Sb nrntjon HftTorlfiaf 207 Second Street Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Hliowrr tonight Mud Wcdncwlny. Atx. 8, Mb. 01 11 13 Kiirty-ltilnl Vtnr Dully I.IkIiIIi Year. MEDFORD, OltKUON, TUESDAY, .A! AY 27, 1913. NO. 50. TED'S DRINKS Limits Drinks to Light Wines CASE CAUSE WERE WIDELY IE E . i ' OF COLLAPSE OF T TD M yy FIRST Ml TRUST CASE WINS OUT BLIND 'S UUIINTV K FRANCH m U US SCATTERED mm K- ir Experts to Bc Nnmcil hy Los Annclcs, Loiin Dcadi mid British Order to Sco Tlmt Prolio Is Effective Dl(j Fund Raised. Guards Touched hy Actions of Faith ful Oo No Mnro Dc.itlis Arc Expected. LONO IILWOII. (Jnl., Mny 27 -Members of I ho I .on Angeles roiiuiy urn nil Jury will conui to I.oiik Heath Into today for mi Inspection of Dm rulim tif Hint portion of the munic ipal iiinlltorlum approach tlmt col Inpied Hntiirdny, running tho death of ."1(1 pi-motiH. It him not been decided definitely tlmt tint Jury will mnko n formiil pi olio Into tlm run no or n npnuidlilllty for tho accident, hut evi dent o Mill hu secured Hint limy ho mod If mirh procedure U determined upon. Itiiltdlug mnl construction uports will hu limned toilny hy thu cities of I.oiik Hoaelt mill l.o 'Angeles, mid tint llrttloli Onlor of thu Bon of .St (!corK. Tlicstt moil wore tupceted til nwilxt Hut grand Jury In It exmnln.t Hon. Nutlonnl (liiurdmucii and pollco ,n charge uf lio innntt of debris Iim been touched by Hi" Krlnf of n white HplU dug tlut Inn reftiMid to It-11 to tlm rulnn since tlio accident. I.oiik llnrh officials linvu lit their dlnposal n fuuil of uioro thuii ffilUti for tlm Immediate relief of sufferer or Ihitlr rulatlvcs. Knrly hospital report toilny Indi cated Hint moot of tho patient In Jiirnt In HalurdayV disaster horn hid panned n ronifortublo night mid wore doliiK n wnll an could hit enpectcJ. It In not exported Hint there will fio nuy moru deaths. IS IlOlHi;. Idaho, Mny 27 Tlio Ida ho district court has toilny oionnr iitud Mayor Arthur I lodge from charge preferred hy J. I., Miles, that disorderly house wore In operntlnu In tint city mid tlmt liquor wan being sold Illegally with lit knowledge. Tho court hold thai, whllu ovl dourn Introduced tondud to show (hit Miit'h roorlH wero rniinlni:, It wan not proved that Hut mayor hud kuowledso of tholr oxUtnucti. Thu court alio pliiii'd ri'Hpoimlhlllty for law imforco mitiit umiii Hiu pollcu di'partmont. Thu lii'iirliiK of tho charKi'n UKulii't Mayor HoiIku occupied puvcrul dnvn. LOSI INSPECTOR SHOWS UP AGAIN 8KATTT.B, Wnnli., Mny 'J7. In. Im'i'iditiK iluvrlopinonlh uio oxpt'cloil follow Inu thu voluntary rutum of Nml Mat-Arthur, tlta ouhIoiiih iiiHpco lor, who (liMipponri'd Hiiddcnly junt prior to tlm tiiul of Cliurliit I.ouio, nml Jiiiiiuh A. IIiiIkIoii, who worn ro ci'iilly uciiultti'il horo of opium MiHiKnlinu coiiKpiracy. FnilnwiiiK upon .Mai'Aitliur'ri ro nppcaiaiu'o cmmi lio ancnt of Cliur Hu I.ouio on it mu'oiul cIiiiikOi Ii.V ulilidi ho in jointly iiccuMcd with .Mini Ailliur of liuviiiK "ii'i'i'ivoil, i'oii I'l'iili'il mnl fiiuilitntoil Hiu tiniiKpoi' t nt ion of J IB tins of opium" from l'oitlnuil, mi Mnri'lt fifth hint. Moth v(iro taken livforu Unitnl Ktuton ('omiuihHiounr Oltcn. I.ouio via pliiccil iiniloi' if'.'.VKI hull. 3I a o Ar thur wtiN fommlltoil to jnil upon fail. in to furuWIi b'.Mi) IioikIh. LORD JUSTICE FARWELL RESIGNS HIGH POST 1 .ON DON, M'ny 27. Sir Oooiko Knrwoll, Lord .IitHtlflO hIiu-u 100(1, ro mkiiciI offiuu today. Ah jutiuu of thu hlh I'uurt Sir Cli'orKU Furwoll wiih tlm nullior of Hi" fnmijiiH Tuff Vale di'i'lHiou In HlO.0, MAYOR HODGES EXONERATED Administration's First Case Directed Aunlnst Coaster Drake Monopoly and Is Settled In Record Time Slfjnlllcant of Future Action. Business Had Dcen Developed hy Quiet Aurecmcnl of Manufacturers Is Government Charne. UOCIlKHTI.It, N. Y.. Mny L'7. Tlio now administration's first mill Hirst milt, with tlm decrco ni;rMid upon u h flnul huforo It wont Into thu roiirt, was fluid In tho United Htnlot district court today. Tho milt ills- Holvod thu master brnko nioiioiioly. Tint government charged, nnd it wim unstained In inn court's decreo, tlmt tho dofiinditu's conspired to inonopollio tho Inidit In counter brake mid their nccensorles, through ngrcoiuciitn mining themselves, tho formation of mi inundation of mini ufnt Hirer mid stipulation forcing jobbers to sell nt u specified prlre. mnl tho iMUiiiurc of "special llreusun" iiudor rouiimiy piitrut. NKW Oltl.KANS, l May U7. N. V. fliccil, ft wealthy negro, U (lead nt Milton, Ma., today lieenusc hu IitMiHt fit on ridiui; in I'lillmuu earn in hIiiIch wIhtii tint Jim Crow law s iiffeiilive, neordiui; to it ilohpateh re eeiMil here. Oreeu, hIio wiih ku prcnio climieellor of tho nero KnijjlilM of l'vthiiiH, wiih ri'inoM'il from u train near Milton last niht, taken to wood hy n inoh mid wan lynched. REAOY 10 REVOLT LONDON, May 27.-A new revo. lutlou in China with the poxxiliility Hint tlm eountrv uiiiy hplit into two partH, in predicted hy dexpatehen re eeiwd today hy tlm Daily Telegraph fioiu itrt I'ekiii); coriexpoudcut. TheHc ualileH say that a new deeree in to I hi launched thin week hy 1'resi dent Yuan Shi Kut lookinj,' to con hlitiitiouiil Koverumeut In the north of Cliiuu which mav cmixo that nee Hon to revolt, Tlm north in Mild to ho Mill hiilid for tho only monarchy ii'Klmc, whilu thu Huuth, where Yuan Shi Kai U pIioiij;, U hel for (inivin eiul nutoiiomy under u cent nil par limiu'iitary control, FRISCO WILL GET HETCH HETCHY LAND WA8IIINOTON, May 27. Tlm flint iiiovo to piihh at tho HiH'dnl boh ulou of coiiKioH.1 a hilt KrmitliiK Kim KranclBco tho right to itciiilro tho lloteh llotchy valloyfor a rcsorvolr hUo wiih uiudo In thu liotuo today whuu iiumilmoua coiibuiiI wim oh tatned to print 2R00 copies of tlio report of mi examining army board on 'tho project, Minority l.uador Maun uiudo uq olijectlou to tho request to print, hhjIiik ho roullu'd that tlm nciiiilnl Hon of tho llctch Hutcliy land wan u uocoBBlty for tlio city of Han Frau cIhco. J, 8. Dunnlnnii, clerk of Uio San KrnticlHca hoard of Huporvlnora, who Ih horo to aid In punning tho hill, do clnroH lilimiolf miioh pleased with tho pi'OHectn of ltd piiHHago at tho npu- CllU HeKHlnil, LYNCH NEGRO IN PULLMAN N N NA Police Jtidiie Shortall Ditterly Oe nounces Couple Who Are Said to Have Intimidated Blind Girl Who Was In their Power. One of the most Pathetic Cases Ever to Appear In San Francisco Court Girl Pleads for Friends. SAN l'HANCISCO, Cal.. Mny 27. Hitler ilvmiiulnlioii of nu nllcyed white hlnvery plot of which Cmuillv Meiullig, u hliud Iih AligeleH girl, wtin the lutendil ietlm, wiih voiced from the bench here todiiv hy Police Judge Shot tall. Thu eourt'H oiilburHt emue when iittorneyrt nought o olittilu u long continuance of thu vaa in which Sum Oriihh mul lto"e Mnrkx are held here under 111,01)0 hail on a cliargu of pandering. "This ix one of the most pathetio ciihiw that him ever eome to my not ice," -aid Judge Hhortull. "I will not tolerate it long continuance in the matter." I'roxfciitiiig Attorney lleecv nloo took n hnnd hi the mutter whru At torney llarrett mid Sumiiicrrii'ld, rep. rexeuting the ncetiM'd couple, Miuglit to delay the ease. "Tliin hliud girl," he bhuuted, "Iiiih heen inlitiiidated. An officer re port that ii woman offered to pay Mi km Meitiiug'N trmihporltitioii cither to !,oi AngclcH or Alawkn if kite would drop tho cmc." Thin allegation brought another outburst from Judge Shortall, who ordered that the blind uirl bo cured for in ii dormitory in the hall of jiiHtice. MjiH Meiuing, who feared fioiuo complaint would bc n'gihtertxl aguiiiHt tho wouiiin, voiced a pica in her behalf. "PIi'iimj, please," him cried, "doh'l punish tho girl who offered to tako mo nway. I don't want her to sur fer. Shu was good to me." OUT OF SIGHI PORTLAND, Ore., May 27. Mm. V. !. Kowler, formerly of Nagruiii. Witnh., linn toilny appealed to tho pollco to find her husband, whom Hhn unyn dlititppeitrcd Innt Krldny, leaving her pennllosit. alio Htatca that ho wns of exemplary hnblta nnd foam Hint some hurm may havo como to llllll. Kowler enmn to Portland Hooking employment. 'S CONVICT'S THREAT WALLA WALLA. Wash., May 27. Hlnco tho departure of former Var den U. H. Iteod of tho statu peniten tiary horo to nbbiiuio tho wardcnshlp of tho Minnesota reformatory at St. Cloud, It him boon learned that for months hu wiih lit four of ItU young nun being kidnaped by a formur con vict. It wiih learned Hint tho ox-cnuvlcl notified Hood that ho would kidnap tlm boy at tho firm opportunity nn.l that Hioroaftorwnrd tho boy wnu cloHoly guardud, A iHmltoutlury guard accompanied thu lad to mid from school. WIFE'S TAUNTS FOLLOWED BY MURDER OF PURDY ULUFFTON, lud., May 27. Charged with complicity in tho mur der of Samuel T. Purdy, n woalthy furiuer, over it year ago, Mrs. Cora Leo went on trial hero today. Tho woiiuui'h hiihliaud, who shot and killed Purdy, died In jail threo mouths ago. Tho htato announced today it will try mid prove tlmt Mrx, Leo inspired th miirdor hy taunting her husband mid uroiming him to jealous frenzy by telling him "i-ho wiih throwing herself u J'liidy who wouldn't huvo hor." HUSBAND DROPS B vi' . csmmsk. .. ,!i'Jf 4 J-tt A jf VSHfltr v SKLTjf 'mEII COTHKIfT Wf I00K LAW ANO JEWELS IN HIS HAN I'ltANCISCO, Col , Mny 27. -Inck of confidence In tho pollco wait tho reaxon amlgnvd horo today ly Millard Dtixborry, tin vaituru gam bler, for hiu tfciiBdtlonnl bolUtip buro last night of Matthew Bimrkiintn, n traveling nnlettntnn, from whom hu got ISlTi in cah, n I5U0 dlnmorid ring nnd n $G00 diamond ittck pin. Diixbury wni cnpturejjgkt tho Pnlnco hotel after nn exciting chno through tho crowded downtown dlitrlct to Market and Montgomery Mrceti. Diixbury hold up Bparkmnu whllu n half doxun lversons looked on. Tho group of byntnndcni stood In Bllcnce, hnw Diixbury pocket Sparkmnn'i uvl unble nnd walk calmly away. KparK mnn followed nd so did tho crowd. Diixbury rati for several blocks, keeping tho crowd nt bay with n big revolver. "Tho money nnd JqwoIs I took from bparkmnu belonged to me," Diixbury told n pollco inaglotrnto to day, "I took tho law In my own hnnda bccniiBo I felt Hint tho pollco would not nlil mo." Diixbury rcfim'd to explain how Spark man got hlit Jewels, and wns held for trlnl lit default of ball. DEBS AT LAST .FREE TO TRAVEL TKItHi: IIAPTi:. Ind., Mny 27. Kur.eue V. Debs, Boiiallat cnndldnto for proMdunt of tho Piiltcd States, today announced positively that bo will attend thu International Social ist congroHa in Vienna In Auguitt. It will bo Delia' first visit to Kuropo. Tho American socialist leader said today that bo will tour Australia and Now '.calami nftor tlio Vienna con gress adjourn boforo roturntng to tlits country for a speaking tour that will Include every Htato tit tlio union. Dob will miiko tho Australian nnd Now Zealand tours on formal Invita tions from tho labor partloa of thofo countries. It wan not until hto dis missal of tho cases ugalnst Dobs mid other editors of tho Appcitl to He.t 8ou, tho nocltilUt wookly, on Attor noy General Mclloynolda' ordor that ho wns (roo to doclilo on n Kiiropomt tour. EVERY DENOMINATION IS REPRESENTED AT MEET 1MUNCETON, N. J., May 27. With n record enrollment of ministers mid inih.-iouinicH from practically every Protestant denomination in thu country, tho Hummer school of tho Prineetnn Theological Sominur.v opened today. For tho next two weeks tlio program will bo five lec tures daily by prominent clergymen of tlio United Stutos and by tho regular professors. Afternoons will bo do voted to rc-enroli work and tho even ings to devotional exercises, WN HANDS CltrrDlHSr ASK ABU BAB DROWNED BUCKET BUATTLK, Wash., May 27 "Auk her about her second baby whom Its father drowned In a pall." Thli demand by u woman, who arono from tho crowd of spectator In Justlco llrown 'scourt, furnished a m6st sensational climax In the trial of Carl Ucrnard, charged with In humanely beating hl 2-year-old baby. Today- tho pollco nrw-lookfnic for the woman In Dallard who had tho cant of tlio "second baby.' Mrs. Hornnrd was on tho stand when tho Interruption came. Ucr nard wns nm-stod a week ago at bis homo when neighbors complained of 111 unmerciful treatment of his baby. Ills defense wns that bo Is subject la fits. At this point Judgo llrown baited the trial, ordorjng Mrs. Dornard to accompany nu officer In an attempt to locate tho Oallard woman. COMPENSATION BILL COMES TO VOTE SOON SAN FKANCISCO. Cnl., Mny 27. With it vote promised for this af ternoon. dUousMon of n national workmen's compeiiMttiou bill was continued by tho Hmthorhood of Kailway Trainmen nt their conven tion hero today. Tho only other lnir.iuess of the morning session was tho passugo of n resolution thanking Governor Wot of Oregon for his endorsement ot n full orew bill. President Leo announced Hint dis cussion on amendment and changes in the constitution will bo resumed Into this afternoon or tomorrow. AGAIN WAGES OF SIN MEANS DEATH SIOUX FALLS, S. O., May 27. Illicit love ended in death heru today for Dr. K. L. Moore, U," yenrs of age, state veterinarian, who was shot mid killed by Ms. Mae Allen of Aberdeen in it bourdim; house whero tho two occupied n room. Mrs. AlV leu then shot herself twico nnd is dying. Dr. Moore, wns married mul had n wife mid threo children living at Hrookings, where thu stulo veteri nary college is located. ii i .. i i i - i Gcorrjo and Mary Home. DKKLLV, May 27. King George mid Queen Mary of Knglnnd loft for Kngland Into today. 'They ter minated their visdl with n review of the gunrds army corps, which held tts.spriiig pnrudo today nt PoMmi). Colonel Testifies in Libel Suit, Out , lining Schedule of Drinks for Past 15 Years Denies Drinking, to Excess. Most of His Tipples Were on Advice of Physician and Were of Lighter Liquors Dislikes Whiskey. MAHQUKTTK, Mich., May 27. Theoduro Iloohcvclt, former president of the United Stale?, took tho stand here today in Judgo Hiehnrd Flnnni gnn's court hs his owu first witness in his suit for 10,000 punitive dam ages iignin cGorge A. Newctt. n now. paier editor, wim nccuscd the former president of "lying nnd cursing in a most iliHgrncoful way," further de claring that he gets drunk, too, and Hint not infrequently." Facing nil the society of this little mining city, ulio, in their "gladdest rugs," flocked to see him grilled, Col onel Roosevelt took tho stand nt 9:30 o'clock, nnd while Newett, the defend ant, looked on, was immediately ex amined by James II. Pound, his attor ney, xin to his contention Hint ho never iiied liquor except moderately nnd then on widely scattered occasions. "I snw the paper first in Mercy hospital jtftcr 1 was hhot," testified tho colonel. "I linvo never dntnk a rocktnil or n Itighbnll in my life With the exceptions noted I never drank whiskey or brandy except tinder the advice of n physician. I do not like the tnsto of either. I do not smoke or drink beer, for I "diiKke both. And 1 do not drink vhUkry or brandy tx- hropt by a physician's advice, unless IH'rhnps nftcr gront exposure when 1 feel chilled through. "I do not drink red wines," the colonel continued. "The only wine I ever drink are white wines, mnderin, climnpaigue or occasionally a glass of sherry. At home I often drink a wine glass or two of mnderin nnd often drink n tall glass of white wine and Poland witter. At public dinners I some times drink it glnss of cham pagne, perhaps two. On an average this means Hint I drink champagne about once n month. "During tho last fourteen yenrs I do not believe I hnve drunk whiskey blrnight or with water over half a dozen times. On my African trip tho expedition took a case of champagne, a caso of whiskey and ono bottlo of brandy. The latter wns taken for mo because I don't drink whiskey. Some other members of the party ilrnnk the whiskey. The champagne was used by three members of tlio party who were down occasionally with fever and dysentery, for travellers, mis sionaries mid others whom wo met who were sick. "I, personally, did not touch the whiskey or champagne. From tho brandy bottle I drank exactly seven ounces prescribed for mo by Dr. Menrus on two occasions which I had (Continued on pago 2.) SAY COUNTY FAILED TO PORTLAND, Oo., May 27. Tho dofonso In tho trial ot tho Dally Nows and Dana Sleuth, Its editor charged with having criminally libeled Coun ty Judgo Cleeton mid County Com missioner Llghtner, placed several business men on tho stand today In nu endeavor to prove Irs contolntlon tlmt tho Multnomah county court failed to advortiso for bids for coun ty equipment and supplies. C. N. Stockwull, president nnd manager of tho Columbia Hardwaro company, testified that in tho pu3t seven years his company had only sold tho county supplies to tho cost ot $176.30, Ho said that his com pany had been given opportunity to bid on furnishings for tho now coun ty courthouso and ono or two other county buildings, but that as a rule his company had no means uf know ing when tho county was In need of supplies, so could not offer bids. Other supply men testified. Railroad Man Must Build and Oper ate One Mile of Road Within Year Highways not Used Subject to Cancellation. Already Has Franchise to BuiftJ Trol ley Line In City Is ExjwrlMKed Railroad Builder. At a meeting of tho county .court Tuesday afternoon a franchise wns granted S. S. Uullis of Olenn, N. Y., (o operate nn intcrurban trolley line upon county highways of Jackson county. Under tho terms of the franchise Mr. Uullis must build ntid operate nt least one mile of trolley line within the first yeur. At the end of tho year, highways no utilized are sub ject to cancellation upon 00 day' notice by the county court. 31 r. Uullis already has a franchise to build nnd operate a trolley line in the city of Medford, two miles of which must bo in operation within a year. Tho first unit will extend from tho business center to Siskiyou Heights or HighcrofL Mr. Uullis is an old railroad build er nnd operator. Ho built" tho Gulf and Ship Island railroad and oper ated it for several years. lie .con structed and operated several inter urbnu railroad lines in New York and Pennsylvania. LAND SAEEL ROSEnuna, May 27. The bat- loonlsta have reported! Sh6rtly after 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon a telephone message was l received in Roseburg1 from Edward Ungcr. pilot ot the balloon, at Glide, ' stating that bc and his three com panions wcro on tholr way back to Roseburg and expected to reach hero sometime tonight. Unger said all four were "all right." The balloon, Unger said, ended Its flight Sunday night on Dead Man's mountain. 20 miles east ot Hoaglln and 55 miles east ot Roseburg. DYNAMITE CASE 7 IIOSTOX, Mny 27. Strong pro diction Hint the case against Wil liam Wood, miliouaire head of the American Woolen company, Frede rick Atteaux, a wealthy mlllmau uud Dennis Collins, a Cambridge dog fan eier, charged with plating dynamite to discredit Luwrenco textile ' mill strikers, will never go to tho jury, nnd that if it does, that acquittal is certain, wits heard oil all sides heru today. This belief followed the action of Judgo Crosby in his upholding tho contention of the dofenso hy refusing to udroit into evidence telephone records kept by tho s,tvitchboiird operator at tho American Woolen Company's plant. This was a 'hurd blow to thu prosceutiou. District Attorney Felletier main tained that tho records showed fre quent telephone conversations be tween Wood and Atteaux about (ho time tho dynamite was planted nnd regarded this ovideuco na essential to the state's case, llo-also doclurod tho records showed that Atteaux tele phoned to John J. Broeu at Law renee from tho woolen company'j. mill on January 10, the day Dreeit swore tho dynumito conspiracy was formed. NEW MEXICO MAN AS BRYAN'S HELPER WASHINGTON. Mav 27. Presi dent Wilson today sent tho following nominations to tho senate: Aurdit Jones of New Mexico (h bo firtft as sistant secretary of tho interior; Pluv 'Pullman to bo commissioner general of tho land offtco nnd. Charles Druco of Virginia, to bo as:.. .' ' . ? i . . . a .1.' I siBtnnt commissioner genorui ot tue . land. " ' ii 5 I t ' :i vl'l J