Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 28, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    'MMH kIV- -
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arrcmroRT) math trtoPjNt;, medfout). ouwion. wudnkhdav, may 2fl. mi;i,
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L! ffcftSONAL
The rnln ifint linn fAllen since
Tuesday morning Interfered with
cutting the first crop of nlfalfa. For
tunately very little tiny In down.
President Wlfoon has ont tho nom
ination fit Lewis Ulrich'nrf postmas
ter of ,fflfckonTin6 t6 the United
fltatcs senate "and It will soon lio
Mr.' and Mrs. S. S. Hullls nro In
Portland, on route to tlinlr homo nt
Olcnn, j.. Yi
.Orchnrd, hunting, rtshlng and
ralorLako icenco for ealo at Gor
Ttlng & iiartnpn'a studio. Negatives
Biarto'any place, kodak finishing. 1SS
East Main street Phono 215 R. .
M. Purdln, n. F. Mulkey and O. V
Hoggs were nt Jacksonville Tuesday
,pn professional busln'oss.
Itoy Davis, court stenographer.
.motored to Medford Tuesday after
Kodak finishing, best In town,' nt
Charles Carney has gone to Los
Angeles on an extended visit with
Atr. and Mrs. W. D. Washburn of
Ashland spent Tuesday In Mcdford.
James M. Cantrall and James Mc
Clarcn of Jacksonville were business
visitors In Medford Tuesday.
11. H. McCurdy writes all kinds of
Insurance. 401 M. F. & H. bldg.
Thone 349.
Mrs. 11. C. Keteoy, Mm. P. .Patent
and Mrs. Grant Harrison made a trip
to .Medford tho foro part of tho week.
Irrigation Is now nt Its height, In
the portions of Oregon and Califor
nia Included in tho Klamath project.
Tho main canal., which carries water
for tho farmers from Upper Klamath
lako, Is now tilled to Ita capacity.
Owen Dunlnp of Phoenix motored
to Medford Tuesday.
Mr. and Mr. F. W. Carnnhan ar
rived from Blue Ledge Tuesday for
n short stay In Medford.
Don't forget tho big salo at tho
Home millinery, rtol West 9th st 37
Mr, nnd Mrs. Mordorff aro visit
ing friends living at Central Point
Dan Shearer, who has been mining
In Steamboat district for somo time,
was In Medford Tuesday on his way
to Galice.
Jack Astbury, ho Is visiting it
Snowy Dutto orchard, spent Tucsdiy
In Medford.
Cerklng & Harmon, studio por
traits, homo portraits, flash' lights,
kodak finishing, post crd work and
enlarging.; 128 East Mala street;
telephone' 21G IL
Ed Andrews has been making
Iloseburg a business visit
Hiram Vol lard and Delia Chock-
toot, PJute Indians, who choso to
llvo together on tho Klamath reser
ration without tho formality of mar
riage, havo been sentenced to three
months' Imprisonment In tho Mult
nomah county jail by Judge Bean of
tiiq United States district court
Insure and ho sure. Right if we
wrlto it It A. Holmes, The Insur
ance Man.
Cilbcrt Stewart, who has Just fin
ished, a term nt the University of
California, Is In Medford again.
' Charles A. Lewis and his family of
Broadmoor spent Tu'csdny in Med
ford. Th"o, Helman While Sulphur Baths
and Swimming Pools at Ashland,
Orogon, wU open for ttho season
Saturday, May 10. C4
S. Rosenberg, owner of Bear Crcetc
orchard, arrived from Seattle Tues
day for a short stay in tho valley.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hanloy motored
to Medford Tuesday afternoon.
Ms. Ella Cook of Jacksonville was
tho guest of Mr, and Mrs. Blaine
lCltim Monday and Tuesday.
C-dny trip through Vonderland of
America for 25c. Illustrated lec
ture Finest colored views. First
M. E. church, Wed. eve. 57
Mr. nud Mrs. James Grievo, wio
havo been visiting in the valley, left
for thojr homo at Prospect Wednes
day, Miss Inn Cochran has gono to
Douglas county, her former homo,
for & visit with relatives and friends.
Mr, nnd Mrs. T. C. Dugan of Ea
glo Point , precinct tarried several
hours infjedford Tuesday,
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives mado any time, or
place by appointment. Phone M.
Assessor Griovo was In Modfojd
Tuesday, attending tho mooting of
the FIro Putrol association of Jack
son, county.
Tho remains of a number of tho
Chinese buried in the Jacksonville
cemetery were disinterred this week
for Shipment to China.
Grant Matthews of Foots crook
transacted business lu Medford Tues
day, Weeks & HcGowan Co.
Day 1'houo 227
Night F, W. Weeks 103-J-2
A. K. Orr 078-M
Ik. KlrciigMsnor will ht at Hotel
Nhsn every HiUurtlny from 10 n. tn.
to 3 p, tn, on and after May 81.
Mies Mildred Young of tirnwtuuoro
Wrts tho'gilest of Misses Cochran the
for part of tho week.
Mr, ft. Ennls nnd Mrs. ft. Coffiimn
of Jacksonville- wero Medford visit
ors Tuesday atternonn,
Fred Alton Hnlght, teacher of
piano and harmony, specialist In cor
rect principles of touch and tech
nique for beginner or advanced pu
pil. Fault corrected. Summer
term. Hnlght Miisle Studios, 11(3 S.
Laurel street. Phono 726-lt C9
Dr. Bertha Stewart nnd MIbs
Thompson of, Kugeno nro Into ar
rivals In Medford,
Mrs. John W. McDonough ot Ash
land wero among her Medford rela
tives Tuesday.
' "vapor hatha and scientific mas
sage for mch and women. Dr. R.
J. Lockwood, chiropractor. 203 Gar-nbtt-Corcy
bldg. Phone 145.
A reception complimentary to Miss
Lcnnle Holbrook. the missionary who
arrived from India recently, was giv
en by Mrs. C S. Manning nt Jior
resldenco Tuesday evening. A largo
number ot tho residents ot Medford
paid their respects to Miss llwlbrootc,
who has gained prominence In hpr
John Burgess, tho Inventor, who
has been visiting Frank O. Burgess,
has left for his homo In Illinois.
Go through Yellowstone. Park
Wednesday eve. M. E. church, 4th
and Bartlett 57
Mrs. F. M. Tryer of Talent made
Medford friends a visit Tueday.
Mrs. Charles Plckcll and her
daughter spent Tuesday ntternoon hi
Mrs. L. A. King was of the many
up from Phoenix during tho week.
Gc and lCc to go through Yellow
stone Park Wed. eve. 07
Miss Helen Kelly, who has been In
Medford for somo time. Is en routo
to her home In Iowa. Sho expects to
attend Columbia college, Now York,
next year.
Thomas L. DeVoro and Joseph
Martin wero over from Jacksonville
Considerable excitement has bean
caused at Talent by tho finding ot
rich gold bearing ore in Wagner
Butto nnd Anderson creek districts
by J. Spllicr and J. Anderson. Tho
former brought In a nugget worth
Postmaster Jacob)- of Tolo mado a
business trip to Medford Tuesday.
W. W. Gregory nnd Nixon Turpin
were over from Big Sticky Tuesday.
Law re n co Brown Vras In Medford
Tuesday on his way to Jacksonville
from a trip to Grants Pass.
The, mothers' meeting ot the W.
C. T. U. will be held Thursday after
noon at 3 o'clock at tho homo ot Mr
John Arnoll, 425 North Holly.
O. P. Helms of Talent transacted
business in Medford Tuesday after
Earl Lutz, who has been visiting
his sister, Mrs. E. Lamport, returned
to Portland tho foro part of the
The Jacksonville) cemetery has
been connected with tho municipal
water system and tho pioneer city ot
tho dead, tho final homo of so many
hundreds, will bo mado a more beau
tiful pi a co than evor.
R. If. Mooro, tho Gold Hill inor
chant, transacted business In Med
ford Tuesday nftornoon.
Mrs. F. C. Smith of Talent was a
recent visitor In Medford.
Carpenter brotbors. tho horticul
turists, are being visited by Mr. and
Mrs. D. Carpenter and their daugh
ter, of Colorado Springs.
It. B. Nye of Rock Point district
was among tho many who camo to
Medford Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. P.
iato arrival? In Medford.
W. W. Usaher, manager of tho
Home Telephone company at Ash
land, has returned from a buslnoss
trip to Portland.
W. P. Bakowoll of Portland and F.
J. Catterlln of Oakland arrived In
Medford Tuesday.
J. Volpe of ABhland Is making
Medford a business visit.
It. J. Colo is over from Hilt, Cal.,
but will not remain long.
Mrs. John Westerlund, who has
been In Chicago for tho past several
months, returned to Medford Tues
day. Robert Brnvard Is in Medford
again and may stay eo'iiio timo.
Miss M. Dulubon ot Grants Pass
visited Medford friends during tho
O. C. Ireland transacted business
at Grants Pass ono day this week.
Joseph Wilson and Robert Wilcox
of Talent and George Buckley of
Applcgute tarried In Medford Tues
day. t
Mcdford's letter boxes will remain
a doop green color, the official color
designated by the postofflco depart
ment Tho vermilion or coach red
previously ordcre'd was protested
against by many cities becauso mall
boxes wero frequently confused with
flro aluVm or street garbage, boxes'.
Phil Loosely nnd his family of Tnlo
district aro spending a fo'w days in
Ada Rehau has sailed for her an
nual summor vlslto England.
Hr sW "f
fci i.i . J)rr" - ' Vja
Si vtfk Y-
: ..-
aprwS x
Miss Llppltt, daughter ot United
States Senator Henry F. Llppltt of
Rhode Island, Is one ot the great ten
nis players at the national capital,
nnd her playing at tho Chevy Chase
club tournament was one ot tho fea
tures of tho entertainment furnished.
Single Tax in Old
Arihiir 1.1.0 wan ono of Franklin's
colleagues on tho commission to sc -
cure aid from Franco during tho
revolutionary war. His biography
by R. II. Leo contains tho following
on page 334:
"Mr. Leo Introduced Mr. Izard to
the Abbe Nlcoll. In conversation,
the abbo observed that when the
states ot America had established
their Independence they would quar
rel among themselves,
unless n similar modo of taxation
was adopted among thorn all; and
that nona could bo so proper ns a
general tax on land, formed upon a
universal and equal survey. Mr.
Irard answered that nothing would
bo more unjust than such a tax, be
causo tho man who possosscd 10,000
acres of uncultivated laud would pa)
10 times as much as ho who had
1000 acres In the moat prolliubli
cultivation. Tho abbo scorned to id
mlt tho Justice of this objectien:
upon which Mr. Leo observed that
for tho very reason alleged against
It, stich a mode of taxation appcarod
to him tho best that could bo de
vised, becauso It would compel tho
Junius Spencer Morgan hns ;ot in
him the stuff of wliuli the Morgans
are mnde nt least J. Pieriwnt Mor-
gnn, when lie enmo to write u will
dihpebiuj: of a fortune estimated be
tween $100,000,000 nnd $200,000,000,
thought bo. And the Iicnd of tho
Krentcat bunking Iinuxe in the world
wris bomething of a jude of inch.
Tho joiine; man lias shown- Iiis
ability to lend Ity succeeding in being
chosen cnplnin of tho Ilurvnrd fresh
men eight wliieli will clash with Yrilu
tiiis year. Ho expeclH hi tinio to
mn):e tho regular rollo'o cilit nnd
help defeat Yule in other ycurx.
Throughout ilio .will of liis grnud
fntlicr tiicro was sliown erinfideneo in
the young inun, (lie on of J. I'ierpont
Morgnn, vviio is now tho head of the
big bunking house. Tho gfumlfutllar
provided wherever ho mentioned his
eldest son us hid Hiieceflnor, Hint in
ease of death tho property should go
uudor tho Hiwnu conditions to Junius
Spencer. Tho old banker never Would
hnvo done Ihr.t bud ho not Die great
est eoiifideneo in (lie youth. It bo
happened that the son didn't die,
but Junius Bpeuccr is being trained
ho Dint Home day ho will inherit n
larger fortuno and tuko up Die tradi
tions of the family. lib wils named
fur hia grcnl-gruiidfalh&r, Juiiiiiu
Bpencer Morgan, wlio fdunded tlio
J.J.I ,' ' " "
house- of Morgan & Co.
'5:Kfi4 -. vmawaaMttaifr nU&
All society In the capital turned out
to seo her. The Chevy Chase Is tho
organisation to which President Wil
son was elected a member shortly
after the Inauguration. Then the
president startled Washington by re
fusing to join.
Ben Franklin's Day
I great land holders to cultlvnto their
1 lands, or sell It out into parcels to
thoio who could; nnd, therefore, the
tax would nnswer nt onco tho pubi
lie demands, nnd promote agricul
ture and Industry."
On page 4 OS nrcurs tho tailor tailer
ing: "Visited Monsieur Turgot. lto
minister nnd famous for abilities la
finance. I told him that
finances wero what required most ot
our attention now; that wo wanted
a system of finance, no did not
know what a system ot finance was;
that ho had told mo thathls opinion
was thnt taxes should b? laid on
proprietors of land only, and tint
mnnufneturors, consumption nud
commerce ought to be free; that this
was tho only natural and wuo wuy
of Imposing taxes."
PORTLAND, On?., Mny 29.
Churged with a crime thnt is under
taken usually by older nriil more ex
perienced persona Lucv Ouclctte.
('hristina Pablo and Ida Kennedy,
three pretty Indian mnidens, each 17
years old, are in custody here today
charged with hnving raised tho
amounts on pot offico money orders
nnd cashed them. The girl, who arb
Htudents at Chcmawu Indian scliodl
near Salem, wero nrrcslrd tiiero by
Deputy United States Marshal I). 11
Two instances are menlioiicd in
I tho iudietment, one where a niniiev
order for $1 wax made to rend $21
nnd another for $C was mddo to rend
2f). In both instances the orders
were cashed.
Tho post offico nulhoritic in
cheeking over their ae'eounta found
the discrepancy nnd the indictments
The girls nro reported to have ad
mitted their guilt.
SALDM, Ore., May 28. Tho su
premo court today hejd thai tho Port
iniid commission form of government
charter wns rulid nnd constitutional,
and accordingly an election can be
held thoro Monday,
Tho assertion that the charter is
not valid becausu it provides Unit
there slmll lie no i)ury designntion
on tho ImUot Jh dSchired of no niorit,
tho statement being made thnt po
litical parties imyo no more rigid
than chnrchcH (o Jinvo tlieir names on
a ballot. The amendments nro all
declared to lie Hlrietly within the law
and cociihtltuiion or tho McNnry
amendment wiiich providos for gov
eminent tlliity days lifter tho pro
clamation of tho mayor is vnlid,
WASHINGTON, May 28. A con
siiB of tho fur soul herds lit tho
,1'rlbylnf Islands, Alaska, Is to ho
taken by tho United States govern
ment. Enumerators hnvo boon ap
pointed by Secretary Itedfleld to cor
ner tho seals and uscortalu their
mimbor, ago and condition.
Tho Chicago Opora) Company IS to
offdr a prlz6 ofJ6000 for an Amer
ican opera conipos'ed by a resident
compoaor, I
i u-
PORTLAND, Ore , May 2S - Dirk
Donald, nlnni(tfr for llud Anderson,
the M?dford lightweight cmlondJf,
staled today that unless Promoter
McCarey of Ltis AniwIOrt mines his
offer for h liotit between Audorstut
nnd Unch Cross nit July 4, ho will
not consent to the match, lie utvu
said Hint ho believed u bout with
Pitckey Mcrnrland Could not bo ar
ranged ns ho was imlto Hiiro that Me
Fnrland could not niiiko the light
weight limit
NEWHUItOll, N. Y, May 28
Tho fnto of tturtou W, Gibson, the
New York nttornoy on trial hero tor
tho murder ot .Mrs. Uoiuv Sunho, n
client, Is in the IihuiIm ot n Jury. Tho
jury retired nt 3:55 o'clock this nft
ornoon. Experts on both sides havo dif
fered wlduly ns to whutlmr tho wom
an met death by drowning or was
(Continued from pr 1.)
the old stafco road heretofore men
tioned. (d) Tho road Known ns Klugs'
highway road, running from tho
southern city limits of Medford
nlong Medford It. F. I) No. I In a
general westerly, southerly and east
erly direction to the Intersection of
Medford It. F. 1) No. t with the main
road from Medford to Phoenix.
Not Main 'thoroughfare.
These highways are not tho main
thoroughfares of tho county, but nro
important ronds and the county will
hereafter bo relieved of all caro con
cerning them and enabled to devoto
Its energy nnd money to othor high
ways. Slnco his first trip, engineer llur
rell has been In Humboldt nnd Han
Mateo county. California, where he
mapped out a system of highways to
bo constructed under proposed bond
Issues, hy means of Illustrated lec
tures and talks ho was of material
nsslstanco In tho pnssngo ot a road
bond Issue for $1,600,000 In San
Mateo county, by a vote of G to t,
which nt a previous election had met
"Should Jackson county voto a
road bond Issue, Mr. Hurrcll states
that tho assistance ot tho offico of
public roads ran bo secured upon a im
plication by tho county court, nnd
cither himself or somo other high
way engineer bo sent to assist In
formulating a program, ot highway
Improvement. Tho county court will
In all probability ask for tho assis
Tho moment Joo Hirers, courpiorer
of Leach Cross and many othor good
lightweights, was faco to fnco with a
mutch with Jack Drltton, tho Chica
go b'oxor, ho hurried west. Hirers
and his manager, who had gono cast
to fight Cross and had won, re
mained in New York City for sovdral
weeks looking about for other
matches. Thoy complained thnt
Freddy Welsh, tho Hrltlsh champion,
and others would not meet him.
Thereupon up stepped Dan Mor
gan, manager of Drltton, with an
offer to havo his man box Hlvors.
"Wo will Uiko 22 pur cent nnd
lot lllvers havo 27, per cent gl tho
houso to get u chanco at him," said
Mprgau to Illlty Gibson, manager of
tho Madison Stiuro Club,
"Wo aro sorry, but wo hnvo got to
tako n train for tho west at onco,"
wus the answer of Hlvors anniiager.
ilItton was rccontly boaton by
Packy MoFarland,.tho wonder of tho
stockyards and tho rest of tho world,
hut tow others In his class think
thoy can do It. All tho lightweights
spend most of thelj tlmo side-stopping
him, and ho finds It difficult to
got a match. Many of them, wll
fight McFnrlund, for tho "short ond"
knowing that tho Chicago boy wlijj
draw sufficiently to repay thorn woll.
Anyway, McFarland Is considered so
good that It doesn't hlirt a second
rater's reputation much to bo beaten
by him. To bo wlilppod by llrltton,
Who is not rntod sd high, would daiii
ago thorn more,
Jar iMMK,
M lb
Hul Chase, tho limit tio revolu
lloiiired tho playing of first base,
once among ilu mimt jMipulnr of bull
plu.vers of Hid enuntr), is now scorn
cd by the fimt. Wliyf
"IIoV 'laying down,'" bellowed ten
tliouMiud at his lust exhibition before
llie New York American Lcuguo club,
the Yniikeco, Hlnrlod oh their first
Irip In the west this year. They limit
ed nud howled nt hith throughout (he
game. CIhim' wim butting under .200,
whereas he lined to lie over or close
to the .:t(10 murk. IIU brilliitut pluy
ing nt first Iiiho whs n reminiscence,
Ilis heniceM to the tentu were inedi
oore perhup4 no heller limn those
or any oilier of tho slvleen first
liiKcinou in the (eniiis of (he big
IciigiieH. (Juec ho was the untitles
tioiinlile premier.
CIiiihu lint not gone bnek. Ho is
not old nud Male. Ocensionnlly lie
shows ihitthcM of liN fiirut of oilier
years. The fniw vrere sutisfird that
ho didn't wnnl to play. The cuiiso ban
not been dcterininrd. Komn of thoxe
who pioleinl to know how Frank
Clinuee, Into mntuiger of (ha wonder
ful Cubs of Cliiengo, now innungcr of
tho Yankees, handles his men, say ho
U limtiil. Thfcy think this mny hu6
dignnted Chase. Others) believe
Ciiuso would like In be sold to some
oilier club of Ilio Amerieriu I.eiigue.
Wlnln ChuiiCft doesn't talk nliout
it, he knows that Chno Is not play
ing up to f i nn. Ho nnid in Detroit
the oilier day he would Irndu Ids first
hnscmuii If lib got an eiiiivnlent.
CIiiho litis sulked nt other times
last jenr, when Harry Woiwrlon wns
ninnnger, nnd sovernl jenrs ngo,
when ho ipiit before (lie end of tho
season nnd went to his Cnlifoniin
home. Any mnungor who can make
him play up In hi capability will have
a good start toward winning the pen
PORTLAND, Ore., .May 28. A
pretty Caslillinit girl, who cannot
speak Knglisli is held today by Iho
federal authorities tin tho principal
witness ngitiuxt J"htt Alngn, n hpaii
iurd, who h under nrrest ehargi'd
with violation of the Maun white slav
ery Inw. Federal authorities profess
to believe that Alngn has operated
When Alngn'H effecfrt wero
senreiied tuichiised dnifts niliotiiit to
.f2.r,000 were found carelessly packed
nwny in a trunk.
Alugu is alleged io have hnuight
the girl to Portland from Aberdeen,
8AC'ltMnX0, Cftl., May 27.
Several of thb oxpet tennis players
fur which tlio Pacific coast Is famous
wero on hand horn today nt the open
ing of tho annual tnUrnntunnt for tho
central California chniii)ilonshlps. The
tournament will continue until tho
end of tho week.
n ,-
.1 -a,
FOIl SALi: $C8 Oriental rug, to,
H27 IJ. Main, . . . 58
mfri wlvmnriTi
tt n i ' . ..uriMf
i q dMawrmnH
WAHIIINdTON, May 28 United
(Union Senator "(liiiushoo Hill" Htnnn
of Missouri wns Indignant hern today
w licit Informed of tho way Coloiiil
lloosevult'S mint Julnph word lifado.
"('nulling the mint In n julep Is
a crime," ho said. "In ICmituehy
folk's don't think a mint julep Is tit
to drink If thu iiilut Is siniished.
MoreftTer a Julep, to ho ronlly prime,
should ho set away In n cool spot
until frost appears oil the outsldn of
tho girts."
OI.Y.MPIA, Wash , May 2H. (Irent
(ova nro worth $1000 to tho owner
according to the price- fixed horn to
day by tho supremo court In tho eimo
of Knlph K, Nye ugnlimt W. V. Pat
terson, a mill owner. N)o received
a vordlrt of tlf.OO, but tho supremo
court decided this wns too much nud
unless ho Is willing In forego ftidu,
n now trial U ordered,
SKATTLK, WuM.., .May 2H.-Thu
plan for thu Scuttle Commercial club
to father lite sale of the Philippine
Inland (o Japan wns taken up by the
executive board Inst night nud today
is before the coiuinittet on national
affair unit which will lake it up in
detail nnd report at (he next meeting.
If You Unto or Know or n IMIcnto
Child I tool ThN letter.
"My little dsughfer L011U0, ago 0
years, has always been dollrnto, an
aemic, had no appetite nud sieuied
llntlcM, and wo could not seem io
find anything that would help her,
until wo were advised to glvo hr
Vluol. Shu started Vlklig It six
weeks ago nud limldlt of two weeks
sho showed a marked Improvement
both In appetite, vlui and looks. Do
ing so well pleased with tho results,
I continued giving It to her, and
words fall to oxpresi my gratitude,
and faith lu Vluol both ns a blmpl
maker and body builder As my child
wns an nnuomlc for so long makes
the renion nil the stronger for 1110
to recommend It to others lu similar
condition " (leu. K. Mil nro, llrook-
lyn. N V.
Vlnol restores health ami strength
In conditions like this becnuco lu it
natural manner It Increases tho ap
petite, lone up tho digestive organs
enriches tho blood nnd strengthens
every organ of the body.
Kvery battle of Vlnol Is guaran
teed to glvo satisfaction or money re
funded. Medford Pharmacy, Mud
ford, Ore.
Mens Clothing
Cleaned and
K11IW $1.25
Panto , 00
Coat and Vcat...v. 75
1017 W. 9th St.
' '."
JBtffflMiK "
V . .1U"
ill, '. ' -M
, tMiiiltfaJ,