r if f i m l!lJWUHill)ll"l'.H'JL"l!'Lll"Mi ij.'in ! n' " UtDTOKI) MAM, TKIMJNK OMMmiim nmrtnm mtmm. -wwta iM imntfrnMitwuv NtetvMrijkPuii ruHMHHKf ?VKKr aitiiunoun ftXUKKr HONDAr IT Tl JIM KKurono piuhti CO. Tk DatnnerAlle) Tlma, Tim Medfnrd Ma.ll, Thft MinSfnnl Trunin. The Month- Mil i)fitnnwn. tii Aamanii Trimine. OffN- MAll TrlbufiA Nullillnjr. Ift.IMt North I'lr lreit telephone 7. OHOHOH I'UTNAM. IWIIor nnd MahSRar Kntered a ecoond-cUia mallet a.1 Medfnrd, Orrirrtn, under ths act of March , ls7. Official rsper of ih City of Medford. Official Wfor Of Jackson County. buhbctuttiox hates. On year, by mull. , . . . ,t.no On month. hy miU. -- -- .10 Per month, delivered by currier tn Hertford, Jacksonville tid Ccn- . trot IMlnt -... .10 Saturday only, liy malt, par rear 2-o Weekly per rear - - .S0 $6000 IN OEMS SAN KKANOISCO, Cal., May 23. Jewels to uu unknown value, $61)00 In cash, a United States treasury pay check for $400 and Kay Colvln, night clerk at the Terminal hotel, disap peared hore togothcr, early today, furnishing the'pollco ouo of tho knot tiest mysteries they have probed In months. Whether Colvln ahscon'ded or Is tho victim of foul td.iy la the puzzle. Abandoning his desk In tho hotel Mltliout tho slightest explanation to tho other employes, Colvln emptied tho B.ifo ot tho cash nnd valuables, chnrtorcd a taxlcab, rode. to thoOdanx hotol, entered its lobby and dropped from Bight as completely as thourjli tho earth had swlkwcd him. Tho police havo full against n dead wall of Ignorance in investigat ing" Colvln's further mavcmcntfi. Thny seek to -arrest IiIhi on tho promise of Manager Herbert Hunt of tho Ter minal l)otcl to swear put p. worraht. '.H ' rrr SI ; JN FRISCO MELEE SAX FRANCISCO, Cnl., May 23. In n general melco in which strik ing members of tho light and Power Council of California nnd non-union workers of the Pacific Gas and Elec tric. company took part here today Edward llrogan unci George Curtice, union men, wcro ocriously Mubbcd. Followers of both factious en gaged in tho disturbance in wliich f-uvcrul were badly beaten on both hide.- before the police arrived nnd found Drcjpin nud Curtice badly wounded. letter u union man pained Farley identified J. V. Kmmpton, u strikebreaker an the kuitc wicldcr. He was nrrestcd. Drogun is under treatment at n hospital nnd Curtice was taken to bin home. C. F. Wilson, u non-union ps workcr, was charged with buttery to day fn n complaint filed with Police JiUlgc Sliorttill by Arthur Payne. The casts of Marry F. Icslic, nrrchted for battery as the result of n street fight in connection with the gn strike, was continued for one week by Judge Sullivan. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL ROSKRURfl, Oic., May 'j:. Willi tltu uupply ulMiihcious fruit im dituiniMied and boned grit tut to all conicrs, the third day of tbo Straw berry Festival wut. celebrated bore today with fraternal organizations una mcrcbuiitb in cluirnc of tbo eii tertaiumcit. A parade in which numerous beau tifully decorated floats, and hun dreds of lodge members traversed the principal streets was the .feature of tlie day, Tho afternoon was devoted to ath letics which included n ball jcnine be tween the Rosebui'K Outlaws and tbe Oregon Agricultural College teams. ! I lf ' ' ' f PAULINE CUSHMAN TO BE SEEH AT ISIS TONIGHT Paulino Cushmnn. probably tho most uulriuo flpuro In civil war hu tory. Is tho heroine ot the picture. 1'uulliio Cushmau was born M thi soujli. I.uter sho went north ami took up u theatrical career. Jler Kieat histrionic triumphs wore mado in tho north and It was hor love for tho north that led her to secretly tako an oath or allegiance to tho federal twernnient and futther con sent' to act us u spy In the interests of tho northern army. At the IbIb tonlsht and tomqrrow night. I.tinte: 1). Hennebvey, u btudont at, Oeorgotown university, has signed for n trlnl vlth tho Potrplt Tlgora Ho Is nu, Inflelder. M CLERK MS CELEBRATES MOMYR AND STJEL. T.1IH AHIIIjANI) UKCOKI) liolntyn iviiiiirhnlilo Ijjnor uih'o of JilsttU'v, stnuiL'c tiiifiuiiilinrily wllli lotinl t'on tliUons. ntul woeful Jack or mnuvi'iiitioii of uiot'lt when it unVt-ks to cluunploii (ho I'liiulidncy of II. 10. iMoiuyt' of KliuniiMt I'illr? for llio suiuMMuttMHlt'iu-y of t'nitor Idiko Na tion Park as against Will (1. Stwl. With all duo ro.speot to .Mr. Momyr, his appointuioul would bo a sorry joko on tho park and its intorosts. Ilo has not a single qtialifioation and no couooptioit of what tho nark or tho .position should ho. Ilo would ho a sad inisCit. ,llo has novor done anything for tho park and is not fitted ly education, training or experience to do any thing tor it. And what makes the ease absolutely Hope less is, that. ho does not and cannot realize his own iucapao itA Mr. Momyr's solo claim to oonsideration is thai he is a Democrat. Hut no one over know it hefore ho became a candidate for the office. Ho democracy. uUUor fundamental Democracy or partisan Democracy. But ho has beoji a federal office holder Jor many years under a repuhlieau administration. Mr Momyr has had the position or forest ranger iu the national park for some years. His duties consisted iu registering the uauies of visitors and collecting a dollar qach Xi-oin automobilo drivel's. That 's nil, except perhaps trying to discourage people from going to tho park. Ilo is a charter member of the can't do,it club when it comes to searing away tourists, and in this respect alone his appoint ment would bo a calamity. There can be no comparison between Moinyr mid Stool. They are ,uot in tho same, chiss. Crater Lake owes its present prominence to Will .0. Steel. JAn- twenty years ho spent his own jtyne, mouov and energv in its behalf. His constant nUntfou. result ud, after many trips to Washington, in having it created a national park. His lobbying, year after year, part of the thuo financed by Jackson county, has scoured tho appro priatio.n for its improvement. He disposed of tjio interest Uo. had iu the Crater J-ake company a year ago and there is not a VjaUd reason why he should not be ,appointed sim ply in recognition of his services. XC S true lux. Dlfui is mu fundamental democrat, but the position shouul not ue made tho spoils of politics. It should, go to.one like tr. feteul.in whose life the nark wlays a vital part, whoso labor for the jmprovenuujt and beautificjitiou is one of love and enthusiasm, almqst a religion. it is not u questiqu of, Portland it all. Xi". Steel is nominally a resident of that city but has spent half his life in Southern Oregon and most of it in the mountains. lie is broadly representative of the entire state and his can didacy originated in Southern Oregon. Regarding Mr. Steel and Crater Lake the Portland Journal, the democratic organ of Oregon, voices the opin ion of ijineteen-twentieths of the people of Oregon when it remarks: Ills friends arc urslnp Will O. Steel for appointment by President Wilton to the supcrjutondency of Crater I.n.k Park. No selection could bo moro fit. So nuperlntendcnt could ho so well equipped. For nearly thirty years Mr. Steel has planned and pleaded for Crater Lake, ills love of naturo was his Inspiration for tho development or this great scenic wonder, ny endowment and by tho bent of his life, his endeavor for tho park has been inevitable. To him, moro than to any other score of men. Is duo tho present status ot tho park, lie has made many .trips to Washington, most of which were financed entirely from bis own njeans. Ho has worked with members ot congress and with heads of departments. lie has nppealod, and argued and reasoned. Until a recent appropriation, he had from lib personal moans spent moro money on tbe park than had been expended on It by tho United States government He originated the idea for the present national expenditure on roads for tho park, and was tho promoter of tho effort to secure tho Initial appro priation, which contemplates a final expenditure of $700,000. Ilo sees and comprehends, tu does no other living .man, the possibilities, and he Is the ono man of ult others to bo lym tho position that will enable hlui to help guide tho future dovolopmcnt work. Mr. Steel U not a democrat, but neither Is Crater Lake. It In not probable that, President Wilson will dcslro to partylzo n mrk A Warrior Speaks for Peace (From an address by General Will iam Sooysmlth at tho Hoosavplt school.) JIow happy wo feel, assembled to exchange our congratulations and to thank God for the abundant bless ings wo as a country enjoy. Thenn nfuko us love our country, and this is patriotism. If such u thing can be, 1 am a peaceful warrior coming from a Quaker ancestry. Having been edu cated at West Polut at tho expense of the government, I felt It my duty to enter the military service, and did so from this sense ot duty reluc tantly. Jn my view a.nd in the light of my oxporienco war Is simply hor rible. It settles nothing .paly which is the stronger of tho contestants. Its scene of bloodshed, ghastly woupda and murder are revolting to any tender heart and kind and geu tla humanity turns from them shud dering. Thoro would bo little If any war If those who mako tho wur were tho only ones to fight. f.ovo of country Is ouo of the noblest feelings that characterize the human rare und ouo of the most generally disseminated. Indeed It may be considered universal. Tho most rugged and barren regions of the earth are loved by their Inhabit ants whether civilized or not. Our i tide and saage Indians clung to their homes until uliuout exterminat ed. The bairen hills nud mountains of our pattern states, Switzerland and Greece, hate heeu und are as dear to their inhabitants as are tho most fertile plains. And who does not, tn old age, look back to the scenes of his childhood with lovo and uuspcakable longing to revisit them! This tovo of couptry Is parent to tho lovo of homo, and gives to mankind fixed dwollliig places, without which tlioy would ho but migratory wan dering tribes, Aud even after death i .1 Mii 1 1 ln.'W. I I l l 'i.iwh B MKHFOHT) TSMtr; TtmiUNR j.i . 1 1 in ! nutM. I" " !' 'J"'-" '"L 'J.1'!.!! " ' ' " has never done anything for .1 ii'uiui'MUi muuyu uu ia .1 wo hope that our remains may bo laid to rest In tho burial grounds bo side those wu now so dearly lovo ly ing sleeping there. . Death Is stripped of Its terror by our wish und expectation that c shall Ho by them and rise with them at tho resurrection. Our patriotic lore of country lasts with our 11 vex nud reaches otcr into tho life to conic iu which wo hopu to spend a blissful eternity wjth tno angels and tho just ones mado perfect gono be fore. Our earthly patriotism exulted Into pure lovo of our hoavenly home COUNTY TREASURER OF KLAMATH RESIGNS OFFJCE KLAMATH FALLS, May 23. County Treasurer Claude II. Dngctt yesterday filed iis ictfiguutioii iu the office of County Clttrjc DeLap. 'Mr. I)a;.'gct stated iu the r'nif:niition that be was lorced to set or bis connection with the county on account of bis other ouUido interests which will keen him out of the state1 most of the time, Captain J. W. Siemens ling been npioiiitcd liv the county court to fill the vacancy loll by Mr. I)agctt when bis resignation takes effect June 1, In resigning county treasurer, which position lie bus been elected to tin ce times iu succession, it is an nounced that Mr, Jja'gett expects to o to Chelan, Wnsli., wheie bo will spchd most of tho aummcr looking utter fruit land he is interested in, LOVETT RECOVERING FROM ATTACK OF LA GRIPPE NI'AV VOUIC, May 23. Robert 8. Lovctt, chairman of the executive committee of tbo Union Pacific rail road is rccovciiiifj today at bis homo in Locust Valley, h. I., from an nl luck of tho j,'iip. His condition Js not serious, . . . MIWFOUT), OIWCION. IWmAY, MAY 2H, 1010, PHU'Wuiiia mil irti m ; hi i n ' f ' ''1 !" " " ' E 10 BE MATCHED SAN KKAXCISCO. Cut, May '-'il With two Kim I" Tnil McCatey's one, Kdilio (Irauoy bus today iiiuio than mi edeu iu tho buttle for n liglitw eight championship tight hum .Ittlv !. Urmniv's biiruost p ceo of artillery is Hilly Nolan's pmmfoa thai Ritchie will H)tUlMb' tight Jn Sun Frunci-co on Independence Day nud h'w second biggest gun is Jlml Antler sou, wliu is not foolish enough to tie Iiim-clf in such a maimer h to euchre hiiiiMtlf out of a chance at tho title. Amleouii is hero lodu bubbling over with n desire, to be mulched with Ritchie ami even if McCarey had any sort of u string attached tu him, be would not permit it to bold him back from tile gieatest oppor tunity Hint ever comes to u boxer. McOtrwjr IsmiIijk Out, McCarey, wliilo olaimim; that he still brut hopes of.ainliuir Ritehio, mtixt know by this- time Hint hi" chances in that direction ttre nil. Hi, tme bent bet to figure upon, there fore Is an Anderson-Rivers bout, but iu Ibis ho undoubtedly will bo doomed to disappointment. Anderson is fair ly hungering- for a crack at Ritchie and would 'gnd the match without any lietnniiitff or hawing. This would leave McCarey without a gsid o pouent for Rivers und with a eon tiugcucv of this sort coitl'rontim; him he m nil probability would make the het of a bad sitiuitimi by rulcaciug Riwrs to (Irnnoy, as Rivers would get more money for fighting Ritchie here than he uoithl possibly hope to draw against n mediocre boxer in the utb. Complete wirrender on McCarey 's part is confidently expected by Clrnncy. Hud .May .Meet CrovU NKW YORK, May l:i. PIhiih to nrrnugc a match between Leach Cross of New York. und Uml Ander son of Mcdford, Ore., to be staged here July I are iu progross today by the St. Nicholas club. It wms said that Cross hns. acceptad the club's terms. J SAN FRANCISCO, Col.. May l!3. A crack at Willie Jtitohlo' title is in sight here today for Uml Antler ou. the M-nsntiomil Mcdford light weight. Anderson i due iu San Francisco from Los Aiiffule today by boat nnd Promoter Kddie (irnney announced he would talk oer with him plans for u match with Ritchie hcrq July ,l. r OLDEST ODD FELLOW One of the iuimI Interesting dele gates who uttctidcd the I. O. O. F. convention just closed hero was Mr. John illoomtlcld of Oakland, Ore. Mr. Illoomfleld has been a member of tho order for 07 years ami al though 88 jcars of ngu takes an or. tlvo part In nil Odd Follow work. Mr. Illoomfiold's homo It at Oakland. Ore., and ho was an acquaintance of Joagulu Miller when tho 'poet of the Sierras" lived at JacksonvllTo. Mr. iiloomrield Is tho oldest Odd Fel low iu the Jurisdiction of tho statu. While hero Mr illoomfleld says ho van treated royally and speaks 'vtl of tho hospitality of tho Mcdford people. FRECKLES Now Is the Time lo (Jet Itld of Then' Ugly Spots Thnre's np longer tho slightest need of feeling nshamod of your frcekles, as tho proscription othlne double strength -Is guaranteed to remove thcto homely spots. Simply got a" ounce of othluo--doublo strength -from your druggist and apply a little of It night and morning and you should soon hqo that even tho worst freckles have begun to disappear, wliilo tho lighter ones have vanished entirely, It Is sel dom that more than an ounce Is needed to completely clear tho skin aud gain a besutlrul clear complex ion, ilo Hiiro to ask for tho double strength othluo us this Is sold under guarantee of money back If It fulls to reinovo freckles. John A Perl Undertaker Lady Assistant. J!8 S. IIAIITIjIv-TT I Phones M. -17 and !7rJf? Ambulance Sorvlco Deputy Coroner BD AND ON WITH CBN RITCHIE LIKELY TO MEET WELSH IF VANCOl'VKR. U. C. Mav !l. - "On Monday uat I am In meet IM die Orutioy lu Poitliiud. (itnncy has n leu day option on the sen Ices of Willie Ritchie, for a championship battle in Sun Finuclseo on July I. Tho option evpiies on Monday m,t If, by llml lime tlruucv and Rixets Iiiim' mil come to tonus, 1 shall nmtch Kilobit with Ftcthlic Welsh for the title, and the bout will be hIiiuimI out ut llughoiise, nenr VaucoUMir, under the mnuiiKciueiit of Clint Mo- lutvvre und his nnsoniulcs. ' That is Hit) last wind handed down iu the cont liners v now tag ing us to wlicio ltitebio will mixl tlu fctitl bis title and who will vbe his op ponent. The speaker was Hilly No lan, nuiniigtir of tho world's nliuui pion. and lm made it iy emphnlie that bu menut just ivxuetly what hu said. "If .urn are willed upon fur any further final slattimciits from mojis to the prcMtnt flatus of tilfatrn, jut rceiit ulmt I urn now tcltiug you aud vnii will liavc me lixht." Mi'lnt)rr, on behalf of his nssii. cialcs, last night posted a stun more than umpyl sutfitjicnt to guaiiinteo nil Nolan's financial demands for the champion, and Urittsh Columbia fans are now piilliiu; for a bitch be tween the Cittiforiiiuiis Unit th world's championship battle may be staged here. SECOND LITTLE GIRL ATTACKED BY BEAST PITTSHl'RQ, Pa.. Mv 'JH. -A second nttaek on Wrdmorclnud eounty girl" within twent.v -four hour is refuted todsv. Mnrv Newmuit, nged 18 ywini, livhur st Shinier, re isirtril Hint a man with a crippled foot entered her room and choked her into uneoiiMMoiisiies. Lucille I.aVorno Is doing wall with a stork company in Richmond, Vn. For a Red Blotchy. Skin Tl lUmsiVaLU Action of a rmoa Rrol 4 3on Fti A tout lU lift Voiir Ill'iutl I'urlDcil AVIIb . H. H. nil 1 n u iiu't li Iiirlurcil l.lkr 'I faU. Thn skin Is but a not ,orl nf (Iiia blowt vvsitt'U. Ami It la u irfvtl) nalurnl cuimiucniu tli.it im liiltiiiuie In Ilia M(ml tlmt Is it tuiulillmi nf III hrnlth iuikr I tn ilmt Biiiiirs-' In Ino skin. Ilium r tnrt.ilu niflli lnl propcrllrvn tli.it follow llig oiiurun of uio uouii sirrum uml tnu inmirnco or tlfso propcrtlus Is that of an null Jot, Tlil is why H. H. U. tltu ticut knuwn luul purjriur. lun atiuti u pusl llvn n lion In lha Itln. Thorn I auu Inurrdlcnt Iu t H. H. whluh pouulUrly tlinulalfii ri'llubir oi KlMiiilul.ir mllv liy tn rrt front tli blond or from 111 Id lino lint work af til nod vmw.la In the skin. thns itlumnlii whlvll It re quire for regeneration. Thus implcii, nriie, Tieinn, lupus, or any other liluud comllllnii Unit at tacks the skin or mvkii an nutlet through the skin Is mt with the mill dotal efTcct of R H. H. , This Is why skin trouble vimlNh mi readily and why limy lo nut return t'nder tha Influence, of H. H. H. Ihln fine not work of liloo'l Vrsstla In tho slcln Is ciuistnittly takliiK from I lib Mood thn nutrition roiulrml for healthy tlisuo and tho caime. at dlseaso Is Jtmt as t'onatnntly bclnir removed, irutlered und rendered Imriiijem Thnio facts are more fully explained In a Loo It on nkln troubles aeiit by Thn Kwlft Hpucldo Co., J37 Hyvlft Uldtf . Atlanta, a a. You will find H. R II. on stile nt all tlii; atorra. Oft a botttn to-day and banish all akin af flictions. Can You Pjtcji a "Fadeaway." like "Matty"? If you could, your fortune,, would be .rriudc, J;t? Jv Ij.cfn i,tieNntipt;alJt,caBUo thirteen yfnra, pitching ,tl'c Spalding Dal) exclusively, 'Hie SpuldinK Official Na tional League Cork Center hall is llic official hull of the world series, nnd will bo for ot lenst Jwenty earo more. 'Tfow to Pltch."-How nil tho lavlm Jn Uie tic Imkum wirk; pictures (how iiow Muty," VVurl, 1 roi, JbhiMvn, Mn4Urd,Jlrwi fifM the till farther ni(t auctmiful tltllirerlef., lit cU. A.X1..SPALDJ1NG & BROS. ICO Geary Street, Son Francltco- AiW your kxiHl lulr for a HpnWlnK eatabucae. RIVERS FAILS sPsslsssV7sl H THAT TIRED FEELING ' - t " ' ' Suggolt (liitiitluitilbi'iS llciuedr It's true, tho season Is hurt) with Hi finlilcn cliniiges, nnd tho old Idea that wo uitMl a blood medlcliio Is not without ruitNop. 'I'tiu iiiurli liciivy fond hits mused it torpid llwii', slug gliih hltuld, 'uml a wtmk, tired out feeling. Hulpliur. cream of tin tar ami mo lasses was graudiiuillier's rnmody hut (hat hits long iiro bctili tllspbtueil I'i Vitiol. a (-oinliliiatluit uf ttl two uumt world ruined tunics, mtmcl), tho uictl Icltutl t'urulhe elements of the coils' or without oil, and Iron for tho blood. Vllitil builds )ou up, makes )ou mil initio and digest huttor. makoi our blood rloli and pnrti puis liimllliy color lit oiir chunkH. P, O. UarKsr of Howell's Mill, On. sien: "When I was badly run down last spring i took Vlnol In an effort to regain iny health uml strength and It did not disappoint urn. It mado mo feel us well us our.' Wo KUiirauteo Vlnol to HiiUufy )ou uml refund ur inuuey If It dues not. Mcdford I'liitrmncy, Mcdford, Ore. FOR SALE L linvo somo oi! (hu best buys in the volley Uuotl til fnlftt Huiebes, good boltoiu Intnl. plenty of witter. Also irooil nliiee to rent. Don't fail to hoc nto littforo you buy. JOHN PEARSON P. O. Box 3G Ashland, Oro. Draperies We carry" very complete line of draperlc, lac eiirinln. rlxliirva, ale., and lo nil claeaea nf iipholeterlnc A aperinl limn to look after thla work excliialvrly and Ul ir,o aa iwd ervtco aa la tiuasltila to Kt In oren the Itargoat cltlca. Wook3 & McQowan Co. FOR SALE Small Irrigated ranch near city reservoir. Ilotuc, barn, shed, etc. Telephone ami city watur. family orchard, berries, garden. New free toll all planted. Ideal location (or market gardcnliut. berries or auiatl orchard. Uuy this ranch now aud gut the beutttlt of thin ) oar's crop. II. It. .OItl.lT, Otutor Phono 1018-L. Proud us oii are of the daughter, and proud an alio Is uf graduation honors--there Is soon but a memory of such events unices a portrait koops tho record ot each milestone of youth. Our styles of school pictures are appropriate to tho occasion. Mako tho appointment curly. II. C. MACKEY Studio U. Main and Central Mcdford. Ore Hochambeau ltcglntcrcil. UAPi'l.t: UIIAY hTAM.lON 0 Years Old Kcrtlro U-U In liimiro HITTO 1IAU.V Wo also train horses and tolttt nnd break thorn of all noxious huhllu. Sal Ufactlou guuraiitoed, , h. u. van wi:oi:n Main .-IU larkioittlllo Clark & Wright LAWYERS WAHIIINOTO.N, U. O. Public Laud Matters: Final Proof. Desert Lands, Content unit MIuloj Casui. Hcrlp. E.D.Weston Official Pliotographor of tho Mcdford Commercial Olub 'Araatoui' ITinishing Posj; Qavda Panoramic Work pprtraitu Interior and cxtorior viows Flash lights ;Nur?ativQH niado au'y time and any plaoo by uppojn(: tnent. 208 E, Main Phono 1471 WUEttl TO ,OP TONIGHT Trp THEATRE IIHH.T PU'lliltllM (All Licensed) IIHST .MUrilO.IN TOWN l-'HIUAV AMI HAH'UUUAV NIOUT. A Wlll.li HII'IC MAN HtlUiin (Coitietly)' (llll! II.VI'I'V iid.mi: (IMthu) A WOMUtltt'Uli I'KATtMti: TIIK .MODUIt.V I'UOIUUAL Vltitgiaph. Hyiiopsls After passim; through tho crucial tests ot youthful folly an only sou redeems himself from tho foltors of tlcn anil luemic his mother fioiu poverty. A mother' f tilth I it his guiding Influence. JO CUNTS 9 Never More, Novor Loss PAGE THEATRE Kuliro Change ot Picture for Pour times a neck. TIIUUlltT I'NKNOWX An American Itolalr feature S wirts. A fascinating story of (ho Cana dian Wild. 'Jill: IIUU.UC ItANtl IIIH LAW OP CtMI'liNSATIt)N A great dutectlvo story. rirat run films. Awan ono big feature. reel. SATHUOAV NIIJHT ONIiV Hullro change Sunday ou-nliig Kllm rhangeii Kuiiday, Monday, Wnduvsday and 1,'rltUy. . Prlirn ft ami 10 Cent 4MIHHIHmHHMtt ISIS THEATRE Pour Iteuls Llcennd Pictures Photo plays Today Ouly Tin: molun iiitiin: It's a Jllogruph Old! JIM , heliuller of the J'ropliel IMMthTltlUrritlLi: Mil. JUNKS Httijio L'ouiedy Comlpi; J'rUljy: I'aulluu ('usliu,aii Iu Till! PPOLItAI. HPV Matlneo Dally AiluiN-I'Mi fl-IO Cciiln ... .AJ ... . ... . J. H.1AJJ.11 ti iZ STAR THEATRE Tim only ical Motion PU'luro Tluwitro In tbu t My. I r- I00O I'ocl Mutual I'iliiiH 1000 TCDAV TOJAV Sjaa.Wi- ffirp il "oaumont wi:i:klv' Latytit current ovontu ,. "Tin: ooiu;s" Powerful ilia ma. Tin: (iitjp j)P JUAtotiHV" A Htrong molodrammot tho lilgliuritim "IllJIt (JAIiLANT KN'IOIITH" , Thanhausor comedy It, I). Porrcst II, IWi oolwortlt pluulut Driima nud pffoctn Afternoon ami venlnj( ', ADMISHJON flc AND lt)o 4 I i. . 1 "rr PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Water ., eating All Work txmrnntfcod ' Vf9W Iio(is.b1 fc -' QOFFErSNi&PRiqK 8 Mowarfl Blook, Bntrsnos o HU M, Xous riious lilt C v