And Now f Oaf'lHl Ti'AB To CALL, INTM65 ICtint MNT,. MM '5,M Of rAA,f lj ) UVT ClU. COfMJ VilTMrAtt (VD I HUY VqUK,pCLI, btCWMKT VTM0U4HT fSS ttwm cool . 0 i; -)l.l COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS , . (Continued from punn 4) M. P. ituhmlti, labor ... 7X tiii Alfijnt H. TVu. labor . . . 3,1.00 Nettfo I.. Tliiiuipou, labor fill 00 - ,, .Tolttl . OSO.'JO , ., 'ln, Rebate. A. P. (muli no oo.(!7 , Himv nml Colmiimi m,,.. .. 57.35 Alfred (liistni'iou 53. bo I.. ,IU llulitiiinl . Zi.fl Mi. Kllialotli Wllri- 10.03 Tolnl .. :ui.5 i i Current l-!Hifc. (I. Wt A K ,' iiMirvUnr at , r.)i(M) ui. 2 l. Anhlttint TlilliiHd, miliicrlli (Inn (ur puorfnnu, 3 joant I.Oii Wutlxirii Herxiii, iiUomlaiiui t'liiintmi:i liuanl ....- ... 3 SO WVIIiorn IIm'K(iii, nltnniliinco (n oilllimllotml lumril...... 3 30 I-'. Jl. CnlkliiM. lolPili(iiui - Mt' . . ...-. -' 'Ju Jh M. Oiiinnuilllur, tnnim (or oldim - . - I'.f 0'i Cy DniK Hloro, suiilliM (or ciiiirllinimo . . .. .... 9. IS Kuilnni Htiil- Co., Muiipllm (or iimpimar . 3 60 HnpJo DrtiR Htorc, uppllon 1.75 Tim I'roilorlrk l'on( Co., mr o)om' nuppllp S..2i (Hiim & I'riiilliuiiiniu Co.. o(- (lio iiippllcn . . H.Zo (Hum & 1'rutllKimiiio Co., of- flro Niippllo .... I 10 lliirman Hr.. mippllt'ii (or nrMirV iifdrn ,m.l Ji 00 Home IV I j & Tul. Co., lo- plinno Mil for rniirlhmiMi S9 Ob I). l llinry. oxpoimn A '.'( Irwin I liul ton Co., mipi'llon fi'J.lfi J.irknonlllo I'oit. tirlutliiK for o((luurn .. - 2.5o .Me.lfonl Iron Worki. up- lllH ...t.. ,... M i. 50 Moil for. I Hook Hliri,ro((lco Miliplli - SJ.I0 Miiilfonl Hun. prlntliiK roun , ly court pnkwmIIiik 10. bS mlfori! Mull Trllniiio print Iiir rountr riitirl iiroccl IngH m 15 Mutlfor.l I'rlnlliiK Co., nfflro iiiiUii(i .. Jtt.OO Niuh l.lvni'y Co., Ihuiy lilro 0.6O Mm. J. C. I'tiiiillutiiiii utlrii- iliiuro on mliiBHtloiml Ijounl ... . .. 5.10 Hdito of Ornftoii, (orol norr ln nlloMimro I I0.-IV liUto oi (JniKoii. (dim! erv- m iillinwihrH ... JK.12 Trull l.uiiilivr Co.. HiipplliM (or nhrk'n nfflny .... i:i..'i( J. I'uroy Wiilli, miimrliitt'ii- iluiit'N oxpoiin r.K0 Wi-Klorn Union To I. Co., tcN iKnuu li luirlff ..- ... .70 Tolul 'JU1.37 C.MIlUl.MI-l) IhlH'IIH'. M. K. Atibotl, nuppllon.. . 3N.I0 , CIiiim. . ll(irt). jutior on KOUOC .. Ill.fiO Hun liuliiji, ooil .... - U2.00 I'rcil .1. I'ltik, MiipplloH.., . . 7.00 Mr. Jiiiiil. Jiiliiniloii. wntih liiK 1.C5 (Imi. I.lttlit, l.ilior on howcr 111'. 60 .1. Mululyiv, ti;iliin wuoil 2M0 .1, A. NorrU. Janitor (Hilary CO.oo llulpli Itoiiinltrou, Inhor on minor, .i.. 3,00 13. H. Wllnon, iiiwUiIiik Jftul lor S.00 ti. Wuloli, IiuiiIIiic fur coiiii. ty W'ooilu l.tiiiitior Co,, HiipplliM l.fiS Tolul iSI.'IS Ivnpciiko (or Jul). City UriiK Htoro, nuppllim. .. l.7i' II, !!. (loliliyi, norvlco U.00 Mrn. ,lu no Jiiliimtciii, wimli- Iiik ... IT.. 10 W. II. SiiiHlvr, Jsltur'n ul u ry purl of AirH...u. DC. 00 .Mm. Anu. I). HIiiKlor. Iionnl for prlHoiuirri -1 0,0,1 .1. V. WIIhoii. Jullor'tf nl- ii ry purt or April HO. 00 Tolul lfli.20 Cnio or Toor. Tim Alliiu (Irocury Co., luill- Bont uiippllci! 12.00 Joiiiih llurrott, Miipplloa (or poor rnrm , 8.50 Btoplum Cui'pontor, roKUlnr ullowiiuru v.A 10,00 KaHturn Htoro, luillKuut huli- pllu .......... ......... ....... 8.00 KimUiru Htoro, luiUi;0ut aup- pIIoh 8.oq Mrs. J. KnttlK. 'IMO of lutlt- Knt - 1B.0U arnnlto City Uospltal, euro of ImllKontH 101.00 Mrs. H. C. tlitnl, euro of In- illKtH ,.,.....,. 0,00 Joliu Hurt, roimlrlUK boo for poor farm Innmtoti.... 11,00 Dr. .1. v, jinn. i''ii)ny i'iyH- ,, loinn Biliary mo O. A. IIiuuii, puliitlni; for poor form 32.20 Jeff Is Back to fW(tl MlrlD', icwe.L(taiAv woio for. t. w( Altmrl JulumUin, rcKUIur ill loynuru I ,ii lieu K. Co., ImllKunt aup- plll'H .. (1. A. Meno, ncrvlai for poor Uriu John Norniftii, Imrliur work for poor (arm IiiiiiuIoh J. N. I'.ico. mi li mlvaiicoil (or nuppllim J. N. I'nrn. snlnry . . . I'liovnlx Mvri. Co., IiiiIIkuiiI mippllci . .. Hpltier ft. Hon, liitllKtuit Nllpplll .... Nntuy ril-i'inorf, n'KOlur ul loMnnro Tnylor Wllllnm Co., dull- Kuril (iippllcii Mm. J. K. Tlci', ri-Kulnr nl- lowiuirn .,.. Tu lent Alrrc. Co., IuiIIruiiI mippllOM .... . . Tnlunt Driirt' Co , utippllim (or poir (urm - . v.. Tu I n nt Merc Co., mippllo (or poor farm ....- TaIiuiI DniK Co., vuppllvd (or liiitlKi'iitu T. II, Tboinpiun, (rult trfoa. for poor (arm Tulont lUnUitro Co., pnlut (or poor (arm ... Dltlelt tiro., I ii ill Rent mp- plli Mm. Vnnc,, earn o( dull- KontH Vnmlor KIiiIh & lliirKmi. vli'rtrlo UkIiIm (or poor (arm ... Vnnilir Klul U UiirKtin, mi pile (or poor (urm Viok A Mcdownn, mipplltt (or llllllKlltltH Wnruor Wortninn Ooro, liullKont HiipplU-H 5.00 11.70 10.00 ."..10 17.T.0 ino.00 I.'IU 30.55 10.00 33.00 8.00 8.00 4.00 50.00 18. 'JO 0.00 t1.5C' 0.50 2.V00 8.00 50.20 18.00 " 778.51 Tolnl It. U. (lolilun. M. 1)., pliya- Jc nn Horvlro luaniluliij; lor Ininnlty . i .- Ho) a nml (Ilrlit Aid aouluty, roKulnr ullownnro ... .. ... J.iniOM Kuraliuw, work on lirlilRo John UIiuihh, (irrymnn'a nl- nry . J. M. DmiiiiU. oluotlou aup- plloa . . . Itouili nml llltylmujN COO 10.00 5'00 10.00 3.00 i ion 1 1 k uo., truiKlit on mini MllppllUM ..-:.. 291.57 Hiitfnlo Ktnum Holler Co., ropulra (or enmity rollnr Coiihi Ciilvurt ami I'liimo Co.. roml Miipplliw . . Cunt ml I'olut I'Voi Hlori), nooil (or i'iibIiiii ItoRiin Ithiir Vnlliy Ity. Co.. frt'lKlu on Mippllm J. II. Aitmim H Co., roml iiippllna Clum. !'. Iiiinfonl, limillur. roml oulvort . Jan. I. Kri'iloiiuurK. labor on roiula t. Walter PeTKUiinu, work In yanu UnriicU-Corcy llunUuru Co. road Hiiiplcn .... J. H. tlowunl, pri'lliulimry aurvoy of HlKkl)ou rouil . r. O. I.eoTnr, lalioron roads W. U. I.ouvur, road uipcimu, toloKram I'rud l.nmliorl, work In ynrdtr Mcilford Fiirnlturi) & llthv. Co., roml ntippllea ItoKUo litvor Valley Ity. Co, frulRlit on auiipllvH . Jni'k Hcliuiirr, work In ynrtlu J. C. Hmltli, labor mid ox- pctuo on road J. A. Word, labor lit ynnbi Itoxoy Waril, labor In yards O. A. Woody, labor In ynrils Komi I (Mi Id .o. 1. Aalilmid Kood Htoro. comout AHlilnnd Mf. Co., lumluir . TIioh. II, HlmpHou, mippllus 12, C, tihnrmnn, blackHiultlf Iiik .lark Trim, munoy advaurod (or labor in ruatU Jack True, labor for DUt. No. I Mr month of April, nit por bllbt fllml Itomt IllMtrlit No. ii. H, (I. Van Dykti. oxponuo mid 8.10 1101.80 I'M I LSI 182.50 3.00 5-W0 0.00 11.351 100.00 128.00 '.70 4.50 .35 283.00 0.75 125.00 117.00 31.50 0.00 77.70 10.14 0.G5 5.25 H7.S5 717.72 WHY? oim ciieici: 8 Heron DoAnjuu, filll bourliig 10 acres lloao, full boarliiK 10 acres Imrtlott, fil henrluR 0 uoroa Comlco, full bwirlil Wo miiBt Bull ono of those blocka of l'oars at Juat one-lmlf valuo to Have, laritor tract. 12 ft. deep loam boIji In Jackijon county, 3 miles from Medford. l'rlco abUed, 80.10. Wo want your bid on ono of tlieso tin,cts, Can toko ' yon out any after noon. ,7, O, 1M1INKH (IS.T N, ltlvemldo or ail First KntiQiuii umiU DiiIUHub MP.DFOIffl MATT. TUTTWNTO, MTCDFOUD, OKMOiV, WWJNrcHIMV, MAY 21, 10i. the Silk Hat Again U0UlUr.' roi. it. labor or DIM. No, ' (or month or April, an pur bill riled 71I.CS Mntliown and Klnlior, blnck- finithliu; I. SO Von dor llt'llmi llnrdwaro Co., hiippIIch (or 50.75 A. II. '.Iiumcrmnii, Inbor nn rortiU for month of AOrll, us pur bllln filed K7.Sn Itoml DlMrlil No. I. Cutitrnl Point Lumber Co., MUpjllU'H ' 3.05 W. O. Leevur, atippllen 1.15 O. 8. WclelMT, labor (or month of April uh por bill (Hod 238.29 Itoml DMrlrt No. .1. Ilenll nml Co., mippllea 342.00 Oarnott-Ooroy lldw. Co., aoppllrs 3.50 .Nick Kline, mnnoy udvancod on roml work 30.98 Nick Kline, labor on romln for month of April, an per bllla (lied 300.1,4 Med ford Purnlturo and Hilw. Co.. auppllea 15.00 (leo. !'. Merrlman, black amltlilnR 7.10 Wood Lumber Co.. auppllcn C.02 HimhI DIMrlcl No. O. V. C. U'PVtT. HUppllt? D2.00 Tlioinn. Htnuluy, labor and aiippllo. for month of April, hh per bllla (lli'd . 152.70 Itoml DUli let No. 7. Prank It. Noll, labor on romln s pr lillU (lied 189.92 O. If. .Vntwlck, payment on Urophy road contract 1000.00 Itiuiil Dl'trlrt No. K. j, jj. Dnvldhon. labor an nudg, per bllla (Hod.... 602,78 ' Itoml District No. . (Jii-H DltBworth, labor on j roa, 4.r,0 J. P. Dltawnrtli, labor 2.23 -littin rirlnvA Inltnr nt, iir.r i,lll filed J.. 183.C5 V f' Ijinvnr. Mlllllillnm 10.08 l.'iirl inton. labor ... 4.50 lll,Wrl V.i- tl. a. if Karlmrt. labor on rnmlH fur month nf Aliril n tier lillla filed 332.70 It M Mrl.'m. HllMlilloK 0U.Q5 H. M. Mnlan Huntdlea 11.00 Itoml Dl-trlit No. til. U' II rtnrrolt. Inlinr nn roudi m mr hills fllml... . 3S2.I0 II. mil lllklrlri N'.l. I'J. I u (f riinnmiui. Inbor on .. I .,u 1,111 fllml 1 If. Ml I (Vumnr nml Co. roml Bllll- iill... HO. (10 WW. !. Ij-rver hiiiiiiIIiim .... I'll) II..1..I IIUli'l.'l N'n lit. I CmiI rut Point I.iiinlini- Co.. uimtill.iu 27.00 I! 1 lliimlllon. on rmiili ii m iw.r lilllu lillitd ... .1J7.K!I I v. n. I.K.tvi.r. niniillim 4. 03 D....I llUlrl.'t Vi, f I liisvii I'.iinii. Inlinr on romln 2S.1" OnVi, ltatl,... I'kti.iH ,.,, rcirtilrt I ., ,,- l.i'ii riimi ns!.uu .. ,. ..... ..--.. .... . WW- . ,1ni ltllu fTll.. riiiiiiillnn . 11.75 Hoy T, Wllllta, mippllns 75 Total road nml highway osiioiibo 12,C5S.53 Coiinly Hctonler'N lirflco Pred L. CoIvIb. deputy hire J50.00 Prod L. CoIvIk, recordora Hulary 2U.n Total J291.06 (Anility Sui)ii'V 0((ct T. W. ObkooiI, salary and itxKUBea (or April $I37.3Q T. W. Osc.ood, salary and ox- pumieu ...'.....- - $80 1.00 Total $341.30 O. A. OAHDNKU, . County Clurk. ion HUNT IIOUSIIKKKI'INO ItOOMH PQR HKNT HouaokeoiiliiK H bath aud etw 345 Iltutlott. rooms North NEW TODAY 80 acres In Bams vitlloy, ovor half In crops, liulanco lovol tlmbor, onk and laurel mixed; sotno buildings; good aprluRS. $2800. $4000 Medford homo to exclintiRo for u'small cIobo In ranch. Wll pay boiuq dltfurouco. 35 acres In tho l'lorco tract stilt iitiln for fruit, garden or poultry ranch; Joins tho town, Spoclal wiv tor coutrnct (or irrigating. J450Q. 7C0 acres flno lmprovomonts, good com, grain, stock or Innil; an good road, nour railroad town. A Imrsaln. $ir,5tf6. C, D. HOON and" E. J. STEWART r" lU UIIJilM Ull CttT I I MOIACT VIA) CfsM look imimug-vk You'U- vju STOtfcorUY pou , itHNT kuu.mhhi:d aits. POli ItKNT Coinplorvfy fintilBhcii nparlntenlM. The Uerbcn, 10 Miuiicfl at, roil iiouBiis POIl HUNT Plvo room modern npnrtiiicnt, alecplng porch, $15; ovon room limine, aleeplng' (Kirch. Col. If. II. Sargent. 810 Onkdalp South. Gl POIt HUNT Modern bunalow; built-in furniture; beautiful lawn. 309 B. Newtown. POIt ItKNT Modern furnlahod 6room hotifo. water ront paid. $20. 518 King nt. POIt IlKNT Purnlihcd home, cIobo In. CO ,N. Orange. POIl IlKNT Plvo room modern apartment, nlcoplng porch, 115; covi) room Iioubo, sleeping porch, $15. Col. H. II. Bargctit. 810 Oakdala Booth. (01 POIl IlKNT Modern 5 room bunga low on pavement ill '.'25 Iloddy tivo. l'hone 823-M, 55 rww: ..I,.- ..-.f x ,,-, lyil KKNT -IfUItXlaHKW DOOMS POJt IlKNT Vcil turntilied "" rooms with all convenience. In modern hom, gentleman and wlfo or la dles only. Call mornings. 422 South Laurel, POR KENT Largo alecplng rooms, and modern ".liou.okcoplng apart monta, prices very reasonable. IMiono 102C-L. 222 South Holly street. FPU 1IKX1 OIT1CKS POIt KKNT Iarne, comrortablo ot flco rooms with elevator service, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture A Hdw. Co. FPU KKNT MISCl.l,.,ANi:oUS POIt KKNT First class pasture, $1.50 per month; running water. I'huno 59711-1. Seo John Darker. SI FPU SALlv ACKDAfii: POIt 8ALK--5 or 10 acrii cloTiii" easy teruiH. Phouu lip;0-M. C7 FPU HALlv 1.AND3 POIt HALK Pour Btnall farms about tlirco mllos from Talent; lioumti and improemcut8; among tho foothlllH. toll ery fertlln. water pleiitlful; prlcoj from $50 lo $100 nn ncru. Lumau N. Judd, Talent, Ore. POIt SALK (let ono of our circulars dOKcrlblug our itlvorvnlu farms; 22 miles north of Sacramento. Ca.; 10 acres ami up, prlco $135 pur ncro; 5 years In which to pay with out any Interest or taxes, UUors llros., 013 J St., Sacramento, Cal. 51 POIl SALK Alfalfa farms, level; prlco from $200 to $360 an acre. Timber land from $25 up. Gold mining property, assaying from $8 to $300 u ton; also railroad lands In California, Utah and Nevada; nlso (liio stock farms and commer cial orchards nud 200 acres of heavy saw timber, pluo and (Ir (neLr been cut on) nt $30 an acre. Will soil In 40-acro tracts If desired; road not far from saw mill; must have cash down. I.u man N. Judd, Talent, Ore. WANTKD 50 ncrcs orchard and frm; 30 a,cres pears, 20 acres (arm. Will doal with ownor only. Has 2, Trlbuno. C2 POIt SALK 100 ncro good alfalfa nud grain ruueh, nil In cultivation. Will make good stock ranch. $100 per acre. Inquire of C. M. Svundscn, Medford, Oro. 07 Fort SALK Hlg cherry orchard, largo crop ready boon to harvest. For sale, tho choicest 10acrq gnrdon tract In this valloy, threo miles duo south (ram Medford; about seven ivcrca in bearing (rult, balanco mostly sodlntont deop soil; Ideal (or celery, asparagus, onions, carrots, harries, etc. Now In hear ing, apples, ponvs, apricots, cher ries, nlmonils, black walnuts, goose, rasp, straw, black nud logan berries; nlso currants nud two grano vlnoyurds; also prunes (petlto), lots roses nud ornamental shmlQ troos; no (luer.locution for elegant soK-citstalnlng homo with (InoAlow; wore It not-for 111 health up price would buy It, Will make right prlco lo bUyor direct. Ad dress Hox 99; It. F, D, No. 1, Med ford OrOBQU, ., ,, 61 I , , A J. mpt m-I &. jBOr Jmi PUit W w - jp avvrar,r - i , w, . au -ktv i x oy$ Kf!iJTJw 1 - PW- Jlif tsHL IJJU ' FPU HAhKVMM LANDS FPU SALK Do not fal to get any list of hard 1 1 mc bargains In nml around, (ho beautiful city of Ash land beforo you decldo on loca tion. I can sava you money on renting or buying. W. D. Holg win. Cor. 1.. Main and Second ets.. Ashland, Ore. 64 ST- 1 .IX - FPU BALIV nOOHI.S FOIt BALL' Oil T11ADI- New woll bullt hoiue, 7 rooms and bath, ce ment basement, garage, chicken house, garden, etc. Unobstructed view ovor city and ocean; lot 50x 100. Tako Ban Mateo, Cemetery or II th car. Oct oft nt Crocker boulevard, walk up 4 blocks to 325 1'corla rtrect (distance 35 min utes). Savcllu II. Hackel or F. L. TouVolle. POIl BALK In tho city of Talent, Pro., by I. N. Judd, a small, com fortable dwelling house and ',-4 a. of land. $500. $120 cosh down, bal. on time. FOIt BALK Modern bungalow near ly now, six rooms, pantry, hath, electric lights, city water, sewer connections, barn, henhouse, yards, garden. .Good team taken In ex Address Ilox 224, Central Point, Ore. 53 FOIt SALK I)y owner, the finest tract of deep black loam soil in Medford, 50x330 feet; every var iety of bearing small fruit; 20 threo and four-year-old frnlt trees; large poultry houso and yards; threo room cottage and screen larch, front lawn, balance of place In growing garden; good wood house; sidewalks and city water tntlro length nf promises. Will sell cheap. Address !. O. Ilox 08 1 or phono evenings 1079-X. 50 FOK BALK MISCKLLANKPUS FOIt BALK $3S set of Harvard -. -n- Classics, now, $20; n $20 set of Shakespoaro, $14. 1427 K. Main. FOIt BALK Household furniture, gas stove, range, heqtor. 2 rugs, bods, bookcaso (sectional), tables, chairs, rurkerv. sideboard, set of Hnvlland china, books, desk, fruit Jars, etc., etc. Phono 757-L or mil H-!7 P. Main st. POIt BALK das range, rugs nml hotibohold furniture. Iqiibo for rout. Hussej's, 35 North Oakdale. 52 FOIt SALK Cheap, l'hllo Incubator, I'hllo roop. trio Du(f Orpingtons; heating stove, rug, bed and mat tresses, chairs. Ilox 53, Jackson ville. Ore. .62 FPU BALK Letter heads and fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at the Mali Trlbuno. FPU SALK Day-old chicks. Planum Klcctrlo Incubator Hutchory, Tal ent, Pro, II. C. High, Mgr. CO FPU SALK Looso loaf lodger sys tems, any style ot made to order by tho Mall Tribune bindery, FPU SALK Legal blames, tresspass notices, for sato or rent sings at tho Mall Trlhuuo. POIl BALM Pit TIIADK Pedigreed Poland China boar. It. D. 1, Ilox 73, Central Point, or phono Far mer 11-184, POIt BALK 25,000 feet good lum ber sultnblo (or horns, packing houses. O. Alldor & Sou. Phonea 1027-J. 901-M. 53 POIl SALK Oil paintings, all ot which luivo been oxhbltod and cat alogued in Now York and Chicago. Priced at $150 to $300. 1427 K. Main 8t. POIt SALK Kolltop desk and now Underwood tjpowrltor. Phono 255, FOR SALK First class cull nota toes $5 per ton. Scott V. Davis. Phono S08-R. ' . HD POIl SALK Pour passenger Cadil lac; bargain. Dear Creok Motor Car Co. FOR SALK Good working horse, white leghorn chickens. Kauto 1, llpx 17, Mrs. Kloopper. 61 FOR SALK Household goods, stovos, tables, chairs, bods, drossor niid 9x12 rug. Call this week. 712 W. Palm bt. v 53 POIl SALK Now nlfn.Ua hay. Phono 2-F-ll. 53 FOR SALK Woll built honhouso 18 3.27 ft. Rustlo lumber stniut-d brown; $30, Myra Pullor, Siskl- . jjbu iieisuts, i'Uoiia sia-it, dg Si - 'HMD. ' r.j. rttA,t,M, AlM't T? tomqe7 FPU UAJ.Ps M1BC17I.LANKPUS POIl HAL! Klectrlft fan, cost $15, for $8.50. 1 127 K. Main. t FOR BALK Gasoline 3-burncr cook stovo and oven. 701 North River side D IIKLP WANTKD natAJM VTKD-Vonmncook at Tavorn hotel, Kaglo Point. 1 WANTKD Competent girl for gen eral housework. Good coolc. Mrs. II. L. Irwin, 22 Summit ave. 01 WANTKD Woman for general house work In small family out ot town. Phono 587-J-C. 52 IIKLP WANTKD 3IALK WANTKD FIv young men tor So licitors; good proposition. Apply at 227 Kast Cth sL after 5 p. m. Mr. Jnrncs. 52 WANTKD Two men who can fur nish horse and harness and good references td act as collector and ralcsmen Medford and Jsckson county. Good pay to right parties. Singer Bowing Machine Co., A. A. Allen, manager, Hotel Medford. 51 WAXTKD MltiCKLIiAMCPUS WANTKD Tsam horses, 1100 to 1200; must be sound and true, 8 to 10 years old. Wilt pay cash. 509 Taft Ave., City. 52 WANTKD About 1000 feet 3-lBch galvanized sheet Iron slip Joint pipe; must bo in good order. Write K. P. Outhrlc, R. F. D. 2, Medford. 52 WANTKD Stock hog feeders. 75 lbs and up. F. Y. Allen, Phono 625-I. 61 WANTKD TO BUY (arming horse, prlco about $50. W. U. Harris, Central Point. WANTED 8prlng tooth harrow, Will exchnngo wood for work horse, nlso 10 acres pears with houso for Medford bungalow. C. U. A., Moll Trlbuno. WANTKD TO DUY Ileof cattle, stock cattle, calves, nit kinds, sheep, hides, wool,- etc Dub Crowdor, phono 1039-W, You may find mo at my market. 103 W. Main, Wednesdays and Saturdays. 54 MONKY TO LOAN MONKY TO LOAN On city and closa In ranch property. C. A. McArthur, roam 3, P. O. block, phono 308. MONKY TO LOAN $1000 to $5000 to loan on Improved farm proper ty, llounott Investment Co, FPU llXCHAMil. FOR TRADK Deslrnblo rosldonco property in Medford for amall farm in Oregon. Washington or Idaho. Inquire 250 llcatty st., City. 51 WILL 1-XCHANGH 10 acros poars, with or without houso, for Mod ford bungalow. C. 11. A-, Mall Trlbuno. FOR TRADK I havo fcomo new Studebaker wagons, buggies, farm implements nud gasollnu onglno ror which I will take cord or (Ir wood. P. Osonbrugge, 401 Rlvor sldo arc. S. FOUND POUND Lady's handbag botween Medford rind Central Polut. Loser may havo same by paying for ml. Call nt booth 18 public markot Sat urday. 52 UUS1NKSS DIRKdOUY Accountants D, R. WOOD Gouoral Accountant Your books audited and kopt tor a roasoimblo flguro; your business solicited. OMIco, Medford Mull Trllmno bids.; phono 6U-R-2; res leiico phono 537, Attorneys PORTER J, NKFF. WM. P. MKALKY Attprnoys-at-Law, Rooms 1 and 2, Fostofflco bldg. A. B. REAMKS, LAWYER Coroy bldg. -Garnett- W. J. CANTQN Attorney and Coun sollpr at Law.. 123 Euqt Main Btrcct, Medford, Ore. Wm, M. Cplvlg George M. Roberta COLVIU & ROBERTS. LAWYERS Medford Katlfiual Dank BulldlDS. s - PAQF jTIVR By "Bud" FisKer ' - - iM& . rtMf ljt Hf'af'Af.X, DUBINIvKS DIUKCTPHY Atmtracfsi' KOOUK RIVER,. VALLKY- AB STRACT CO., No. 6 (tenth Central. Auto Supplies, LAIIKR AUTO SPRJNO CO. Our big secret In making spring la tho tempering. We are operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant In (ho PapRlc northwest Use our springs when others fall. Sold tinder guarantee, 2( North Fif teenth HL, Portland, Ore. Clilropractimr DK. IL J. LOCK.WOOD. Chiropractor. nervo specialist. Hoomi 203-204-205 aarnctt-Coroy bldg;. 'Vapor baths and scientific masnage given; advice In dietetics, medical gym nastics, bjdroptheravnr. Lady at tendant. Phoae, office 945, reel doaco 571-R. DR. A. R. HEDOK8, Dr. IulM B. Hedges Mechano-Theraplsts, Chiro practors, BpendyletherapHrts. These systems, Including dletetles; cura tive gymnastics, hydro-theraphy, etc., produce results In both aeate and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. 230 North Sartlett St., noxt door to M. G. church. Hours 9 a. m. to 5 9. m. Other bears by appointment. Phono t!7-J. Dentists DR. W. M. VAN SCPYOO ,Dll C. C. VAN KCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., suite 310, Medford, Ore. Phase 356. Garbage GARBAGE Get your premises cleaned up for the winter. Call on the. city garbage wagons for good service. Phono 625-L. F. Y. Allen. Notary Pnbllo HELEN N. YOCKKY Notary pub lic Bring your work jo ma at tba sign of the Mall Tribune. N Printers nud rubllera MEDFORD PRINTING CO."ha7"tho best equipped printing office in -southern Oregon; book binding, looso leaf lodgers, bllllug systems, etc Portland prices. 27 Worth Fir St. Physicians and Sui'Koim biC F. G. CAItLOW,""DR. KVA MAINS CARLOW Os,tfcpathlo physicians. 416-417 "Garnett-Coroy bldg.. phono 1036-L. Residence 420 South Laurel st. DR, S. A, LOCKWOOP Physician and surgeon. MYRTLH 8. LOOKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to dlsoasos ot women. Offices 232 E' Main. Phones, offico 81I-J-2; res.. 811. DR, J. J, EM.MKN3 Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, car, no8o and throat. Eyca scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Offico 228 East Main St., Hours 8:30 a, hi, tu S p. m. Phone. E. 11. PICKED, M. D. Offico Jack son County Bank bldg. Pfflco phono 43-R; residence phono 0811. DR. MARIPN Physician and sur geon. Stowart bldg.. cornor Main and Dartlett sts.; offico phone 37, residence phono 27-J-2. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physi cian and mirgcou. Offico Palm block., opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12. 1 to 4. Phono 110-J, DR. It, W. CLANOY Physician and surgeon. Phpnes, offtcp 30, rest donco 724J. Offico hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. HOWARD Osteopathia Physician, 303 Garnott- Corey building, rhono 904-M. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Luras den, 215 K. Main St. phone 77. Htruogrupiier? HLLA M. GAUNYAW Palm blook. Stenographic work done, quickly and well. Truuh(r BADS TRANSFER STORAQH CO. Offico 10 South Fir uf. FIuhw 315. Price right. VervM k"r iwd ,.,..,., - .j .A