POTBirotm.' irEDFORU matt; tribune, mbptotct). OTCrcacw, TimnsnAV. may 52, mm, IOCAL AND i- PERSONAL H. J. Pemborthy ot Hancock, Mich. Intt Wednesday fitter n week's visit with E. Q. Trowbridge-, an old friend. Ho la so grcntly pleased 'with Med ford ho expects to return In a ton month to mnko his homo hero. Austin Corbln, -who owns n largo orchard near Ilrownsboro, left Wed nesday evening on a business trip to I'orttaud. E, r. Cnrlcton, assistant superln tondent ot public Instruction, spent part of the week In Medford Inspect ing schools. Professor Smith of tho Talent school has been choson for principal of tho Lincoln school for next year. Orchard, hunting, fishing and Crater Lake tcenea for salt at Ger klng & Harmon's studio. Negatlrcs mado any place, kodak finishing. 128 East Main strooU Phono 215 R. Miss Llnnlo llolbrook, Daptlst missionary, who has spent flvo years In India, arrived this evening foF a visit with Mrs. C. S. Manning and Mtss Lawrence ot this city. The E. 1. A. club wilt glvo an entertainment Saturday ntfiht. May 24, consisting ot songs, music, etc., In Splker's hall. 54 J. O. Hamaker, publisher ot tho llonania Bulletin, Is among tho Odd Fellow delegates In Medford. Kodak finishing, best In town, at Weston's. H. M. Cockbun of Newton, Oro.. county commissioner of Umatilla county. Is hero representing the I. O. O. 1 encampment, Ho Is charmed with Medford and Jackson county, which ho admits Is the finest In Oregon excepting, of course, his own home. Mrs. A. E. Iteames left Thursday evening for a thrco Weeks' visit with relatives at Portland. R. II. McCurdy writes all kinds ot Insurance. 401 M. F. & IL bldg. Phone S49. R. Alexander of Pendleton, who is a prominent merchant ot eastern Oregon, has been active In tho ses sions ot the grand lodgo ot tho I. O. O. F., as also has Phil Mctschan ot Portland, former stato treasurer. They are charmed with the city and valley, ot which they have beard so much. Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Hanna, Mrs. Walter Kcntncr and Mrs. W. C. Dencft were over from Jacksonville Wodnesday afternoon. Gerklng ft Harmon, studio por traits, home portraits, flash lights, kodak finishing, post card work and enlarging.; 128 East Main street; telephone 21S IU Paul De Chain and his family, who have been residents ot Medford for several months, left for Yreka, Cal., Thursday morning. Miss Ruth Coryell, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. a M. KIdd. has returned to Seattle. She will open a private kindergarten at tho Medford High school building In September, under the direction .of the school authorities. Insure and be sure. Right It we write It, It, A. Holmes, The Insur ance Man. Mrs. J. K. Weatherford of Albany and Miss Eda Jacobs ot Corvallls is uttcndlng the grand lodge ot the Ite bekah degree. Herman D, Powell, official sprayer of Jackson county, is spending a few days in Medford. PARISIAN SAGE Tho Hnlr Grower Now Hold in Amcr. Ica on Money Hack l'iun It's a mighty good thing for tho women ot America that Parisian Sago can now bo obtained in every town of consequence. No preparation for tho balr has dono so much to stop falling hair and cradlcato dandruff and make wom en's hair beautiful as Parisian Sago. Parisian Sago is tho only certain destroyer of the dandruff mlcrobo which Is tho cause ot 97 per cent of hair troubles. Tli oso pernicious, persistent and destructive llttlo dovlls thrive on the ordinary hulr tonics. Parisian Sage is such an extraor dinary and quick acting rejuvenator that Chas. Strang, who is tho agent in Medford, guarantees It to euro dandruff, stop falling hair and itch ing scalp in two weeks or tnonoy back. It Is a magnificent dressing for woraon who deslro luxuriant, lus trou hair that compels admiration. And n largo bottle of Parisian Sage costs only 50 ceuts at Cbas, Strang's and leading druggists all over America. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS xunr unrnn Day Phono 327 Night P. W. Weeks UM.j.'2 1'ltoHtM A, E. Orr 07H-M Colonel J. P. Mundy, who hn been at Portland for sovcrnl days, Is In Medford again. Mrs. William Smith has returned from a several weeks' visit In Butte county, Cal. Money to loan on real estate. Soo Carkln & Taylor, attorneys at Ian, Medford. A, Mulr ot Portland Is visiting Ills brother, David Mulr, ot Central Point district, and his family. George W. Ilarroft was down from tho Siskiyou mountains Wednesday to eco tho big Odd Follows' parade. Tho Hclman Whtto Sulphur Daths and Swimming Pools at Ashland, Oregon, will open for ttho season Saturday, May 10. C4 O. P. Coshow of Roseburg. n well known attorney, was In Medford Wednesday on legal business. Mr. and Mrs. V. Uursoll ot Central Point district were ot tho throng In Medford Wednesday. Fred Alton Halght, tcachor ot piano and harmony, specialist In cor rect principles ot touch and tech nique for beginners or advanced pu pils. Faults corrected. Summer term. Halght Music Studios, 11C S. Laurel strcuL Phono 726-K. 09 M. M. Main ot Portland has been tn tho valley looking after his busi ness Interests. Mrs. Parrott of Newberg la tho guest of her sister, Mrs. John Anti pole. Thirty-eight years ngn she spent several months at what Is now Eaglo Point. E. D. Weston, commercial photog rapher, negatives made any time or place by appointment. Phone M. 1471. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Crawford of Gold Hill wero guests ot their son, Oris Crawford, assistant cashier of tho First National bank, nnd his fam ily, Wednesday. W. E. Thompson and T. J. Cook ot Oold Hill district were Medford visitors Thursday. Dr. Klrchgessner will bo at Hotel Nash every Saturday from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. on and after May 24. Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Carlow nnd Mtss Nclllo Santec, teacher ot Latin in Medford High school, were guests ot Mrs. W. L. Collins ot Gold Hill the foro part of tho week. School Superintendent and Mrs. J. Percy Wells, Mrs. E. B. Thompson, Mrs. C Kcegan, Mrs. W. E. Finney, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Abbott, Mrs. P. N. Flcke, Mrs. E. Wilson and many other citizens of Jacksonville spent Wednesday In Medford. Vapor baths and scientific mas sage for men and women. Dr. R. J. Lockwood, chiropractor, 203 Gar-nett-Corey bldg. Phone 145. J. II. Williams, T. Y. Dean, A. C. Hough, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. A. William, A. L. Kdgorton, Isaac Davis wuro of the many cltUcns ot Omits Puss In Medford during the week. Mrs. .Clemens ot Grants Pass Is tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Franks of North Riverside. 11. Deuel mado n .visit at P.lo Dclt tho big orchard In Itock Point dis trict, tho foro part of tho week. Walter Lake ot Grants Pass was among his Medford trtomls Wednes day. Postmaster Casey and Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hill ot Ashland spent Wednesday In Medford. Forest Supervisor Ertckson, who has been on Ashland, ami Anderson creeks, on official business, Is In Medford ngalu. Dan Shearer, who has been mining In Steamboat district, mado 11 trip to Medford Wednesday. A prominent feature ot tho Odd Fellows' parade In Medford Wednes day was tho float prepared by Mount Pitt lodgo of Central Point. It was strikingly symbolic of tho principles of tho ordor nnd handsomely decor ated, the occupants being inentbors ot the Kobekuh degree lodgo ot that town, who appeared to good advan tage. Byron Tcrrlll Is one of tho repre sentatives ot Burns lodgo ot Odd Fellows, coming ninny hundred mile to attend tho grand lodgo meeting at Medford. He was n resident ot Jiicl sou county many yean ago ami Is greatly surprised over tho growth and Improvement perceptible, 011 ery hand. John Lewis ot Marlon county, a cousin of George N. IaiwIs of Jack sonville, Is a member of tho grnri'l lodgo of tho I. O. O. P. Dr. E. II. Picket has gone north on a short professional visit, but wlil return Friday. Miss Esther Merrltt of Centr.il Point, a graduato ot Mrs. Head's seminary In California, Is attending commencement at Uiat school. Lee Wlmbcrly, publisher of tho Roseburg Review, Is one of the many who came to Medford during tho week. Herman Schellberg ot Salem, .!; uty United States revenuo collo.c'i.. has been making Medford and soulii em Oregon an official visit. Emmctt Becson, 11. A. High, Mt and Mrs. II. A. Frame, W. J. Bur nett, A. Moore, J. H. Pierce nnd Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Oatman woro among thoso up from Talent this week. A. N. Hurlhcrl, formerly ot Gold Hill, who has "been here on legal business, has returned to Auburn, Cal. Mrs. J. W. Morrltt, Mrs. O. 11. ItOJtel, Mrs. It. Mourn, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Mlnnlck, Mlsa Mary Moo, Mrs. U. 11. Rcamo nnd Mrs. Smith ot Cen tral Point tarried fewcrnt hours In Medford Wednesday. Mr. Rollins, n capitalist of Chi cago, who Is 11 member of tho syndi cate that purchased tho Fowler tim ber tract tn Foots Creek district, U tu Medford. Rev. J. K. Howard ot Gtondulo Is tn Medford. llo recently returned from Washington, where he went In tho Interest ot tho school for the education ot Chinese he Intends es tablishing In Douglas couuty. Nort Kddlngs ot Gold Hill, Ben Hnymoud ot Rock Point and F. II. Chamberlain of Ray Gold mndo n trip to Medford during tho week. William Tlbblts is one ot tho dele gates to tho grand lodgo train Glen date. Ho resided lu Medford for merly. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Schmltt ot Jack sonville are visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. E. Hancy. E. E. Phlpps, M. N. Long. W. E. Slockbrldgo and John Cameron of Ashland woro In Medford on frater nal bUHlnefvH this week. O. P. Miller, deputy city treasurer of Portland, Is among tho multitude ot Odd Fellows who came to Med ford. Roy Avery has gone to C00.1 cour. ty to locnto and become n dUclplu of tho nrt preservative. P. C. Relmor of tho Oregon experi ment station nt Talent, pasted through Medford tho foro part ot the week en route to Eaglo Point. It. V. Benll, W. 11. Ferguson nnd It. II. Bassett of Central Point tram acted business In Medford Wednes day. Mrs. I. P. Mego Is entertaining Mrs. A. J. Foster of Siskiyou conn'..'. Cal. W. H. Vaughn nnd George Mo Donough of Sams valley precinct wero recent business visitors lu Med ford. Clint Gallatin of Sterling district, doputy county assessor, spent Wednesday In Medford. Colonel George P. Mlms nnd 11. W. Huston of Willow Springs dis trict camo to Medford Wednesday. ' ,- ' ' ' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Experienced Jnpaneso to do general housework; good wagei Mrs. W .1. Vawtcr, 310 West Main street. - 54 KOlt RENT Modern " plastered 5 room .bungalow, water paid, 112.50 per month. One 4-room house, it, per month. Phono 207-J or call nl' 430 South 'lr st. -i SATURDAY AND WEEK-END SPECIALS M. M. Department Store Successors to Meeker's SWISS EMBROIDERIES Width from 2 to 5 inches, fine qual ity, strong embroidery, regular 12i to 10c values, 011 sale, a y1...8 NIAGARA MAID SILK GLOVES 1(5 button, heavy tipped, black, white and colors, on salo 98 TUB SILK J)3 inches wide, dainty stripes, blue and white, tan and white, gray and white, $1 values, special for last 3 days 85 SEMI SILKS Brocaded, diagonal, and other fan cy weaves, variety of shades, suit able for evening or street wear, values ranging from G5c to 75c, on sale, a yard 49 CHILDREN'S OXFORDS AND TWO STRAP Patent, gun mental, tan, sizes 1V to 4 85 Sizes 4V to Gio $1.00 Larger sizes in proportion. CHILDREN'S BAREFOOT SANDALS . In tans and Elk skin, all sizes from, according to size 65 to $1.50 BOY'S WORK SUITS Plain white, striped Galatcns and ginghams, beautifully made with Knicknerbocker pants and Sailor collars, prices range from, 98 to $1.79 CHILDREN'S SUMMER HATS Variety of Straws....lO to $1.50 Linen and Crash ITats..25 to 65 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Balbriggan 2-piece suits in light blue, brown and natural color, es pecially mado for this season, a garment 50 MEN'S SHOES Especially good for working men, heavy soles and hard toe, a pair $2.50 All Suits 14 off M. M. Department Store All Suits One-Fourth Off McCall Patterns Mrs. M. VoRt and Mrs. O. tliir linugh attended thu Medford movies Wednesday. Mrs, James Kent has gone tn Spi knno to make 11 ilittiulitur llvltnr In that city u visit. Among tho students who took high honors In tho recent eighth grade examinations are Kstello Ulark and Hollo French of Phoonlx. It has been stated that these glrln live lu Hoguo ltlver hut Phoenix la entitled to tho credit of their flue school work. WEDDING DELLS The Ketldinir Uoglslcr or Mny 17 eoutniiiH the fnllowitii; noeount of I lie niarriiige of V. II. l'nrrnr nnd Mr. M. II. Porker or Medferd: "Frederick II. l'nrrnr of Oold Ilnv Oregon, uml .Medelinn II. Parker of Medford ert nulled in holy matri mony Tlitirsdny night tit the Prchy teriiiu mauve, Itev, Mernlmnt S. Kid dle, imsior of the church, performing teli ceremony. "Mr. Pnrrnr linn the Ruiiorviitoa of the California-Oregon Power com pany nt Itay Gold, Orcein, nu1 Iiih been with tho compiiny for miiii yenrn. llo lias u host of friends in KOiilhern Oregon. "Mrs. Parker's former IuinImiiiI, who died Keveral years ago, wns Judge Pnrker. She i nn ncciiiiiplinh ed ludy nnd linn mitnv uciiiaintiiucei in southern Oregon and northern Cal ifornia. The Imppy couple will uiiiko their home for the present in (lold Hay mill left for the uoilh I'riduy morning." HITMHHT-KUMM-At OninU 1W. May L'0, Kdwiu Hoy liull.irt mid MUs I.eln llerthn Kitmui, both teachers in (Irnnt-t I'nt-H school, by the Itev. Jcffcry nt tho Metho dic Kpixcopnl church. The couple nro visiting n few iIiivh in Medford before going cast tu spend the summer vacation. Fair Weather Predicted. 1'OIIThAN'I), Ore, May 22 Weather fereenst: Oregon t Fair toniubt nnd Friday; northerly winds. E II. C. Kcntncr, neensed tif nnliex aleiuonli through bin nttoriicy, tA, 15. Kennies, waived ptclimlunry evnuiliia lion bet'oie .liislleo of tho l'cnen 0. 0. Taylor Thursday morning and wit bound over to tho grand jury under $ 1000 bonds. Mr. Kcntncr was nccuscd on com plaint sworn to by bis former luisl iichh uftsuciatc, l'. II. Meriick of ein ber..ling $10 from the II. C. Kcntncr company of which Mr. Kenlnur wns president. AUTO RACE TO FAIR GROUNDS COSTS EACH DRIVER $10 So nnxious were CluuiffeurH Hall and Alexander to return to the nice track for more fare Wednesday af ternoon that they threw caution mid city ordinances to tho winds and raced wide open for the gulet, There they ran into the open nuns of Chief llittsou mid n double pinch wns quickly effected. This morning they paid n fine of.tlO each, 11 convincing argument that less upccd would have meant more profits. Kcsidcuta nloug the line who snw the boys HH'ed bv decline it wns olio of the greatest races ever pulled off on n Medford street but nw iuvcilheless rejoiced to know that tho city is curbing the dangerous practice. WORK DEGAN UPON PAVING MAIN STREET BRIDGE Work wn begun ThuiNday on lay lag the upbalt paving on the Main Uerl bridge, which Is again closed to traffic. It is expected Hint tln job will he fiui-hed within 11 week. MSI ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE TliC AnllicrlP"wl hWn Into lb ibim Tha Munitaril Mm cdy lor tlir !! lor QiMiur rrntury. MunittlimnnUli. HoM Ti0-MMt. fwywhftr. :V. Mmil I'M lilt. AiMlr.4, AU.n , Plm.ln! I.vr n v. Th Man vvtoo put lh i: i: a In V UK T. Is - til KBWHaHMVVraBBSaiafl' ' VUP I CUT DOWN COST OP PRODUCTION, CUT OUT HORSES AND MULES, USE THIS DENNING TRAC TOR, 3500 LBS., 24 H. P., $1200.00. CHAS. TSGHIRGI R. P. D. NO. 3. PHONE 67-J-2 7t Rtmlngtut Cvbt flnJlfnlr ,3 J mlmmy iniwun BfltBk- att ai -HFliHL. VvV SlBaBllli''-11' ttjp 2 2 "RIFLES ti i :n.i i7:n. p: : n..nlUir A lie JLillllc units J-fig 11 vc".jr YOU are going to buy a .22 calibre rifle, single sliot or repeater you'll find that many well known crack shots started with a Remington .22. Their advice now would be "By nil means, get n Remington" because they know that there ia a tendency in some nunrters to look upon these models as only "n small boy's rifle" and to cheapen them so that they can be sold at a price, You have just as much right to expect full shooting value in your .22 calibre arm as in your $75 big game nlle. You want the Remington single shot at from $3 to $6, .22, .25-10 or .32 calibre, made by the same people who make the famous Remington Autoloading Rifles, Or. if vou nrefer the repeating rifle, the Remington alidc action .22 repenter -with its cqsv take-down nnd special safety fea tures, shooting -22 short, .22 long or .22 long rifle cartridges, at $10 nnd up, is your arm. Sold lv live dcaleri of t)il community the mod popular imnil calibia rifle in America. Reminf Ion Armi-Ualon Metalllo Cirtrldi Co. 299 UroailTr -a- 1 u. Nsw York 1 m! HUSBAND TIRED OF SEEING HE1SUFFER Procured Lydin E. Pinlchnm's Vogotnblc Compound, which mndo His Wife a Well Woman. MliMliitown, I'ii.-"I hnil lipmlnelio, bncknclut ntul mtch nwftil lionrlntf down mln Hint 1 could not bo on my foot nt tlincflMul I liiiiloritmila liillniiinmtluii m limlly tlmt I wnnnotiililototloinywurk. 1 could not not ii Kood iiikiiI for my luu Imiid nnd onn clillii. My iit'lKlibors tnld thoy llioiutlit my inilTi'rliiii wrw tiirrililo. "My.liiislinml Kt Urtnl of set'lnu inn rulTor nnd nn nl(;lil wont to tho ilnuc sloro nnd i;ot mo n botllnof I.ydln K. I'lnklmm'i" Vt'U'tnl)lo Comiwutnl nod told mo 1 iiuidt tnko It. 1 can't ta-ll you nil 1 sutfcri'd nml 1 enn't toll you nil Unit your miillcliio Im lnno for mo. I wnn Krcntly IkhicIUwI from thu Unit nnd It Ims mndo mo it well woman. I enn U nil my houimvoih nml wiii lulunl hoiihi of my frlfinU n well. I think U U n vondirful lirlp to nil sulTfrlni; wotix'ti. 1 hnvo not oVirnt tn tnko it nflor Inir whnt It linn ilono for mo." Mr. V.uua MiiT.NHiiAm:, I'll) l.'imtMulnSt, Mlddlotown, lu. Tho I'lnkhiim n-cord ln proud nmllion ornblo oiio. It it ri'cunl of cousUiut victory over tho obnUnttlo III of womnit Ill Hint ilonl vol i!i-nlr. It l itn rt tnhllthod fuel that I.ytlin I'.. rinkhniu'rt V,K"'l'h'" C)itiHiuul Itm ronloruil health to thotinm!.i of mich wulfi'rimf women. Why don't you try It If you ni'ttl Much it iiunllclnoT If ToiMfuul uprcl.tl ml i Ico nrltr to l.iilla l l'lukham .M dlrluo t'o. (ronIN (Initial) I.tiiu,.Vhi. Vour Ictlrmlll Im upruril, rrnil nnd nntiiirl h; it Moiiiitu nnd hi M lu ilrlrt niulhlriirr. Awaiting Tht Joyful Sound waaaiBBBBBBvaBB rtinWonilerfulMiutc that Durt Forth Whan the Stork Arrives. Tlmt futinr WMr, hrnry cry Hint rcWa tlm arrltul nt the nn tmlijr la iwrluint lli.i Hum I c lie rl titM rv intmbrnnra o i our !). And tliuiiMiuU of happr UKiltur una their im-nnlldii tit h-nllh nnd ttrvntih lu Moilior's TrlriKL Ttita nn external rrnmly I lint U sppllnl In Hit nlxlomlniil muclr l( rrllnvr nil th Irn shin. Iilrvrnt Irmh-r- ant nnd rtln, rnnlih-a tli tminclm tn re pmitl Kt-ntly, nnd. vrlx-n tutliy onucn, thi miiM-lia rvfitt nntiirully, I ho funn I pn ktm! niiliinii lacrrntloit or otlirr mxl tlriit. It l on" of Dm tmiil.inl. rrlUlilit rrmnllm Hint xrnnihiiolhcrn avcrjrwlirru tiav trllisl iiimti, llh IU dully ne durln llio vrlixl of eiprcUtlun, tlirn I no Hralnran, no mo ira, no mumlnc lrknii, no pain, dlatn-M or lmli of nnr kind. Vou will II nd IM vromlrfiil rrtniMy on ale at your dnic alor nt St.(K) mt ImitU. It I nreiHtnil lr llrndflrld lteKiiUtor Co., Kl iiinar iiinf, Aiianin, tin. writs Ihrtn fur nioilirrs. a valuably Imok to oiprcUut Absolute Purity Effectiveness Wholesomeness I ttlmt you Kct In Crescent Baking Powder It contains two powdr units nnd rnnnot full to ntlso tho iIoiirIi. Ait Intorriiptlon In iiiIxIiik or delay In hiikltiK will not destroy Its efficiency. Bat your bnttor nt nlKht nnd hnko your rukoM In tho morn Inx. It leaves no tin wholcsnuin roslduo In tho food, nml It Is perfectly health ful. for full pound ran nt nil Krocors Cremciit MniiufiictiirlnK ('ompiiiiy Himttlc, Wnslilnijton BtfatfffsTiV U'Jiiiiaj HPInl IIAVK YOU UVKIl TIIOUdllT I low stroiiK n connection thcro Is botwecn ICyouclio uiid Ilondnchof Many puoplo nuffor uniiccosBiirlly from Iiondiichos thut could tin entire, ly cured by wonrliiK proper OIuudoh to rollovo oyo iitraln and Ichsoii tho uurvoiiH tonsloiu If your Hond or Kyotfnoho try DlnsAcs fitted by ' '!' Dr. Rickert KyoHlglit SpoolulUt Ovor Kontnor'H. Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, I. O. Publlo Land Mattorsi Final Proof. DoBort Lands, Contost and Mlnlni Oases. Bcrlp, fe