Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 26, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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, , vkt 1 I ,HM I lH l,,N.rf(l HtHt
r,Hlwl4Viv,'l--'yr,",-'--v'-vlW -v HY1'" "v V ' i
Mr. Shadlnger and n couplo ot
mining men have purchased a mine
on Sucker crcok nnd nro preparing
for a season's run. They have al
ready contracted for n largo bill of
liimber for fluma building.
t3. Dahack ot knglo Point bap
moved to Mcdtord to open a real
citato offlco oppotlto the Js'atntorluni.
Mr, Dahack hen lived In the valley
for 9 years and U thoroughly con
versant with, tho land situation and
tho possibilities of tho toll.
Mrs. J., A. Wostorlund will return
Tpesday from a five months stay In
tho cast.
Orchard, hunting, fishing and
Crater Luke scene for sale at (Jer
king ft Harmon's studio. Negatives
made any place, kodak finishing. 128
Bast Main street, Phone 316 R.
Mrs. O. W. Colvlg ot Grants Past
and hor daughter, Mrs. Ucrtram
atono ot San Francisco, who havo
been at Jacksonville visiting County
Recorder and Mrs. Fred Colvlg, re
turned to Grants Pass Sunday eve
Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo A. Morse- of
Talent tarried a while In Medford
Kodak finishing, best in town, at
Miss Dtancho Darby, who has been
teaching a successful term ot school
In Hannah district on Roguo river,
has returned to her homo on Griffin
George Carter and his family h'avo
become residents ot Eugene.
R. II. McCurdy writes all kinds ot
Insurance. 401 M. F. & U. hldg.
Phone 349.
James Wiley has removed to Med
ford with his family and taken n po
sition with the Medford Ice comunny.
D. II. Miller and A. E. Kellogg of
Gold Hill transacted) business In
Medford Saturday.
Gerklng ft Harmon, atndlo por
traits, home portraits, flash lights,
kodak finishing, post card work and
enlarging.; 128 East Mala street;
telephone 315 R.
J. W. Keyes, who has been engaged
li! business here for several years,
left Sunday for Michigan to join his
wife, who is visiting her parents. lie
expects to enter the employ ot an
auto concern at Detroit.
J. E. Doswell and his family ot
Central Point tarried a short time I
Medford Sunday evening.
Insure and he sure. Right If we
write It 8.A. Holmes, The Insur
ance Mas.
Misses Allecn Kingsbury and Maud
Newbury spent Sunday at AshtnSid
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Shearer were
guests ot Mr. and Mrs. C. Cary of
South Phoenix Sunday.
W. R. Clark of Sacramento, ot the
Clark-Henery Construction company,
has been making Medford a business
The Helman White Sulphur Daths
and Swimming Pools at Ashland,
Oregon, will open for ttbe season
Saturday, May 10. C4
S. P. Dullls and his family or
Oloan, N. Y., have returned to Med
ford from Sterling.
Professor V. A. Doris and J. C.
Pendleton were In Medford Sa.ur
day. Fred Alton Halgbt, teacher ot
piano and harmony, specialist In cor
rect principles of touch and tech
nique for beginners or advanced pu
pils. Faults corrected. Summer
term. Halgbt Music Studios, 116 8.
Laurel street. Phone 726-It. 69
L. D. Purdy of Eagle Point and I.
T. GalIher of Rock Point, prominent
horticulturists, transacted business In
Medford Saturday.
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives made any time or
place by appointment. Phone M.
V. D. Jordan spent a few hours at
Ashland Saturday.
W. V. Darnum was among
who motored to Medford from Phoo.
nix Sunday afternoon.
Dr. Klrcbgessner will be at Hotel
Nash every Saturday from 10 a. m.
to 3 p. m. on and after May 24.
R. II. Bullock has gouo to Talent
for a short stay,
A. Anderson ot arants Pass Is a
late nrrlvaj In Medford.
Tho caso of W. O. Green, who U
accused of burning a church build
ing near Itoguo Itlvor, but was dh
charged by Jusllco Taylor for lock
of, sufficient ovideuco to bold him,
may be brought before the. grand Jury
at tho 8optombor term of circuit
W. H. Dpwen, E. II, Ifplms, h. o.
Dox hnd Robert ' Raybould were
among tho many oyer from Jackson
ville Sunday,
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Day Phone 327
Night F. W. Weeks J03-J-2
Pkout A. E, Orr 078-M
" . "
Dr. and Mrs. Nelson ot McMlnn
vlllo, nro making this section n visit.
Mrs. Nelson U a native ot Antloch
precinct and a sister ot Ralmoy
J. I. Richardson left for Ashland
Sunday, being employed on tho ar
mory, which Is neartng completion.
Vapor baths and sctontlfla mas
sage for men and women. Dr. R.
J. Lockwood, chiropractor, 203 Gar-
nett-Corey bldg. Phone 145.
Edgar Ha for, who has been spend
ing some time at Council lslutrs,
Iowa, returned to Medford Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Croft ot Trail
are visiting relatives living In South
Mrs. E. J, Kubll of Jacksonville
visited In Medford Sunday, tho gueT
ot her slater, Mrs. J. A. Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Dow ot Jack
sonville wcro among Medford friends
Sunday afternoon.
L. D. Harris and J. E. Iiarkdutt
havo formed a partnership and will
operato In real estato about Medford
and Chlco, Cal.
Mrs. J. M. Ktcrnan Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs, Moore ot Roacbtirg.
before leaving for Gaxello, Cal., her
future home,
C Hodges has returned from Doug
las county and will bo employed at
Phoenix for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Smith wcro
of tho many who traded with Med
ford merchants Saturday.
Mayor Von der Hellen ot Eaglo
Point and his family motored to Med
ford Saturday.
R. Schuler Is the new proprietor
ot tho Crater Lake garage on South
Miss Marjorle Wat kins has been
visiting at Central Point, tho guest
ot Misses Stone.
John S. Shook, one of the pioneers
ot Klamath county, spent several
days In Medford last week.
A. S. Hubbard and J. D. Leach
were up from Ashland Saturday.
George L. Timothy has resumed
his duties at the Southern Pacific
depot after a trip to Roseburg. Ho
states that tho strawberry festival
was much ot a success.
O. Jcldness came down from Blue
Ledge district last week to spend a
few days with his family.
Gua Nichols of Eagle Point district
made a business trip to Applegate
the foro part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brown ot
Jacksonville were In Medford Sun
day on their way to Grants Pass.
D. IL Jackson, H. H. McCarthy
and Mr. Ward made a business trip
to Ashland Saturday.
Mrs. U. Gordon of North Riverside
Is visiting relatives living at Central
Vanco Wolgamott and A. Amund
sen of Talent tarried In Medford on
Claude Jones and J. S. Crcighton,
who live north of Roguo River, trans
acted business In Medford Saturday.
William C. and Glenn Owen have
left Central Point Tor Long Beach,
Cat., to locate.
Stone brothers ot Forest Creek an 1
Robert Pearce of Poormans creek
were recent visitors In Medford.
Charles Isaacs and F. C. Doremus
were over from Big Sticky district
Mrs. Jeromo was at Central Point
recently visiting her daughter, Mrr.
Wayne Leever.
John Clemens of Josephine countz
is making Medford a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. George N. Lowls
wero over from Jacksonville Satur
day, accompanying Mr. and Mrs. John
Lewis of Marlon county, who havi
been visiting them, this far on the'r
way home.
C. E. Walker, who has charso of
the Crater Lake Lumber company r
interests In Big Butto district, v-n.
In Medford Sunday.
A. If. Stover of Berkeley. Cal.. who
Is Interested with T. E. Osgood in a
big orchard near Jacksonville and
also tho project to Irrigate 10,000
acres In tho southern and western
part of tho valloy with tho waters of
Keano creek, has been here, accom
panied by his wife.
Herman Zlndler, a railroad section
boss In Douglas county, Bpent Sun
day in Medford.
W. II. Spear, station agent at Gold
Hill, made a trip to Medford Sunday.
C. C. Hoover made a recent visit to
tho southorn part of tho valley Jn
tbo Interest of bis nursory.
colonel Gcorgo P. Mlms of Seven
Oaks passed 8unday In Medford.
J. J. Osenbruggo and William nay
or Appiegute transacted business Jn
aiedford Saturday.
A. II. Gunnell of Grants Pass waB
in Medford Saturday, on his way
uome irom Applegate mlnlnn district.
Mr. and Mrs. J. w. Powell of Ash
land have been visiting In Medford.
Winegar and Sliver, who wero In
tho sailboat when Jt capsized off the
mouth of Roguo river, last week,
wero respued by the llfeaavlng crow
at Port Orford. They hnd been hang
ing on to tho boat nearly 12 hours
and wore In n serious condition when
taken off.
Mr. and Mrs. h. Charley of
Brownsboro hao boon visiting In
Mr. and Mrs. Van Gilbert epont
Sunday with relatives llvlug near
Eddie Foy at
Watch for tho Eddie Foy special
I rain UiU afternoon, with tho seven
little Foys ami n hundred other peo
ple, motly pretty RtrN. On account
of the nmouut of equipment to he
handled, it wns necessary to engapc
n special train in order that there he
no chance of a delny in starting the
performance, ninl as this is tho Inst
big show booked hero for this season
the management has token every pre
caution against n possible "hitch."
Although this is one of the biggest
J. T. Fry of Trail was a recent
visitor In Medford. He was accom
panied by his son-in-law, and his
Tho Sells-Floto circus will not
show In Medford this season. Tho
train carrying It recently had a col
lision with an Oregon Short Lino lo
comotive at Salt Lake City, causing
a panic among the wild animals. W.
S. Noycs, who was handling tho en
gine, was killed and two circus em
ployes Injured, it is licllevcd ho
failed to see tho switch lights.
L. Hooker Is building a residence
In Agate district for parties who aro
said to represent a German colony
that will locato there In tho near
Mrs. George F. King returned from
a trip to California Saturday eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Itoss and Mrs.
E. Bebb wero among tho Central
Pointers who attended tbo ball gamo
In Medford Sunday.
Ernest C. Wiggins, spray expert
from the department of agriculture
at Washington, D. C, who has been
at Hood River looking over tho or
chards, will soon visit Rogue Illver
valloy on a like mission. Ho has
taken a samplo of the several kinds
of spray Used at Hood River and will
bavo an examination mado to deter
mine their purity and effectiveness.
Henry Hansen ot Roxy and Bert
Harr of Watklns mado Medford a
business visit Saturday.
E. Conger of Jacksonville was
called to Portland Sunday by a mes
sago Informing him of the serious
Illness ot his Bon. who has been in
the employ of tho streetcar company.
He was accompanied by his daughter,
Mrs. G. Wells.
Mr. and Mrs. B. II. Burroll of
Washington, D. C, and Professor nnd
Mrs. O. M. Gllber of New York aro
lato arrivals In Medford.
Richard Everett Geary, eldest son
of Dr. and Mrs. E. I. Geary of Port
land and formerly ot Medford, and
Miss Elizabeth Gallogly of Glad
stone, Clackamas county, wero mar
ried at tho residence of tho bride's
parents May 19. Mr. Geary is a
graduate ot tbo University ot Oregon
and tho Colorado School ot Mines
and holds tbo responsible position of
mining engineer ot the Golden Hunt
er mlno In Coeur d'AIeno district, In
Herman King returned from a
business trip to nortborn California
J. II. Jones, until recently foreman
of tho Willow creek orchard, bus
gone to southern Cullfornlu to ac
cept a position.
Mrs. O'.N'ell of Grants Pass was In
Medford several days last week vis
iting her brother, Ed Blnns, and till
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Kllgour or
Wlmer district motored to Medford
W. F. Horn spent a few hours In
Medford Sunday afternoon.
C. Herron mid R. W. Hitchcock or
Eaglo Point district spent Sunday In
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Kline, William
Scheble, J. S, Bonar, E. E. Morrison
and Ira Klmo wero among thoeo
down from Griffin creek Saturday,
, N. Langcll, $2 years old, and a
pioneer resident of Jacksonville, who
now resides at Bonlta, Multnomah
II ' 7 '.
v -.X 3aH "" W .sdLflS LLHflI.MNto
JaHk I IHr A.
'JHjl sBsBsBsssar sbsbsbB
aaaBl 4w id H
tN .arLETl aaa?l n "Ur
Page Tonight
shows of the season, and has plnycd
to standing room only nil through
California, playing two weeks in
Son Francisco alone, nnd receiving
tho unqualified prime of nil tho Frw
co nud Ik) si Angeles papers, it will
he produced hero nt tko same prices
nsnt Frisco and Portland 50 cents
to $2.00, will every sent a good sent.
Don't forget that this is tho Inst
chnnco to see n big musical chow or
rond show of any kind here this sea
son, nud get your seats before this
evening's rush begins.
county, has received tho rest of his
tnblo and 110. Ho had a table
shipped from Klamath Falls last fall
and In duo tlmo received a plcco of
It. Naturally he wanted tho rest,
but the tablo was badly broken up.
After much dickering ho appealed to
tho railroad commission and got a
settlement. '
Mr. and-Mrs. A. A. Allen ot Tn
coma who spent ten days In Medford,
left for tho north Saturday evening.
The directors of tho Grants Pass
cannery bavo contracted with C. S.
White, ot Puyallup, to servo as pro
cess man.
Miss Harriet M. box, who has been
teaching lu tho public schools, left
Monday for Flint, Mich., to spend
tho summer vacation.
W. It. Scott, general manager of
tho Harrlmnn lines, passed south
Sunday In his special car.
Gcorgo M. Leslie, operator nt tho
Southern Pacific depot, Is spending
a few days In Eugene.
Judge W. II. Canon, accompanied
by Mrs. Canon and son Fay, leuvo tit
last of tho week to visit their old
homo In Wisconsin, for tbo benefit
of the tatter's health.
Clark-IIonory Construction com
pany will pavo tho Main street In
tersection ot tho Southern Pacific
during tho next few weeks.
Peter 8. Stenstrup, manager of tho
Pacific Motor 8upply company,
leaves tho first ot tho week for De
troit, Mich., to attond a convention
of auto supply dealers.
United States District Attorney
Claronco L. Retimes arrived Sunday
to spend a few days In Medford wind
Ing up his business affairs prepara
tory to moving to Portland.
A. E. Roamcs spent Sunday with
II. B. Tronson fishing on tho upper
forks of tho Llttlo Butto.
Mrs. Arthur Putnam loft Sunday
for her homo In San Francisco, hor
daughter Bruce, who has spent the
past two years with rclathcs hero,
accompanying her.
Stato Railroad Commissioner
Campbell passed through Medford
Sunday en routo to Klamath Falls.
Mrs. 8. Vilas Bcckwlth arrived
Sunday to spend tho summer.
The trustees of tho hnnkriipt es
tato of John II. Allen have wound up
nffuira nnd declared a fmil dividend
of 30 per cent In cash, This added
to tho former dividend of 20 per
cent in local flcourticH; makes a total
of 50 per cent realized on the $00,
000 worlh of debts contracted lo
cally by tho promoter of, tho Paoifio
& Eastern,
Tho property realized upon con
sisted jirincipully of a young pear
orchard west of tho railroad truck
just south of Snowy Butto and un
interest in tho basement and lot on
tho corner of Eight and Central,
S. Viluti Deokwith has mudo his
final rcnort rcnrcscntiiur trustees and
h,0 cstuto is now closed.
Supreme Court Holds Manufacturers
of Patented Goods Cannot Fix Ar
bitrary Prices Dealers May Cut
Prices at Will.
WASHINGTON, Miw 20. Freeing
the puhlio to a great extent from pay
lug extortionate charged for patented
article, the United Slates supreme
court today napped tho strength of
patent iuoiinuilios by holding that
patented lime no right to fix nrhi
trury relall prices for their produce.
In the enso brought before it the
court decided that relation! who out
the prico set by a patentee hnd com
mitted no infringement of patent.
This coso wan ano in which lllulr
nud company, n patent medicine, firm,
Hiied James 0 Uonnell, n Washington
Dr. .1. F. Itcddy relumed to Ornnts
Pass Sunday having nrrhed Satur
day from Crescent City. Ho is eon
fident Hint the Paeifio Interior rail
road to Crescent Citv ban boon huc-
ccsxfully planned nllhough It will he
necessary to hold another election to
validate tho bonds issued hy the city
of (Irnnts Pnss.
"Legal tcchiuicnlticH to pleaso Ihe
bond buyers, must he complied with to
satisfy the purchaser states Dr.
lieddq, "hut tho Hyndieato we are no
notiating with will in nil probability
build the rond. Some $'J.',000 in citv
warrants, have been scut for the syn
dicate to cash, to bo replaced by
bonds, and if this money is forth
coming it will mnko n total of $M.V
000 tho syndicate has so fur invested
as an earnest of good intentions.
"Probably n formal announce
ment will bo forth coming I it n few
Projectors of tbo Medford ninl
Crescent City railroad nre also busy,
tho officers haing recently hern to
Crescent City with an eastern capi
talist whom they have Interested. It
wns on Ibis trip thut Mr. McCor-
snick broke his leg. Development
have not reached a stage justifying
The Southern Pacific railroad has
instituted week-end rales good from
Saturday to Mondny from Portland
to Medford. The prico Is fare and
it third. This enables Portland poo.
pie to spend Sunday in the valley and
return in time for business Mondny
The Southern Paeifio will run a
special excursion Juno I), from Med
ford to Portland for tho Itoso Carni
val, one faro for the round trip.
Supreme Court Adjourns.
United States supreem court took a
recess today until June !, and prob
ably will adjourn sine, die June 14 un
less thorn is urgent business boforo it
at that time.
FOIt HUNT Sleoplng room In now,
modern houso, 3 blocks from post
office. Bummer rules $1,G0 per
wook. Phono a72-J.
FOIt RAM-: Ono black 3 your old
I'ercheron stallion, weight 17G0
lbs. Will tradu for cattlo or work
horses. Also cedar posts und fir
rails. Henry Munklns, 26 tulles
south ot Jacksonville, 60
FOR 8AI.K Ono largo mirror, ono
rolltop desk und chair, 3 uphol
stered sitting chairs, ono dressor,
one bod muttress and springs, ono
sottco, ono largo kauo chair, 4 din
ing chairs, ono rug. Call lliiiiklu
Kstos, constable. Gfi
Luxury Without
Von Dorn
242 Turk Street
Finest popular priced
Hotel in San Francisco
A Iiornl DriigulM's Hiiguoitloit
It has been mild tho body In like
a niachliio and digestion and elimi
nation of fod nro tho two ureal fac
tors to health.
If tho digestive organs nro weak,
the stomach overtaxed, waxto matter
accumulates lu the Mjntnin the liv
er gets hIiikkIhIi nnd tho blod be
coined thlu nud dutttnlUmt,
Wo want to nsk evoiy twrsoii In
this lcliilty who Is troubled with In
digestion or a weak wont out tttom
arh to try our delicious cod llvur nud
Iron tonic. Vluol.
Wo know It will ntroiiKthen and
tone up tho weakened, tired and
overtaxed nerves of tho digestive or
gans, create n hearty appetite, and
replace weakness with strength.
Wo Just hoard of a en mi of a man
In Oneontn, N. Y who suffered from
a bad stomach trouble, for fifteen
)ears and had hecomtt mo ouk ho
could hardly walk who sn cured
by Vluol.
Try n bottle nf Vluol and If It falls
to help you wo will glvo back your
money. Medford Pharmacy, Mud
ford, Ore.
Proud as ou are of tho daughter,
and proud as eho Is of graduation
honors thorn Is soon but a memory
of such ovenla unless a portrait keeps
tho record ot each mllestpno of
Our styles of school pictures nro
appropriate to tho occasion.
Mnko tho appointment early.
E. Main and Central Medford, Ore.
wm crrr vrr compiM, tin of
draMrl. Iar curtain, future. tp
nj tin all cltiiri of upholalcrlllK A
apveUI man to look artr till work
iclualvtly and will istv a oM
arvlr a I poaaltil to gt III vo
til largsat cltir.
Wooka & McGowan Co.
Kinall Irrtttated ranch near city
reservoir. House, barn, shed, etc.
Telnphono and city water, family
orchard, berries, garden. New free
soil all planted. Ideal location for
market gardening, berries or small
orchard. Iluy this ranch now nud
gtt tho ueuuflt of this year's crop.
II. I. .NOIII.IT, Otuirr
IMiono 1048.1,.
Yon will find it extremely con.
vt'iiicnt if your insurance has hcon
placed in n company which pays
its losses promptly, ninl in full,
I havo no other kind.
R. H. McCurdy
401 M. P. & H. Bldff. Phono 349
Hltuaiwl tn thn Hub of Uto Principal
Theater and Hliopplnif Dlatrlrt
Ilccently nnleroratetl anil Ik'fiinilabrxl TliroiiRhnut,
and Iletter Kqulpiirxl Today tliau llrer Ileforo
KuriijH'nn l'lan
llnonis without Imtli, 91.00 per tiny nud up
Itoonut with batn, fll.OO jht day ami up
0. J. KAOIAIANN, Manager.
N. K. UliAKKK, Aaat. Mr.
Both representative of the wholo-
Bome cordial spirit of tho West
and tho best in hotol service
Both under the management of the
Lungs Affected
By Rheumatism
PiiaumunU, IWilillU, A'tlim ml AnraU
OlL.t llill? Il llttttlu vf Hli.u.
mall lllul.
Avulil tlrlppr, Nor Throat huiI Similar
Truuhln by laluw S, , ,
If ynu Imv n pfmlment, nnKKlna
liruiichUI emitth Iimvui at eutlali iin
ll. They arc nwrely local In nuIIiiii,
amt If tiny do relieve. It I tlie nar
cotic tlmt do It. Wlint ynu riulr
la n tdouit imrlner. it aoarelilnu antl
iloln Hint remove frum III rlroulatlnii
Hi arid iooii Hint hy tlivtr riti
RtliU'k nil wrnHettetl, urptltil iol
and thua creuta local ayinptoim Tim
wry tint rrmeily known I HwItT
Huro Hpertnr Vimi will Dint It oh nil
In uny it m if Ur nt II 00 iier ttoitl.
II Roe Mtriilsht Into tint lilmiil, b
romra mi Intermit Mood liuth, wonder
fully Mluiulnl llio Inrrenan of rJ
rnifle, rilte nil Ihe local fvr
apota ami Irritation. Inerva api
lit, you tnk mi noli am! fool a won
derful eeine of Jfliewe.l trnKtti,
IllllnlreiU nf peopl worried tieyoml
control nt ton ah. pain In tti ciiel.
ore throat nnd vnnatant expectoration
of thick inui'tu liavv tstrlncd lh
mnat wonderful rlmna: afttr tialiiK
a H H. .Ml doiiM a tut apprlinloti
la Konc, thiiaa peculiar pain and ache
vahlah, there follow a period of in in I
Intena rejolrlna In flml that woral
fear wero Imatit entirely upon a ml,
taken notion that eouah and elicit
palna roui from tho luna Th
nr rheumatic romllllon. and you will
nilrkly renllie It nfUr tulnir H H )l
for n few ). t1t a holtl nl H H H.
to.ilay at lh ilrua: aloi nnd then y
Kuuil'liy to all llto palna that have
worried you,
Write to Hwlft Hp.finp To lit Hwlfl
tlldr, Atlanta, (la., for medical a.lvlc
and wonderful fact lonrerulnr lh
Itrealeal Mood remedy vr known
Official Photographer of the
Medford Commercial Olub
'Amateur FhuHhing
Post Cards
Panoramic Work , i'
Interior and oxtorior views
Flash lights
Negatives mado nnv timo
and any place by appoint
ment. 208 E. Main Phone 1471
lIAI'I'I.t: (lltAV KT.W.MO.V
C Years Old
rh'rtlro U to Inauro
Kirro iiAit.N
Wo also train horses nnd colts nnd
bn-nk them of all noxious hnblta. Sat
isfaction Kiiarauteed.
L. o. van wi:i:.v
Main -tU Jarkaonvlllo
Poriland'f ramouc Hotel
INolcd for (hcTxcellerTce
Wits Cui5ine.Euiwa(iplati
.ft". -The; ;i
Grants Pass
9 X
!' , sjrJpvirt -