0 f.i- ' 3 ' ff ' ! 1 Jeff Can on ooy- n r-ss K IN TttUvl AMn " ii iivi niif lrVA i CIl? doBS THROUGH Tur? FOR N cSTECLL " E OF GRAFT CASE HAN rUANTlSCO, Cnl .Mny 2(J. 'Uolct'livu I'rnnl: I'soln, Dim of tln rtulil iininliiirH of (ho Kmi I'rnnniHoo Mlk'o ili'iuliiii'iit Imliolcil for Hliitr tiiK In Iht' illiuit runiliiKH of a rini; of Itiillnii liiiiii'o men, unit (o trial horu loiliiy iM'forn Kuporior Jmlcn Krnnl; II. Diiiimo. I)ilri.'l Atlornry Clot. M. Fii'ki'rl iiml liiH chief ttHMinliuit, .IntiicM lirciiiiaii. niiponrcil for tin proNoiMilion. lUolu win rt'iinwciiU'tl hy Allorni'V TliumiiM O'Connor. Tin fii'rifio olmrui) nuniiiNt IImoIii U Ihnt of iiofrptliii,' purt of $2100 token liv lnmiiii turn from Churlo 1'oidii, n fanner of KtauiMluiiM comity, Cnl. lloforn KkoIii'k trinl frlnrtcd. h willi tin Nt'Voii oilier liiilidtcil offirorM nppcnri'il liofom Superior Jiulo Law lor to ntiHwrr to n nliiirt; of 'onNpi nicy to olmtriict Jmitiro. Atlornt'y TIioiiiiih O'Connor nxknl for tlixiuin Mil of tint ronipliiinlK, linnlni; liin mo tion mi tln Kroiiml Unit tin) imlict iiU'IiIm do not kIo ii xptii'ifio offtwiNo, lint tlmt, conlmry to Inw, hot foith fivn liflVn'iit kimli of coiinpirnoy. Iiiilyii Luulor not tliu vnn ovrr to Thuixlny, ulicn nrj'iiinciilH on O'Con iilt'k motion will lie licunl. nCV. JOHN GRECR DIES AT IM YEARS RT. I'AUI,, Minn., May 2(1. At tho romurkalilo nf;o of 101 tiu ttio Ituv. Jolin (Ircrr, ono ot tho iniml whloly knottii Motlioillut divine In tlio dinin try, tiled horn todtiy nt tlio lioiuo of lilit ilniiKhtiT, COMMUNICATION. 3BplBi(,,sl!BHIB!: In tho Tilhutiu of .Sntnnliiy I rend that I would hood take, my departuro for California nnd every day Houin ono ronton into thn oxhihlt huildint; HHkin mo when I expert to pi, etc. For I ha ImuefU of nil Hioho people who are anxioiiH In Know (ho truth nnd Hiomo who nro rentcinplntlni: k) iti away from Moilford I would like to Htittu my poHition nn to lonvinn Medforil. T cniun lmii ovnr Ihreo yuan nun with tun idea of tnnkiitir IIiIh ny ionnunenf Immn for tlumo retiHinirt, iinmcly that Medford and .In'nkHon eountv offered Urn IiohI pro Hi(H'tM for thn futttrn than auv other pl'neu It hud hOon my ploiimiro to vixlt or llva In. I wim hunt In Iowa nnd have lived In thn followini; Hlnten, MimioMitu, llliuoirt nnd Virginia and Imvn vUited most every other fllnto except Florida and the. Cltilf omnt Mntcrt nnd cuti triithfullv nay that Hniilhoin Oregon nnd Medford In particular Milt me tho host of all for IiiihIiiohh, climate, wnter, noonory nnd nil Ihut kooh to miiko life pleaHiint uud enjoynhlo for nil Ilia your round. I thoroughly hulievu In Jledfoid'rt fu tmti uh hein very hiicht from every point of view. I douht If nuy i hero Iiiih hml in tho hiuiio lentil of time uh iniR'li to contend with fiotn u financial Htundpolnt nnd perHonal Iohhch yet I k t ill have tiuhuuudrd failli lit Medfoid and think tlmt if our people will onlv oxereiRO a little more of llio i;ol-lo);etlier spirt uud tulle and think nhout all ihe advim IiiUch of IIiIh particular vulley that wo etui huilil ft city here that will ho mm that nil who eoum hum will bo ulad that they (iIiiiho Bedford for their pluoo of roHlilenco nnd tho plaoo to IuvohU their money in. Therefore for mvnolf T wish to slain moHt einphatically that I In tend to stay HKlit Iip") if I can nr uiiiKe my biiHiueSH mat lorn In u ant iHfactory initnner lo eunhlu mo to coiitimio lo live hero ftlr yearn to ! 'A. K. WAKE, , Sing Hawaiian and All That Stuff rf- Mppe iivst a ! va OORM To I cfyMi WITI THE tm. I'UU JU.ST POLL, up P WHEN TftAT l-Aoy ' OP ROVALTV rYf-irfS Hf? M TIlC PARK tfH&'UL FALL, if Knvy of tlio worldwide reputation cnliK'il liy ccrtnln Mcdford lion turn cmiHi'il n Klnnmtli lilddy to mi iiku mcunurliiK -i'.i liiclmn by fl',4. TIidmo mtinkiirnmi'iitM ilmtoto tlutt tin. iKK wiik n Ioiik. narrow ono nnd not In tlio cUmh with sovoral thn ini'iic tirouiMiii of which hnn lwn rpmrd n Ihto. Tho Inrso maBurpmcnt of tho Klunmth ckk l clnxn (o the Mrd ford rcconl. hut Medford hn hml Muvt'ml tlmt iiieiuuri'd CV4 and 7 liirhin In tho unmltor rlrciitnfcrcnci. It U ui to tho Klunmth coutr. hen to try analn. CHARGE PORTLAND MAN AS ' DECEIVER CIIIC'AtlO, Mny id JudRo Ker iitcn will decide Wediiexday whotlier to return V.. C. Von Klein to Port land, Ore , on a rlmrco of nwlndllnR MIhi Kthel Nnwconili out of xfvernl thouand dollars' worth of Jnwelrv under a pro ml no of marrlnce. Hlierlff '.Imiiier ntutud ho hid heard Hint Von Klolti pluuued to commit nulrlito if hU application for a writ of IiuIioan rorpun wcro denied. Von Klein denounced the. report n ahturd. NO DECISION GIVEN ON MINNESOTA RATE CASE WASUIXnTO.y, May' 2d. Tho I'liiled StntM! mipntrtu court ml jounied today without renderiut; an opinion in the Minnesota rate case. For Non-Partisan Election. RKATTU:, WiMlt.. Mny 2(1. Oov eruor I.Hler Iuih practically enlisted himself in the campaign to secure noii-partisaii eleclloim of Htnto uh veil uh county officlnU. SponkiiiK nt the MelhodiKt I trot hoi hood aniuial iiicutiiic nt Onion Ijiku Sunday iiIkIiI, I.ixler emphatically endorsed munici pal nml comity non-ptirtidnn eleu- tiullH. CENTRAL POINT POINTERS iV I ' Mli(t( r.onu Diuilnp of flrnnts l'nmt U vli4itIuK4fHendk'Ainl rellitivdrf ni'lhi) elty nt present. ' The commencement oxcrelKos of tho Cenlral Pouit hinli school wero liolH in Cent ml Hall Tliurmluy cvcniii,'. A Inrtfo number of people were picHont uud much enjoyed the excellent pro Kmm ri'iidered. Porter J. Neff of ..Medford made the ohi8H nil eloipieut nddrcH which tliy uh well nx the larKO ahsomlily appreciated nnd prof iled by very much. Thin wuh the larRCKt irndtmtiii cIuhk in the Iiih lory of Control Point. An intoroht iiitf feature nhout this graduation wan (hut tho beautiful white cowna that the j-irlH wero arrayed in were nil made hy their own hand. This Hpeukrt well for tho teacher of do mosllu ait iir our wchools, Minn Hoehe, for the ii In have only taken Howing for nine months mid their drosHn.s Hhowed the wonderful progress they had made In that work. ' Adlal Dnbcll, who him hoeu nttoud ing school hero for tho Inut nine montliH, left for his home in Canyon ville Sunday nioniii). Mrn. Wnynmn Winner nnd dnuj;h ter, Ml.tH Until, have returned from n wook'H visit with Kiiroud rulativea and friends, Misses lllnuoho nhd Orano Milller, IiIkIi school students of this city, left tSntunlny for tholr homo on Lake creek to spend life Hummer. Thn lllell school iH'OSolltod to ft 'orowded houso tlteir play, "A Nie,ht OT.DTTORT) MATTJ TRTT3TJNK o"WuMd& 15WE ULCODS Kt2 " Off," in tlio Central Point opera hou.,0 Friday evening. The student iloMcrvu a grent deal of credit for tho very plensing innnner in which they rendered their part. Their noting was ically rcinarkahle nnd even exceeded the expetatioim of th fond parents nnd fricuilH. Tim students think loo much credit nnd prnifto can not ho given the eonohrr, W. J Green leaf, who Inlmrcd very earnestly with them nml who hy hi untiring efforts iiiailo the play a grand Kiicress. The next proceeds were nhout $75. Minn ltliineho Youuir, who litis been n, IiIkIi school teacher of this place for nine month", left for her home in Minneapolis Saturday. Khu will vixit friends in Los Augelos on her way home. Memorial day services wero held nn the First M. H. churoh in this city Kmidny morning. The church was beautifully decorated and a large number of veterans wero there. Tim sermon given by II. X. Aldrieh was much enjoyed nnd appreciated by nil. Miss AUcn llluokford, the eighth grade teacher in our public schools, left Sunday morning for a three, mouths' visit with Moutnnn relatives. Mrs. Kato Wright nnd little daugh ter, Mario, nccompnuifd Miss Maude irnrr of tho touching force of Control Point o her home nt Ituuh where they will rcuiniu for some time. A Inrgo delrgntion of our citizens spent Sunday afternoon in Medford nnd ntteuded tho hull nniuo between Central Point nnd Medford. Mr. nnd Mrs. Noble nnd children )invo returned to their homo in Port land nfter a mouth's vuit with Mrs. Noble's slitter, Mrs. F. II. Hopkiin nnd family here. Miss Cora K. Smith loft recently for her home in (IranUs Pass whero she will sH'iid tho summer. 1). I,. Olidder of North ukmm is visiting his daughter, Mrs,J. 11. Glen sou nud family, in this city. Decoration day will be duly ob served hero. It will bo proclaimed n holiday in lienor of tho boys of 'til. An excellent program Is being prepnr ed under the skillful innnagemcnt of II. X. Aldrieh nud will he held in the opera houso Friday morning. Tho speakers for tho day will bo Mr. Ver non of thu Presbyterian church and A. J. lfanly of Medford. Jacob Stono nud daughters, Misses Kiln uud Edith, spent Sunday in Toln. Clyde Applegate spent Sunday with his family in Central Point. notici:. Tho It theater will ulvo n special froo mntlnoo to all children on Deco ration day at 2:30 p. m. NOTICK. Tho Islg Theater will glvo a froo mntlnoo tn all tho children Dccon Hon day nt 2:30 p. in. notici:. Notlro Is heroby given, that tho undersigned will apply to tho city council ot tho city of Medford, Ore gon, at Its regular mooting on Juno .1, 191 at for n llccnso to sell spirit uous, vinous and mult liquors In (lunntltles less than a gallon, at his plnco of hiiBlness nt No, 2 N, Front st., In said city, fbr a period of six months. w. a. imowN. WHY? lOUU CllOICI? 8 ncros DeAuJnti, full bearing 10 acres Hose, full hourlnc 10 acres llartlett, full bearing 10 ncros Comtco, full bearing Wo must Bell ouo ot thoso blocks ot Pears af Just one-half value to snvo lnrgor tract. 12 ft, (loop loam soil; In Jackson county, 3 mllos from Medford. ' 4 Prlco nsUcd, SIWO. Wo want your hid on ono ot thoso tracts. Can talio you out nay aftor noou, J. O. lMltNUfl fl'J.1 N. ltlversldo or 211 First National Dank Uulldtns J - ' i A mJDFORT), OREGON, UvSC,, IJiiiT ifcbuGiU -m 11 Mil OM (U) ITM4U.CNG M2& llAGK I I M?aR upri. '. ri aa i ki r Akin r. litre .!. 5NGIMG OMt 01 lltRp; VI'lH 1 r - 1 - N .. t- i Vy A ..."' VI' I't'MUO .notici:. Havlnn located at 12S North Itlv oraldn for the purpono of carrying on a Koneral real cRtatu luminous, sell or exchange your far mor town lot or nuylhlnR you wish to exchange, will also locnto you on u hotaosteiid at a renHonsblo flgnre. Your correspond' cncd solicited. r.r; i:, dahack & son. notici;. Notice Is hereby Klven that Uio un dersigned will apply to tho city coun cil of tho city ot Medford, Ort'gon, at Its next regular meeting on June 2d, 1913, for n IIcciim) to sell spirituous, vluuua and mult liquors in quanti ties U' than u gallon, at tholr plneo of hiuluess on Boitth Fir streot. lo cated nt lots 10, 11 and 13, blocK 4G, of tho orlglnnl townslto, In said city, for n period ot six month. HAU-MOHIl CO. Dato of first publication May 23, 1913. NOTICK. Notice Is hereby glvon that a spe cial meeting of stockholders of the Itoguo Ither Krult & Produce Anno elation will bo held at tho public library In the city of Medford. Juno 30, 1913. at 10 o'clock a. in., for tho purpose of considering and acting upon tho advisability ot building a told storage wnrchouno upon tho asso ciation's property In tho city of Med ford, and In connection therewith, of Issuing two series or bonds ot tho Aftnnrlnilnn. nun nt n tnlnl nf I 124,000.00 nnd ono ot a total of 116.000.00, and of executing n. first nnd second mortgage upon tlio Asso ciation's property to secure such Is sues of bonds respectively. HOOUK ntVKIt FHUIT& PltOMtJCb' ASSOCIATION, Hy A. O. Kandnll, President. Dated nt Medford, Oregon, May 23, 1913. KOll ItKNT KUItMSlli:i) APTS. KOIt HUNT Completely furnished apartnionts. Tho Borben, 10 Qulnco st. KOK ItlCXT FOItXISTIcn JtOOSIS KtHM it KNT Wol II f u r nUhmTro o tns with all conveniences In modern homo, gontleman and wife or la dles only. Call momlugs. 422 South Inurcl. FOIt HUNT Largo sleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping apart ments, prices very reasonable. Phono 102C-L. 222 South Holly strcot. ixHt ni:xt oiti cics FoTtTt KNT Largo, comfortable of flco rooms with elevator service, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & Ildw. Co. FOIt HUNT llOUSUKUKPlKQ UOOMS TWO furnished housekeeping rooms In rear of 220 S. Urnpo; no chll- ! drea. C9 FOIt HUNT llonsokeeplng rooms ' with bath nml gas. 345 North nartlott. NEW TODAY A good paying hotol on a large, (Well situated ot In a god tova In iiorthern loWa Is' for trndo for a ranch In tho Hogou Hlvor valley. This hotel bus been n money maker for many years and hnB a well es tablished reputation, , I liavo photographs nnd full par ticulars, and would like to have par tics Interested In this kind ot an ox change to call nud .talk It over. 15 acres of deeded land, near n good town, and 100-ncro homcetend relinquishment' adjoining for sale ory cheap,. This pluce Is on a main road, and tho surroundings are all that could bo desired, A flno chanco to sell wood and projmro for putting out orchards on tho cloarcd land. 20 acres of Irrigated ponrs four years old, qulto a fOw poors this year, Nothing finer In the valley. W'ntor right doedo'd 'with tho plnco. Only $250 per aero. CD.HQON t Phono 1037-J. Jackson Co. Haul: 13g. Y&ML iriyK v t i iF 9yW'M iv ...if 'j MONDAY, MAY 20, '1913. Z''.;. -V'-iO .,t, ,, ..,.... "' 1 it "' SlWWH FOll HKVI I101JHK8 FOUaTFlvo'Toom'mcra apartment, sleeping porch, $1G; soven room house, sleeping porch. Col. II. II. Sargent. 810 Oakdale South. CI FOIt ItKNT Modern bunsalow; built-in furniture; beautiful lawn. 309 S. Newtown. FOIt KENT Modern furnished C-room bouse, water rent paid, $20. CIS King st. FOIt ItKNT Furnished houso, close In. CO N. Orange. FOIt RENT FIvo room modern apartment, sleeping porch, $15; seven room houso, sleeping porch, J1C. Col. II. II. Sargent- 810 Oakdale South. Gl FOIt MINT Modern B room bunga low on pavement at 92G Ileddy ave. Phono 828-M. GG FOIt ItKNT OnO G room modern bungalow, good location, fine lawn. Kent cheap. 820 W. 12th st. 58 FOIt ItKNT Modern plastered ft. room bungalow, water paid, $12. GO per month. Ono 4-rooin house. $G per month. Phono 2C7-J or cull at 430 South Fir sU FOIt ItKNT Furnished house, largo grounds, flowers. 1143 K. Main or phone 44911. G9 FOIt ItKNT Six room modern bun galow; gas, electricity, east front nnd flno shade. Inquire 318 S. Laurel. 57 FOUKKNT MIHCKMiANKOUS FOlPitKNT TwY rooms In itlalto bldg. Inquire ot Jim Hitter, FOK SALK UIXDS FOIt SALK 100 aero good alfalfa and grain ranch, all In cultivation. Will mako good stock ranch. $100 per acre. Inquire ot C. M. Svendscn, Medford. Ore- G7 FOIt BALE Do not fall to get my list of hard times bargains In and around tho beautiful city of Ash land beforo you decldo on a loca tion. I can save you money on renting or buying. W. D. Hodg son, Cor. E. Main and Second eta., Ashland, Ore. C4 FOB SALn ACBKAGE FOB SALK 6 or 10 acres close In. easy terms. Phono 10G0-M. C7 FOB 8ALIJ HOUSUS FOB SALK By owner, tbe finest tract ot deep. black loam soil In Medford, G0x330 feet: evory var iety ot bearing small fruit; 20 three and four-year-old rrult trees; largo poultry houso nnd yards; throo room cottago and screen porch, front lawn, balanco ot place In growing garden; good wood houso; sidewalks and city wnter ontlro length ot promises. Will sell cheap. Address P. O. Box GS1, phono ovontngs 1079-N or call at 1014 KaBt Eleventh. 55 FOB SALK MISCELLANEOUS FOB"sALB XJood self feed hay "press at Begar ranch. C3 FOB SALK Lottor heads and fancy stationery, prlntod, engraved or embossed, as you vrlsh at the Mall Tribune. FOB SALK Day-old chicks. Planum Klectrio Incubator Hatchery, Tnl eut, Oro. II. C. High, Mgr. CG FOB SALK Loose teat lodgor sys tems, any style or made to order by the tall Trlbuno bindery, FOB 3ALK OR TBADE Pedlgrood Poland China boar. B. D. 1, Box 73, Central Point, or phono Far mer 14-184. FOB SALK Hood toam heavy work Horses, $225, Jas. Campbell. GG ,FOR SALK Ono flno tonm of horses 1G00 pounds, nt n bargain, O. K. i Gates, 132 S. Blvorslde. FOB SALK Household furniture. Ono box couch, now, $2.50; book case 3 sections, top and base, $7; kitchen table, oak top, $1; lco box, $4; books, largo nssortuiout, 25 , cents ench; sovoral rockers, each $i; 4 (lining room cnalrs, ?1.1'J ouoh; thrcQ-qunrtor bod, $1; nx ,and garden fork, GO cents oach; HiMtf n-n tv.A Af-tot 9')Vv linn 1iia4 . back, $-0; now heater with huso nnsl liti. C ') arttftll tnltliva -1 j oloctrlo fan, $S. 1127 K. Mcilu. Tel. 707-L. . 69 il-'OB SALE Llcht buccv chonn. i l'lOl West Oth streot. G3 fWfft, r "53 j fw?r II .. T HI lMlllWlMMMIMIIWIIllMailWMllW.iMWMWlaaM FOR SALE MI.SCKLLAXKOCH FOB SALK Four passenger Cadis lac; bargain. Bear Creek Motor Car Co. FOB SALE Well built henhouse 1$ x27 ft. Bustle lumber stained brown; $30. Myra Fuller, Siski you Heights. Phono S18-B. G6 FOB 8ALE Legal blanks, tresspass notices, for sale or rent sings at tbe Mall Tribune. FOB SALK Bemlngton standard typewriter No. 8 Invisible writer. 14 Inch carriage, never been used; cheap. P. O. Box 147, Jackson ville. FOB SALK Gcntlo saddlo pony, es pecially gocd for carrying two children to school. Can bo driven to buggy. Also good driving horse for lady. Apply to Walter Fraxcr Brown, 53 North Orange st. Phono G77-V. FOB SALE Jersey cow, tnrkoy eggs. W. J. llartzcll. Phono 4GS-J.-1. 57 HELP WANTED FEMALK WANTKD Woman cook at Tavern hotel. Eagle Point WANTED Cook; a girl to do gen eral housework. Will pay good wages to the right party. Address Box 18, caro Mall Trlbuno. WANTED MISCKLUVS EOUS WANTED To buy homestead relin quishment. Box 22, Mali Tribune. WANTED Four homestoads; re spectable, progressive, permanent suttlers. Will pay reasonable price. Or would consider bargala In acreage. Give full particulars. T. C. "Young, 133 10th st., Port land. 1i WANTED TO BUY farming liorso. price about $50. W. B. Harris. Central Point. WANTED TO I1UV Homestead re linquishment. Box 48, Tribune. 50 MONEY lt LOAS MONEY TO LOAN Oa city and close In ranch property. C. A. McArthur. room 3, P. O. block, phone 368. MONEY TO LOAN $1000 to $5Q00 to loan on Improved farm proper ty. Bennett Investment Co. FOB EXCIIATVUE FOB TRADE Will trade flno No. b pocket kodnk for bicycle in good repair. Phono 130-B. GG" FOB. SALE OB EXCHANGE Good old established business in Med ford. Address G. B.. Mall Trib une. WILL EXCHANGE 10 acres pears, with or without house, for Med ford bungalow. C. B. A., Mall Trlbuno,. FOB TBADK I havo some now Studebakor wagons, buggies, farm Implements and gasoline engine tor 'which I will take cord or fir wood. F. Osenbrugge, 401 River side avo, S. LOST LOST OB STBAYKDr-A toam of mules from my ranch. Liberal re ward for Information as to where abouts or return. Seo A. K. Wato, Exhibit bldg. FOUND Lady's bead purso with soma silver. Owner may lmvp samo by calling at Schetfollon'a grocory. Gl BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts BOGUK RIVER VALLEY AD STRACT CO.. No. 0 South Central. Auto Supplies. LAMER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big- socrot In making springs Is tho tempering. We are operating tho largest, oldest ami best oqulppod plant In tho Pacific northwest. Uso our springs when others fall. Sold under guarantee. 20 North Fif teenth St., Portland, Oro. Accountants' D. B. WOOD Gonoral Accountaut Your books nudltud and kept tor a reasonable, figure; your busluosa solicited. Offico, Medford Mall ; Trlbuno bldg.; phono Gll-R-2; res- ' lo'uco phono 537, " V783E THKKH v By "BudJIPishci: w I (H IJUSI.VI-SS DIRKCTOBY Attorneys POBTEIt J. NEFF. WM, P. MEALBY Attornoys-at-Itw. Booms 1 and 2, Postofflco bldg. A. E. BEAMBS, LAWYEB Garnett Corey bldr. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford, Ore. Wm. M. Colvlg Gcorgo M. Roberts COLVIO fc ROBERT8, LAWYERS Medford National Baak Building;. Chiropractor DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist. Rooms 203-204-20G Garnctt-Coroy bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massago given; adrico In dietetics, medical gym nastics, bydroptberapy. Lady at tendant. Phone, efflco 94G, resf denco 571-R. DR. A. R. HEDGES, Dr. Louise E. Hedges Mech&ao-Theraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylotberaplsts. These systems. Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapby, etc., produco results la both acute and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. 230 North Bsrtlett St., next door to M. E. church. Hours 9 a. m. to G p. m. Other bears by appointment. Phone 17-J. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC DR a C. VAN SCOYOC Dentists Garnott- Corey bldg., suite 310, Medferd, Ore. Phone 8GSI' Garbage GARBAGE Got your premised cleaned up for tho winter. Call on the city garbago wagons for good service Phone 625-L. i Y. Allen. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary nub ile. Bring your work to me at tbe sign ot tho Mall Tribune. Printers nnd I'nblUhers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has "the best equipped printing office In southern Oregon; book binding, looso loat ledgers, billing systems, etc Portland prices- 27 North FlrSL Physicians and Surgeons DR? F. orwEoW,"' DB EVA MAINS CARI.OW Osteopathic physicians, 416-417 Garnott-Coroy bldg., phone 1036-L. Resldonce 420 South Laurel st DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases ot women. Offices 232 E. Main. Phones, oftlco 814-J-2; res., 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eyo, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Office 328 East Main St.. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Bank bldg. Office phono 43-R; residence phone 58-R. DR. MARION Pnyslclan and sur geon, Stewart bldg., corner Main and Bartlett sis.; office phone 27, residence, phone 27-J-2. DR. MARTIN C. BARDER Physi cian and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phonos, offico 36, residence- 72 f-J. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to G. DR. W. W, HOWARD Osteopathia physician, 303 Garnett - Carey building. Phono 904-M. It. J. CONROY, M. D. Physlclsa and Surgoon. Over Hutchison & Lums den, 215 K. Mntn St. Phone 77. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work douo quickly; and well. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO., Office 16 South Fir St. Phono' 31G. Prices rlxhtr Service g'Jsr-. autoed. e f!l M . i i ?