",, t -t , I . J f (tifl faMHI(tV-' 1 '. : I. All Members of This GJubt JUiTCOTVou. Vcll.Uh. W Vill SAV8 I Vouiir a is- I OONT hind Tmimv '.v m.m I c,0-Mt5AM0 o, JU ' fvorf tUtWt' I WILLOW SPniNGS TWIOLETSI V. It. IIiuMh nml fnmily ntti'iuli'il flntroli In (.Vntnil Point Huntliiy itiuniln. Mr. Tnittliriiluo of Mitlfnnl wan Id Hi" Willow SirlnM ilUtrint Hitinlny. Mr, mill Mro. I1. A. lluiiiiln, Mi MoNiiMiir, J. sHf Ituwn ami J. I Iloiijjlunil atleiiilcd tlui opcn'iiK of tin' Put tliimtro in Mid forl .Moiiiliiy I'Voritiig'. I). W. Stoiio mill wifu dined at Din Marring lintna Hntunlny cni'iilng. Mr. nml Mm. I'rwl Ktroube r thi illclrict wpio hlnii)iln,' in Central l'olnt Saturday. Many from tliU district were in M i'il fon I during tliu pant week. Tlu youiigeat mm of Mr. ami Mm, lti DiniiUoii linn licen wry illl for mivrral ilnyi. Krgulur grntiKO inert ine; will tin linld Saturday ni'iiliij,', May 'J I, 11113. All tin fiiturft (iiiiiii', n k tlivru in to liu iiiiHirtant InmiiifMH dixoutiHcil. .Mit May Daviiloun ri'tttroril to Iiit homo aftur tpriuliii; nevornl m'iL in Mt'ilfoiil. Mr. Tanklam van h1ioiiIiik in Crii trul I'otat Friduy tiioniin. Mm. MiilCfii ami futnily rnjoyed Mnmlo Ailmim Momlny owning. NOTICK. Notice U hnrcliy jtlvcn that tlm iimlnrilcavil will apply to tha city roimrll ot thu city of .Modforil, Ore koii, at ltd rt'r.nlar tnoutliiK mi Juno n, 1013, (or a llrcimo to null plrlt iioiih, vluniiH ami malt llijuors In lUiinUtlcH Iom than a Knllon, at lilt jiliu-o of tiiiMlaoHa at No, 2 N. l'ront t., In utilil city, for a period ot tit moatlii. K. n. IlKOWK. ltltS()l.-H( OltllKltINO I.M. 1'ltuVlv.MK.NT llo It rimolvoil 1- tho City Council of Mntfenl: Vh(lrnHi tlm City Conncll linn duly ilivclarml ltn lutontlon tiy roolutlon to Impruvu tlio follow Intt nlrti'1, t" wit; Tim ulJuy throtmh II I otic &V Orlulual Towiulttt, from (Uuihi Btrnot to Holly ulrvot, liy plarliiK conrroto riirbn and tiuttcrti on lith ntdcii thoro of and parluc tlio namo with phultlu conon-lo puri'iiiunt, connlHtltiK of a four inch ntplialtlc roncrutu Imao ami a 1 li Inch aoplialt wcnrlnR aur fac. Ami whuroux notice tliornf w.ii duly itlvuii an rtquroil by tlio char ter ot wild city, ami WluirriiH, protrHt iiKiiluit tho vaino Inm Imkh duly loUMldvrod, tho Couuctl orders thu Improvement to bo made, an dcHcrlbvd In wild ronolutlun, and th n amount ot tlm coot thereof an noHgml mum tlio (iropurly eupbclally henefltcd thu re by. Thu forncolaK roifolutfon wna piuuud by thu City Council ot thu City or Mmltord, on tho 20th day ot May, 1013, by tho folIowhiK voto; Mitchell, ayo I'ortor, uo; Ompboll, a) uj Btowart. ayo; Bummurvlllu, a)o, ami Millar nbnunt. Approved May 20, 1913. W. V. KIKKrtT, Attest: ' Mayor. K. T. KQHH, ItecorUur, OltniNANCi: NO. 7HO All ordlnuno) to reKUlnto tho put ting down ot kIiIowuIIch and keeplui; tho name on Kiado upon tho atroetu of the City ot Medford, Orueon, The City of Modrord doth ordulu im follewa: Huctlon 1, It tilmll bo nnlawtul for un," "pi'rMon, firm or corporation WI1VV VOUU OltOICIl H acroa DoAnJou, full bearing 10 iicron Uodu, full buarliiK 1U acron lUKlctt, full lumrlni; 10 acroa Comloo, full ImarliiK Wo niUBt' noil ouo nt thuHO blocltu ot 1'oarH at Jimt, oue-lmlf value to hiivo larKor tract. 12 ft. (loop loam hoIIj In Jaokuou county, 3 tnllou from Modforil. ' 1'iico nskisi, ifono. Wo want your bid on nuu ot thoao trautii, Can tulco you out any after noon. a, c. HAHNKa (lt!.1 N. lllveidlilo pr 211 Firut National Ilunlc llulldluc to lay down, build or countruct any permanent nlduwalk in or upon any of tlm utrenU of the city of Mmlford, OroKon, without tlrnl having filed with tlm City KiiKlno'tr of nald city an application for jhtiiiIhkIoh to rou atruct itiiclt nldnwalk, and without liavltiK flrnt rernhert from tlm City Knulneor written permlKiluti to con triiLt mull nlduwiillc. Huch nppllcn tlou iiiimt bo KlKneil by the portion, firm, or offlcor or a;ent, It a cor poration, of mirh corporation doiilr liiK to rnrmtruct nuch vldcwalk. and ihall iihow the nuiim of the atrcut and the lot or pioperty abuttlnc tho ame. Upon aiich application tho City Knglneor hall Imun tho appll nt, friH of churite, a written iov tnlt to couxlruct nuch Kldowalk. Hertlon 2 Any puriou, firm or corporation Mnlatlun nuy of tho pro lnlonii of thin ordinance ihall, upon conviction theroof before tbo Maor of until city, be punUhed by a fine of not Ic than SC ami not more than $25, and In default of tho pay ment of audi fine hnlt tie Impris oned lu thu city Jail one day for each t: of inch fine. The forcuoliiK ordlnnnro wai paimeil by the City Council of tho City of Medford on the 20th day ot May, IMS. by the following voto; Hummervlllo aye, I'ortor ae, Mitch ell aye, Millar abneut, Stewart uye, Campbell a)o. Approved May TO, is. W. IMPKIIT. Attett! Mayor. 12. T. F033, ItcconUr. KUM.MONH. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for Jacknou County. uarrr H. Titttlo. nlalnttff. t. Mnlla (lardon. defehdant. To Iriella (lardon, tho above Unmod defendant: In thu ;iamo of tlio Htato of Ore gon you nro hereby roqulred to ap pear lu tho tbovo entitled court, and raup, and atmwor the complaint ot tho plulnlltr on file therein at;alnt you, within lx veek from tho dnto of tho flrt publication of this irnm iiioua, to-Hit, ulthln itU week from tho 22il day of May, 11U3, tho date of thu flrat publication; und ou will hereby taku notice that It )ou fall to kd aptxjar ami auawer. then the plaintiff will tnko Juilcment nKaltut you for the mi in or 12000 a de manded In tho complaint heroin, be ItiK the ngruod value and price of property traiuferrert to you In pay ment ror rertaln teronal property In Ail iiiiiii county, WaahliiKton, horeto foro told by ou to plaintiff In June, 1D12, ami falauly and fraudulently repreneutud by ou to bo free and clear of any and all Incumbrance, except lU'fi. but nil of which wm moriKaKcd at aald time, and through foreclosure nf tho said mortmiKo lien all or mild poruonal property baa be come wholly loat to plaintiff. Thla aiimmoua la publlahod by authority of, and In accordance! with an order duly' mado and entered In open court by the lion. K M. Calkinn, Jud:o of tho Circuit Court jof Jackson county, Statu ot OroKon, on tho 2 I'd day of Mny. 1013. Data of first ptibllcallon, May 22, 1013. W. J. CANTON. Attorney for rialutlff. 1. O. AddreHH: itlalto llulldliiK. Med- i.-rd, OrcKou, KOIt Ili;.T FUItNl.qUKu' AITS. FOItitlSNT CompietoFy TuTnlsiiod npartmoiits. Tha Dorbcu, 10 Quince at. .JFOK ItKNT W1IT10E8 I'OU RKNT Largo,- cotnrortabioot flco rooms with elevator service, atenm heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furnl turo & lldw, Co. NEW TODAY 80 noros In Sams valley, aver halt In crops, balauco lovul tlmbor, oak and laurol mixed; boiiio building; Hood sprluus. 12800. SI000 Medford homo to oxchmiRo ror n aninll closu lu ranch. Will pay nemo dlfferonco. ar acroa lu tho Plorco tract ault nblo for fruit, itarden or poultry vouch; Joins tho town. Special vn tor contract for IrrlmUliiK. f4G00, 700 acres fluo ImprovomontB, good corn, Kraln, xtock or fruit land; on Koocl road, nonr railroad town, A bargain. ? 17,500. G. D. HOON and' E. J. STEWART MEDjTOnT) MAIL' TRIBUNE. MJSDD'OJIP, Oniggoy, TmmSPAY. MAY. 22,. JAM. t 1'OIt ItKM IKJtmlffl KO?l UK NT Klrb" " room modern npartmout, aleepluK porch, 1G; seven room house, itlccpInK iorch. Col. II. II. SarKunt. 810 Oakdale Huuth. CI I'Olt ItKNT Modoru bunualow; bullt-lu furniture; beautiful lawn. 30 B. Newtown. I'Olt ItlTNT Modem furnlihod C-rooin house, water rent Vnld. 20, 518 KltiK at. I'Olt It ISN'T Furnished bouse, close In. CO N. OranRo. POIl lll.'NT Ptiu room modurn npartmeut, alccplng porch, $1C; reven room house, aleeplnc porrJi, IIC Cot. II. II. Barecut. 810 Oakdale South. CI I'Olt HUNT Modern C room liutiKa low on pavement nt !!25 Iteddy ave. I'hono N2K-M. C5 FOIt KK.NT Six room modern bun Italnw, km. electricity, east front and fluo shade Iiujiilro 318 S. Laurel. C7 FOUnnNT I'UltNlBHKTJ IIOOMS KOIt" HUNT Well furnished" rooma with all conveniences In modem home, Kentlomaa and wlfn or la diet only. Call mornings. 422 South !aurct. FOR R1SNT I-nrRo sleeplnR rooms, and modern bousekoeplnc apart Tanots, prices very reasonable. Phone 102C-Ii. 222 South liolly street. . run jii..-a iitiunirBL.i'j.u t ,i. ....-.... HOOMS FOIl ItKNT IlousekcoplnR rooms with bath and teat. 35 North UartletU roil RBNT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 730 Wont 11th nt. for iti:.T misci;mani:quh FO?l"ltT:NT nrstJcTasa "pajtur'c.' I1.C0 pur meuth: ruuntnc water. Phono 007-11-4. Bco John Darker. 54 ron sam: AcitKAm: 1 i ii i ii i i n . -. n niiri iii XJ FOIl SALi: 5 or 10 acres closo In. easy terms. Phono 1000-M. 07 FOR HAMS li.Nl3 FOR BALK Four small farms about threo miles from Taleut; houses and Improvement!; among tho foothills, soil very fertile, water plentiful; prices from fCO to 1100 an acre. Luman N. Judd, Talent, Oru. FOIl SALK AlfaRa farms, level; prlco from 1200 to S3G0 an aero. Timber land from $25 up. Cold mliilnK property, assaying from IS to 300 a ton; also railroad lands In Calirarnla, Utah and Nevada; nlso fluo stock farms and commer cial orchards and 2U0 acros ot heavy aaw timber, Pine and fir (uover boon cut on) at 30 an acre. Will sell lu 40-acro tracts If dcBlrod; road not far from saw mill; must havo cash down. Lu man N. Judd, Talent, Oro. WANTKD GO acres orchard and farm; 30 acres ieara, 20 acres farm. Will deal with owner only. Box 32, Tribune. 02 FOR SALK 100 aero good nlfnlfn and grain ranch, nil In cultivation. Will mnko good stock ranch. J100 per aero. Inquire ot C, M. BvoudBen, Medford, Oro, 07 FOR BALK Do not fall to st any list ot hard times bargains lu ami around tho bonutlful city ot Ash land before you decldo on a loca tion, I can biivo you money on routing or buying. W. D. Hodg eon, Cor, K. Main and Second ata.. AshlaiuL Oro. 64 FOR BALK 1IOUSK.H FOllluW'oirTRADK Now wo)l built bouse, 7 rooms and bath, co mont basement, gnrago, chlckon houso, garden, to. Unobstructed vlow ovor city and ocean; lot GOx 100. Taku San Mntoo, Comotory or Hth car, Cot off nt Crockor boulovnrd, walk up 4 blocks to 325 Peoria at root (distance 35 min utes), Savolln R. Hackal or F. I, .v- TouVolIo. FOR BALK Modoru bungalow near ly now, alx roouiH, pantry, bath, oloctrio llghtfl, city water, tsowor connoctloiiR, barn, heubouso, yards, gnrdon, (Iciod team taken In ex Addroua Box 224, Control Point, Oro. fiU I'Olt HAI.tt 1IOUH1-S FOIt SAM: Ily owner, tho finest tract of deep black loam soil In Medford, C0x330 feet; ovary var iety of bearing small fruit; 20 threo ntut four-year-old rrult trees; lame iKiuttry Iioumi and yards; threo room cottage and screen imrch, front lawn, balsnco ot place In RroA-InK Knnlcn; Reed wood house; sldowalkii and city water oiiilro leiiKtb of premises. Will sell chfap. Address I' O Max CS1. phono evenliiKS 1070'X or call at 1011 Kant IStevcnth. CC FOIt HAM: A flvo room modern cotlajio with Iiitko jiird and bam. good location, for only H0Q on terms of C0 cash and 1S Kr month with no Interest to pay the first ear. Your rent will buy this. Call on K. S. Tumy, 201 Uarnctt-Corcy blk. C4 FOIt SAMS In tho city ot Talent. Ore, by L. N. Judd, a small, com fortable dwelling house and V, a. or land, 1500. S120 cash down, bal. on tlmo. FOIl HAMV MISCKMjAMSOUB FOIt 8AI.K Hlectrle fan, coat ?1C. for IS.D0. 1427 i:. Main. FOR BALK Indian model canoe, length 1G ft. a real bargain at $10. Illcycle, coaster brako. good con dition, fH; .Mc,Mollm;or nuto sparker, $5. J.ltroan'a belt and climbers, Hi. Turner blow pot, 12 GO. Sot "Practical " Knglnecr InB" cost JIG, 5. Klectrlc air heater, 14. C (3. Ware, Uox C1C, Phono 25-R-3. FOR SALi: A nlco team ot mules good to work In orchard, 1300; ouo wagon and harness, S75; ouo bay driving and saddle maro, I1GG; ono 2-seated canopy top buggy, 140; ono single harness, 112. Seo A. 1C. Ware. Kxblblt bldg. 1011 BALK 138 set of Harvard Classics, now, S20; a 20 sot ot Shakespeare, f 14. 1427 K. Main. FOIl SALK Household furniture, gna stove, range, heater. 2 rugs, beds, bookcaso (sectional), tables, chairs, rockers, sldoboard, set of Havllaud china, books, desk, rrult Jars, etc., etc Phono 7G7-L or call 1427 K. Main st. FOIt SALK Ods range, nigs and household furniture. Houso ror rent. Hussey's, 35 North Oakdale. FOR SALKCheap. Phllo Incubator, Phllo coop, trio nuff Orpingtons; heating stove, rug, bed nnd mat tresses, chairs. Box 53, Jackson ville, Ore. 52 FOR SALK Letter heads and fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, us you -wish at tha Mall Tribune. FOR SALK Day-old chlcka. Planum Klectrlo Incubator Hatchery, Tal ont, Ore. II. O, High, Mgr. GC FOR SALK Looso loat ledgor sys tems, any style or zaade to order by the Mall Tribune bindery. FOR SALK Legal blatixa, tresspass notices, for salo or rent slugs at the Mail Tribune, FOIl SALE OR TRACK-Pedigreed Poland China boar. R. D. 1, Box 73, Central Point, or phono Far mor 14-184. FOR SALK 25,000 feot good lum ber suitable Tor bnrns, packing houses. O. Allder & Son. Phones 1027-J, 9C1-M. 53 FOR SALK Oil paintings, all .or which havo been exhibited' and cnt hloguod In New York and Chicago, Prlcod at 150 to 300. 1427 B. Main at, FOR SALK Ronton dosk and now Undorwood typowrltor. Phono 255. FOR SALK First class cull pota toes 1 5 por ton. Scott V. Davis. Phono 808-R. 52 FOR SALE Four passongor Cadlii jao; bargain. Boar Creok Motor Car Co. FOR SALK , Household uoods! Ptovos, tables, chairs, beds, dresser and 0x12 rug. Call thla wook. 7ia V. Palm at. 52 FOR SALK Now alfalfa liny. Phono JM'Ml. 53 FOR SALK Woll built honhousu 18 x27 ft. RiiBtlo lumbor atnluod brown; 30. Myrn Fuller. Siski you llolghts. Phono C1S-R, GG VANTi:i filTOrtMONS WANTISli Housework position by girl. Will work In city or on ranch. Phone 7C7-L. 05 11KLP WAXTKD T7101AIJS NTK Woman cook at Taverft hotel, Kaglo Point. WANTBI) Woman for general liouso work In small family out of town. Phono G7-J-C. 02 WANTKD Cook; a girt to do gen eral housowork. Will pay good wages to tho right party. Address Uox 18, car) Mall Tribune. 1IKLP WANTKP MALK WANTKO Five youug men for so licitors; good proposition. Apply at 227 Kast Cth at. after 5 p. in. Mr. James. 02 WAXTKD MISCKLIiAMSOUS WiNTK iiP Team " horsos," 1 100 lo 1200; must bo sound and true, 8 to 10 years old. Will pay cash. COO Taft Ave, City. 52 WANTKD About 1000 feet 3-lnch galvanised sheet Iron slip joint jdpo; must be In good order. Wrlto K. F. (Julhrle, R. F. D. 2, Medford. G2 WANTKD Stock bog feeders. 75 lbs and up. F. Y, Allen. Phono C2G-L. 54 WANTED TO I1UY farming horso, prlco about $50. W. Ii. Harris, Central Point. WANTKD TO BUY Dcof cattlo. atock cattle, calves, all kinds, sheep, hides, wool, etc. Bob Crowdcr, phono 1029-W. You may find mo at my market. 103 W. Main, Wednesdays and Saturdays. 54 MOXKY at loax wsm.nn. MONKY TO LOAN Oa city and close In ranch proporty. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phone 3CS. MONKY TO LOAN J 1000 to 15000 to loan ou Improved farm proper ty. Bonnott Investment Co. TOR .KXCHAMn FOR SALK OR EXCHANGE Good old established busluess In Med ford. Addrosd U. B., Mall Trib une. )OR KXCHANOK Portland and Forest Grove residence property for Medford and valley real estate. AddrcbS Hox 47, Route Ho. 2, Cen tral Point, Oro. 53 FOR SALK OR KXCHANOK A hiindsomo bungalow In Los An geles. Will exchange for nice bungalow in Medford. Sou A. K. Warn, Kxhlblt bldg. WILL KXCHANOK 10 acres poars, with or without house, tor Med ford bungalow. C. B. A., Mull Tribune. FOR TRADE I havo sonio new Studobakor wagons, buggies, farm Implements and gasollno englno ror which I will take cord or fir wood. F. Osoubruggo, 401 River Bldo ave. S. ' FOUND FOUND Lady's handbag between Medford nud Ceutral Point. Loser may havo samo by paying for ud. Call at booth 18 public market Sat urday. G2 IA)ST LOST Sunday. May is. mink tip pet. Phono G7C-R. Howard, ot BUSINESS UIHKOTORY. . Accountants D. It. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and kopt for a ronsounblo figure; your bUaln6ss solicited. Ortlco, Modtord Mall Trlbuuo bldg,; phono C1MI-2; res leuco phono 637. ' Attorneys PORTER J. NKFF, WM. P. MKALBY -AttoriioyB-at-Law. Rooms 1 and 2, Postotflco bldg. A. W. RKAME8, LAWYKR Garnott Coroy bldg. ,. . W, J. CANTON Attorney and-Couu- sollQr at Law. 123 East Mum street, Medford, Oro. Wm. li. Colvlc aoorgo M. Roberts COLVIG & ROilERTS. LAWYERS Modtord Natloual Baik Bulldlpg, . By George MeM?iTOC t BUHIXKSS DIRi:CTORY Alwtracta ROGUK RIVKR VALLEY AB STRACT CO., No. C South Central. Auto Supplier, LAIIKR AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret In making spring Is tho tempering. Wo aro operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pacific northweat. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under guarantee. 2C North Fif teenth St., Portland, Oro. Clilro praetor DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist. Rooms 203-204-205 Garnett-Corcy bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massago given; advice In dlotetlcs, medical gym nastics, hydroptberapy. Lady at tendant Phone, office 945, resi dence 571-R. DIt. A. It. HEDGES, Dr. Louise E. nedges Mcchano-TheraphUs, Chiro practors, Spondylotucraplsts. These systems. Including dietetics, cu ra ti vo gymnastics, hydro-thorapby, etc.. produce resulu In both acute and chronic diseases. Consulta tion tree. 230 North Bartlett St., next door to M. K. church. Hours 0 a. m. to 5 p. in. Other boars by appointment. Phono t7-J. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCQJ'OC DR C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett Corey bldg., sulto 310, Medford, Oro. Phono 856 Garbago qARBAGK Get your premises cloaned up for tho wlntor. Call on tho city garbago wagons for good acrrlco. I'hono C25-L. F, Y. AUeiu Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Bring your work to mo at tho sign of tho Mall Tribune. Printers nnd Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho best equipped printing oltlco In southern Oregon; book binding, looso leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North FlrSL PhykUMim and Surgeons dil" 1KgTcarwvd1Ceva MAINS CAHLOW Osteopathic physicians, 410-417 Garnott-Coroy bldg.. phono 103C-L, Restdouco 420 South Laurel st. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Burgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 B- Main. Phones, offlco 814-J-2; res., 814. DR. J. J. KMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to oyo, car. noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Offlco 22S East Main St.. Hours 8:30 a. ra. to S p. m. Phoue. K. B. PICKKL, M. D. Offlco Jack- sou Couuty Bank bldg. Office phone 43-lt; rcsldenco phono 68-R. DR. MARION Puystclan and sur geon. Stewart bldg.. corner Main and Bartlett sts.; offlco phono 27, resldenco phone 27-J-2, DR. MARTIN C. BARBER Physi cian nud surgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12,1 to 4. I'hono UO-J. DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician and 8urgoon. Pboues. oinco ao, rest Uenco 721-J. Offlco hour 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W, W. HOWARD Ostoopatblo physician, 303 Garnett - Corey building. Phono 004-M. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Ovor Hutchison & Luius , den. 215 E. Main St. Phono 77, Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. oionogrnpuiu ivurn uuuu ijuiuaij and woll. Transfer BADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offlco 10 South Fir St. PJione 31G, Prices right. Sorvlco guar anjoe.d. , , ,, jpfffllfl OOTID! ."J Draperies Yta csrrr a very complete tin of draperies, face certain. rKturs, etw mi ilo all clais ot uehplttirlnr. A. upeelal ma ts look atit. IKts' WerK iclualvnly and will kIv an ro4 srvtca an in ixnitbla to kt la Vea Mio laxcfit cltloa. Weeka&McGrOwanCo. ' FOR SALE . Small lrrltjatfcd ranCjh noar'clty reservoir, 'llousc.'ibar abed, etc. Telophono and city water. Family orchard, berries, garden. Now frco soli nil planted. Ideal location for market gardening, berries or small orchard. Buy this ranch now and got the benefit of this year's crop. II. I XOBLIT, Owner Phono 1018-L. Proud as you aro of the daughter, and proud as she Is ot graduation honors there Is soon but a meaiery of snch events unless a portrait keep tbo record of each milestone of youth. Our styles of school pictures are approprlato to tho occasion. Mako tbo appointment early. H. C. MACKEt Studio E. Main and Central Medford, Ore. Hochambeau Registered. DAPPLi: GRAY 8TAXLIOX M C Years Old Service $20 to Iimure jurro iubx Wo also train horses and colts aad break them ot all noxious habits. Sat isfaction guaranteed. L. O. VAX WF.GKX Main -12 JarksoRTllIe A'stale to bo desirod, but'how can -puoxpect it when with Wkla you aro tired? ' "' Why not solve tha problem now while tnoso tired feelings lurk It's easy, when you ouco know how. Let tho bakor do tho work! MEDFORD BAKERY & DELICATESSEN 42 8. Central. ,.. . E.D.Weston i pfficial Photographer of the Medford Commercial Club 4 JAinntour JTinislliug Post Cards PanorauiiC'Work Portraits t Interior and oxtorior viowa 1 ivJ7 FlaBh lights ""i Negativou.inado any time and any place by appoint- mont. 208 E, Main PhontHU 1 p v I u to