Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 29, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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M. k lMV
..ii...,.,. itntiiti iti.ttmitHMnlvt
.IMlVlttltSt1ltlll' HlMIHHt
MAY . 20,
-( -
" i
BKfiiT mvkpaprh
T. -Pi iumiuv
t. huntjat, nr rua i
The Dwnocmtlo Tlmm, Thn Mnlford
Mall, Tha Mcdfor.l Tribune, Tho South
rn 0ru6tiWin, Tho Ashland TrlbunN
Offlffl Mali Trlbunn HullOlnc. x6-:7.J
North Fir street; telephone "S.
QBOnaR PUTNAM, Editor ana Managtr
rn iftnlfiM TfiAttitp At
Oreon.i uniltr tha act of
lurch J, 1IT.
Official Pagfr of tho City of Medford.
Official Purer or Jackson County.
Dna year, by "" .jit an
Oba month, by mail ., ... .(0
Per month, ilwlvored hy carrier In
MrtUnrd, Jacksonville Mid Ctn-
trai Points. ... - .. .89
Faturday only, by mall, par year 1.00
Weekly, r jwr . vsa
rwoaK ciRCtrtAtiojr.
Dally avrrajro for florin month end
ing November 30, 1111. XTSt
Tho Mall Tribune Is n salo at the
lnrtlnd. Hotel Nena Ptsml. PortUad.
INwtlanrt News Cv, Portland. Ore.
W O. Whitney, Seattle. vSn.
mil Xrtaaed "SBlr United rreaa
KBoroKB. oBxaas.
: Metrnpolla of Southern Orccon and
Northern California, and the fastest
arrowing city in Orecon.
Population O. B. ceoaua 110 S40;
estimated. IMS lo.owr -
lire Jiunanvl tliouMind dollar Gravity
Water Hysttm completed. Ktvlnff flneat
SifWly pure mountain water, and 17.S
mJUa of streets ravl.
roatotfice receipt" for year ending
November 30, 1JU, show increase ot Is
per ccau ,
, Manner fruit city (n Oregon noirue
rtlver Spltienhorit apple won sweep
stakes prlia ah Ulla or
, , "Apple JClsa- of the World'
at thfl National Apple; Show.. Jfpokaue,
lgs, ana a car or "tewiewis nea
viu Mi lata
At Canadian IstcrnatloFittl Apple Show,
Vancea'tar."' ft. 'tt - -
rtiwt rrtse la 1911
At PimteHA National Apple Show won
py earioauur hiwidtw.
. llorao lllmr neara lirfiueht titehest
prlcoa In all markets ot the vor4 dur
ing the paaf MX VKa
LONDON, Mar 29. Official an
nouncement was wade from tho for
eljjn offlco boro tonight that envoy
of Turkey and all tho Ualknn states
will moot at St. Jnm palaco tomor
row. It Is understood Sir Edward
.Gray told thorn all they must sign
n treaty of peace without further de
lay and that as soon as It was signed
tho powers -would begin adjustment
of tho financial problems resulting
from the war.
LOS ANGELES, Uny 2D. Confi
dent that lio almost concluded ar
rangements for a match hero July 4
between Leach Cross of New oYrk
And IJud Audet-hon of Medford, Ore
ton, Tom McCnrey's plans are con
siderably upset today, following U'o
Itritcnlcnt of Jim Coffroth of San
Francisco that Anderson probably
will mt-et Tommy Murphy t"nt city
on Itidcpendence Hay. McCarey Iibh
prnelicaly closed with Cross, and had
tinuWtood tlint Ids offer to Andor
lon'was Mitisfnctory. If Anderson
siKUK wilh Coffrolh, McCnroy admiU
Ieis program will bo decidedly tip in
the air.
Johnny Dundee will bpgin training
Tomorrow for liis mnich with Ad
Wolgast June 30. Ad is expected to
urrivohcre Sunday to bepn work.
) MeCnrey is trying to bring Kid
Williams to Lou Angeles for a mntch
Willi Eddto Campi Jutie 21. Suclt a
match would supplant tho Cnpi-Lcd-doux
fjght ho hns in pfospect.
i POUTLANU, Ore., May 29. Ac
cording to Dick Donald, manager for
liud Anderson, tho Medford light
welghf! contondor, Tom McCarey, tho
Loa1 A'ngoles fight promoter, will
lmvo to rnlso his ante considerably
If ho Jiopea to secure Andorson ns
nn opponent for Leach Cross on July
4. 'If ho doesn't rcccivo a satlsfac
tory'roply from McCaroy t'oduy Don
old' states that Promoter Coffroth's
dffcr for an Anderson-Murphy fight
tho latter pa otrf Junu will bo nc
c)j)tod.' ' "McCarey's stntoment that I had
accepted his offer for Anderson's
services on Iudopdndonco day is u
TiiWtaku, for I wired him as goon ns
I rccelVcd tho offer that his bid was
not hljjh euoiigh," said Donald. "On
a'ccqUut ot his porformanccs during
thoflat few months Andorson has
taken a placo with tho best llght
Welght'boxora, and hereafter I am go
ing to ieo t.hat ho gets what his uorv
Icos'ai'o really worth. If McCarey
accepts tho offer I wired him last
n)ght I will sign with him, othorwlso
Anderson will fight Tommy Murphy
1 4 Shu Francisco."
Julian Story's Babies Burned.
' LONDON, May 20. Tho two bub
j'o'a of Julian Story, tho American
tirtniU painter, are Buffering from
Hfvi'ro fHinw horo todny, atiHtnined in
lhoFfxplosioii of an oil stoyc. Their
nlirfifl in In )ioHlil i critical
cwitHiioiit Sli was burned whilo
Mviiitho childrcu from death.
i ' 'i
MWDORDrnpLflinuts who rtmmlnliLof iluJMmdi) are
those that do not advovtiso. Tliosc whoso advertiso
monts aiipcai in the Mail Tri Initio i-ogulnrly, mako no com
plaint. By regular advevtistjys, is not meant occasional
advertisers whose announcements appear spasmodically,
hut those who regularly advertise, who stimulate business
by offering bargains in some line sufficiently attractive
to make it worth while to the buyer til" take advantage of.
If the spasmodic advertiser finds that it pays to occa
sionally advertise, would advertise regularly, he would
find tlint it pays ;pist that much better. When business
is dull, it can be stimulated by advertising and the most
successful merchants are those that follow this policy.
The advertising columns of a newspaper should carry
the store news and should bo made as attractive to the
prospective purchaser as the news of tho day is to the
news reader. That advertising is best, as far as securing
results, which quotes prices. These prices speak for
themselves and bring in business not only from tho city in
which thov are published but from the adjoining territory
in which they are read.
Medford "merchants have, with a few exceptions, re
duced their advertising appropriations. The result is
shown in decreased business, and in smaller newspapers.
The Xew exceptions who eontjnuo to advertise regularly
report nn increased business, not only from Medford but
the surrounding territory.
A year ngo, tho grocers and meat markets boycotted the
Mail Tribune because of its advocacy of the public market.
Few have advertised since.
ing today. It was u policy ot biting otf the nose to spite
tho face. There is general complaint that tho country
stores are grabbing the grocery trade of the surrounding
country that formerly came here. There must bo a reason.
Tho reason is failure to advertise. Tf Medford grocery
prices arc cheaper than in other places, as claimed, there
is no proof to convince the farmer. Advcrtismonts quot
ing the prices would tell the story but thero is no adver
tising, Consequently the farmer believes probably erron
eous, that there is a grocery trust. There is no evidence
to convince him to the contrary. So we see tho saving
made by cutting out the advertising is resulting in a direct
loss to the merchants and to the city.
A year ago the city council conceived the idea that it
was wasting the taxpayers' money to print resolutions
and other formal proceedings in the newspapers, and since
then has substituted by posting on telephone poles when
ever possible, thus crippling the newspaper which was
helping to make a success of the city market and engaged
largely in the business of boosting the city and valley.
The council's example of returning to the village idea
was followed by numerous merchants, thus helping to re
duce the size of the newspapors, which are dependent en
tirely upon tho patronage received. Has the smaller news
paper thus enforced been as good an advertisement of the
Medford merchants Should not confine thcir.btisiness to
the city. They should sell throughout Southern Oregon
and Northern California. The parcel post enables them to
deliver to almost every one. The way to reach these buy
ers and increase the business is through the newspnpers
they read. The better patronage given the newspapers,
the better papers published, the wider the circle of readers,
the further the influence and business of the community
is extended.
People judge a community by its newspapci-s. A
paper crowded with business indicates an up-to-date lively
community. Village patronage indicates a village-like
community. The interests of the community and of the
newspaper are identical. Co-operation extended in tlie
newspaper's support is for the upbuilding of the .locality.
The newspaper must be broad enougti and lar sighted
enoucrh to advocate a policy best for the entire community.
It must look to the future.
far sighted enough and aviso enough to recognize tho. bene
fits of such u policy qven though it conflicts with individual
interests and to realize that purchase of advertising spaco
jloes not buy the right ,to diqate policy.
To make a better paper, to increase the business of the
community, and therefore better the community, the Mail
Tribune appeals to the merchants of Medford to wake up
and go after the business by patronizing its columns. Its
circulation, which is in better condition today than ever, is
proof that its idependent policy is appreciated by the
people- , ,
Potatoes as a
An experiment to tcsttbo feeding
?aluo of raw or steamed potatoes as
supplementary feed with a grain 'ra
tion, has been carrloJ on by Itobt.
Wlthycomb at tho Eastern Oregon
experiment station, with interesting
results which will bo of special vuluo
this year on account of tho super
abundant potato crop.
Tho hogs In 'he experiment wero
divided into eight lota and records
of tho different feed ration glvon
each and tho proportionate gain made
wero kept carefully. Each hog In lots
1 nnd 2 nto an averngo 'of 170.18
pounds of barley and C03.C3 pounds
of raw potatoes, making n git'ln In
weight of 00.70 pounds. Those In
lots 3 and I ato 110.30 pounds of
barley and CG3.7S pounds steamed
potatoes, and mado a gain of 70. CO
pounds, whllo those In lots C and G
ate 188,00 pounds barley and CG4.S0
pounds steamed potatoes and mado a
gain of 78,10 pounds. Lots 7 and 8
ato 300.10 pounds barley without
potatoes and mado a' gain of C9.C
Tho last 2 lots, fed barley alone,
wero used as a check on tho others to
show more definitely tho proportion
atd Valuo of tho potqtoes.
At the present, market valuo of
Not a single one is advertis
The advertisers must also be
Forage Crop
1.07. a uoundjlvo- weight, tho hogs
ifcd barley mado a S4.K7 gain, wnicu
makes tho barley feeding-valuo $1.02
to the hundred.
Lots 1 and 2 fed barley and raw
potatoes at tho rata of 3 pounds of
potatoes to a pound of barley, mado
a $1,25 gain, which gives tho raw
potatoes a feeding valuo of S.Z9 to
tho hundred. Lots 3 and 4 receiving
G times as much steamed potatoes ns
barley, mado a $4.01 gain, giving the
steamed potatoes a fcodlng value of
$.47 to tho hundred. Lots 5 and G
fed three times as much steamod po
tatoes as barley, mado n $5.47 gain
making tho feeding valuo of tho po
tatoes $.43 to tho hundred.
It Is noticeable that tho'so fed six
times as much potatoes as grain did
not mako quite tho gain mado by tho
othor, but it required 85,25 pounds
less barley to mako this, gain, so tho
difference In fcodlng valuo Is ac
counted for.
It is also noteworthy that tho
steam potatoes aro worth $.13 moro
to tho hundred than raw for feeding,
as shown In the comparison of tho
gains of animals fed tho 3 to 1 ration,
Tho Krltzl Scheff Opora company
has just been Incorporated with a
capital stock of $10,000,
Origin of Memorial Day
Day snt apart upon which tho liv
ing pny tribute to tho hornlc dead
nro na old ns history. Tho nnclont
Druids not only covered noldlura'
graven with sweet scouted flowers
nnd ovprgroons, but planted gardens
and groVe In their memory. Karly
Christian, revolting at any hoathoa
custom whntsooYor, It mattered not
how beautiful It was, Invented other
memorial cervices, nnd to dlfforon
tl.nto heathen snutlmnat from thulr
own, I hoy declared, "Wo will nut
sprlnklo their" grove with (lower,
lint upon tholr wplrlts the odor nt
Clnrhit. Let others scatter baskets
ot bloom If they like. Christ U our
Lily and with his lovo will wo con
ttocrato his servants.'
Virgil, describing tho grief of An
clilsos for MarcelluM, snys In tho Im
mortal Aenetd:
Full canisters of fragrant lilies brine
Mlxotl with purplo rose of tho spring
NKW YOltIC, May 2D. A panto
mimic portrayal of how strike nro
conducted In tho country's big milts
will bo shown In Madlsuu Square.
Onrdcn hero on tho evening of Juno
7, under tho nusplee of Iho Indus
trial Workers of the World.
Two thousnnd strikers from tho
mills of 1'atrrson, '. J., will portrny
striking worker and n number of
world cclcbrltto, Including Lincoln
Stoffens, William English Walling.
Upton Sinclair, lues llnynes Ollmorc,
Ilutchlns Ilnpgood nnd ltoso Castor
Stokes, will bu seen In Iho rolo nf
Flvo scenes will bo need to por
tray how strikes are called. Strike
breakers entering tho mills, tho club
bing of a striker, tho funeral of a
striker, tho killing of a pollco officer
and the sending away of children out
of the strlko xono will bo shown. At
the conclusion of tho production Wil
liam Haywood nnd other leaders of
tho I'aterson strlko will spoak. The
proceeds will bo used In aiding tha
Catcrson strikers.
XOMK, Alnftkn, Jklny 20.Vntcr
rmnmtinieiilion willi the nutiilo was
resumed todny with the arrival of the
fnnioiix little steamer Corwin. Cap
tnin II. J. Hcaly, nfler n trip of
eighteen 1ny from Seattle, the fast
est voyage in its career. The Cor
win with 100 tom of rnrgfi of frrih
meat nml vegetables him been Iho
fir.t bnntin eneh feitsn for the past
ei;ht years.
Ono of tho finest cows In tho stnto
Is the property of St. Mary's academy
In Medford. This Jersey hns n dally
record of milk ot 4.1 nnd asldo from
her generosity In milk producing U
n beauty to behold. Tho acadomy
also has a (Ino strain of chickens mid
keeps nothing but puro bred stock.
A timely film that deals with pol
itics and .tho part tho 'evil ot 'party
patronage plays Is on tonight at tho
It thentor. In addition tho Vltagraph
film "IMnylng With I'lro" nnd two
others, "ho Ilrarest (llrl 111 Califor
nia" nnd "Tho Mllllbnalro's Play
ground," will bo shown. Tho show
Is exceptionally well roundud.
PARIS, May 29. MM roiiclie,
womcn'H ehnmitoil nt tho Olyinpio
games, this nflenioon defeated Miss
ityuu of California in struight sets
for the women' (cnnln elininruinslilp
ot Frnnre. Thu Bcorp wen: CJ-II,
Fire Truck lnures Boy.
PORTLAND, Ore., May 20.
While happily propelling it toy wugnu
in the sfrcctA, iliimlildful of danger,
Johnny .Meyerx, 111 yearn old, wnn
run down by a firo department tour
in ear nnd is today Hiifferiiitf from
nn injury to his ehest nnd n double
fractura of Iho right' left.
Assistant Chief Latidonklos, who
was timing Iho cur, -w iiuahlo to
alter ils course on necount of the
slippery condition of thu pavement.
Tho National Icaguo has a big load
over tha Amorlcan In number of high
class hlttors to dato, 27 holng regis
tered In tho .300 division lit tho)lder
circuit as against 10 In tho youngor.
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant.
Phones SI. 17 ami 47-J-2
Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner
Ut mo with funeral flower bin body
This gift, which parenls to their chil
dren owe
This uuavultltii' gift nt loaut 1 may
Two years aftor tho oloso of tho
civil war the woutoit of Cohuubuu.
Miss., tenderly ttprouO tho graves of'
tho boys In blue nnd gray alike with
Unworn. As tho unws of this touch
ing tribute of lovo and loyally spread
to tho north U awoke genurat ap
proval, and beforn long It wan ntut
gosted to Uenerul John A. Logan, Hie
national (ximmnnder of the Oram!
Army of tht, Republic, that tho or
ganization Inaugurate a romttmn
Memorial day tmcrml to tho memory
of nil soldier. Now tho whole roan
try fools that tho day Im one vet
apart for tho exaltation of patriotism
ami of those holdlcrly attributes that
typify tho highest race of men -courage,
anlf-MticrlMco and service.
1IOSTON, May su. Commenting
here today on (ho receivership of
thu St. Louis & Styt Krancliuo rail
road, (.out I), llrnndels today said
to tho United Cress:
"!.et no man be deceived Into be
llevlnft that this receivership Is duo
to higher labor routs, tnxes, opprow
Hive laws or the fear of hostile legis
lation by tho Wilson administration.
Tht railroad undoubtedly felt the
world-uldo financial strain and suf
fered from local floods. The general
stringency of credit contributed to Its
difficulties, but tho real cause of Its
downfall Is tho curse of bigness. In
satiate e.mulaii nt any cost nnd
expansion undertaken regnrdteita ot
tho dictates nf financial prudence ami
operating efficiency.'"
Feet So Sore
Couldn't Walk
Down Stairs
ti. LTitni) m:i: qvivk
Send at Onro for I'rve Trial I'arknge
If you havo'soro feet, tired fool,
sweaty fcetf tamo fuot, lender feet,
smelly feet, corns, calluses or bun
ions, rend what happeimd tn Mrs.
Crockett of Jofforsonvllle TIZ did
It. Mr. Crockett says: "After tho
second treatment alio walked down
stairs ono foot at n time. Hho had
not been nblo to walk downsstalrs
before In past flvo years, except by
stopping down on ench stop with ono
foot at a tliuo. This Is romarknhlo.
Send flvo moro boxes.''
No mutter what alls your feet or
what under heaven you havo used
without getting relief, Just uso TIZ.
It's tho only foot reuiudy over made
which arts on thu principle of draw
ing out nil tho poisonous oxudtlous
which causu sure feet. Powders and'
other retuodlos merely clog up the
porn. TIZ clonns them out and
keeps them clean. You will feel but
ter tho first tlino It's used. Van It
a wcok and you ran forget you over
had sore feet. There Is nothing on
earth that ran compare with It. If
any ono offers you an Imitation that
Is Claimed to bo "ns good an TIZ,"
ntk why, If It Is Just as good, they
don't dare to romp out unit ailvurtUo
It. Don't you bo n victim got tho
genuine. TIZ Is for sulu at nil drug
stores, dopartment and general
stores, 2(i0 por box, oe direct, If you
wish. Money back If TIZ doesn't do
all wo say. For a free trial package
wrlto today to Walter Luther Dodge
& Co., Chicago, 111
You can mako your wife supromoly
happy by advising her to give up tho
hot, exhausting task ot doing thu
family baking, mid Insisting on tho
purchuso ot bread, rolls, pics, cakou,
etc., etc., from our llakory.
-19 H, Central
1 a I dP-vQLPSBSBSyliCr
ill ( rwb xKjmI'
A, KxCHt
L s"'- "''
Women jWllli j VWIiiat.lpg llalr Al
ways Attract Attention
If you uro a woman with dull,
ll'oli-M, ordinary hnlr, do nut, feel iltu
troHHed, Just mnko up your ml (id
now that you tan have just us luxur
iant and captivating a head ot hair
im-nny other woman nml (illicitly,
Just ho tn Charles Htt-nug's this
very day and get u hottlo of l'nrlu
lan Sage. Use It as directed nnd In
two weeks your sculp will bo (roe
o( dandruff, your hnlr Will bo Htift,
lustrous and beautiful.
It your hair Is falling out, l'arli
lanSagu wilt stop tt.
If your Imlr Is thin, Parisian Sage
will inakn It grow In honvlly.
If you have dandruff It will quick
ly vanish when Parisian Sago Is
Used, .
It prevents hair from turrnlng
gray; stops itching scalp almost In-'
vtnutly and Is thu Ideal dressing for
dally use.
A largo bottle coMh only (10 coals
nt druggist everywhere and Chns.
Strang, Otroux. Mfg. Co., lluffnlu,
.W Y., are tho American makers.
"Father gro younger every day."
And his new photograph hits him to
a "T."
Tho old portrait taken twenty
years ago, made him look so serious
nnd old-fashioned not n bit like ho
really Is.
Wo wouldn't part with It or conr-o.
Hut liti t It splendid to havo n pic
turo of him n wo know him Juit
ns ho looks today.
And father says that ho'n glad ho
gave In and had It made thul hav
ing your picture taken Is (ar from an
unpleasant oiprleiico nowadays.
Theru's a photographer In your
E. Main ami Central Medford, Ore,
Small Irrigated ranch near city
rcsortolr. House, barn, shed. etc.
Telephone and city water. Family
orchard, berries, garden. New free
soil all planted, Ideal locution fur
market gardening, berries or small
orchard. Ituy this much now and
get tho benefit of this year's crop.
II. Ij. NOIILir, Owner
Phono 10IS-L.
Wo rati
a rarr com
!( Una of
c curtain,
ituri-n, ate
and ln all cl nt tiptioltrltis. A
upwlml man to look afior till work
exclusively and -will Ua aa tocxl
axrvir as la poolbla to gt lit avon
tha latcait clllta.
Weeks & McGrowan Co.
Clark & Wright
Public Land Matters: Final Proof.
Oosart Lands, Contest and Mining
Cases. Scrip.
Luxury Without
1 Hotel
Von Dorn
242 Turk Strcot
Finest popular priced g
Hotel in San Prautysco
Ol'ficial Photographer of tho
Medford Commercial Club
( ,t 'i
'Amatour Finishing
Post Cards
Panoramic Work
Interior and exterior views
Flash lights
Nogativcs mado any time
and any placo by appoint
ment. 208 E. Main Phono 1471
WHERE 0 0,0.
& 1 AK
10(1(1 IVet nf .Mutual Films
"VII.V UltlvAMH CO.MIJ TltllE"
"Tliaiilisusor," featuring Mr, (,'ruso
nud Miss Snow,
Flying "A" western drama.
1'ur.oi flit dranm.
1000 feet -1000 Inimljs
When ll roiiifi to the production of
Pholo'l'laya thu War rrnmlni
In the lead. i
. i ,
Peerless Intorprotnra of Photoplays
Watch this space for romlua features
In two parts, (Sollg.)
Timely miistorplsco on tho political
patronage mil.
"PI.AYI.NO WITH FlltE (VUngrnpli)
t'TTlfTf tt'W'tTTtvtfTtTf'I'f t
HUM) IVet of Llreuord Pictures
Pliolo Piny Today Only ; ;
lllograph Drama
Mallueo Dally
AibnUaloii n-IDe
I Coming Tomerrow:
thi; 'ioi.l or peah
In Two Parts
Stoam and Hot Water
All Work itirantM)d
1'rlcc ttoaaunatila
ts Howard Block. Kntrauca on Ilk M.
Xooia rtiooa S4t.
Dctft locntfcdj
nnd most'
l3l?fiJBJl . .1
iijj" - notei in me
City. Running dunillcd
ice water in each room. '
European Plan, a la Carte
Tariff on Rooms
12 room - $1.00 each
00 room 1,50 each
50 rooms . 2.00 each
00 rooms frith pilvite bub 2.00 each
50 rooms frith private lilh 2.50 each
30 auitei, bedroom, par
lor and bath 3.00 each
For more than one suett add $1.00
extra to the above rate for
4 each additional guett. ' '
Reduction by week or month. .
Manammtnt Chtiltr tf, KtlUy
., Lobboq of Qi'lll and Dlulng Uoom. M
M Immm