Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 28, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    207 Sftoml Street
Medford Mail Tribune
Fair tonight nml TliHrmlay,
Ytarmer. Mat. fl1, MIh. t
Knrly llilr.l Ynr
Dally Kluhtli Your.
Defense In Libel Suit Seeks ncfuije
Dchlnil Fnct That Iron Ajie Was
nut Asked to nrlract Story nf
noosevclt's Drlnklnii.
Jim Mill, Tlirouflli Dnnklnn Connec
tions, Perfects Plans to Tnko up
Municipal Domls In Orcnun anil En
cntirntie Development,
Say Tale Was Mrrc ncpctltlon of
One Many Times Repealed News
paper Men Testify for Roosevelt.
Itnomtvolt mint Jii1h.
Mow tlmy arc rouiocled.
I.OIMHVII.I.K. Ky., May 8.M.
"Oiio lump of Miwir, mil
(nn(itf ill nf liquor atnt tho
mint loaves stirred In with
tho lluulil."
Thin, niTonlliiK tit a recipe
loll by ili Into Henry I'lnck
ney, Itoosovnlt's factotum,
wim tlm way the former pres
ident got hi mint Juleps
when the. while house "flint
mint huil" im utilised. Ileal
uiuthorncrs are shocked nt
lint ricliKt, They nay that If
tint leave nro stirred In thoy
would ho hrultioil, ami that, If
so. tho drink U not n mint
Juliti nt nil.
Railroad Men to Tour Slnle At Rend
Today Full Significance of Visit
not yet Apparent.
Man Who Lost Llfo Saving Dra
matically points to Michael Gallo
as Man Who Took It Larqe Crowd
Fills Court Room.
M.MiqrKTTi:. Mlrh., Mny 2R -Asitirnniii
to tlm court which In trv
lint t'nbmol Itouitowilt'M f 10.000 llh'tl
null against IMHnr Novell of thf,
lHhMtmliiic Iron Ore. here, thnl tho
former itnmlilfiul "novcr iiiIion IiU
drinks'' was 01111 of tint contribution
to tlm Irlnl of John Cullon O'UniKh
Hit, n iiiiwninMr limn, when hu look
thn stand toilay.
O'l.nuglillii declared hit lini) urcoin
pnnlod Roosevelt to Kuropii, and de
scribed In ilclnll til travels abroad
nml nt Washington, Including mnuy
banquet, llo nlil: "Not only illil
I never non Mr. HoohovoII under tho
Influence nf liquor, hut I ronslder It
nlmoluldly filly t hut nuy oiut shoti'd
bring Hiicli u charge "
Thn wltlH'im Instated Hint lloomv
volt's custom of nerving wine rt
white. Iioiimi ImiHiUeU ilhl not dlff'r
from Hint of hlti predecessor In tho
offlro of president.
Tin defense Indicated today Hint
It o pro Ik to pniMt thai N'owolt, hi
publishing lint clmrgoH ngnltiM llonsc
votl, merely n'tonli'il stories which
worn currently reixirled nml genor
ully Itcliovoil, In n long nigument
Allorncy llolili'ii ilrinnmloil Hut rinlit
In hnw Hint Nowclt's publication of
1 1 icw o xtorloN was not malicious, nml
declared Hint Roosevelt lunl do
mnmloil no rclwiclioii,
Tho court finnlly refused lo allow
Ilolilon to ornsi o.ininino O'taiiighlin
regarding ItnoKovclt's row with Jtlio
viiticuii ovor visiting Hut Pope.
flilKim (lurdiior wiim then roonllod
nml toMlfiod hrlofly utter 0'I.oukIi-
IIii lunl flulKuril
In croHH'Oxniulnntlon of 0'I.oiik'i
IIii, Attoruuy llcldou, for N'uwott, nt
toiuptvil to ilrng In Hoonovolt'ii row
In Itiimo ovor hi 8 vIhIHiik tho pope,
hut thn court imuumrlly onlorttil
Ilolilon to couso. O'I.oiikIiIIu hotly
uHMitrlod Hint tivory roputuhlo nowi
pupor iiiuti know tho rumori thtit
ltooKovtilt ilrnuk to (ixetma wcru Ilea.
I'OIIThAS'D, Mnv liH.-.lninoK J.
Hill, lliroiiuli hU Inrijii liiuildutr lii"ll
tuliouH in St. I'niil. tho I'irt Nuliviiul
lunik nml tho NorttiwoHlorn Trtinl
itiuiipiin.v, htnmU romly lo funiiKli
milllouH of eiipitul iiroilnl in Hut Ij-i-liiunlo
ioi'loitm'iit of roourM" nml
iiiclnttrii'H In (iroKoii.
TIiIh informiitioii n lirnii);lit horo
I iy Jiiiuo J. Klliotl, uiiiniior of the
ImuiiI ili'piirtnifiil of tin NortliHontoru
Truxt iMiinpany, nml IMwunl O. Itiro,
in cliiirno of tho rroilit ilopnrlmciit of
Hid I'irwt Nutiotiul hunk, who nr
riwd Imro from SI, I 'mil iih kuwI"
of biuix W. Hill, I'linirmnii of Hip
ttti'oiitito honnl of (ho (I rout N'orlli
I'm mil wny. Thoy will lour tin
htnti) with Mr. Hill, nml liccouio no
ltiiiTtitl wild romlitioiiH firnt hnml
119 ft prvllminnry pint of plnoiu
monoy for tho luro ooiioonm Hmy
Atmllior mi'iiihor of llio party !h 1.
i. Houo, nuiiiiiKor of lint Imporinl
Hlituitor roiupiiuy of MiiiiiruHilis,
mnuiifnolurom nml uVnlcrx in lumhor
nml crulii nml ouo of tho Inruont cou
'o rim J its Unit in tho Twin Citim.
Tho inirlv nrriVfil nt I'ortlmnl y&terJ
utiy, mid will prolmhlylrnvii for (.on
trul Oropui tliix nvoiiiui; to pi hy
nulo uoroMM tho Mnlo from lloml.
Aflor Iliirt trip thoy will rolurii to
I'ortlmnl nml uu into llio Willumcttc
iilloy iih fur kiiiiIIi uu Kucono. Hill owiid ovory tlollnrV
worth, of Mock in tho N'ortlnviwtrni
TniNt nuiipnuy," nniil Mr. I'.llilt, "nml
llio iiiMlilutioii in romly to furiiixh
Ollpillll Oil KOOll HOCIIlil III rOIINOll
nhlo ruin of iutorot. Wo nro in tho
homl mnrkot nml will fiiruifh umnoy
for muuiitipul or hlnto projeotx, liul
in inukiiii; Milnllor Iouiin, pro for to
pi nro Ihnii iipiiiint furui proportioi
ns wo liulioxo Mtronulv iu llio ilovcl
opmoiit of llio mjrioiilliiriil rohourooh.
1 iloii't know vol whnt ooniuu'ctinuox
wo will ontuhlitili horo hut Huh will ho
workoil out. Hut wo will lun'o monoy
tho million romly to
Seek to Prove That Police Protected
of Gold Drlck Artists Folda Tells
Story to Jury.
KA.V FRANCISCO, Cul., Mny '28.--Hoforo
n orowd Hint packed every hit
of hpni'i in tho court room, AMwixUuit
Diotrict Altoruoy Hroiinuii optliiuil
tho prohoouliou'rt cmo acniiiHt Drtoo
llvo IVmik loln, on I rial licru for
Hliarinu' in tlm tlifet liv liunco inoit of
2100 finiii CliurloH Koidu, a fnrint-r,
llrontion nlarliil xprnkiui; nt 10
o clock nml coiilliiueil tor hull uu
Tho firnt wilne-M wim Chnrlcn
Foidn of .MciliNto. Ho told the jurj
of how ho lunl hoeii Hwimllod of lu-
life HavinH hy hiiuoo men.
Atlonioyn for KmiIii imkwt Foida
lo identify the ncrtiHcd man hut
wlieu KmiIii Mood up ho admitted lie
lunl never oeu INoln heforo. A fw
iiiinuloH Inter, Michael (lalln, n huueo
man, wiih hroiiKht into the court
"Thorc'H the mini who look my
money from me," shouted Foulu fmm
the uituoHM hox. "Hit oimht uo to
jui for life."
Thiouuh Cniila tho prosecution. nt
lempted lo cMuhlili Hint (Inllo mid
Miiiiu eotumilleed urn ml lurceiiy in
rohliim; Foidn mid nu uireiueut ex-
iHted between KhoIii nml thu liunco
men hy which thoy worn to he KiU'ii
jMiliee protection in rvluni for n
iliarv of llio plunder.
I'olieo Serj;ennt Uiyno Icslifiod ro.
panliiif nrtKiciimenlK, xhowint; Hint
l-Noln horACil on tin; htiuco dolnil.
Captain of Detective Moonoy cirrti
horuteil l.nyno'n testimony. Hit wnx
Milt oil tho Maud when court ml-
jotirncd nt noun until 'J o'clock.
County Court and Siskiyou County
Highway Cammlssion to Complete
Details for Highway Which Will
Dispose With Toll Road.
Callfornlans to Come Here June 8
When Good Reads Dinner to Fur
ther Bend Issue Will Be Held.
Jackson County to Get First Federal
Road In Northwest Un c le Sam
Gives $10,000 and Will Build ani
Maintain County Roads.
ruiiuiiir; into
HP. I.OUI8, Mo., Mny. 28. 1'roil
dout l.iimlKirt uf the, Rt. I.oiiIh Aero
cluh toduy w I rod Cnlouul Hnoanvolt
nt Mnniuotto offorlni; thu ex-proil-dent
tho u ho of n iuovIiir pluturo film
of tho nooHOV(ilM!oxoy noroplnmt
fllKht huro mivornl jenva ai;o, Ho
(loeliirml It rorrnhoriitua Colounl
HoohiivoU'h (Ionia) that ho wiih druiilt
horo on Hint day.
MADISON, Wim Mny tifl.-Uy
voln id' Till lo 115 (Im Hlnto iiHsouddy
toilay Hiipciuk'i thn iiiIch nud puiHod
ii hill lo l('K'allzi) IioIiik. II !h pat
l.irucd nflur llio 1'Yuwloy law in
Now Yoik.
J. Ham Lowls Is "Whip."
(tniii'UH nf (Uuiiiiorntlo imunhorH o" iho
hcimlo lodny it wiih decided lo 'up
point Hcmitor J. irninllton TiwIh of
HliuoiH iih "whip1" lo hoo , Hint tho
paily ithvavH keeps u mnjoiity of il
iiu'iubui'd on .thu llopi.
JAMKSTOWN, N. I)., Mny 28.
Claudia nud llornlru Illpley, 10 yoara
of uko, twin Hlsterti, nud Mnhol
Mntrhto, tholr 17-year-old chum, nro
dead hero, toilay iu thu result of tho
joiir'a flrat drowuliiK nnideiit. Tho
three ttlrlH woro huthltiK In thn Juiuc
river when Claudia Illpley fell Into n
deep hole near tho shore, llor Blntor
nml MUh Matchlo leaped In to tho
rcBruo, hu, worn hoth caught Iu the
death HtniKKlo of tho drownlm; Klrl
nml all thrco nank togothor.
l'OUTLAND, Ore., Mny 28. -Conn-t.y
officials on Hie Htaud lodny iu
IliO oat-it of tho Hlnto hiuik the
l'oilliiud "Daily Nowh nml its edi
tor, Dniiu Sleeth, chai'Kod with libel,
IcHJifJcd lo Iho effect Hint nil pur
cIiiihcs of Hiippliim nud provisions for
comity nun have boon piircliuxcil only
ufter iuveslin;nlioit of prieen. Thin
lesllmouy is hciut; offnrcd by the
nt at o iii lehuttul. Tho oMimimiliou
of wituertsert will probably bo con
cluded (his afternoon.
Kditor Sleuth wiih on tho plnnd yen
tenlny nl'lernoon iu Ids own defense
nud Malod Hint the object of tho
indoles iu Iho Nows whieb resulted in
his imlietment wiih published for (ho
puipoHO of forcing n logislalivo iu
yoHliK'iilion of tlio eomliiut uf county
LA OUANDK, Ore., Mny 28.
Prom tho rcmoteiit corner of Wnl
Iowa county to tho moit canturn point
of Union county, Htthtnlni;, hull,
wind and dust utornm, nlternntltiK
with (lowupour of ruin, huvo left In
their paths tho corpto uf one woman,
wiihIumI out hrlilKon. flooded lowland
farnm, hurnoil hoimert nud damaKod
orchards, according to reports reach
Iiik hero today.
Itnlua start Iiik Monday ntternoon
have been fnllhiK nlmost coiiatmitly
over much of thn territory and In
some liiHtnucos huvo been akin to
Mrs, Harlow Thouiiis, living near
Flora, Wallowa county, was struck
hy llKhtnliiK while limiRlui; nut
clothoa nud died from hums
hours afterward,
I.tlHitnlui; struck n resldenco on
thn outskirts of I.a Grandu and It
was destroyed by Nro,
DiiRt storms, followed by n down
pour, hit North Powder, liublor and
KIkIii, IlKhtnlnK puttliiK tho telephono
survlro out of commlsiloii at tho lat
ter place.
At Union wn(or undormliiod a
brldKo In the heart of tho town and
caused Its collapse. Tho new coun
ty bridge near thoro Is closed to truf
fle am), whllo tho water Is not rlsliiR
today, It wiih within two Inches of
runnliiK Into tho local thonter . last
DnmaKo by tho storm, tho most se
vere In years, Is roported from '.ill
parts of tho two counties.
jEWBP ;bH 4
bbk ; B
ft BBwrBr'
l 'fciF'!y
BrTtrfimg" .
f, fr-. ; fjMtBBBBBBV
s8 .Jr BBHBBh
Thn dotted lino running north In
dicate the route Htefansaon will tnko
If he finds clear water, and he can
sail into tho unknown. Tho line
running from "first bate or opera
tions'' westward Indicates the route
should the Ice drlvo back his vessel.
Tho tightly shaded portion shows
the whole unexplored Arctic region.
The darkly shaded portion Is tho sup
posed location of the Arctic conti
Who will captain thu ship on which
Stefansson's expedition sails.
CKNTUAUA, Wiihli., May 'J8.
Fire toilay totally destroyed tho
hIiSiikIh mill of thu II. II. Martin Lum
ber company, located a mile north of
Tho Iosh is estimated at $12,000,
which is fully covered by insurance,
Tho origin oi' tho i'iiu is unknown,
I.KWISTOK, Idaho, May J8.
Tbe waters of thu Clearwater nud
SunKu river continued lo riso today
nml should tho prcont warm weather
continue, serious damiiKo is threat
ened, Thn false piers of tho Northern
I'acifio hridtfC ovor Iho Cleanvaler
river at Spahlinu have been Hwept
away mid another bridge nt ICumiali
is out of lino.
KfforU are bein made to relievo
the strain on thu Spalding bridjja
caused by hundreds of eorda of drift
wood IihIkiiik against it, Dyunmitu
is bciiij; used to break up thu jam.
The bridge has been closed to traffic.
The llolbrook Island bridge nt l.ew
iMon is expected to o out moinen
l'OKTUND, Ore., May 28. An
uuidentifivd man was run over by a
switch ciumo iu the terminal yards
early today and belli legs severed
above, dm knees. I.illlo hope for bis
recovery Is entertained. .
Tho man bud evidently ftillcM
usluep uu tho tniuls.
- VAKCOL'VK, H. (VMiiy. 58;
With two bullet wounds in his breast
just over the henrt, the dead body or
Policeman James Arehihnld was
found on n vacant lot nt 1375 Powell
Mreet nt 0:30 o'clock Ibis morning by
Sergemit Campbell.
It is believed at diee lieadoiinr-
lers Hint Archibald was killed in n
desperate struggle with burglars who
hud apparently rifled the offices of
Hiellnsliugs Shingle.- Manufacturing
company about midnight last night.
Around the spot where tho body of
the policeman was discovered this
morning, there were signs of n fight,
and everything indicated that some
time during the night, between 12:40
o'clock, when Archibald went to
answer n call to Powell street mid the
nest hour or two, ho met n thug' or
thugs iu n battle with whom he re
ceived two bullets in the heart, iu
what was probably a running gun fight
on the Powell street lot.
That some jhtsoii or fierson went
through tho offices of the Hastings
Shingle Manufacturing company was
evident this morning. It is not kuown
ns yet if anything was taken from
the uremises. The police nt head
quarters believe Archibald came
across tho robbers somewhere on
Powell street and tried to arrest
them. , ..
On Juno G tho members of tho
county court will meet tho membora
of tho Siskiyou County Highway
commission and Engineer Kedford,
California highway engineer, at tho
Oregon-California border and go
over the route of tho proposed high
way being survcyod by Engineer
Howard for Jackson county and com
plete details for tho construction of
stato highways on both sides of the
border which will dispense with tho
present toll road.
In tho evening tbo Callfornlans
will be brought to Medford, where.
with tho county court, thoy will b
guests of tho Medford Commercial
club at a good roads dinner at which
representatives from all sections of
the county will bo present and a cam
paign will bo launched for road
Tho new Oregon stato highway en
gineer. Major Ilowlby, as well as
Covernor West, Secretary of Stato
Hen Olcott. Stato Treasurer Kay, who
coinprlso the stato highway commis
sion, and Sam Hill, will tx Invited to
County Court Appropriates $20,060
Additional Today Engineer Bur
rell Is New Here.
PORTLAND, Ore. May 28. Dep
recating tho fact that most school
children look upon Memorial day ns
n holiday rather than a time to do
honor to tho nation's heroes, I.. II.
Alderman, stnto superintendent tf
schools, toduy urged that students
properly observo the occasion.
"Tho great danger Is that our
young pcoplo will grow up without
knowing what our Institutions have
cost In loss of life and other sacri
fice," Alderman said.
TACOMA. Wash., May 28. Tho
Chamber of Conunereo of tho United
Slates of America, composed of al
most all tho commercial bodies in
thu country, will in nil probability
lake official action uoxt July on the
San Francisco lumber cmurgo, which
threatens, to disrupt nil commercial
ties between tbo northwest and Cali
fornia. In a letter received today
T. II. Martin, secretary of tlia Com
mercial club, F.lliott II, Goodwin, gen
eral soorelury of tho nationnl cham
ber, states' that tho hoaul of direc
tors was unable to not on tbo proteM.
of tho Taconm club nt Us last moot
ing, held in Washington, 1). C.
Tu July tho board of directors will
make n visit to tho Pacific ooust. At
that time tbo protest of tho north
western organisations to have the
embargo on finished lumber products
of the northwest removed will bo
dealt with directly,
WASHINGTON', May 28. Presi
dent Wilson's support was sought
toduy by Congressman Ilritten of
Illinois iu connection with his bill for
a constitutional amendment provid
ing direct presidential nominations
and elections.
It was asserted Hint tho president
emphatically approved of the bill, but
did not give it his seeifio endoroc
meut. President Wilson called Hrit
ten's attention to his record as gov
ernor of Now Jersoy, where- ho ennu
out in favor of presidential primar
PAHGO, N. P., May 27. Repre
senting Mrs. Luther MeCarty, widow
of tbo champion pugilist killed in Cal
gary, attorneys left horo today for
Chicago to claim MeCarty's estate
of nbout $(l.".,000. Mrs. MeCarty
wis advised by a firm of Chicago
lawyers that her huMmuds estate
would reach that figure and at once
arranged to claim it as his lawful
Wagon Injures Avlatrlx,
VERSAILLES, France, May 28.
DaroiiesK I)u Lurochc, mi aviatrix
was seriously injured hero today
when hor nutomubile collided with u
delivery wagon.
Tho Jackson county court Wednes
day signed a contract with the fed
eral government appropriating 20,
000 for tbo construction and Im
provement of fifty miles of rural freo
delivery routes as selected hy the
offlco of public roads and approved
by the postal authorities. The gov
ernment appropriates 110,000 for tho
work and take 'full charge and con
trol of construction and maintenance
for an Indefinite period. It Is tho
first federal road work to bo under
taken In the northwest.
Tho appropriation was secured for
Jackson county through the recom
mendation and co-operation of Gov
ernor West, with -wham County
Judgo TouVolIe took the matter up
as soon as elected. It Is Oregon's
share of the $500,000 appropriated
Tor postal highway Improvement un
der the Bourne bill. Conditions hava
all been compiled with and formal
contract now signed.
Government Kafftaccr Here.
Last February T, If. Hurrell. se
nior engineer of tho bureau of pub
lic roads, of Washington 1. C. made
a tour of the portal ro.Vds of the val
ley with County Commissioner"
Leevor and selected tho route upon
wbk.'i the work, tft to .bo de4:lF
was greatly pleased with natural con
ditions In the valley, which bo pro
nounced Ideal for the work contem
plated, and ho asserts that In no sec
tion Is better material available for
highway construction.
Engineer Uurroll returned to Med
ford this week to await tho contract,
which ho recelvod Wednesday. A
meeting of tho court was called for
tho afternoon and the contract signed
and formalities compiled with.
High ways to llo Improved.
Tho routo to bo Improved Is as
(a) Tho road running from tha
northern city limits of Medford In
a general westerly direction to tho
Intersection of the old stage read:
thence along tho old stage road to
Gold Hill; thence following tho star
routo to Sams Valley postofflce;
thenco following thd star routo to
tho Intersection with Central Paint
U. F. D. No. 2; thence along Central
Point K. F. D. No. 2 to Its lntcrs-o.
tlon with Medford R. F. I). No. 3;
thenco along Medford It. F. D. No. 2
to the eastern city limits of Med
ford. (b) Tho road running from thn
eastern city limits of Central Point
in a general easterly and northerly
direction along Central Point R. F.
D, No. 2 to tho Intersection with
Medford R. F. D. No. 3.
(c) Tho road running from tho
western city limits of Contra! Polut
in a general southwesterly and west
erly direction along Central Point R.
F. D. No. 1 to tho Intersection with
(Continued on page 2.)
TOKIO, Mny 28. Political capl
tal is being made here toduy out of
the passage iu California of an allou
land law.
After a conforonco with Princo
Kiitsurn, who is reouperating from u
recent illness, tho executive commit
tee, of his now parly declared tho
present cabinet could not bo roliod
upon to settlo thu California alien
laud nwuorship question, nud that tho
party bad decided to adopt its own
propogauda with regard to I he dis
pute. Other opposition parties also
are using tho California problem to
discredit tho Ymumnota ministory.
BooniiBQ of tho exterior economic
mid ndiiiinistriitivo reforms Hint tha
ynmnmnt cabinet has brought nbout,
liowovor, it is strong with tho public
1 Fm
i i