Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 21, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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I'orty.tlilnl Yrnr.
DNlly IClKlitfi Vnr,
Joint Drccn, Lawrence Undertaker,
Says That Defendants In Wood
.Cnse Paid Him for Putllnn Ex
plosives Around Strikers' Homes.
Phoned to Police Admit Oynamlto
Plants After Havlmi Placed Them
Collins' Testimony Corroborated.
HOSTON, Miiy IM.-niiimlntitloii
of Ui prosecution's hImi- Witliens Itt
today' M'hxlon oC the itviiamitn con
spiraoy triitl hero failed to toiini'l
Willitiiu W. WoihI, millioiiniro piosl
dent of Hut Woolen trunl, jointly nc
iiiiix'il with Frederick Altcnux and
Dennis Collins of planting dynamite
to dinorcdit tliu Lawrence strikers,
with tho alleged plot. This was en.
InhlMicd ltiriri( Hid testimony of
John .1. llreen, a Lawrence under
taker, who recently was found guil
ty nml fiiicil $.V)0 for planting dyim
inflt'. HOSTON, Mnv tM.-Kspcrl trsti
moiiy on dynamite nml it handling
was off i' rod hy Walter Whitney
today's session of the trial of Win.
II. Wood, iniiltl-iullliotiairo president
of (lit woolen trust; Frederick At
leaiix, n Itoittou inniiufuelup"-, and
John Collins of Cambridge, charged
with "phmting" explores nt Law
rence in 11U2 to dint-milt the tcxlilu
operatives' strike.
Whitney pxumiurd thn explore
found In Lnwronro and pronounced
them 7ft per t-vitt dynamite. Hu then
produced three sticks resembling dy
namite, nml spectators In tlio court
room were hadly frightened. Their
from were, dispelled when Whilnev
informed tho court that tho exhibit
wnn nothing hill wood, with dynamite
o erlng. Tho witness then ex
plained tho dancer In handling dyna
mitn and described lawn rrgulnling
its 110.
Iliceu Confirm Collin.
John Hrccit a Luwrcueo nudor
laker, followed Whllnuy on the stand
today. Ho Maid thnt Atleaux con
ferred with him prior to January 20
regarding ho strike nt Lawrence,
llreen said ho reported tiling "pret
ty troublesome1 nt I.awrcneo, and
thnt rumor of n plot to dyunmilu the
textile mills were rife.
Hreen mild that he suggested Hint
Atleaux use tho .strikers' own meth
od and plant dyiianiilo to scare, the
strikers. Alteaux, according to
llreen, then telephoned Lnicst Pitt
inun, a wealthy contractor, nml ar
ranged for Hreen to meet Pitttunii
Tho testimony ffere.l yeslenlnv
hy Collins, one of tho defendants, was
fiilly corroborated today hy Hreen.
Ilu iiIko told 'of Atteaux gting him
a package containing $.101).
Tell of Arrt'NtNi
January -0, Hroensnid, Pitluiaii
intioduued him to a mail named Itiec,
who handed him a package of
dynamite. Hreen until hn then gave
tho package to UoIIIiih, who wiriied
it to Lawrence.
Collins' statement that ha did not
know of thn existence of the. plot wan
contradicted by Hreen. Tim witness
also Haiti that in choosing places to
plant dynamito ho wished to leave
(ho oxploslvo whom Iho strikers were
Hroen nlun described telephoning
to Polico InHpeetor Itoouov and tell
ing him that ho know where dynamite
had been planted. Ho told ot Htiouoy
findintr thu dynamite, ami of the ar-
j tint of tho oemipautH of places whero
it was found. Olio oC thoso ur-1-ohIoiI,
ho Haiti, wiih a wonmir with a
baby in her arms.
District Attorney Pelollur (iieh
tinned Hi ecu closely rnuiirdlut; hi al
leged iiimilim; with Atteaux. Hreen
hltick to his btory.
CIHOAtlO, May 21. It wnn nil
nouneed horo today that within n
mouth former Senator Lojimor w..
opun IiIh campalgu for thu united
HtatoH BoimtorHhlp, Lorlmur will
hcoIc Holeetloii at tho ropulillenn prl-imitieu,
Indication That Crisis Over Califor
nia More Serious Than Supposed
Presumed hy President's Appeal to
Conuressmati to Remain Quiet.
Slsson of Mississippi Told to Cut out
the Jingo Stuff Lest It Precipitate
Diplomatic Friction.
WAHIIINGTO.S', May 21 Indica
tion thnt tho dispute, with Jnpnn over
California')! nil en liintl Inw U rtuilly
nerlomt wnn kIvuii hern today by
i'rmltlent Wllnoii. It enmo when thn
pritihlcnt nK'ln illnrrnnrdrd prece
dent nml exerclitc-tl whut pnictlcnlly
mnnuutM to n ceiiiornhlp over hjkmjcIi
mnkliiK In coiiKreim. which romplt
citli'B thu Mltmitlon (truwItiK out of
Jiiuin'n protent.
Learning thnt Iteprenentntlve HIk
mm of .MImImsIpiI ngnln Intoutteit to
tllariiM tho Jnpnnecn (Ituntloii HIuhoii
win iiimmoued to the whltu hoove
nml thu preililvnt nikcil him to ellml
nnle nil portion of hi mieech thnt
iiilxht Inflnmo antlAmerlrnn feeling
Jnpnn. HImoii nuniircil thn prenlitent
Hint he had not Intended to commit
mi)' diplomatic breach In hi upcech
next I'rliluy. merely proonliiK to
iIUciihii tho legnl phimca of alien
ownemhlp of land.
Later Htpreotilntlvit Hhmon , Maid
tho remnrkii ho lntcmloit to mnko
will tm highly compjlmontarv. to
Jupan, leading In n report Hint the
prcililcnt'K warning had remitted In
the Atlmlimliiplnn "toning down" tho
ndilrcfH ho l to mnko In thu homo
Frltl ny.
NP.W YOHK. hhxy 'Jl. Sipieion
that M'rhap4 the Japanese were too
attentue hhtenerrt to cnnverxatioiii
today Iiiih rcMiltetl in the dinmiMttal
hero of ten Jnpnucxc wailerx, eight
from the Army ami N'axy club and
two from the United Sen ice club, an
organization of retired army ami
iiavv men.
No member of either club could he
found who would nay thnt the dii-
ihargfil Japanetn were hiispeetrd of
being hpich, the general oxplnnaliou
being that their work wiih uiprntin
factory. It im hignifiennt, however,
that no other JapnncMi have been
liiird to lake their placex.
senatFommittee 10
probe coal fields
Hcnato labor eommlttoo tmlny named
Keuatora llorah, Bwotmon nml ShluliU
k a Mtihrommlttoo to romtlder tho
resolution of Kumitor Kern domnud
Ing n 8onnto InveMtlgutlon of tho nit
nntltiu In tho conl flultln of Went Vir
ginia. It In expected thoy will re
port fa vol ably. Kern will demand a
roll cnll when tho report of tho sub
committee Ih mmlo.
VAOLLKJO, Oal., May !it.-Ail-vIcch
received today from Washing
ton indieato that tho government
may operate, a forry over the Mare
Mund Hlraila to end tho ferry war
which Iiiih wnged here for four yearn.
CoiigrcHsmnu Currv linn taken up
tho fight of Mnro Uland navy yard
employcH ngaiiiHt tho Vallejo forry
company, and tho construction of u
govermnent ferry in under eorious
coiihiiloralinn by Seoretary of tho
Navy DanlelH.
hlKMUKHIAar, KiiRlmul, May 21.
Another joko "bomb" filled with
Hand, wuh found horo today on the
dooi'Hlep of tho National I'rovinciul
IIOHTON, Mny 21 -Dr. Howard
W. Kowoll of tho lloktnn utilvnrHlly
inudlcnl utiiool irenletl SO ennrer vie
t If tin at thu .MiiiicIiukoU lloineo
pnthlc hospital the other ditr mnl
within 'JG honrn Hioho to whom
ophite hntl to bo ghen to nl'oM.ito
their nufforlngH wcn so Improvet'
that they no longer Htiffered ilo
imed n Mvrtim ohtnlned from ra uli.
Whllo ho liulxta thnt hln wo 1 It
only exporlmontnl hi jntionn.i .01 1
o( tho flmt three week of tho treat
ment of human beluga has created ii
xomntlon In tho metllriil world. Dr.
Newell rcpeatu that ho dooi lut
claim to hnto n euro for cancer, but
he I undoubtedly making progicsa
tuwnrd tho discovery of audi n
I'eraonnlly ho hun received uif nn
nwernd 3000 lettom. All who Imvo
Inquired hnvo been told thai tlm
work In experimental, that no jrum
la for anle, Hint no patients will bo
tnken except through the h.'S, '.n
nidor whoho utiaplcca thu work U
being done.
Ilo hna now admitted for tho first
tlmo Hint ho hud apparently cured a
great many rabhlls of enncora grown
from hla cancer vlrua, which ia ob
tained from a human
growth. Ilo had provlomdy an
nounced hla Hiicrcxa In ImmunUIn
rabbits. Ilo la treating tho nuumc
beings nt five duy Intervals, i ho
denied tho rabbits. Ho has " ?:
tienta In tho hospltnl all thn tint's
nml '.'6 more who como for treit
BAN FKANCMSCO, Cal., May 21.
Tho anfo In tho Hiilouu ot Haley
Ilromuor horn wiih shattered by safe
rrackora early today, but owing to
thn heavy charge, of dynamito used
by tho crook h their attompt to got
tho cash waH fruatratod.
Tho door of tho aafo, Instead ot
being blown outward, wna blown Into
tho strongbox, and tho thlovea wero
forced through tho arrival of tho po
lieu to tako to tholr heels before
they could pry open tho cash recep
tacle. They got only J-,
LOS ANOHLKS, Cu,, May 21.
"They meant business; it was bout
for us to leave."
Tliia vus tho Htntemeut hero to
day of Dr. Hen Keitmau, mnungor
for Kmniii Cloldmnu, who is in Los
Angeled with tho umucliibt leeiurer
after heiu sent away from ban Diego
yesterday, lteitman will go to San
iVanolseo tonight to prepare for n
KorieA of lectures there.
"Tho mob nt San Diego was keyed
up all right," lteitman paid. "Some
people wore spreading $20 bills on
tho- bars and giving ovoryouo n
ohaitoo to drink. Thero was no mis
Inklm (ho temper of tho crowd,"
Mail Tribune
Senate Contemplates Lower Rates on
Many Articles Than House Passed
Slashes in Manufactured Ar
ticles Looked for as Spite Work.
Full Senate Finance Committee En
ters Upon Consideration of Tariff
Bill More Study, Fewer Speeches.
WASIIINGTOK, May 21. Kciiii
tor 811111110111 niiuouuccd this after
noon that the heiiate iiiiance com
inillee lifit rings oil the tariff bill will
end next Tuendav and that he ex
pects to rcort the measure to the
Hcnate hy the end of next week. Af
ter Tuesday tho sub-committee will
begin the work of actually framing
Iho various schedules.
Kciijitor Owen announced this af
ternoon thnt he intended to introduce
ii resolution in the senate providing
for n cloture rule, thus preventing
the fulfillment of threats by republi
cans to filibuster on the tariff bill.
WASHINGTON, Mny 21. Cali
fornia senators and congressmen
hero fear that the house cuts in
citrus duties mny he cirecdod when
the seuato acts on the ' Underwood
tariff bill, nn.l thnt tho itossibility of
lemons being placed on the free list
nppronches a probability.
It is freely rumored that the hen
nlo contemplates lower rntes on vnr
ious manufactured goods, and mem
bers of tho senate fiunnce commit
tee declare that the senate, finding
itself "up ngaiiiht it," may decido to
give the dcinocralio ndminfotrntion
its fill of low dutlfil by (dashing the
I'nyno schedules even morn than the
house did. Aa n conwrpiencc of
this political move, California's cha
grin over reductions iu tho rntes on
citrus fruits mny bo nggrnvntcd by
n still further cut. with lemon grow
ers ns the worst sufferers.
A meeting of tho full senate fi
nnnco committee today entered upon
consideration of tho tnriff hill. The
discussion wns general ns to wheth
er Sennlor LnFollctte's list of ques
tions to bo put to manufacturers, de
signed to elicit esscntinl tariff fncts.
should bo sent to all tho protected
During the discussion Sennlor
Simmons intimnted thnt lie favors the
senate passing n tariff bill with more
study nod less speeehmaking. Sen
ator I'enroso displayed evidence of
hi intention to impedJs tho passage
of any tariff mrusure na much as
1'OHTLAND, Ore., May 21. A few
of tho wise Portland boxing fans ure
carrying around saeksof Iho yellow,
clitiky metal, as tho result of Utd
Anderson's victory ovor Joo Mnndot
at Los Angeles last night, while a
number of others aro curbing tho
fate that caused them to doubt the
ability of tho Vancouver boy to Innd
his opM)tient. For tho first time
since Ilud began his spectacular ca
reer as a lightweight championship
contender ho lacked tho hacking of
Portland, sports, who wero afraid
that Mamlot's cleverness would bo
too much for him. Maudot was a
tim to seven favorito hero and those
who did hack Dud wont to it strong,
nnd nro rcmrtcd to have lauded a
small fortune
WASHINGTON, May 21. Wishes,
smiles nnd pleadings of pretty girl
graduates today caused Secretary
llryan to accept an invitation to
mnko Iho graduating address at tho
National Park seminary at 1-orest
Glonn, Md., May 20. Hryan will
mnko the uddress despite n mass of
diplomalio matters iwlh which his
dcpiuiuH'titis bttruoned.
iMAY 21, Win.
NEW YOHK, May 21. Hero Is -
little tenement farmer of the alutm
of Now York, n youngster who didn't
know that turnips grew In the
ground nor that tomatoes were r-""i
laid like eggs till bo learned It frou
a public school teacher. Thoro aro
thousands, erhaps hundrcU of
thousands, like him In New York.
This little farmer was caught by ".he
camera man In Do Witt Clinton yi ..
one of those In which CHTIdrM'. of
tho tenements aro being taught
something about the earth and what
It can produce.
Tho Ignorance of these children In
everything but tho wisdom of the
slums Is appalling. They live 'n
thrco, four, five nnd six story tene
ments, ierhapa with a famll yof 10
occupying thrco rooms. Thu nre
lucky If the family does not take
rno or two boarders. Thoj aio green
grasB on Sunday in the parks, nnd
nro forbidden to touch It by the same
sign thnt caused troublo fcr Gct.einl
Coxcy and his nrym Iu Wai'iltt;ton
many years ago.
Glvep spades nnd hoes thn ymu.g
stera becomo happier than wl'h lij
which would send other children
Into ecstasies. Their delight In plant
ing and then In watching sccda
sprout Is something so strange that
those who wonder what Is to uec-mo
of the city bred children hive a
chancy to think.
PORTLAND, Ore, May 21. Tho
Oregon jurisdiction of tho Foreston
of America, which is iu session hero
today has elected tho Allowing offi
cers for tho ensning year.
Charles 13. Ehvcll, Portland, grand
chief ranger; II. C. Hales, Portland,
grand sub-chief; James Haiti, Port
laud, graud fiunneial secretary; T.
W. Jenkins, Portland, graud record
ing secretary; Henry Meister, Port
land, re-elected grand treasurer; W.
P. Klccker, Stn(on, grand senior
woodward, II. J. Sour, Grants Pass,
graud junior woodward; J. W. Mo
Donald, Clatsknnie, graud senior
Ileadle, nnd W. M. Parker, Albany,
rand junior beadle,
i "
Kalmath County Socialist have
placed in nomination J. 11, ltitter of
Merrill as a candidate for county
judgo for tho coming recall election.
Mr. ltitter is a former residont of
Klamath Falls and is by profession
a shoemaker. According to nw con
stituents ho is well fitted for tho of
fice and many persons believe that ho
will mnko u strong campaign.
Mr. Hitter has been a leader in tho
Socialist party in Klamath county
for several venrs and has many no-
tjunintnneos who will support him, it
is said, both m his own party ami
WASHINGTON. Mny 21. "I sec
no objection to opening the Coulter
ville road nnd also the Dig Oak flat
road from Crane flat to Point Junc
tion to nutimobiles."
This wns a (xirtion of n telegram
sent by Secretary of the Interior
Iniie today to Major Littlcbrant, not
ing stierintendeut of Voscmitc Na
tional Park regarding the admission
of uutimobiles.
"Perhaps you should confer with
county officials havmg jurisdiction
over the roads proposed, nml get
suggestions.' the telegram added.
"All bridges should be cnrefully
tested and the dangerous portions of
tho ronds properly protected before
tho date of the opening. Be sure
the regulations do nit permit tho uso
of any other than the north side of
the road within the valley, nml then
only ns n means of direct ingress.
Thero must bo no motorinjr on tho
floor of tho vnlley other than is
iieeosanry for ingress nnd egress."
ItOSEUUUG, Ore., May 21. In
gala uttiro, many thousand yards of
brightly colored bunting festooning
tho streets, Itoseburg was today host
to thousands of Visitors from south
ern Oregon on tho occasion of the
Fifth Annual Strawberry festival.
After an elaborate parada through
tho city's streets, a barbecue was held
at Hollow's grovo. In West Hoseburg.
This afternoon tho visitors ure be
ing fiitertalued by mi athletic tour
ney which Includes exhibitions ot
broncho busting by members of the
wild west aggregation from Tiller,
Strawberries nro being served tree
ot charge during tho festival.
senate has today cicufirmed the ap
pointment of Thomas C Ilurke to he
collector ot' customs nt Portland,
nyd William C. Loan to bo collector
of customs at Atnrin.
Tho nominations of Herman Wise,
Astoria; K. K. Dragg, LaGraude, and
August lliicke.tcin, Salem, to bo
postmasters iu their vespoelivo cit
ies huvo also been confirmed.
SKATTLH, Wash., May 21. Ai
Avory, ;i:t years old, who was serving
a ten mouths' .sentence iu tho county
jail for inlation of tho Mtinn act, es
caped, yesterday and is being sought
by United States deputies and tho
polico. Ho was n trusty, having
gained tho confidenco 'of everybody
about tho juil during his two months'
stay. Ho was sent out last evening
to get sumo castor oil at a nearby
drug itoro and slipped away.
1'nlr tonight nmt TliiimtMjr.
.Mm., Tit, MIh. l.t.
Degree of Chivalry Conferred on Mrs.
Nannie Wolf of Medford and Mrs.
Alice Ulrich of Jacksonville Odd
Fellows Elect Officers Tonlrjht.
McMlnnville Has no Opposition for
1914 and Klamath Falls Wants
1015 and Corvallis -1916.
The real work of the grniid lodge
nnd Ilcbekalig will be done in the
meeting late this afternoon. At tho
morning session tho grotul lodge fns
occupied with committee details un
til adjournment . It is probnblo thnt
election of officers In both orders
will be made before night and thnt
the next meeting place will be
chosen. McMinnvilIo has no oppo
sition for tho 1014 convention. Kin-
mnlh Falls has created n strong sen
timent for 1015 nml Corvallis is af
ter 11)10 session.
Tocnl WY.nien Honored.
The Heheknhs signally will honor
two Southern Oregon women this af
ternoon when thoy will confer the
degree of chivalry on Mrs. Nannie
Wolf of Medford nnd Mrs. Alice Ul
rich of Jacksonville. Mrs. Wolf is
n charter member of the Medford
lodge and the second Noble Grand.
Shu is 75 years of age nnd it Is with
delight that her many lodge members
nre to honor her. Mrs.. Ulrich has
been ' a prominent member of thn
'Jacksonville lodxe.
. Tho parade this afternoon, headed
by the Medford police foree, and
band, was clave to -eight Weeks' few ..;
First In line of the lodge men were
tho Patriarchs Militant In full uni
form and the lodges of the various
cities followed. The Klamath Kails
delegation, men nnd women, made n
decided Impression. Tbo women were
garbed in white dresses and hats with
red bands and tho men nil woro white
Decorated Moats.
Tho McMinnvilIo nnd Medford
floats on which woro a group or
young ladles drow applause from nil
along tho lino. McMinnvilIo also
had a corps ot clowns, ono of whom
led u bucking and saddled goat. In
tho Medford delegation little Master
Pert rodo In a red and whlto goat
cart with father leading tho goat.
Tho parade brought out In strik
ing manner tho number ot men Jnd
women who nro guests of tho city
nnd It must also bo considered that
many did not march. A feature or
tho procession was a beautifully dec
orated automoldlo driveu by C. U.
Gates and containing some ot tho
officers ot tho convention.
Muscovite Celebrnto Tonight.
Tho adjournment tnken this morn
ing was ma do on account of tho pa
rade which formed at tho Nut short
ly after 10 o'clock. Ycstorday even
ing the lodge members wero taken to
Jacksonville over tho llurnum road.
Medford uutoists huvo seen to it
that ns many visitors as possible
have been riven an opoprtunity of
see'uiK tho valley, a feature which is
greatly appreciated.
This evening the Muscovites will
hold their high jinks nnd pnrndo fol
lowing which tho Inrgo reception of
all tho orders will be given at tho Nut.
A largo number of visitors from
nearby lodges cama iu today niitl
swelled tho thrones by nearly 20C
"I havo just mnnied a Japauesu to
an American, thereby doing moro
good for God and Undo Sam than
our alien laud bill wll da in u
thousand years,"
This is thu telegruin tho Ttuv. 0.
L. Merrill sent today to UQernur
Johnson of California. The minuter
married Kozo K. Malhorl, a Japan
oso, to Miss Dertha ltoyan. Min
neapolis girl, llojecontly'crltlclscd
California's alien laud law from the
pulpit. '
i :