PAcnmvo. mnifonn matt, 'mrnuNE. mrdfort). oiwiotf, PI 'AT gold RAY 0AM E0 POKTLAKO, JlnV UJ. The Male ftshniul game commi-don nt its intmlhljinoeliitgijortlored n newtfisH hifoWe6uslniottM nt flold Hay dnnl nmP'nlSb ftrdorod Hint damn in nil wide tolroumw ho provided villi two ladders. II linn lone been known Hint fish coming up a jstrcnm on the op positc ide from"n fifchnriy injure themselves niul ore never nile lo fiml tlm opening Hint has liecn pro CommUfiioiicr IHutlies niul Mailer Pish Warden ClnntOn were nnthor iecd to investigate (bo plan to build naw'jfibhwnjfi'ovcr the Uinphnn and the Sonllf" Umpqnn dnm at Winched toVnudfAnmn lUn-o respectively., Onme "Warden Fitilcy mnda nn nnunccment nt tbo meeting that tile frnnir niul fih. board of WatJiincton Oregon and California are to meet joitttly'Efrmeliuui thi summer to take up the work of conscrvrtuon and pro tection along lb coast and tr dis cus the enforcement of tlio Weeks- McLean federnl tdntute protecting migratory birK a it will pertain to their Mates. Firiley also reported tbnt bis de partment bnd just finished titkinr I 000,000 Itainbow tronl cgc at Spen cer creek, in Klamath county, nnd tbnt 2,000,000 trout arc being fed at lloguc Itivcr. Two million trout are rifody to lie delivered trt tho stream of tho Mate from Bonneville hatchery nnd they nre to bo sent out in the fitdi enr beginning next week. Trout eggs are nleo being taken at three places on the upcr Deschutes at' (lie McKeiuic river and nt Straw berry and Olivo lakes in eastern Ore gon. J.;FrIIuglic5 of Shlrm wns cloeted chairman of the board. B. E. Dun can of Hood lliver, who was appoint ed by Governor Wct to succeed C. I. Crantstou, Pendleton, wn elected M'cretnry. flcorge IT. Kcllv was rc elctd the fifth member of the board. B 10 MAKE,, , PREDICTS COURI E KLMZNSBUUG, Wnfcli., May 24. Tho Yakima river Is hlKher today than auy other tlroo this spring, duo towarmweatuer In tho Cascades and melting snow. IlcsidenU along tho rtvor bottom arc uncntry as tho watr is now within a few Inches of tao top ot Uo banks. Tho mountains north and wost of tho city nro lap Idly losing their whltn courlng KEELEY CURE EXPERT HOW WHISKEY TAX COLLECTOR mrnH 1 BHrT""" " I ' J' J ly COtirt Ball. " Our Hud has onco more mndo good, otpn attrprMilg hi most ardent ad mirers by the ens way In which ho handled Mnndot Alt ot Mantlet a cleverness wont for Hud save bun no chance to display It and to tt will ho with tho rest. 1 hao nl )wnj!t wanted to see Bud ko : against a first class boy who pos sessed clearness. My wish hnH lorn gratified, and 1 sco nothing to sip him trtm being champion, it oner, he pets a chntico at Ittvcrs or Bltehle. That If Is a tdg word nnd you may depend that lllycrs and Uttchto will stay nwny from llli'd until public clamor conitols one ot them to flgh him. Ot course Krnnkle IMnnrds may find somo ono In tho mcnmin.c who can stow Hud away. has jsomo groat dopu, but ll Is il nt)- on tho other follow and TraiiM" must not bo taken too serlomv. What a difference It has niado 1 1 the championship for July tho fourth In- Hud winning over Mnndot. Mc- Carcy had Klvera promlso to fight In Los Angolcs while Kddlo Grani-y Klchlo for San Francisco. Hud and Rlxcrs would draw a $40,000 houo at Venioii. hut Grauoy Is using Hud's unmo in whipping Mc Carey In Hue to release Rivers from his promise It. fight in Ios Angeles, so lie, Ornnov, can pull oft tho championship con test In San Kranclaco. Rivers knows ir ho don't get Ultchle, Anderson will. In all probability tho affair will en J In Rivers and Richlo being matched and Hud will have to wait until La bor day before ho gets his chntico rt tho championship, and then ho may bo sidestepped for whoever is cuam plon Is liable to pick easier gnr.te. Hud's reputation as n floater rnd a big drawIiiR card Is made, -'la rl ' has been sensational and has bor-i mado in four months time. Hud a Ml ,iunke an Idoal champion, ho has i better punch In cither hand than Nelson ever possessed, and Is by far mora scientific nnd headier fighter In all of Hud's fights ho managej in "omo manner In making his oppoifi t fight to suit him. Besides lto has proven that he can gtnnd tbo gaff which Is a very essential part In tho boxing game. Hud showed nt every sthgo of tho game that he was Mundot'H master, something that Rivers failed to show. in two 20 round bouts, nnd bcllovo in Rivers knows Hud Kin beat him, for Rhcrs will ncer stand tho punishment that Mnndot did. Rivers may do a little better than Mnndot did at Inflghtln Rivera in his fight with K. O. Brown and both fights with Lcnoh Crow seemed JACK BRITTON. WHO HAS , FfimHTCHED TWO CHAMPIONS 42 1 fT V ,i. "V rsFJtil,i RATUHIUY. itrn-rrr" rAY ai, una. Dim PC m III I II first dm for s SUNDAY GAME fc LSI S kJ' m- v 4srt jjU .i- The uudereivled I'eiilnl point lme bull team wil-phv the uiidelenled Mcdford team wStuidn in Medlnld for n ide initio of $BU0. KuowinU that a gumo with IVtilral Poitib would iiroiiHC cnthuBiinMiu iiiuoiik the fin it. Miiunger Miles lint! for wunn tuie bemi tryiiu; to fix a dnte. Till' PotnteiH gunronleo lo liling crowd of 'Jlftil ulong with tliinn and n recoul Imueh of motors in looked for. Another feature aitd fiiun, the cnwil nnd tho nda hot U thv fuel Hint Bud Anderson. "1'itdo of Aled. ford," nnd next llghtw eight eham piuii. will pitch the flivt bnll. Mr lluiil, whoso )iroe-ft hurt been bcitrd of before the scro-on will then relieve Bud of' tho tcilloiwnoHM of pitehmi; the remniuder of Iho nmc. Aleln tvre nnd WiNou will be the hlor for lite Uitorx nnd it ix iii;uini'iiut that they forgot ii little ouiihble they bnd wilhlhe Point miimiKcmeut nud oliinlcercd to work in Him gnme for the solo irlory of ccllniir u cruuk nt the flronir Mcdford hunch. 10 E Jack nntton, tho Chicago light weight, who has beaten every ono ho met In tho ring in tho last car, ox copt Tackle McParlnnd, and his man ager, Dan Morgan, havo boon trying for months to get ellhur Wlllto Ritchie, the American lightweight champion, and Freddy Wolsh, thn British lightweight champion, Into to tiro after a few hardtne r,nB w,tH M,ul- '"her will Un rounds. Hud will havo Rivers so tired In ton rounds that ho can eas ily finish him. Wo must tuko our hats off to Referee Bytoiu his Judg tnent when to stop a fight is Invar- lably correct; and when ono roinom- Lcrs that a, referee's derision has to bo given instantly, It only makes Uyton's work all tho moro romnr'c nblo, in stopping a contest to proven' tho loeor from receiving further pun ishment, on tho verge ot a knockout- BOY CHANGES NAME AND INHERITS MILLIONS Odonel W. H. fbonio of. NToih Carolina can't got away from whis key not Hint lio lakes t inside. But much of hi life has beon i.pent with H about liiin, nnd lie h going to bpend four yearn more eurrounded by it. In fact' lie is to bo tho moht important whikk'oy man in tho Vnilcd Slates. For many yoars tho colonel, unlike numy oilier North Carolina colonels, whom llii) whiskey habit hud gripped po (strongly (Hut (Hoy could not bicnk nwny. In oilier words, ho was Head of tho Koelcy euro establishment of his slate. Now ho has btepped into job of comniiKMoiior of internal reve nue, nud lip will bpoud Ins time en) lccting. fho federal tux on whiskey nud fighting, tjio mnoushiuera of lu own mid somo ntiur states. "With Kppa Rixoy, Jr., repeating his 1912 poiforinnnco, Charloy Doo ln's pitching stuff Is about the cutest bilnch ot flluKeru uudor (ho big top. 8KATTLK, Wnrii.. Mtiy S-l. e- cidiug tint ctiho on n cold1 (picHtion of law, Judgo French ohauired the adopted name of Henry Barclay Perry, five ycniv of nge, to that of bin piitenuil grandfather, Henry Frntins Shoemaker, a retired bank er of Alloonn, Pa. Incidentally tho decision nnohojj .12,000,000 in cash. TIiib amount wa' promised tho boy if he took the Shnr maker mime. I li-t mother Mrn. Beatrico Barclay Pcrrj, resisted the ntlcmpt to foixt hir divorced huKhnnd'H name upon win, and loitt. Tlio boy ioweer, will continue to livu with Iiih mother and footir father, Dr. Iiiehurd W. Perry. ' GARNETT COREY WINS DECORATION PRIZE Tho Onriietl-Gorey Ilnrdwnro com jiany reeeied tho first prize of $10 lor tho best decorated Htoro nud wIiif dow during the recent Odd FcIIowk' convenrion. Tho window ropiuoeiilod Ilebokah at Ihe well and was backed by u desert bccuo. Tho McBride store won the second prize of $.'i nnd tho Wonder btoio tho third of .f.'l. Tho committee was mudu up Mrn. A h. Palmer of Baker City, W. A Whoelcr of Pojtland, and A. W. Bow eriox of Albuiiy. It IiooUh Good. A glauro at tho tax roll of Joso pljlno county for tho present ycav would Indlcato that our taxpayers are In a healthy financial condition, tho payments bolng mado bettor than on tho avorago year, with n small percentage of dolJun,uonts, Roguo River Courier. ten. Wolsh was In New York for some weeks after Ms return with tho l'ng llsh title and Hrlttun wont atter him VACOUVHIt, Wa.,1, May Zi. -Governor LUter and part), cousl-itiug ut members ot the stato hlg'vii commission, nud others, nro In tn oouer today after having travvu'J oer oery mllu of the Pacific high way from Hlnlnc, Wash., on th Catiadtait lino, to Vancouver? thn southern extremity of tho stntc. The party travoled in niitouirilillca with tho exception of cton inllos, no tween Woodland and LaCenlor, u uir here, whero It km necossnry tn us t.agons. Tho goernor staled that thero wm Jl lit. 200 nallnhlo for rapcudl turc tn Improving thn Pacific "High way from tho south Una of IMcrco county to Vanrouvur nnd the trip was taken for the purpoxo of ascer taining' where Urn money could Le expended tn tho best advantage. Tho Inspection of tho highway from Olympla to Hlnluo was made two wefks ago. IM'MMWKi DETAILS OF BATfLE AI FRISCO L 4 HAN IMtANrisVO. Cut., May St -Joo !.p. inaimnor ot .lot ItlM'i-. arrived bore In itMponse to a met itwgo fiom Uddlrt (IKmrv t tulk over the dOtalla of the proposed IUmiVk Rltchld chnuiploiishlp botii on July 4 That thero will be much blukorlug tiefori nil lh lrma rtro dVlfloil upbif In a forenlino1 courlii'lhu, Hltir Nohuvj thu'rttittnulnii's niHnhor, lA-V-r iiorlooks a illniicn lo "got souib thing oh" 'thn ulhr ftdlow. The flmiuulnl cod ot the mutch Is prac tically Kotttt'd, NulMit having acctptcit teriiiM tn lntrim brttmir and N terms offered HUvni by tirnimy while tho Inlttr was In V Anxolns Haw Infg tieeu acctiptiihln to the HHiulird ll' Is pnibulilo, liowover, that 'tSiiti Mct'arev will limn to ho "seeii for liming rlentHl lllvt'rn Tlb weight mfil ivfwree aw tho two most liiiBHirUut niHtiom to b nt'ltltnl nnd ovir ouch a snarl nmy b oipocted, Ulvsm Is u nntttral IIV111 w)lght, 13!t rlugMlda Imlng easy for him. while Utlchlo. dewplte hli frr iliient mwerlloim to tho contrary, due not Mko the IrgltlmiUe UhtvolKtit llmltt ELKS AT WALLA WALLA TO DEDICATE NEW TEMPUE WAIXA WAl.l.A, Wh. M.t JI. The KIkn tcuil rceimth- eom plftcil hero nt u l1 of I'J.'i.HOH will l doillcnted rulht. Several hundred of the mitten d herd Mn here front Wnnliington and Idnh I'trtwi to wiIiicm the eefemoiilcH. ADVANCE SALE OPENS FOR EDDIE FOY AT PAGE The udvniico nalu of kcoIh for Hd die I'uy. to appiuir at tho l'age Moil dny night, opened thin moniiug nt the box office. The twile opened a JO o'eloek and by 11 o'clock iudieutioiu were that a inckd boutiu will wit iichm the iierfoniianee. The Foy MARRIED. Ilbntco T'HTln nnd Itnuln MbBon ough weru quietly ntsrrtfd Tuosdny. May 30, at IiIkIi ikoii. by Re. Untidy of Jacksonville. th riiir ceremony being used. The mttrrfnge took plnn at the home of thn brldo'H pnrnHts, Mr and Mrs. J. Mcf)niioiiXh of ltiirti, after which tho giiostM woro served with n delicious wedding dinner, prepared by tho mother and others of tho fam ily. Tho gniom Is the son of (hnrlo Turpln of Medford, hut Is nt present foreman of n ranch above Talent whore they will make their future home. Tho bride Is tho only daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. McDonough ami Is highly esteemed liy all who know her. Sh has spout most of the past four years la Modfnrd, where she has mado nfaity fi lends. Fair Wcallicr for Suiulay. I'OIITUVNI), Or... .Mav 'J I. Voathr fiiri'CMtd : Oresvu and hmIi ingten: Pair went tiiuhl and hIiuw w one of the lurgcHl on the mud i Sunday; .hmM-rtt cant portion to and m on'' of the beet of iU kind. Iiligbl or Sunday. "Yes, That Can With The Bear PIT gg - f urns WbWa K it yrroj PfrVktVwXsssTssssnslssMHssa (wltttfTJulKssBsW The Standard Oil for Motor Cars H.AK &ar-Barar.l.Mm,irtn- I H ,.. 7tT ! 1 1 ifii i riff ,tffis1irTfrT::r "-'li'er!TPfffl y aczx h.i.i.iHiii.i,ih i i wi m i . m -.-. R ifdllEN'S SHOES Tim preMilHiig sMlu teudeiii'V In l'oolMar this M'Iimoii Is Ibwai'd simplicity and rcflncnti'iit Tlio heiiiitlful cnllinllil 1'iimpH and Oxfntds Iiiimi a siibirlmKH of outline a trtmui'HM of fit and u llni'iii.'M of construction that' Imttl u i harm lo their appeartiure, olihriiico thn fceinig of Mitlsruclloii a Woman 'tixperleiiroa from blug mrreelly itppHrolwll Wh havo Right Mines ffir Hlght now." We kdkii To Kit Behling's (Mod I'll Hlim Htoro The I Int. I To Kit Crotozi rrjitrsr;' ORIGINAL GEKUIHE Tlio Yto& Drink For All Agci Hirjlily Nutritious artrl Convenient Hlch milk, with limited irrtUn cxtnict, In powdor ftnn- dliwol vc In Wfttcr- moro henllHtal than ton or colfeo. Unod In tltilhlin: ntlilotoR. Tho lxaUrdlob fur Infttiitfl, Gixiwhiif Chilclrun; Invalldrt, nnd tho Agod. It njfrooto with tho wcakoHt dlgontioti. Ann rarnoniWK'S-ntlfotota, KaatUuvunto, rauntutna lhin't tmvid without U Mm kip It nt Ixime. A lun.h in a minute. In l.unch Tuhlet funn, tdso, ri'iely to tau UmvunltiHuutriiluuu. CANNING AT HOME Tho Hlomu Proskiiro Way. 111 m Wgft IIOMi: Oft I'll' .!( Wk000 mn I'lutoi-j si4 F m m Hi lo nud up Mj ju H VJ lH " m H' 1 m 1 i mm. JPl' MKM J I x V f'BBsl jBK jsMBCTEgi ' 9vB'SvflsBvBVMHKMy8BvBaV' ' VnvJSSSSfSSSSSSSSSHSSM kHjuT fi HslHiflBlsBHBsH" 7 fiJU -51 ' r ;; ('"W" .v-: -M-V , . .. "V . "t" The tromcndniis u.uto In fruits and mkc tabid and Hi I ' from low mar kit prlcis and quick ripening is culliiK r.trd bv ruining nt homo til a V TION M. Steam Prefsn o dim w. 0 Hit Tho Htciun Pressure Wn) carries tiovcrniin at in-turhi' mtit. and tltouMnnds ot satisfied users will buck up our slnlitueiit A NATIONAI, Canning Outfit cnnhlt )oii to put up what you ntlio xnirMlf. start a small eatiulug fsolory and iiiaku good money or establish a community cunning plant anionic our imlubbonrfor miituul proKHitlou. (kiniiud frulta nud oNotibliMi nr naslly wild In tht fall and winter at nood irlov. IIKJtfKIt PRKUES Hill l'ltril' AMI VIKJIPlUIU.jW NATIONAL CaiiuliiK Outfits tiro Hit sainn hm immhI III modern lommnrrlal canning fMctoitus, only mndo In snwller hIiw. They proveno anything ou grow iillhr In ghtM inra or auw. UompHite Home Outfits 10 and up; Hotel Slxu r suil up; I'aotury slses 1 1 ID mid up. Write at onco fur descriptive circular nud stale what sire you nro Interested In. L. BADGER, Agent P. O, llov IUI, .Medfnid, Oivgou, Office ill! .South t.'rnpit Hlfect Hiitnrdity each week. P" I Michelin and U. S. Tires Dupj ex Oil Try this Oil in1 your cars. You will never use any other. r i f Hall Taxi Cd.'s Garage t 33 South Bartlett Street Phone 29-R ' -v I I V l.WIMItAiAi 4 fAvt. Heviljt'M., ---AVfc - tHitf -'in I Mi&HtrfitAM fft,fe.t4ttu4-,1i-Mfrfa"H.f-'4liiA 4