- s Li 7 ""tfSet SECOND EDITION . 1'nflytlilfil Year, Dnlly niulilli Yrnr. S I President Flays Insidious Lobby Willed Is Using Money to Affect Tariff Lculslallon Wishes People to Know the Facts ami Persons. WAHIIINUTON, Mny 3iVBiimh liiK tradition for tin- 'itti't-itlli Hunt idiint bin election, President Wilson today (iilkuil right out In mcnllii' about Hut desperate efforts hcliiit Hindu In Washington by nil "Indus, trlous niul lusldloiis luliliy which, Im mild, U using i money In affect tint tariff bill. "I think," snld tint president, "Hint Hut public ought ( know lll) PXl.M (inlliiiiry exertions which iim tuliix iimiln by a lobby In Washington to Kiiln recognition (or cMrtnlu iiler. lions In tba tariff bill. Wi'.il.liiGtn.i bit seldom seen mi numuroiif Indue ttlotiit nnil Insidious n lobby. The newspapers nrn fllb'il with paid ml verHNouieiils rnlrulatcd to mUlcnd th Judgment of public men mut I'm public opinion or the country Itself. "There Is every evidence that mnti y without limit I twine spent to I'lmtiilti thin lobby niul to r renin uppenrmicn of n prmmtini of puhlli i)ilnl(ni antagonistic to some of t'". chief Item of thn tariff bill. "It Is of serious Intercut to tho rouutry thnt tho people at lnrg't kIioiiIiI have no lotiby, should lit) volmlcK In these mutters, while Kicnt bodies of nstiiln moil see't t' irriidt urtlflrlol oilulon mut to over romn tint Interest of tlui public for their private iroflt." "I know thnt In thin I nm speak IdK for tint inombcr of tho two houses who woiitil M'Jutro ns lunch uk I woulil to Im relieved from mi bcurubln situation." President Wilson was iiiotiI tn make this statement because, hit snta lit' did not Ixdlovo tint nation vw iiiIvIm'i! of tho extremities to whlrh tlin lobby 1st have gone. Iln added that ho illil not moan by IiIh statement thnt tint lobbyist tm corrupt only thnt they v.oro waning n cnmimlKU of niNropre.it nM II 10 THE RESCUE SAN' FHANCIHCO, Cnl., Mny 'jn. Coiillniiniiro f Iln divorce ease nT Cniliiin Henry C. Morriam, I'. S. A., uguiiist Hpsslo C. Mcrrinm, tlui filing iif which created n sensation in army circlcH hern niul in Now Orlcmm ui lil the last mrt of July in order I" n I low Lieutenant Clnroneo Muiphy, U. S. A., the co-respondent niimcil by Captain Merrlam, In como hero from New OrlciuiH niul testify, wim or ilcrcil today by Superior Judge Urn limn. No dale was not. Two telegram from Lleuteunnt Murphy, one, rending: "Reached New York ll," niul other "Sec Mm, Mcrrliim. Infnmnus lie Irrcpnrnhlo injury lining dona Innocent woumn," went rend in itnttrt. Tho first wn addressed lo Mr. Morrinm hero niul Ihn second to Attorney Frnnels V. Keesling of thin city. Mm. Merrlnm is lieinc mied liy lior Inmbnuil on tho Rrounil of infiilcllty, Cnptiiin Moninm wanted ttr uompro miHu Ilia milt tfomo time nj-o, but hIiu ilciiiMiiilod thnt it Im heard lo tint oud Hint her name. iuIkIiI Im cleared. T BY JWAlirctf, Moxlro, May 20. Exo riitinl by u fliliiK Bqiiiul of follow bol illorH, Boittoiint Antonio Itodrliiioz niul Corporal IkiuicIo Ilurunnilnz, Fifteenth battalion, Moxlcnu lufan tiy, nro doad today. Tho two offlcors worn uonvlntod of trviiBou flaturdn) and publicly uliot yeHturday just nul eldo tho harruclta yards. Thoy woro ronvlolod on u cluri;o of rotiflplrliiK to promotu u mutiny In tho carrlHon with a vlow to turnliiK thu city ovvi to tho coustltutlonnlUtki. MASH OS AN AGED TRAD N CO-RESPONDENT FOR MEXICANS MEDFORD ANGRY CROWD UN ARENA AT Incensed Over Death of Luther Mc carty Citizens Own Arena Where Dotit Was Staned Not to De Re built. CAI.dAKV, Allicrln, May 'J(J. -KlroiiK belief Hint cilixeiiH, InceiiHed over Iim death of Luther MeCarly, killed by Ailhur IVlkov I" n Hiiit eon lent hern Baliirday, Imrned down Tommy lluriin' Hiit menu prnvuilM here today. rVelinic nKiiliiMl llunm mid bin arena ban been high lor some time. Wenlev Heiixim nnil hln wife nnil two children, who went nMleep In a corner of Hut huildiiu?. barely cucuped with their liven. It in not believed that Muni will rebuild the pavilion. Wnrrnntd were iMHiied hem lodny for lluriiM, Hilly MeCnrney, MeCnr Iv'h mmiiiuer. Ilefem Hd W. Smith of rhiciiKO, mid trnineri mid ntteud iiiiIh, on orders from Hut ntlorney Keiiernl at Kdinoiilun. It i under hIiioiI that PelkeyV prelimiuary henr- inr on a e in mi of manxlaiiuhler will Im iHMtpuued tn await the i exult of the coriiuer'H iiiiiicnt. GETS BIG PLUM WAHIIINUTON, Mny 2C--I'renl- dent Wlliton toilny neltl to tho nelintn Hut folio Itift nomtnntlena: To be niiprnUer of uiorcbnndUe for tho dlntrlct of l'ortlaiul, Ore.' tleorKo Witllor. To bit collector of Internul revit nun, for tint dlnlrlct of Moutmin William Hhnley. Tin prenldent withdrew thu noinl- nation of Joneph Davlen of Wltro.t hln to bo commliuloner of corpora tion but bit hail illnrovered Hint be wna not aiilhnrlzml lo ninko thU mt lioliitiueut. Tho necrntary of com merce In empowered to liiiiko the ft lection for tbut offlre. COAL TRUST GETS JOLT Fl PHILADELPHIA. Muv 20. Tho anthracite coal trust received u hard blow in the United Slutr district court hero today, when that tribunal entered n decree in neeord with n re cent deciMoii of Hie United States supreme court. The decree neriietunllv enjoins mi- Ibrncite eonl currviiiL' roads minim: companies from monopolizim; trade under tin so-cnlled "(l.i ner cent con- truet." Tho deeivo nlmi dihinisses the L'overnmeut suitH hrouuhl in 1IUO iiKiiiust u dozen coal companies mid railroads, exnept to find that tho 0!) per cent contracts violate tho terms oC tho Sherman nuli-triist law. TEADERS MOST PAY IRRIGATION COST WA8I11NOTON, May 20. Tho rout of operation mid malntoiiauro of Rovoruiuuiit Irrigation proJucU, un til fully paid for by homestentlurs and traiiHforrod to iiRHoclatlons of Hottlors, miiBt bo borne by bnuioHtond ora thuuiHolveH through usttcssmonts, uccnrilliiK to a docUlou huudod down today by tho United BtntoH supremo court, Tho (IocIhIou rovomos Ho rulliiK of tho lowor coiirtH. MEN WHO THREATENED WILSON ARE JAILED NKWAniC, N, J., Mny 20. Pri Hou BontenecH woro Imposed today upon ticolcy Dnvonpovt and Juooli Duuii, wood olioppora of Wliartoii, N. J., who Kent thrcntoiilnK lettorn to President Wilson liufnro ho nssumed office. l)uvenpnrt was two years and Dunn fivo yours in prison. CALGARY GEORGE WELLER MEDFORD, 10 CONTINUE TILL VOTE IS WON Mrs. Pankhurst Answers Rumors That Violent Tactics Were to Dc Dispensed With Is Jailed, Freed, and Jailed Again. LONDON, Mnv 20.- Heports Hint Mrs, Ciiimejiui) I'mikhurst had de clared nt WokiiiK llmt Hi" Women's Political mid Social Union planned to abandon miiilnnrv were flallv denied here today by Mrs. Paukhiirst in n lelenraiu to iu United PrcM. HespoudiiiK lo a leleitniphle in iiulrv. Mrs. Punkhiirst wired: "It is nliHolutelv untrue. Militmiey will continue until the vole is won. Km incline PiiukhurHl." This is the lirst iiieHnj;e from Mrs. Pankhurst Mnco sh wns releiined from Hollowny jnil. Soon nfter sending her wire tn tho United Press Mrs. Pankhurst was re arrested today nt Woking mid or dered back to Hollownv jail. The weekly meeting of stiffragettu lend ers heie todny denounced her re-nr-rest. Tho wearing of red liberty rnps by suffragettes is tho reason unsigned lodny for u mob nttnek here yester dnv on Dss Svhiu Pankliurst mid other militant lenders. A dcinonstrn- tion in sujiiort of voles for women was in progress when tint crowd Htonucd a truck on which Miss Pnnk- burst was speaking mid dragged it from Victoria Pnrk. Police, by re pealed charges, finally dispersed the mob. MEAT PACKERS T TESTIFY CHICAGO, Mny Jfl.-Severn! mil liomiire inent twickcrs, among them Louis Swift, Kdward Cudnhy, Jr., mid Arthur Meeker were subpoenaed hero todny to appenr this iiftcrnoou before the state senuto whito slnv mid stnr vntion wages timbers to discuss wage conditions in the packing honso dis trict, where thousands of women mid girls nro employed. J. Ogden Ar mour, head of tho beet trust, is in Kuropn mid could not be reached. Opposition to tho theory Hint low wages is connected with prostitution was expressed before tho committee today by Professor Graham Taylor, n member of tho recent Chicago vice commission. Ho said that of 1105 cases investignted by the commission, only 311 girls laid their downfall to poverty or low wages. Ho asserted that tiie prevalence of prostitutions is largely to "had family conditions, too strict homo discipline, deception by men, cheap dance halls mid n ha tred of work." YEGGMEN GET $150 FROM S. P. AT DELTA HKDDINU. Cnl., May 2C A conn- ty-wldo search Is In progress today for yoBKincn who yesterday rifled tho railroad station nt Delta, near hero, and oscapoil with S150 In cash and n uold wnteh valued at $76. Prac- tlcully tho entire town bad turned out to see a tmnclmll gnmo, and tho robhors worked without fear of do- tcctlou. PETITION COURT TO REVIEW GOMPERS' CASE WASHINGTON, Mny 20. A Peti tion asking n review of ita dooision sentencing Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell mid Frunk Morrison, offi einls of tho American Fedorntion of Labor, to jail for contempt of court, was filed with tho United States dis trict court hovo today by tho Distriot Supremo court. This ja the result of tho notion of tho distriot court of np penis, which nffiimed tho conviction of tho three labor lenders hut re duced their sentences. Tho Riiprom'o court originally sen tenced Gompors to twolvo months imprisonment; Mitchell, to uino and Morrison to six mouths. Tho court of nppenla reduced GomporH' scn tenco to thirty days mid Mitchell's and Morrison's to a fino of $500 eaoli. MILITANCY MUS MAIL TRIBUNE OREOON, MONDAY, MAY 20, 1913. INDIANA HEALTH OFFICER SCORES DR. FRIEDMANN WAHMINCSTON. Mny 2C Dr. J. .V. Iliirtz, henlth romniUnlonor of In diana, one of thoiit In attendance on the meetings of physlclnn In Wash ington, wns not no timid nn the oth ers when tint question of dlncuzslng Dr, Fredcrlcl! Franz Frledmanu and hit alleged tuberculosis cure wnt under ronslderntlon. He had nn idea that Dr. Frleilmnnn was In medicine sonivUiIng like Dr. Cook wn In ex plorntlon. Uovcrnment physicians who had i tu d led the Frlcdmann exiierlmeuts In New York were very guarded In their statements about him nnd the turtle euro. They Intimated they did not have much faith in It or Its auth or, but would not directly advise ngnlrut Its use. Dr, Ilurtz was among tnoiio who wero shocked by Fried uianu's sale of hi cure for SStzri.OOO and prospective profits to a syndicate after various statements that be wat not looking for gain. T llOSTON, Mny :C Tho prosecu tion was deult n bard jolt here today In the trial of William M. Wood, bend of the woolen trust; Frede Attvaux, n wealthy Hoston manufac turer, nnd Dennis Collins, n dog fancier of Cambridge, charged with planting dynamlto during tho l-nw-reuro textile strike last year. I'. cuuie during tho cross-exnmlnatlon of Treasurer Dwelle of the American Woolen company. District Attorney Pellotler. qiic tlonlug Dwelle, asked why tin com pany paid Atteanx J 20 Of.. Dvol!o aiburted It wus due Attcuux for trips made In the Interest of the company to nil cities whoro tho American Woolen company owns mills, nnd not for nny work dona nt Lawrence. Tho first payment of SDOG, ho snld, cov ered Attenux's expenses on a trip to Fltchburg nnd elsewhere to prevent tho strike from spreading, At Hint time, he said, Attenux refused pa) incut for his services but later agreed to accept tho money. Accordingly, he said, a later paymeut of $2100 wns made to Atteaux. During Dwello's re-dlrect cross examination District Attorney Pello tler emphasized tho fact thnt Dwelle had not volunteered this Information during his direct examination. LOST IN BALLOON POliTLANl). Oro.. Muv 20. Somewhere in isolated Central Ore gon, nt it point remote from telephone linos, the Concord ballon which left Iioschure-. Oregon, with Pilot Unger and, Karl Stownrt, Luther Page nnd Itohert Lendhettcr, threo residents of Hosehurg ns passengers, is ho- uoved to luwo landed. In efforts to locate tho craft, Sil ver Lake. Hcnd. Prineville, Spray, Paisley, Lake Viow nnd Hums were communicated with today but no de- finite information could ho seourcd. No harm is bclioved to have como to tho passcnRCi's na with tho Cns cado mountains safely crossed, tho worst of tlio journey wna probnbly ovor. Breaks Window, Gets $5000. CHICAGO, May 20. A thief to day bhatlercd n sliow window in tho storo hero of Leholt nnd company, jewelers, nnd escaped with diamonds mid rings valued nt $5000. WOOD OTE POINT ROTTEN WOOD AD NG BEACH EAT Investigation Discloses Fact Supports Had Rotted Away Full Inquiry to Be Made Physicians Offer Free Services. i.oa aN(ii:li:h, cm.. May zn.- A searching probe to place responsl blllty for Saturday's dhustnr nt tho Long Heach auditorium, when moro than .10 Krsous met death and mr"r than 100 wero Injured, Is promised today by Captain John D. Fredericks, district attorney for Ij Angeles. Kx- Krts will be retnlned todny to tnvos tlgnte the cauwj for the collapso of the approach to the structure and the manner In which It was In spected. Evidence thus far gathered by Fredericks and Mayor J. S. Hatch of )ong Dcach Indicates that the sup ports of the npproach, which bent i.nd snapped under tho weight of thf thousands of peoplo who wero en deavoring to gain entrance to the building, had been weakened for como time, mid portions of rotten wood were found Immediately be neath the floor which gave way. How this condition escaped the attention of tho officers commissioned to In spect It la the question that will hnve to bo answered to the county probers. Coroner Hurtwetl Is coocratlng with the district attorney In tho In esttgatlon. LONO IIHACH. Cab, Mny 2C Mayor J. S. Hatch Issued n proclama tion today acknowledging civic xrat,-. Itnde To officials, physician!, nurses nnd citizens of Los Angeles and Long Heach for services rendored since the auditorium horror of Saturday noou, and ordering all flags at half mast for 30 days. Scares of agencies are engaged to day In assembling relief funds, nnd Independently of them all, the mayor and city council, Ignoring nil Issues of responsibility nnd liability, prob ably will appropriate a commission to make detailed examination of every case of death nnd Injury with tho view to appropriating 1100,000 or twice that sum, If needed, to the Injured nnd bereft, the money to be raised by special tax at 40 cents or So cents per hundred dollars. The death list Is growing and may reach a total of 40. Original lists of the Injured wero not complete, slnco scores were taken to private residences nnd woro not roported to nny source. Every physician In Long Heach tins offered his fior rices tree 80 long as needed nnd numerous iroffers have come from Los An geles. SAN DIEGO, Cnl., Mny 2C The Federal Council or British Societies of San Diego has voted to postpone Its Emplro day celebration to Juno 3 on account of the pier disaster at1 Long Heach Saturday, when so many natives of Great llrltaln Were killed. Two more deaths from tho disas ter wero announced hero today. They are Mrs. E. C. Dush nnd the Iter. L U, Klllborn, 82 years of age, both of Loug Heach. E. C. Hush Is be lieved to bo dying. WAR TALK IS ALL NONSENSE SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., May 20. Any talk of war between tho United States nnd Japan Is tho 'veriest non sense This was tlio declaration hero to day of Dr. Hamilton Wright Mnhie, associate editor of Tho Outlook, who has just returned from mi exteusivo tour of Japan. "It ia true," continued Dr. Mnhie, "that there is a feeling of quiet re sentment ns n result of the pnssngo of tho California nuti alien laud law, hut the people are merely ustontshed nnd hurt. "Nothing would he moro brutnl than for tho United Stntes to put Jnpnn. in n position whoro it would Imvo to fight. .In pan does not want wur." T RK V 0 A TREATY; ALL ITALY MAD Indignation In Italy Reaches to all Classes Turks, by Fighting With Arabs Go Back on Treaty of Lausanne. HOME, May 20. All Italy N swept with indignation todny mer Turkish violations of Hut treaty of Lausanne by fighting wit If the Arabs In the bat tle of Sidi Unrhn. The Kalian loss was eighty killed, 218 wounded nnd 72 niiwmig. An official report received hero to day stntes that four hundred vete rans of the Turkish nrmy fought with the Arab, nnd Hint most tf the guns used were of French make. It Is be lieved most of the missing Italian troops nre in the hands of the enemy. jingow SEATTLE. Wnsh,, May 2C That municipal censorship of the movies prevented tho showing of a film en titled "The Japnnfcsc-Amerlcan War" at the Alhambra theater hero last week became public here today. The nctunl censoring was done by Mnyor Cottcrlll, who ordered tho unnagement of the theater tc stop showing the film. The film waa ex tensively advertised In glaring post ers which advised all to "see WVsou nnd Hoosovelt In the teat spectacu lar three reel "ffllrT. tho Japanet' American war." ALLIES READY TO 3 FIGHT EACH OTHER LONDON, Mny 20. A flat ulti matum that it would not sign the pro- loed peaee treaty with Turkey un less Hulgnria agrees to alterations of territory by which Servin will get moro land, wus served today upon Bulgaria by Servin, according to a despnteli received hero from Bel grade. This, it is believed, will dc- lay indefinitely the final Biguiug of peace nrticlcs between Turkey and the Balkan states. Tho despatch today to the Lon don Times from Athens says tho Greek fleet was fired upon while passing Kavaln by Itulgunan shore batteries. This, it is said, has brought the already strained relations between tho allies almost to the breaking point. KISSES WIFE, THEN BAKEUSFIELD, Cal May 2C After embracing her and kissing her goodby, Louis Dorr shot and rpob ably fatally wounded bis wlto here curly today, according to Mrs. Dorr's stutcmont to tho district attorney. Although tho bullet entered the woman's stomach and emerged at hor back, she walked to u streetcar which she boardod boforo sho col lapsed. Sbo said that as sho left the scene of tho shooting, in tho suburbs, sho board uuothor shot. She bo Moves her husband bus killed htm- solf, although bis body was uot found. ANITA BALDWIN CASE LAID OVER FOR DAY SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., May 20. ftor both principals hud appeared in a packed court room, tho father ac companied by u privnto detective, Hie case of Mrs. Anita Baldwin Mo Cluughry, dnughter of Lucky Bald win, who has instituted habeas cor pus proceedings to obtain custody of Iter two children, Dexter and Bald win, wns continued by Superior Judge Seawell here today until to morrow. LM CENSORED WEATHER Hliowrr tonight or TucsuVir. Mm. mi, Mln. 45 NO. 513. F FOUND TOR TOLL ROAD Judge Tou Velle, Engineer Howard and Party Find Gradual Slope Ad mirably Adapted to Connect With California State Highway. County Judge Frank L. Ton Velle, Engineer J. S. Howard nnd Frank Khnndftfl, Accompanied by Messrs. M. G. Lawrence, A. Hopkins and other residents of Soda Springs, made n rcconnisance Sunday of tio proposed new highway over tho Siskiyous, which will connect with Hie Califor nia state highway nnd supercede His present toll road. "Wn find what nppenra to bo nn excellent grade," states Judge Ton Velle. "It is a grudunl slope, about seven miles in length to summit nnd will not exceed six or eight per cent in the steepest places. It has east ern and southern exposures and will be readily dried after rain. It in n picturesque route nnd will add great ly to tho nttrnctiveness of tho Pa cific highway. "At the California border tho rond will connect with a proposed grade to be built that will eliminate the present steep grades on the Califor nia side. "Engineers IToward and Rhoaden will begin actual surveying this week and locate the new road. They esti mate its cost at from $30,000 to $35,000. We will probably have to await tho issuance of bonds to bo pjia construct as there is not enough money on band and the Ashland rond district bos refused to pay its pro portion of the road tax." B. II. Barrel! of Washington, U. S. senior highway engineer of the de partment of pnblic roads, who recent-. ly reported on tho federal improve ment of roads used for rural free delivery service, is again here, nwnit ing orders, to undertake construction. OF SAN DIEGO, Cal., May 2G. Alma Miller, tho sailor of the United States torpedo boat destroyer Stewart, who was frightfully burned In a herolo and vain attempt to savo his mates after tho steam plpo explosion on board that warship Friday, Is dead hero today. Ills death brings the total fatalities up to three. Men on tho Stewart declared todny that Mlllor could have saved himself had ho not remained with his com rades. His homo was In tho enst, tho exact place being unknown here. ASK PROTECTION SAN DIEGO, Cal., May 25. Tha socialists of, San Dlogo today sout to Governor Johnson, Sheriff Jennings of this county nnd to tho nowspapcrs resolutions calling on tho federal government, the governor or sheriff for protection against vigilante ac tivities which wero stirred up but 6ok by tho visit here of Emma Gold man and Dr. Boa Reltmnn, anarch ists. Tho socialists doclaro they nro "completely opposed, both tho theory and practlco of anarchy," but itty. that tho police havo been guilty of "official anarchy" In "unlawfully ar resting and deporting" Miss Goldman and that vigilante activity has be como a permanent and officially roc ognlzed part ot tho city government, ' DENVER WINS FIGHT FOR MUNICIPAL WATER WASHINGTON, May 20. The city of Denvor today won its fight for municipal ownership of its water plant when tho United States su preme court reversed u decision of the United States circuit of appeals en- jojning tho city from issuing $8,00,- Uii( in nouns in purcuase iiih existing water plant. N GRAD SAILOR HERO D BURNS Kl ! ,, I -t. " A t i :v -