Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 23, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Kulr tonight nnd Hntuntny.
Max. KJ, Mln. -IN,
KoMythlrd Vvnr,
Ually KlKhth Yor.
MEDFORD, Oltl'XION, l?ItII)AY, .MAY 2.'5, 1 01. 'I.
No. 53.
?Jflon HhMw
z"7 Second Sirtct
Mlkntlo's Temperature Hluhcr nml
Contllllon Serious Pnnulnco In
Trrtor Deve0imcnti lit Dispute
Over Lnntl Lnw not Made Public.
Stnte Department Think Illness Will
not Interfere with Diplomatic Ne
gotiations Chimin Is Dusy.
Kltin Constantlne Leaves Athens for
Salorlka to Assume Personal Com-ninmlt-Wllil
Enthusiasm Amonq
Populace Support Protest,
WAHIIINOTON, May ffil. Mom.
hern of Iho Mate department hero do
nol (n.'linvp lotlny that llm Mikado's
illmrif will Inleifcro with tlm illph).
inn I r negotiations mm a result nf lite
Culitinifii bind lnw. Ambassador
Chimin U preparing tlm JiipniioMi re
joinder iiiiiIit cabled Instructions
fruiii I lit Tokln foreign office, ll
probably will he presented In Score
liiry Hryiiu arty next week.
TOKIO, May '. Allhough nffi.
ollll lllllll'tillM issued III till) palace, III-
ilnv ritrttlt thai there U little cause
for nliinii, I In1 (Mipiiliifn of Tokio H
in li'rriir lot Kmpcror Yolmllilln
should succumb In piioiunonlii, nml
HMiri'M or rcMiueuis tunny otieiuy
kiH'll in the slroctM lo prny for llm
life of their Mikmln.
The orririul bulletin luilnv mil
tninod little detail of llm emperor's
COUllitiotl, llllt it U Hllill llinl llH
trmpemturo has risen to lOH.-IO, III"
pulse o IH) nml lilx it pi rut ion lo
:il). Muring I ho pusl Iwciity-.four
hour i U reported IiIm lciiiKmturr
ranged from IMMA to 10:,j.
One nr-tlio-Xirxt visitor tit tho Im.
I w rm I I'nlnco wok Arthur lllnnohnrd
secretnry ami char tl'nffiiint of Hie
United Stnlc cmhnssy, lli on
quired n to llm uniporor'n comllliau,
nml nssined Hie Japanese govern
inriil llinl tin gravest concern w
fell in llm UjiIU'iI Slntos for llm
health of Iho Ntrii'ki'ii ruler.
No developments in Ilia Jnpnnsos.
American trlmiK over Ihu Culi
funiin uuti-nliou Innd lnw Imvo he
mum public here, mul it is oxiwetcd
llinl llm fori'iKii office will not pub
lish Iho text nf the Aiiiprii'iin roply to
Japan's protest while tho life of llm
emperor in in danger.
Land In Question Won by Greeks and
Attempt Made by Bulrjars to Occu
py Peaco Negotiations Progress.
NOKIA, Mny UII. Ait official
stulriimul issued heto lotlny declares
tlm (lioekt wcio the aggrcssives in
Iho clash now In progress between
Hnlgniiuu nml MitI; troops nenr
ATIICKH, Mny SKI. King Con
sluntiim of (Iri'i'co nml his .lnff
Mtnrlril from Allu'im toilny for Hu
olili'li, wliero tho kiilk' will I like kt
mimiiI roiiimuml of the Oreok (niopx
mIhoIi tire in eonfliel nenr there
with iliilKiirinnn.
Tim crenleNi enlhiikliiHtn prewiilcil
tliripiiliuiit Iho eily when Iho kinc do
purled Ihin iifleriioiin mid the temper
of Iho Hpnlneo hhoived tlml they
would hrnrlily HiipMirl the (overn-
merit tlm limit in prnteHtinc from
Iliilunrinn nj;(;reH'mii tlm territory
won from Turkey hy (I reck lilnml mul
trrriNiiro. It in helieed hero, how.
over, tlml llm otilhrenkH lietweeu tho
(IreckK nml Millennium nenr Salon
ikn will Im eoiiipoHed heforo limy lend
to mi open mid neneral rupt r he
twren (Ireere mid Hulnrm.
wiiWiPr WrrSkt' &Jafelvv HHHHIH
Unrestricted Admission of Orientals
Spells Disaster for American Grow
ersGovernment Exceeds Rlflhls In
Making "Equal Nation" Treaty.
Probably a Couple Hundred More
Cars of Pears Set Than First Es
tlmated Drop Light In Most Or
chardsGood Prices Indicated.
Prostitution of Authority to use Coer
cion against a state seeking to
Protect Itself.
IVnilile feeding limr prnetmnlly j burning hogim, hut wliwt nho rrfiKnl ' lo iet picture of dim oporhliou, nml
Imen nhnmloiied in Oront llrilmuj l'' ' row woaklrlhi;
Mnoe ilrt failure new. ml wwlw no in' V'"m wnXM K,Wnw '".
... ,, ,, . .. decidod on n now cuiiroo. Mm wm
tlinrann of Mm. I'nnkhurM. Wic f , . , , ,
wiim Hont to pri-oti for a ou lenn Jlcrrlofore, Iho Hnlo-h pnoni
when Iho cnmpuii;ii nf homhs mid itiient would not permit pliotoxrapherH
Mm one Miowu lieru in the firxt to
oomo to the I'mtcd Slater. In (Ids
picture it will Ih neon that the phy
hieinu in chargo w jwdiriuj: liipiid
food down the mouth of the reonlci
trant olC( for women Jiilvocnlo.
IIKHLIN, May W.- AHIiuiibIi
KaiHi-r Willmlni, Kiui; flonrifo of IJui;
laud mid Cxar NMrlmliiH of Hiiuhiu
are freely frnlornitiui; hero, iiuthiii);
ri'hi'iuliliiiK n formul eoufeieueo of
the nilerrt on national polioloH Iiiik yet
been hold, ll In Kcuornlly believed,
however, Hint tho three umimreliH are
freely (xohnniliifr tholr views on Hu
lopemi )ilillert mid it I felt that
llm mnrrliiKd of tho Prinoosn Vie
loriu I,iii!ho mid l'rinee K.rnest of
('tiiiiheilmid may yet u'o down In liU
tory im Iho uvuul whleh iimrkcd mi
era of hullor rolutlutiH belween (lor
inaiiy, Kiiulaud mid IfiHuin.
While, tho nmnurelm are holiiioh-
IiIiil'. iireparathuiM for Iho uiiplial
event art) coiiHtaully Iii'Iiik pushed.
Tho capital in uy iih over in its his
tory, tho hotels am jammed with
visilorM and ovory pliiru in tho oily
is alive with Hi;litseoinj; imlables
from ul over Europe.
NBW YOHK, Afay 8.1. A now
low leeftrd fot' California Petroleum
was established in tm stoek maiket
today when it foil to Mfi'j. St. Louis
mid Nan KrnnolHoo first preferred
lost threo. WoHtorn Maryland nd
viinccd two, hut tho Konural list was
heavy, Intor HI. Louis and San
Frauolsco 1'irHt proforrod InoronHod
i)H loss to five points. Pennsylvania
ronohud it now low level at 1011.
HoiiiIh wore. Irregular,
Tlm itiurkut olonuil fnhly atuady.
I ntltu t.. i... . i ..HI.
, ..wv.i", .mi.., jiw - "-
(ul ntury of bow mulcrpiiltl RlrU are
overcome by heat In laiimlrlen ilur-
inc tin mimmer month win told In
tlm Hlate neunlo wuko irolm commit,
too horo toilny by n buiullo w nppor.
Tho wUiiixh, n lCycnr-old ;('. ro
uhoil &, 95 a week.
hunt KUinumr, ho tmtlfleil, hliu
faw lx fclrlM oorcomo by heat nni'.j
lurried out. Hhu uitmlttod that a
phyxlclun was kept near durlui; tho
hot monlliN, but aid no emereii?)
l.(Hilial arruiiKouieutu were uo
Another itlrl founded that ft bo
l.i ii workhiK In Ihu h.vuio l-auilry
wliea who wan 14 yonm old.
Tho oxoiliiH or llm convention !
Horn bui;au Thurailay ovohIiik at T
o'clock whou tho upeclat train for tho
north pulled out. Many o( tho delo-
riUch Htnyod over until mornlUK. tbo
Klk ontortalnliiK tlumo who woro
membara ot that order. Tliu Klamath
KiiIIn duloKatlnn, tho flral to urrlvu,
Is alHo tho InHt to leavo, iih mn uy of
tbom nro ntlll In tho city.
During tho piirado Wednesday a
hnrHo ran away and wan ho badly In
jured that It had to bo killed A
collection taken up at tho tumid
lodao hohmIou paid tho owner, a hoiuo
Htoador, fur IiIh oh.
NinV YOIIIC, May 2M. Convicted
or MeokliiK, by brlbory, to rreo J lurry
K, Thaw trom Mntttuwonn UBylum,
ttomoy John Anluit va suntoneed
horo today to Boryo from two to four
years In Blag Blag prison,
Auluit wih doolarod by Dr. John
HiihhuII, formor HUiorlntoudout of
Mattowonn, to Imvo uppronchod lilm
with a S!!0,000 brlbo. Thaw, on tho
wltnouR utaiid horo, corroborated
IlltHMnll'H HlnrV Hllfrlllilllllv In in.ilni
Jnliut'B conviction,
MADISON, Wis., Mnv 23. I'mlrr
tho caption of "tariff makiuc; in tho
dark," Senator Hubert M. I.aKollello
of Wiseoiihin, in Iho current issue of
Lnr'olictlo's Weekly, discusscH the
defeat nf his proposal to instruet the
seuntii fiumieo committeo to exam
ine manufacturers,
"So tariff legislation under demo
eralie control is lo proceed exactly as
under republican control, Iho editor
ial Htiyn ill pari. "Tho Kulijoot Is not
to be treated as an economic prob
lem. It is lo bo Iho stake in a parti
sou boxing game mid tho American
people nro to suffer- tlm conse
quences. "The Payne Inriff hill raised
rales regardless of llm loudens in
flicted on Iho consumer. Tbo
course of democratic, -icmitors indi
cates Iho Underwood"Fimmons, hill
will fix rales regardless of the piico
of production mid the wrongs it wilt
inflict on wage earners mid legiti
mate industry,"
iOUTr.A7n, Ore, Mny 23. An
examination of Ills personal oru:c'.s
today rovcaled tlm fact Hint A. I.o
berg, .killed by an electric train wn
none other than Alexander l.n'cTmrg,
mi Austrian professor who caused a
Fcnsntlou in a number of coiu. cit
ies by Ills advocacy of sun worship-
On nrcount of his pocullnr teach
ing ho wnu arrested oncu In Tacoma
and ouro In Portland on a charge of
Insanity, but an examination showed
that bis mliul was more than ordi
narily acute mid advanced.
Thnt tho peoplo aro no more cap
nblo of making their own laws thin
tficlr own shoe, nnd that California's
stato Kovernnmnt Is tho worst of oil
Is tho declaration today or Presi
dent K. P. Itlpley, of tho Santa Ko
railroad, who started today for Chi
cago. The one redeeming fenturo of
California's government, ho said, Is
Its public utilities uct.
Regarding the tariff changes be
ing negotiated by the democratic fed
oral administration, nnd tho pro
posed Income tax, Itlpley declared
they wero "not objectionable" nnd
Intimated that some good might
co mo from experiments with each.
Ho uttnckoil tho Wilson admlnlitr
tlon, however, for Its suggested ple.n
to Invcutlgaic wngu schediittM. de
claring Ihut difficulties bvUeo-i cap
ital nnd labor cannot bo ndhMcd l.y
law as they luvolvo u voiuuti.ry
ngreomcut between employer i,nd
Tho railroad head was optimistic
regarding tho present business out
look, declaring that mUtukcu In gov
ernment will not Injure propItv
bo long as crop coudltlotiR tiro favor
able. Itlpley flayed the present trout to
ward radical legislation, decl-rlnK
that such procedure Is advi-rso to
stability of government.
PORTLAND, Ore., Mny 23.
Among tho fifty-two students who
Imvo today received limit degrees
from tho lnw department of the
University of Oregon nro three younjr
women, Miss Nottn A. flarland, Miss
Lydiu Alien May nnd Miss Gene
vieve Thompson, mid two .Tnpnuoso,
S. Zciiguchi and Seniehi Tomhiro,
At tlm graduating exercises, Judge
Guy O. II, Corliss, ox-chief justice of
tlm North Dakota supreme, court, da.
livvtcd Iho niincijml address,
CHICAGO, May JM. A three
conicred fight by rival packers for
the world s meat trade is in progress
here today, according to the declara
tions of Chicago stock yard officials.
Lirnitlcs wealth is said to he be
hind tho tluee factions and millions
of dollars undoubtedly will he sacri
ficed before supremacy is estah
lUhcd. The priiicipills in the war nre
business men f I.ns Angeles, who
nre said to have raised $."1,000,000 to
erect n union -tuck yards there;
tho packers of Australia nnd Argen
tine, mid the beef barons of Chicago,
Kanxas City mid Onmhn. The hock
ers of tho Ios Angeles movement are
reported to have secured contracts
with big entile ranch owners of
Idaho, Wyoming, lTliii, New Mexico
nnd Annum, who for yenn have
been dealing with eastern stock
yards, to Mnd their cattle to Lo
Angeles, thus saving enormous sums
in tranporlntion. Australia and
Argentina expect to send their ments
lo every stnto in tho country ns n re
sult of the Mioeess their packers lime
met with frozen meat in California,
where it is being sold for four nnd
five cents a pound less Hum the
American product. Tho Chicago
packers intend to retaliate, by invad
ing the Loudon market nudf under
selling the Australian and Argen
tine packers.
WASHINGTON', May 23. No nek
iiowledgmont ot labor protests
against tbo appointment of Walter 11.
Page as ambassador to tho court of
St. James will bo made by tbo Amor
lean Federation ot Uilior until Its
executive offices convene next month.
Secrotnry Trunk Morrison said to
day that tliu federation ns yet lias
received no formal complaint, al
though It Is reported that tbo typo
graphical union ot Loudon nnd tbo
Contrul Federated union ot New
York nro bitterly opposed to tbo for
mer editor bf tho World's Work rop
lesontliiR the United Stntoa In Lon
don, and have requested that stepi
bo takou to secure his withdrawal.
Federation headquarters horo lists
Pugo as a formidable opponent of
SAN I-MIANCISCO, Cnl.. May 33.-
"Flt for a king" was the vordlct to
day of 300 men and women who at
tended a bnnquot hero to test tho
quality and food value of tbo ustru-
linn meat with which Independent
meat doalers are lowering the prlco
of food In San Francisco. The bun.
quot was given last night bv tho
housowlves' league, and tbo guests
were loud In tholr praises of tho im
ported beer, lamb and mutton from
tbo South seaa.
T. A, Frleko of Victoria nnd Pat
rick Hdward Cjulnn of Now South
Wales, Australian commissioners,
oxplalncd tho meat Invasion.
"it Is not n mennco," tboy ..'aid,
"but a boon to tho American house
bold." Frleko maintained that Australia
could furnish tho world with Us ia,cnt
WASHINGTON, .May 23.-I)ceInr-
mg that unrestricted admission of
nlicns would ruin the American fnr
rnr hy throwing llm nation's land
into the hands of a great corporation
which would cop!o it with cheap im
IHJrted labor, Heprouutntivtt Kisnon
of Mi"dsipi continued in the house
today his defense of tlm California
alien laud legislation. The Missis.
sippinn explained nt the outset thnt
he did not intend to make n 'wnr
Sisson's address was confined
principally to the government's trea
ty making- power. Ho nssortwl that
the government had exceeded ill au
thority in makiuc nn "equal nation"
treaty with Jnpan.
Ncgotlnl Publicly.
Sisson demanded that hereafter nil
treaties he negotiated publicly. He
said in part
"It is not n declaration nf war
for the United Stotes to decline to
ovcrrido tho righU of the sovereign
stato at the dictation of n foreign
power. If the American government,
Vriih its nrtny. and nnvy nmlrutc
force, which it has. fuiMior'to nny
of tho stntcjv should tnko nwuy
from nny Hafe the richt to control
domestic concerns nnd deliver that
stnte over to the tnerey of a flood
of aliens then I tnnintnin that the
federal pivernmont would prostitute
its authority.
Ilrlrut Farmers' Ituln.
''AVhnt would hecorae of tho Amer
ican farmer of n corporation bought
nil the best hinds in the country nnd
cultivated them with Chinese, Japa
nese, Hindu nnd other cheap lahort
The great laud corjKimlion would es
tablish its own commissary nnd
compel its horde of aliens to pur
chase everything fro nitho comlssary.
It could make enormous profits and
drive the independent fanner out of
"In California individuals nnd cor
porations owning great tracts nre
cultivating them with Hindu, Chi
nese, Mexican and Japanese labor.
These nre the men who desire to
lease their lands for liiglt prices to
this class ot labor."
Reports From Eastern Reglens Shws
Small Crop and Heavy Less From
Frost and Freezes.
After an exhaustive study of or
chard conditions following an ex
tended Inspection tour, Professo-
O'Oara states thnt tlm probabilities
arc that the pear crop In tho Medford
district will equal tho apple crop at
there will bo probably 200 cars ot
pears moro than first estimated. Tho
drop In most orchards has been very
light and somo orchards, Men tint
Creek, have record crops. The pros
pect are that COO or 700 c of
pears will be tiarrested by thi val
ley. Indications point to the best price;
for several years on account of nu
almost universal crop shortage In tho
fruit districts. Tbo Packer thus sod
marlzes conditiens:
SAN DIEGO, Cnl., May 23, It. C,
Smith, engineer nnd II. R Dock, chief
mnclunihtH mate, were killed, mid
Alma Miller, oiler, was fatally in
jured horo today when n cylinder
head blew out of tho port engine
aboard tho United States torpedo
bou distroyer Stewart, twenty miles
off San Diego,
Tho Stewart was cmslu nround
outside the harbor, making one of tho
rogulnr speed tests, when tliu ex
plosion occurred. The warship im-
modintely mndo for port. Tho two
bodies woro sent to tho morgue, nnd
Miller was taken to the Agnew Sani
Atlantic Section Frosted.
Another and by far the most ruin
ous frost that has visited the Atlan
tic coast states this very frosty sp'Inn
overspread Virginia, West VIrglnl.i,
Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey and
New York states last' Saturday and
Sunday nights. Iteporta coWIdk from
all-of these states indicate that c lor
raous damage was done the Rrof'un
crops. Virginia was again bit hard
and the early fruits and yflgotat8
1b that state were bdlr 'damped,
aad In some places entirely fired,
out. This tlrae the eastern sho.-it it
Virginia was hurt worse than, at any
previous time this season. There la
co telling to Just what extent t'.e
general crop damage Is at this vrlt
Irg. All reports, however, are of a
discouraging nature.
Peatli Crop Knocked Out.
Reports from Virginia, Wt Vlr
ElnJa and Maryland, many of. which
wero received prior to the frwt or
last Monday, Indicate that the poach
ciop In many sections ot theso strlu
has been killed by cold weather. No.
clone has the frost been the canto
of serious loss to orchardlsts, but
truck growers complain of drouth,
and a general shortening ot tr.i -i;
!os&ca In Michigan.
Downgluc, Mich. There was it
frost two or three times last week;
froro Ice. Temperature as low as
2-t degrees. Fruit U killed.
Reports to the Packer received
this week from various Michigan
fruit growing points told ot mora or
less recent frost damage. At Lacota
tho temperature dropped to Si de
grees and it pet X finish to early
strawberries, chorrtos, plums, v.'ich
en nnd pears. Damage to peaohes la
CO per cent und upples, pears, rcer
rlea and plums will not show uu nitre
than a quarter to a third of a crop.
(Continued on page 2.)
"Tho entertainment provided the
Admeu by Medford mudo a great hit
with tjieni," declares John M. Srott,
general passenger ageut ot tbo
Southern Pacific company who vis
ited Medford Friday on his return
from the Sacramento convention.
"Medford won golden opinions and
tho ltogiio River valley mndo a de
cided bit. Coutrasts with tho Sacra,
mento valley were decidedly In favor
ot tho Uoguo. Most of the Admon
return next. Monday,"
OLVMPIA, Wash., May 23.
Wbother tho heirs ot Charles I,a
throp und Louis Ulnlr, who wero
killed by outlaw John Tttrnow In tho
Buino battlo in which Turnow was
shot by Shorltf qilea Qutmby ure en-,
titled to a portion of tho reward of-'
fered by tho state la a question that,
has been put squarely up to Gover
nor LUtor, who In turn has asked
the attornoy general for his opinion.
It has now dqvelopod that Cbarle
Lathrop left a sou living nt the homo
of his uncle in Vermont. This son
has put In. a format claim for one
third or tho reward. No claim hns
coma In from tho Ulalr estate nnd
nono Is looked for. Olios Qtilmby,
tho man who shot Turnow, has made
format demand through Sheriff Mat
thows of Chehalls county for tho ep
tiro reward, Ponding the rendering
of an opinion by the attorney geii-
lral no money will be paid out.