Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 23, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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A picnic dinner was given t
tfte, Applcgnto creamery Wednesday
largely attended by Jackson and
Jpsopjtlnq people. Chicken In
profusion and nil tlio seaaonnblo
dishes of the month vera nerved and
each, guest was given a little bottle
of wu to cream. Speeches were made
by J." R, Harvey, pert Harmon nnd
JUlesi Caniratl. It Is planned to
clofc the' creamer) nt the head of
Williams trccV and consolidate the
Appiegaie anu urams russ csinuusu
menta under the management of Mr.
Hates'. '
f i ,
4 forest ranger Poachy, of tho Dead
Indian district, arrived In Medford
Thursday morning. Ho reports much
i-now for this tlmo of year, In the
hills. '
. Orchard, hunting, fishing and
Crater Lake seones for sale at Gor-
klnV'&'Hdrmbn's studio. "Negatives
mado any place, kodak finishing. 128
Bast Main street. Phono 215 R.
Miss Esther Merrltt of Central
Point pawed through Medford Wed-
nesday on her way to Mrs. Head's
seminary of which she Is a graduate.
Miss Bernlco Stela loft Thursday
for North Ucnd. Oregon, whero she
will spend n month as a guest of
Herman D. Powell Is spondlng a
few days In Medford, with his spray
outfit. He Is on a codling moth
Tho B. P. A. club will giro an
entertainment Baturday night. May
24, consisting of songs, music, etc,
Iii Snlker'a hall. 5
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Weatherford of
Albany left Thursday for Grants
Pass after several days visit In Med
Doctor D. M. Drowcr was lu Med
ford Thursday on his way to Ash
land. He had been on professional
business at Derby.
' Kodak finishing, best In town, nt
C Aj McArthur has been called to
. ! . . .
Portland, where his mother la .se
riously III. ''
Dr.'and jfrs. Kent Mclhorn ofN'ow
port, XL I., are gucsta of Mr. and Mrs.
Jap Andrews on Orange street. D.
Melhorn will leavo for San Francis
co wllhfn a few days and will ba at
tached to the steamship North Da
kota. IU IL McCurdy writes all kinds of
Insurance. 401 M. P. & H. bldg.
, Phone. 349. -
Thomas Riley of Antelope dlstrl.
former county commissioner, trans
acted business in Medford Thunday.
Mrs. 'Ellen Niday Owen of Alaish-
ficld was one of tho delegates to teh
recent state convention of Rebekah
degree lo'dges. Mrs. Owefc Is a n.T
tlve of Jackson county and widow of
Grundy Owen who was chief deputy
sheriff when tho late Thomas 11.
Kesmes was sheriff of this county.
H. A. Momeyer of Klamath coun
ty, who Is a candldato for superln
tendont of Crater Lake park, was one
of the delegation of Odd Follows
from Klamath Falls. So was Oliver
Dews, formerly of Ashland and Ap-
(Jerking & Harmon, studio por
traits, home portraits, flash lights,
kodak finishing, post card work end
enlarging.; 128 East Mala stroet;
telophone 215 R.
Rutherford Kerr, who has been
spending a tow weektt In Shovel
, Creek district, Cal., has resumed his
duties at the Medford postoftice.
Miss Mbll'e Ray of Applegate has
been visiting in Medford and Jock
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Ulrich motored
to Medford from Jacksonville Thun.
day afternoon.
Insure and be sure. Right If we
write It. R. A. Holmes, The Insur
ance Man.
C. A, McArthur 1ms been called to
Seattle by a messago informing him
of tho serious illness of his mother
' O. C. Lee, a veteran nowspaper
man, who was formerly employed on
Portland publications, is lit Medforl
on his way north from California.
Frank Cochrane and M. Marsha!:
of. Central Point dlttrlct tarried a
while Iii Medford Thursday.
"Tm? Hclman White Sulphur naths
and Swimming Pools at Ashland,
Oregon, will, open for ttho season
Saturday, May 10. 64
Mrs. V. A. Gorst left for her home
nt Marshfleld, after a short visit with
frlonds living at Jacksonville.
13. T. Black, Ira Dodge, 0. G. Cll
lotto and John Conwell woro up from
Ashland this week.
Jtbbcrt Soxnuer, P. W. Horshbo
ger, A. V. Schmidt and Fred Knox
of Josephine county havo boon trans
jacttpg business In Medford.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Day Phone 3B7
Night y. W. Weeks 103-J-3
Phones A. 12. Orr 078-M
Jeff Hnrtman, formorly of Grants
Pass, was a delegate to tho grand
lodge of I. O. O. F. from North llend,
whero ho holds a good posltlqn with
tho Simpson Lumber company.
Entll Drltt, Harry Luy, Hay lluncl.,
C. II, llasjo nnd Chris Kcegan or
Jacksonville were Medford visitors
during the week.
Fred Alton Halght, teacher of
piano and harmony, specialist a cor
rect principles ot touch and tech
nique for, beginners or advanced pu
pils. Faults corrected. Summer
term. Hnight Music Studios, 11 G 3.
Laurel street. Phono 726-11. 69
Corbln, Kdgcll was down from tho
ranch noar Brownaboro Thursdnv.
g Messrs. Potter and Gould wcro
among tho many Tlortlculturlsta ui
Medford during the week.
Robert Clemens, who has been
making Medrord a short visit, left
for Stockton, Cal., Thursday, where
he Is engaged In railroad work.
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives mado any tlmo or
place by appointment,. Phone M.
Mrs. J. B. Shearer and her chil
dren of Glendale nro guests of Mr.i,
K. D. Elwood.
T. E. .Daniels, deputy grand ex
alted ruler pf the II. P. O. K. for this
district, has been making tho lodge
at Albany an official visit. The an
nual meeting of tho order for tho
United States will be held nt Roches
ter, N. Y., In July.
Dr. Klrchgessner will be at Hotel
Nash every Saturday from 10 a. m.
to 3 p. m. on and aftor May 24.
Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Lewis, Mrs.
Fred Owens and Miss Issle McCully
cro over from Jacksonville Thurs
day afternoon.
M. Dean, a pioneer of Douglas
county was. of the throng In Medford
this week. Ho visited an otd friend.
J. L. Dyer, who Is also ono ot ths
first to settlo in southern Oregon.
Bert Wells, a prominent farmer of
Wallowa county, made his first trip
to Medford during the week as a
representative ot Pendleton lodge ot
Odd, Fellows. He Joins In tho chorus
ot admiration of the city and valley.
Mrs. B. E, Haney spent Thursday
with friends living in Ashland.
Vapor baths and scientific mas
sage for men and women. Dr. R.
J. Lockwood, chiropractor, 203 Gar-
nott-Corey bldg. Phono 145.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hlglnbottum
of Kanes creek made a trip to Med
ford the foro part of tho week.
D. C. Ucrrln of Portland, state
manager of a prominent Ufa Insur
ance company, Is making Medford
and Roguo River valley a business
J. V. Mclntyrc. cashier of tho Ea
gle Point bank, mado a trip to Med
ford during the week.
Joseph P. Iloagland and other res
idents of Willow Springs district mo
tored to Medford Thursday.
John Arnold, J. G. Townscnd nnd
J. Carnahan we're In Medrord Thurs
day. Mr. and Mrs. J. M Cronemtllnr and
Miss Nellie Mclntyro of Jacksonville
wore Medford visitors Thursday.
Robert Roblson, S. P. Field and T.
B. Myers, who live In the southern
part of the county, transacted busi
ness in Medford this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Coylo of Linn coun
ty aro visiting J. M. Nichols and his
family al Eagre Point, who nro rela
tives. Ex-Senator Norton of Grants Pass
and his wife made a trip to Medrord
A. L. Howard of Riddle and Mr.
and Mrs. G. M. of Stockton, Cal.,
aro recent arrivals In Medford.
Joseph Kcster of Foots Creek dis
trict and F. W. Heath of Eagle Point
came to Medford Thursday.
J. W. Chlpnock of Salem, water
commissioner Is at GTants Pass tak
ing testimony with relation to the
adjudication of water rjifht on tho
Carberry fork of Big Applegate. A
contest Is being waged between min
ers nnd farmers, and tho state board
Ill-say whether the water shall be
used for mining or Irrigation.
Mrs. W. A. Bel: nnd Mrs. D. M.
Jarvla of Engono aro lato arrivals in
J. 8. Pardue and Geo re o Hall ari
down from upper Roguo river dlj
trlct. Miss Esther Kctcham of Portland
has been a guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. S.
U. araham.
E. P. Chandler of Roguo River
transacted business In Medford on
II. S. Kinney, tho wholosalo wood
merchant, of Glendale, Is muklstf
Medford a business visit.
Mrs. R. Blond of Grants Pasa was
In Medford and Jacksonville Thurs
Miss Mildred Antlo won a 100-
yard dash at the recent track meet
botwecn girls attending the O. A. C.
at Corvallts.
Thomas F.,Ryan of Oregon City
was ono ot tilo prominent figures at
tho lato meeting of tho grand lodge
of tho I. O. O. F.
Mrs. J. A. Mursh, Mrs. J, Schnfer,
Mrs. O. N, Nelson, Mrs. A, Elmer aud
others were down from JacksonvJII i
during the week.
Mrs. O, Wolters, has been vlsltms
at Talent, her former homo.
Tho United States Bureau of Edur
cation is being represented In Ore-
The first nctunl work on tho Nul
lis elect rii railroad xineo the jirnnt
i"K o the franchise was started Fri
day morning when Ktixiiieor Hurry
FoMcr nutl i corps of men slatted
prelimmnry survey of n rifiht of wny
which will lenvp Knst Mniu street
near the end of tho pnveemitt, fol
low the cemetery roml around the hill
nnd thru hend enst through SNkiyou
Vhilo Mux route seems probable
now the company is still considering
n proposition to run the lino up
through Queen Anne addition and to
llmhcrofl, north of the Mniu street
ironl ort-iiijj the road to the south
I.! il... T!.. .!..- I ....1 i !.....
ui'iic inu i.inuic.v ntiinu mm n'nijiiuu
imr for tho present in Siskiyou
Tho mad will leave tho renter ot
Medford hut no streets will ho torn
up until the rails nre on their wny.
gon by J. C Moorman, who has bn"ii
visiting schools lu this count', ac
companied by Superintendent Well.
Dr. D. M. Brower of Ashland was
in Medford Thursday, ou his return
from a professional trip to Derby.
George G. Bingham, a prominent
lawyer of Salem, arrived In Medford
Thursday, on a professional visit.
Mi, and Mrs. B. M. Collins nnd
Miss Corlnno Linn of Jacksonville
wero recent Medrord visitors.
J. E. Bodge ot Klamath Falls, a
former resident ot Medford, has becu
visiting his family, who aro resi
dents or Ross lane.
Luke Lily, formerly or Sterling.
was in Medford Thusdny r'um
Grants Pass.
Frank E. Bybeo and Henry C.
Maury or North Jacksonville district
spent a row hours In Medrord Thurs
day. Mrs. M. Cameron has been rar.KIng
her rorinor homo on Applegate a
business visit. "
Decoration day falls on FrI la
next and tne G. A. R. nro
preparations for tho appropriate ob
servation of tho event.
W. L. Judklns has returned tf
Mcdtord and will soon reopen t'io
placo formerly conducted by Mr
Hussey as ono of his cha:n ot C ana
10 cent stores.
Henry H. Taylor, A. S. Klclcbam
mer and Amos McKee or Applei;Me
transacted business In Medrord the
roro part or tho week.
Henry Bnnriold, who Is well known
as an operator In mines In southern
Orogon, with Thomas F. Harrington,
Jennlo Bnnriold and Charles C. Ban
field has Incorporated tho Dour.los
Umpqua Mining company with a cap
ital ot $100,000.
ThecyanIdo plant connected with
tho Opp mines and located west ot
Jacksonville Is being operated ngoin.
George W. McCoy and several others
employed thoro wcro in "Medfo-d re
cently. Mrs. Daily or Sterling district, the
only actual fomalo minor in Or.'oii,
If not on the coast, was in MeJ'crg
this wcok. Sbo Is developing a pro
position that promises woll and per
forms much of tho manual labor. Mrs.
Dally has been in Alasua and suue
years ago was a prominent figure
among tho miners of that territory.
Dr. E. B. PJckol, T, E. Danlols nnd
Austin Corbin returned Friday Iroin
business trips to Portland.
Mrs. Arthur Putnam and son are
visiting Mrs. M. M. Putnam.
Miss Jeunosso Butler loft Friday
ror a three weeks visit at Portland.
J. M. Kershaw, tho Angora goat
king of Antelope valley, spent Friday
In Medrord, Ho reports tho sale of
his .mohair at 33 cent a. dcspltu free
trado talk.
A rlnsa of 46, the largest In tho
history of tho Medford HlKh school,
will be graduated this evening nt the
Page theater. The class address will
bo delivered by It. B. McCabo and
tho presentation ot diplomas will be
made by B. F. Mulkoy,
Tho seats In tho parquet circle as
tar back as the fltst row ot posts
have buou resorved ror tho parents
nnd relatives ot tho graduating class,
but the remainder ot the house Is
rroo to any who wish to attend. It
Is certain that tho new theater will
be taxed to Its capacity.
Girl Makr Own Gowns,
The seniors today are busy prepar
ing tor tho exercises and lu addition
hnva arraugod ror a class plcnlo ou
the banks or tho Rogue for Sattint.ty.
Time will not allow each student
to take a part In the program this
evening, Clydo LaMar. Carolyn An
drews and Chnrlcs Prim being the
enly ones to participate.
Tho Junior class Is preparing to
attend In force to celebrate their ar
lival at tho senior state.
Tho girls who graduate, with tho
exception ot a row who have cn'.onl
tho school rccontly, will wet i.oai.s
ot their own mako with n c?.t limit
of $7. GO. Somo or them evdn mado
tho laco and tho results are n great
crodlt to tho makers and to '!nj do
mestic sclonco department Soring
b compulsory In tho lowo- claines
and It Is significant that a nmjclty
or tho girls elect to continue tho
course In tho Junior and settlor rnrs.
Mora ot tho members or the class
expect to tako up toachlng than any
other lino of work, as fourteen, Ar
thur Allder, Virginia Carder, Mabel
Kelier. Elllo Sage, Gertrudo
Shoults, Albortn Jones, Ruth Law
renco, Ruth Wilson, Esther Reed,
Loweno Payne, Agnes Dunlap, Alice
Smith, Arthur Palmer and Blancho
Darby, will make this their vocation.
Harold Cochran will bo a dentist,
iinroiu uiaino jiauciur. will never-
Idgo, Robert M". Wilson and Frederick
Heath will tako up civil engineering,
mining and mechanical; Ray La Mar
Is a prospective merchant; George
Chltds a plumber; Horbcrt Altord, n
banker; and two, Thcoiloro Fish and
Milton Scnuchard will' till tho soil.
raul podi.e.i; Ed
Ison Marshall will tako up Journal
ism; Allcjif "Godlovo, lienoro Vanco
and Ircno Smith will bo stenograph
ers; Ellxabcth Blackford and Gladys
Hlnman havo chosen music; Pearl
Gould, domestic art; Loralns Ulrich
and Edith Wilson wljl do general of
rico and commercial work.
Nolo Dudley, Chnrlcs Prim, Linn
Smith, Ralph Balcom, John Dommcr,
Alice Forbes, Trancls Heath, Ina
Cochran, Francis Kinney, Louis Wil
liamson and Ethel Quthrlo aro undo
elded as to vocation.
Tho program will bo
March, "Thannhausor" , .. Wagnor
Medrord Orchestral club.
Orand march Orchestra
Invocation ...Rov. W. F. Shields
Welcome address Clyle Ray LaMar
Vocal solo, "Avo Maria" (Latin)....
Carolyn Andrews
Class address, "Education or tho
Masses" ......Attorney R. B. McCabo
Overturo, "Straddle' Flotow
Closing address Charles W. Prim
Presentation or diplomas
II. F. Mulkey
Benediction Rev. D. D. Boyle
!.OS AXtmtiK, CM.. May M. -Promoter
Tout MoCnrov lothty re
leased Jou Uivors, tlio .Mi:ictm light
weight from his promNc to filit nt
Vernon July !, Joe Levy, Rivers'
mannf!0". at once tiUKrnphed Ktltllu
(Inutey, tho San Francisco promoter,
the fuel of Hivcrs' release, mill inked
(lrniiey for his best terms for Ulvers'
services us nit opponent for Clmm
pion Willie Ritchie nt Snu Francisco
July .
- -Kildlo Qraiioy, Immediately upon
receipt of u mi'Msnue from Joe Levy,
mntmxor of Joo Rivers, this after
noon, ittmoiiuccd Hint lie will uo to
Los Anj;ctcs tonight nr tomorrow
morniinr to nrrniifto the details of
tliu contest, incjuditiir tho referee.
Levy's message was it follows;
"MeCnrey litis released us. What
tire your best terms for n champion
hit inittch with Ititrhic July At"
"I do not cure to take up the tic
tails of the jrent mulch ly wire,"
snid Uraney, "hut will depart fur
Los Angeles tonight or tomorrow
tuorniiije to confer with . Levy mid
(Conttnuod from Page 1)
There nro n fow localities vhl!i wrto
not hit so bad.
Gitirjjla Pnu-li Crop.
From observation, notwithstand
ing reports given out by Mr. Ma l,i
of tho Georgia Fruit Exchange Hint
the total crop would not exceed TTiO)
cars, we nro not willing to believe
that It will not excod SROO cor-.
All our varieties excepting I-Mcrtaa
show a good crop and theto nro sti
In most orchards, although somo
young orchards or Elliertas aro prom
ising a good yield, but upon the
wholo they will bo the shortest va
riety. Spokane ItUcr.
Davenport, Wash. Indications nr
that the fruit crop along tho Spokjmu
nnd Columbia rivers has been iovero
ly Injured by tho recent froits. Peach
es, apricots and chorrlcs aro reported
Injured, while tho apple crop has
been damaged also.
1.08 ANUKI.KS, Cat.. May BU.
Hml Anderson ersits Lciteh Gvomh,
'JO rounds, KIM pounds, at noon on
the day of tho J'iuht.
Till is the curd for Vernon Julv
I (hut promoter Tom McCnrcy, full
inu lo littiil the Ritchie utitl River'
uttrnutioii, U considering today, It
is certain that Anderson will itcccpt
thu terms Met'iirey will offer, and
the promoter will lost tut time in
invscnHiii' an offer to the New York
dentist, Cross, Tho distance mid
weight wit he stipulated.
Furthermore, thu winner of till
hattlc prohahly will ho pivcu Iho first
chance nt Rivers, should ln succeed
in lifting the liuhtweiuht champion
ship from Itllchlc. While McCnrev
refitted to iiilmil it to he i fact, no
sutpriuc would ho occaiitncd here by
the statement (hut Joe Levy hits
promivd McCnrcy the serviced of
Rivera for l.tihor Pay, in return for
McCaroy's release of Ihc .Mcxlcnii for
July I. '
Mi'Carcy's Explanation.
Kniliiisi to land mi AuilcMon
Cross limit, .(iCirey prohiihly will
seek elsewhere for mi opponent for
llnil. il lis not likely that ho will at
tempt to match Luther .McCnity with
Ouuhoat Smith or Jess Willurd.
After delivcrtnir lo Levy his re
lease of Rivers, MfCorov explained
his position, snvitij.':
''Two months ngo, 1 unvc Ihc Julv
ditto, figui'liiit that I liml ns uniiil a
cntil ns llicro Is In the country, with
the tititlorlniiilliiir tlml I wits lo se
lect his opponent. I tiled himl tli
et Ritchie, us the public will see It'
Nolan makes public; my offers. In
my jinlumnit, I was more llhcthl
than liny other protiiolei'. However,
I will not lie the meiiim of slepplni:
Joe's chances for the title. I
llicicfoie icIcitMiil RIvcih from any
obligation whntcver with me, mid ho
Is nt lihctly to sIkii lot the Han Frini
oiseo hunt if ho llltctf."
l,o y lo Mcv tlmney.
Levy wil unit Jivre to talk with
Orituoy when the Miuiecssful proinii
lor tn rlvtt-i tomorrow. If lit) closes
with (Iriiuny, im he cxiteiUs to do,
Levy nnd Rivers will lenut here for
San I'rmielsco June III. Rivers wilt
prohahly train nt 'the Seal 'Rock
It Is wild Mrs, Leslie ('alter Is go
lug vaudovlllo next scanoit In a inns'
., Sircjy ffl 2 for tic
A dJlhlrs White fltllM MaJim UudJiM
cllf-U4l,f' iy w,JtiS AimiIm'i tit
tuttaidintcu. TUl Brtktltr Pert
ti ultta SRwac,
IUi tbt (its tiess UbwjuS UalnMUU
ltltaniKk-a lit SUrr IVlUn i lr
aeo, . inn a co., tmov, n. v
Atit) StnUti ot IdtiStilrlJ
gMMKnuiAf nurmMu v
Photo Plays Friday and Saturday
War Diiuim In Two I'nHs Willi Pauliui Vliuinu
Ovor 1000 Poojilo in (lie cast .
H. Launspach D. M. Hoakin
"Pianist Drunw and VJtwis
Coming Sunday IN THE DAYS OF WAR
Two lVHJVatui(5
. i
Tho Medrord ball team, which con
tinued Its winning gait by boating
Talent Thursday by a 17 to 3 scoro,
will probably lino up against tho fast
Central Point team hero Sunday, Ef
forts aro being mado to sign up a
scYlcs of games with tho Cen'ral
.Pointers an additional Inducome.V bo
1G00 to the winner.
Thursday's gamo was a pretty ono
bo tar as Medrord was concerned
Tho visitors mado a number of cost
ly errors and their pitcher was
pounded ns hard and as effectively
ns our Dud pummoled Mandot. Lat-.r
In tho season two games with Weed
nro considered which will mem ox
(itrslon crowds both ways.
WASHINGTON, Muy 83. -Prrsl.
dent Wilson today commuted thw
sontenco or rivo years Imprisonment
Imposed on Bllas Illch of Balem, On..
for falsirylug the. records of tho Va
tlonal bank in that city, to 13
months. Illch wau sontonced lu tin
federal court at Portland.
Kenneth Nash, tho old Hrown uni
versity stopstop, last yoar with Cleve
land and this season with Toledo, has
signed with the Waterbury team or
the Eastern association.
FOUND Lady's beadpttrso with
somo silver. Owner, may have
samo by culling at Scheffellon's
grocery. 6 1
AT REDUCTIONS OF 25, 33i3, 50
Manufacturers samples bought at a big discount and markod out at this big
saving. Tho lino ombracos all tho newest midsummer shapes in Milans, Hemps,
Chips, Ratines, Panamas, markod at 25, 33'and 50 less than regular
price, : i . ,
See our Panamas at $3.98, JJ54.-15, $l.98, ijG.05.
WANTBD Flvo gonts nnd ludloi
solicitors. Call nt 837 Kant Oth st.
Call between G and 8 p. in. Mr.
James. M
FOR HALK- Ueds, dresser, chltton
tor, rugs, writing desk, dining ta
ble, chairs, pictures, $50 gas range
t.U; Hooslcr cabinet. Hussey's,
30 North Oakdale, C
OUltKK Dltl.NK
Ro uniformly successrul hits OU
ItlNr; been lu restoring tho victims
of tlio "drink habit'1 into sobor and
useful cltl.eim and so strong lu our
confidence in Its curatlvo powers,
that wo want to omphuaizo tho fact
that OKIMNI3 is sold under this pos
itive guarantee. If, after a trial, you
get no bono fit, your money will bo
refunded. OHH1NI3 costs ouly 1 per
box. Ask for rroo booklet. Leon W.
Hasklns. . ,"' '
Fully 20 to MWo loss, iiifludiiiK iho
fumoiis Lu GrtTquc Tailored Under
One lot of Qowiib in inunlin, I'liinltric
and crepe, actual values to .f1.7f), npe-
cial nt 8
Of a good quality muslin, three rows
plj lauo around bottom, $l.f0 values.
Bpeeial al '. 98
Of a fine eambrice, Inee, ribbon
trimmed, u $2.00 value, very spo
ciul at $1.19
$2.00 to .fG.50 values, 20 to SSVo
Tjii Orccquo Princess Slips at 20
to 33 yo less.
Long Lisle Gloves in white, spouial
nU. v r-v rW
200 Shirt Waists including embroid
ery trimmed linottes, lawns, ging
hams and twill Norfolk .Middys, ac
tual values to $2.50, Saturday spe
cial 98
MO Shirt WiitotH in lawns, mulls,
voil('Hlinii(lniH, many of aro the
1 loyal make, actual values to $11.00,
Saturday special $1.79
Our regular $1.2f quality Niagara
Maid Silk Gloves in all colors, special
at 98.2
12 button Silk Gloves black mid whito
special at 89
Tn either 2 button or .10 button lengths
specjnj at ,.,., ,.,...,.,1M,v.Jl2
Tailored Coats and Suits Reduced 20 to 40
f S M mS 9 - O Sm J
VtjA-vbdk.--...".. .
tv fcJft .4.