MMMPMHmaHMMHniP" wrtHHifi - 'T 't,lWPf'vf!VWl1WTWW(N'f,Wf''''fl('"ri. . r ' PXOEBTX MF,rronn MAn; Tninuyrc. Mranronn. oiwaoy, THflWAY. mav go. mm. - ' .-jr-. I ROYAL OAKS 10 E a ak ': o4-$$- f a WHERE YOUR DOLLAR DOES ITS DUTY MOE & CO. JU5 int'li Aiiicricnu I'oiigoo Sillc, 75ii val m whilo it lasls o-ily ....'19 K.iuuli Doulilu Tipped Hlllc (IIovch, whilo niul liliit'k, $1.00 vnl iid, unly .....70 r ! AT MEDFORD PARK 10 CRAIER LAKE WHl&ttffihiifrMniim r tirn v SPEETOADVERTISE GIBSONAGAINTRIED EOR STRANGLING ROSALIE SZABO 0 MEDFORD GATEWAY I A V. Tlio Oakland Commprrlnl olult will ppeml nn liour in Mcitftml Sinulny jnoniinjr, Juno 8, niul Iho "Ho.yh1 Oaks'," the uniformed drill lenm of the cluli, give an cxhtbilton drill nl tlio city park. Secretary A. K. Ware of tlic Mcdford Cominerrinl club is in receipt of lite folewing: Sir. A. K. Wnre, Bee, Mcdford Commercial Club, Mcdford, Oregon. My dear Mr. Wnre: Will you convey to your president, Mr. J. A. Perry, nnd accept for your pelf tlio (sincere tlinnks of tlio Itose Festival commit to of tlio Oonkland Commercial club for tlio cordial in vitation in your letter of May J3tb The itinerary for tlio trip of tlio "Royal Onk" ppecial? as nrrnnged for w by tlio Southern Pacific or ficialrt schedules our arrival in your hospitable city at 7 a m. Sunday, .Tone 8. Wc arc to remain there one hour, leaving at 8 o'clock, if tlio early hour is acceptable to your members. The prospects arc for moro than tlio two sections wo originally, so the two section wo originally planned, so that your gracious invi tation may furnish you with a very busy morning. Kcsponses from other sections of California nrc coming in very rapidly, nnd I believe wc arc going to have Iho most representative crowd of hustling business and pro fessional men of Northern nnd Cen tral California ever gathered togeth er. Whatever plans you may make for us will bo a pleasure to us. If, how ever, you will bo kind enough to let ur know something of them, our pub licity man may bo able to make use of Iho information in letting our peo ple know through tho newspapers of the splendid welcome which the cities of Oregon is extending to the Califor nians who arc going north to greet Hex Oregonus, and become better ac quainted with tho country over which ho rule.- in carnival, lime. Again I thank you for myself nnd for tho members of the Oakland Com mercial club. Very truly yours, FRED E. REED, Chairman Itosc Festival Committee. ASKW0MEJU0 AID PEACE PLANS THE HAGUE, HOLLAND, May 20. An eloquent please for help from American women' to aid women of Oennnny, Aiintrin. and other Euro pcun nations in campaigns in the in terest of universal peace wag made today by Countess Isnbelle Aberdeen, wife of the Lord Lieutenant of Ire land, aud president of the World's Council of Women, when t-he opened tho annual convention of that organ ization here. Tho convention will contiuuo through Tuesday. Scores of women prominent in movements to ward universal pence and internation al arbitration in Europe and America attended today's sphmoiib. The big touio todny was the program to bo arranged for the crcat quintcnnial meeting in Rome in 101-1. Mrs. An drea llofer-Proudfoot ,of Chicago, member of the International Amity League, aud n co-worker with Frau Ilainiscb, in Vicuna, for the pnst few mouths, aIf.o pleaded for a moro hearty repoiibe by American wom en. "Wo are badly handicapped in our work," declared Mrs. Ilofer Proudfoot, "for it is difficult to arouse interest in European countries in our work. Wo need tho activities and experieuco of the western conti nents to btimulato enthusiasm in the work over hero. At present, the wom en of tho stutes do not play tho part thut should in this great international qiiehtion." OBITUARY. llcv. AVIIlluni Lucas Ilov. William Lucas, former pastor of tho Kplscopal church ot this city, died Sunday, May 18, ut the Ashland hospital, from tbo effects ot an opera tion. IIo was tho rector ot tho Trin ity Kplscopal church of Ashland at tho time ot his death. IIo is well kuown In this city, aud often camo bore to otflclato at weddings. IIo was tu Modtord last month for the MatulBon-McCormuek wedding. He was C4 years of age, and loaves a wlfo and many friends In this sec tion to mourn his death, IIo was well-loved aud highly respected throughout tho. state. Tho funeral will ho hold Thursday at Ashland, His body will bo taken to his old homo In Michigan forburlal. A. S. ltosentmvtm 1ms received the following self-explanatory loiter from General Passenger Agent J. M. Scett: PbllTljAXn. Ore., Mny 1C. 1013. Mr. A. S. Hosonlmuni, Agent, Mod ford: Referring to your letter May 10 enclosing clipping from your Mall Trllmno saino date, In ropiird to Crater Lake: I had tho pleasure of being present at sovcral conferences In San Francisco which Mr. Park hurst attended In connection with Crater Lake business for tho coming summer, and need not assure you that tho Interests ot tho Mcdford gateway were not overlooked. Tho NKWltl'Iinil. N. Y May 20. Confident of mwcdv trial nnd ac quittal, llurton W. fiilxon, prominent New York lawjer, today, for the sec ond time within n year, faced the bar of justice charged with murder, flib Mn, his faithful wife at his side, stood without flinching as the clerk read the indictment alleging he Wrangled to death Mrs. Rosalie Men cbik Srabo, a former client. A for mer trial on tho same charge re sulted in a hnnc jury. Throughout the trial and during the days before Gibson was indicted when u sensa tional series of events were m- Southern Pacific company will ho , , nrticd regarding the deaths of sev eral of his former clients, Mrs. uni son has steadfatly remained at his side pretesting absolute belief in his innocence nnd branding as false the stories and rumors told about her husband. In the indictment against Gibson he is charged with strangling Mrs. Srabo to death while the two were boating on Greenwood Iike, Orance county, on the afternoon of Juno 10, 1MJ. Gibson's defense, his attorneys declared today, will be similar to the defense put forth in the first trial. The nccucd lawyer declares Mrs. Sitabo tipct the boat and fell into the wnter when she attempted to chance her seat. Tho prosecuting attorney said today he will again put on the stand witnesses who will swear that they saw the couple struggling in the boat, that Gibson's fingers were about the womnn's throat nnd that their struggles overturned the i-mall craft. glad to sell throueu tickets from Oregon lvolnta to Crater I-aJco via Mcdford on basis ot fare and one third to Mcdford plus tho rnto to bo tendered us by Mr. Parkhurst. We expect that gentleman In Portland next week anil It ho will give us assurance that regular auto service will be established to and from Mcd ford, tho Southern Pacific will go ahead and do Its part In t ertislng tho route to tho greatest ttont pos sible. J. M. SCOTT. 10 PLACER ALONG OF E Development of a 110 aero placer mining tract, comprising most of tho great bar just below the Dowdvn falls iiHn the north bank of Rogue river, and three miles distant from this city is assured by the plans of mining men who have for some months pnst been chiefly engaged in an exhaust ive examination or. the pnHrly, says the Gold Hill News. Following testa and prosiiecls which determined the richness of the bar beyond question, the properties of George Lyinnu, and J. K. Moore, constituting the greater portion of tbo tract to be mined, have been bonded for a largo sum by the re cently organized company, aud will shortly be the scene of extensive mining oerntions. Neither loenl capital nor local min ing men nro directl interested in the project, the com pan) being composed of Charles F. Luce, a wealthly min ing operator of Tncomu, Washington, A. E. Ilambcr, nnd others, of Suth crlin, Oregon. COUNT OF BALLOTS FOR CARNIVAL TRIP FROM IT Official count of ballots in Rose Carnival contest at It theater, week ending May 18; 1913: Mabello Armprlcst 2,000 Mrs. Art Ilurgcss 2,400 Ruby Ilurko ..- - 2.400 Sadlo Cams 1.400 Miss A. Gcrretson 2,400 Esther Kassafer - 7,900 Mrs. Gus Samueln 700 Mrs. C. C. Salter 2,100 Haiel Womack 1.000 Geraldlno Ilukos 14,000 Farmers & Fruitgrowers Hank. MARRIED. In Mcdford Sunday evening. May 18, John R. Norris mid Miss M. E. Ferren, both of .Mcdford, were united in marriage by Rev. W. T. Gouldcr. Mr. N'orrin is malinger of Midvale orchard and his bride is an amiable daughter of Mrs. R. A. Smith of Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Norris have a largo circle of friends who join in wishing them u piosperous and hap py wedded life. Only n few intimate relatives uud friends witnessed the ceremony. mmemom fl jSlfoe&olishes w FINEST QUALITY IARCEST VARIETY TODH "CUT EBCE" the on ladiea'aboaUreielns that iiotKlvclr contain! Oil. Wu Wi and J'olUhw ladl.' ml clillilrca' txoitt anil tbo, ibises without rub tlnj.S5e.-rBLSCUClOSS.-l0c 'tUNBtPcomWnatloo for clcaulw and pol'auai; aakinJofnetortan.Uoa,llse. "STAir I, I0u "QUICK VVUITE (In liquid form with tpoucc'uultk. lycltaniawl Mhltcpi dirty nnilio. IDedsMc. rj"T 'Ciu -II an- CI FINS mil WHlTLfiS tintai abort, la rouud white cuke uiekolln -slnclln boxr. wllli pouice, 10c, la biuUouie, largo aliualauui txun, entltmen who take .villi -nntirrA. 9fJ "--'i""?-:r- it -. "tliriT combination for penwmen wuo tauo prldetnhaTlnKtbrlraaoulook A I. Jleatona color and I Ultra to all black ihoet. 1'oIUU with a briuli orelotb.KSctnU. "BABY ELITE" 'lira, lUetnU. Jf7iurdlr do not Im-p tkaklnd yuuant.wolni lbiirllntiniiafor(uUiliiukiw,cbJcci'ld. ' WHITTEMORE BROS. 4 CO., 20-20 Albany Strati, Cambridaa, Maaa- Ihi OUtil and term! Mamifwluifri 0 Ski! Jltlhl in tht irvtU. r GOOVERREDDY'SROAD GRANTS PASS, May '20. W. I). O'llricn of Snn Frnnei-eo, Kd Har nett of oLs Angeles, nnd E. I'ltclaii of Omaha, Neb., arrived Sunday to make further investigations concern-in-: the jirojioscd Grants Poos-Crescent City railroad, as representatives of the syndicate that is coniidcriiiK the finnncins of the road. They rep resent three branches of inquiry, Mr. O'Hricn bcin n miniuK engineer, Mr. Harnett a civil engineer, and Mr. I'lielnu n railroad contractor. In comjMtiy with Dr. Reddy they left by auto Monday to go over the line and to visit the mines nnd the timber bod ies iilon-; the route. Legal blanks tot arte at tho Mall Trlbuno o.f(lc. if It is quits probable that you arelookmg for bsttcr clothes thanou have had. you have your own ideas as to what the tsrm "bet ter clothes" mearts. If yu haye looksd at ths Clothes in sur windows and cah conscientiously forget thsm, ws havs nothing more t say. But, if the fabrics, ths patterns, the lapels, the cuffs, the doZeh and one little boints, which even a look into our window will bring ro lighr, have any meaning tg you, then by all means corns in. It will afford us plsasurs to show you new styles. Purchase if you wish. Ihe blace where you don t fesl uneasy about the orice. One and the same t2 every one. Model Clothing Co. rsal th Y f t t t ? T r X T ? X X f t r t f X A Great May Sale of Muslin Underwear 10 Days-20 DISCOUNT -10 Days You will onjoy tliis snlo for it contains your kind of muslin undorwoar. It offora only gnrmonta that are perfectly mado to tlio smallost dotail. Gannonts that aro sowod carofully, that aro fashioned accord ing to the prevailing modos of dress, and ahovo all, garmonts that aro mado of highgi-ado muslin cambrics and nainsooks. Those valuos aro way out of tlio ordinary. 20o OFF NEW PRINCESS SLIPS Princess Slips of fine Nainsook or Cambric, ehoieo of many styles, laee, embroidery or ribbon trimmed at from io to l.Ull 20 OFF NEW COMBINATION GARMENTS Combination Suits of fine soft Nainsook trimmed with laee and embroidery, with plain or tucked ruffles at from OS to $-1.50 120ty OFF NEW STYLES IN GOWNS Clowns of Cambric, Nainsook or Ciepo in neck slip over styles, laee and embroidery trimmed at tho low price of 08 to JjM.OO 20 OFF COMPLETE LINE OF PETTICOATS IVttieoalsof Cambric and Muslin with insertion of embroidery and embroidery flounces trimmed, also made with underlay 85 to JJvi.50 t ? f f ? t t t f r t f y f y y ! & These Are Hosiery and Underwear Days Wo always havo something special that will bo of groat intorost to shoppors, tho sort wantod for sum mer woar right at tho beinning of tho season whilo our lino is comploto in all stylos and sizos. "Women's White Union Suits, low neck and sleeve less, tight and huV knee styles, regular and extra large size, extra in value 18t Women's Gauze Vest, low neck and sleeveless, full taped neck and arms, 10c values, limited quantity, onlv, caen y Women's white lisle Union Suits, Dutch neck, no sleeves, cuff or lace knee, reinforced, extra good fitting garniQiit and guaranteed to give satisfac tion, at cTieir: .'. $1.00 Women's Swiss Ribbed Vests, low neck aud sleeve less, fancy crochet yokes, regular and extra largo size, special each 10 Women's fine Cotton Nose, medium weight in black, 15c values, SJd, 11 for 25 Cordon Hose are best for women and children, will wear longer than others and will not fade, only 25 Kcouomy Hose, black and tan, made from extra fine soft cotton and fast colors, 15t, U for 25t I. O. O. F. WELCOME ;Km.xKKKKKK A A A PAAA .TtAA.4? W """' A. .A. .A. A. A A A A A. A rrwrwjr wv at -"r - tat ,... -" rrz V --' v "- "" AAAA a. A aV A 0II0ItII' WaaMXK t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y V f y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y ! Only Direct Wire From Vernon Ringside By Mail Tribune's Leased Wire Man In addition to the Anderson-Mandot returns results will be given of the Monte AttellCal Delaney Willard-Smith Britton-Murphy fights. . Doors open at 7:30. Moving pictures will preceed the returns and the entertainment will be as proper for ladies as for men. ISIS THEATRE r TONIGHT Get the Returns First No Tiresome Waits nH-Hn-HK 1 y i t ? X ? y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y A. a T y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y T y y y y y y y y y y y y i kr i1ifyt' ? '- C .