, - MEDffOJlT) M.ATTJ TRTBTJNR, MEDFOUT), ORMCION, TrruHBIMV, MAY 20, 11)13.. ,. PXGflFim Get Up When I'm Going to Bed? No, Sir! By "Bud" Fisher "" COT AH GA.Y Oob roa 5,S'.ISA linObOtJU'ViQCjulCl f-INliM TOlWn4RWIMinOti. 1 -oic Cr.rA,7r ( -- ','" VtU rtUo It PrVil tlOO UGVlNCHUll V ANT UKftlrii, TtA,V& l-A -J THR PITOKG i, VoU - MB secPNV " f Mtti.i)bVcAjwTlvMfV'r l'" !Lii!ii0 J I ccTuPoyjjjftwpfMttGl, viat I tmwg J , Vl"--''. -'M IT!" TW WWT ) rOK IOO A Y f rtTJcCLofcW J ITIW2? , P & I flCVK' fftli I ! v--' '" - , -yoNtnJ MA Ci " ;' ";C I - J I Itmc oTMe'f. Trier . -- . i . . . i ... .... , ..... . T.- -r--.---.--li -.. T T ..-. Tl 9-MMrUV N K"E w " DECORATON DA Tint I lull Taxi Co will run ruts entry (If teen mlotitcn to llio ceme tery tomorrow from 7 n. In. lit tl 3D a. in.; 25c Milt tio churned rni'h way. (Jam leaving Hotel Nnsli stand. 2AGLE POINT EAGLETS. Ily A. C. Hnwlelt. Dr. Ilrowor of A-tilnitd paiuutil through Haute t'olnt last week (in thu ) uii tlui rlvor. Mr. Nntrtok linn moved ono of (ho county rock crusher (ntn tlio desert to ii point Jiint nliovtt town. Alvln M11rln.11. whoso wtiuon turned liter wllh a "iortil of cordwood. near (ni bridge on llui Pacific & Eastern railroad ntul whoso rib woro lirokon In lliu accident, took dinner nt tho Huunysldo una tiny Inst week. School r I cup Mny 29. H. II. HnruUh, while hi wlfo win nlnont on n visit lit her parent In Jonophluo roiinty. took ndvnntngo of lior nbsonro unit hfwl llio upper pait of tliu house tlnlshod up ami papered, ulrctrlo light Installed nnil thing llxod up HPnrrnlly, Init cautioned mo to uny iioIIiIiik about It In llio Kaglol liiilll lior lolurn. as ho know Hint alio would k.mi tl. for llio Mnll Trlliuno Ih taken up there, unit ho wanted to jakn hur hy mirprUo. Art Nlehol linn re-opened hi inoAl market mi Hint those wMIiIiik wn Bet inoat ncnlii. , Merle M. Wlllltii of I'umliil cnnin out lam wnk and nnt to Miidford jo noo tlio pnruilo of tlio 1. O. U. 1'., roturuliiK Thurmmy iiIkM (o tlio Run ii)fldo no n In tnko tlui ntngo I'rldny iiioriiln for lioiua. AuA llcUlor of Kowjiorl rmnu ortl null Jolnnd hit frloiulM, Mr. and Mm. Mntrn unit Mr. Hadlnrb.iok, who noru ilui'plnc with UN ijatlicrlnn iiKittoA. Tlioy loft Kiiiulay nfiornooh for their liuiiio nt Now port. Oro. Tlioy Kntliori'd qulto it lot of Molina and .r. and Mm. Mateo talk an thoimli tlicy would roiiio hark OKalii thin fall ami Inwwt In town proporly nmt ko into hiiiluiwH lioro. , ., (1. II. Wllhor (i.trnvidhiK anlomiiaii of ChlraKo unit I'jtimAiirloo, nuotlior IravolliiK milimninn, of Now S'orlt l.lty. upt'iit (ho nlxlil with un. JI110I lllldroth nf llutlo KallH, iiIho wiih with 111 (ho IiihI of (ho wook. (. William Wluklo' ilatiKhlor wiih tin own out of 11 luiKity hiHt wcuk and lior arm hrokou holwCon llio wrist ami olliow. Dr. Holt roilurod thu fiarturo ami at hint arrouuts Mho wiih roatliiK oany. MrH. Norn Cooko of OroK'tu City. a.HlHlor-lii.law of Mm, llowlult, caiiio ('nil on hint I'rlday moruliiK l mako a nliort vIhII, rotunilnu' Bnturday aft criioou. Haturdny iiIkIK llio IJ. l. A 0. Knvo an uiltnrtalnmuut In (ho Splknr hall (hut wuh truly IntornRtliiK (o any n no who ran onjoy a Kood hoarty Inu'Kli. I did Intend to kIvo a copy of .thu (Uillro pioKram, hut Hov. 81m nmn'H dobtroyoil It hoforo hu thought Hf my wanting II. hut tho dlfforont nrtorH porformod (hplr parla well, (liipurlally thu Hiiffranotto maicli lod hy Mr. I.tilti Mooinan. Tho iiiuhIo nf tho hand wnH up (o ditto, alto on thu piano by Mrs, Corn O'llrluu and Jior dnuKlitor, MIhh Allison, Mlim Alllflon ()ilrlnu iiIhu Kavo an oxhlhKlou 'it tho highland fllim (fiat wan nlmply Krnml. 1'lopoH woro rundoroil hy Mm. Munimut anil lior lirotlior, Carl Itln Kor. Hut tho crownltiR act was n dlaloKiio hotweon Joo BliiKlotoit and Carl IHtiKor, (ho now Borvnnt, that brought down tho ontlro houso. If I had mora sparo I would ho Kind to lm'tihlo lo imrtloHlnrUo, tt "vo iilroiuty Kouo boyond my llinltod Hpnco. HocolptH of tho avonlnc woro 3Ti.lO. Tho lioxt tlmo will try to toll who woro lior Hunilny, what I did. whoro I wt-Ut, ct, John MrClinnclitrf) who han hvoii llio kuchI of liln mot lior ntul oilier ml ntlvon Hut pant fow nionllin, ban re turned to WimliliiKton. Mftf. lllKlnhiitham ami children left on Monday's train for Mnrci'ilii. Oro., at which placo lutr rotm have ohiploymtjiit. Mr. lllKluhothiim will Join thorn tutor, Mm. Davlilxnu oT (lnrdrii niw npo.it n day ivccutly tho i;itot or Mm. I.OtVlH. Mr. Carter of Portland ami Chitrlrn Stln'phurtt of Cold Hill woro train notltiK buMnoiA on ICaucfi rtrok ono dhy rcrontly. MINI Kntherlilft KOlcy. who tins Ju-t cloHPtl it surcoiwful term of ichool on Hnrdlun crook. In upendliiK hur va cation with her pnronti. Mr. KllftxerRrnu of MrdWrd wan looking after btmltipiiit lutcroitii at tho Hraden nilro Monday. IVnrlN Ilrnn'n children nro nil wuf forliiK with n hail attack of whoop InK coukIi nt this writing. Mm. Mardon and children ipnnt Tiicmlfty In Gold Hill tho r.ueit of Mm. OUon and family. John Thoinpton of Klamath Full, Oro , Ii vUltlnR rolntlvcu nnd frlondu llvlnR on Knntfl c-ck. Knurl crrok huilnpi vl.ltnrn to Hold Hill thin week: Mr. and Mm. I.wl, Mr. Ilyrloy and ion, Mm. Mar don, Mm. IIokrU, Knllu Kotpy, HcmIo I'clomon. Mr. Houioholdor. Mr. Darker. Mr. Martin. (Iporpo Hhrlinp, Hurt Coffmnn. Mr. Drown. Mm. Ilttt lutiollittm Aiul Woitllior I'rophul 1'oi lor. Wont lior Prophet Foiter predict! continued nhnwem. Mm. Nwlndon of Med ford In upend ItiK n few dnyn on Knnon crook tho Kiioit of her ulster. Anna IllKlnlioth mil, Wo nro oiiJoIhk 11 I It t to ihowcr of rain today which In r;nvttly nccdctl for nil klndn nf TORotatton. especially tho fruit nnd early cnrdoim. Mr. HiirDiUlirRor, tho 'Bo.,, of tho Willow KprliiRH, wn KrcotliiK old frlomU In Hold Hill tho foro part or tho weak. John Mclliiuolltt of I'ootK crook to at proKoitt tho Knout of bin counlu, Tom Cook, of Harden How. Mm John Drown of tho Dlnrknoll In MpondliiK u fow days with her datmhler. . Mm. llean. of thu Willow prlnRg, , , CENTRAL POINT POINTERS. Mr. Doll PleaanntM, it former Con tral Point readout hut now roaldlm; at North Yamhill, Oro., vlidtcd roln Uvea and frluudn In thin city re cently, Mm. W. Htldlmm 11111I koii. Will Rtldhnm, who havo been vlnltln In Central Point for hoiiio tlmo, havo returned to tholr homo In Ashland. Thoy woro accompanied homo by Mm. Htldham'H dnuithtor, Mrs. .Stella Pur keypllo, who will upend the mimmor In Anhlanil. John llrovo,vqf Prospect vn8rcnll Iuk on, hi many frlondn horo Ticn day. , r Word httB ticeft recolved horo nf tho death of Mm. Crydcrmau. Mm, Cryderman bad been u roRldent of Conlral Point for Rovoral yearn, but recontly loft for tho Alberta country In Canada, whoro kIio expected to mnko 'hur homo, Hlio had been In poor health for sumo tlmo and lior many kind trlondn had hoped that tho northern ellmnto might restore tho donr old lady'a health. Her death has boon very painful to lior lioflta of frlondtt who mlHa tho choor InK f inlloajimil llio over ready wordn Of.ehoor of this ren'poctod nm tnucli bolovod woman, Tho I.adlftaAld socloVy of tho M, 13. ohui'ch met nt tho borttci of Mr. J. W. Jifyora In this city W'oifnosilny uftornonn, The hoHlesBes for tho lift ornoon woro Mrs. J, V. Myora, Mia. ThomiiH Pankoy and Mra. P, J. Illok 011. TIioho ladle tiro consldorod tho boHt of hoBtoHHoa " and their dainty lunehoon will lundo for thorn tlio tltlo thoy dORorvo, bolus Contrtu Polnl't most plranlnR eniertaliiem. InMcAd of thu tiHiint prot;rniii conlt Inn of mimle, each of tho Indie of (ho aid relntod to their niidleuco how thoy had earned n dollar which they prenented to the old, Many nro tho wnyn In which women can earn mon ey with their HkllDil hands and wry InterestlnR wan It to hear tho ladles tell of tho different way In which I hoy earned their dotlnra. This wnn ono of tho most enjoyable nnd Inter eMInx mcctltiK that tho nld linn cvr held nnd nil present spent u most dolluhtful afternoon. Captain Nenlou and dniiKlitur, Miss Knthcrlnc, of Table Hock, were In the city visiting friends Thursday. Mm. Albert Hall of Tolo was shop- plug In Central Point a fow hours Wednesday. Mm. MnWl Ilobon left this owek for Chicago, where sho will upend somo months. , Dr. Mnl M. Dow and Dr. to din 8, Dow left Wednesday evening for Chicago nnd other eastern cities. Dr Mao M. Dow will bo absent about three weeks nnd Dr. I.ydln 8. Dow will return nbout July fi. Tho high school piny. "A Night Off." will bn staged at (told Hill Hat unlay ooulng, Mny 31. J. P. Ilcarrt ban returned from n several days' business visit In Port land. The cantata, "Tho Crowning of Louie." will boheld In tho Central Point opera "houso Juno 11, w Tho rnutntu In composed of a largo num ber df talented young Indies who nro working very earnestly to mnlio this affair a succos. It Is to bo given under tlio nusplce of tho ladle of tho W. It. C. nnd II. N. Aldrlch I dlllgontly laboring to niako this tho most enjoyable and best attended event of tho closing year. (porgo D. Hon has moved hi family to hi much on Itosn Inuo for tho Btimmor. Miss Kilun Itnymer. Hon J. l Ver 11011, Clnudo White, Alvn Williams nnd It. C. Ileaino spent Wednesday afternoon In Medfnrd. Tho ladle or tlio W. 11. C. will ditrvo dinner to tho veterans nnd their families Friday at tho banquet hull In the opera house. Children's day will bo obhurvod by llio nevoral churches In the city Sun day. Hxrollunt progrnntH nro ttoliig prepared by the lltllo ones and a hearty Invitation Is extended lo tho public to c,otno and attend those serv ice. puiimc notici:. Having located at 1 T North lllv nmldo or tho purposo o( carrying on it ';ouornl real estate buslnoKti, null or exchange your farm or town lot or anything you wish to exchange, will also locate you on it homestead nt a rouHoiinlilo figure. Your correspond ence solicited. 58 H. DAHACK & SON. A'OTICH. 1 Tho regular meeting of, tho Hogiio lllver Co-oporntlvo Krult Orowert uhNoclntlon will be held Haturdny aft ernoon nt 2 p. in. at tho public library building. tO J. A. PKltltY, Prcs. tt XOIJCH. Notice In hereby given Hint tlio un dersigned will apply to tho city coun cil of tho city of Mcdford, Oregon, at Its next regular meeting on Juno 3dj 1013, for a license to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors In quanti ties less than a gallon, at their plnca of business oh South Fir street, lo cated at lots 10, 11 and 12, blocit 40, of llio original townsito, In said city, for a period of six months. KAL'-MOltlt CO. , Dnto of first publication May 22, 1913. Fou ni;xi nouHia FOU HUNT Flvo room modern apartment, sleeping porch, $1&; seven room house, sleeping porch. Col. II. II. Sargent. 810 Oakdnlo South. Gl FOR HKNT Sleeping room in now, modern nouso, -3 Mocks from post office. Bummer rate $1.50 per week. Phono 372-J. FOit HliNT -- Modern bungalow; built-in furmltiro; beautiful lawn. 309 S. Newtown. FOU HKNT Modern furnished C-rooin houso, water rent paid, 120. C18 King at. FOU HKNT Five, room modern apartment, sleeping porch, SIS: seven room home, sleeping porch, I $16. Col. II. H. SargcuU 810 W.IKUUIU OOUUI, 1)1 NOTICK. . Notice. Is heroby. given that thq uudomlguqd will apply to tho city council of ,tho city 0 Mcdford, Oro gon,, nt ltd regular mooting 011 Junq 8j i913, for n llronwo to koII spirit uous, vinous nnd malt llquoia In quantities lesa than n gallon, nt lit place of bualueaa al No. " Nt Front Ht,, In 'said city, for a porlod ot six mouths, n. 0. imowN. WHY? ouit cneici: 8 ncrea DoAnJnu, full bearing 10 ncrea Dobo, full bearing 10 ucroa Drttott, full bearing 0 .acroa Comtco, full bonrlnft Wo must soil ono of those blocks of Ponra at just one-half value to snvo larger tract, IS ftv deep loam s6ll; tu Jaclcuon county, 3 mllca from Mcdford. Price asked, $U.tO. Wo wntit your bid on ono ot thoso tracts, Can tnko you out any after noon, J. O. IIAIWKS flan N, Jtlvomhlo of 2'li Tlrst National llnnlc Huluilnft FOU HUNT Ono C room modern bungalow, good location, fine lawn. Kent cheap. 820 W. 12th st. GS FOIt HKNT Modorn pUstorcd 0 room bungalow, water paid, SI 2. SO por month. Ono t-room house. K per month. Phono 2C7-J or call nt -130 South Fir st. FOU HKNT Fumlshtid houso. largo grounds, flowers. 1443 K. Main or phono 449-H. 09 FOU HKNT Six worn modorn bun galow; gas. electricity, oast front nnd fluo shade. Inquire 31S 8. Laurel. G3 FOU SALt: OU HKNT 5 room mod ern bungalow; beautiful lawn and trees; nice garden; only 5i block from now opera house. 713 Kast Jackson. FOU UKNT Nicely furnished two room hotiko, till conveuliuicoi, pleafHiit biirniuudlng, cIofo In. J. TV Durus. 4L7 Jny struet, off South Onkdalo. - FOU HKNT- Furnished 5 room houso nnd largo shady yard. J'-'a per month. Water rent vld. N17 West 10th st. See next door east. C.T M)ll RKNT l'UltNISHHD AITS. FOuTlKNT Couiplotoly furnlshod npartmonta. Tho Dorbou. 10 Quluco at. I-XK HUNT oioncKS FOU HKNT Lnrgo, comfortablo or flco rootna with elevator aervlco, ateam heat, hot and cold wator. Low rates. Apply Mcdford 'Furni ture i A; IlrtV. Co. A NKW TObAY 1200 aero stock ranch lu llnrnoy county, fully equipped, will trade for any P.iclflo coast property for part value and lot somo remain ua n loan on tho place it dealred, GO acres ot orchard, over half In fluent of producing pear, and tho owner want to got back to tho chil dren, so will trade for an Iowa farm. A good modern hotel lu n llvo town lu northorn lown for trnilo for a ranch tu this valley. 40 ncrea of ujralfti land In south ern Cnlffornln for trndo for some thing hero, 10 ncrea of Irrigated young ponrs, with Improvements, for trade for .1 nlco ltttlo bungalow lu Modtord, Thoso properties, nro nil practically clour, and (t wll) bo eaay to make a trodo It property offerod Is right. C. D. HOON Pholio 1037-J. Jackson Co. Hank Tig. lOIl HKNT "Well furnished rooms with nil conveniences In modern home, gentleman and wlfo or la dles only. Call mornings. 422 South Laurel. FOU HKNT Largo sleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping apart ments, prices very reasonable. Phono 102G-L. 222. South Holly street. ' street. rOIt HKNT HOIMKREKPINCI ItOOMH TWO furnished housekeeping rooms n rear or 220 8. Grape; no chil dren. 59 i-on hknt Housekeeping rooms with bath nnd gas. 345 North uartlott. . 1--OK HKNT M1.SCEt.LAXr.OUS FOU UKNT Two rooms in Uialto uidg. inquire of Jim Hitter. FOU SALK French roach maro sev en years eld: weight 1200; can bo seen at tho Nash stables Saturday. May 31. 60 FOU BALK-JGB Oriental ruif, S4C. 1427 K. Main. 58 FOU SALK Invincible nslrrs and Salvia plant. Mm. Win. Ilnln, W. Clark st. Phono 627-X. 60 FOU 8ALE Letter heads ana fsney stationery, printed, engrarec, or embossed, aa 70a wh at the t Mall Tribune. FOU SALK Ono black 3 year old Fcrcheron stallion, weight 17S0 lbs. Will trade for cattle or work horses. Also cedar posts and fir rails. Henry Manklns, 2& miles south ot Jacksonville. GO FOU 8ALB Gcntlo saddto pony, cs lieclally good for carrying two children to school. Cnn be driven to buggy. Also good driving homo for lady. Apply to Walter Frnser Jlrowh, 53 North Orarigo s't. 1'hono 57.7-Y. FOII SALE Af D8 FOU SALK 100 aero good nlfnlfa and grain ranch, all in cultivation. Will make good stock ranch. $100 tier acre. Inquire of C. M. Hvcndsen. Mcdford, Oro. 07 FOU SALE Do not rait to get my Hat or hard times bargains In and around tho beautiful city of Ash land before you decldo on n loca tion. 1 can savo you money on rontlng or buying. W. I). Hodg son, Cor. E. Main and Second its., Ashland, Oro. 64 FOU SALK Homestead relinquish ments. Homestead for locution. A, II. Sating, Mcdford. Ore. (52 FOU SALE 80 acres homestead 1 mile from small town on a road, 20 acres almost rendy ror tho plow Living springs. 40 afcrca homestead 1 mile rrora postofflce, 20 ncros creek bot tom, 5 acre cleured. about 25 acres ffno garden land. Address E. A. 1I .Mull Tribune. 58 FOK SAM .ICIIKACK FOH SALK 5 or 10 acre closo In. easy terms. Phono 10G0-M. G7 FPU SALK MLSCISMaXKOUS FOU SALK OH THADK Pedigreed Poland China hour. It. I). 1, Dox 73. Central Point, or phono Far mer 14-184. 1 FOU BALKSmlth-Promlor typo- writer No. 2 In good order; largw clear typo; $2K, at Western Union Telegraph office. 59 FOU SALK Good working homo mid 50 leghorn chickens. Houto No. l, Dox 17, Mcdford. Mm. Klocppln. 59 FOU SALK Homttigton standard typowrltcr No. 8 Invisible writer, 14 inch carriage never been used; cheap. P. O. Hox 1(7, Jackson FOU SALK 4 pleco Craftaman fumed bedroom stilto, hand made, massive, cost new $200, fine con dition; bookcases, chnlra, cuckoo clock, two orluntnl rugs, every thing fluo uud will soli nt it bar gain. Also $60 Quick Meal coat and wood range and 3 burner Per fection oil atove. Thoso good will - last nnd nro a good Investment. Inquire Hox GO, Tribune, nnd own er will call upon you, 58 FOH SALE Oood self reed liny press nt ltegar ranch. G3 FOU SALK Day-old chicks. Planum Electric Incubator Hatchery, Tat out, Ore. H. C. High. Mgr. 00 FOU SALE Looso loaf ledger sys tems, any stylo 01 xuado to order by tho Mail Tribune bludery. FOU SALE Logal btahKs, tresspass notices, tor sale or ront sings at tho Matt Trlbuno, FOH SALE Ono fino team ot horses 1500 pounds, nt n bargain. O, E. Gutes, 132 S. Htvoraldo. FOU SALE Household furniture, Dookcnso, 3 sections, top and base, $7: kltchou table, oak top, $1; Ico box, $4; boOks, largo assortment 25 cents each; soveral rockom, each $1; 4 dining room chutrft, S1.G0 each; throo-quarter bod, 1; now range, cost ?35, hna hot water back, $20; now heater with biuo n"'l llPV ?3. Binall tables, ,1: electric fni, ?R. 1-157 I., tfolu. Tol. 757-L. DP VAXTKD-i-MlSCILU'l.'r.t)U8 WANTED To buy a 4 passenger hard automobile In good condition, cheap. Address P. O. Box 4TTJ. 59 Attorneys POIITKH J. NEF WM. I. MKALMY Attorncys-nt-Itw. Hooras 1 and 2, Postofflce btdg. A. E. IlEAMKS, LAWYEH Harnett- worcy oui.. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Cciin Mtlor at Iaw. 123 East Main itreet, Medford, Ore. Win. M. Colvlg Georr M. Uoborta COLVIO & ROHEKT9. LAWYEUS Medford National Dank UulldtaK. Clilropractor- DU. R. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, ncrvo specialist. Dooms 203-201-205 Garnctt-Cerey bldrt 1 Vapor baths and scientific massage given; advlco la dietetics, medieat gym nastics, hydreptWrapr. Lady at tendant. Phone, office 945, resi dence 671-K. WANTED Wood sawing; has good machine; gtvo mo n call, from 0 to 9 p. m. Phono 384-H. 83 WANTED To borrow $350 6rt good security. City propcrtjt. Phono S79-M. 58 WANED Home dressmaker with nn appreciation of style. Phono 477. Able to work at onco. 2 MONEY TO liOAW MONEY TO LOAN On city and close In ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phone 3GS. MONEY TO LOAN $1000 to $5000 to loan on Improved farm proper ty. Dennett Investment Co. FOU KXCTLVMiE WILL EXCHANGE 10 acre port re, wun or witnout uouse. for Med ford bungalow. C. H. A., Mnll Tribune. FOH TRADE I havo somo new Studebakcr wagons, buggies, farm Implements and gasoline engine Tor which 1 will tnko cord Or fir wood. F. OsonbrttKKe, 401 River side avo. S. FOU SALE OH TUADE A feood pay tng buslnois. Boo O. C. Hoggs, at torney, tor particulars. Gl FOH TUADE 40 nccrs of bench laud, rich, red loam, cholco ror pears, grain or potatoes. About 10 aero cleared; 3Vs mllea from Woodvlllo near Evans creek. Would llko residence In Mcdford. II. J. Palmer. Phono 4G9-J. TO SELL OU EXCHANGE Proper ty In Pasndenu, Long Ueach stud other cities nnd uho acreage In California Tor property In Mcdford or vicinity. Wrlto. enclosing stamps, or conto to my otrico nnd Investigate. Luiuan N. Judd, Tal ent, Oregon. LOST LOST Kappa Kappa Ganui Sorority Pin, goal, loitered "K. K. 11.'' tttut in shape or key: namo Mjsa Juiln Day on back. Ueturn to Mm. Clin ton McCurdy. 220 S. Laurel s. Liberal reward. STRAYED A small cow, part Jcr soy. with dark fnco. Sunday. F. II. Cowles. Phono C7-U-4. Nextx to 401 Ranch, G9 HUSI.V'liSS DtRECTOitY Attstrncta ROGUE , RIVER VALLEY AD- STRACT CO., No. G South Central. Auto Supplies, LAHBR AUTO SPRING. CQ.--Our big secret in making springs la tho tempering. Wo nro operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In the Pacific northwest Use our springs when other fall. Sold under guarantee. 20 North Fif teenth St., Portland, Ore. Vm Accountants D, R. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and kept tor a reasonable figure; yoitr business solicited. Office, Medford Mall Trlliuno bids,: phono fill-R-2; reB louco phono 537. DR. A. R. HEDGES, Dr., Louise E. Hedges Mcdiano-Thdrapl.it. Chiro practors, Spondytotheraplsts. Thcsa systems. Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-Uieraphy, etc.. produce results In both acuta and chrome dbteasea. Consulta tion free. 230 North Dartlett St., , next door to M. E. church. Hour 9 a. m. to G p. ra. Other bours by apolBtBienL Phono ''7-J. Dcfitfttj DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR a C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Carnett-Corey bldg., suite 3t0, Mcdford, Oro. PhOno 850. GarbKe GiVRDAGE Get your premise cleaned up tor the winter. Call on tho city garbage wrrOqs for good service. Phone 626-L. F. Y. Allen. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKBY Notary pn&i lie. Bring your work to li'o at the sign ot tbe'rtiall Tribune. Printers and Piiblliber MDKORD'lMUNTINOCa best equipped printing office In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. riO'hkiuB and Surgeons DR?"f," (C GAllQyW, DIL EVA MAINS CARI.OW Osteopathia physicians, 41G-417 Garnett-Coroy bldg.. phone 1036-L, Rcstdoaco 420 South Laurel bL Ul, S. A. LOCKVODD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. . Practice limited to diseases' ot women. Offices 233 M Main. Phones, off ico 8M-J-2; res., 814. DR. J. J. EMMEN8 Physician and surgeon. 1'ractlee limited to eye, oar, noao nnd throat. EyoB scien tifically tested nnd glasses supplied Orrico 22! East Main St.. Hour 8:30 a. in. to 8 p. m. Phone. E. n. PICKKL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bunk bldg. Office phone 43-R; resldenco phone 68-U. DR. MARION Pliyslclan and aur gco'n. Stewart bldg,, corner Main and Uurtlett cts.; office phone 27, residence phono 27-J-3. DU. MARTIN C. BARRErt Physi cian and Burgeon. Office' Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hour 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physl6lan and surgeon. Phones, office 30, mU denea 734-J. Office bourn 10. to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteoptale physician, 303 Oarnett-Corey building. Phone 904-M. R. J. CONROY. M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Over Hutchison & Luw--don. 215 K.Maln St. Phone 77. xihA Stenograpliwa KLb.V M. GAUNYAW PnJ hMk. SonograpulG work done quMdr. . mid woji, Tranifw HAD8 TRANSFER 8TORAQ CO, Office 1G KoutU Fir St. PkfiH 315. Prlroa rluit, BerrU' auteed. . ' , if "c ' i