have lost their lives in u fire which swept clenr n ipuirtrr of n block. Tito dam age wns $13,000. Three frnmo build ings wero destroyed. Joseph Dock man and Sam Fruger, the two men who unrrowly escaped wero sleep in the bnek of the tailor shop nod bad just mnde their ocnpo when a brick chimney collapsed nml fell ou the bed which they had occupied. Joseph M. Howe, n firemen, wns severely injured when a floor col Inpsed dropping him n distance of twenty feet. Willi Iho Seventh Company "O. N. O. in full dress uniform, tw escort, tho veterans of the Civil War marched to the cemetery litis afternoon. There were Ihiry old soldiera in Hup and as many members of the Women's Helief Corpq. Tho parade win headed by tho po lice nnd fire departments irimcdinto ly followed by the nation:.! guard The veterans nnd W. It. C. followed and behind in nn auto rndo General Sooy-Smith, chief of fctnff unir General Grant, and Col. Sargent of the rcgulnr army and of tho Spanish- American War. Tho JCedford Military Brigade, comwscd of boys, Hoy Scouts, lodge men nnd n group of children, enmo task. Tho sen ices this afternoon started immediately after the, parade. Itcv. Shields of the First Presbyter ian church rend tho convocation and Kcv. llrndley, new minister nt (ho Freo Methodist church conducted thq erviecfl that followed. Mr., Mae DonaM was heard in a patriotia rending ami Miss Gladys pleased all with, hur hinging. - -; jj.' ,Vrho children of the city, hare been very active jn thw year Memorial Day's observance. Many of' then hnvo gathered wild flowers to give to the veteran' comuiittco for uo nt the cemetery and mnny marched in tho )nradc. This afternoon they were given a Irent by the moving pie-i turo (.hows who opened their doors to them nil. ' Tho cemetery has been visited 'hy hundreds, ninny going ther? Thurs dny night with loads of flowers. This morning crowds started early mid never were more flowers pinced in tho silent city than this year. .F WALKED IN SLEEP GETS LONG FALL GOLD IU3AOH, Oro., May 30, Kllliu Fry, a rancher, walked out of n third story window of tho Gold Hench hotel whllo somuiimbulatliig and Is today suffering from sovoro Injuries as tho result' of tho 30 foot fifll. Ho was picked up unconscious. NRW YOIUC, May 30. Dr Fred orlck Franz Frledmaun returned here today and announced that ho will not contest tho mandate of tho board of health which prohibits him iuocu Inting patients with his tuberculosis serum In Now York, Ho will liuiuo- dlatoly closo his Institute bore, but will proceed with bis treatments else where In nn attempt to domonstrnto their efficacy, 1 PANKHURST WINS LBE Y LONDON', May 30. Mrs. Emme llne Pankhurst. the militant suffra gette leader, won another partial vic tory this evening when, weakened by hor hunger strlkek, she was released from Holloway Jail to bo porrulttod to recover her health before alio a re-arralgned for Inciting to vlolouco. Mrs. Pankhurst, unablo to walk, wns carried to an ambulance whore her friends waited. Mrs. Pankhurst is under sentonco of tnrco years at hard luhor for nn attempt to blow up the country villa of Chancellor David Lloyd-aeorRO. v E DRNVDIl, Col., May 30. An earthquake starting ut C:I0 o'clock this morning ami ending at 0:01 o'clock, Is registered bore by tho seis mograph of Sacred Heart college. Processor A. W. Forestall estimates tho convulsion to havo occurred about 160U or 2000 inltos distant. Thu record resembles tlioso mudo by ho disturbances In Alaska lust Juno. AND WINS CASE PORTLAND, Ore., May 30. Fnt lowing n trial in which hu allowed marked ability on conducting hta own defense, Charles Green was. acquitted by u jury in the federal courts today ou a charge, of having entered tho post offico at Junction City, Orggpu, willi intent to rob. Green dcurcd hu had no confidenco ju lawyers. DUTCHESS WANTS HER PARIS, May 30. Tho Dutchess D'Orloaus today filed suit against thV Due D'Orleans for separate inulnte uniica and restitution of largo sums of monoy loaned him, according to a dispatch received from HrinsMils by tho Temps, 1 m ii r.i un J 't I- k i 3 T- ! i ; -v "j mm& '- - - Zi"Ui ij.L.A'-o'.'l.-J J J-f